Belarusian multiple launch rocket system Polonaise. Multiple launch rocket system "Polonaise" (Republic of Belarus). Interoperability Issues

Belorussian military-industrial complex started implementing a new ambitious task- creating our own missile system with a range of up to 300 kilometers.

It should be recalled that at the previous stage of the “rocketization” of the Belarusian army, at the direction of Alexandra Lukashenko The Polonaise multiple launch rocket system (MLRS) was created with a firing range of about 200 km. It has already been put into service, the first samples will be delivered to the troops before July 1 of this year. Now Gosvoenprom, together with the Ministry of Defense, is working on creating a longer-range multiple launch rocket system.

Receiving the head of the State Military Industry with a report, Lukashenko said that, although military doctrine the country is defensive in nature, “we must have weapons that would still warn a potential enemy from fighting with Belarus... We must have weapons that can cause unacceptable damage to a hypothetical enemy”.

In the past, the president has repeatedly articulated his dream of a powerful missile weapon. So, back on November 14, 2008, in an interview with The Wall Street Journal, he said: “Right now we don’t have the funds for this, but we are planning to get such weapons - I’ll now give away the secret.”

Lukashenko developed the same idea on April 23, 2009 in a message to the Belarusian people and the National Assembly: “We never asked the Russians for Iskanders. We will buy them ourselves, just as they do in all countries of the world. But I’ll tell you straight: there’s no need to buy them - we’ll make them ourselves, if necessary, except for the missiles, and we’ll buy the missiles.”.

Then there was a long pause in statements, but this did not mean that Lukashenko abandoned his ambitious intentions. On May 9, 2015, at the parade in honor of the 70th anniversary of the Victory in Minsk, the first Polonaises were officially shown to the public.

And the fact that the Belarusian State Military Industry is not going to stop there became known on November 3, 2015, when Lukashenko visited a precision electromechanics plant in the Dzerzhinsky district. Then the president was informed that a center had been formed, consisting of scientific and production divisions, to work on the creation of modern missile systems.

Based on the developments of Belarusian specialists, the plant has mastered the production of its own modular transport and launch containers for Polonaise missiles and plans to produce missiles through the full technological cycle. Our own guidance and control systems have been created and put into production; rocket engines are next in line.

The head of state was presented with bench equipment for testing them. Which should be regarded as an extremely important step towards creating our own production of engines for both anti-aircraft and tactical missiles. Representatives of the enterprise outlined specific deadlines for achieving this milestone, which Lukashenko approved and promised support.

He also emphasized the need for industrial cooperation with other countries. Probably, this meant supplying Belarusian gunsmiths, most likely from China, with initial components for the production of solid rocket fuel, which Belarus is not yet able to produce itself. The task was also set to accelerate the localization of production. With the release of Polonaise, the share of Belarusian components is already approaching 70%. In the coming years, this figure should reach at least 95%.

The first tests, which took place in China, were successful. During the launch of two missiles at a range of about 200 km, targets were hit with a minimum circular deviation of 1.5 m.

February 15, Chairman of the State Military-Industrial Committee, Lieutenant General Sergey Gurulev reported to the president that enterprises of the Belarusian military-industrial complex expect to create a missile system with a range of more than 200 kilometers (according to some sources, up to 300 km) in 2016-2017.

There is reason to believe that the prototypes of new long-range and high-precision missiles will be Chinese developments. After all, Belarus itself does not yet have serious experience in creating such missiles.

It was China that in the last decade has developed a large number of MLRS models for its own armed forces and foreign customers. The MLRS offered by this country are distinguished by the use of advanced elemental base, satellite navigation systems, replaceable transport and launch containers (modules) with guided and unguided missiles various types and calibers capable of hitting targets at long ranges.

The main suppliers of Chinese MLRS to the world market are NORINCO (China North Industries Corporation) and ALIT (Aerospace Long-March International Trade Co. Ltd.) corporations. The latter promotes the products of the China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT, also known as the “First Academy”) on the foreign market, being part of the Chinese state aerospace corporation China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) together with CALT.

According to a number of experts, it was the 301-mm A200 missiles developed and produced by CALT that became the model for one of the types of Polonaise ammunition. The warhead of all types of A200 type missiles is detachable, the guidance system is combined - inertial with satellite correction (GPS). The firing range is from 50 to “more than 200 km” (the newest version of the A300 is up to 290 km).

