Protracted depression symptoms. Deep depression: can you cope on your own? How to deal with depression on your own

Mental disorders often have devastating consequences for a person. One such disease is major depression.

The disease changes the consciousness of the patient, prevents him from living, working, communicating with people. And if on early stages you can get rid of depression on your own, then the deep form should be treated only with the help of a psychiatrist.


The disease can develop for many reasons. They are divided into three groups:

  1. Psychological - these include situations that greatly injure a person's consciousness. They can arise abruptly, unexpectedly (death of relatives and friends, loss big money or property, war, separation from a loved one, criminal punishment). The event that happened literally breaks a person’s life and turns the whole way of life upside down. The psyche is not ready for the changes that have happened. The destructive factor can cause deep depression after a while of its action. The psyche of some people cannot withstand the stress of an exhausting work schedule, caring for a bedridden patient, and constant poverty. Major depression in men is most often caused by financial and career problems. For women - personal life and family troubles.
  2. Endogenous causes of deep depression are not related to the outside world. They consist in a metabolic disorder, which is accompanied by an imbalance of dopamine, serotonin and adrenaline. These elements are the main mediators nervous system person. With a decrease in their content in the body, a person experiences an unreasonable bad mood and the peak of deep depressions caused by endogenous factors falls on the autumn-spring period.
  3. Symptomatic - causes that provoke the occurrence of a pathological condition. These include serious illnesses, injuries, medications.

Not everyone develops major depression. It depends on the stability of the psyche and the individual characteristics of the person.


Certain signs testify to the development of an abnormal condition. Symptoms of deep depression are represented by such external manifestations:

  • loss of strength and increased fatigue, accompanied by insomnia;
  • indifference, lack of interest in one's own ordinary life and people around;
  • constantly

If such signs are noticed in a person for more than two weeks and are of an increasing nature, then the help of a doctor is required. The clinical picture with deep depression is supplemented by the following conditions:

  • a feeling of self-doubt, the precariousness of their position;
  • inability to concentrate, perform mental work at the same level;
  • memory impairment;
  • thoughts of suicide;
  • guilt;
  • constant doubts;
  • weight loss;
  • decline sexual attraction(sometimes possible complete frigidity and impotence);
  • overexcitation or excessive lethargy;
  • lack of appetite;
  • emotionlessness;
  • violation of the instinct of self-preservation.

Such manifestations of depression lead to the fact that a person loses the ability to normal socialization. He feels like a black sheep in society. He understands that something is wrong with him.

Due to lethargy or excessive irascibility, the patient begins to fail to cope with work, behaves inappropriately in a team. The pathological condition is exacerbated by dismissal.

Psychotic symptoms

Often the symptoms of major depression are accompanied by hallucinations. Disorders can be visual, auditory and even olfactory. Often patients complain that they hear voices.

In addition, people who are deeply depressed may suffer from delusional ideas. Most often, a sick person says that:

  • sick with a terrible, incurable disease;
  • is a terrible sinner;
  • impoverished;
  • guilty of contrived crimes;
  • feels that something bad is going to happen to him.

Psychotic symptoms are also characteristic of other disorders of consciousness. Therefore, to determine the disease, it is important to know the entire clinical picture as a whole.

What is there to be afraid of?

Against the background of depression may develop:

  • hepatitis;
  • gastrointestinal disorders;
  • thyroid dysfunction;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • joint pain;
  • osteochondrosis.

What else is the danger of deep depression? A person may develop suicidal tendencies. Vision of the whole world in a distorted form, self-flagellation, lack of desire to find a way out, emptiness give rise to thoughts about settling accounts with life.

Deep depression: what to do?

People in this state are emotionally closed, so even relatives may not immediately understand that something is wrong with a member of their family. However, if a shock occurs in a person’s life or a strange behavior, it is better not to wait for severe manifestations and visit a psychiatrist. Only a specialist can, having understood the reasons, determine how to get a patient in such a state out of deep depression.

In no case should you self-medicate, drink herbal teas, tranquilizers and go to fortune-tellers. Only a psychiatrist will be able to understand whether there really is a disease and how to cure it.


The doctor determines the presence of deep depression by questioning (special tests are used) and observing the patient. The symptoms and treatment of major depression are inextricably linked.

If a specialist is confused by any atypical manifestations of the disease, he refers the patient for additional examinations to other doctors:

  • to a cardiologist - to confirm or exclude diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • to a neurologist - for examination of the brain (in this case, a cardiogram or MRI may be prescribed).


The most effective treatment for major depression is medication. For this, antidepressants are used. The choice of drugs depends on the condition and age of the patient, as well as the manifestations of the disease.

The most commonly used antidepressants are:

  • with noradrenergic action ("Mianserin");
  • inhibitors, the action of which is based on the reuptake of serotonin ("Fluvoxamine", "Sertraline");
  • tetracyclic series ("Imipramine", "Amitriptyline").

If deep depression is accompanied by an anxiety state, a parallel intake of tranquilizers is prescribed. Psychosomatic symptoms are removed by neuroleptics.

At the discretion of the doctor, therapy is carried out on an outpatient basis or at home. In the presence of suicidal signs, treatment is carried out only in a hospital.


Treatment of major depression in women and men is not limited to medication. Patients are interviewed by psychotherapists. In individual sessions, various techniques are used:

  • cognitive-behavioral correction;
  • suggestion;
  • belief.

Psychotherapy is aimed at changing the patient's attitude towards the problem that caused deep depression. The patient must learn to live with what happened, to cope with the situation.

At the final stages of treatment, group therapy gives good results. After recovery, the doctor advises the patient about auto-training. They should be used by the patient throughout life.

Electroconvulsive therapy

Patients with major depression are not always amenable to therapeutic treatment. In this case, doctors use a more radical remedy - electroconvulsive therapy. It consists in exposing the patient to electrical discharges.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. The patient is given an anesthetic.
  2. Electrodes are brought to the temples.
  3. The current causes a seizure that lasts up to one minute.

To avoid complications, a complete examination of the patient is carried out before the procedure. The course lasts from ten to sixteen sessions. Positive changes begin after the first of them.

Transcranial magnetic stimulation

The patient can be brought out of deep depression by influencing the cerebral cortex magnetic field. The procedure helps to restore the processes of interaction of neurons.

