Electronic ignition on a motorcycle Ural scheme drawing. Contactless ignition system for a motorcycle Ural, Dnepr. Features of the electronic system

Magazine Radio 1 number 1998
V. GUSEV, Golitsyno, Moscow Region

Due to a number of circumstances, the choice of circuit solutions for ignition units for motorcycle engines is very narrow today. This, of course, creates great difficulties for experimental motorcycle owners in the field of introducing electronics to two- and three-wheeled vehicles with a two-stroke engine. This article describes a simple thyristor ignition unit for two-cylinder motorcycle engines with two ignition coils. According to the scheme, it does not claim to be a fundamental novelty, but captivates with the sophistication of the design, does not require scarce parts, and is unpretentious in operation. On his motorcycle with this block, the author traveled for more than a dozen seasons.

principled ignition block diagram for a two-cylinder motorcycle engine equipped with two ignition coils (for example, the IZH-Jupiter motorcycle). shown in fig. 1. The structure of the block is traditional. On two transistors VT1, VT2 and transformer T1, a converter of the on-board supply voltage to an increased one (310 ... 320 V) is assembled, which feeds the two-channel ignition pulse shaper. The channels according to the scheme are exactly the same and each is loaded with its own ignition coil (12.13).

The generation frequency of the converter is -3000...3500 Hz. With an on-board supply voltage of 6 V, the unit consumes 0.4 ... 0.5 A at idle (ignition on, engine not running), at maximum crankshaft speed - no more than 3 A.

Increased constant pressure from the output of the rectifier bridge VD1-VD4, it charges the storage capacitor C3 through the diode VD5 and the primary winding of the ignition coil 12. When the contacts SF1 of the breaker are closed, the starting capacitor C5 is charged from the on-board network through the resistor R3. At the moment they open, this capacitor is discharged through resistors R9. R10. diode VD7 and the control transition of the trinistor VS1.

The trinistor that opens at the same time discharges the storage capacitor C3 to the primary winding of the ignition coil. The discharge current pulse generates an impulse in the secondary winding of the coil T2 high voltage.

The VD9R5 circuit reduces the discharge time of the storage capacitor C3. which improves node performance. Resistor R7 creates a delay in the charging time of the starting capacitor C5. which protects the node from false operation when the contacts of the SF1 breaker contacts bounce at the moment they are closed.

Decoupling diodes VD5 and VD6 at the time of sparking. closing in turn, they ensure the discharge of only one of the two storage capacitors. So. when the trinistor VS1 is open, the diode VD6 is closed. and vice versa.

At the moment of sparking, the output of the voltage converter is closed by a low resistance of the open trinistor VS1 and diode VD5. therefore, its oscillations are disrupted, it ceases to consume current from the on-board network, and at the output of the VD1-VD4 bridge, the voltage decreases to zero. At the end of the discharge of the storage capacitor C3, the trinistor VS1 closes, the converter generator starts again and a new cycle of charging the storage capacitor begins.

To install the unit on motorcycles with a 12-volt on-board network, it is only necessary to adjust the ratings of some parts and the number of turns of the transformer, the circuit remains unchanged. So. resistor R1 should have a resistance of 30 ohms. R2 - 360 Ohm. R3 and R4 - 1.2 kOhm, R5 and R6 - 1.2 kOhm. R9-R12 -200 Ohm. Diodes D9E must be replaced with D223 capacitor C1 - with another one, with a capacity of 5 microfarads for a voltage of 25 V. and C2 -20 microfarads - for a voltage of 25 V.

The current consumed by the unit with a 12-volt supply is approximately half that with a 6-volt supply, the rest of the characteristics remain almost the same.

The transformer is wound on three K31x18x7 annular magnetic cores made of M2000NM1-2 ferrite stacked together. The number of turns of the windings and the brand of wire are indicated in the table. Winding 111 is wound first, then II and I. The turns of each winding are evenly spaced around the ring. Inter-row and inter-winding insulation is made with a woven fabric tape. in one layer and in two or three, respectively. In this case, it should be borne in mind that the space in the clearance of the magnetic circuit is limited.

The unit is connected to the rest of the ignition system circuits through a six-pin connector X1. Any connector that is convenient to use and can withstand the operating current through the contacts is suitable.