However, the prototype of new ultra-long-range ammunition for Belarusian MLRS may well be AR series rockets developed by NORINCO. These are Fire Dragon FD220 precision-guided ammunition with a maximum firing range of 220 km and FD280 with a maximum range of 280 km.

The Fire Dragon FD280 guided missile of 370 mm caliber has a guidance system that is almost similar to that used in tactical and operational-tactical missiles, based on an inertial system coupled with a satellite global positioning system (this can be GPS, GLONASS or the Chinese Beidou).

Thus, the creation Belarusian military-industrial complex in 2016-2017, missile weapons capable of hitting targets at a distance of about 300 km are quite possible with the help of China.

At the recently held International Arms Exhibition MILEX-2017 in Minsk, Belarusian gunsmiths demonstrated weapons that could significantly influence the military-political situation in Central Europe. Presentation new rocket M20 for the multiple launch rocket system (MLRS) “Polonaise” noted the emergence of a new full-fledged operational-tactical missile system (OTRK) in the Belarusian army. The development of Belarusian engineers came as an unpleasant surprise to many politicians and military personnel, primarily from European NATO countries. In a number of technical characteristics, the Polonaise is superior to the American multi-purpose MLRS M142 HIMARS.
Chinese chorus has nothing to do with it
Ever since the first demonstration of “Polonaise” on May 9, 2015 at the Victory Parade in Minsk, many contradictory responses from experts have appeared. Many of them began to claim that the design of the artillery unit and missiles of the Polonaise system was borrowed from the Chinese AR3. The basis for this statement is that the launcher, like its Chinese counterparts, does not have tubular guides. Instead, it uses module packages with box-section transport and launch containers. After the missiles are launched, the module package is removed and sent for recharging to the manufacturer or for disposal. This technology makes it possible to reduce the time it takes to reload a combat vehicle and fire a second salvo.
Another advantage of this design is the ability to launch missiles of different calibers and types from one launcher. Based on these signs, some experts decided that “Chinese ears are sticking out” from the Polonaise. It’s not clear why Chinese, and not Indian, American or, for example, Brazilian, which use exactly the same technologies? It’s similar to how a number of would-be experts at one time claimed that the great designer allegedly copied the design of the Kalashnikov assault rifle from assault rifle Hugo Schmeisser. Anyone who has ever held both of these weapons in their hands knows how wrong this opinion is. And why did experts suddenly consider Belarusian designers stupider than Chinese ones?
Today, the level of scientific and technical potential of the design bureaus of the Republic of Belarus is very high, many developments and products of Belarusian engineers are used in weapons and military equipment Russian production. So, maybe it’s not Chinese, but Russian designers who are copying machine guns, planes, tanks, missiles, etc. from the gunsmiths of the Celestial Empire?
In addition, during the MILEX-2017 exhibition, a message was made that the Russian NPO "Splav" (developer of the Soviet and Russian MLRS "Grad", "Uragan", "Smerch", "Tornado" and missiles for them), as well as the Belarusian Plant Precision Electromechanics (creator of the Polonaise) developed a joint project to modernize 122-mm rockets for the Grad MLRS. At the same time, the Belarusian side took upon itself the full implementation of the project - the modernization of missiles and their testing. In this regard, I would not look for traces of Chinese choruses in the composition of the Belarusian “Polonaise”.
Armed and very dangerous
The Polonaise system is designed to destroy any group or targeted enemy targets, manpower and equipment in any type of configuration. It includes the car combat control, a transport-loading vehicle and missiles for various purposes in transport-launch containers. All elements of the MLRS are installed on off-road wheeled chassis made in Belarus.

The equipment installed in the combat control vehicle provides communication with combat, transport-loading and command vehicles at a distance of up to ten kilometers when moving and up to 30 when parked. A four-man combat crew can work continuously for up to 48 hours. Fighting machine"Polonaise" uses the same brand of chassis on which Russian operational-tactical aircraft are built. missile systems"Iskander".
Belarusian 300 mm caliber guided missiles fly twice as far as their American “colleagues” HIMARS MLRS. They are equipped with a combined correction system based on inertial and satellite navigation systems. The circular probable deflection of missiles does not exceed 30 m. Their warheads can have different equipment: high-explosive fragmentation, cluster fragmentation, cluster with self-aiming anti-tank combat elements, and others. The Polonaise MLRS battery of six combat vehicles is capable of covering up to 48 individual targets located in an area of ​​100 square meters in one salvo. km.
When using the new M20 guided high-precision missile in Polonaise, the system smoothly transforms into a new quality - into an operational-tactical missile system. The missile has a combined inertial and satellite control system, providing a maximum firing range of 280 km. A warhead weighing 480 kg has a power corresponding to a charge of 560 kg of trinitrotoluene.