The method of transcranial magnetic stimulation is completely painless. It does not require anesthesia. The number of sessions can be up to thirty.

Physical exercise

When a patient begins to emerge from a state of deep depression, it is very helpful to participate independently in the recovery process. For this, the doctor prescribes physical exercises.

Active movements affect muscle tone, cause the body to produce endorphins. These substances act in the same way as antidepressants. In addition, the patient begins to feel control over his body. This makes it possible to regain self-confidence.

Physical exercise must be done regularly. Ideally - every day for fifteen minutes.

Additional measures

When treating major depression, it is important not only to take all the medicines prescribed by the doctor exactly, but also to follow his other recommendations. These include:

  • proper rest (sleep at least eight hours a day);
  • balanced meals at the same time;
  • daily walks along the street, field trips;
  • exercises, swimming, playing sports.

It is necessary to monitor the amount of sweets eaten. During deep depression, their number rolls over, and this can cause the development of diabetes.

Alcohol must be completely excluded from the diet. Its use is strictly prohibited while taking antidepressants, since their combination can give the strongest side effects. In addition, alcoholic beverages greatly aggravate the patient's condition. Against the background of depression, it only strengthens and develops faster and stronger.

It is very good if during the progression of the disease next to the patient there will be a close person who makes decisions for him. Indeed, with deep depression, the patient becomes apathetic, he is not able to prioritize and determine important moments in life for himself.


After leaving the pathological state, it is necessary to take all measures so that emotional stability is preserved. For this you need:

If, despite following all the recommendations, the pathological condition returns, do not hesitate to contact a specialist. The need for help does not indicate weakness or worthlessness. Different situations in life cause severe damage to the psyche, and the body can not always cope with severe depression the first time. The provision of timely medical care will help get rid of the abnormal condition and return to a normal full life.

Major depression is a mental disorder in which a person constantly experiences apathy and bad mood. This condition is not associated with life situations, but they often become the cause of the disease. A person can suffer from depression for several years and, as a result, commit suicide, so it is important to recognize the disease in time and seek help. medical care.

root causes

Major depressive disorder develops for the following reasons:

  1. Traumatic situations. These are the events in the patient's life that caused him to severe stress. For example, death loved one, divorce, loss of property. The disorder can develop against the background of overwork due to hard work. Women in abusive relationships (when partner violence is present) are also prone to depression.
  2. Metabolic disease. Depression caused by this factor is observed in autumn and spring, when the body lacks vitamins.
  3. Hormonal disbalance. It occurs in women after childbirth, miscarriage or abortion.
  4. pathological conditions. For example, a serious illness or injury.
  5. The disorder may occur while taking the medication.

The tendency to this disease is observed in emotional and sensitive people, as well as in individuals with an unstable psyche.

Permissible prophylaxis

You need to know how to get out of deep depression, but you should not forget about prevention. With its help, you can avoid the development of a depressive state.

It is important to lead a healthy and active lifestyle. Gotta walk to fresh air. People who spend a lot of time at work and dream of building a career need good rest on the weekend. It is important to sleep for 7-8 hours, go to bed and get up at the same time so that the daily routine does not go astray.

It is worth watching your diet. You will have to exclude fast food from the diet, as well as fried and fatty foods, which can adversely affect bowel function. In autumn and spring, you need to take courses of vitamins prescribed by your doctor to strengthen your immune system.

We need to spend more time with friends and family members. It is important for a person to feel the support of loved ones. This will help you achieve your goals. It's also worth finding a hobby. Passion for the soul will help a person to be distracted from work, study and life's difficulties. You can go in for sports, watch movies, read books, go to courses.

If you do not follow these rules, then later you will not be able to get rid of depression without antidepressants.

Symptoms to look out for

The patient may experience the following signs of major depression:

  1. Apathy. A person does not want to do what he loves, he is not happy with meeting friends, and all the usual activities seem meaningless. Loss of interest in life.
  2. Depressed mood. Longing and sadness appear for no reason. Sudden mood swings are possible.
  3. Fear. A person may worry about himself, for loved ones or for the future, although there is no reason for fear.
  4. Prostration. It is accompanied by insomnia or drowsiness, as well as a lack of appetite.
  5. Hallucinations and delusions. These symptoms do not occur in all patients.
  6. Suicidal thoughts. They appear when the disease is running.

It is worth observing the appearance of a person. This disorder is characterized by weight loss. In addition, the patient may stop caring about his appearance. Depression in men is often accompanied by binges. Because of the disease, problems with erection begin.

Women are more prone to this disorder because they are more emotional than men. A feature of suppression of depression in women may be increased tearfulness. There is also a lack of sexual desire.

You won’t be able to get out of deep depression on your own, so you will have to visit a doctor who will select medications, taking into account the causes of the disorder and the patient’s state of health.

Antidepressants for deep depression are selected by a psychotherapist. He may prescribe Imipramine, Sertraline, Fluvoxamine. Another patient will be prescribed tranquilizers. For example, Diazepam, Lorazepam, Alprazolam. Such medicines must be taken with caution. They are addictive, so you can not independently increase the dosage. Antipsychotics (Olanzapine, Amperoside, Triftazin) are also needed to treat depression.

There are other methods of treatment. For example, psychotherapy. The specialist will help to cope with the problem that caused the disorder. With the help of sessions, the patient will find a way out of a difficult situation. If a person has a mental disorder against the backdrop of a tragedy, a psychotherapist will help find the strength to live on. Group therapy is practiced. During these sessions, depressed people listen and support each other.

A patient who is not helped by medications and psychotherapy sessions is treated with electrical discharges. The electrodes are placed on the temples, after administering an anesthetic to the person. The convulsive seizure caused by the current lasts up to 60 seconds.

Still patients with deep depression are treated with magnetic stimulation, which restores neural connections in the brain. This method does not cause pain to the patient.

When the treatment starts to bring positive result, the doctor prescribes physical exercises that help the patient restore muscle tone and cope with increased fatigue.

The character of a person is so multifaceted that he himself often does not suspect that he has a protracted (deep) depression, attributing the main signs of poor health or the influence of external circumstances. Irritation, resentment, sadness - these emotional signs can cause very irreparable harm to mental health if they occur too often, or even become a habit.

