Gigi Hadid had plastic surgery. Bella Hadid plastic surgery. Bella Hadid's career

Girls "with a twist" rarely become actresses or show business stars: the famous owners of a hooked nose, square chin and plump cheeks have remarkable charisma, which helps them become famous all over the world. The rest have to take drastic measures, that is, lie down on the surgeon's table. Changes in the appearance of Angelina Jolie, Nicole Kidman and other stars of "mature" Hollywood have been discussed more than once, and we will show how young celebrities looked before plastic surgery.

Bella Hadid

Bella Hadid, like her older sister, does not have time to sign one contract with the best brands world after another. In a matter of months, the girl became one of the most sought-after models. However, as it turned out, Bella was not always distinguished by striking beauty. The media discovered pictures showing incredible changes in the appearance of the model, back in 2009 her face was not so “chiseled”: her nose and lips underwent changes, the shape of her eyebrows changed. Doubts that Bella resorted to plastic surgery, practically does not occur. She did this, judging by the photo archive, at about 15-16 years old. See for yourself.

Kendall Jenner

Bella's girlfriend Kendall Jenner didn't look perfect as a teenager either. At first, the younger sister of Kim Kardashian corrected her nose with the help of cosmetics, but as soon as the girl thought about modeling career, she lay down under the surgeon's knife, completely changing her nose. Next, the injection touched the lips of the fashion model - Kendall did not overdo it with them, only giving a slight swelling.

Kylie Jenner

The younger sister Kendall reacted to her appearance with all her usual scrupulousness. It is unlikely that there is a place on Kylie's face that has not been touched by a scalpel or a cosmetic needle. Jenner achieved the perfect nose, lips and chin for her. Despite young age Kylie went for breast augmentation as well. The older sisters are clearly setting a bad example for Kylie.

Emily Ratajkowski

Many admirers of the talent of the young model claim that she is endowed with natural beauty. However, professional skeptics who have seen many photos of Ratajkowski say that nature alone could not give a girl 4 breast sizes and so perfect body. However, decide for yourself.

Bella Thorne

Experts believe that Bella recently decided to correct her not entirely flawless, but initially aristocratic nose. In the photo of Bella Thorne before and after, it is noticeable that the tip of the nose that was hanging before became narrower, and the back noticeably narrowed and straightened. It is likely that Bella achieved this effect with the help of rhinoplasty.

Blake Lively

The star of the Gossip Girl series, even before becoming famous all over the world, corrected her appearance. The beauty corrected her nose - it became more graceful and without a hump. Also, apparently, the girl had blepharoplasty - the look of the actress is open and more expressive. According to experts, Blake's breasts were enlarged even before filming the TV series Gossip Girl, that is, Lively lay under the surgeon's knife at the age of 18.

What celebrities looked like before plastic surgery was last modified: September 8th, 2017 by Bella Kovtun

A model is not born, a model is made - this phrase is inherent in many famous supermodels. Among the stars of the modeling industry, there are many girls who have achieved success solely through plastic surgery. There are very few beauties in the fashion industry who, purely through their natural beauty, paved the way for success.

Victoria's Secret Angel Bella Hadid after plastic surgery

Model Bella Hadid actively participates in various photo shoots, quite often she is naked in front of camera lenses, her photos do not slip off the covers of glossy magazines. Each provocative photo Bella Hadid causes a sensation among the multimillion-dollar public. But this would not have happened if Bella had not turned to the services of plastic surgeons.

The famous model Bella Hadid belongs to the category of "artificial beauties". Pronounced facial features, perfect eyebrows, a graceful nose, aristocratic cheekbones, plump lips are the result of Bella Hadid's numerous plastic surgeries.

Bella Hadid before plastic surgery

Bella Hadid before plastic surgery was an ordinary and inconspicuous girl. Of course, she was beautiful and attractive, but this was not enough to win the respect of the public and become the most famous top model in the world.

Bella Hadid before and after plastic surgery

After looking at the photos of Bella Hadid before and after plastic surgery, with the naked eye you can see changes in the appearance of the American supermodel.

So, what kind of plastic surgery did Bella Hadid do? Definitely, the model did rhinoplasty, from there it was practically perfect nose, pronounced cheekbones were obtained after the removal of Bisha's lumps, with the help of blepharoplasty she got rid of the impending eyelids, thereby adding expressiveness to the look, raised her eyebrows with the help of endoscopic lifting, the model's chin was also corrected, and there was an increase in the lips. But the magnificent breasts of Bella Hadid, this is her own, mother nature awarded her with it.