The design of the block is arbitrary. For transistors, a common heat sink with an area of ​​​​40 ... 50 cm2 is sufficient, they are fixed without gaskets. SCRs are installed through mica gaskets on a heat sink with an area of ​​​​8 ... 12 cm?. The metal casing of the unit can serve as a heat sink.

The unit, unmistakably assembled from serviceable parts, starts working immediately and does not require adjustment. The capacitance of the capacitor C2 is not critical, and the frequency of the voltage converter depends on the capacitance of the capacitor C1.

Together with the ignition unit, any motorcycle ignition coils for 6 and 12 V can work. classic version ignition.

The presence of the X1 connector makes it possible to quickly switch from electronic ignition to the classic. To do this, it is enough to insert a "capacitor" plug into the female part of the connector, the diagram of which is shown in fig. 2.

In conclusion - a few tips and warnings. First, don't forget to remove the capacitors shunting the breaker contacts. Pay attention to the fastening of the transformer - it must be done like this. so that the mounting elements do not form a closed loop around the magnetic circuit.

Should not be increased output voltage converter in excess of 320 V. This will only increase the leakage current through the trinistors and adversely affect the reliability of the unit.

On the IZH-Jupiter motorcycle engine, with classic ignition, the breaker contacts open when the corresponding piston is 2.2 mm from the "top dead center". To work with the electronic unit, this value must be reduced to 1.8 mm.

Over the years of operating a motorcycle with an electronic ignition unit, I have more than once had to ride with a battery, and with a battery of galvanic cells, and without a current source at all, starting the engine with acceleration - I don’t remember a case when the unit caused complaints.

Many motorcycle enthusiasts prefer to install electronic ignition on a Ural motorcycle. This is due to a number of technical reasons. Below we will consider the features of this work, as well as the advantages of such an ignition.

Mechanical or electronic

Initially, these motorcycles had mechanical ignition. Unlike BSZ, this option has low reliability. The reason is in the mechanical elements of the structure, they wear out at a certain mileage, which leads to regular failures. And you have to produce a lot

The electronic ignition system on a motorcycle does not have such problems. There are practically no interacting elements. Therefore, the service life is much longer. Also, due to better sparking, there are fewer problems in the engine. The owner also gets rid of the need to clean the contacts regularly. All this leads to the mass distribution of BSZ on this model.

Features of the electronic system

If you prefer to maintain a motorcycle with your own hands, then such an ignition in the Urals will be for you. ideal option. It is much easier to maintain. There is no need to adjust the gaps on the contacts, which significantly reduces the time of service work. Also, the ignition timing here does not change during operation.

Also, a huge plus of this ignition option for a Ural motorcycle is the longer operation of the candles. Due to more efficient spark generation, the load on them is much less.

Immediately after installing a new unit, you will notice an increase in engine efficiency. Fuel consumption is reduced, on the road it becomes more torquey. Also important point considered to be no problem low temperatures as well as wet weather.

This type of motorcycle assembly consists of the following elements:

  • Hall sensors;
  • Magnetic field modulator into an electrical discharge;
  • Ignition coil;
  • TO Distribution Switch spark charges;
  • High voltage wires clamps, fasteners.

Actually, any BSZ consists of these elements, you can also read the article Izh planet 5 ignition adjustment on this topic, there is also information on this topic.

Contactless ignition systems

Not so long ago it was possible to meet, only homemade device. The reason is the lack of proper supply in stores. Craftsmen in garages reworked the contactless assembly from other motorcycle models, assembled it from separate parts. This is a rather difficult task that requires skills. Now you can buy a ready-made kit without any problems.

There are a lot of advantages to using ready-made products. At a minimum, they have been tested in the Urals, which guarantees reliable operation. It is also much easier to install a finished knot than to make it yourself. The following kits are available on the market:

  • "SoveK". Under this brand, you can find the usual contactless ignition, as well as a more advanced microprocessor. The assembly can be supplied with or without a reel. Easy to install and practically does not react to voltage drops;
  • "Saruman". Quite an interesting and reliable assembly. There are two options for sensors, there can be a familiar Hall sensor, or a modern optical one. There is protection against voltage surges, especially against high current. To simplify the ignition setting, there is a light indication.

Using ready-made kits this moment is the best option.

Selection of candles

The non-contact system has certain requirements for candles. If they are faulty, or not suitable for a specific motor, then you will not get any positive effect from using this system.

