Personal life of Karina Razumovskaya: present. Actress Karina Razumovskaya: personal life, photo, husband, children Biography of Karina Razumovskaya

Karina Razumovskaya was born in St. Petersburg on March 9, 1983. Karina grew up in ordinary family: mother Elena and grandmother raised children, and father Vladimir worked in the merchant marine.

As a child, Karina was a dreamer, she had a beautiful appearance and talked for a long time with her grandmother. Karina loved to sing very much, and also to watch black and white films in company with her grandmother. The girl often sang sometimes also in in public places. So during one of the vocal exercises in the subway, an assistant director approached her, who became interested in Karina and invited her to take part in filming a movie.

For her first fee, Razumovskaya bought a large plush elephant, which is still kept in her country house today. So the girl wanted to become an actress.

After secondary school, Karina applied to the theater institute. Mom was against this, but the girl was able to persuade her. So she was able to get on the course of actor Vladimir Petrov.


Karina graduated from the academy in 2004 and received a call from the Bolshoi Drama Theater named after G.A. Tovstonogov, the girl was offered to come for an interview with Kirill Lavrov. She successfully passed the audition and was able to become part of the theater group.

In the theater, Karina often plays very characteristic roles, her favorite looks are: Oksana from The Night Before Christmas and Juliette Valtier from Taxpayer School.

The actress also received many invitations from other theater companies. Karina played in the Comedy Theater. Akimov in such performances: "Krechinsky's Wedding", "Ghosts", "I want to act in films."


Razumovskaya at the age of 6 played a small role in "Braking in Heaven". The actress will forever remember the sensations that she experienced in front of the camera. After 2 years, the girl again starred in the comedy "Act, Manya!".

Karina played her first adult role in the lyrical melodrama The Ark. She also took part in the filming of two such television series: "Sisters" and "Kinship Exchange".

The girl became famous after her role in the melodrama "Adjutants of Love", which appeared on the screens in 2005. She played leading role— Olga Lopukhina. After this role, Razumovskaya gained immense fame in Russia, and she also had many fans who fell in love with her for her amazing sincerity and acting.

Today, Karina Razumovskaya is considered an excellent and very sought-after actress in Russian cinema. Every year she starred in many films and TV series. The girl may refuse the role if the plot is not interesting enough or the character is not too developed.

One of the last notable works of Karina was participation in the famous series "Major", there Razumovskaya played the role of Victoria Rodionovna, the captain of the police department.

Personal life

Karina Razumovskaya does not like to share her personal life. With her husband Artem Karasev the girl met at the theater academy. They loved each other very much and got married 4 years later. The wedding was played in 2005 on the eve new year's eve. But Artem and Karina traveled quite often, they did not see each other for a long time and their relationship became worse. So, after 6 years, the artists divorced.

actress everything free time likes to spend in the kitchen. She masters Italian cuisine and just loves to cook. In addition, the girl loves sports and yoga very much, she can paint with watercolors and cross-stitch for a long time.


  • Braking in the sky
  • Adjutants of love
  • The ark
  • Blessed
  • Podsadnoy
  • blood is not water
  • Beauty requires...
  • Vangelia
  • another side of the moon
  • Belovodie. Mystery of the Lost Country
  • Major
  • Leave to return
  • Life circumstances

Evening Urgant, Karina Razumovskaya - video

Personal life of Karina Razumovskaya: present

On this moment Karina is not in a legal relationship, and, as far as this personal side of the actress's life can be judged from publications in the press and on the net, she is not going to get married. Parting with her husband Karina endured quite painfully. As for the question of whether Karina Razumovskaya has children, the answer is even more clear - as of 2017, the actress has no children. However, we have already mentioned this above.

At the moment, Karina Razumovskaya is in a relationship with a man whose name is Yegor. It is only known that he is a businessman. Well, one more fact that is officially mentioned in open sources, Yegor is a former classmate and school friend of Karina. After many years, they are together again - why not a romantic story?

On the picture: civil husband Karina Razumovskaya - Egor

To summarize for those who have not mastered our article. Let's highlight the key issues that concern readers.

Does Karina Razumovskaya have a husband?

