6 of cups value in relationships. The Six of Cups (6 of Cups) is the meaning of the Tarot card. Positive and negative impact on income

The main meanings of the card in the upright position:
1. comfort, peace;
2. little income, little happiness;
3. pleasant memories;
4. old friend;
5. gift, news;
6. new opportunities;
7. daydreaming in all matters, lack of pragmatism;
8. wandering in dreams-memories;
9. anniversaries;
10. children;
11. promise for the future;

The main meanings of the card in an inverted position:
1. everything remains as before, no changes are expected;
2. live in the past;
3. omission of an expected reward;
4. worry about children;
5. future inheritance;
6. something important, significant will happen soon;
7. something will happen earlier than planned;

In the garden near a cozy old house, a boy holds out a goblet full of flowers to a girl; nearby are the rest of the goblets, also filled with flowers.

In the Tarot of Aquarius, he shows us an old woman who has finally reached the peace she longed for.

This card means comfort and peace. Where we are at home, where we feel safe, we can give vent to our simplest and most natural feelings - kindness, tenderness, love. No need to "save" feelings, this card says, let your loved ones know that they are dear and you need them. Protect them from bad emotions that visit your soul, but feel free to share joy with them.

"Little happiness", three cents on the dollar profit, but without any risk. Good for beginners and people of a "home", cozy warehouse; for enterprising, adventurous people - stagnation, swamp

Inverted, it means that there will be no such profit (such happiness), but there will be nothing bad either, everything will remain as it was.

(E. Kolesov "ABC Tarot")

DESCRIPTION: A boy offers a bowl of flowers to a little girl. In the background is a colorful rural landscape, a thatched house and a stone tower. In the foreground are four bowls in a row - also filled with flowers. Another bowl of flowers stands on a nearby podium decorated with a heraldic cross. Element: Water.

EXPLANATION: This card represents happiness or fond memories based on past acquaintances. Your heart is filled with childish joy. Perhaps you will meet an old friend, receive a gift or some unexpected news, or inherit something. The Six of Cups also symbolizes new opportunities - so you may be offered a new job in a new place. In terms of personal relationships, this is a good time to appreciate the help and support you receive from your partner.

REVERSED CARD MEANING: Instead of living in the present, you live in the past. Your ideas and values ​​are outdated. The awards you think you deserve are being postponed. The recognition you thought you were supposed to have received from someone else.

LESSON ON SELF DEVELOPMENT: Reflect on how your relationships and the lessons you have learned from life have enriched you. But after that, be ready to move on - we all have to emerge from the past, live in the present and open up to what lies ahead.

(N. Drury "Tarot. A step-by-step guide to study")




Sixes in Tarot

The number six is ​​associated with the Lovers card, the planet Venus, and the astrological signs Taurus and Libra. Venus is the planet of harmony, love, romance, marriage, peace, beauty, luxury, art, music, cooperation, balance and balance.

The appearance of sixes in the layout indicates personal relationships, family, home, loved ones, creative activities, education, romance and love affairs. You may be getting married soon. There is a chance that there will be a chance to continue education or the prospect of career growth. Travel during this period is unfavorable.

The number "six" reflects the energy of Yin: pleasant, harmonious, solid and peaceful. Sixes advise you to pay attention to the feelings and needs of other people, indicate a favorable time for marriage and improving relations with your partner. Home, family, children or elderly relatives require your attention now. In personal relationships, you should not forget about such concepts as forgiveness and understanding. If there have been problems in your relationship with your partner, now is the time to clear up any differences of opinion. If your question was about financial debt, then now you will have the opportunity to settle everything and pay off.

Six of Cups upright

Key words and phrases: Innocence. Memories of childhood and events connected with it. Sharing experiences and memories. Straight Talk. The rebirth of love. Renewal of old connections. Restoring harmony. Reflections on bygone times. Favorite from the past. Return of the past. Old friends. Karmic connections. Happy memories. Anniversaries. Emotional update. Retrieving hidden emotional treasures. Warm meetings. Holidays. Present. Sentimentality. Family values. The joy of being with family. Travel to close relatives. New job offer. Moving. Inheritance. Communication with children.

Situation and advice: You will have the opportunity to renew old acquaintances. Perhaps you will attend a family reunion or a meeting of school friends. Someone from the past will reappear in your life. Your thoughts are turned to childhood and to the most precious and exciting moments of this period. Some event, rooted in the past, will give its results. The Six of Cups advises to gather strength and not be afraid to return to the memories of the past.

Perhaps you will meet your old love. An old friend will bring you news that will entail a change of job or place of residence. During this period, children will play a big role in your life, you need to return to some events of the past, perhaps it will be easier to do this in a frank conversation with a person you completely trust. There may be an occasion that will give you the opportunity to apply old skills that have not been used for a long time.

People: Old friends. Those who are almost like family to us. childhood friends. Children. Former lovers. People connected to our past.

Six of Cups Reversed

Key words and phrases: Unwillingness or inability to adapt to the situation. All thoughts are in the past. Reluctance to let go of "mother's skirt". Unnecessary nostalgia. The desire to return to the old security measures. Vanity. Memories that hurt. Inability to pay a loan. Ghosts of the past in the present. Skeleton in the closet. Adherence to old traditions and beliefs. Reluctance to try something new. The need to look into the future. I don't want to grow up. The questioner will have to part with some of his friends, put an end to old deeds and attachments, because he has long "grown" out of all this.

Do not trust the Future, no matter how pleasant it may seem! Let the Past bury its dead! Take action! Take action! And live in the present!

Situation and advice: Family ties or past relationships hold you back. Are you still holding on to your "mother's skirt"? Perhaps you are haunted by the memory of some event in the past, or perhaps your past love interest is affecting the present. Something you expect is delayed or delayed. You need to move on with your life, but, most likely, old connections or indecision interfere with this. It is possible that the feelings and values ​​that you were instilled in childhood or during any relationships in the past are hindering your current progress. Are you still clinging to outdated beliefs and values? The time has come to live here and now, boldly looking into the future. During this period, you may be overcome by anxiety for children. It is possible to receive an inheritance in the near future.

People: Rip Van Winkle. People living in memories of the past. Mommy's sons and daughters. People with outdated, backward views.

The meaning and inner meaning of the lasso Six of Cups

The meaning of the Six of Cups in the upright position:

  • Past, past, crumpled,
  • In the old days, Before, Before this, Once upon a time, In the old days.
  • Old age, decrepitude, antiquity.