Most people do not consider mental anguish a reason to see a specialist, bashfully hiding their suffering, considering the problems too insignificant and personal. But in fact, prolonged depression is like a mechanism of self-destruction and it requires the support of loved ones and relatives and proper treatment.

If a person is left alone with depression, he must help himself by contacting a psychotherapist, otherwise the result may be suicide, or moral emptiness and facelessness. Prolonged and deep depression destroys the protests of the individual, destroys individuality. A person ceases to perceive reality, does not want to do anything, there is no vital stimulation.

Symptoms and signs

Depression goes hand in hand with time, so the phenomenon is ambiguous and elusive. Gradually, starting with some kind of internal breakdown, she repaints bright colors into very dull tones, a bad mood becomes commonplace. Everything is wrong, everything is not right - life does not bring the former joy of perception. It seems to a person that there is no need to live, there is no one to love and there is nowhere to wait for salvation.

These hidden thoughts are very reflected in appearance person. He is not interested in how he looks, he is annoyed by any circumstances that require his active participation. A person who has a deep depression is not able to analyze, do and think - he is completely absorbed in self-digging, analysis of past mistakes and disappointments.

A melancholy expression does not leave his face, dark circles under his eyes indicate insomnia. Place in social society is bursting at the seams and now it seems to a person that he has found the only right solution - to leave this deceptive world. All these are symptoms and signs of an ailment, the treatment of which must be carried out immediately. But from a medical point of view, a potential suicide might just have to treat the thyroid gland.

Teenagers as an example

A mockery of fate - human mood is closely related to health. If everyone knew what to do with the body in order to cure the spirit, as the psychoanalyst knows, the suicidal statistics in the world would significantly decrease.

Especially to such phenomena as constant depression, adolescents are very prone to their transition period, associated with the frequency of hormonal surges. Known signs such as:

  • irritability;
  • adherence to principles;
  • apathy;
  • negative;
  • melancholy;
  • sensitivity;
  • lethargy;
  • aggression;

caused by nothing more than a restructuring of the body. And, if you do not provide all possible assistance in resolving internal contradictions in time and do not treat you with a specialist, depression is quite capable of striking.

External preconditions

The human psyche is designed in such a way that no mental health specialist can know exactly what to do. The only symptoms that scientists rely on are based on the human immune system and external factors that greatly affect the will and love of life.

Immunity plays important role not only in the life of the organism, but also in personal development. Iron deficiency, for example, can have a negative effect on certain areas of the brain that are responsible for emotional mood.

But also quite healthy person severe depression can take over if he has experienced some kind of upheaval. Several common prerequisite factors for depression have been identified:

  • early loss of loved ones;
  • personal tragedy;
  • alcohol or drug addiction;
  • neurological diseases;
  • hereditary character traits;
  • innate sensitivity;

If emotionally it is not clear from a person that he is hiding depressive tendencies, somatic signs appear, they can help to recognize impending problems. These are insomnia, appetite disorders, headaches and dizziness.

Sometimes treatment with certain drugs provokes melancholy and depressive states.

The point of view of a professional doctor

Since a very neglected depression is indeed capable of irrevocably destroying a person's life, scientists and pillars of psychiatry have elevated it to the rank of complex mental illness. This is not surprising, since moral emptiness can lead to complications such as:

  • persecution mania;
  • schizophrenia;
  • asthma;
  • and much more.

And these are more serious diseases that can accompany depression, or be its continuation. The amazing relationship between emotions and health has not yet been unraveled. Only three consequences have been found that help to prescribe the correct treatment.

Psychology of life

There is such a thing as personality types. Some are more prone to depression than others:

  • Statothymic - exaggerated principles, conscientiousness.
  • Hyperthymic - very low self-esteem, self-doubt.
  • Melancholic - excessiveness in everything, pedantry.

All these qualities are fertile ground for the germs of neurosis, since reality does not always correspond to ideas, as it should be.

The division into personality types is of great help to psychiatry in identifying the following signs of impending major depression, the treatment of which takes a long time. These are isolation and complexes - their presence almost always predisposes to disorders.


Terrible depression can also begin without any long prerequisites. These are hereditary factors that do not depend on the human essence. Or side effects of intensive care drugs. Here are a few basic points for the development of a nervous disease:

  • trauma;
  • car and plane crashes;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • family history.

Very often somatic diseases are inherited. Symptoms can be veiled up to a certain age, in particular, it is important to survive adolescence, do something and not let depression develop. The treatment of such depressive conditions is very complex and multifaceted.


Because of social factors terrible depression can also appear, mainly in women and adolescents. So, because of migration, men do not suffer, easily taking root in any conditions. Adaptation of women occurs according to a different scenario, very often complicated by nervous disorders.

Deep depression does not necessarily begin with a change of residence, but in itself this step is fraught with negative emotions, because it is difficult for women and children to create a new social circle. The signs and symptoms of the onset of melancholia are divided into several long months of adaptation:

  • chronic stress associated with moving and chores;
  • feeling of insecurity;
  • financial difficulties;
  • quarrels and disagreements in the family;
  • fear of not finding like-minded people.

The social upheavals that cause phenomena such as depression and apathy include the following factors:

  • family discord;
  • abrupt changes in life;
  • moving;
  • strict and harsh upbringing;
  • lack of love.

Any life upheavals imperceptibly for a person endow him with chronic stress. And something needs to be done with it, otherwise there is a possibility that a very terrible depression will develop, from which there is no way out.


Doctors consider depression in any of its manifestations to be a disease of the brain, and a complex one at that. More than half of the world's population suffer from this disease, many are unaware of its presence and how to get out of deep depression. If you briefly describe all the symptoms of such a disease as neglected depression, then the most important signs are apathy and depression for a long time, and the accompanying ones:

  • feelings of guilt and anxiety;
  • psychomotor anomalies;
  • chronic insomnia;
  • decrease or increase in appetite;
  • negative thoughts.

Against the background of depression, the following somatic disorders very often progress:

  • cardiac ischemia;
  • complications with the thyroid gland;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • gastrointestinal disorders;
  • pain in the joints;
  • hepatitis.

Not all consequences are listed. Women are more likely to seek medical help after recognizing symptoms than men, who have a habit of flooding depression with alcohol, encouraging their own alcoholism. As a result, they get a number of diseases, coupled with social problems.

Psychotherapists have several effective methods of dealing with the disease, whose name is deep depression.