Instead of a conclusion
The appearance of such powerful missile weapons in the Republic of Belarus can significantly change the emerging military-political situation in Europe. Some hotheads from NATO countries neighboring the Republic of Belarus will now definitely have to take into account the presence of a new missile system in the Belarusian army. Otherwise, the Belarusian “Polonaise” could turn into a funeral march for someone.

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Belarusian MLRS "Polonaise"

The adoption of the Polonaise multiple launch rocket systems into service by the Belarusian army in 2016, as recently announced by the Minister of Defense, Lieutenant General Andrei Ravkov, may remove from the agenda the issue of acquiring Russian Iskander-E operational-tactical missile systems (stated destruction range – up to 280 km).

For the first time, a new domestic development - the Polonaise multiple launch rocket system - was shown on May 9 at a parade in Minsk. Its officially declared tactical and technical characteristics - a firing range of more than 200 km and the ability to simultaneously carry out precision strikes on eight targets - allowed the majority of Belarusian and Russian experts to assume that this MLRS is very similar to the Chinese model - NORINCO AR3. It is worth noting that in Belarus there is very high degree localization and, most likely, almost all components of the new MLRS, including the automated fire control system, will be produced in the country. However, which is no secret, there is no missile production in Belarus. Therefore, there is a high probability that missiles for the Belarusian Polonaise will be purchased from China (the possibility of supplying part of the ammunition for the MLRS through gratuitous financial assistance cannot be ruled out).

Previous generations of MLRS had a relatively high dispersion of projectiles, which made it possible to hit targets over large areas, but at the same time, pinpoint accuracy was not ensured. In modern conditions, to eliminate this drawback, flight control systems began to be installed on rockets, correcting the trajectory of the rocket. The result is the ability to conduct targeted salvo fire at point targets.

Although it is not entirely correct to directly compare Polonaise and Iskander-E - they have different missiles, guidance systems and warheads - it is worth noting that for the hypothetical European theater of operations, Belarusian MLRS can be put on a par with Russian OTRKs. Moreover, the capabilities of these systems can mutually complement each other when performing complex fire destruction tasks, both according to the defense plan of the Republic of Belarus and in the interests of Russia’s neutralization of European missile defense facilities.

For example, Russian complexes Iskander-M, when deployed in the Kaliningrad region, will be able to carry out surgical strikes on any military targets on Polish territory (primarily on command posts, elements of the American missile defense system in Redzikowo, as well as air defense positions). The launch range of 500 kilometers, combined with the declared high accuracy and a warhead weighing almost a ton, will make it possible to hit such objects with a high degree of probability. In addition, the peculiarities of the flight trajectory of the Iskander-M missiles suggest significant difficulties in defeating them with modern Western air defense and missile defense systems that the Polish armed forces may have at their disposal.

Of course, you should never underestimate the possibilities warring parties, including interception of ballistic targets. So, on April 21, Warsaw officially approved the purchase of American anti-aircraft missile systems"Patriot" as part of the creation project national system air defense"Vistula". In total, Poland plans to purchase eight batteries of the Patriot air defense system for more than 16 billion zlotys (4.3 billion US dollars). The maneuvering capabilities of the interceptor missiles used in them are quite large and may pose a threat even to Iskander missiles in the future in the development of guidance systems (for example, the Patriot will very soon have its radar equipment replaced, which will allow them to intercept dozens of targets with an effective reflective surface of less than 0. 02 m2).

In addition to building up air defense and missile defense systems, Warsaw is actively developing strike capabilities. In particular, from 2016 Poland plans to purchase 40 cruise missiles American-made AGM-158 JASSM worth $250 million. In addition, American F-16 tactical fighters based at the Lask airbase, during the Puma 2015 exercise, carried out training flights with tactical mock-ups nuclear bombs B61, clearly showing Russia the possibility of using such ammunition in a hypothetical conflict.

