Planet Serpo: the secret project of interplanetary travel and its real history. Project Serpo: interstellar delegation From reports of expedition members

Consistent release of confidential documents published in the period 1965-78. and related to a top-secret exchange program between twelve representatives of the US military and the planet Serpo from the Constellation Reticuli - the homeland of the Zetas.

“We already have the means for interstellar travel, but these technologies are hidden in secret projects, and will it take a natural disaster to ever reveal them for the benefit of humanity? ..we already know how to do what you can only imagine.”
From a lecture by former Chief of Lockheed's independent research department, Ben Rich, given shortly before his death.

"I typed up all the information... and provided a copy to [a retired US Air Force Colonel]... I watched his eyes and expression. After he finished reading, he stated, 'Oh my God, who on this Earth would publish such secret material?" Then I asked him, “Is all this information true?” He answered simply, “Yes, that’s really how it is.”

“This is an original post by “Anonymous,” the main information provider on this site. Also included are three responses for what I believe is independent verification of the information.

First of all, let me introduce myself. My name is “Request Anonymous”. I am a retired US government employee. I won't go into great detail about my background, but I took part in a special program.

As for Roswell, it did happen, but not like the story told in the books. There were two accident sites. One southwest of Corona, New Mexico and a second location in Pelona Peak, south of Datil, New Mexico.

Two extraterrestrial aircraft were involved in the accidents. The Corona crash site was discovered a day later by a team of archaeologists. This group reported the disaster to the Lincoln County Sheriff's Department. A sheriff's deputy arrived the next day and called a state police officer. One living subject was found hiding behind a rock. The creature accepted water, but refused food. The creature was transferred to Los Alamos .

The information eventually reached Roswell Army Air Field. The place was inspected and all evidence was seized. The bodies were taken to Los Alamos National Laboratory because it had a freezing system that could keep the bodies frozen for research. The device was transported to Roswell and then to Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio.

The second site was discovered only in August 1949 by two rancheros. They reported their findings a few days later to the sheriff of Keytron County, New Mexico. Due to the remote location, it took the sheriff several days to get to the crash site. Upon arrival, the sheriff took photographs of everything and then returned to Datil.

The military base at Sandia, Albuquerque, New Mexico was notified of the incident. The Sandia recovery team recovered all evidence, including six bodies. The bodies were received at the Sandia base and then transferred to Los Alamos.

The surviving creature made contact with us and gave us the coordinates for the location of its home planet. The creature remained alive until 1952, when it died. But before he died, he gave us a full explanation about the devices found inside the two ships. One device was a communication device. The creature was allowed to make contact with its planet.

Anyway, I never knew this information, but the contact date was set for April 1964 near Alamogordo, New Mexico. The aliens landed and took the bodies of their dead comrades. An exchange of information took place. Communication was in English. They had translation devices.

In 1965 we had an exchange program with aliens. We carefully selected 12 military personnel; ten men and two women. They were trained, certified and carefully removed from the military system. These 12 were skilled in various specialties.

Aliens landed and picked up 12 Americans at a training ground in northern Nevada. One alien remained on Earth. The original plan was for our 12 people to stay on their planet for 10 years and then return to Earth.

But something went wrong. 12 remained until 1978, when they were returned to the same location in Nevada. Seven men and one woman returned. Two died on the aliens' home planet. Four others decided to stay on the alien planet. Of the eight who returned, all died. The last of them died in 2002.

[Clarification (BR/Victor Martinez): The paragraph contains a typo in the original. Twelve crew members departed, and eight returned - two of whom died on SERPO and two of whom chose to remain.]

The returnees were isolated from 1978 to 1984 at various military installations. The Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) was responsible for their security. AFOSI also conducted debriefing sessions with returnees.

I have never seen or read anything about the exchange program. I once heard some information from Linda Howe, but she didn't give much information.

I've been checking your email for about six months. I have read letters from you and others. But I have never seen or heard the truth about the actual Roswell incident or the exchange program.

I'd like to hear what others have to say about this.

Comment 1 (Gene Loscowski):

Who is this man? Most of the information is absolutely correct.

However, I have never heard of any women. As far as I know, we had 12 people, all military. Eight from the US Air Force, two from the Army and two from the Navy. I think women are a red herring. But maybe I just didn't have permission to do it.

They went out and disappeared for 20 years, as I was told. When they returned, they were quarantined for 365 days at the compound. Only eight returned, so many are right. Two died a few years after their arrival on the alien planet. The other two decided to stay, and may still be alive today. After their return, they all died. The last one was in 2002 at the VA hospital.

Regarding the Roswell incident. Whoever sent the email was right.

The complete analysis is contained in “Project SERPO,” Final Report-80HQD893-020, classified by T.S., code word. Ask Rick Doty about this report, because I think it's an OSI report. Paul McGovern should comment on this as he was involved in the debriefing.

[Clarification by Victor Martinez, December 1: Ths project classification was provided by Paul McGovern, not Gene Loscowski. Sorry for mistakes.]

Comment 2 (Paul McGovern):

Interesting, but not quite right [commenting Anonymous on the original email]. Regarding the Roswell incident: Exactly. Two accident sites, not one. Regarding the exchange program: this is an unauthorized disclosure of classified information, as I see it. But maybe someone currently in our government wants it. No women were sent. Twelve people, all from the armed forces. 8 from the US Air Force, 2 from the US Army and 2 from the US Navy. Two of them were doctors; three scientists; two linguists, two security personnel; two pilots and one was their leader (Colonel AF.).

All of them were removed from the army and completely erased from their military roles. I'm not entirely sure about the preparatory period, but I think it was about six months. They could transmit messages to Earth using a communication system created before their trip.

One doctor and one of the guards died three years after their visit began. The doctor died of pneumonia and the security guard died from his injuries. The team had to endure extreme conditions to adapt to the environment of the alien planet.

The heat was extreme and it took many years to adjust to it. Food was also a problem because humans had difficulty digesting it. The team took enough food for two years and another eight months, but eventually had to switch to ["Eben": Alien name] food. This created gastrointestinal problems for all team members. Eventually they were adjusted. The aliens tried to create various food products for people, but little worked.

The team was never isolated or limited by the aliens. They can travel as they wish and see what they wish to see. After about six years, the team moved to the northern part of the planet, where temperatures were cooler and there was plenty of vegetation.

The Ebens built a small community for the team. The only major problem was time. Time was different on the visitors' planet. I don't think anyone realized this. The visitors did not have watches. They didn't judge time or count it like we do. Visitors found our attempts to explain and count time strange.

The visitors were very disciplined in their daily lives. Each visitor worked according to a schedule that was not based on the clock, but on their movement of the Sun. Each small community had a large tower through which sunlight was filtered. When the sun was at a certain point on the tower, it meant a specific thing for visitors to do.

The visitors' planet had never been completely dark. It was gloomy, but not dark. Visitors had rest periods, but not like our sleep periods. Visitors rested three times during their sunny day. Our team determined the entire work period to be approx. 43 hours. There were three rest periods during these 43 hours. That's about 14 more hours straight. Guests also do not have months or years.

They do not have periods of life, as our team believes. It was impossible to judge the age of the visitor, although our team was able to locate their graves. The visitor planet's population was approximately 650,000. There were small communities throughout the planet. There were underground rivers, some flowing in open valleys. There was also industry.

They grow all their food, in fields or in large buildings. They have animals. Different types. Strangely large beasts, they are used for work and other things, but do not eat meat. The geological structure of the planet is very different from ours. Few mountains, no oceans, few isolated trees or anything resembling trees, and no other civilization other than the Ebens.

Initially, to our team they all looked the same. But after some time, the group members learned to identify the different Ebens by their voices. Although Ebens cannot speak English, they make sounds that our team members were able to translate into English. Five years later, we had their language completely translated into English.
The full analysis of their reports is about three thousand pages.

Comment 3 (under the word “Anonymous II”):

But here is my assessment of the information from “Anonymous”.

1. Regarding the Roswell incident [described by Anonymous in his email]: This was a story that I read in a historical document called “The Red Book”. Almost word for word. Although there were more detailed descriptions of the disaster sites and what was discovered.

2. Regarding the exchange program: I read about it, but I think there were only 12 men, I don't remember women. But that was all I knew. I was never involved in this program, but I knew other agents who were.

3. I would like to contact this source. I have a million questions!

I heard Linda Howe talk about an exchange program several years ago. I always wondered where she got her information. “

Paul is wrong. There were two women, one of whom was a doctor and the other a linguist.

There was a period of darkness, but not complete darkness. Planet Ebony is located within the Solar System Zeta Recticular Star System [two 5th magnitude double yellow stars similar to our Sun, located near the Large Magellanic Cloud]. The planet has two suns, but their angles were small and allowed the planet to have some period of darkness depending on its location.

The planet was tilted, allowing the planet's northern hemisphere to be cooler. The planet was slightly smaller than Earth. The atmosphere was similar to that of Earth and contained the elements CNON [carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen]. Zeta Recticular is located at a distance of about 37 light years from us. The duration of our team's journey on Eben ships to their planet was about 9 months.

During the trip, each of our team members often felt dizzy, people were disoriented and suffered from headaches. There was no weightlessness on the device during the trip. The visitors' apparatus was very large and allowed the team to travel.