Hypnosis is recognized as the most popular, helping to convince a person in the opposite direction from his established thinking as a result of neglect of the disease.

Used and drug treatment, as well as psychotherapy sessions with relaxing treatments. During treatment, it is important not only to eliminate stress with antidepressants, but also to cure concomitant diseases, strengthen the spirit and body. It is important to understand the patient that he really needs help, to be aware of the problem, otherwise it makes no sense to do anything.

Major depression is a complex mental disorder that occurs due to various factors. At the present stage, severe depression includes pronounced affective disorders and self-awareness disorders, detailed signs of vitality, vegetative manifestations, as well as psychomotor disorders. The depth of symptoms is limited by social functioning, including the inability to satisfy everyday biological needs.

Scientists have noticed that every fifth person is able to experience depression, regardless of the material, social position as well as gender and age. With prolonged symptoms, you should seek help from a specialist who will prescribe treatment. Early forms of the disease can be cured on their own by resorting to standard methods, but very deep depression needs the close attention of specialists.

Causes of deep depression

The causes of deep depression are divided into psychological and physiological. Under psychological reasons stress, mental trauma (physical violence, death of loved ones, presence at disasters) get into it. This condition passes after two months, however, in the absence of help, it drags on and turns into a deep one.

Long-term troubles are referred to as stresses, and traumatic troubles unexpectedly emerging from childhood are referred to as chronic injuries.

The next cause of deep depression is frustration (vain expectation, deceit, failure, disruption of intentions).

Physiological causes include overwork, cerebral circulatory failure, exhaustion; poisoning with alcohol, drugs, drugs; strokes, menopause, traumatic brain injury, irregular sex life, hormonal diseases, lack of physical activity, malnutrition, diseases internal organs, hypovitaminosis, defects of the mediator system.

Often, depression is provoked by a combination of several reasons. All reasons should be considered, since success in treatment will directly depend on this.

Major depression symptoms

Symptoms of major depression: loss of pleasure, decreased mood, loss of interest, increased fatigue, reduced activity, decreased energy, reduced ability to concentrate, lack of confidence, low self-esteem, ideas of self-deprecation and guilt, gloomy and pessimistic vision of the future; sleep disturbance, suicidal tendencies, loss of appetite.

The main symptoms of major depression include a person's daily depressive mood, loss of interest in previous activities, as well as the ability to think, concentrate on something; indecision, lethargy, loss of libido, change in psychomotor activity.

Manifestations of heaviness, as well as vitalization, are aggravated by somatic syndrome: loss of interest in previously interesting activities, as well as loss of the ability to enjoy it; lack of reaction to actions and events; waking up in the morning a few hours earlier; increased depression in the morning; the occurrence of psychomotor retardation, as well as agitation; decreased appetite, weight loss by 5%; loss of libido.

Major depression signs

For mental disorder significant difficulty in communication, homework, self-service is characteristic, psychomotor retardation or agitation is inherent. However, the patient critically evaluates his condition, is aware of the painful nature of these disorders. The patient is able to independently participate in treatment and rehabilitation activities.

Deep depression with psychomotor retardation is marked by the objective, bodily, nature of vital experiences with a feeling of a stone in the chest.

Deep depressive stupor is marked by complete lethargy with mutism and emotional expression of grief.

Melancholic raptus is marked by deep longing in the mornings with characteristic outbursts of motor excitation close to autoaggression and catatonic impulsivity. Agitated depression is characterized by monotonous lamentations with sharp fussiness, pleas for help, defiantly pathetic hand-wringing.

Depressive-delusional syndrome is marked by a combination of a depressive state with delusions of self-accusation, guilt, self-abasement, hypochondriacal delusions.

The depressive-hallucinatory syndrome is marked by a combination of a depressive state with, in which voices are heard that scold and blame the patient.

major depression treatment

If a person has experienced deep depression, then he should distract himself from the reasons that provoked this problem, occupy himself with something (sports, walks, trips).

A deep form of depression is effectively treated by a pet that will give love, warmth and affection. Music therapy also helps in the fight against the disease. There are special musical compositions, allowing you to find a way out of a deep depressive state. It is very difficult to deal with the disorder on your own, so you should take help from friends, loved ones, and especially doctors.

Deep depression - what to do?

A deep form of depression can be alleviated with the help of "anti-stress" vitamins. Vitamin A, which is found in pumpkin, carrots, has proven itself to be excellent; vitamin B contained in yogurt, fish, cereals; vitamin C contained in kiwi, oranges, black currants.

Deep depression in pregnant women can lead to miscarriage, for this reason, expectant mothers need to carefully listen to themselves and their condition. Deep depression can provoke negative consequences, a person turns into an anxious individual experiencing manic fear.

Major depression and its treatment include biological therapies. Currently, the disease has a high prevalence, as well as threatening, life-threatening consequences. The course of the disease, with its serious complications, poses a significant suicidal danger. The therapy includes a complex complex treatment with the gradual use of anti-resistant special measures.

An important task is to assess the prognosis of major depression after a clinical and psychopathological analysis of the course and structure of the disease. Difficulties in the treatment of such patients are supported outpatient therapy, which is aimed at reducing the severity of the depressive state, as well as reducing the duration of the current episode, preventing relapses and exacerbations.

Only complex treatment with the use of various drugs and non-drug therapy is effective. Inevitable will be the use of treatment with a high therapeutic effect, but poor tolerance (antipsychotics, tricyclic antidepressants, electroconvulsive therapy). As a rule, a deep depressive state has a protracted course. Having eliminated a serious condition, further treatment remains an important problem. In this case, maintenance therapy is needed to prevent exacerbation, as well as prophylactic treatment to exclude the prevention of relapse.

The following groups of antidepressants are used in the treatment:

Hello! I would like to get some advice, because I will probably soon find myself in a DEEP depression. I will try to briefly describe my problem. Since childhood, I have not had a dad and + my mother did not pay me due attention, but was only concerned about her life and only one grandmother paid attention to me. Now my mother is trying to improve, but I'm already 22 years old and I can't accept her attention, experience, because I'm NOT used to it. My grandmother replaced my mother and therefore my mother and I often quarrel because she is trying, but I don’t need it. And now she has a man and when she is at home with him, she begins to abundantly show motherhood, from which it only makes me worse, because it really annoys me ... Please tell me how I should be, or what to do ... I started crying almost every day, because I understand that my grandmother is already old and cannot always be my mother, and I don’t need my mother’s attention. And the fact that in the end I will just be left alone, such a thought only makes it worse ...