After the plastic surgery, Bella Hadid specifically changed, we can say that she blinded herself anew. Like other famous models, Hadid defends and insists that she never went under the surgeon's knife. And almost flawless facial features are makeup that the model knows how to use well.

Whatever the model says, the fact remains that Bella Hadid did plastic surgery and more than one. Despite numerous interventions in the beauty of Bella from the outside, she does not cease to be one of the leading models in the world.

It is worth noting that foreign experts looked at photos of Bella Hadid before plastic surgery, and unanimously came to the conclusion that the model used beauty services.

Critics like a tank drive over Bella's appearance, criticizing and reproaching her for her unnatural beauty, but the model does not pay attention and continues to actively take to the catwalks and participate in provocative shootings, exposing one or another part of her body. By the way, many admirers of Bella are also not enthusiastic about non-natural beauty. Bella is only 22 years old, and she has already “cut” her face several times, and began to look all 30 years old, one fan said.

The evolution of Bella Hadid

Bella is a famous supermodel and the envy of millions of girls. Fans actively follow the personal life and successes of a young girl who has achieved significant success in the fashion world, despite her young age. public discussion and appearance beauties looking at photos of Bella Hadid before and after plastic surgery.


Bella Hadid was born in 1996 in the family of a famous actress and top model and a world famous architect and multimillionaire. Her mother is a native of the Netherlands, and her father is a native of Palestine. From childhood, the girl was distinguished by a strong and rebellious character.

Photo of a star in childhood and adolescence

Bella was fond of equestrian sports and dreamed of linking her life with it. However, in 2015, the girl fell ill with tick-borne borreliosis and was forced to stop training. Then she decided to follow suit. older sister Gigi, who at that time worked on the podium.

However, the path of the heiress of a millionaire to fame was thorny. Before diving into model business the girl worked as a waitress, graduated from a design school in New York. In 2014, Bella entered into her first contract with a modeling agency, after which offers to participate in the filming rained down on her. In 2016, the beauty won the Star Breakthrough award and starred in the film Privat, which was highly appreciated by the audience.

The opinion of the model about their appearance

Of course, the model denies the presence of plastic

Bella admits that since childhood she was very complex about her appearance. As a child, she did not hope that she would arouse such interest and become one of the most sought-after models. The girl says that she was unhappy with her thin eyebrows, plump cheeks. However, over time, she managed to cope with self-doubt. In addition, with age, the appearance of the model has improved significantly.

She denies the intervention of plastic surgeons in her transformation. Diva states that she simply outgrew and therefore changed. The model also says that her mother and sister taught her to skillfully use cosmetics, especially contouring. The model responds quite sharply to comments about operations.

Experts and the public about the star's plastic surgery

Where are the cheeks? Turned into chiseled cheekbones!

Despite the assurances of the 21-year-old star of the catwalks and magazine covers, the public and experts are sure that the changes in the appearance of the girl are the work of plastic surgeons. Over time, the facial features of the famous model have become more refined.

Specialists in the field of plastic surgery, looking at photographs of Bella Hadid, suggest that she underwent a number of procedures:

  • Rhinoplasty - it is impossible not to notice that the model's nose has changed. It became smaller and thinner, the hump disappeared.
  • Eyebrow correction with botulinum - they were slightly raised, due to which the look became more open.
  • Ultrasound technology Ultera - thanks to this procedure, the oval of the face has improved.
  • Fillers - experts suspect that the surgeons injected fillers not only into the girl's lips, but also into the cheek area, due to which the model's nasolabial folds disappeared.
  • Regenlab plasma therapy - the use of this technique is evidenced by radiant skin and a refreshed face.

The inhabitants admire the beauty of the model. Nevertheless, there are also offensive comments for the girl about her abuse of plastic surgery. Many say that the nose of the model began to look disproportionate. Bella Hadid's rhinoplasty is called unsuccessful.

Photos of Bella Hadid before and after plastic surgery

It is impossible not to notice the changes in the appearance of Bella Hadid. She must have been to the plastic surgery clinic more than once. However, it is obvious that the model used the services of real professionals. Her face looks attractive and natural.

World model Bella Hadid before and after plastic surgery, this beautiful girl loves to go out in open clothes, which shocks everyone present. They say about her that she is from the ranks of the so-called golden youth. However, she did not care about this, she purposefully walked towards her goal.