Other meanings of the six of tarot bowls in the upright position:

  • happy memories, awakening past feelings
  • memory of childhood, ideals of the past, family celebrations, special dates
  • memories, links to the past

The Six of Cups Tarot is a good card. It means harmony in life, the origins of which must be sought in the past, in distant childhood years. The connections and work of the past years are now bearing fruit, and the Client is enjoying them. Happy memories, old friends or lovers have a special place in the life of the Client. The Six of Cups also speaks of a new job or a new home.

The meaning of the six bowl tarot cards: memories, a look back (especially to childhood), thoughts about past love. Happiness coming from the past, from thoughts of the long gone. A promise for the future, coming renewal, happiness and love.

Reversed interpretation:

  • Future, Future.
  • After, Subsequently, Later, At the end.
  • Resurrection, Resurrection.
  • Play, Resume, Repeat.

Other meanings of the Six of Cups Reversed Tarot:

  • an indication that something will happen sooner than planned or expected
  • renewal, future, inheritance

The reversed Six of Tarot Cups speaks of new friends, new knowledge, new surroundings. Changes in mood and attitudes. Something important, significant, will happen soon.

inner meaning

Your previous dissatisfaction with the current situation logically led to this card. The Six of Cups Tarot describes thoughts of past love and departed happiness. This is a card of memories and a look back at the time when you were happy in the way a child is happy. How these memories affect is up to you. Do not indulge in painful thoughts about what you have lost.

If you use your memories to relearn happiness, to rediscover your childhood innocence, and most importantly, to remind yourself that you were happy, you can be happy again. In a particularly favorable scenario, the appearance of the Six of Cups tarot card indicates that someone or something will make you see the good in your life.


  1. N. Drury “Tarot. Step by Step Study Guide »
  2. E. Kolesov "ABC Tarot"
  3. Unknown author "Introductory information for reading tarot cards"
  4. H. Banzhaf "Tarot Tutorial"
  5. Anthony Lewis "Tarot is simple and clear"

Tarot cards are a mantic tool that has been tested for many centuries, with the help of which it becomes possible to forecast future events, as well as to choose one of the possible options. In this article, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the meaning of 6 Tarot Cups.

What is depicted on the 6 Tarot Cups

Traditional tarot schools depict a house on the 6 of Cups card, enclosed by a reliable fence. The dwelling is covered with greenery and gives the impression of a complete idyll: the interior environment is fully consistent with the exterior.

The gates are open and behind them we can see a lovely girl who has just received a nice present from a stranger - an impressive goblet decorated with a white flower (a symbol of purity of the sensual and emotional sphere). The stranger holds in his hands 5 more of the same bowls, which he is going to take to other similar dwellings.

In this drawing, the symbolism of the lasso is hidden - receiving a gift of fate.

As for the Tarot of the Age of Aquarius, here we can see a peaceful wise woman who sits on a throne. On two sides of it are full bowls. A woman is filled with inner strength and calmness, because she is able to control her emotions.

Meaning of the Six of Cups Tarot

Astrologically, the 6 Cups correspond to the constellations Virgo, Pisces and the planet Sun (in the constellation Scorpio), as well as the Moon in the sign of Pisces - a symbol of sensual memories, or in Cancer - indicating romance and dreaminess.

The Six of Cups is also called the Six of Cups.

Six of Tarot Cups upright

If this lasso fell out to you, it means that you are required to show real spirituality, patience and loftiness above the vanity. Be merciful, kind and help others. Also, the lasso resurrects memories of the past.

  1. In terms of events: unexpectedly old friends are found, you intersect with those people with whom you were connected before. Receiving a small but nice gift.
  2. In business: getting help from old friends. period of high profits. The man sells antiques.
  3. In the field of health: there are no serious pathologies, but complications after childhood pathologies are possible.
  4. In love: Describes a relationship that has been going on since school (and sometimes kindergarten), very tender. He speaks of a strong marriage union, but devoid of special passion. It is possible to develop a relationship with an old acquaintance.
  5. 6 of Cups describes an infantile, flirtatious person with a "fresh" outlook on life, he feels like a child. Such a person is often covered by others who protect him.
  6. Arkan advises to seek friendly support (even from those whom you have not seen for a long time). Explore your past using memories.
  7. The card warns you not to idealize the past.
  8. The final answer to your question is yes.

6 tarot bowls in reverse position

In the reverse position, the lasso will tell about emerging new opportunities, an expanding worldview, and a prediction of the future. You may need to change your plans.

  1. In terms of events: it speaks of an irresponsible attitude to everything, frivolity.
  2. In business: high income, second-hand sales.
  3. In health: the appearance of childhood diseases in adults.
  4. In a relationship: a person makes high demands on his partner (I'm better, you won't be able to reach me). The card describes an old maid, a person living in an invented relationship or a relationship that has ended: this way he feels more comfortable.
  5. Arkan characterizes to the point of absurdity an infantile personality (for example, an aged young woman).
  6. 6 of Cups advises to study your past (do not focus only on positive memories).
  7. Warns you not to put on a child's mask, do not try to look younger.
  8. The situation will not change.

Detailed Meaning of 6 Tarot Cups

Characteristic in general

Arkan leads a person deep into his memory. He demonstrates that the past continues to live in him and a person likes to return to it from time to time in his romantic daydreams.

But because of such a detached-sentimental outlook on life, the world does not appear before a person in its true light. And since the lasso has a connection with the past, it will tell about some episodes or impressions received in childhood.

In work

The 6 of Cups indicates a more romantic attitude towards one's work than a pragmatic one. A person strongly idealizes his idea of ​​it. Of course, for creative individuals, this will be more of a plus than a minus.

In the event that a person can lose his job, order, the card demonstrates a return to the desires of childhood, when the child dreamed of becoming so-and-so. And if our childhood dreams come true, we experience joy, and if not, on the contrary, we suffer from sadness and hopelessness.


A look back into the past. Images of past events flash before our eyes and become poems, paintings, or other works of art. They can also indicate a desire to renounce reality, to talk about demonstrative tomfoolery.

Meaning of 6 Tarot Cups in relationships

In this sphere of life, the lasso 6 of Tarot Cups, as a rule, is personified with warmth and kindness, which are characteristic of the time of falling in love. But memories of this period may also arise.

It is in the relationship between a man and a woman that the dreamy, sometimes sentimental aspects of this lasso are most revealed, although it is also imbued with the spirit of poetry and genuine romance.