When the group arrived on the planet Eben, it took them several months to acclimate to the atmosphere. During the period of perestroika, they also experienced headaches, dizziness and disorientation.

The bright suns of the planet Eben also presented a problem. Although they had sunglasses, they still suffered from strong sunlight and there were dangers of sun exposure. The planet's radiation level was slightly higher than that of Earth. They were careful to shield their bodies from the Sun at all times.

Ebens had no form of refrigeration except for industry. The temperature of the planet, its central part, was between 94 ° and 115 ° (35-46 Celsius). There are clouds and rain, but not often. In the northern hemisphere of the planet, temperatures dropped from 55 to 80 degrees (13-27 Celsius). It was too cold for the Ebens, or at least for most of them. Our team found Ebens living in the north, but in very small villages.

Our team eventually moved north to live cooler. The ground transport used by our team was similar to a helicopter. The energy system was a sealed device that produced electricity and lifted vehicles. It was very easy to fly and our pilots learned to fly in a few days. Ebens had vehicles that floated above the ground and did not have tires or wheels.

They have leaders, but no real government. The group did not see a single crime. They have an army that also acts as a police force. But our team did not notice any weapons of any kind. There were regular meetings within each small community. There was one large community that acted as the central point of civilization. The entire industry is in this one big community. They have no money.

Every Eben gets what he needs. There are no shops, malls or shopping places. There were central distribution centers where Ebens went to receive items as needed. All Ebens worked in one capacity or another. The children were kept very isolated. Our team ran into trouble when they tried to photograph the Eben children.

The army police politely escorted them away and told them not to do it again.”

Statistics about the planet Eben have been collected by our team. Here are the relevant data: Diameter: 7218 miles
Weight: 5.06 x 10 24
Distance from Sun #1: 96.5 million miles
Distance from Sun #2: 91.4 million miles
Satellites: 2
Gravity acceleration: 9.60m/s 2
Rotation period: 43 hours
Orbit: 865 days
Tilt: 43 degrees
Temperature: Min: 43° / Max: 126° (7-52 Celsius)
Distance from Earth: 38.43 light years
Planet named by team: SERPO
Nearest planets of SERPO: Named: OTTO
Distance: 88 million miles (colonized Ebens with a research base, but no natural inhabitants on the planet)
Number of planets in Eben's solar system: Six
Nearest inhabited planet from SERPO: Named: SILUS (SILUS consists of creatures of various types, but not intelligent life forms. The Ebens use the planet for mining.)
Distance: 434 million miles

We also had visitors from nine other star systems.

The Grays, which some people characterize as Ebens, were not there. They came from a planet near Alpha Centauri A.

[Alpha Centauri consists of the closest few stars to us with a magnitude of -0.3 and is the third brightest star in the sky. It consists of two - yellow and orange stars of magnitudes 0.0 and 1.4. There is also a much fainter, third star, an 11th magnitude red dwarf called Proxima Centauri. It is closest to the Sun, 4.2 light-years or about 0.2 light-years closer to us than the two bright member stars of the Alpha Centauri system.]

The third class of visitors came from the G2 star system in the constellation Leo.

Another class of visitors came from the G2 star in the Epsilon Eridani system.

[Epsilon Eridani is one of the closest stars visible to the naked eye from our Sun. A distance of 10.5 years with a magnitude of 3.7. Although somewhat cooler and fainter than the Sun, essentially the same.]

Visitors were classified by code. The code that was classified was: “Extraterrestrial Entity” (ETE). ETE-2 were Ebens, grays were ETE-3, and so on.

The “Red Book” describes nine different visitors. We determined recently that some of the guests were of the same type, but were a “mechanical life form.” They were hybrid creatures that were created in a laboratory rather than through natural birth.

The creatures were more like robots, although they were intelligent and could make decisions. They could be “hostile” visitors, as some people have reported.

To my knowledge, we have not had any visits to the planet Ebens since 1985.”

I understand that you have a list of many important questions. I will try to answer them, but you must understand that all this information is contained in a huge, voluminous book. There are literally hundreds of pages of scientific calculations trying to understand SERPO, orbits, etc. I can't convey all this information via email.

Our scientists had the same questions as those posed by your audience. Our scientists have questioned the information collected by the team. Our scientists could not understand how SERPO's orbit could revolve around two suns at the measured distance.

Eventually, our scientists discovered that some things associated with this particular system were different in physics compared to our system. There were some questions about how our team measured the orbit and other calculations based on the lack of a stable time base. For some reason - and I don't think it was ever determined - our timing devices did not work on SERPO.

Now, considering this problem, you can understand how difficult the work our employees did, making calculations without exact time. They had to come up with alternative methods to measure speed, orbits, etc.

Challenge: Try solving problems in physics without the ability to measure time on Earth!

So you see, our team did the best they could with the tools, and they developed attempts at scientific calculations. It is difficult for any terrestrial scientist to understand the differences in physics in other solar systems or on other planets.

One of the questions sent to me was about Kepler's law of planetary motion. Our team had this information. We had some of the best military scientists on the team. But if you count using Kepler's law, it requires precise time, and our team couldn't measure time in the traditional way. It was found that Kepler's laws do not apply to this solar system.

Moderator's comment: (Victor Martinez)
[Johanns Kepler was a German astronomer and mathematician, 1571-1630. Kepler's discovery of the elliptical orbit of Mars led to the publication in 1609 of the three laws of planetary motion.
1) First Law: It is established that the planet moves along an elliptical path with the sun at one focal point.
2) Second law: it is established that the planet moves faster when it is closer to the Sun, and slower when it is further away.
3) Third Law: Makes it possible to calculate the relative distance of a planet from the Sun. Specifically, the law states that, cubed, the average distance of a planet from the Sun is equal to the square of the time it takes the planet to complete its orbit.]

CONCLUSION: One of the things that our terrestrial scientists have learned is not to apply the laws of terrestrial physics as a universal method.

Ufologists claim that the MJ-12 (“Majestic-12”) group oversees a total of about 20 carefully classified, so-called black projects. Some (for example, “Aquarius”) are aimed at collecting scientific and technical information about flying saucers and other alien equipment.

Others (like “Area 51”) are allegedly aimed, among other things, at creating hybrids of humans and aliens. In the 1950s, there was supposedly even a project for mastering the piloting of a “captured” UFO. It was called "Snowbird" and was supposedly a success. However, even against this background, the Serpo project looks absolutely fantastic.

Twelve for one

The first information about the Serpo program apparently appeared in 1983, when a certain Richard Doty, who called himself a US Air Force sergeant, contacted journalist Linda Moulton Howe, specializing in ufological topics and conspiracy theories, and told her the story of a top-secret project. Much later, in 2005, people who did not want to advertise themselves provided a group of ufologists led by Victor Martinez with a whole array of information about the Serpo project. True, unknown persons with unique data preferred to communicate with Martinez exclusively via e-mail.

According to extensive information that appeared on the Internet from these mysterious, but supposedly very reliable sources, Serpo was a joint project of the US government and friendly humanoid creatures from a highly developed planet, which is called Serpo. It is located in Zeta Reticuli (Zeta Reticuli - a star system in the constellation Reticulum), distant from our Sun at a distance of about 39 light years. Diplomatic relations with them were allegedly established several years after their spacecraft crashed in New Mexico in 1947.

Based on the Serpo project. which also has a second, much less used name - “Crystal Knight.” - a carefully selected and trained team of American military personnel consisting of 12 people, including two representatives of the fair sex, went on the spaceship of these aliens to their home planet, where people were going to spend a long time ten years In reality, the earthlings stayed there even a little longer - from 1965 to 1978. In return, one of the aliens representing the so-called Grace (gray) race remained in the United States as a diplomatic representative.

High-ranking source of information

Sometimes, over time, a lot of rumors appear around the project, and it begins to seem more mysterious than initially. Thus, completely forgetting about Sergeant Doty, they claim that the first piece of information about the Serpo project appeared on November 2, 2005 from a certain person who held a high position in a highly secret agency of the US Department of Defense called DIA - US Defense Intelligence Agency. This man is now retired. It is alleged that the information leak came from a group of six people who worked or continue to serve in the DIA, which suggests that it may even have been sanctioned from above...

It is reported that all information about the brave American military personnel who agreed to devote many years to a mysterious and probably unsafe mission was completely removed from all kinds of documents, both those passing through the Pentagon and civilian ones - formally they simply ceased to exist.

Initially, it was indeed assumed that 12 messengers would spend ten years on a distant planet, after which they would return to Earth. But something went wrong. and the astronauts were returned later, in August 1978 - seven men and one woman. Two decided to stay on Serpo, and two more died: one due to lung disease and the other in an accident.

All returnees were isolated for a year in a special facility located in Los Alamos, where they were busy preparing reports and were under observation. A year later, they received new names and documents, large bonuses, and offers to return to military service or resign. Only two of them decided to continue their careers. By 2002, everyone who visited Serpo had died, possibly due to an increased dose of radiation received on the distant planet.

A very unusual planet

The conditions on the planet inhabited by the Grace race, or, as they are sometimes called, Zetas, were very unusual and difficult for earthlings; acclimatization took years. People could move almost freely around Serpo. The planet has two suns, and earthlings were exposed to unusually high levels of radiation from them. As for the population of Serpo, which showed hospitality. then it is 650 thousand.