It is worth noting that in the conditions of the European theater of operations, a salvo of adjustable rockets from the Polonaise MLRS will be several times more effective than a possible salvo of the Iskander-M OTRK, which is limited by their price per unit and the more narrowly targeted nature of their use as a “precision strike” weapon. . Massive salvo missile strike is much more important in the context of the rapidly developing American missile defense system in Eastern Europe and, moreover, will make it possible to practically “wipe off the face of the earth” an entire military unit of a potential enemy at a range of more than 200 km.

By the way, according to military analysts, main danger What is happening in Poland and the Baltics is that NATO's military infrastructure is moving closer to the borders of Belarus and Russia. All these airfields and bases are necessary for the immediate build-up of a group of troops in one direction or another. Local infrastructure modernized to NATO standards will make it possible to quickly receive, deploy and transfer multinational military contingents, and in the event of offensive actions, these bases can serve as transit points. What is happening now in Eastern Europe is regarded by Russia and Belarus as extremely unfriendly actions. This is a real danger that must be taken seriously.

It is worth pointing out that the deployment of military infrastructure near the Belarusian borders is taking place in accordance with NATO’s plan to increase the operational readiness of its formations and rapid reaction units. The emphasis is on the deployment of forward command posts, control and communications systems, airfields, preparation of forward deployment and basing points for the Air Force, ground forces and navy. Within the framework of military science, all this is called “operational equipment of the theater of operations.”

It is likely that in a hypothetical confrontation, the targets for the Belarusian Polonaises could be the air bases of Minsk-Mazowiecki, Deblin (Poland), Zokniai air bases (Lithuania), Rezekne and Lielvarde (Latvia). Moreover, the characteristics of domestic MLRS make it possible to “work” against such platform objects, and at a distance unattainable for the current Smerch MLRS. By the way, after the Su-24 Polonaise MLRS bombers were removed from service by the Belarusian Air Force and Air Defense Forces, they can be considered their full replacement. It would be worth noting that the forward command posts of NATO rapid reaction formations, the Nowa Demba, Elk (Poland), Rukla and Pabradė (Lithuania) training grounds, where Alliance military formations can be deployed, are also within the reach of the Belarusian Polonaises.

Of course, judging by the proposed scheme with a destruction radius of just over 200 km, the Polonaise MLRS units are unlikely to be in the operational formation of troops near the border, however, the declared areas may remain so, taking into account the possible missile launch range of 220 - 280 km. Air cover of the complexes themselves can be provided by units of the S-300 air defense system deployed in the western and northwestern regions of Belarus.

So maybe then the Belarusian army doesn’t need the Iskander-E OTRK? Moreover, in the conditions of objective economic difficulties in the country, Sineokaya does not have money and is unlikely to have it, and there is no talk of free or preferential Russian supplies yet (a very strange position of an ally).

P.S. By the way, the Yavorsky training ground (Ukraine), where American military personnel are developing a new bridgehead under the guise of teaching their Ukrainian colleagues the basics of military art, also falls into the kill zone of the Belarusian Polonaise MLRS.

A little over two years ago, industry and the armed forces of the Republic of Belarus first showed the public the promising Polonaise multiple launch rocket system. It was argued that this complex, built by Belarusian enterprises, has high characteristics and will be put into service in the very near future. Subsequently, the “Polonaise” was demonstrated several times at exhibitions and parades, and in addition, some technical details were announced and plans regarding its future future were clarified.

Just the other day, the international exhibition of weapons and military equipment MILEX-2017 took place in Minsk, traditionally one of the main platforms for demonstrating the latest Belarusian developments.

Along with other samples, vehicles from the Polonaise complex were again demonstrated at the exhibition. However, this time, along with other components of the multiple launch rocket system, the public was shown a promising missile capable of significantly increasing the combat potential of the Polonaise. This product received the official designation M20.

M20 missile shown in Minsk.

Let us remind you that the Polonaise project was developed by Belarusian industry in collaboration with some Chinese enterprises. Thus, the Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant supplied the required chassis, other Belarusian enterprises manufactured other required units, and the ammunition was created by China. Thanks to the use of foreign developments and localization of the production of such weapons, the Republic of Belarus managed to create the required model of military equipment with fairly high characteristics in the shortest possible time.