Combination with other arcana

  • With the lasso "Jester" - a manifestation of concern for children.
  • With the lasso "Magician" - the realization in life of plans that have been forgotten.
  • With the lasso "High Priestess" - the secrets of the past.
  • With the lasso "Empress" - due to the investments of the past, you will make a profit.
  • With the lasso "Emperor" - a person takes care of his relatives or colleagues.
  • With the lasso "Hierophant" - in childhood, a person was instilled with high values.
  • With the lasso "Lovers" - establishing a relationship with a person from the past or inciting a subsided passion.
  • With the lasso "Chariot" - a person does not let his past be forgotten.
  • With the lasso "Strength" - improvement.
  • With the lasso "The Hermit" - a person gets hung up on the past.
  • With the lasso "Wheel of Fortune" - everything becomes as it should be.
  • With the lasso "Justice" - getting rid of idealization.
  • With the lasso "The Hanged Man" - the past greatly affects the present.
  • With the lasso "Death" - farewell to the past.
  • With the lasso "Moderation" - a person grows up.
  • With the lasso "Devil" - the experience of their childhood fears, the flaws of youth.
  • With the lasso "Tower" - in childhood, a person faced some kind of shock.
  • With the lasso "Star" - the hope of fulfilling your childhood dream.
  • With the lasso "Moon" - a person is faced with the delusions of youth.
  • With the lasso "Sun" - the combination will tell about a harmonious future.
  • With the lasso "Court" - your negative karma is over.
  • With the lasso "Peace" - the influence of the past on the future is well traced.
  • With the lasso "Ace of Wands" - a chance to realize your old dream.
  • With the lasso "Two of Wands" - a difficult time of growing up, a person has to choose his future path.
  • With the lasso "Three of Wands" - relationships from the past will develop well.
  • With the lasso "Four of Wands" - a person graduated from school or university.
  • With the lasso "Five of Wands" - an old conflict situation, the problem of which is hidden in the past.
  • With the lasso "Six of Wands" - marriage, graduation.
  • With the lasso "Seven of Wands" - troubles that have accumulated over the years.
  • With the lasso "Eight of Wands" - receiving news from a childhood friend.
  • With the lasso "Nine of Wands" - a person suffers greatly because of the grievances of the past.
  • With the lasso "Ten of Wands" - separation, you will have to say goodbye to long-planned plans.
  • With the lasso "Page of Wands" - a childhood hobby.
  • With the lasso "Knight of Wands" - moving.
  • With the lasso "Queen of Wands" - the main role in the family belongs to a woman.
  • With the lasso "King of Wands" - the head of the family is a man.
  • The combination of 6 Cups 6 Pentacles Tarot speaks of credit.

Finally, watch the video on the topic

If you decide to read Tarot cards, you need to not only trust them, but also properly prepare for communicating with them. The cards are very capricious and they do not tolerate the smell of tobacco, alcohol, they will not tell the truth if you have eaten well before fortune-telling or are sarcastic about them.

It is advisable to guess in a dark room with candles or a lamp, you can light incense there before the process - this will help you tune in the right way.

Before guessing, you need to do the following:

  • If you are wondering for yourself, it’s good to drink herbal tea, if for others - coffee.
  • Retire in a room where no one will bother you, turn off the phone.
  • Tune in card energy, look at the drawings on them, hold them in your hands.
  • Get out of your head all the thoughts that distract you, ask the cards a question.
  • In the process of divination, step back from everything and try not to feel emotions.

If you do everything as expected, higher powers will give you an answer through the cards, and you will be able to understand both the situation and its causes, origins and inner meaning. There are many simple spreads for love, relationships, work, and so on.

The main thing is to correctly interpret what you have. To do this, you need to carefully look at each card, study what is drawn on it, turn on fantasy and intuition, and, of course, read about the meaning of the Arcana.

If the Six of Cups fell out to you, familiarize yourself with its inner meaning and meaning and, based on this, draw conclusions about what you wanted tell you tarot.

Definition of the Six of Cups (Cups)

Many decks on this card show children surrounded by goblets full of flowers. This card has a positive meaning, it speaks of prosperity and success.

The lasso symbolizes generosity, love, generosity and harmony, uplift and joy of life. if this card is the last one in the layout, it usually says that your cherished dream will come true soon, which you have even forgotten about.

But sometimes Six of Cups means nostalgia, a return to the past, thoughts about those people who are no longer in our lives. it awakens forgotten dreams, reminiscent of plans that once were, but never materialized. This card is associated with karmic memory. She says that the best does not come to us, but returns - you feel not just good, but good, like in childhood.

This card says that something - an event or a person - will make you open your eyes again and notice all the good that is happening around you. Sadness from the present leads to nostalgia for the departed, makes you remember the love that was once.

But then it transforms into the knowledge that happiness exists at all, that you have already experienced it, so you can do it again. . Arkan says that the questioner will soon be able to be happy again, if other cards in the layout do not refute this. Something from the past - energy, experience - will help change the present.

The Six of Cups can symbolize the house, and not the one in which the questioner lives, but the one in his heart - perhaps this is the place where he spent his childhood, the Motherland. In some cases, the card indicates that the life of the questioner is now influenced by problems from childhood, complexes and fears of the past.

If in the schedule Six of Swords present, this accurately speaks of generic problems. The Six of Cups can predict family gatherings or meetings with childhood friends or distant relatives.

This card often suggests that everything that is happening now is somehow connected with the past, perhaps it is a retribution or a reward, or maybe you are doing this because of the problems that you experienced before. Bad value cards around Six of Cups they talk about childhood traumas or even about unhealed wounds from the past.

But if the alignment was made for the future, this Arkan predicts a good completion of affairs, the achievement of a goal, and sometimes symbolizes that real happiness will come into your life. Sometimes he predicts a trip to the Motherland, to those places that you associate with childhood and joy.

Meaning in relationships

In the layout in relation this card has two polar opposite meanings. One of them is flirting, easy relationships without obligations, coquetry. The second is a mature and strong relationship built on a solid foundation. If there are Judgment or Wheel of Fortune cards nearby in the layout, this indicates that you and your partner are connected karmically.

The connection of the card with the past in this case is transformed into a foundation and a strong base that was laid in the past. The interpretation will help to describe the situation more specifically. other Arcana in the schedule.

Sometimes this card speaks of nostalgia for past relationships, predicts the return of someone from the past, perhaps this is a former partner, or maybe an old friend with whom you had a fight. It could be the rebirth of a relationship that seemed hopeless.