Each team member kept detailed diaries, excerpts from which are also available on the Internet. More than five thousand tape cassettes have been recorded by people. When they returned, they said that the age of civilization on the planet Serpo was supposedly about ten thousand years. Perhaps this is too close on a galactic scale to the age of our civilization - an unlikely coincidence. A team of military personnel traveled there on a huge alien ship, and it took them about nine months. They returned back on a more advanced aircraft, and the journey home took them about seven months.

What else is interesting?

After information about the Serpo project appeared on the Internet, corrections came from several independent sources, as often happens in such cases. They say that not 12, but only three people took part in the expedition to a distant planet, and its result was not entirely successful. In response, other independent researchers suggested that in fact there could have been not one expedition, but at least two, since the information regarding the flight of 12 people to this planet is very well documented - too difficult for a simple fake, although this is also possible , Certainly.

What else do ufologists say about the Serpo project? For example, that the double star system Zeta Reticulum, which includes the planet Serpo, is indeed home to the alien race Grace. This is confirmed by the stories of engineer Robert Lazar and spouses Barney and Betty Hill.

The Hill couple were abducted by aliens in rural New Hampshire on the night of September 19-20, 1961, while driving home to Portsmouth after visiting Niagara Falls. According to people's recollections, about eleven Graces were in a huge flying saucer - with a diameter of 80 to 100 meters. The husband and wife woke up 35 kilometers from the place of the abduction, while being in their own car. They suffered from memory loss for a long time, but later, under hypnosis, Betty remembered that the aliens showed her three-dimensional holograms, with the help of which, in particular, they were able to tell something about their planet called Serpo.

Robert Lazar is a physical engineer who claims to have worked with extraterrestrial technology in Area 51 near Groom Lake, Nevada, approximately 130 kilometers northwest of Las Vegas. Near Area 51 are the flight test centers of the Nellis and Edwards air bases, known, in particular, for the fact that F-117 and B-2 Spirit aircraft were tested there, created using stealth technology (to reduce visibility).

The name “Area 51” is quite officially used in CIA documents, and the restricted area around it is patrolled by employees of the private military company Wackenhut, which back in the 1960s was involved in the protection of the Kennedy Space Center and the US Atomic Energy Commission. Perhaps it is precisely for this reason that ufologists believe that on the seven underground levels of Area 51, American scientists and engineers are working together with aliens. Robert Lazar claims that during his work in Area 51 he repeatedly saw them - aliens from the planet Serpo from the Zeta Reticulum system. He also saw their flying saucers.

One more interesting fact may be mentioned. Ufologist Bill Ryan has been interviewed several times about the Serpo project. What is unusual about them is that Ryan reveals some connections of the project with the Freemasons, the occult, the Thule Society and even the NSDAP, while still managing to talk pragmatically about the real costs of interstellar diplomacy. However, one day he saw a painting called “Planet of Two Suns”, painted by the artist Don Dixon (1968-2007), and exclaimed that it had a remarkable, almost inexplicable resemblance to the original photograph of Serpo, which he had seen.

Secrets of the twentieth century January 2013

Do you like to read science fiction about expeditions to the stars? You might be interested to know that in fact such a flight may have taken place back in the twentieth century. But they still hide the truth from us. Giordano Bruno was once burned for suggesting that there were multiple inhabited worlds, but little has changed in half a thousand years...

Before we go back to 1964, when the Serpo project began, let us remember the mathematical principle of proof by contradiction, which is relevant not only for the exact sciences. If ufologists, who are employees of the special services, refute any hypothesis with terrible force, then what does this mean? That's right, the authorities really need to discredit the sensational news. And now a supposedly intelligent person, a reputable French scientist, a researcher with many years of experience, suddenly posts an emotional libel against his colleagues on his website, without mincing words. It was as if the person had been replaced overnight. This means that those who published information about the Serpo project truly alarmed the powers that be.

Now we go to 1964, as promised. The twenty-fourth of April, a training ground somewhere in the state of New Mexico, a deserted area. Twelve men in uniform await the arrival of a ship from the planet Serpo.

The aliens did not immediately agree on the date of arrival with the American military. Some problems arose with this, which caused a wave of hostility among false ufologists who tried to ridicule those who reported the event.

The fact is that the Serpians are a fairly young civilization that has barely begun to master the technology of interstellar travel. They haven't been to many places. Probably, they had the very first expedition to our Solar System. Why can we draw this conclusion?
Their home planet orbits a double star, and there is no day and night. It's always light. Accordingly, the calculation of time is completely different. But on Earth there is a completely different calendar, different seasons.
Therefore, the sarcasm of lampooners is inappropriate. Moreover, the Serpians still understood how we measure time, set a date of arrival and were not late.

The youth and inexperience of the aliens is also evidenced by the fact that they, with a light heart, allowed earthlings to study the structure of the ship and even taught how to operate it. Those twelve military personnel at the training ground, the “space dozen,” were pilots who had to undergo a course of practical training.

Earthlings, hardened by many wars and global crime, are not naive. Quote from a secret document, freely translated: “...They cannot stand the cold, so to scare them off, it is enough to have a cylinder of liquid nitrogen with you. Even a small amount of low-temperature aerosol can disperse a crowd. However, it is recommended to carry shotguns for long-range combat and revolvers for close combat..."

Naturally, people (and the Serpians are exactly the same people as us), accustomed to the warm climate of the planet, constantly warmed by two suns, do not like the cold. By analogy, an African arriving in the Arctic will also not be very comfortable. So there is no contradiction here, no matter how much the skeptics scoff.

So, “Project Serpo”. During 1964 and 1965, American pilots mastered alien technology. We learned to fly planetary planes, better known as “flying saucers.” These are just landers for moving in the atmosphere. The starship lands only when absolutely necessary and, as a rule, always remains in high orbit.

The control center was the complex at the Los Alamos National Laboratories. One of the leaders, Robert Collins, was in charge of the negotiation process with the aliens. Communication with representatives of the planet Serpo continued at least until 1983.
In 1965, after a long period of preparation, the “space dozen” (which included ten men and two women) made an expedition to the planet Serpo.

In 1978, the astronauts returned to Earth (not all, but more on that later). Their report was classified so quickly and reliably that it took several decades to find out the details. The documents were obtained by researchers only in December 2005, and published online in May 2006 thanks to the assistance of Jeanie Loskowski (in 2009 it turned out that Colonel Weaver from a secret unit of the US Air Force was hiding under the pseudonym Jene Loscowski).

“We didn’t know what the composition of the water was on that planet, but we really wanted to drink after landing, and the supplies on board had run out. So we just boiled it. Its taste, of course, is unusual, but no one felt any unpleasant consequences,” the astronauts said. - “There was almost no population in that area, but we found a well.”

As you can see, such a concept as a “province” exists on other planets, and running water is also not available everywhere. (Yes, they drank from a well, and not from a pond or a puddle, no matter how much skeptics distort the words of the astronauts!)

Later, ten travelers (two died during the flight) nevertheless ended up in much more populated places and spent several years among the natives. The four decided to stay there forever.

The researchers are convinced that the details about this expedition, as well as all the information collected about the inhabited worlds of the nearest stars, are set out in the legendary “Yellow Book”. There is also the truth about the origin of our civilization and the role of aliens in its formation.

In 2006, the noise begins. An anonymous speaker, who for obvious reasons does not want to reveal his name, is trying to speak at the National Press Club. But the American authorities, naturally, require to disclose incognito for this. Then enthusiasts expand their activities on the Internet and open a website on the third of May. However, not very successfully: the special services know their job. Instead of real portals with real materials, fakes appear containing deliberately implausible information.

Dr. Carl Edward Sagan intervenes. One of the few who turned out to be authoritative enough not to be afraid of anyone, so he did not hide his name.

At first, Dr. Sagan was the most ardent skeptic of the entire group of researchers trying to find out the truth about the stellar expedition. But, as you know, if the facts are irrefutable, then only fools and stubborn people (which are often the same thing) do not change their beliefs. The doctor began to take this topic much more seriously when he became familiar with the secret documents obtained.

However, the doctor also failed to contribute to the dissemination of information, and in the end he took a neutral position. Probably just tired of fighting off militant skeptics. But he stopped denying the fact of the flight to another star.

And skeptics never tired of adding fuel to the fire. Nowadays such figures are called trolls in online jargon. For example, in one of the written statements, the researchers made a typo. They wrote that two astronauts died en route, four chose to remain on Sickle, and eight returned. But it turns out to be fourteen, not twelve, functionaries from the special services shout joyfully, which means you are lying and confused. And no matter how much you explain to them that people simply put an eight instead of a six by mistake, it’s all in vain. It’s hard not to make mistakes when dirty streams of mass persecution are pouring in from all sides, nerves are frayed and you have to act underground.

The fates of the six astronauts who returned to Earth remained unclear. Perhaps they had plastic surgery, changed their names and were sent into retirement. I would like to hope so. Otherwise, they could become victims of “accidents,” all at once or one at a time. So the likelihood of finding truly reliable witnesses tends to zero.

However, let's look at the situation in a different light. Why do the powers that be hide information about extraterrestrial civilizations? And they mercilessly destroy natural resources, worsening the environmental situation every year?