Be sure to check the condition of the spark plugs. They should not have soot. Optimally, if the electrode will have a sandy color. If necessary, replace the candles, when choosing, pay attention to the glow number. When the candles are in order, the electronic ignition can be installed.


Now you can install new system Ural motorcycle ignition. Before starting work, dismantle the old BSZ. Installation is carried out in the following order:

  • Installing a new coil here you will need a connection diagram, otherwise problems will arise further;
  • Installing the ignition module, it should be fixed so that it is directed towards the coil.
  • The rotor is installed engine in the position where the ignition is being adjusted.

Now you have a non-contact ignition system installed, you just have to adjust it to achieve optimal performance. Please note that the configuration here is required only once. In fact, you already know how to put the BSZ.


Now adjust the ignition timing. We install the motor in accordance with the marks, connect all the wires. Next, you need to adjust the position of the sensors. Next, we fasten all the elements and check the sparking. If everything is fine, then it is worth driving 10-20 kilometers and checking the angle set again.

If necessary, make adjustments, but if everything is done correctly, then this will not be required. Knowing how to make contactless ignition on your motorcycle, you will not wonder how much this work costs in the workshop.

And the "teapot" knows: the fuel in the cylinder is ignited by an electric arc of 20-40 kV, running between the electrodes of the candle. But where does the high voltage discharge come from? First of all, the familiar to everyone, at least by name, device, the ignition coil, is responsible for it. Of course, as part of the ignition system, it is not alone, but, having learned the principle of its operation, you can easily figure out the purpose and operation of the remaining elements. Remember how the effect of electromagnetic induction was studied in a school physics lesson. A magnet was moved in a wire coil, and a light bulb attached to its terminals began to glow. Replacing the lamp with a battery, an ordinary steel rod placed inside the coil was turned into a magnet. Now, both of these processes are used to produce a spark on a spark plug. If a current is passed through the primary winding of the ignition coil, the core on which it is wound will become magnetized. It is worth turning off the power - and the disappearing magnetic field of the core induces voltage in the secondary winding of the coil. There are hundreds of times more turns of wire in it than in the primary, which means that the “output” is no longer tens, but thousands of volts.
Where does the generator get its voltage from? I am sure that now you will understand right off the bat: permanent magnets are fixed on the rotor (flywheel), the flywheel itself is mounted on the crankshaft trunnion and rotates with it. Under the rotor on a fixed base (stator), coils of lighting and ignition systems are mounted on steel cores. It is enough to stomp on the kick - the magnets will move relative to the coils, periodically magnetizing the cores and ... let there be light and a spark! In essence, this is the simplest possible ways to receive electricity, it is also convenient because it does not require a rechargeable battery (battery).

An ignition system without an additional current source is called Capacitor Discharge Ignition (CDI). Translated: ignition using a capacitor discharge. How is it formed? There are two coils on the generator stator (in addition to supplying the lighting network). One, when the rotor magnet runs past it, generates an electric current (about 160 V) that charges the capacitor. The second is the control one, it plays the role of a sensor that triggers sparking. As soon as the magnet passes by its core, an electrical impulse appears in the winding, which “unlocks” the thyristor of the control unit. It is akin to a conventional switch, only without contacts - in their place is controlled electric shock semiconductor. The charge accumulated in the tank is "shot" into the primary winding of the ignition coil. That, thanks to the effect of electromagnetic induction, excites a current in the secondary winding, and the candle receives the 20-40 kV assigned to it.
It should be noted that on the way from the charging coil to the capacitor, the current is rectified by a diode. The flywheel generator generates AC voltage: since the “north” and “south” of the magnet alternately pass by the coil, then the current synchronously changes its polarity. The capacitor accumulates a charge only when a constant voltage is applied.
The described system is ingeniously simple and reliable enough. A quarter of a century has passed since its inception, and it is still used in technology, cross-country motorcycles, jet skis, snowmobiles, ATVs, mopeds and light scooters.
However, "genius" is not without flaw. The voltage on the capacitor (hence, the "secondary" discharge) drops noticeably at a low speed of passage of the magnet past the charging coil. At low revolutions of the crankshaft, instability of spark formation appears and, as a result, “inconsistency” in the operation of the motor.

