A modern toy to twist on your finger. Spinner: what is it? The spinner is a dual-purpose toy: you can twist to kill time, or you can compete who spins longer

Spinner, as everyone already knows, is such a simple spinner toy that appeared at the beginning of 2017 and became the most noticeable trend of the first half of the year. What was the reason for such a frenzied popularity of this uncomplicated spinner: unique consumer qualities, novelty and originality, or a banal hype based on nothing? Why did everyone need these spinners so much, and do you personally need it? And if needed, how to choose it?
First you need to figure out what these spinners are and why are they so popular in Moscow?

To get started, watch the video to better understand what will be discussed:

What's the point?

The technical characteristics and functionality of these pieces are very limited. This is a small toy that just spins! Plastic or iron housing (other materials are less commonly used) with a bearing in the middle. “Buttons” are fixed in the bearing to comfortably hold the hand spinner while it rotates - technically, these hand spinners are arranged indecently simply and the same way! You can rotate it by holding it between two fingers, either on the table, or simply touch it in your hands. Young fans of spinners begin to practice tricks, and many succeed - they spectacularly throw a spinner from finger to finger, from behind, mint with it and do other interesting things.

What are they?

In addition to a similar design, there are enough differences in spinners: first of all, this is the case material and its design. Manufacturers compete in originality, unusualness and beauty, constantly releasing more and more new models from a variety of materials and in different styles, from steampunk to fusion, and it seems that they are not going to stop in their attempts to create the most original hand spinner. Presumably, one of the reasons for the popularity is in this crazy variety of designs, among which everyone can choose something to their liking. So many people, once having bought such a turntable and appreciating it, are drawn into the movement and want to get themselves another one, then another, then another and another, until they collect an impressive collection. In fact, it's hard to resist this "gathering" mania, seeing all the variety of new models that appear on sale.

You have to try it once!

Having never tried to turn this knob, it is difficult to understand why everyone in Moscow and beyond is now turned on them, and if you only know about it from the Internet, most likely the attitude towards them will be at least wary! But it is worth taking a good spinner in your hands, and the attitude immediately changes miraculously! Forbes magazine describes this effect perfectly: “When focus groups or bystanders are introduced to a product, the conversation always goes the same way. We tell them about it and get a skeptical-aggressive reaction, but then we let them hold it, and in a matter of seconds the reaction changes - people fall in love with the toy and do not want to return it. It happens every time, without exception." And this seems to be the main feature!

Spinning it is fun!

It is really very PLEASANT to twist. During rotation, a real spinner vibrates a little, you feel a gyroscopic effect (it resists changing its position in space, it is difficult to tilt it), sometimes it makes a soft sound, forms beautiful patterns in the air during rotation, or just shines - it’s like a living thing! And you can interact with the spinner in different ways: spin and stop, balance on one finger, spin on the table and watch the rotation gradually slow down. And now this is really something unprecedented: a small piece of metal with a bearing is revealed in dozens of ways to interact with it. The main feature and know-how of these turntables is tactility, it has always existed, but before the advent of spinners, few people thought about this category. It is because of the tactility that it is so easy to get hooked on hand turntables.
The Pyatnitsa TV channel explained this well in its story (which was filmed, by the way, in our store), see:

How to choose a good spinner?

When choosing a spinner, it is important to understand that its "magic" effect is fully manifested if you hold a real, good spinner. Every detail is important in any spinner, and if something in it is not done perfectly, you will constantly pay attention to these shortcomings and get annoyed instead of pleasure.

You can buy a real good spinner in Moscow in our store, we have a showroom on Taganka, come and choose the spinner that suits you best! We also service and repair spinners, change and clean bearings, and, of course, advise customers on any issues related to spinners. And finally, if this topic interests you, follow the links below to find a large selection of useful information.

Spinner, spinner, fidget spinner, hand spinner (fidget spinner, hand spinner) is a fashionable anti-stress toy today. It is a real salvation for kinesthetics who like to twist something in their hands.

What is a spinner toy?

In the center of the spinner there is a bearing made of ceramic or metal, on the sides of it there are several blades or weights. Finger spinner is made of various materials: plastic, brass, titanium, stainless steel, copper.