Later, improvement of the existing MLRS began, aimed at improving the basic characteristics. The main task These works reportedly increased the firing range. This parameter, which is of decisive importance, should have been increased to 300 km. According to recent reports, Belarusian specialists not only coped with the implementation of the new technical specifications, but also significantly exceeded the existing requirements.

According to reports from Belarusian media mass media, new project missile weapons with improved characteristics were developed by the Precision Electromechanics Plant (Minsk). At the same time, there is information about the most active cooperation of the enterprise with colleagues representing the defense industry of China.

The M20 product is a solid-fuel single-stage missile with a detachable warhead, equipped with its own control and guidance systems. The relatively long firing range, the mass of the warhead and the range of tasks to be solved allow this missile to be classified as operational-tactical. Thus, when using the M20 missile, the Polonaise multiple launch rocket system acquires new functions and no longer meets the original requirements for the MLRS. Similar approaches were previously used to create some other missile systems. So, MLRS M270 MLRS American design can use operational-tactical missiles of the ATACMS family.

From point of view appearance The M20 missile is almost no different from other products in its class. It has a metal body, the head of which is made in the form of a conical fairing and a section that expands towards the tail. The rest of the body is cylindrical in shape. The installation of two protruding longitudinal casings is provided on board. There are four swept rudders on the tail. The layout of the internal volumes of the hull is not specified, but, apparently, the tail compartment accommodates a solid propellant engine and steering gears. Under the head fairing, in turn, the control systems and warhead are placed.

The missile has a length of just under 8 m and a launch weight of about 4 tons. A high-explosive warhead weighing 560 kg is used. The firing range of the M20 missile is determined to be 280 km. An onboard control and homing system is used, the type of which has not yet been disclosed by Belarusian enterprises. The missile is delivered and transported inside a sealed transport and launch container. The dimensions and fastenings of the container correspond to the requirements of an existing type of self-propelled launcher.

The rocket of the same name, previously demonstrated Chinese organization CALT.

With a flight range of 280 km, the promising missile gives the Polonaise complex new combat capabilities that can make it a serious military-political tool. It is easy to see which areas of Eastern Europe may enter the area of ​​responsibility of an MLRS armed with a new type of operational-tactical missiles. In the event of a full-scale conflict, a long firing range will also be useful in destroying distant enemy targets.

According to official data, the flight range of the M20 missile does not even reach 300 km, but interesting information has already appeared that complements the existing information. On May 20, the Belarusian edition of the publication “ TVNZ” published an article “Arms exhibition MILEX-2017: Kamikaze drones, a new missile for the Polonaise and an anti-tank robot”, telling about the main new products of the Minsk exhibition. The author of this publication, Gennady Mozheiko, together with military analyst Alexander Alesin, reviewed new Belarusian developments.

Speaking about the new missile for the Polonaise complex, A. Alesin raised the issue of flight range and announced very interesting information. According to him, a range of 280 km is only official version. “In private conversations,” the designers and developers of the M20 project hinted that in reality the firing range reaches 500 km. As indirect confirmation of this information, the expert mentioned the dimensions of the rocket and the diameter of the engine nozzle.

If information about such long range flight corresponds to reality, then, according to A. Alesin, the missile system with new weapons turns out to be a real leader among the new products of the Belarusian industry. In addition, in its essence, the new missile turns out to be a “Eurostrategic weapon.” According to the analyst’s calculations, from the territory of the Republic of Belarus the M20 product can fly to Moscow, Kyiv, Vilnius, Riga, Tallinn and Warsaw.

The Belarusian military expert also touched upon the topic of joint work on a promising project. The fact of cooperation between Belarusian and Chinese specialists has long been no secret. In the case of the new M20 project, A. Alesin assessed the distribution of work as follows: 75% of the components of the promising rocket are produced by enterprises of the Republic of Belarus and only a quarter of the components were received from China. It is not yet known how true this assessment is.

In the course of previous work within the framework of the Polonaise project, Belarusian enterprises managed to localize the production of a number of products and assemblies used as part of various components of the multiple launch rocket system. It is quite possible that they have now coped with the task of mastering the production of some elements of the M20 missile. However, for objective reasons, precise information on this matter is not available.