Let’s imagine that there really was an interstellar flight to Serpa, and it turned out to be successful. This means that the rulers can safely continue the destruction of nature. When things get really tough here, they and their families have somewhere to run.
However, if the truth becomes known to the whole world, then nothing will save these rulers. Such riots and revolutions will begin that the leaders of the world proletariat would be jealous. And, of course, there will be fights for secret bases with ships capable of reaching another star. In short, it won't seem like much.

That is, the rulers are not at all afraid of panic caused by fear of invasion (and this is precisely the opinion that is popular). In fact, they are afraid of anger. They want to leave quietly, secretly and without interference when the time comes. Therefore, everyone who tries to find out the truth is ridiculed and discredited. And they continue to squeeze the planet like a lemon, lining their pockets. According to the principle “after us there may be a flood.”
The behavior of the rulers can be considered one of the indirect confirmations of the version that an interstellar expedition using an alien ship was still...

“We already have the means for interstellar travel, but these technologies are hidden in secret projects, and will it really take a natural disaster to ever reveal them for the benefit of humanity? .. we already know how to do what you can only imagine. ” From a lecture by former Chief of Lockheed's independent research department, Ben Rich, given shortly before his death...

"This is an original post by "Anonymous", the main information provider on this site. Also included are three replies for what I believe is independent verification of the information.

1) First of all, let me introduce myself. My name is "Anonymous". I am a retired US government employee. I won't go into great detail about my background, but I took part in a special program.

As for Roswell, it did happen, but not like the story told in the books. There were two accident sites. One southwest of Corona, New Mexico and a second location in Pelona Peak, south of Datil, New Mexico.

Two extraterrestrial aircraft were involved in the accidents. The Corona crash site was discovered a day later by a team of archaeologists. This group reported the disaster to the Lincoln County Sheriff's Department. A sheriff's deputy arrived the next day and called a state police officer. One living subject was found hiding behind a rock. The creature accepted water, but refused food. The creature was transferred to Los Alamos .

The information eventually reached Roswell Army Air Field. The place was inspected and all evidence was seized. The bodies were taken to Los Alamos National Laboratory because it had a freezing system that could keep the bodies frozen for research. The device was transported to Roswell and then to Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio.

The second site was discovered only in August 1949 by two rancheros. They reported their findings a few days later to the sheriff of Keytron County, New Mexico. Due to the remote location, it took the sheriff several days to get to the crash site. Upon arrival, the sheriff took photographs of everything and then returned to Datil.

The military base at Sandia, Albuquerque, New Mexico was notified of the incident. The Sandia recovery team recovered all evidence, including six bodies. The bodies were received at the Sandia base and then transferred to Los Alamos.

The surviving creature made contact with us and gave us the coordinates for the location of its home planet. The creature remained alive until 1952, when it died. But before he died, he gave us a full explanation about the devices found inside the two ships. One device was a communication device. The creature was allowed to make contact with its planet.

Anyway, I never knew this information, but the contact date was set for April 1964 near Alamogordo, New Mexico. The aliens landed and took the bodies of their dead comrades. An exchange of information took place. Communication was in English. They had translation devices.

In 1965 we had an exchange program with aliens. We carefully selected 12 military personnel; ten men and two women. They were trained, certified and carefully removed from the military system. These 12 were skilled in various specialties.

Aliens landed and picked up 12 Americans at a training ground in northern Nevada. One alien remained on Earth. The original plan was for our 12 people to stay on their planet for 10 years and then return to Earth.

But something went wrong. 12 remained until 1978, when they were returned to the same location in Nevada. Seven men and one woman returned. Two died on the aliens' home planet. Four others decided to stay on the alien planet. Of the eight who returned, all died. The last of them died in 2002.

[Clarification (BR/Victor Martinez): The paragraph contains a typo in the original. Twelve crew members departed, and eight returned - two of whom died on SERPO and two of whom chose to remain.]

The returnees were isolated from 1978 to 1984 at various military installations. The Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) was responsible for their security. AFOSI also conducted debriefing sessions with returnees.

I have never seen or read anything about the exchange program. I once heard some information from Linda Howe, but she didn't give much information.

I've been checking your email for about six months. I have read letters from you and others. But I have never seen or heard the truth about the actual Roswell incident or the exchange program.

I'd like to hear what others have to say about this.

Comment 1 (Gene Loscowski):

Who is this man? Most of the information is absolutely correct.

However, I have never heard of any women. As far as I know, we had 12 people, all military. Eight from the US Air Force, two from the Army and two from the Navy. I think women are a red herring. But maybe I just didn't have permission to do it.

They went out and disappeared for 20 years, as I was told. When they returned, they were quarantined for 365 days at the compound. Only eight returned, so many are right. Two died a few years after their arrival on the alien planet. The other two decided to stay, and may still be alive today. After their return, they all died. The last one was in 2002 at the VA hospital.

Regarding the Roswell incident. Whoever sent the email was right.

The complete analysis is contained in the "Project SERPO," Final Report-80HQD893-020, classified by T.S., code word. Ask Rick Doty about this report, because I think it's an OSI report. Paul McGovern should comment on this as he was involved in the debriefing.

[Clarification by Victor Martinez, December 1: Ths project classification was provided by Paul McGovern, not Gene Loscowski. Sorry for mistakes.]

Comment 2 (Paul McGovern):

Interesting, but not quite right [commenting Anonymous on the original email]. Regarding the Roswell incident: Exactly. Two accident sites, not one. Regarding the exchange program: this is an unauthorized disclosure of classified information, as I see it. But maybe someone currently in our government wants it. No women were sent. Twelve people, all from the armed forces. 8 from the US Air Force, 2 from the US Army and 2 from the US Navy. Two of them were doctors; three scientists; two linguists, two security personnel; two pilots and one was their leader (Colonel AF.).

All of them were removed from the army and completely erased from their military roles. I'm not entirely sure about the preparatory period, but I think it was about six months. They could transmit messages to Earth using a communication system created before their trip.

One doctor and one of the guards died three years after their visit began. The doctor died of pneumonia and the security guard died from his injuries. The team had to endure extreme conditions to adapt to the environment of the alien planet.

The heat was extreme and it took many years to adjust to it. Food was also a problem because humans had difficulty digesting it. The team took enough food for two years and another eight months, but eventually had to switch to ["Eben": Alien name] food. This created gastrointestinal problems for all team members. Eventually they were adjusted. The aliens tried to create various food products for people, but little worked.

The team was never isolated or limited by the aliens. They can travel as they wish and see what they wish to see. After about six years, the team moved to the northern part of the planet, where temperatures were cooler and there was plenty of vegetation.

The Ebens built a small community for the team. The only major problem was time. Time was different on the visitors' planet. I don't think anyone realized this. The visitors did not have watches. They didn't judge time or count it like we do. Visitors found our attempts to explain and count time strange.

The visitors were very disciplined in their daily lives. Each visitor worked according to a schedule that was not based on the clock, but on their movement of the Sun. Each small community had a large tower through which sunlight was filtered. When the sun was at a certain point on the tower, it meant a specific thing for visitors to do.

The visitors' planet had never been completely dark. It was gloomy, but not dark. Visitors had rest periods, but not like our sleep periods. Visitors rested three times during their sunny day. Our team determined the entire work period to be approx. 43 hours. There were three rest periods during these 43 hours. That's about 14 more hours straight. Guests also do not have months or years.

They do not have periods of life, as our team believes. It was impossible to judge the age of the visitor, although our team was able to locate their graves. The visitor planet's population was approximately 650,000. There were small communities throughout the planet. There were underground rivers, some flowing in open valleys. There was also industry.

They grow all their food, in fields or in large buildings. They have animals. Different types. Strangely large beasts, they are used for work and other things, but do not eat meat. The geological structure of the planet is very different from ours. Few mountains, no oceans, few isolated trees or anything resembling trees, and no other civilization other than the Ebens.

Initially, to our team they all looked the same. But after some time, the group members learned to identify the different Ebens by their voices. Although Ebens cannot speak English, they make sounds that our team members were able to translate into English. Five years later, we had their language completely translated into English.
The full analysis of their reports is about three thousand pages.

Comment 3 (under the word "Anonymous II"):

But here is my assessment of the information from "Anonymous".

1. Regarding the Roswell incident [described by Anonymous in his email]: This was a story that I read in a historical document called "The Red Book". Almost word for word. Although there were more detailed descriptions of the disaster sites and what was discovered.

2. Regarding the exchange program: I read about it, but I think there were only 12 men, I don't remember women. But that was all I knew. I was never involved in this program, but I knew other agents who were.

3. I would like to contact this source. I have a million questions!

I heard Linda Howe talk about an exchange program several years ago. I always wondered where she got her information. "

2) Publication No. 2 by Anonymous (November 4, 2005)

Paul is wrong. There were two women, one of whom was a doctor and the other a linguist.

There was a period of darkness, but not complete darkness. Planet Ebony is located within the Solar System Zeta Recticular Star System [two 5th magnitude double yellow stars similar to our Sun, located near the Large Magellanic Cloud]. The planet has two suns, but their angles were small and allowed the planet to have some period of darkness depending on its location.

The planet was tilted, allowing the planet's northern hemisphere to be cooler. The planet was slightly smaller than Earth. The atmosphere was similar to that of Earth and contained the elements CNON [carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen]. Zeta Recticular is located at a distance of about 37 light years from us. The duration of our team's journey on Eben ships to their planet was about 9 months.

