On the state and prospects of the Belarusian military-industrial complex. In order not to let the “tornado” go to the wind Why does Belarus need Iskanders?

IN last years The Belarusian military-industrial complex is increasingly (although so far with varying success) promoting its latest developments in the field of anti-tank weapons to the international market.

Among them with with good reason can be classified as anti-tank missile system(ATGM) third generation "Hornet". Being further development Belarusian-Ukrainian anti-tank complex "Skif", "Shershen" through the use of original technical solutions surpasses it in a number of important parameters.

Thus, the use, along with the RK-2 missile of 130 mm caliber, of the more powerful B-2M of 152 mm caliber (both developed by the Kiev State Design Bureau "Luch" and produced by the Kiev plant "Artem") allows the "Shershen" ATGM, according to the developers, at a range of up to 5000 m is guaranteed to hit all modern armored targets, regardless of the point of impact (projection). Armor penetration of a tandem cumulative warhead for dynamic protection at an impact angle of 60± is: with a 130 mm caliber rocket - no less than 800 mm, with a 152 mm caliber rocket - no less than 1100 mm.

The Hornet ATGM can be used not only to destroy armored vehicles, but also (due to the presence of ammunition with high-explosive fragmentation and thermobaric warheads) to destroy buried protected objects (such as a bunker, pillbox, bunker) and low-flying low-speed targets (helicopters, unmanned aerial vehicles aircraft). And the use of the extended R-2B missile (in the Hornet-Q version) increases the maximum firing range to 7500 m, which significantly increases the chances of successfully combating surface targets in coastal defense.

High accuracy in hitting all types of targets is ensured by the use of a noise-resistant laser guidance system, which is implemented in the PN-S guidance device, developed and manufactured by Minsk OJSC Peleng.

This device has television and thermal imaging channels with wide and narrow fields of view. The first mode is used to search for a target, and the second is used to capture it. In addition to the PN-S guidance device, a thermal imaging camera can be installed, which allows detection and identification of targets at a greater range in difficult weather conditions.

Today, PN-S is the only ATGM guidance device that has a built-in laser rangefinder, which ensures fast and accurate guidance. In addition, PN-S can be used as an autonomous means of reconnaissance and target designation (measuring ranges up to 9 km with an error of 5 m is provided).

The device can also be used to control anti-tank missiles, guided by a laser beam and fired not only from the launch container, but also from artillery piece or a tank gun. This allows the device to be used for guidance of other missiles developed by Luch Design Bureau, including 100, 105, 115, 120 and 125 mm ammunition.

After the missile is launched, the operator’s task is reduced to monitoring the flight path and, if necessary, correcting the aiming point using the joystick on the remote control panel.

Thus, although the Hornet ATGM actually implements the “fire and forget” principle, it also has the ability to redirect the missile to a more important or dangerous target.

An important feature of this ATGM is the ability to direct a missile at a target from covered positions and from shelters, which significantly reduces the risk of the operator being hit by a retaliatory fire strike from the enemy and significantly removes the psychophysical impact on him.

The remote control panel can be placed at a distance of up to 100 m from the launcher when using a wired communication channel and up to 300 m when using wireless control. Today the wireless function remote control implemented only in the Shershen ATGM.

Moreover, from one remote control you can control several launchers and/or combat modules (up to four). The possibility of operating a complex (several complexes) as part of a unified control system with automation of the process of reconnaissance, target designation and target distribution is also provided.

Today we can talk about four modifications of the Hornet ATGM.

The basic version consists of a tripod-mounted universal combat module, a transport and launch container with one missile, a PN-S guidance device and a remote control. The deployment time of the complex by a combat crew of two people does not exceed two minutes.

"Shershen-L" is a lightweight version for shooting from the shoulder at a range of no more than 2.5 km.

"Shershen-D" - modification with two firing channels, the possibility of installation on vehicle.

"Shershen-Q" is a modification with four firing channels and an automatic lift (or without it). Installed as a combat module on a vehicle.

Let us add that despite the undeniable advantages of the Hornet ATGM over similar developments, information in open sources about mass sales of these weapons has not yet been published.