The tail section of a Chinese-made M20 missile.

At the same time, it is reliably known about the “origin” of the M20 missile. Like the 301 mm A200 rockets, which are the Polonaise's main ammunition, the new M20 products were developed by China. It should also be noted that these weapons have been demonstrated at various exhibitions for quite some time and are being promoted on the international arms market. As follows from latest news, the Belarusian military showed their interest in the Chinese missile.

The M20 missile presented in Minsk in appearance and design is more than similar to the model of the same name, demonstrated by Chinese enterprises for several recent years. In the latter case, we are talking about the M20 operational-tactical solid-propellant missile, created by the China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT), also known as the “First Academy”. This missile is an exclusively export development, and has been promoted on the international market since 2011.

The Chinese and Belarusian M20 missiles, for obvious reasons, have the same body design. A conical head fairing is used, which is connected to a large cylindrical tail section using an expanding section. On the outer surface of the Chinese rocket there are channels for mounting some parts and X-shaped aerodynamic rudders.

According to CALT, the M20 missile is equipped with a solid fuel motor, allowing it to fly at a range of up to 280 km. With such range characteristics, the missile complies with existing international standards and can be sold to third countries. A high-explosive warhead weighing 480 kg is used.

The Chinese missile is equipped with a combined homing system that uses two principles for determining its own coordinates. It includes an inertial navigation system, supplemented by correction tools based on signals from satellites of the GPS complex. Aerodynamic rudders are used to control the rocket during flight. In addition, at the end of the engine nozzle there are four deflectors that perform the functions of gas rudders. According to available data, the M20 missile retains the ability to maneuver from the moment of launch until it hits the target, which is why it flies in the so-called. quasi-ballistic trajectory. The circular probable deviation is determined to be 30 m.

During the first few years, the A200, M20, and other CALT missiles were demonstrated and promoted as separate developments. Later, in 2014, the development organization “combined” them into a single multi-purpose missile system GATSS (General Army Tactical Strike System). This sample can use rockets different types and operate in the mode of a multiple launch rocket system, an operational-tactical complex, and even a carrier anti-ship missiles. Around the same time as the presentation of the GATSS complex, work began on the creation of the Chinese-Belarusian Polonaise system.

Thus, there is every reason to believe that in the case of the recently introduced Polonaise rocket, we're talking about on joint work to localize the production of an existing product. Having certain achievements and a good production base, the Belarusian industry still cannot lay claim to the title of world leader in the missile industry. As a result, in order to create new missiles with improved characteristics, it requires some assistance from third countries that have the necessary technologies.

Model of the GATTS multi-purpose missile system - a possible “progenitor” of the Polonaise system.

Previously conducted tests of the Polonaise complex equipped with A200 missiles, in general, confirmed the possibility of assembling such products not only at Chinese enterprises. Now we can expect that in the very near future Belarusian-assembled M20 missiles will be tested at the test site. There are no sufficient grounds to doubt such a development of events.

Of some interest in the context of the M20 project are A. Alesin’s statements about the actual exceeding of the declared flight range characteristics. According to official reports, the Chinese-Belarusian missile is capable of hitting targets at ranges of up to 280 km, while the actual value of this parameter is said to be up to 500 km. First of all, it should be remembered that such data may be just rumors that have no basis in reality. At the same time, such conversations are quite capable of being the basis for interesting thoughts.

Existing international agreements prohibit the export of finished missiles with a firing range of more than 300 km or the transfer of technologies for their production. However, the task of increasing the range of the M20 missile can be solved by other methods. Enterprises of the Republic of Belarus can establish their own production of weapons with limited characteristics, and then, independently or with the help of foreign specialists, modernize them with a noticeable increase in the main parameters. However, there is no confirmation of the possibility of such a development of events. For now, information about a range of 500 km should be considered nothing more than a rumor.

Increasing the range of the missile system by 200 km is certainly of great interest to the Belarusian army. However, even with a range of 280 km, the M20 missile as part of the Polonaise complex turns out to be very effective means strengthening troops and a political instrument. Relations between official Minsk and some nearby states can hardly be called warm, which is why the armed forces need modern weapons and technology. Thus, an operational-tactical missile can become an instrument responsible for the strategic security of the country.