During the trip, each of our team members often felt dizzy, people were disoriented and suffered from headaches. There was no weightlessness on the device during the trip. The visitors' apparatus was very large and allowed the team to travel.

When the group arrived on the planet Eben, it took them several months to acclimate to the atmosphere. During the period of perestroika, they also experienced headaches, dizziness and disorientation.

The bright suns of the planet Eben also presented a problem. Although they had sunglasses, they still suffered from strong sunlight and there were dangers of sun exposure. The planet's radiation level was slightly higher than that of Earth. They were careful to shield their bodies from the Sun at all times.

Ebens had no form of refrigeration except for industry. The temperature of the planet, its central part, was between 94 ° and 115 ° (35-46 Celsius). There are clouds and rain, but not often. In the northern hemisphere of the planet, temperatures dropped from 55 to 80 degrees (13-27 Celsius). It was too cold for the Ebens, or at least for most of them. Our team found Ebens living in the north, but in very small villages.

Our team eventually moved north to live cooler. The ground transport used by our team was similar to a helicopter. The energy system was a sealed device that produced electricity and lifted vehicles. It was very easy to fly and our pilots learned to fly in a few days. Ebens had vehicles that floated above the ground and did not have tires or wheels.

They have leaders, but no real government. The group did not see a single crime. They have an army that also acts as a police force. But our team did not notice any weapons of any kind. There were regular meetings within each small community. There was one large community that acted as the central point of civilization. The entire industry is in this one big community. They have no money.

Every Eben gets what he needs. There are no shops, malls or shopping places. There were central distribution centers where Ebens went to receive items as needed. All Ebens worked in one capacity or another. The children were kept very isolated. Our team ran into trouble when they tried to photograph the Eben children.

The army police politely escorted them away and told them not to do it again."

3) "Publication No. 3 by Anonymous (November 7, 2005)

Statistics about the planet Eben have been collected by our team.
Here are the relevant data:

Diameter: 7218 miles
Weight: 5.06 x 10 24
Distance from Sun #1: 96.5 million miles
Distance from Sun #2: 91.4 million miles
Satellites: 2
Gravity acceleration: 9.60m/s 2
Rotation period: 43 hours
Orbit: 865 days
Tilt: 43 degrees
Temperature: Min: 43° / Max: 126° (7-52 Celsius)
Distance from Earth: 38.43 light years
Planet named by team: SERPO
Nearest planets of SERPO: Named: OTTO
Distance: 88 million miles (colonized Ebens with a research base, but no natural inhabitants on the planet)
Number of planets in Eben's solar system: Six
Nearest inhabited planet from SERPO: Named: SILUS (SILUS consists of creatures of various types, but not intelligent life forms. The Ebens use the planet for mining.)
Distance: 434 million miles

We also had visitors from nine other star systems.
The Grays, which some people characterize as Ebens, were not there. They came from a planet near Alpha Centauri A.

[Alpha Centauri consists of the closest few stars to us with a magnitude of -0.3 and is the third brightest star in the sky. It consists of two - yellow and orange stars of magnitudes 0.0 and 1.4. There is also a much fainter, third star, an 11th magnitude red dwarf called Proxima Centauri. It is closest to the Sun, 4.2 light-years or about 0.2 light-years closer to us than the two bright member stars of the Alpha Centauri system.]

The third class of visitors came from the G2 star system in the constellation Leo.

Another class of visitors came from the G2 star in the Epsilon Eridani system.

[Epsilon Eridani is one of the closest stars visible to the naked eye from our Sun. A distance of 10.5 years with a magnitude of 3.7. Although somewhat cooler and fainter than the Sun, essentially the same.]

Visitors were classified by code. The code that was classified was: "Extraterrestrial Entity" (ETE). ETE-2 were Ebens, grays were ETE-3, and so on.

The Red Book describes nine different visitors. We determined recently that some of the guests were of the same type, but were a "mechanical life form." They were hybrid creatures that were created in a laboratory rather than through natural birth.

The creatures were more like robots, although they were intelligent and could make decisions. They could be "hostile" visitors, as some people have reported.

To my knowledge, we have not had any visits to the planet Ebens since 1985."

I understand that you have a list of many important questions. I will try to answer them, but you must understand that all this information is contained in a huge, voluminous book. There are literally hundreds of pages of scientific calculations trying to understand SERPO, orbits, etc. I can't convey all this information via email.

Our scientists had the same questions as those posed by your audience. Our scientists have questioned the information collected by the team. Our scientists could not understand how SERPO's orbit could revolve around two suns at the measured distance.

Eventually, our scientists discovered that some things associated with this particular system were different in physics compared to our system. There were some questions about how our team measured the orbit and other calculations based on the lack of a stable time base. For some reason - and I don't think it was ever determined - our timing devices did not work on SERPO.

Now, considering this problem, you can understand how difficult the work our employees did, making calculations without exact time. They had to come up with alternative methods to measure speed, orbits, etc.

Challenge: Try solving problems in physics without the ability to measure time on Earth!

So you see, our team did the best they could with the tools, and they developed attempts at scientific calculations. It is difficult for any terrestrial scientist to understand the differences in physics in other solar systems or on other planets.

One of the questions sent to me was about Kepler's law of planetary motion. Our team had this information. We had some of the best military scientists on the team. But if you count using Kepler's law, it requires precise time, and our team couldn't measure time in the traditional way. It was found that Kepler's laws do not apply to this solar system.

Let's start with the origin of this story from Victor Martinez's recipients, whose list is like a black hole that no one can leave. However, sometimes he reports interesting news, and I understand that he told the story of "Serpo". Could you tell us about the origins of this epic?

On November 1, 2005, Victor received his first email from “Anonymous” (as we now know, he introduced himself as “Sylvester McCaughlin”). To ensure the confidentiality of his source, he removed this name and replaced it with “Request Anonymous”, and the next day added this message to my list. Since this all started.

It is noteworthy that "Anonymous" claimed to read these reports in the government library and email them from memory, right? Could you tell us about "Anonymous", or perhaps what you managed to find out about him?

This is not entirely accurate. The origin of this information (at first impression) is unclear. Paul McGovern was the first to say that they were taken from a classified 3,000-page report, but it soon became apparent that it (if it existed at all) was not on coffee tables like the Sears Catalog.

There are indications (again based on first impressions) that the first issues were essentially non-technical summaries, compiled either from memory or from someone else's forwarded story; their style and terminology do not match the clarity and quality of formal reports. I would argue that whoever wrote them did not have direct access to the formal report.

Later issues increasingly took on a sort of "stream of consciousness" style of the Team Chief's Log. Many readers found this strange and very atypical of the formal (even brief) style expected of a genuine mission log, updated, say, every evening rather than form of comments on continuing operations.

However, interesting clues could be found in these releases indicating that these were unedited transcripts of tape recordings: for example, "hostel" instead of "hostile", other spelling errors that would have been made by the person transcribing the audio recording as it was played. They were too raw for the final version of the formal report, suggesting the possibility that this was not the flawless final article, but a much earlier version of it.

It was even suggested (quite cleverly, in my opinion) that the audio interviews in this form of "stream of consciousness" were transcripts of hypnotic sessions undertaken for the purpose of "refreshing" memory. After I mentioned this to Victor Martinez, he confirmed that Anonymous had previously told him that the original mission logs were lost or destroyed, so they had to be recovered during a year-long debriefing 13 years after the mission began. This is too long a time to accurately recall daily details, and it is reasonable to assume that hypnosis was resorted to for better memory performance. There was a lot to remember, and the investigators did not want to miss a single detail of such an important and unique task.

Serpo's saga went through several phases: first there were a few messages from "Anonymous", then it received a push on Sarfatti's mailing list, and eventually turned into a much larger story, currently circulating on the Internet and on the radio. Did Sarfatti's group contribute anything to this story? - because there were disputes about the physics of the binary star system...

I did not participate in those events at Sarfatti; but they were debated for quite a long time in the Martinez list and its subgroups. Of course, the double star problem was discussed. There were two obvious astrophysical problems. The first was that, according to modern astronomy, Zeta Reticulum is known as a “remote binary star”—the two stars are one-tenth of a light year apart; which means the second star must be just a bright point in the sky, not a second the sun. The second problem was that Serpo's orbital period ("Year") and the imaginary distance to the star he orbited did not comply with Kepler's Laws. that constellation was in some way different and that the famous Carl Sagan himself was involved in the proceedings, who, despite obvious astronomical anomalies, ultimately reluctantly agreed that the final report was correct.

This brings up several important points: First, the deceiver would have to figure out the basic constants: you can go into any bookstore and find a lot of science fiction stories that describe completely reliable worlds; to substantiate them mathematically, the author first takes a physics course in his hands. But in this case, the math was wrong. A trickster who sent his information to an email list of qualified scientists who would be sure to find fault with the anomalies would not allow this to happen.

Secondly, my hypothesis given above was confirmed: in relation to the primary information, this was written by someone third - fourth - or even fifth hand. When the author ("Anonymous") said that the laws of physics do not apply there (which caused such furious cries), this may have simply been the transmission of information that Kepler's Laws do not apply in the double constellation (which contradicts our knowledge), according to "damaged phone."