Something will come to you from the past that will play a big role in the future, nostalgia can feed and support you in the present.

Sometimes Arkan says about fateful, karmic connections, energy exchange. Perhaps you will meet a person whom you forgot to think about, but then, in the past, you met him precisely so that he would play a role in your future.

The card has a positive meaning, it speaks of sincere feelings and direct intentions, of the experience of the past, which was experienced together and now unites. People feel good and calm together, they know each other, their connection is strong, they can trust each other. Perhaps it there will be reconciliation with somebody.

The card speaks of tenderness, sexual attraction, kindness and playfulness. It will be easy and good for you along with those who come to you from the past.

Sixes of any suit usually speak positively about relationships, they symbolize prosperity. This card speaks of beautiful relationships, of tenderness and trepidation. They do not have vulgar jealousy, cynicism or impurities of something black and negative. This is a space of warmth, peace and trust.

The card predicts fulfillment of desires, one of its meanings is a wedding, the creation of a family. She will please you if you dream of a family idyll and are tired of a noisy and passionate life. She promises a home, warmth and comfort, love and naturalness, tenderness and kindness.

Six of Cups can also mean courtship, a candy-bouquet period in a relationship, generosity and gifts brought from the heart. Sometimes a card symbolizes an old friend whom you know completely and completely and with whom it is easy to communicate.

If you were wondering about a relationship with your loved one, this card is a very good sign. She says that all your aspirations will come true, you will achieve what you dream of, and the relationship will only become stronger.

Sometimes map says about good relations with relatives - both your own and your partner, that you will have a large family, and there will be mutual understanding between generations. Or perhaps it's already in your life and should be appreciated.

Sometimes Arkan says that some kind of family connection will be restored, you may find a long-lost relative. Maybe your family will increase, you or your relatives will have a child. In some cases, the card speaks of adoption. If there are bad Arcana around her, she describes bad relationships with the family, quarrels with parents and teenage rebellions.

In love

Upright the card says that goodness and warmth awaits you from a loved one, that his feelings are sincere, and you should trust him. She can talk about falling in love, which will be, or about memories of what once was.

This Arcana is very poetic, it has the sweetness of genuine feelings and the tenderness of first love. You will be happy, and relationships with loved ones will only grow stronger. Perhaps you will have an affair with someone from the past.

Upside down the card predicts peace after a quarrel with someone, although experience and sober reason will advise you not to put up with this person. He has already brought a lot of grief and, perhaps, will cause no less trouble in the future. If you were wondering about a new love, the inverted Six of Cups says that, alas, this is a hopeless relationship.

In work

Arcane means pure intentions and cooperation built on trust. You can be sure of the honesty of partners. It symbolizes creativity, great abilities, work from which you will enjoy.

Perhaps it will be work related to helping people or with children or the elderly. It can also be a profession that has a connection with history - an architect, historian, museum worker.

If the layout was made for some projects, then possible profit, but not very large, but without risk. Old projects will resume, you will return to what has already been discussed earlier.

The card speaks of the return of debts or a reminder of some past obligations. She talks about recovering from the crisis and about cooperation in which everything will be fair and equal.

The card predicts good prospects for novice businessmen, she talking about security and success. It is favorable for resolving issues related to the purchase of housing, says that you will increase the standard of living.


The card may indicate children or the elderly. She speaks of an insufficient amount of strength, of the return of past illnesses. In a straight position, she portends recovery, but they can disease appear from childhood, maybe the complications associated with them.

In an inverted position in health layouts, it directly warns of relapses and a return. past pains. Can talk about diseases of the cardiovascular system and infections.

Yes or no

Traditionally, in tarot card divination, in which a question is asked that can only be answered positively or negatively, the card in the upright position means the answer is “yes”, and inverted - "no".

But in the case of the Six of Cups, the meaning is more interesting: in an inverted position, she says that something from the past will interfere with your goal, perhaps complexes or fears, or maybe even old enemies.

In a straight position map says that the past, on the contrary, will take on a positive meaning for you. Previously acquired knowledge, people with whom you were once friends, or the experience of past years can help you. Maybe you can recover something that you thought you lost, or maybe your old dream will come true.

6 Six of Cups (Bowls) Tarot Rider White

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The Moon in Pisces as a symbol of poignant, nostalgic memories, or the Moon in Cancer as a symbol of romantic daydreaming.

Direct position:

Six of Cups: The appearance of this card in a reading may mean that the situation will require you to be truly spiritual, tolerant and rise above the fuss. This is mercy, help, kindness. It also symbolizes memories, past passion, faded images.

Reverse position:

An inverted card means: opening up new opportunities, expanding the worldview, foreseeing the future. Maybe your plans will need to be adjusted in the near future.

Six of Cups

Card Name: Lord of Happiness.

Correspondences - water of water, letter He, sephirah Beauty.

Explanation (general meaning): memories, nostalgia, brevity.

Event: Unexpectedly found old friends, intersections with people with whom something connected in the past (such as classmates, classmates). A nice little gift. Something fleeting.

1. Help, support that came from old friends (acquaintances). The beginning of stability and good profits, rise. Trade in old things (antiques).

2. Generally good. Not very serious diseases. Complications after childhood illnesses suffered in childhood.

3. Long-term relationship (from school, or even kindergarten); tender love and friendship. A very strong marriage, but not too passionate. Nice meeting up with old friends. He can say that the person with whom the relationship develops is an old acquaintance.

4. Infantilism, coquettishness, a pure outlook on life. Unlike the Jester, who does not learn anything, this is a person from whom the feeling of childhood emanates. He knows how to hide behind other people who like to protect him.

5. Tip: Ask your friends for help (even those you haven't seen in a while). Dig into the past, rely on memories.

Warning: Do not go into memories, do not idealize the past.

6. The answer is yes. We'll have to look into the past.


Explanation (general meaning): Exaggerated childishness, falling into childhood.

Event: irresponsible attitude towards everyone, frivolity.

1. Good income. Trade in old things (junk, second-hand)

2. Childhood diseases in adulthood

3. Whims, exaggerated claims to partners (I'm the coolest of all, where are you up to me). Spinster. A person living in past or invented relationships: he does not need rapprochement, in his dreams he is more comfortable and calmer.

4. Infantile to the point of absurdity, young aunts (uncles).

5. Tip: dig into the past (unlike direct, not in search of pleasant memories, but just think about your past).

Warning: don't play like a child, don't try to be younger than you are.