Cooperation between the Republic of Belarus and China may raise some questions. Traditionally, the main partner of the Belarusian army in rearmament is the Russian defense industry, but now a decision has been made to work with other suppliers. From the point of view of the main capabilities and characteristics of the Polonaise MLRS with the M20 missile, it can be considered a functional analogue of the Russian operational-tactical complexes of the Iskander family. However, as far as is known, Minsk has not officially expressed a desire to acquire such equipment.

The last time the topic of the possibility of supplying Iskanders to the Belarusian army was raised a few days ago. On May 21, while at the MILEX-2017 exhibition, the head of the Russian Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation, Dmitry Shugaev, said that to date the Belarusian authorities have not requested the possibility of purchasing missile systems.

Several years ago, the Belarusian authorities decided to develop missile weapons for their army with foreign assistance, however, for some reasons, they considered it necessary to develop new projects without the participation of traditional partners. On the contrary, cooperation with China was chosen. The result joint work Specialists from the two countries have already become aware of the appearance of a multiple launch rocket system with improved characteristics.

Currently, the Polonaise system is undergoing modernization, as a result of which it will receive the functions of an operational-tactical missile system. Whether the specialists from the two countries will be able to complete the assigned tasks will become known in the foreseeable future.

Regardless of the outcome of the current project, it will have great importance for the Belarusian army. The Polonaise MLRS has already been put into service, and now any modernization of it will increase the potential of the troops.

/Kirill Ryabov,

In Minsk, the new missile for the Belarusian Polonaise complex attracted significant attention from the expert community, giving rise to a wide range of assessments.

The first combat launches of Polonaise missiles took place in the summer of 2016. Photo

What almost all experts agreed on was that the prototype of this powerful ammunition is the Chinese M20 missile. True, some believe that the Belarusians simply borrowed it from their Chinese partners. Others believe that they have created their own product based on the original design.

This is not just a scholastic discussion. In the first case, in accordance with international agreements, the missile's flight range cannot exceed 280 km, in the second it can reach 500 km. We agree - there is a difference. Such weapons can already be called Eurostrategic.

For the first time, the layout and photographs of the complex with ballistic missile The M20, which was offered for export, was presented to China at the Idex-2011 exhibition held in Abu Dhabi. Apart from its appearance, there was no information about the Chinese missile.

At the same time, the layout of the missile was very similar to the ammunition used in the Russian operational-tactical complex (OTRK) 9K720 - Iskander. True, in the Chinese version, each of the two missiles was placed in a separate transport and launch container (TPC).

Five years later online edition The city of Zhuhai promises to be an export version of the DF-12 OTRK, called the M20.

The DF-12/M20 missiles are equipped with inertial and satellite guidance systems and can change direction throughout the flight. They are capable of hitting targets at distances from 100 to 280 km in the export version. In the version for own use, according to unofficial data, the flight range exceeds 400 km.

The length of the DF-12/M20 missile is 7.8 m, diameter - 0.75 m, take-off weight - 4 tons, warhead weight - 400 kg. The missile can be equipped with various types of warheads (high-explosive, cluster, penetrating, etc.), and the deviation from the aiming point does not exceed 30 m.

The DF-12/M20 complexes are placed on an eight-axle chassis that simultaneously carries two missiles, ready for launch. Unlike Russian system The Chinese Iskander is armed with missiles located in individual TPKs.

Comparing this description with the tactical and technical characteristics of the new missile for the Belarusian Polonez missile system, it is easy to see that they basically coincide. Which, indeed, raises the question of the degree of localization of this ammunition by the domestic military-industrial complex.

It is worth noting that the emergence of powerful missile weapons in Belarus did not happen spontaneously: Alexander Lukashenko repeatedly stated the desirability and even necessity of its acquisition. Back in November 2008 in an interview The Wall Street Journal The Belarusian leader said: “Right now we don’t have the funds for this, but we are planning to get such weapons - I’ll now give away the secret.”

And although then there was a long pause, as it turned out, this did not mean that Lukashenko abandoned his ambitious intentions. On January 29, 2015, during a dialogue with media representatives, the President of Belarus announced the imminent creation of its own production in the country modern means fire damage.

“We are working to ensure that Belarus has its own weapons. Now the main production of weapons used by our army is concentrated in Russia. We only create some parts of weapons: electronics, optics and others. We need to have good weapon so that the future aggressor does not even think about fighting against Belarus. We will have such systems in a few months.", - Lukashenko assured.