No, Karina Razumovskaya is not married as of 2017. The marriage with Artem Karasev broke up, Karina Razumovskaya's family life lasted for six and a half years.

Do Karina Razumovskaya have children?

No, Karina Razumovskaya has no children as of 2017. If the situation changes, please do not be lazy and notify the editors of the site through feedback.

Now Karina devotes herself to her work. She lives in St. Petersburg, although she works and shoots mainly in Moscow. Why didn't Karina move to the capital? After all, traveling so often from St. Petersburg to Moscow and back is completely inconvenient. The answer is simple: Karina does not like this city. Nothing personal - it's just that the actress has bad memories associated with him.

Now Karina in her free time, which is not so much, is engaged in yoga and cooking. The culinary talent of the actress is known in fairly wide circles. Perhaps soon the children of Karina Razumovskaya will be able to try all the sweets, the recipes of which are in the arsenal of the actress. In general, Karina radiates exclusively positive, which means that only positive people should be attracted to her in her personal life.

Photo by Karina Razumovskaya

Finally, we offer you a small selection of photos of Karina Razumovskaya, you can click on each one and enlarge it. A selection of photos from film sets and from Everyday life Karina Razumovskaya:

Karina Razumovskaya is a young actress with a delightful appearance and a piercing gaze of bright eyes. She looks more like some sweet and gentle princess from a fairy tale. Yes, this definition best suits this incredible woman. Of course, this princess must have her lover. But this has not yet grown together.

This gentle princess has a whole army of admirers. And it is unlikely that at least one of the directors of our time will seriously want to offer Razumovskaya the role of a bad heroine - treacherous and insidious. However, Karina herself is not even opposed to changing her role to characters that are more unusual for her.

Height, weight, age. How old is Karina Razumovskaya

This actress is so popular at the present time that her admirers are interested in just any little thing about her. Including such minor details as her height, weight, age. How old is Karina Razumovskaya is not a secret.

Now she is 34 years old. But it is worth noting that she looks much younger than her years. And photos of Karina Razumovskaya in her youth and now only confirm this interesting fact. With a not too high growth of 168 centimeters, the actress weighs 53 kilograms, and her figure is definitely admirable.

Biography of Karina Razumovskaya

Karina Razumovskaya was born on March 9, 1983, in St. Petersburg. Her family had nothing to do with theater or cinema. Her father, Vladimir Razumovsky, was a long-distance sailor, which made it quite difficult to find him at home. Thus, the family was matriarchy. Mother - Elena Razumovskaya took care of the house and the upbringing of three children - Karina, her older sister- Xenia, and younger brother- Sergei.

It cannot be said that the biography of Karina Razumovskaya stands out for something special. The future star got into the cinema as a child. Karina loved to sing and did not hesitate to do it even in the passages, where there were always a lot of people. There she was noticed by the assistant director. He invited the girl to an episodic role in the film "Braking in Heaven." In this film, she made her debut as an actress.

Thanks to this small, but still role, Karina finally decided on her future profession. And after school, Razumovskaya went to enter the Academy of Theater Arts. which was graduated with honors.

After high school, Karina was accepted into the troupe of the Tovstonogov Drama Theater. She has been performing on the stage of this theater for more than ten years. Razumovskaya does not refuse roles in films, but still prefers the theatrical stage.

Filmography: films starring Karina Razumovskaya

As mentioned above, the filmography of the actress began at a time when she was still a child. She had a chance to play her next episodic role at the age of eight, in the comedy “Act, Manya!”. A more serious appearance on the screen awaited her in the film "The Ark". Then Karina studied in the first year. Razumovskaya got into the image of a sweet and modest girl so well that the directors began to offer her only such roles. However, Karina Razumovskaya became truly famous after the role of Olga Lopukhina in the series "Adjutants of Love".

Today, Karina is an actress in demand and beloved by viewers, who seems to be able to cope with any role without any problems. For all my acting career she played in more than forty films and TV series, among which, perhaps, one can especially highlight such films as: “Blessed”, “Vangelia”, “Leave to return”, “Censor” and, of course, two parts of the popular series "Major". And this despite the fact that she still manages to play in the theater!