The question of a double star is interesting in itself. If Zeta Reticuli is indeed a distant binary star, then Serpo cannot be in its system unless one of its stars was itself a nearby binary star (i.e., this system must consist of three stars - two nearby and one distant) . But perhaps it was not Zeta Reticuli at all, but, say, Alpha Centauri. The information about Zeta may have been misinformation or confusion... especially the latter, if the information was obtained, say, fifth-hand, from the memory of someone who was told by someone else, who was told by someone else who had been reading this message for twenty years ago... etc. These are all good questions and not a reason to dismiss the entire story.

The Serpo epic states that an exchange program was established with the Ebens, and that in the late 1960s an American crew departed on an Eben ship to spend 12 years exploring another planet. Could you give a brief overview of this story?

Here's the "from the elevator" version, although it's a little too long for an elevator ride:

Contact with the "Ebens" was established after contact with a survivor of Roswell ("EBE", later, when there were more of them, "EBE-1"). An exchange program was agreed upon. In April 1964, after the famous “Hollowman Landing,” at a meeting with the Ebens, all the details were clarified; the exchange program was scheduled for the next year. Many astronauts were selected for training; 12 people were examined; the epic “Serpo” talks about 10 men and 2 women, although it is objected from time to time that all 12 were men.

In mid-1965, they flew off on what was supposed to be a 10-year journey. The first died on the way from a blockage of a blood vessel, and the second - already on Serpo, as a result of an accident; two wanted to stay, and 13 years later, in 1978, the remaining eight returned, having lost track of time due to the 45-hour day, in which there were only 3 hours of relative darkness. The team found the planet very hot and the Ebens friendly, with a small society (only 650,000 individuals) in a strange mix of low and high technology. The team completely mapped the planet, eventually settling in the cooler northern hemisphere, and even visited Otto, another planet of the star Zeta. When the Ebens, without permission or authority, cloned a crew member who died en route, resulting in some strange hybrid, they began to have some problems.

Interestingly, in this story, despite vague suggestions of advanced alien technology, Anonymous did not reveal too much about these technologies. Could you give some insight about them that could help humanity?

The main high-tech device in question was the Eben "Energy Device" or "EU", whose characteristics are extremely similar to those described in Robert Collin's book "Freed from Discovery". This book talks about a stable fifth isotope of hydrogen, which somehow extracts from the surrounding space what is called zero point energy.It supposedly has the ability to provide energy to any device, automatically producing the required power, regardless of its magnitude.

Several months ago, at a private meeting, I was shown an X-ray of this device, although it is impossible to say with certainty what it was. All I can say is that what I saw was like an X-ray of a small object with a complex structure. I was not allowed to copy or take this photo for myself.

The team's experience on another planet is completely trivial: instead of a technogenic civilization similar to ours on earth, the Ebens are more like a tribe of Indians living in the desert. They dance, sing, perform rituals similar to those shown on the historical television channel... The description of technologies, which are by no means the vital center of the Ebens, is brief at best. Can we agree with this, and does this represent an actual picture of a civilization that has achieved interstellar travel?

That's a good question; All I can say is that we have a natural tendency to humanize everything: we unconsciously expect all types of aliens to behave like ourselves in most cases. This assumption is unfounded. There is no a priori reason why an alien race cannot achieve the level of space flight and at the same time simply live in their home conditions; many futurists argue that a post-industrial society must develop in this way if it is to survive; they have outlined a similar scenario for our own future, if it ever comes to pass.

There is a mitigating factor to this story that no one seems to have addressed yet: the story goes that in the recent past, Eben society was devastated by a war with another world, which raises some interesting questions. Could you please clarify this?

This is one of the many intriguing aspects of just a few unfollowed words out of tens of thousands published. All that remains is to think about it, like almost everything else. I believe it is quite possible that advanced species could openly fight each other (and the weapons used may be beyond our imagination); in this case, humanization is completely justified.

Is it possible that the Ebens themselves were some kind of colony from another world? In America in the 18th century. The settlers had "advanced" technology, but no infrastructure to produce it, so they relied heavily on England and the rest of Europe to obtain products that required cumbersome infrastructure to produce. Could it be that the Ebens originated from somewhere else?

Another good question. I agree, it is quite possible that they received their space technology from another race, and did not develop it themselves. From the story told by Anonymous, we learn, among other things, that Serpo is not their home planet; they migrated there after their original homeland became uninhabitable during the Hundred Years' War. This explains the small population and the strange combination of low and high technology that characterizes their society.

Could you tell us about their apparatus, weapons and spacecraft? Do you think they have a "technological base" on which their equipment is based - perhaps something as comprehensive as gravity control or our use of fossil fuels?

Their vehicles are typical “alien vehicles” as we imagine them; one of the team members, having examined the propulsion system on the way to Serpo, decided that it was based “on antimatter.”

The Energy Device is the main social “equivalent of fossil fuel”, as you put it, used on Serpo. The power drive of the interstellar vehicle (see above) was perhaps of a different type.

Their weapons are said to have very powerful particle beam weapons - powerful enough to destroy an enemy planet in a hundred year war.

Do you think the Ebens are much ahead of us technologically? From what I have read, it is surprising that most of the technology of this space-faring race is only a few years ahead of ours, in other words, it can be understood that they are actually behind us. What do you think?

It is difficult to estimate how advanced a society can be ahead of us, because the development curve is logarithmic. If our grandfathers, who lived (say) in the 19th century, would have seen our current society, they would have said with confidence that they saw the future many hundreds, if not thousands of years ahead, but this is only a hundred years. Nowadays we also see similar differences on our own planet: tribes living literally in the Stone Age still exist - for example, the Andaman Islanders, the Australian Aborigines, and the Amazonian Indians; while on the other side of this world, in the same time period, scientists are splitting the atom, deciphering the human genome, and who knows what else. Such natives will decide that we are thousands of years ahead of them, but we are their complete contemporaries.

I don't know if this comes from Sarfatty's list or from "Anonymous", but it was said that the Ebens are one of many species or groups of aliens, and that they are not the stereotypical "Greys" that we sometimes see on TV. Does it match your views and beliefs, or are they all the same?

This is another provocative question that remains unanswered. Anonymous described the appearance of the Ebens many times. This is one of the strange anomalies that defies analysis. The deceiver would certainly provide a detailed description of the physiology of the Ebens, but it is missing. There probably wasn't much description of Ebony physiology in the original report... because this report should be sufficiently illustrated with photographs and diagrams.

Most people have a hard time imagining one group of aliens visiting Earth, let alone several; perhaps the explosion of the atomic bomb was a signal that aroused some interest, but this is just a guess. Why are there so many of them?

I believe everything is clear here. The real question is not “Why aren’t they here?” (because of course they're already here...) and, considering the size of our galaxy, not to mention the universe, "Why aren't alien races visiting us by the hundreds?" If interstellar travel were mastered, a 100 light-year trip would be no more daunting or problematic than a 10-light-year trip; The analogy in the conditions of our planet is as follows: If you master flights on heavier-than-air vehicles, there are no fundamental differences between a flight from a local airport of 321.87 km and a long-distance flight to Australia. The technology is the same.

Therefore, considering the number of advanced alien races living on planets orbiting "G" stars (like the sun) in a sphere with a radius of several hundred light years, we would expect a large number of visitors of different types. Various leaks from the inside over the years indicate a large number of alien races. I have heard the numbers 50, 70 and 165. I believe in them. If this number did not exceed 2 or 3, I would think that either the universe is sparsely populated, or they simply are not interested in us.

I've heard allusions to the Steven Spielberg movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind - based, if I'm not mistaken, on the landing at Hollowman AFB, which was the very event in which the Serpo research team boarded and departed as part of the exchange program. You seemed to mention the scene with the "men in red overalls" who may have represented this team. Could you please clarify this?

It wasn't me... I haven't seen this movie for many years, so I can't shed any light on it. Were there overalls in the final scene? Perhaps one of the readers will be able to explain this. I was told that in this landing scene, in addition to the main character (played by Richard Dreyfuss), there were twelve other astronauts: ten men and two women. Is it a fiction that follows a picture, or a picture that follows a fact; or whether the close resemblance is just a coincidence, I leave it to others to judge.

At the end of this movie, a group of abductees emerge from the alien craft after being away for decades, and none of them have any bags with them. However, the team going to Serpo took with them several tons of rations, equipment, weapons and other materials. Could you talk about this?

In one of the first releases it was said that the team took 4,082.33 kg of equipment with them, and then this figure was corrected to 41,050.10 kg. Due to the way the first issues were compiled and edited by Victor Martinez, it is impossible to say whether this apparent typo was the error of "Anonymous" or Victor. Interestingly, the latest issue, dated April 3, 2006, contained a huge list of equipment, even including music that the team took with them. I calculated how much all this could weigh, and everything seemed to fit... about 40 tons.

The inclusion of a military-grade lawnmower sparked protests (and a few jokes). After the noise died down, several hard-headed analysts (including retired military personnel) pointed out that this general equipment could be included because it has simple motors and basic moving parts that can be adapted to a myriad of different situations; This is a useful machine for a desert island (or planet), if you know how to use it.

This whole story is presented in the form of a logbook of a crew sent to that other world, but did "Anonymous" provide any evidence of facts that cannot be known otherwise, i.e. any confirmation of this story?