To get rid of it, many modern cars use a modified CDI system. It is called DC-CDI, which means: ignition using a capacitor discharge and operating on direct current (Direct Current). In this system, the capacitance is charged with a current that comes not from the generator's own coil, but from the battery. This allows you to stabilize the supply voltage and maintain the spark equally powerful at any crankshaft speed.
Such systems are more complex than CDI and, accordingly, more expensive. The fact is that the voltage that the on-board network of the machine produces (12-14 V) is weak for a full charge of the capacitor. Therefore, the voltage raises a special electronic module - the inverter.
In a nutshell about the principle of its action. D.C is converted into a variable, then transformed (increased to 300 V), rectified again, and only then goes to the capacitor. A higher "primary" voltage allowed for a smaller ignition coil. Let me explain: the higher the voltage in the primary winding, the smaller the core (in cross section) can be equipped with a coil. It even fits in a candle cap, which, by the way, allows you to exclude a very problematic element from the ignition circuit - a high-voltage wire.

An even more advanced DC-CDI system with electronic adjustment ignition advance relative to crankshaft speed - it provides an increase in engine power by ten percent. That's why. There is a postulate: the motor produces a maximum of “horses” if the peak pressure of the combustion products coincides with the position of the piston, which has barely passed TDC. But as the crankshaft speed increases, the time for which the mixture must burn out becomes shorter and shorter. The mixture itself does not explode instantly, but burns at a stable speed - 30-40 m / s. Therefore, at high crankshaft speed, ignition should not occur in one

fixed point (given by the initial ignition timing), but somewhat earlier. For motors with "pure" CDI or DC-CDI, developers empirically find the angle at which the engine runs fairly steadily throughout the entire rev range. In ancient times, the ignition timing was adjusted to the optimum mechanically - a centrifugal regulator. But it is unreliable: either the weights will jam, or the springs will stretch ... Electronics is incomparably more perfect (loose nothing), and the adjustment process proceeds as follows. The control unit contains a microcircuit that recognizes the revolutions of the crankshaft by the shape of the signal coming from the control sensor (the shape depends on the speed of the magnet relative to the coil). Next, the microcircuit selects the optimal ignition timing corresponding to the given revolutions, and opens the thyristor at the right time. You already know, this corresponds to the moment when a spark forms on the electrodes of the candle.
In the second half of the last century, the described ignition systems almost exclusively “captured” motors. But the improvement of processors (in other words, microcomputers) is marked by the introduction of even more “intelligent” ignitions into cars. digital type. I will try to tell you about them soon, but now I will focus your attention on the diagnostics of failures of elements of "capacitor" circuits.

First, about the ignition lock system. Its task is to “prohibit” starting the engine in a situation where the movement threatens to injure the pilot. For example: the motorcycle is standing on the side stand with the gear engaged. Forgetting this, the driver presses the starter button. An unexpected throw forward of the crew follows and ... the result is clear. Another case: you are driving, and the side stand loses the return spring and opens. From the consequences of such situations, the pilot is usually "insured" by position sensors

stands and neutrals. If the equipment is not ready for flight, they will not allow either the starter or the ignition to work. As a rule, another sensor is embedded under the clutch lever - it allows you to start the engine with the gear engaged, but only when the lever is depressed and the stand is raised. These devices undeniably increase the safety of the pilot, but at the same time reduce the overall reliability of the electrical ignition circuits. Are there engine malfunctions? Be sure to check the condition of the battery (12-13 V) and pay attention to the condition of the described sensors. Judge for yourself: in the heat of the moment they made an erroneous sentence to the ignition control unit and bought a new one (and it costs from $ 300 to 800!), And then it turns out that the failure was in a penny limit switch or wiring connector. Check the ignition elements as shown in the photo.

The electrical equipment of the Voskhod 2m motorcycle includes a G-427 generator, a KET-1 switch, a high-voltage transformer, a headlight, a central switch and other switches.

Alternator G-427 with excitation from a permanent magnet with an inductive sensor of the electronic ignition system. In the slots of the stator, assembled from stamped plates of electrical steel, eight coils are placed, which form four independent circuits:
- power supply of the ignition storage capacitor;
- lighting and sound signal;
- direction indicators;
- braking signal.

Voltage regulation in circuits of lighting loads is carried out according to the principle of parametric regulation, i.e. The winding data of the generator are selected in such a way that with an increase in the speed of rotation of the rotor, the voltage at the generator terminals changes within certain limits for a certain load. Fastening the generator stator to the engine crankcase provides adjustment of the ignition timing.