  • Hello Christina. You are an adult enough person and should be able to take care of yourself on your own. It would not hurt to think about creating your own family and not get hung up on manifestations of attention from the mother. She thus corrects her mistakes in front of you. Be generous. Forgive her and don't push her away.

        • Thanks for the advice, I'll try to follow the advice ... although it's hard.

Hello. I am 20 years old. I live with a young man. For the past six months, I really want to leave him, but I can’t. I scare myself with thoughts that he loves me and that he cannot be alone.
These relationships torment me, I often began to think that there were colors in my life before, now they are gone. I constantly cry, for no reason, I can start crying while watching a cartoon. I really don't want to take care of myself. During these six months, I recovered by 20 kilograms, but I can’t pull myself together.
I myself am studying to be a clinical psychologist, so I do not want to seek help yet. I thought about taking fluoxetine. I read that it helps with depression very well, although I understand that there is no need to joke with drugs.

I'm 24, everything is fine in life, I live in abundance, I'm getting married soon, I have a job, but ... ..
In the last three months, some terrible mood swings, fatigue, irritability has appeared, everything quickly pisses me off, I’m not interested in anything, sometimes paranoia that they are deceiving me or someone is watching me, even though I can be alone in the room, without noticing it, I take my beloved to hysteria, I can’t recognize myself in the mirror ... and even occasionally, sometimes terrible thoughts fly by when I look down from the balcony of the 10th floor.
When such a wave hits, I try to figure out the reasons myself, asking myself all sorts of questions: What is bothering you? Job? house?
Yes, like most people, it’s not always smooth at work, and everything can’t always be calm at home, but this is normal, small household, work and life moments!
But where does all this come from?!?? All these thoughts and worries?? If I myself can’t really answer these questions, I answer more precisely, but the answers are quite normal, not critical, and it seems that they cannot be the cause of such a state! Maybe VSD? Or am I asking the wrong questions? Or am I just going crazy?

    • Thank you)
      I will try to follow your advice and hope this condition will pass soon!

Hello! My close friend the fifth year of chronic depression, I was in a psychiatric hospital, I didn’t turn to anyone, they stuffed me with pills, injections, and everything was useless. I cannot feel his pain and anguish, but I feel very sorry for him and he is very dear to me. He knows the cause of his depression, he got a lot of stress, constant fatigue, excitement in his soul. He says that his nerves hurt, but also his rights will soon be deprived. Is it really that everything is so complicated and hopeless, although he wants a family, children. What to do, how to be? I tell him, use self-hypnosis, there is meaning in life, you need to believe. What to do tell me please? His heart bleeds, looking at him, as he insists that he is terminally ill. Thank you.

Good afternoon We have a problem with my sister, my husband left, she was left alone with the child, she lived in the hope that everything would turn around and he would come to his senses, but he sent her a message: they say he doesn’t need her, but he can take the child if she refuses him completely, after that she started having problems, at first she suddenly began to ask everyone for forgiveness and blame herself for all mortal sins, then hallucinations began, she repeated that she sees the devil, began to carry various nonsense, supposedly hears that children who are not even a year old are talking to her, a day later she didn’t realize that she needed to eat, go to the toilet, etc., in general, they put her in a psychiatric hospital, they diagnosed her with deep depression, she’s been there for 1.5 months, they took her home recently, she has a condition of a person who has fallen into childhood, talks to herself, doesn’t pay attention to the child, laughs on her own, dances, makes all sorts of incomprehensible movements, in general, they put her back in the hospital, as qualified ny specialist tell me, does this look like symptoms of depression?

  • Diana, before this incident, you didn’t notice oddities behind her?

    • The fact of the matter is that nothing foreshadowed this, and this is the first time in the family, i.e. not at the genetic level. Thank you.

Hello. I just had a strong apathy for life. I don't want anything. I am not happy with everything that could please before. I have everything in parallel. And this cynicism seeped into my loved ones, well, it happened that, well, it happens to anyone. I feel very lonely because I have no one to talk to, no one to pour out my life to. I want to sleep and eat all the time. There were thoughts of suicide, but I understand that this is not an option. I tried the antidepressant "Fluoxetine", I did not get any effect.

  • Hello Yana. Answer yourself the question: after what exactly or what life events, circumstances influenced the emergence of the first feeling of indifference to everything. Analyze those situations, and what can be changed, try to fix what is not - just accept it as it is and start making new plans, dream, come up with something new and put it into practice. Depression, apathy arises from the loss of meaning, so we recommend that you motivate yourself to live for yourself without drugs. Your motivational desire must be strong enough to come from within. You must believe in its significance and importance for yourself personally.

Hello! For the past four years I have had a very strange condition. I can't figure out what it is. Symptoms: I don’t notice the time, my memory has become bad, I constantly think about something, but I don’t know what. It happens even if a person is talking to me, I don’t listen to him, I think about something else, as if I don’t live in this world. It feels like I have my own world, in general, some kind of unusual state. Before that, I was a very active person, but now I have constant weakness, I have lost interest in everything. Basically please help me. Is it treatable at all? Who should I contact? I will wait for an answer.

Is depression a condition? No. It's a way of life. My lifestyle. Bullying at school, a dysfunctional family, shelters, misunderstanding and rejection of others around me did their job. I am 20 years old. Total. But I can say for sure: there is no way out of my situation.