And on May 9, 2015, in honor of the 70th anniversary of the Victory, the first domestic cars were officially shown to the public. missile system multiple rocket launcher (MLRS) "Polonaise".

And on June 16, 2016, Lukashenko announced the first combat launches of Polonaise missiles from a test site in the Gomel region through the territory of nine districts to a test site in the Brest region. According to him, “These are missile systems that were created in Belarus within two years.”

The elements of this missile system are based on Belarusian wheeled chassis. The transporters of the Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant MZKT-7930 “Astrologer” (formula 8x8) are equipped with a launcher (PU) and a transport-loading vehicle. On the chassis of the Minsk Automobile Plant MAZ-6317 (6x6) is a fire control vehicle. The prototype of the artillery unit of the MLRS is multiple launch rocket systems created by the leading weapons companies of the People's Republic of China.

Over the past decade, China has developed a large number of such systems both for the national armed forces and for the needs of foreign customers. The MLRS he offers on the world market are distinguished by the use of advanced elemental base, satellite navigation systems, replaceable TPKs with guided and unguided rockets of various types and calibers, capable of hitting targets at long ranges.

“Polonaise”, like its Chinese counterparts, does not have tubular PU guides that are familiar to specialists. Their basis is a rotating platform on which a support frame is mounted. The platform and frame drives allow for guidance in the horizontal and vertical planes. The support frame has fastenings for standard module packages with TPK.

When loading, these modules are reloaded from the transport-loading vehicle to the combat vehicle using a crane-manipulator and secured to the launcher support frame (after the missiles are launched, the module is removed and sent to the manufacturer for reloading or disposed of). According to experts, this technology not only makes it possible to speed up the reloading of a combat vehicle and its preparation for a new salvo, which in itself is very important. The main thing is that you can launch rockets of several calibers and types from one launcher.

At the same time, there is reason to assert: “Polonaise” is not a simple copy of Chinese models; in preparation for its production, the experience and knowledge necessary to create our own missile ammunition was acquired.

In the fall of 2015, Lukashenko bluntly stated that “if Russia reinforced us missile weapons, we would not have to create, spend huge amounts of money to create missile systems such as Polonaise.

However, Belarus, according to the president, was forced to make these systems itself, since requests to the Russian Federation for assistance in acquiring such weapons remained without consequences. “Today we are working on other systems that will make war against Belarus impossible today,”- added Lukashenko.

On November 3, 2015, during a visit to the precision electromechanics plant in the Dzerzhinsky district, the president was informed about the creation in Belarus of its own center, consisting of scientific and production divisions, which is working on the creation of modern missile systems.

Head of State Military Industry Sergey Gurulev reported then that domestic specialists are planning in the near future to create their own missile for the Polonaise with a range of 200 km, as well as ammunition that significantly exceeds it in its characteristics.

Observers even then made the assumption that we could be talking about creating some kind of analogue of the missile that is part of the Iskander. Or rather, its “M” version with a firing range of up to 500 km (the range of the export version “E” is 280 km).

At first, a number of initial components that Belarus was not able to produce itself (in particular, ingredients for the production of solid rocket fuel) were supposed to be supplied from China. At the same time, the task of maximum localization of production was set as a priority. Already a year and a half ago, the share of Belarusian components in Polonaise was close to 70%, and this figure was supposed to be increased to almost 95%.

Wherein Scientific research in the field of development of solid rocket fuel are one of the promising areas of activity of the Research Institute of the Armed Forces of Belarus.

As part of the practical implementation of this project, the research institute entered into an agreement on joint activities with the state scientific and production association (NPO) of powder metallurgy. One of the stages in the implementation of this agreement was the testing of an experimental mixed solid rocket fuel for unguided aircraft rockets (UAR).

As a raw material for its production, specialists from the NPO of Powder Metallurgy used “energy-saturated heterogeneous aluminized composite material on a polymer basis.” The tests confirmed that domestic developers managed to obtain workable fuel with weight, size and ballistic characteristics comparable to the standard S-8M type NAR fuel.

As a number of experts believe, this technology will be applicable in the future to other types of solid rocket fuel missiles, including guided missiles: aviation, anti-aircraft, anti-tank, and MLRS.

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