On the cover of the generator stator there are conclusions:
- charging coils of the power supply circuit of the storage capacitor of the ignition Voskhod;
- direction indicators;
- braking signal;
- lighting;
- sensor.

Which are labeled accordingly:<<З>>, <<У>>, <<Т>>, <<О>> and<<Д>>.

The sensor is mounted on the generator stator cover with screws.

The generator rotor with the sensor rotor located on it is mounted on the right semi-axis of the engine crankshaft with a bolt and is fixed from rotation with a key.

Sunrise motorcycle generator care - how to remove, what to check and install correctly

Maintenance of the generator basically comes down to tightening the threaded fasteners of the stator and rotor of the generator, as well as the wire terminals.

In order to remove the generator, you must:

  • disconnect the wires of the ignition circuit, sensor, brake light and direction indicators from the generator terminals;
  • unscrew the three screws securing the stator to the crankcase and remove the stator;
  • unscrew the bolt securing the generator rotor and with light, careful blows of a wooden hammer on opposite sides of the rotor, remove it from the trunnion and remove the key.

Checking the removed parts

After removing the stator and rotor of the generator, wash the parts with clean gasoline and carefully inspect. Disassemble the wiring terminals on the stator. Wipe dry all insulating parts of the terminals.

Generator installation

Installation is carried out in the reverse order, it is necessary:

  • check the beating of the generator rotor, which should be no more than 0.1 mm with the bolt fixed;
  • tighten the generator stator without distortion, ensuring a snug fit to all three supports;
  • correctly install the ignition;
  • generator wires must be securely fastened and well insulated from each other.

Ignition adjustment Voskhod

The ignition timing is set by turning the generator stator after first loosening the three screws securing the stator to the crankcase. For normal operation of the engine, it is necessary that the moment of sparking (on the generator this moment is determined by the coincidence of the groove of the sensor rotor with the protrusion on the frame of the sensor coil. Fig.) coincides with the moment when the piston has not reached the top dead center of 2.5-3.0 mm (at engine running on gasoline with an octane rating of 92).

The gap between the rotor and the core of the sensor coil should be within 0.3 ± 0.05 mm.

The clearance should be set as follows:

  • loosen the screws securing the sensor stator to the generator stator cover;
  • by moving the sensor stator in the grooves of the generator stator cover, set the required clearance, and then tighten the fastening screws.

Coil Voskhod - high-voltage transformer B-300B

The high voltage transformer is located under the fuel tank and is used to convert low voltage current into high voltage current. The transformer consists of a core, primary and secondary windings, a body and a cover with terminals. During operation, maintenance is not required and cannot be repaired.

The KET-1 electronic switch is designed to work in the ignition system complete with the G-427 generator and the B-300B high-voltage transformer. Allows you to get a secondary voltage of up to 18 kV, with a generator rotor speed of 250 to 7500 rpm. The switch is installed in the right tool box. The base of the switch is connected to the ground of the motorcycle. In case of failure, the switch can be disassembled and repaired

The electronic switch has three output terminals with letter markings on the housing<<Г>>, <<К>> and<<Д>>. The ground terminal is the base of the switch.

Care of the switch during operation is reduced mainly to tightening the threaded connections, while not allowing the thread to break. It is necessary to protect the switch from getting inside it and on the terminals of moisture from sharp blows and impact. high temperatures. You should also systematically check the reliability of the electrical connection of the base of the switch with<< массой >>, because if this condition is violated, sparking on the candle stops.

D1-D226B, D2-D226B, D3-D226B, D4-D817V, D5-D817B, D6-KU201L.
C1 - 1 microfarad 250 V, C2 - 1 microfarad 160 V, C3 - 1 microfarad 160 V.
R1 - 100 ohm, R2 - 1 ohm.
Point G - 45 volts, Point K - 150 volts, Point D - 0.65 volts.

Installed in the right toolbox. From the generator brake signal circuit through the throttle, which is a device that supplements the parametric regulation of the generator, the circuit of the speedometer backlight lamps, city driving and license plate lighting is powered.

Candle Voskhod - spark ignition type A-23

During operation, the candle must be periodically cleaned of carbon deposits and the gap between the electrodes should be adjusted, which should be within 0.6-0.7 mm, which is ensured by bending the outer electrode. For sealing, a copper-asbestos gasket is placed between the spark plug and the cylinder head. To eliminate radio interference, generated by the system ignition, a shielded tip of type A-4 is put on the candle.