6. Everything will be the same.

General meaning:

This map takes us to the land of memories. It shows that the past is still alive in us, that we return to it in romantic dreams or in painfully nostalgic experiences. Such a detached-sentimental view of things can both clarify and brighten the picture of the world, and cloud it, overshadow it. And, since the card, one way or another, is connected with the past, with the appropriate question, it can indicate some episodes or impressions of our childhood.


The Six of Cups indicates that we perceive our work more romantically than pragmatically, and we are fascinated by its ideal idea of ​​it, and not by everyday routine. In creative professions, this is even a plus, however, where accuracy and organization are required, such an approach only hinders both us and those who work with us. If we are in danger of losing our jobs, jobs, or repurposing, then this card indicates a return to childhood desires, when we wanted to become this and that when we grow up. And, depending on how these childhood desires of ours have come true, it personifies either sadness and hopelessness, or joy and a surge of new strength. If we are simply having difficulties at work or at work, then it may mean that we want to return to those times (or to that job) when we succeeded.


We look back, most often to childhood, or indulge in "mind wandering", as Buddhists say, that is, we often (and usually bitterly) think about something. The images that appear in this case can be embodied in poems, paintings and other works of art. But they can also cause a desire to get away from reality, and just demonstrative tomfoolery. This is how Philip Metman writes about it: “He who tries to fulfill his childhood hopes in adulthood will never reach maturity. However, the one who suppresses them, preventing them from incarnating or gaining a new quality, immediately becomes an old man.

Personal relationships:

Here, this card most often means warmth and kindness, characteristic of the period of fabulous love. Sometimes - memories of such a period. It is in this area that the dreamy, sometimes sugary-sentimental side of this card is most strongly expressed, although there is both poetry and genuine romance in it.

Six of Cups combined with other Tarot cards

With the "Jester" card - take care of children.

With the card "Magician" - start implementing long-forgotten plans.

With the card "High Priestess" - the secret of the past.

With the card "Empress" - profit due to investments in the past.

With the "Emperor" card - taking care of the family or work.

With the Hierophant card - values ​​instilled in childhood.

With the Lovers card, a relationship with a person from the past or an old passion flared up with renewed vigor.

With the card "Chariot" - do not let the past cross out.

With the card "Strength" - to improve.

With the card "The Hermit" - to go in cycles in the past.

With the "Wheel of Fortune" card - return to normal.

With the card "Justice" - get rid of idealism.

With the Hanged Man card - the past that turned today.

With the card "Death" - say goodbye to the past.

With the card "Moderation" - growing up.

With the card "Devil" - children's fears; a shadow of the past; youth sins.

With the Tower card - a shock experienced in childhood.

With the Star card - the hope that a childhood dream will come true.

With the card "Moon" - the delusions of youth.

With the card "Sun" - a happy future.

With the card "Court" - the closure of karma; help from the past.

With the World card, a clear picture of how the past affects the future.


With the card "Ace of Wands" - a chance to realize an old dream.

With the card "Two of Wands" - a difficult stage of growing up; choosing the path of the future.

With the card "Three of Wands" - a long-standing relationship that has a successful continuation.

With the Four of Wands card - graduation from a school or institute.

With the Five of Wands card - an old conflict; a conflict that has a background in the past.

With the card "Six of Wands" - final exam; wedding.

With the Seven of Wands card - problems that have been accumulating for years.

With the card "Eight of Wands" - news from a childhood friend.

With the card "Nine of Wands" - past grievances that haunt.

With the card "Ten of Wands" - parting; bury long-cherished plans.

With the Page of Wands card - a childhood hobby; hobby.

With the card "Knight of Wands" - moving.

With the card "Queen of Wands" - a key member of the family with yin qualities.

With the "King of Wands" card, a key family member with yang qualities.

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Tarot cards - the path to understanding the secret and the unknown. This is a way to touch the secrets of fate and get an answer to an exciting question. Today, anyone can use the ancient divination. It is enough to know how to interpret the cards. But you need to understand not only the major arcana, but also the "deck of a small secret." For example, the Six Cups of Tarot, the meaning of which depends entirely on the theme of the layout.

Suit of Cups Tarot

The entire Tarot deck is conditionally divided into two groups. The first includes trump cards, which are also called the major arcana. The second group includes small cards, divided into four suits. As in a playing deck, each suit consists of a number series and several court symbols.

Cards of any of the suits symbolize the life path of a person. Also, each of the four suits is responsible for a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200blife. So, for example, maces are responsible for the non-material world, thoughts and aspirations of a person. And the suit of bowls symbolizes feelings and desires, emotions and love.

If we draw a parallel with a playing deck, then cups correspond to the suit of hearts. In the zodiac series, they symbolize the triad of Water. These are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. These signs are sensitive and emotional, like the suit itself. She personifies intuition, temperament and belongs to the feminine.

All cup cards have their own interpretation. In any case, it concerns the emotional sphere, feelings and sensations. The Six of Cups of Tarot has the most interesting interpretation, the meaning of which changes dramatically depending on the question asked by the querent.

Arcane Six of Cups

The card depicts a scene involving two children. The boy gives the girl a golden goblet in which flowers are planted. The girl accepts the gift with surprise. Next to the guy there are five more such bowls, in which flowers also grow.

Children are in the garden near the old house. On some versions of the deck, an elderly couple, embracing, is watching the guys with tenderness. The image on the map is quite symbolic.

The Six of Tarot Cups, whose meaning refers to thoughts and feelings, represents peace and tranquility. Children are safe in a cozy home. They are where the manifestation of the most tender emotions is natural. The boy gives care and attention to the girl. An elderly couple in the background symbolizes peace and detachment from the hustle and bustle. They've been through a lot, but they still love each other. The elderly are watching the young characters who have yet to learn how to express their feelings.

The Six of Cups encourages us to share our emotions. She appeals to people's feelings and insists that it is impossible to save them. Speak nice things, care, and show love. Cups, standing at a distance, symbolize energy that needs to be applied, a supply of inspiration and tender feelings.

The card also represents little profit and no risk. Slow but steady progress is typical for people of "home" temperament.

Interpretation of the minor arcana

In any scenario, all cards have two positions. Depending on whether the symbol fell out in the correct or inverted orientation, tarot answer will have other interpretations. The same rules apply to the Six of Cups, which can turn to the questioner on either side.