The Zapad-2017 strategic exercises attracted unprecedented attention high level attention. A huge number of the most incredible rumors were spread around this event. Let's try to understand the course of the armed conflict between the “Northern” (Russia and Belarus) and the “Western” (Veyshnoria, Lubenia, Vesbaria), the military-technical innovations used, the main accents and main successes in protecting the sovereignty of the Union State of Russia and Belarus.

Various groups of forces and assets of the Union State were involved in the combat situation: ground troops, including a variety of cannon and rocket artillery, as well as missile systems, airborne troops(Airborne Forces), Navy(Navy), Air Force (Air Force) and Air Defense Units (Air Defense).

Key comprehensive goals teachings became:

Improving the interoperability of headquarters at various levels;

Pairing promising systems troop control;

Approbation of new statutory documents.

The last point is of interest - obviously, the combat manuals of the types and branches of the military are undergoing changes in the light of the experience of the Syrian conflict.


Let us restore the main tactical episodes of the “strategic exercise”. At the first stage, localization, suppression of subversive activities and destruction of illegal armed groups of “Veyshnoria” were carried out, as well as strengthening the border of the Union State, including with the involvement of Special Operations Forces.

After the full inclusion of conditional foreign sponsors of the intrastate conflict, Russian and Belarusian units conducted a joint maneuverable defensive operation, after which they went on the offensive and defeated the enemy on land, in the air and at sea.

The main emphasis during combat training was placed on the following elements:

Compatibility and interaction of reconnaissance means, electronic warfare(EW), air defense of the armed forces of the Union State;

Application precision weapons with practical anti-aircraft launches missile systems, operational-tactical and coastal missile systems;

Practical application of reconnaissance and strike (reconnaissance and fire) contours (RUK\ROK): comprehensive detection of targets by military reconnaissance means, automated target designation and escort of aviation and units missile forces and artillery on command post regional grouping in an automated mode of fire destruction of designated objects in real time;

Conducting territorial defense, transition measures and organizing the activities of enterprises and organizations under martial law.


On the Russian side, units of the revived First Guards Tank Army, paratroopers from Pskov, Tula and Ivanovo, separate missile brigades, a “wide range” of aerospace forces (VKS) and air defense of the Western Military District (ZVO), as well as parts of engineering, transport and psychological support. Much attention was paid to the Baltic Fleet, including its ground units. The Russian National Guard did not stand aside either.

The work of the signal troops should also be noted: new lines and communication centers were created, and control points were equipped. In addition, the exercise tested the functioning of the high-speed multi-service data transmission network of the Russian armed forces. As part of the exercise, Belarusian colleagues tested a new command and staff vehicle (CSV), equipped with modern digital communications and a new digital radio relay station. The communications troops provided effective and secure video conferencing channels and high-speed data transmission networks.

Exercises "Zapad-2017". Source: mil.by.

There was no official information on the participation of the 12th Main Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Defense, which is responsible for nuclear support. However, taking into account the development of the use of a wide range of missile and anti-missile weapons there is little doubt about that.

A variety of units also took part from the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus: paratroopers, ground forces, aviation, territorial defense forces and special operations forces.


The defense industrial complexes of Russia and Belarus used Zapad-2017 to effectively demonstrate promising weapons and military equipment(W&V), including those existing in single copies.

So, at the Luzhsky training ground Leningrad region in the presence of the President Russian Federation The mock enemy was hit by a modernized T-90M main battle tank and a tank support combat vehicle (BMPT), which had recently returned from Syria. Moreover, as a result of the “business trip” within the framework of the Army-2017 forum, the first contract was signed for the supply of a batch of such armored vehicles for the Russian armed forces. Unfortunately, official information By combat use There is no BMPT yet.

As for more serial solutions, it is worth noting the large-scale use Russian Airborne Forces new airborne combat vehicles BMD-4M, as well as serious anti-tank weapons - “Octopus” and “Kornet”.

The Belarusian allies did not lag behind: they showed “in the field” the Cayman vehicle with a four-barreled machine gun module, the Hornet anti-tank missile system, and an unmanned aviation complex“Mosquito” and “electronic gun” to combat multicopters (product “Groza-R” by JSC KB Radar), reactive system volley fire(MLRS) long range"Polonaise".