  • Evgenia, you are an adult girl, stop living in the past, it will constantly return you to bad memories, plunging into a decadent state and you will again lead a depressive lifestyle. Remove from your life those people with whom you have unpleasant associations. This is very important, because there is a possibility that subconsciously you will attract the same people into your life again. Say to yourself: “Yes, my life was not a gift, but it taught me a lot.” For example, to understand people, to find charms in solitude. Continue the list of positives yourself. It is extremely important to find at least something positive even in the most difficult moments of life. Believe me, a certain time period will pass and you will talk about the unfortunate past years in a completely different way. Unfortunately, life is a struggle, but it can also be perceived as a game. Start building your life anew, first dream - visualize (imagine what you want to have: love, success, financial well-being, etc.). Be active, change your image and environment, make new acquaintances, smile, go in for sports. We recommend that you read the article:

Hello. I read your article and realized that I am in a stage of deep depression and see no way out. given state. After her husband's betrayal, she was going through a divorce, still somehow trying to hold on, but the constant state of stress led to the loss of her job. Everything just became unnecessary. Further worse. Now sometimes I can sleep for days, because I don’t want to do anything else, I can not sleep and not eat at all. Recently, more and more thoughts are visited that there is no point in living. Children stop me, I try to do something for them, but I understand that I simply can’t do it anymore. I can not get out of this state in any way for more than four months. I stopped communicating with my friends, I don’t want to see or hear anyone. How to get out of this state? And is it even worth it?

  • Hello Irina. In order for depression to recede, first of all, it is necessary to desire this very strongly and find a new meaning in life. If you do not want to get out of bed, then you should force yourself to get up by the power of thought, put yourself in order, build and implement daily plans. It is important to realize that your depression is just a condition that will definitely pass with time, but how quickly is up to you.
    We recommend that you read the following articles on our website:

Hello. I have a partial coincidence with the information above and I want to contact the specialists of your site about solving my mental problems. How can I do it?

  • Hello Alnrog. You can ask questions here and get advice on your problem, the specialists of our site do not provide distance treatment. If you find your symptoms in the information above, you can safely contact a practicing psychotherapist.

This kind of predisposition has never happened to anyone in the family. Thank you very much, we will be treated))

Thank you for your advice. But I can’t really control the situation, because she lives far away ((Only by phone. And what about the treatment ... now she can take some kind of medication that will prevent recurrent psychosis?
P.S. I persuaded her to change her place of residence. Because I thought that it would be better for her. After all, at the previous place of residence everything reminded of what had happened. And people, you know, would go and ask questions, disturb her soul. Do you think I did wrong? She herself does not know where she wants to live and with whom, as she told me.

  • Elena, there are no methods and medicines for the prevention of psychosis. It is important that the patient himself monitor the deterioration of his condition and seek medical help in time. To relieve symptoms of depression, we recommend Motherwort-Forte with magnesium B6, which will reduce tearfulness and increased nervous excitability in your mother, and for the treatment of psychosis, antidepressants, sedatives, antipsychotics, tranquilizers and psychotherapy are used, which can only be prescribed by the attending physician.

    • As I understand it, a full recovery after what happened is not worth waiting for? She is still young (45 years old). Motherwort forte is still sold with magnesium B6, or are these different components?) Thank you very much for your help.

      • Motherwort-Forte with magnesium B6 is one drug. Method of administration: inside 1 - 2 tablets twice a day with meals, the course is not limited.
        If the cause of the underlying disease is not a genetic predisposition, then it is possible to minimize the likelihood of a relapse.

hello. I would like to consult about my mother. About a year and a half ago she was put in mental asylum with a diagnosis of acute psychosis. Before that, for a long time in her life, everything went awry, both personally and financially. In a word, everywhere ((Therefore, this outcome was not surprising. She was treated there for about 3 months, and we took her home. 6 years). So much time has passed, and she has been depressed all this time. For her, there are no joys in life, neither the visits of her relatives, nor any pleasant events touch her. Angry at everyone (except for me, it seems to me), she cries every day, while she herself cannot explain the reason for her current condition. maybe it was still necessary to drink some medicines for rehabilitation? ... I’m very afraid that something will happen to her again. After all, it’s not normal to live in such a state. What can you tell me? Or advise how I can help her.

  • Hello, Elena. Your worries are justified given your mother's current condition. On this moment the main task is the prevention of exacerbation of psychosis. This condition can be caused psychological impact, external and internal (internal mental conflicts). In case of aggravation of the mother's condition, you will need to look for a full-time doctor and select medication. In turn, our recommendations include the following: your mother needs the support and understanding of her relatives, a calm, friendly attitude, you should captivate her with something, daily walks are required, monitor her physical health (do not ignore chronic diseases), protect her from stress, overheating (negatively affect the brain), exclude alcohol, you should refrain from traveling (change of residence is stress, perhaps for this reason depression has worsened).

Hello! I have been depressed for 5 years and have all the symptoms listed, but I haven’t reached the stage of autism or complete decline yet, but I don’t have the strength. I haven’t been working for a long time, I’m at home, I don’t work, I’m not interested in anything external, I go to the store and see the doctors. The worst thing is that there are almost all factors of depression - from the loss of a mother to financial and personal losses, a protracted trial. I was in the neurosis clinic in Yekaterinburg several times, but it doesn’t help, I already know all the trainings by heart and they are repeated, everything is getting worse, sleep and weight are getting worse, there is no joy, frequent unbearable bouts of depression. Can you please tell me where else in Russia you can undergo long-term rehabilitation and treatment, preferably cheaper (partially compulsory medical insurance, partly for a fee)? Ready to go to any city.

  • Hello Anton! Based on what you have described, even the most expensive Moscow clinics cannot guarantee a 100% cure. For our part, we recommend that you contact a hypnotherapist who will pull out the root cause of your current state and help you deal with it.

    You can always go through treatment and rehabilitation ... a little later ... try to go to the temple first and just sit there ... if you know “Our Father” - read ... Your depression is just a condition that will surely pass with time, but how quickly it depends on you ... open your soul to God.

Again, I cling to his words that I loved ... After the birth, the child was often sick, I was in a very twitchy state and did not always react adequately. As he said, my jealousy and tantrums killed everything in him. This is to the fact that I do not relieve myself of part of the blame in this situation.

  • Tatyana, you must honestly answer yourself: “Do I want to save my family?” Having answered in the affirmative, it is necessary to think about why my husband fell in love with me and how to return the old feelings. It is wonderful that you understand and do not attribute jealousy and female tantrums to strengthening marriage feelings. Therefore, it is necessary to say goodbye to these negative emotions forever and turn into that beautiful, sweet, beloved, charming, understanding, which you were in best moments Of your life. It would be great if there is an opportunity to revive the old feelings, secluded together on vacation. Regarding the fears of loneliness, I would like to note that such emotions are characteristic of all women. Therefore, they must be treated normally, gradually, overcoming. In the event of an impending separation, it is ideal for the parents to communicate their decision to the child together.