Personal life of Karina Razumovskaya

tracing long list works of the actress, you involuntarily understand that she has very little time for herself. And indeed - it is clear that the personal life of Karina Razumovskaya is not too rosy. Expose to the public all the ins and outs of their relationship and family secrets the actress doesn't like it very much. But everyone knows that the beautiful Razumovskaya has already been married to Artem Karasev. But this marriage came to an end after six years.

Maybe this will surprise someone, but after the divorce, Karina did not lose heart at all, but on the contrary, she completely immersed herself in work, which allowed her to achieve stunning success. Razumovskaya devotes rare moments of peace to her favorite things. And she has a whole list of them. Among the available hobbies: playing sports or yoga, cooking (especially dishes Italian cuisine), drawing, cross-stitching, travel (especially to Italy), charity events.

It is unbelievable how she manages to do all this and where does her strength come from. Almost certainly, Karina Razumovskaya knows some secrets and actively uses them.

Family of Karina Razumovskaya

What is family happiness Karina knows firsthand. However, on her thorny life path the same person has not yet appeared who could revive all her dreams of a cloudless family life. The actress believes that her life partner should be serious about life values. And Razumovskaya would never have been able to connect life with a frivolous person.

Currently, the family of Karina Razumovskaya is her parents, sister and younger brother.

Children of Karina Razumovskaya

Although today in the personal life of this beautiful girl peace and quiet, she still does not lose hope of meeting her beloved and only. And, like any other woman, Karina dreams of her own children.

Loyal admirers are sure that the happiness of loving and being loved, no doubt, still awaits her in the near future. And, of course, the children of Karina Razumovskaya will be as beautiful as their mother. How else? When the time comes, Karina will definitely become a wonderful mother.

Former husband of Karina Razumovskaya - Artem Karasev

Karina met Artem Karasev while still a student. It was in him that the young girl considered the one with whom she would like to live her whole life. As it turns out later, she made a mistake by making such a decision. Ex-husband Karina Razumovskaya - Artem Karasev studied with her at the same institute. And in the end they began an affair. They met for four years, but for some reason everyone did not dare to legitimize their relationship. But then, finally, twelve years ago, on New Year's Day, Karina and Artem nevertheless played a wedding.

However, happiness was short-lived. And happy, as at first everyone thought, the marriage was destroyed by banal professional jealousy. Karina was increasingly invited to new projects. And the popularity, as well as the demand for the girl, only grew. This automatically shortened her time at home. Unlike his wife, Artem could not achieve such success. The roles he was offered were not the most significant, and the worst thing for his pride was that it was he who had to wait for Karina at home from the next filming.

Quite predictably, it all came down to the fact that the couple divorced. As for Karasev himself, now he is dating someone again and his career is gradually going up - more and more often he plays main or secondary roles, rather than episodic ones.

Karina Razumovskaya nude

Nature endowed Karina Razumovskaya not only with a truly angelic face, but also with an excellent figure! So there is nothing surprising in the fact that some fans express a desire to show photos or videos from the next shoot, where Karina Razumovskaya poses naked in front of the cameras. Contrary to this, Karina is not at all in a hurry to get naked. Although in the past in some films where the actress took part, you can see some of her bare body parts.

Speaking of the present, then, for example, during the filming of "Major" Razumovskaya had a chance to take part in several bed scenes at once.

Instagram and Wikipedia Karina Razumovskaya

She is beautiful and undeniably popular. Therefore, it is unlikely that anyone will be surprised by the number of her fans. As well as the fact that she attracts a lot of more and more viewers to her modest person. Thus, it goes without saying that Karina Razumovskaya's Instagram and Wikipedia are as popular as the actress herself.

On her Instagram page, Karina shares the most fresh photos and videos from your daily life. And by visiting her Wiki page, you can recognize her short biography, filmography and even a list of awards.

Russian singer and radio host of Georgian origin, former member of the "Star Factory" and performed 5 song hits "Vova-Plague", "London-Paris", "Time", "Absinthe Drops", "I'm with you" and "Moon"

Irakli's height is 177 cm

Russian musician, TV and radio host, actor, screenwriter, director and producer. Since 2007 - co-owner of the Gazgolder label. Since October 2019 - owner football club SKA.