No, that's the point. However, I had an unusual personal experience that I kept secret at the time, but recently decided to go public with it. A third party requested a meeting with me for about an hour in a hotel room. They handed me an envelope and asked me to open it. I was not allowed to copy or take its contents, or to tell anyone about this meeting or what I saw.

There were five photographs, three of which were in color. The first, black and white, contained a rather vague, dark image of a rectangular object similar to the sign "÷"; I was later told that this was the famous "tower" from Serpo. The second, also in black and white, I was told was the X-ray image of the Eben Energy Device mentioned earlier. The third was a portrait of Ebenz, it’s hard to tell if it’s a mannequin. On the fourth there was a desert with some strange weathered rocks; but perhaps it referred to the Earth.

The fifth photo took my breath away. It was a desert landscape, with dark clouds in the sky, taken from a small elevation, such as a small hill or a high dune. And two suns were setting on the horizon.

I “hypnotized” this photo for a very long time and remembered all the details. I examined it very carefully; it didn't look like a photo montage. The shock was great; it happens every time I remember this event.

I was told not to tell anyone that I had seen these photographs and was told that permission would be granted to publish them on a website “in the near future.” Permission was never given; I never saw the photographs again.

Whitley Strieber wrote that several years ago at a conference someone told him that he had evidence of the existence of aliens, and when he asked for details, he leaned over and whispered, “Sickle.” How do you understand such a statement?

This is a cool story that could easily have happened. If the exchange program took place, then there were those who returned. In the early 1990s, when this event took place, shortly after the release of Strieber's best-selling book Contact, most of them were still alive. I can easily imagine that, at an unfortunate moment, one of the team members was tempted to tell him that he had personally visited another planet (obviously this conversation did not last long), and then introduce himself before ending the conversation and leaving.

I've heard rumors that there may be more than one "Anonymous", which means that one part of the story may be real and the other part the product of a "Me Too" style forger. What do you think of it?

This caused a huge amount of speculation. The facts are as follows: From November 1 to December 21, 2005, Victor Martinez received messages from one source... Then the messages stopped. Everyone, including Victor and myself, decided that this was it.

Then on January 24 they contacted me personally, without the mediation of Victor. The style of the messages was different: they were completely unedited; for example, I received several thousand words from the Team Chief's journal without paragraph breaks and with typos everywhere; sophisticated and appropriate security measures were also in place; I don't think Victor experienced anything like that. It looked like they were coming from a different source.

I did what I was asked to do and published all the information verbatim. Believe me, there was information that I did not want to send, because its quality was not good. But despite this, I did it without allowing any additions or corrections. Interestingly enough, I was told that the way I published this information - exactly as it was, without any editing - was exactly what was “required.” As I was told, Victor’s services were refused because he I would edit and check this information before publishing, I have never done this.

It is difficult to say how different the originals of this information were, because Victor himself changed these materials before publishing them, so direct comparison is impossible. But I am sure that these were other people, although from the same group. Below I will give a hypothesis about what could have happened on the sidelines.

I suspect a lot of confusion; (It is quite clear that) the patience of the ufological community was not enough to tolerate such a slow development of this story with the promise of photographs that never appeared, the poor quality of the material, with all the anomalies and contradictions, and the complete lack of evidence. Most of its members had better studies, and they spread to other areas of ufology, which is a real labyrinth with a myriad of interesting aspects for research. After, say, January or February, the audience has no reason to wait for the continuation of this story.

Here is my hypothesis, according to the data that has been provided to me informally, and it is, I believe, quite clear, but I cannot offer hard evidence without giving away secrets that I am not prepared to give up.

To date, three members of the astronaut team preparing for the flight to Serpo remain alive, who, being its reserve members, did not take part in the mission. I know the names of two of them and the whereabouts of all three. These are elderly people who want to tell this story before leaving. They asked permission to do this from the Defense Intelligence Agency, which agreed on certain conditions. These three must strictly adhere to the rules, because, despite their age, they are still on the payroll of the Intelligence Agency.

It was they who recalled among themselves the days of their youth (hence the gaps in history, difficulties in science and the anecdotal style of presentation) and compiled the first issues, which were sent to a senior official from the Intelligence Department of the Ministry of Defense (I also know his name, he is a well-known public figure), who sent them to Victor by email from an address specially created for this purpose. Interestingly, the nickname "Sylvester McCaughlin" comes from the names of another person's parents; so there are currently five people involved, not counting Paul McGovern, Gene Lakes, and Rick Doty, who we'll get to in a moment. And the pseudonym of the head of the Team of this mission was the word “Wizard”, that’s where this email address came from - in memory of him.

Victor confirmed that for that initial November-December period he received information from three sources: 85% from "Sylvester", 13% from Paul McGovern, and 2% from Gene Lakes (both McGovern and Lakes are former famous "initiates" "from the Intelligence Bureau). Victor edited it all, mixed it and adjusted it so that everything came out in almost the same format.

In January, those of us who have been following this saga realized that the IP addresses of Paul McGovern, "Sylvester" and Rick Doty were similar or identical. This made us think for a long time. Rick denied the conspiracy, and those who knew him well believed him. I didn’t know him then, but I met him and spoke with him for quite a long time for the first time at a ufological conference in Laughlin, PC. Nevada, and the second - in May in Los Angeles. I got to know him quite well, and as I said, he (like the rest of us) was clearly annoyed and upset by the development of events. He told me with obvious frustration, “If I had done this publication, everything would have been fine.” He said that he had provided many recommendations on how best to proceed, but they had been largely ignored.

Those of us who are Internet savvy (which does not include me and the rest of the majority) insist that these IP addresses have no specific meaning and are easy to fabricate; Indeed, one of my colleagues, with significant internal experience and a valid Top Secret clearance, who was following the Serpo epic, was shown by one experienced colleague how to replace one email IP address with another in 30 seconds.

I'm guessing that Rick (as most of the ufology community knows, was involved in a disinformation campaign against Paul Bennewitz in the early 1980s, and confessed to it, stating that at the time he, as an agent of the Air Force Special Investigations Unit, received the corresponding order) played the role of a “fusible link” in this scheme: specious controversy.

This specious controversy was established with the introduction of Rick's IP address. The fact that some stubbornly insisted that the similarity of IP addresses meant that the whole story was a hoax worked against them. In my opinion, this is illogical: one does not follow from the other; I think this is a primitive way of thinking.

The problem with making judgments about such things (and to some extent this mirrors what happens when judging the radical claims that ufology is full of) is that people believe what they want to believe (or what they need to believe). believe) in support of one’s own judgments or worldview. That's why skeptics talk about deception, others believe every word of the story... and the show goes on.

Of course, this may turn out to be exactly what was required...; as I realized about six months ago, there will never be hard evidence, due to the need to provide a “way out” for those whose worldview would be damaged if hard evidence were provided. Therefore, such stories deliberately remain mysterious and ambiguous... This allows us to avoid the War of the Worlds, with panic in the streets. Believers are prepared, and non-believers are not forced into a disastrous change in worldview that would be harmful to them and possibly to society.

But let's return to my hypothesis. Three former astronauts send their memories to Victor through a superior from the Defense Intelligence Agency, who came up with "Sylvester McCaughlin" at the suggestion of a fellow initiate whose parents were known to have such surnames.

In December, pressure was put on them to stop the releases; let us forget that there are dedicated factions opposed to this publication. There was a pause. Five weeks later, the releases resumed, this time from the astronauts themselves, this time bypassing the Intelligence Bureau boss. They have taken strict security measures and changed their approach. The Intelligence Agency boss ("Sylvester") was happy to have Victor correct and edit the material, but the astronauts themselves wanted the material published verbatim, and all they had were unedited and uncorrected audio recordings of the hypnosis sessions.

It can be assumed that the problems that struck Sylvester in December soon befell the astronauts. I heard that another regrouping had taken place, and that a large amount of information was planned to be published that year, once "some problems had been sorted out", but a lot of time had passed and I had given up looking forward to it.

Can I prove any of this? No. Am I hiding any aspects of this story? Yes, for good reasons. Do I think the above guess is correct? Probably not... but I think it's pretty close. Will we ever know the whole truth? Probably no.

I think you did this story a favor by writing it up: you took a jumbled collection of emails and comments and distilled the basic information for the website. What prompted you to do this?

I was captivated by the first issues; One evening I couldn't sleep because my mind was caught up in these questions. I stood up, wrote them all down, and then sent them to Victor's list. As far as I remember, there were about 12 of them, such as: how was the Eben population so modest, is there enough of it to form a high-tech civilization, why did the team so easily lose track of time, and so on and so on. Now I don't remember them all.

I further learned that in their next issue, Anonymous not only approved of my questions and answered all of them, but others had contacted me confidentially and said that they were impressed and expressed a desire to communicate with me. Soon after, it became obvious that some way had to be found to get this information to a wider public (not just the hundred or so people on Victor's list), so I suggested creating a website and posting it there.

As I understand it, your involvement in this information has made you a victim of attacks and slander by some skeptics, despite the fact that you never expressed deep belief in this story, but only a desire to preserve it for posterity. Could you talk about this?