I just don't know where to start. I’m not sure that I can resist if he comes again ... or I won’t “give back” myself. There is a fear of loneliness, a fear of not meeting a "great feeling", fear for a child (I have a daughter, and now men with inclinations cannot always be immediately recognized). And most importantly, how to explain what is happening to her daughter, so as not to subsequently spoil her idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe family, about the role of a man in it.
P.S.: This has been nibbling on for a long time and I'm glad to get at least some answer. Thank you.

Hello. And if this is observed in another person, but he flatly refuses to contact a specialist, is it possible to help him? In such a state for quite a long time, periods: a rise in mood, a desire to change something, but at the first failure, or an unjustified expectation, a return to a state of depression. When talking, he says that nothing pleases him at all, he does not consider the prospects for a happy life, he does not like himself. Even a child does not bring joy to him.

  • Hello Tatiana! Until your man finds and solves his problem, which led him to a depressive state, he will experience all its manifestations. On your part, you can support your husband with encouraging conversations, a pleasant pastime, but if he does not want to get out of this state and does not make efforts to do so, all your efforts will be in vain.

    • The fact is that they converged and diverged several times, there was a betrayal on his part. We decided to try again, but only in the end we come to alienation. During the next conversation, it turned out that he was returning at the insistence of his parents, but in fact he believes that we got married in vain, that until 30 he did not plan a family or a child, and I burst into his life and changed it so quickly and strongly (I must say that the child was not planned and signed being at the 7th month). He tries, but after a month a decline begins, and I, too, because of unfulfilled promises in constant voltage. On my part, there is a clear emotional dependence, but it is no longer possible to live like this. I want to break this circle.

      • Tatyana, statistics show that half of all pregnancies in couples are not planned, but this does not prevent spouses from being happy. Most likely, your husband was not psychologically ready for such changes, he was not mature as a person, and the situation of pregnancy itself prompted him to take responsibility in creating a family only out of a sense of duty, and not love for you. From your comment it can be seen that you understand this very well and have answered the question of how you should live on.

Hello! Everything coincides with me, only there is one more problem, I can’t discuss it with anyone, my tongue doesn’t turn to bother anyone with this.

  • Hello Daria! If you have a problem and you want to solve it, then seeking help from a psychologist or psychotherapist is almost as natural as visiting a doctor during an illness. On our website we offer a virtual psychological help. A written statement of what is bothering you will help in thinking about the individual problem, bring clarity, understanding and give relief. Knowing that you are not being watched will allow you to more open up and be yourself. Of course, no specialist will solve the problem overnight, but he can, relying on experience and professional knowledge, help to understand what is happening and, together with you, find a solution that best suits you.

Hello. All of the above symptoms must be present or not. If it’s hard for me to force myself to go to bed, it happens that I pass out on the floor due to fatigue and just can’t go to bed on time. And then it is very difficult to wake up in time. and about appetite - on the contrary, I have a constant terrible desire to eat everything and more - there is absolutely no feeling of satiety (popularly - zhor) and it is very difficult to restrain myself so that the weight does not grow so rapidly. As a result, the stomach can not stand it and removes the contents - vomiting begins. And then everything from the beginning. But the weight does not go away and continues to grow.

  • Faith, hello. The symptoms you listed indicate chronic overwork and, as a consequence, the occurrence of bulimia nervosa. In order to restore physical health (full sleep and normal food intake), you need to identify your inner feelings that led to these disorders. Physical recovery should be aimed at controlling emerging life problems. Learning certain information about bulimia will help you manage your weight. The ultimate goal of psychotherapeutic measures is to accept yourself for who you are, and the desire to lead healthy life. Restoring psychological and physical health will take a lot of time, and therefore the results will be gradual. The main thing is patience and faith in yourself, which are an important part of the recovery process.

It is generally accepted that depressive mental disorders are characteristic of the main female half of the population. However, in Lately the trend of manifestation of affective mental disorders is steadily growing among the male half of humanity. According to available statistics, one in five people experience depressive disorders of varying intensity, including major depression.

The pathological state of the psyche is classified as a variety of affective disorders, the causes of which lie not only in emotional breakdowns and stressful conditions. The disorder is considered complex, and therefore the symptoms are characterized by a characteristic set of mental and physical symptoms. How to get rid of the causes of depression and is it possible to fight on your own?

Severe depression has several main causes and prerequisites for its occurrence. Experts, in turn, divide them into several types:

  • psychological;
  • endogenous;
  • symptomatic.

As a rule, deep depression, provoked precisely by psychological factors, is most often diagnosed.

Psychological factors

Factors of a psychogenic nature, the consequence of which is severe depression, experts divide into two types - acute and chronic.

The following provoking situations can be attributed to acute psychotraumas:

  • unexpected life catastrophe;
  • family troubles and the collapse of partnerships;
  • serious illness or loss of a loved one;
  • forced stay in the war zone;
  • natural disasters;
  • accidents.

Usually such situations unexpectedly and radically change a person's life against his will, and regardless of the possibilities. It is these factors that initially disturb the psychological balance, after which the symptoms of severe depression appear.

Factors leading to chronic stressful conditions usually include:

  • long-term care for a seriously ill loved one;
  • complex dependence on psychologically active substances in a loved one;
  • professional activity without holidays and weekends in frequent force majeure conditions;
  • frequent conflict situations with loved ones and friends;
  • prolonged financial hardship.

At the same time, experts say that the female half of the population is more likely to be diagnosed with major depression against the background of problems that arise in the family or with loved ones. In men, in turn, the main causes of symptoms of major depression are financial and professional problems.

Endogenous provocateurs

Endogenous factors lie, from the point of view of specialists, in the physical failures of the body:

  • a drop in serotonin levels for a number of reasons;
  • decrease in dopamine levels.

It is these substances in the body that are responsible for the normalization of the emotional mood. In the case of an innate predisposition to a decrease in these hormones or endocrine disruptions of the body, a severe depression of an endogenous nature begins to develop and progresses. What to do in this case?

As a rule, depressive states of such pathogenesis develop in the autumn-spring periods and are most often characteristic of the fair sex.

Symptomatic provocateurs

Among the somatic provocateurs of the manifestation of symptoms of severe depression, experts name a number of chronic and acute diseases in the patient's history.