Exercises "Zapad-2017". Source: multimedia.Ministry of Defense.rf.

Let us dwell on the last elements further: the use of UAVs and counteraction to their use is a key element of any recent military clashes, and one of the main tasks of UAV operators is effective target designation for their artillery, missile forces and aviation within the framework of a single reconnaissance and fire contour. At the same time, the fight against them also did not remain outside the scope of the exercises - during the exercises, the Russian Airborne Forces hit up to 40 UAV targets using man-portable air defense systems (MANPADS) and anti-aircraft installations ZU-23, placed on airborne armored personnel carriers.

The most powerful systems Among those used within the framework of the RUK during the exercises were the Iskander-M OTRK, including one that demonstrated the ability to launch a cruise missile at a maximum (however, corresponding to the INF Treaty restrictions) range of 480 km, as well as the Polonaise MLRS, which is one of the best in the world systems in their class (by the way, with Chinese genes).

For tankers of both countries, the main “workhorse” is gradually becoming the T-72B3 “model 2016” additional protection" This is a shining example growing integration of the armed forces of the Union State, as well as the defense-industrial complexes of our countries. This tank also uses products from the Belarusian radio-electronic and optical industries.

Exercises "Zapad-2017".

Belarusian military experts, analyzing the state of the military-industrial complex of Belarus, concluded that the army and military infrastructure of the republic are in a catastrophic situation. In 2017, 924 million rubles (about $500 million) will be spent from the country's budget on defense. Security experts say the money is barely enough to maintain the military-industrial complex, but not enough to rearm the army. At the same time, the July decisions of the country's leadership make it possible to predict an increase in the military budget and funding for the military-industrial complex.

The army rearmament program is postponed due to insufficient funding

A striking example is the state of the republic's military aircraft fleet. If in the early 1990s, after the collapse of the USSR, it consisted of more than a hundred good aircraft at that time, now the country can boast of several Yak-130 trainers, which were recently purchased from Russia. Everything else is yesterday's aviation.

Basic combat vehicles air force Belarus, Mig-29 and Su-27, it was decided to replace 2 years ago. One Russian Su-30 costs $30 million, there is no money in the budget even to recruit a squadron, therefore, plans to switch to the Su-30 were postponed indefinitely.

The current head of the State Military Industry of Belarus, Major General Oleg Dvigalev, who was previously the commander of the Air Force and Air Defense Forces of the armed forces of the republic, clarified in February 2017 that the purchase of the Su-30 is planned to be completed before the end of 2020, but for now the military aircraft fleet is coping with the carrying of combat missions. duty, and with the training of flight personnel. (Note: O. Dvigalev was appointed to new position 07/18/2017. According to military observer A. Alesin, its purpose shows the vector of development of the military-industrial complex of Belarus: there will be a bias towards the development and improvement of anti-aircraft missile systems and aircraft.)

In April 2017, during a meeting between A. Lukashenko and V. Putin in St. Petersburg, the issue of purchasing Su-30s for 50% of their cost was raised again, but so far the deal has not taken place.

70% of the Belarusian military-industrial complex's products are exported

Information about how much the republic’s budget receives from this activity is closed; According to experts, about $300 million per year. Belarus is mainly selling off old stocks.

For comparison. In 1998-2001 Belarus sold $1 billion and took 11th place in the world according to this indicator. In 2005, the republic was among the world's twenty most active arms sellers. Sales of airplanes, helicopters, armored personnel carriers, tanks and other equipment to Iran, Sudan, Cote d'Ivoire, Peru, and Uganda were officially confirmed.

Over the past 12 years, the structure of Belarusian arms exports has changed. On the global arms market, the republic began to specialize in the supply of automated control systems air defense, aviation; guidance systems for tanks and artillery. In addition, Belarus is currently actively engaged in the modernization of military equipment and sells technologies dual use.

Military experts on the defense budget of Belarus

Belarusian journalist, economic and military observer A. Alesin confirms that no more than 1% of the country’s total budget is spent on defense. There has been no real increase in spending for these purposes in the last 3 years. The increase that the state demonstrates is, first of all, “jumps in the exchange rate of the Belarusian ruble relative to the dollar.” The budget “increased” within the limits of inflation.