Correct position

In the correct orientation, the Six of Cups has a positive meaning. It represents peace and stability of the emotional sphere.

Meaning of the Six of Cups in the correct position:

In the correct position, the Six of Cups demonstrates harmony in the inner world of a person. He is generous and generous, and his thoughts are pure. The symbol represents wisdom and the ability to act in accordance with one's feelings.

Following the Five, which acts as a map of adversity and troubles, the desired calm has come. The six symbolizes a favorable period when it is so useful to make plans for the future, dream and fulfill dreams.

The card embodies the calmness that a person who has experienced a lot finds (in the Five). He has already learned to cope with emotions and control his experiences. After going through the problems, he was reborn to a new life.

Of great importance are the cards standing next to each other, which will help clarify the Tarot answer. The magician, who appeared in the alignment, shows the opportunity to fulfill the long-desired. The Strength card indicates that personality continues to improve and achieves success in this. Her appeasement is a sign of wisdom.

Wrong position

The card received in an inverted position gives a radically different answer. The meaning of the symbol is somewhat distorted, although its interpretation remains more positive than negative.

Basic Meanings of the Reversed Six of Cups:

The reversed Six of Cups symbolizes the desire to escape from responsibility. The man is trying to burn his bridges behind him. Something happened for which he is not ready to bear responsibility.

Such a symbol can also demonstrate fears associated with the past. Often they relate to childhood and phobias that stretch into adulthood.

An inverted card speaks of a person’s desire to break into the future, leaving the past behind. Experience and experience will remain in the past, but it is possible that this will lead to new problems.

The cards next to the lasso will help clarify such a vague interpretation. For example, the Five of Swords speaks of callousness as a result of the stress experienced. The person no longer listens to emotions. The Nine of Wands speaks of an unwillingness to reckon with ideals, a challenge to society.

Six of Cups in Consciousness Analysis

The Six of Cups indicates a person who is lost in his past. He again and again returns in consciousness to the experienced events, often ignoring today. The personality leaves reality, bitterly going over the glorious days of the past. She may also be tormented by the shock she experienced.

The card does not call for forgetting the past, but also requires a person to participate in the present. You can’t bury yourself in memory, otherwise today will be covered with the dust of indifference. Give your memories enough space, but do not elevate them to the rank of shrine. Otherwise, miss the bright things that today has prepared for you.

Career, work and finance

It often happens that the Six of Cups falls in the alignment of professional activities. At first glance, the emotional card has nothing to do with work, but the Tarot is rarely wrong when looking at the very essence of the problem.

Correct Orientation

The Six of Cups represents peace, and in the matter of work, it symbolizes the enjoyment of activity. A person is in his place, his work satisfies him, he is fully realized. Even if there is a creative block at the moment, the querent has every opportunity to overcome it. The boy holding out the cup calls to seize the chance given by fate.

If the deck is asked for advice, then the Six of Cups calls for doing good deeds. Act according to your conscience, treat others with patience and you will be rewarded. Do not look for material gain in good deeds. She will come herself, and at the same time where you least expect her. Strengthens this value of the Star card, standing nearby.

If the Emperor fell next to the card, the Tarot calls for more zeal in work. Pay attention to things.

Wrong orientation

The inverted Six of Cups shows a desire to discard the old rules and go on the untrodden path. Conservatism is alien to you, you crave innovation and strive for novelty.

Maybe such a card personifies feelings about the past. A certain negative experience left an imprint on you that you still cannot get rid of. To forget about what happened will not be lucky soon.

In any case, the card encourages a person to wake up and take a sober look at the situation. The problem is not as significant as it seems at first glance. Let reason into your life and listen less to emotional outbursts. You feel too much and think too little.

Personal relationships and love

Often in divination for love, the querent has a symbol of 6 Tarot cups. The value in the relationship of this sign is most often positive, regardless of its position.

Correct card position

Very often, such a card symbolizes a random event that will evoke stormy memories. It could be meeting an old friend, a former lover, or a new acquaintance that will provide references to past relationships.

The card indicates karmic connections, where the acquaintance and relationship of two people is predetermined by fate itself. These are strong harmonious unions based on sexual and spiritual attraction. Relationships promise happiness to both partners. Strengthens this value of the lasso Judgment, as well as the Wheel of Fortune, standing nearby. The Moon also has a positive influence, which indicates love that has passed all adversity.

Wrong map position

6 of Cups inverted speaks of a truce reached by the hard way. The symbol can also denote a situation that is much more complicated than it seems.

The wrong position speaks of parting with something old. There may be a break in strong ties, the loss of friends or a quarrel in a relationship. In any case, the card does not carry a radically negative interpretation. It only warns of possible problems.

Divination about the state of health

The card indicates possible health problems that you have inherited. Pathologies of the cardiovascular system, for example, diseases of the aorta, are not excluded. Tarot also warns of the need to protect the nervous system. Neurosis and insomnia are possible.

The symbol warns of possible relapses of diseases. Often the disease seems defeated, but over time it can remind of itself. Be careful.

Tarot cards are a mantic tool that has been tested for many centuries, with the help of which it becomes possible to forecast future events, as well as to choose one of the possible options. In this article, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the meaning of 6 Tarot Cups.

General value

It is time for a person to show mercy, generosity.


The fortuneteller expects a warm, stable relationship. A couple can build a strong family. However, there is no passion between partners.


There are no health problems, but childhood pathologies can remind of themselves.


A favorable period is coming. The fortuneteller expects a stable income. Help from former colleagues or comrades is possible.

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✚ For the future

The card is quite neutral, so it is difficult to determine what impact it will have on a person's future. Everything is considered solely on an individual basis. This card is about nostalgia for the past, which is bright for some and sad for others. It all depends on your personal past, so try to think only about the good in the near future, then this life stage will only benefit you. You will be able to immerse yourself in a bright past. Everyone has a past, it is important to remember only the good for your beautiful future.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ Relationships

The Six of Cups is a symbol of tenderness, this can be found at the very beginning of a relationship, during the period of getting to know each other and getting to know each other better. For those who are single now, the card means good changes in the future, that is, a person has a great opportunity to experience these emotions of the candy-bouquet period. If the relationship has a long history, then probably one of the partners will want to restore the former connection, a fresh look will appear, which will be the impetus for a new round.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For today

Generosity, prosperity and generosity. Stable, albeit small, income; sincere enjoyment of work and the return of old friends. The card promises a complication of old injuries and pathologies. It is also possible to renew old relationships and make new acquaintances, smoothly flowing into love, based on the sincerity of feelings. You are a romantic and dreamy person who feels pleasant nostalgia. Reach out to your friends for support and don't make the past too perfect!