The provocateurs of the symptomatic type of prolonged depression include:

  • diabetes;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • stroke and post-stroke conditions.

In addition, provocateurs of symptoms of prolonged depression are considered systematic reception some medicines:

  • "Isoniazid";
  • heart drugs;
  • hormonal contraceptives;
  • chemotherapy drugs;
  • anticancer agents.

How to get out of a long depression? As a rule, such depressive states disappear after the end of systemic treatment with the listed medicines.

Symptoms of pathology

Experts divide the symptoms of major depression into main signs, clinical manifestations and additional symptoms, on which treatment will depend.

Type of symptomsCharacteristic manifestations
Main featuresDepressed mood for more than half a day.
Decreased interest in the surrounding reality, loss of pleasure from the usual activities.
Apathetic syndrome, decrease in indicators of vital energy.
AdditionalDecreased self-confidence, self-esteem.
Decreased ability to concentrate, absent-mindedness.
Feelings of self-deprecation, guilt.
Suicidal thoughts.
Early awakening in the morning.
Uncontrolled unexplained weight loss.
Decreased appetite.
Improvement of the psycho-emotional state in the afternoon.
Symptoms of psychomotor retardation.
ClinicalAnguish, anxiety, apathy.

It is possible to say that the patient has symptoms of severe depression only after the characteristic manifestations persist for more than two weeks and the person cannot cope with the psycho-emotional decline on his own. In some cases, specialists diagnose in their patients the loss of the instinct of self-preservation, the loss of the need for food and rest.

Features of psychotic manifestations

Symptoms of severe depression also include possible psychotic manifestations. Doctors distinguish this group of symptoms into a separate one due to the fact that they are in the nature of pronounced psychopathology.

Psychotic signs of deep depression are manifested specifically.

  1. Auditory or olfactory hallucinations, consisting in listening to strange voices, which are accompanied by unpleasant odors, begin to haunt the patient obsessively.
  2. The feeling of one's own impurity and sinfulness is manifested in the fact that a person begins to consider himself the biggest sinner in the world.
  3. Often the patient blames himself for what he never did, without listening to anyone's objections.
  4. A person in a state of depressive decline begins to deny the existence of obvious things or independently diagnoses the presence of severe incurable pathologies.
  5. The patient begins to feel anxiety and fear, anticipating the approach of a mythical danger, while he sincerely assures others of this.

Experts draw attention to the fact that such disorders can also occur in patients with schizoaffective psychosis or severe schizophrenia. In this case, the symptomatology is accompanied by fantastic delusions of grandeur, which, in turn, is unusual for severe depressive psychosis.

Forms of deep depression

Doctors note that major depression in its progression and manifestation has several forms.

PostpartumOccurs and progresses against the background of hormonal and endocrine changes in the mother's body, changes social status habitual way of life.
An important factor for the emergence is considered to be a revision of values ​​and measures of responsibility.
Manic depressiveOccurs against the background of manic-depressive manifestations due to stress, overload. It proceeds in a latent form and can manifest itself as a character trait, personality accentuation. Over time, it turns into a deep and lingering variety.
senileAgainst the background of a decrease in vitality and activity, older people begin to move away from public life, cease to be interested in familiar events, gradually move away from others, withdraw into themselves.
schizoaffectiveIt progresses against the background of a mental illness called schizophrenia.

Symptoms of prolonged depression can also be diagnosed in adolescents against the background of instability of the unformed psyche. Initially, the child signals an incipient disorder depressive psychosis, with no timely assistance, depression can take on a protracted character.

Therapy for depressive disorder

The treatment of major depression should be entrusted to specialists, since such an affective disorder can worsen the patient's quality of life and lead to lethal outcome through the act of suicide.

The patient will not be able to get out of deep depression on his own, therefore, first of all, doctors begin to treat with medications. Drugs and their regimen are adjusted taking into account the general condition of the patient and the characteristics of the symptoms. Usually, in the treatment of severe depression, doctors use drugs with minimal side effects.

GroupTherapeutic focus
AntidepressantsNormalize the mood general state sick.
They accumulate in the blood, after a couple of weeks they give a stable therapeutic effect.
tranquilizersEliminate anxiety, phobias, night sleep disorders.
Slow down thinking and reaction, including psycho-emotional stress.
AntipsychoticsThey have a pronounced inhibitory effect on the brain.
Get rid of delusional syndrome, hallucinations, pathological symptoms mental disorder.
They have a gentle effect on the body.

Treatment of severe depression is adjusted by a specialist throughout the therapeutic course. If necessary, some drugs are replaced by others, while the doctor controls their effect on the psyche individually and on the body as a whole.

Self-medication with drugs used for the treatment of deep depression is categorically not recommended, since, from the point of view of specialists, "the head is a dark object." Uncontrolled intake of antidepressants, neuroleptics or tranquilizers can cause more severe mental disorders.

Psychotherapeutic treatment

Treatment of severe depression also includes the use of methods of psychotherapeutic influence on the patient's psyche. As a rule, this treatment is entrusted to qualified psychotherapists or clinical psychologists.

  1. The methods of psychodynamic therapy are aimed at understanding and eliminating intrapersonal conflicts in a patient. As a rule, understanding how to get out of deep depression lies in finding and correcting internal contradictions. The main goal of the therapist with this impact is to search for and capture the problem with its further movement into the area of ​​consciousness.
  2. The goal of family therapy is the complex work of a specialist with a patient and his relatives, who are previously informed about options for how to get out of severe depression. The therapist corrects the behavior patterns of the patient's family members to positive influence on the sick close environment.
  3. The method of cognitive behavioral therapy is aimed at returning the patient to reality. The therapist works with a person, directing his consciousness and helping to determine the real framework, including social ones.
  4. Interpersonal therapy is used if the patient has impaired communication norms and connections. In this case, a specialist needs to help a person in an objective perception of interpersonal contacts and in building a constructive interaction with society.

The method of psychotherapeutic influence on the patient is chosen by the doctor and carried out in accordance with symptomatic indicators.

Untimely assistance to the patient and untimely treatment, as a rule, lead to serious consequences for the sick person and his family members. It is very important for close people to recognize the pathology in time and intervene in the patient's condition by helping him.

Fight for life and health native person. Ask a specialist how to get rid of severe depression. People who have the support of relatives are sure to get out of even the strongest depression.

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