Farah Voskhod FG - 133

It does not require special care during operation. Basically, caring for a headlight comes down to removing dust from the internal cavity of the optical element by blowing air.

Voskhod ignition lock - central switch

Switch 124005490201 is used as a central program switch that provides the necessary switching of lighting equipment on a motorcycle. The switch has three operating positions<<0>>, <<1>>, <<2>> in accordance with the following operating modes:

  • pregnant<<0>> - the generator sensor circuit is shorted to ground, which ensures that the engine stops.
  • pregnant<<1>> (daytime driving) - the ignition circuit is turned on, the direction indicator circuit (when the direction indicator switch is on) and the brake signal circuit (when the brake pedal is pressed);
  • pregnant<<2>> (riding at night) two circuits are switched on:
  • a) a circuit of lamps for backlighting the speedometer, license plate lighting and city driving (through a throttle that serves as a device that complements the parametric control of the generator);
  • b) A6-32 + 32 head light lamp circuit (through the light switch on the steering wheel).

Caring for the central switch comes down to periodically checking the reliability of mounting the switch in the headlight and cleaning the moving and fixed contacts from dust and dirt by washing them in gasoline.

P-200 switch

Light switch with horn button (located on the steering wheel on the left side). To switch the dipped and main beam circuit, a P-200 type switch with a built-in push-button switch of the sound signal for three operating positions is used:
neutral - the headlight lamp is off; extreme right - dipped beam is on; extreme left - high beam is on.

The horn button has a movable contact connected to ground and a fixed contact connected to one of the wires coming from the horn terminal. When the button is pressed, the contacts close and the signal circuit closes.

Wiring diagram of the motorcycle Voskhod

Central switch. 2. speedometer. 3. Speedometer illumination lamp. 4. Headlight. 5. Head light lamp. 6. City driving lamp. 7. Sound signal. 8. Turn signal lamp. 9. Direction indicators. 10. Turn signal switch. 11. Electronic switch. (D - sensor terminal, K - ignition coil terminal, G - generator terminal.) 12. Throttle. 13. Relay-breaker. 14. Generator. 15. License plate lamp. 16. Brake light. 17. Rear light. 18. Connecting block of wires. 19. Brake signal switch. 20. Shielded spark plug cap. 21. Spark plug. 22. High voltage wire. 23. Ignition coil. 24. Light switch.

Wire colors: sn. - blue, cf. - grey, g. - blue, w. - yellow, h. - green, to. - red, cor. - brown, op. - orange, f. - purple, h. - black.

Contactless microprocessor ignition is simply an indispensable addition for Soviet motorcycles. Today, not every motorcyclist can afford a foreign-made motorcycle and by all means have to modify his old friend. Those who put such an ignition on their motorcycle have already experienced a lot of advantages.

Needless to say, starting the same IZH motorcycle is sometimes very difficult. The reason often lies in the native contact ignition. It is simply impossible to perfectly fine-tune it, and therefore it would be best to replace it with a non-contact system. Such a pleasure will cost about fifty US dollars, but it is well worth the money. You will no longer have difficulty starting the engine.

You can install such an ignition yourself in a garage environment. The package includes a diagram and installation instructions. After you install such an ignition system, you will notice that interruptions in the operation of the engine will disappear and the cylinders will begin to work synchronously. The spark will be applied simultaneously to two cylinders. This allows you to stabilize the operation of the motor.

As for fuel consumption, it will decrease and not weakly, since now all gasoline will burn, and not just fly out into the pipe or fill in candles. This ignition system allows you to start the engine even in winter time of the year. There will be no more need to constantly monitor the fuel level. Such an ignition system itself will calculate the advance angle. With the help of a switch, it will analyze the load on the motor, and make appropriate corrections to sparking.

If you are tired of problems with contact ignition, now you have a great opportunity get rid of them. The contactless ignition system can greatly improve the performance of the power unit of your motorcycle.

Scheme of non-contact ignition (SBZ) of a motorcycle

The use of contactless ignition for Izh, Ural, Java, etc. reached its zenith in last years. For these purposes, many domestic and foreign brands (primarily Chinese) launched a wide production line, which simply showered our market with all kinds of electronics and accessories for tuning bikes.