What then does the country export? Perhaps “the so-called surplus military equipment: what is left of the USSR; ammunition that is about to expire; other military property; piece by piece old tanks; retired Su-24, possibly Su-27.”

At the same time, the expert believes that the announced $300 million does not include income from trading various electronic systems, electronic reconnaissance equipment, radars, software, drones, etc. In reality, the proceeds from the sale could reach $1 billion.

How much is spent on rearmament is unknown. Most of it goes to the military-industrial complex’s own needs: salaries, taxes, and so on.

The head of the Belarus Security Blog analytical project, Andrei Porotnikov, believes that the funds allocated for defense in the budget are not even enough to properly maintain the personnel of the armed forces, not to mention the purchase of new military equipment and training of army personnel. In his opinion, the size of the country's defense budget needs to be increased to at least 3% of GDP. This can be done by redistributing budget expenditures and by combining all extra-budgetary funds.

Prospects for increasing funding for the Belarusian military-industrial complex

Already in July of this year. New expert reports have appeared on the websites of Belarusian think tanks, describing a number of trends: strengthening the influence of the Belarusian army through new personnel appointments; improving the system of managing the security bloc by the country's top political leadership; the need to quickly solve the problem rational use resources of the military-industrial complex, security and defense of Belarus. A separate line was reported about the expansion of security cooperation with the PRC.

Thus, on July 25, 2017, a protocol of intent to expand cooperation in the fight against terrorism was signed between the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus and the Ministry of Public Security of the People's Republic of China. Cooperation includes information exchange, joint operations and technical assistance from China.

On July 27, 2017, President of Belarus A. Lukashenko, at a meeting with the leadership of the State Secretariat of the Security Council, pointed out the need to optimize the management system of the country’s security bloc, and to develop a new mechanism for the work of the head of state with the State Secretariat of the Security Council and security agencies. During 2017, the maximum number and amount of funding for each department should be determined, as well as the areas of work clarified. It is assumed that the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Defense will be able to redistribute material and human resources, following current priorities.

According to experts, this is due to the changed diplomatic strategy of the Belarusian authorities towards Russia. Russia is no longer seen as a guarantor of internal stability and external security The republic, therefore, needs to look for new points of support in the sphere of internal and external security. Expanding security cooperation with China is one of the manifestations of the new foreign policy strategy.

The fact that the influence of the Ministry of Defense of Belarus is growing is evidenced by the increase in the share of expenditures in the country’s state budget for the needs of the military-industrial complex.

On July 17, 2017, the law “On approval of the report on the execution of the republican budget for 2016” was adopted. Expenditures under the item “Defense and Armed Forces” were initially approved in the amount of 834.6 million Belarusian rubles, then the figure was clarified to 988.6 million, and in total at the end of the year almost 983 million were used (In open access There is no document on the basis of which the Ministry of Defense received additional funding.)

Experts have suggested where the additional funding was directed. In their opinion, this is the development of the Polonaise MLRS in terms of increasing the range to 300 km and integrating the Chinese M-20 operational-tactical missile into the weapons complex, including the supply of weapons to the troops; modernization of the tank fleet, including to the T-72B3 level, by the Russian Uralvagonzavod; purchase of vehicles, including armored vehicles "Cayman", V-1, CS/VN3 "Dragon"; acquisition of an additional batch of unmanned aircraft systems for various purposes, as well as new communication equipment, including the Belintersat satellite system.

In addition, commenting on the appointment of Major General Oleg Dvigalev as chairman of the State Military-Industrial Committee, experts concluded that the status of the State Military-Industrial Complex had been downgraded and that it was directly subordinate to the Ministry of Defense. The President of Belarus decided to oblige the State Military-Industrial Complex to provide for the army’s requests, i.e. improve quality, reduce product costs and meet project deadlines.

Thus, Belarusian think tanks conclude that for the first time in 26 years there are prospects for resuming funding for the military-industrial complex in the proper amount. This is due to the security crisis in Eastern Europe and changing the priority of threats national security Belarus from internal political and socio-economic to external ones.