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For tomorrow

The card of the game and fun pastime, most often means a big company. Rest, friendly advice, mutual understanding with someone grows stronger in a sincere conversation.

Perhaps the questioner will have a pleasure walk to the club, a trip to the countryside, some kind of active rest in the company of nice people.

In the professional field, the card means well-coordinated teamwork, enjoying the labor process, the working day will pass in a frivolous, light atmosphere.

In terms of love relationships, the card can mean a date-walk, going to the cinema or other entertainment. It can also indicate that the relationship between the questioner and his loved one is more friendly than deep.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ What does he think of me

Have you stopped hoping that you will meet a real person who will win your heart and create a positive mood for a long time? Soon you will meet again a person who once in the past means a lot in your life. You will be able to renew a relationship with him and feel that these years have not passed without changes. This person managed to change for the better, but at the same time retain his positive qualities of character. Now the relationship between you will develop brightly, interestingly and seriously. In the future, you will have a wedding and the birth of a child with this particular person.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On desire

Be prepared for the onset of the black stripe. You are a person who strives for harmony, but it will have to be sacrificed to your desire. Some event that happened in the past will make itself felt. You will have to fix this. At this time, close people will play a significant role, be sure to listen to their advice. Old, almost forgotten skills will come in handy. Look to the future and get rid of excessive guardianship.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On the situation

Time to do good for others. Interaction with old acquaintances and unexpected meetings affect fate. There is a search for protection from others, immersion in memories and dreams. On the other hand, this is a profitable period. Probably help from others, support from loved ones.

Infantilism, idealization of the past, excessive romanticism can interfere.

Ahead is a positive resolution of the situation, but without grandiose victories. Get ready to be as patient as possible. Get away from the hustle and bustle and watch the events from the side.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For the betrothed

Creating a happy future from the shadow of the past is what this card promises you. Perhaps you will meet an old acquaintance, feelings for whom either only appear or have not yet faded. However, if your heart is already taken, then pleasant memories will awaken warm feelings that will create comfort in the relationship. Get ready to experience maximum comfort and satisfaction from what is happening. After all, the wedding is just around the corner!

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

You are happy because everything planned was successfully completed. Enjoy the result, make plans and get ready for new achievements.

You understand the value of what you have achieved, so you are overwhelmed with feelings of joy and happiness. The Guardian Angel says that this is not the time to rest on your laurels - keep moving forward towards the highest goals, the support of higher powers awaits you.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On the King

It is possible that you will meet your old love in the near future. Memories of youth will flood with renewed vigor. Children or close relatives will help you get back on track. It is undesirable for your chosen one to fully reveal their little secrets, which will soon remain just pleasant memories. Such an adventure will help you bring freshness to family life and take a fresh look at your spouse.

A full description of the map is available at

In the foreground of the 6 Cups are depicted two: a boy and a girl. Moreover, the boy is trying to hand the girl a heavy, even at first glance, vase of flowers.

A detail of the map that is often overlooked is the guard on the left side of the map, with his back to the viewer.

The children are warmly dressed, suggesting early spring or late autumn.


  • Nostalgia
  • Memories
  • Childhood
  • Joy
  • Help
  • Confidence

Key Ideas

  • old friends
  • A little happiness
  • Home
  • Reasons in the past

Basic meaning

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The meanings of the 6 (Six) Cups (Bowls) Tarot, which were proposed by Waite, are used almost unchanged today. The card is about happiness, a happy past, childhood. All the negative meanings of the card disappeared over time, and the positive ones only intensified. And today, the meanings of the six Tarot cups speak of joy, friendly help, the pleasure of meeting old friends.

Meaning in relationships

It is believed that children establish relationships easily, and some radical psychologists insist that true friendship is possible only in childhood. The Tarot card of 6 (Six) of Cups (Bowls) just shows the meaning of true friendships. People feel sympathy for each other, but at the same time they do not seek to turn relationships into love ones, to make them more intimate.

The card may indicate a group of like-minded people; a team united by common goals and beliefs; people who are accustomed to work together and relax together.

Open - closed card

Open map. A good image is a playground where children meet, get to know each other easily, make friends and just as easily part.

Relationship Intensity

The card involves intensive communication, joint games, participation in collective processes. Relationship intensity ranges from medium to high.

Relationship scenario: love, family, relatives, work

The main scenario of a relationship is friendship. At the same time, the connection between people is not as close and strong as in 3 of Cups. This has its pros and cons.

3 of Cups does not imply the presence of personal space, division into yours and mine - only ours. In 6 of Cups, friends respect each other's personal space.

For young children, having a secret space is very important. Lockable drawer, lockable box where they can store their secrets and treasures. At 6 of Cups, adults will never open this box without asking. Friends respect your own opinion and the right to be different from them. A very good model for almost any type of relationship.

However, the bond between people is weaker than 3 of Cups. There are no irreplaceable ones: leaving the group is not a crisis and a catastrophe for either the individual or the group.

Friendship scenarios can be conditionally divided into yang and yin, boyish and girlish. In yin, friends exchange recipes, books, go to the movies or exhibitions together, and then discuss what they see. The map is more typical of such a scenario of friendship. Yang variant is active. Friendly jokes, shoves. Very similar to puppies. Theoretically, the map allows this, but this scenario is closer to 5 Staves.

In working relationships, people enjoy spending time together at and after work. "We've done a great job and we're going to have a great time."

  • combined with a card: You can count on the friendly support of an influential person
  • combined with the card : Your friends are real friends
  • in combination with the card: Harmony in relationships with friends and colleagues

Psychological condition

The psychological state corresponding to the 6 of Cups is even, calm, friendly. A person is confident in himself and his environment, he does not expect a dirty trick. There is nothing that would make him anxious or suspect others of unseemly actions and thoughts. On the contrary, he receives positive feedback from his environment and can count on friendly participation and support.

The person is friendly, open to communication, experiencing positive emotions. Relations are smooth, calm, non-demonstrative. Unlike the 5 Staffs, the participants do not compete with each other, but join forces to achieve a result.