The contactless ignition system on Jupiter 5 from Izhmoto is installed most often. This is done not only by craftsmen with their own hands, but also by professional workshops, which are divorced in Lately not so little, even in provincial villages. An excellent example in this area was set by the manufacturer Izh Junker himself.

The implemented contactless ignition scheme brings a lot of advantages to the life of a motorcycle enthusiast. Firstly, now riders of motorcycles equipped with a contactless ignition system can not be afraid of dampness. Secondly, the iron horse works with such a modern electronic accessory as Swiss Watches. And thirdly, the contactless ignition of a motorcycle costs not so much that the owner of Izh, Minsk, Java, Mt or another bike could not afford to purchase it.

Equipping the motorcycle with the above electronic device gives the engine a more uniform operation. The power unit works, at the same time, very gently.

Contactless ignition Jupiter 5, for example, improves the dynamics of the operated motor even at high speeds. The engine itself becomes more sensitive to fuel supply. Even a fairly run-down battery will not be an obstacle to starting or operating the Izh engine with the implemented contactless ignition circuit.

Contactless ignition system is easy to install

To mount and set up the above electronic moto accessory, you only need a couple of hours within one day. And why spend more time fixing the Hall sensor, a few wires and a new switch. It is not necessary, moreover, to redo anything on the generator of the bike engine. Just remove the old contacts and install the elements of the contactless ignition system Izh, Ural, etc.

The modulator plate must be securely fixed to the rotor of the motorcycle power unit. It should pass clearly in the middle of the slot of the Hall indicator. Pucks will also come into play.

Note that the presence of a voltmeter is completely optional. This accessory can be safely thrown away, since demonstrating the voltage in the on-board network is unlikely to give you anything in practice. This excess weight(and, accordingly, the load for the iron horse).

The whole secret of the successful operation of contactless ignition on Izh Jupiter 5, which is very often tuned with this system, lies in the modulator plate and the Hall sensor.

That is why the lion's share of the installation process of a non-contact ignition circuit is spent on its installation. In the case of gaps in the process of sparking, an incorrect design of the modulator shutter is often possible, which closes the magnetic flux. Therefore, its location relative to the sensor must be carefully checked. When open, this system accessory must not block the magnet or core. In the closed state, the modulator will completely block them both.

The contactless ignition circuit modulator is best made in the form of a disk that has a cutout. For 1-cylinder engines, the cutout angle on the modulator should be about 120 degrees. For 2-helinder motors, the cutout angles are 60 degrees, respectively.

Even before mounting the BSZ on Jupiter 5, Planet 4 or other bikes, you need to make sure that there is no excess play on the generator shaft. Even contact ignition with backlash is poorly combined.

Setting up a BSZ on a moto

Almost any commercially available or homemade non-contact ignition system is installed with a clear control of the ignition timing. To facilitate installation, adjustment measures, we recommend using devices with a scale of up to 15 V, as well as an internal resistance in the range of 10-50 kOhm.

An electronic auxiliary device, without which the contactless ignition circuit for a motorcycle cannot be normally implemented, will allow you to adjust the system without much hassle. In this case, the terminals of the device are connected to the Hall sensor.

The piston of any cylinder must be moved to a position that is characterized by sparking in the cylinder. Then the ignition is turned on and the modulator turns in the direction in which the rotor moves by the crankshaft. This must be done before the occurrence of changes in the readings of the voltmeter. The discharge on the candle occurs just at this voltage surge on the sensor approximately to the indicators of the on-board power supply of the motorcycle. When you have caught a spark, you do not need to knock down the position of the shutters. The modulator itself is securely fixed on the generator shaft using a mounting bolt.

When adjusting the ignition, it is imperative to close all high-voltage wires on the motor housing. You can attach them to candles. This is necessary so that the operation of coils with a broken secondary circuit does not lead to a complete overload or damage to the BSZ. In addition, according to the above risk, you should not stop the operation of the engine by removing the spark plug caps. All these are recommendations, of course, in practice you may be lucky, but you should not tempt fate.

The non-contact ignition system of a motorcycle can be tested after adjustment. You can make sure that there is a spark by strengthening the wire to be tested about 8 mm from the body of the moto engine. Next, you need to turn on the ignition and use the kick starter to start the engine. It is better not to touch the wire with your hands. After all, it can give a strong electric shock.

BSZ moto equipment after careful adjustment and tuning will last a very long time without additional maintenance.

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