A hand spinner is a kind of gadget that consists of the following main parts: a body on a bearing, a plug and external bearings. The spinner looks like a flat structure, which is activated by hitting the side of the wing, causing the wings to rotate rapidly.

That is, to spin the toy, you need to hold the middle bearing between your thumb and forefinger, and spin the wing with your second hand or middle finger.

The spinner was invented back in the 1990s, but only became popular in 2017. Now his popularity is growing, especially among schoolchildren who have learned to perform various tricks with him. Today, the spinner is very often presented as a toy that benefits health. Interestingly, in some schools in the United States, it was forbidden to bring spinners, as they distract from study, and in some schools, on the contrary, they are recommended to help students concentrate.

The spinner is an effective self-regulation tool. It is used to calm and relieve feelings of anxiety, to reduce excitement and stress. In addition, the spinner toy helps to develop fine motor skills of the fingers and increase tactile sensitivity, and this helps to concentrate attention, strengthen memory, and develop intellectual abilities.

According to Money magazine, the popularity of these spinner toys began to grow in April 2017, during this period the number of searches for the phrase “fidget spinner” increased sharply on Google.

On April 27, 2017, the New York Post wrote that "so-called fidget spinners are a fast-moving craze that has swept across the country with its scale, and stores cannot keep up with demand for them."

In May, Amazon spinners took all the places in the list of 20 best-selling toys.

Today, turntables for hands amaze with their diversity. As mentioned above, they differ in materials from which they are made (metal, wood, plastic, etc.), dimensions, colors, rotation speed, weight, size of cutouts and edging.

Health effects of a spinner toy

An article was published in Money magazine that spinners were "originally created and marketed as a sedative that can be used to stay focused." On Amazon, spinner toys were advertised as "anti-stress."

There is a famous teacher who used spinners in his work with autistic children and they really helped to calm the kids.

But, the opinions of experts are ambiguous. Some agree on the benefits of spinners for people with ADHD and autism, while others argue that spinners are more of a distraction than a help in concentration.

Those experts who are “for” spinners say that they are not only a stylish anti-stress toy, but also a simulator that helps keep fingers and hands in good shape. In the process of interaction with the hand twister, stress, fear, excitement decrease, concentration of attention improves, the level of irritability decreases, the emotional state returns to normal.

This toy is suitable for people with monotonous or stressful work, it helps to relax, relieve stress, switch attention.

Thanks to the spinner, you can get rid of some bad habits: tapping the table with a pen, twisting your hair with your finger, biting a pencil, nails, and performing other meaningless actions.

In addition, with the help of a spinner toy, you can learn how to perform interesting tricks, shoot them on video and put them on public display.

Hand spinner is an original gift for both adults and children.

You can clearly see what a spinner spinner toy is in the video:

If you try to fix how much time a schoolchild spends in his hands with a smartphone, you can turn gray. You can’t pick up a mobile phone - the child must always be in touch for his own safety, but it’s also impossible to control the time - parents are not always with their children. But it seems that there is a contraption that can pull today's children out of virtual reality.

The other day showman Ivan Urgant appeared on the TV screen with a strange thing in his hands and said that the spinner (that's what this thing is called) is at this stage a symbol of childhood. We decided to tell our readers what a spinner is and why modern kids need it so much.

So, let's say right away that there is no SPECIAL meaning that adults are looking for in this toy. Three rings and a bearing in the middle. The spinet rotates around its own axis. Spins for a very long time. Spin and enjoy. ALL!

After the appearance of this toy on the Internet, a stir immediately arose - from rave reviews to puzzled "what is it for?" So what is this?" But for children, this is completely unimportant - for them, the possession of these gizmos is a matter of "unhappiness and happiness." You can find them on the Runet in online stores at a price of 350 to 3000 rubles (from the most arrogant sellers). By the way, on Aliexpress for this amount you can buy a bucket of spinners. But not everyone is ready to wait.

Sellers claim that spinners help children with autism. This, of course, is complete nonsense. But one thing is undeniable - the children really like these "restless twisters".

Perhaps all parents who have schoolchildren have seen how modern kids behave during recess. Most of them, leaving the office, take out their smartphones and headphones from their pockets and disperse to the corners. When schoolchildren have spinners, immersion in virtual reality no longer arouses such interest. After all, playing with several spinners is always more interesting: you can, for example, build a tower and spin everything at the same time, or just run several at once and watch whose spinner moves longer.