Combined with the suit of Wands

Combined with the suit of Wands
  • c : Ask friends for help with new ideas
  • c: It looks like you haven’t gathered for barbecue with friends for a long time
  • c: Now you have an extremely favorable period

Significance in matters of health

First of all, the value of 6 (Six) of Tarot Cups indicates good health. If all the same we are talking about diseases, then the card gives several options for reading. First, we can talk literally about the diseases of children. Secondly, about childhood illnesses manifested in an adult. And, thirdly, the map may indicate the consequences of illnesses suffered in childhood.

As treatment, the card offers the best of all possible ways: tea with honey, a warm blanket, a teddy bear. Friendly participation and care.

  • with card : Chatting with friends can disappoint you
  • with a card: Perhaps one of your friends is not entirely sincere with you
  • with a card: Friendship begins to develop into falling in love

Business and finance, in professional activity

Work with friends. The card may indicate that you are currently working in a fairly friendly team. The 6 of Cups emphasizes cooperation rather than competition. Collaboration between departments and colleagues, open exchange of information. Mutual training, helping those who are lagging behind, discussing problems and real help to each employee.

Stability, manageability, controllability

Stable, manageable situation. It doesn’t take much effort to keep income at a good level and even slowly increase it. On the contrary, the card indicates that the situation is favorable, with a tendency to improve, and will be so for a long time.

Ways to Increase Income (The Key to Increasing Income)

It is very easy to work in a friendly atmosphere, in the company of like-minded people. Sincere, friendly relations, cooperation, mutual assistance for the sake of a common cause are an excellent incentive for effective work. The principle of cooperation, not competition.
It's good when there are no falsehoods and hidden motives - everything is in plain sight! One for all and all for one.

General state of finances and trends

Very good, stable condition. Right now, the income is stable, constant, nothing threatens him. But this is the average level of income, not a lot, but not a little - enough. The long-term forecast indicates that this balance will be maintained.

Positive and negative impact on income

Working in a team of friends and like-minded people certainly has a positive impact on performance. By joining forces, people achieve more than alone or in competition. But on the condition that this relationship is built on a true foundation, without the exploitation of the team spirit for selfish purposes.

One of the frequent cases that negatively affects income: under the guise of a “friend”, “comrade-in-arms”, “associate”, lovers of raking in heat with the wrong hands can hide. Or the principle - die yourself, and help out a comrade - is brought to the point of absurdity.

Another point is directly related to the meaning of "children". The motto “All the best for children” was transformed by merchants into “All the most precious for children”. Buying children's goods costs a pretty penny, despite the fact that in most cases it is a one-time consumer goods.

  • combined with : Shadows of the past break your heart
  • combined with: Helping friends and helping friends can turn into trouble
  • combined with : Some of your friends are jealous of you

Do not withdraw into yourself, discuss your problems with friends

Card of the day Caution

Think about whether those around you are really your friends.

  • 6 of Cups in combination with the card: Friendships turn into a heavy burden.
  • 6 of Cups in combination with the card: Friendship or benefit?
  • 6 of Cups in combination with a card: Your friends are worthy people.

Questions to ask when drawing a card?

  • How does your past affect you?
  • Do those you consider friends consider you a friend?
  • What makes you seek the friendship of these people?
  • Do you help your children to be happy?

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After losing the Five of Cups, you move on to the Six of Cups and seek solace in the past or enjoy the care and support of friends in the present. This card speaks in general about the influence of the past on the present. You may be nostalgic for simpler and happier times, or you may be under the influence of a long-term trauma at the moment. Sometimes memories of karmic knots tied in past lives are available. Sixes are generally considered the culmination of each suit and represent reciprocity or equal exchange—in this case, emotional energy. You can give gifts or do all sorts of romantic things.

Perhaps you reminisce about your childhood and youth, or yearn for the good old days. Or perhaps you are courting someone or reconciling after a quarrel. This card suggests sensual pleasures and happiness or care. and acceptance from others. Perhaps you are decorating your home - most likely in a traditional, classic or retro style. An alternative interpretation of the card from the Waite-Smith deck emphasizes that the guard with a spear, the enclosed courtyard, and the difference in height and age between the characters indicate either protection or intrigue. However, the Six of Cups may have a more unpleasant meaning: in some cases, it speaks of violence experienced in childhood, which was subsequently repressed and forgotten. In this sense, it is similar to formal family photographs, where everyone is smiling, but in fact they are hiding the horrifying truth.

Traditional meanings: past, what was before. Memories. Thoughts of past love. Nostalgia. Withered, gone, gone. Old age, decrepitude, impotence, antiquity. Desire, aspiration. Indecisiveness in love. Wrong, bad choice. Injuries, mistakes. Dissatisfaction, lack of passion. Courtship. New acquaintances.

Reversed Six of Cups

Traditionally, the reversed Six of Cups is interpreted as a card of future events, but modern tarologists unequivocally tie it to the past. If you put these two versions together, you will turn away from the past and focus on the future - whether it is successful or not. Both interpretations emphasize the inability to live in the present. Immersion in the past can give apathy and inertia. Carolyn Miss, an excellent intuitive therapist, rightly points out the dangers of digging into your own traumas: if you get too carried away with this process, you will be unable to live in the here and now.

On the other hand, it could also be a resurrection card. In the psychotherapeutic aspect, you can let go of old emotional holdings and unconscious patterns of behavior. Returning to familiar places, you may find that everything is not at all as you remembered. Idealized pictures of the past do not withstand a collision with rough reality. You can release old obligations and abdicate responsibility. At the other end of the spectrum is a passion for new technology, science fiction or other futuristic projects. Also, the inverted Six of Cups can mean working with the inner child, but at the same time, it says that it's time to grow up, live in the present - perhaps get rid of the house where you spent your childhood, and from all family junk in the literal or metaphorical sense words. You can change the interior to banish memories. The need to rise above your roots, especially if shame is present among your emotions, can be a good motivation for the future. In rare cases, the card may indicate a reunion with a lover or lover from the past.

When projecting the Six of Cups onto other people, they will look in your eyes either as reactionaries, or, conversely, as ultra-progressives, and possibly as those who refuse to grow.

From a shamanic and magical point of view, this could be herbal medicine, apparently because flowers are depicted on the card. Also, the card involves time travel to the past or to the future. Smell or taste can catalyze inner vision or make you relive some past event. The courtyard serves as a reminder of the importance of working in a protected sacred space or temenos.

Traditional inverted meanings: future, future prospects. Soon afterwards. What will happen soon. The promise of better times. Resurrection, resurrection, renewal. New friends or new environment. Plans that may collapse.

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