It always interested me that in their criticism some (who, as I later learned, were an extreme minority pretending to be a large number on various forums, signing numerous names) were so hostile and angry. It was as if I had irritated them so much (I hope I showed exemplary patience and courtesy under such pressure) that they sought to destroy and discredit me by any means possible.

To be convinced of my sincerity, just read my short interview from March 2006. I was asked if I was a defender of this story, to which I replied that I was a defender of people who believe that this story has its merits. This is my position.

You've been dealing with "Anonymous" himself for quite some time, right? Could you tell us something about him/her? Were there unpublished emails that might give us more insight or confidence in this person? Has he opened up to you?

I think I've already answered this question... I know a few names, but I have to keep them secret. It's a sad paradox, but I can't make my life easier by revealing the names of the sources. That would be wrong: I ardently wish to do everything in my power to conceal them, and for good reason. But then I take all the heat on myself: the skeptics scold and insist that I made it all up. I can easily defend myself, but then it will lead to harm to someone, which I do not want.

What do you think of the story itself and the website distributing it?

Here's what I wrote on the website's introductory page in early November:

From a logical point of view, there are four possibilities:

Anonymous is a joker, his data is either fictitious or comes from other sources.

Anonymous is hatching secret plans; the information is deliberately distorted, but contains some truth.

Anonymous makes an effort to report data from an indirect source (personal notes, his own or someone else's memories), but there are occasional errors, deletions and additions.

Anonymous reports everything as sincerely and accurately as he can.

The whole story should be rejected only at the first opportunity. The other three necessarily mean that these messages are worthy of attention.

My own conclusion is No. 2, while the “share of extraordinary truth” falls into category No. 3. In other words, this grain of truth is this: some kind of exchange program definitely occurred. Some errors are random (gaps in memory, unedited transcripts of audio recordings, etc. mistakes), and others are deliberate confusion and misinformation. I say this knowing very well that I may be wrong, and that no matter what I say, it will be objected to.

I'd like to ask about publicity: you've been on All America AM, which has a large worldwide audience, and you probably get a lot of messages over the Internet. Has publicity benefited you or caused problems?

Since I got involved with the epic Serpo in early November, my life has completely changed. In Laughlin I met Kerry Cassidy; two or three days before the end of the conference, she interviewed me. After she turned off the camera, we talked for a few more hours and had dinner together the next evening. Three weeks later she extended her trip to Egypt and stopped in the UK for four days. A week later I flew to California; we now live in a beautiful house adjacent to a vast park full of cougars, bobcats and rattlesnakes. I like it.

No troubles and a whole new life in which I had the opportunity to make friends and associate with many brave and exceptional people. I was contacted over the Internet by a man who would later become known as Mr. “X,” who, in his early twenties, worked for six months as an archivist dealing with secret documents, UFO photographs and films, and alien artifacts; now, twenty years later, he I wanted to tell the world what I experienced.

I helped publish his story, which contained a seed of happy inspiration that has now grown into Project Camelot. It's still in its early stages, but Kerry and I see it as an umbrella organization2 that will help whistleblowers get their stories published, offer protection through organizing, and honor those who have paid a high price for their bravery in challenging the establishment3 and those who adhere to outdated and conservative views and concepts. Currently, Kerry and I are devoting a lot of time and attention to this; It's interesting and stressful work, but it's richly rewarding.

For example, we contacted one older man who worked with Otis Carr, a student and Tesla pet, when he was in his 20s. In 1954-56. he was one of three pilots who instantly “flew” several miles in a device whose diameter was 13.72 m. Its drive was counter-rotating electromagnetic hoops with an additional component - a large crystal with bright light of various frequencies. The second important component was the focused consciousness of the pilot as the "conscious" part of this system. Shortly after its exciting test flight, the project was forcibly shut down by government agents.

This guy has 15.24 cm thick albums with diagrams, drawings and photographs. In March, I invited him to write a full report, which I promised to make public. Soon after, he went into hospital for knee surgery that "randomly went wrong" and nearly died three times. He had just been released from intensive care, very weak, but determined to tell his story. He had previously been 71 I was in excellent health for a year, which is what Project Camelot is for.

What do you think will happen to the epic “Serpo” next? Will there be further episodes or photos or videos? Do you think we'll ever have definitive evidence to finally make a determination, or will this epic, like so many other stories, end with a big question mark?

I think that’s all... but I still hope to be surprised! I fear that my reputation, as in many other cases in dire need of proof, is in question. I'll wait with everyone else to see if anything else happens; but I won’t wait with bated breath. As I said above, I belong to Kerry and Project Camelot, and I'm quite confident that the next couple of years will be very interesting.

Answers to questions provided in April 2006 by Tim Ventura to American Antigravity via email.

1 Sears Catalog - One of the largest and most popular mail order catalogs, published several times a year by Sears, Roebuck & Co. for 100 years since 1893. Offered a wide range of goods from household items and clothing to cars. It was extremely popular, especially among farmers and residents of small towns, and received the nickname “Book of Desires”, also called the “Big Book”. Since the early 1990s, the company began to experience difficulties due to a decrease in demand for orders by mail, the catalog began to be published in smaller editions, and in the spring of 1993 its last issue was published.

2 umbrella organization [structure] - an institution that supports several other organizations working in a certain area; such an institution is a representative of the association (union) of these organizations and has its own name.

3 Corporate, privileged layers of society who have wealth and power and are not willing to give it up in the name of the interests of society as a whole.

Information about the secret SERPO project first appeared in 2005 after a statement by a former DIA official who emphasized that it was supervised by MJ-12. An interstellar delegation of Americans to humanoids revealed the secret plans of extraterrestrial civilizations, but why did the authorities quickly destroy important information?

Before such events in the 80s, journalist Linda Moulton Howe, who studies UFOs, received unusual materials from Air Force Sergeant Richard Doty, where this project was described, and then a number of anonymous witnesses provided researchers led by Victor Martinez with new facts regarding the flight of astronauts . They preferred to send them by email, but even then the experts were shocked by the news about the close collaboration of the American authorities with aliens living on the planet Serpo. It is located in the Zeta Reticule and is separated from Earth by 39 light years. It became known that the first contacts with these creatures occurred after the famous incident in Roswell, when a UFO crashed, but one humanoid was able to survive. In the secret laboratories of Area 51, doctors studied him, and then this representative of an extraterrestrial civilization was able to get in touch with his brothers.

Then it was decided to send 12 of the best military personnel to the facility, among whom were two members of the fairer sex. All people underwent special training and flew to visit the aliens on a ship to live there for 10 years. In reality, their visit lasted much longer, and the rescued representative of the gray race, Grace, remained on our planet as a diplomat. Later, various rumors began to spread around the project, claiming that important information was actually revealed by an official of a secret agency, and he was also supported by six employees who continued their work further. But information about the brave astronauts was urgently removed from the Pentagon base and other sources, after which they simply ceased to exist in real life. At first it was assumed that people would return after the deadline, but something went wrong. In the late 70s, a woman returned from a mission along with seven men, since two people decided to stay on a distant planet, and the rest died.

The expedition members were placed in a closed building, where they wrote up reports while the scientists made their observations, after which they received new documents and returned to their normal lives. But none of these heroes could become long-lived, since unusual living conditions and strong radiation from the celestial body caused deaths. Upon arrival, they were greeted by 650,000 humanoids who showed friendliness towards their earthly brethren, so then all the guests moved freely around Serpo, which amazed them with the sight of two suns. Each person kept a diary and made notes, from which it became known that civilization had been living in this corner of the Universe for 10,000 years. Such data are close to our evolution of the planet, but the coincidence itself is unlikely.

The crew flew to visit on an alien ship, and returned back in an interesting device capable of reaching high speeds. After publication on the networks, scientists began to receive new information, which mentioned that the first mission was unsuccessful, and there were only three people there. Researchers immediately assumed that the Americans could launch two teams, but the authenticity of the secret archives is beyond doubt. The star system itself is also the homeland of gray humanoids, as the spouses Hill and Robert Lazar told them about. In the 60s, a couple were traveling to Portsmouth and were abducted by 11 aliens in a huge flying saucer, 100 meters in diameter. People woke up in a car far from the scene of the event and could not remember anything about the incident. Under hypnosis, the woman told how the creatures showed unusual holograms telling about the planet.

The man was a specialist in extraterrestrial technologies in “Area 51” and often, in addition to testing the latest aircraft, he saw UFOs of extraterrestrial guests arriving here to work in the underground levels of the base along with scientists. Based on their developments, a whole fleet of equipment was created, and also from a source of information it became known that people have been flying to different planets of the solar system for a long time, only these astronauts swore allegiance to the Bilderbergers. Therefore, all flights are classified, and scientists have long known sources of clean energy, but this is not beneficial to the powers that be, who earn fabulous sums from the use of Earth’s resources. Aliens have access to 63 territories of structures located in the ground and under water, and contact has been established with representatives of 4 extraterrestrial civilizations. Some hostile creatures have been visiting the planet since ancient times, trying to colonize it and make humanity slaves, and they have also become the culprits in the abduction of individuals to conduct their experiments and create hybrids.

Finally, we can note an unusual fact voiced by ufologist Bill Ryan during a conversation with journalists. He repeatedly mentioned that the project is closely connected with the Freemasons and other secret societies, only Don Dickenson’s painting became an exact copy of Serpo, but the artist himself had never been to a celestial body with two luminaries.

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