Bast's height is 181 cm

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Yolka (real name Elizaveta Valdemarivna Ivantsiv) was born in 1982 in the city of Uzhgorod, in the Transcarpathian region of Ukraine. She participated in school amateur performances, sang in the choir, studied in a vocal circle, first participated in the school, and then in the city KVN team. In 2001, at a festival in Moscow, the young singer was noticed by Vlad Valov, the famous SHEF, the father of Russian hip-hop and a successful producer.

Height Tree 162 cm

Soviet and Russian rock musician, poet, artist, singer, leader of the Mumiy Troll group. By education - an orientalist. Representative of Russia in the International Tiger Coalition. Honorary Citizen of Vladivostok, holder of the Order of Merit for Vladivostok, first degree. Grandson of the architect, Hero of Socialist Labor Vitaly Pavlovich Lagutenko.

Ilya Lagutenko's height is 168 cm

Russian singer, musician, member of the Roots group, which became the winner of the Star Factory musical project. Born: April 5, 1983 (age 36), Moscow, RSFSR, USSR

Height Alexey Kabanov 173 cm


Brandon Lee is a martial artist, actor, son of the legendary Bruce Lee, who tragically died on the set of the movie The Crow, which brought him posthumous fame. Brandon Bruce Lee was born on February 1, 1965 and became the first child in the family of the famous Chinese actor Bruce Lee and his wife Linda Emery. Brandon's childhood was spent mainly in Hong Kong. There he studied Cantonese and began to practice martial arts. From the very early years his father, Bruce, put a huge part of his son's upbringing into teaching him the skill of kung fu. He sought to convey to Brandon as much of his skills as possible, which for him were not just a sport or a way to protect, but a whole life philosophy. Despite his worldwide fame, his father's star status gave Brandon more trouble than happiness. It all started with the fact that he had to travel to school accompanied by security guards, because his family was afraid that his son might be kidnapped or harmed. Then, after the death of his father, Brandon Lee began to be perceived as the son of a great master, rather than a self-sufficient person and personality. Then Brandon became a difficult teenager, whose behavior forced his teachers to repeatedly raise the issue of expelling the actor from the academy of martial arts, where his mother arranged. Despite his reticence and some aggressiveness, which often made people shun him, Brandon grew up as a well-read and enthusiastic young man. He liked music, he was very good at playing the guitar and even wrote songs himself.

Brandon Lee's height is 183 cm

Karina Razumovskaya - young charming Russian actress, which can be seen both on television and on the stage of theaters. Karina had the largest number of fans after the release of the series "Major", in which she played the role of an honest and decent female investigator Victoria Rodionova, with whom she interacts main character TV series Igor Sokolovsky. If you are interested in the release date of season 3 of the series Major, you can pay attention to our article on this topic. Karina also had notable roles in such series as "The Other Side of the Moon" and "Adjutants of Love", but "Major", of course, most of all influenced the recognition and fame of the actress.

Karina was born in an ordinary family, her father was a long-distance sailor, and her mother was a housewife. Karina appeared on the screen for the first time quite by accident, and she was only five years old. It was a small role in the film "Braking in Heaven", filmed back in Soviet times, in the late eighties. The role was so small that the director of the film did not even consider it necessary to mention the girl in the credits. But the time spent on the set did not go unnoticed for little Karina, she entered the theater school and finally connected her life with acting. We also have one more small article, from which the viewer will become aware of the personal life of Ekaterina Razumovskaya, if you wish, you can click on this link. And on this page we will tell you what height, weight and parameters of the figure of Karina Razumovskaya are, and we will try to systematize some more facts about this amazing actress.

What is the real name of Karina Razumovskaya

The full name of Karina Razumovskaya is Karina Vladimirovna Razumovskaya.

When was Karina Razumovskaya born?

What is the zodiac sign of Karina Razumovskaya?

Karina Razumovskaya's zodiac sign is Pisces. She was born in the year of the Pig according to the eastern horoscope.

Where was Karina Razumovskaya born?

Karina Razumovskaya was born in the USSR, the city of Leningrad.

How tall is Karina Razumovskaya?

The height of Karina Razumovskaya is 168 cm.

What is the weight of Karina Razumovskaya?

The weight of Karina Razumovskaya according to 2017 is 56 kg.

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