In fairness, it should be noted that in the childhood of today's parents there was something similar - many carried bearings to school. But the modern entertainment industry responds to the needs of the kids more quickly. And it's great! The only important thing is that modern children liked spinners. And it's really cool!

And in continuation of the topic, a story about.

Students and idlers are the most inventive people on our earth. Why? Everything is actually very simple. Idlers will always find a way to do a difficult task in a short period of time, and students will always find a way to keep themselves busy during moments of idleness.

Imagine that you are a student of absolutely no matter what course, and you are bored at the lecture. This happens to 90% of students. There is no hopelessness in this. There is a way out!

Pen spanning - what is it?

Inventive people invented Pen Spanning. Speaking very briefly, this is the ability to perform tricks of varying complexity with the help of an ordinary ballpoint pen and hands. With the help of mastering the Pen Spanning technique, you will understand how to twist the pen on your fingers, and you will know when you are idle.

This way of entertainment will not only bring pleasure, but also attract the attention of others. Agree, having a skill that draws the attention of others to you is already a big plus.

Every business has its own rules and laws. Do you want to know history well? Study primary sources. Do you want to learn how to run fast at 1 year old? First, learn to walk. Pen Spannings have their own law and their own rules that they follow when doing pen exercises.

1. It is necessary to completely relax the hand. If your hand is tense during the exercises, then there is a high probability that you will not succeed. Moreover, the more tense your arm is, the faster the arm will get tired.

2. Don't take your eyes off the pen. For beginners, this is exactly what you need. If you want to clearly understand how to twist the handle on your fingers, then you must look at it and at the hand at the moment of performing the next trick.

3. Suitable handle. It often happens that a person's hand is small, and the handle is iron and massive. Accordingly, it will be inconvenient for him to exercise with her. Harmony is when it is convenient to use the pen. Pick one just for you.

4. Attention to detail. To understand how to learn how to twist the handle with your fingers, you need to be as attentive as possible to the small details of the trick. You should see how your hand moves and copes with the result. You can specially record tricks on video, so that later you can conveniently view and try to repeat what you did.

5. Rest. Do not overexert your hands. Overexertion causes fatigue, which does not allow you to perform exercises at the proper level. Tricks done with a "fresh" hand are much better than when tired.

Special accessories

Your main weapon in this business is your pen. It is harmony with it that should be the initial key to success for you.

It is recommended to get a special pen for Pen Spanning. Another option is to make it yourself according to your needs. Ideally, you can use a set to create a universal pen - a projectile of ballpoint pens and special rubber bands for better grip with your fingers.

To know how to twist a pen on your fingers correctly, you need to have the right tool for this.

Why is this needed at all?

An adult person differs from others in the ability to ask himself the question: “Why do I need this?” Moreover, this question applies to any business.

Pen spanning - just for slackers? Nothing like this. You will have a different opinion when you find out what I want to tell you in this article below.

Pen Spanning is not only the science of "how to twist a pen between your fingers". To date, this is a sports competition that covers the whole. Every year, the strongest athletes meet in competitions to decide who is stronger and cooler in Pen Spanning.

Jokes? Only the top prize of $30,000 to the winner is a reality.

Thus, each talented bum gets richer annually by $30,000. Maybe you will be next on this list? If you know how to twist a pen on your fingers effectively, then your chances increase.

After the advent of smartphones with unlimited possibilities of communication and Internet surfing, the dependence on gadgets began to seem invincible. But only until spinners appeared.

These cult toys have managed to win the attention of not only children who are greedy for novelties. Adults are happy to purchase spinning gizmos that relieve stress and come up with all sorts of tricks with their participation. At the same time, doctors are sounding the alarm - they believe that spinners can cause irreparable harm to health!

What is a spinner?

The full name of the spinner sounds nothing more than a fidget spinner, which in translation into Russian means "a toy for a fidget." It was invented by US resident Katherine Hettiger, whose daughter suffers from a rare form of muscle fatigue. To alleviate the suffering of the girl, the mother created a mini-simulator that works on the principle of a gyroscope. Katherine rightly reasoned that children are constantly fiddling with something in their hands, which is why her daughter needs such a toy. It is not difficult to put the spinner into action: holding the core of the toy with a bearing with two fingers, you need to unwind its outer part. Thanks to the balanced device, the spinner rotates for at least two minutes.