In recent years, the Belarusian military-industrial complex has been more and more persistently (though with varying success so far) promoting its latest developments in the field of anti-tank weapons to the international market. These include the third generation anti-tank missile system (ATGM) “Hornet”.

Being a further development of the Belarusian-Ukrainian anti-tank complex “Skif”, the “Shershen” anti-tank missile system, due to the use of original technical solutions, surpasses it in a number of important parameters.

Thus, the use, along with the RK-2 missile of 130 mm caliber, is more powerful rocket The B-2M caliber 152 mm (both developed by the Kyiv State Design Bureau "Luch" and produced by the Kyiv plant "Artem") allows the Hornet ATGM, according to the developers, to be guaranteed to hit all modern armored targets at a range of up to 5000 mg, regardless of the point of impact (projection).

The armor penetration of a tandem cumulative warhead behind dynamic protection at an impact angle of 60± is: with a 130 mm caliber rocket - at least 800 mm, with a 152 mm caliber rocket - at least 1100 mm.

The Hornet ATGM can be used not only to destroy armored vehicles, but also (due to the presence of ammunition with high-explosive fragmentation and thermobaric warheads) to destroy buried protected objects (such as a bunker, pillbox, bunker) and low-flying low-speed targets (helicopters, unmanned aerial vehicles devices). And the use of the extended R-2B missile (in the Hornet-Q version) increases the maximum firing range to 7500 m, which significantly increases the chances of successful combat against surface targets during coastal defense.

High accuracy in hitting all types of targets is ensured by the use of a noise-resistant laser guidance system, which is implemented in the PN-S guidance device, developed and manufactured by Minsk OJSC Peleng.

This device has television and thermal imaging channels with wide and narrow fields of view. The first mode is used to search for a target, and the second is used to capture it. In addition to the PN-S guidance device, a thermal imaging camera can be installed, which allows detection and identification of targets at a greater range in difficult weather conditions.

Today, PN-S is the only ATGM guidance device that has a built-in laser rangefinder, which ensures fast and accurate guidance. In addition, PN-S can be used as an autonomous means of reconnaissance and target designation (measuring ranges up to 9 km with an error of 5 m is provided).

The device can also be used to control anti-tank missiles, guided by a laser beam and fired not only from a launch container, but also from an artillery gun or tank gun. This allows the device to be used for guidance of other missiles developed by Luch Design Bureau, including 100-, 105-, 115-, 120- and 125-mm ammunition.

After the missile is launched, the operator’s task is reduced to monitoring the flight path and, if necessary, correcting the aiming point using the joystick on the remote control panel.

Thus, although the Hornet ATGM actually implements the “fire and forget” principle, it also has the ability to redirect the missile to a more important or dangerous target.

An important feature of this ATGM is the ability to direct a missile at a target from closed positions and from shelters, which significantly reduces the risk of the operator being hit by a retaliatory fire strike from the enemy and significantly reduces the psychophysical impact on him.

The remote control panel can be placed at a distance of up to 100 m from the launcher when using a wired communication channel and up to 300 m when using wireless control. To date, the wireless remote control function is implemented only in the Hornet ATGM.

Moreover, from one remote control you can control several launchers and/or combat modules (up to four). The possibility of operating a complex (several complexes) as part of a unified control system with automation of the process of reconnaissance, target designation and target distribution is also provided.

Today we can talk about four modifications of the Hornet ATGM:

— Basic version consists of a universal combat module mounted on a tripod, a transport and launch container with one missile, a PN-S guidance device and a remote control. The deployment time of the complex by a combat crew of two people does not exceed two minutes;

— “Hornet-L” is a lightweight option for shooting from the shoulder at a range of no more than 2.5 km;

— “Hornet-D”- modification with two firing channels, possibility of installation on a vehicle;

— “Hornet-Q” is a modification with four firing channels and an automatic lift (or without it). Installed as a combat module on a vehicle.

Let us add that, despite the undeniable advantages of the Hornet ATGM over similar developments, information in open sources about mass sales of these weapons has not yet been published.

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