A toy created by Catherine helped her daughter cope with the manifestations of the disease. The girl's friends saw her unusual handmade toy and wanted the same ones for themselves. So the spinner began to take over America, and later the news of the new entertainment reached Europe. Today, 17 out of 20 toys purchased on Amazon and Ebay auctions are all kinds of spinners.

Is a spinner really useful?

The success of spinners was unexpected not only for Katherine herself: it seemed to the world-famous toy manufacturers that modern children were interested in high-tech novelties. Perhaps this is the secret of the popularity of the spinner: its simple device does not require significant expenditure of mental energy. The start of the deafening popularity of the toy was given by Forbes journalists: in an interview with them, Wall Street brokers said that they consider having a spinner in the office as a way to achieve success.

Psychologists, unable to recognize the signs of an impending "spinner fever" came out in support of the toy. The best glossy magazines in the US and Europe simultaneously published articles about its effect on the human body. Purely positive characteristics were given: getting rid of panic attacks and feelings of anxiety, increasing concentration and developing fine motor skills of the hands. Fidget spinners have been officially recognized as a means to combat bad habits like smoking, nail biting or finger snapping. They began to be recommended to children with hyperactivity and perception problems as a way to control emotions. There are even rave reviews on the Internet that some people have overcome their fear of flying with the help of spinners.

The deadly danger of spinner toys

Very soon, doctors had to regret the laudatory reviews addressed to spinners. Schoolchildren and adults stopped working and studying, but they spent all their free time with a spinning toy. From a developmental gadget, it turned into a "time killer" that could be spent with benefit - for example, playing sports or compiling an annual report.

Teachers in US schools have noticed that students react aggressively to an attempt to select spinners at least during the lessons. Some of them attacked teachers because of them, threatened them with murder and assault - this was how dependence on the toy manifested itself. Teachers are seeking to ban the use of spinners at the school level at the legislative level: already in 40% of the states, anyone who brought it with them to classes faces immediate expulsion.

But conflicts with teachers and disobedience in the classroom can be considered the most insignificant consequences of using a toy. Since children are still considered its main consumers, the spinner device itself is already dangerous for them: small parts from it can get into the respiratory tract or nasopharynx, and the top itself easily slips out of the fingers and damages the skin or mucous membrane of the eye with pointed edges. The human brain is designed in such a way that it is not able to constantly concentrate on one subject: sooner or later, attention will decrease - and then the spinner turns into a dangerous weapon.

What ended the accidents caused by the spinner?

Spinner tricks don't always end in minor injuries. They can cause serious health problems, which will not be easy to get rid of. Kelly Joek from Texas told reporters a few weeks ago how her daughter almost said goodbye to life because of a spinner bought by her mother. A 10-year-old girl named Britton relieved stress after attending intensive swimming classes. On that ill-fated day, she was driving from training in the back seat of her mother's car. Kelly heard strangled gasping sounds and turned around: her daughter couldn't speak but was pointing her finger at her throat.

Fortunately, the woman managed to take the child to the hospital, where doctors removed a part from a turntable the size of a small coin. Britton will have a long period of rehabilitation and it is not yet known whether her speech function will be restored.

Spinnermania also reached Cyprus, where Haara Antoniou, a resident of Limassol, published a post on a social network about how her daughter became disabled due to playing with a spinner. The girl wanted to record a video with tricks to put it on the Internet. She lay down on the bed and began to spin the spinner, from which the part separated and fell right into her mouth. Instinctively, the child made a swallowing movement and a piece of plastic fell into the stomach. It is located next to large blood vessels, so it is impossible to pull it out. Doctors monitor the condition of the girl every day: they are not sure that they will ever be able to rid her of a foreign body.

Increasingly, negative reviews about spinners appear on the Internet, provoking allergy and asthma attacks in children. Scientists were able to find an explanation for this: all spinners contain lead compounds that have a toxic effect on the human body. It turns out that people themselves are happy to acquire a "top", slowly but surely destroying their health.

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