Bella Hadid biography

  1. She was born into the family of a famous actress and multimillionaire on October 9, 1996. Her mother, a native of the Netherlands, former top model Yolanda van de Herik, father of the world-famous architect, originally from Palestine, Mohammed Hadid.
  2. Father and mother broke up when Bella was still very young. Mom remarried the winner of numerous Grammy awards, producer David Forster, and Iolanthe, in addition to her own two sisters, acquired five more from her stepfather.
  3. The childhood of the famous model passed together with her older sister and younger brother, maybe it was because of this that she wanted to become a famous model, which was her sister Gigi. They are very similar, and they still communicate. Her older sister was a role model: calm, obedient, she studied well at school, which cannot be said about Bella herself.
  4. Even as a child, she tried to prove to everyone that she was not like everyone else. To do this, she painted her head in a bright brown shade. Mom never told the girls what to do and how. Therefore, the girl developed her own individual unique style, and she was formed as a person.


As a teenager, she became interested in horses and wanted to compete in world equestrian competitions. But health problems prevented her from fulfilling her dream. In 2015, she fell ill with tick-borne borreliosis, which prevented her from continuing to train.

Before plunging headlong into the modeling business, Bella worked in a small cafe in Malibu as a waitress. Then she enters, and successfully graduates from a design school in New York, taking a serious interest in photography.


Hadid began her career in the summer of 2014, signing an agreement with the global modeling agency IMG Models. Her elder sister Jolanta worked there. In a short time, he achieves tremendous success, taking part in famous fashion shows.

This was followed by various photo shoots and the first pages of famous fashion magazines. In 2015 she became a laureate famous award"Star Break", the winner in the nominations was determined not by a strict jury, but by readers.

2016 was a very successful year in the career of a famous model. She made her film debut and took part in Chanel shows, along with her sister and other world famous models.

Bella showed off her beautiful body without hesitation and made the press and the whole world talk about her. Today, she is predicted a magnificent career and they even say that in the near future she will leave her famous sister behind. Her future would have remained only fantasies if she had not had a nose job at the age of sixteen.


  • She did her first operation with the money of her father. Rhinoplasty made the appearance of a girl that meets international standards;
  • Previously, the wide wings of the nose have decreased, a slight snub nose has appeared, and the previously existing hump has disappeared. If someone is at least a little familiar with the plasticity of the face, then, of course, notice the unnaturalness of her nose. Too narrow back against the background of a coarse tip, a little square in shape;
  • On closer inspection, you can see that an open operation was performed. Many believe that Bella's rhinoplasty was unsuccessful, although this does not interfere with her popularity at all;
  • Comparing the photos of the model before and after the operation, it is clear that she has changed a lot. The nose after the operation began to look disproportionate. The bridge of the nose, due to the removed hump, looks as if the girl had it broken;

Facial plastic surgery

Personal life

In the personal life of a famous model, too, everything is fine. She constantly posts her photo reports about her vacation or from events on social networks.
IN ordinary life the girl prefers original jeans, leather jackets, which she buys in large quantities.

From makeup, she prefers lipstick with scarlet shades and mascara. The most favorite color is black, the shade that the model cannot stand is green. A rebel by nature, Bella regularly finds herself at the epicenter of various scandals.

What do you think of Bella Hadid?

The rising catwalk star was born in 1996 and knew her destiny from childhood, intending to follow in the footsteps of her older sister Gigi Hadid.

But the road to fame was winding.

Bella was seriously involved in equestrian sports, worked in a cafe in Malibu, graduated from design school and learned professional photography. In 2015, Bella retired from the sport due to being diagnosed with Lyme disease and was unable to fulfill her dream of taking part in the 2016 Olympics in Rio.

Bella Hadid's career

At the age of 16, Bella Hadid went to conquer modeling agencies, and IMG Models opened its doors to her.

Together with her sister Gigi Hadid, who worked there under a contract, Bella walked the runway wearing Desigual and Tom Ford.

Bright appearance made Bella Hadid a desirable object for photographing glossy magazines. In 2015, Bella receives the Star Breakthrough Award and appears on the television screen.

The short film "Privat", in which the model played herself, was warmly received by critics and viewers.

Audacity, outrageousness, the desire to be in the public eye have become the constant companions of the model.

The behavior of Bella Hadid raises a fuss in the press over and over again. An unbuttoned shirt, a dress with a large neckline and other revealing clothes do not bother the girl, and offers from leading fashion houses pour in from a cornucopia.

Bella Hadid before and after plastic surgery photo

famous model prefers to remain silent about plastic surgery, but star surgeon Norman Rose, looking at the before and after photos of Bella Hadid, confirmed the journalists' guesses.

It turns out that at the age of 16, Bella ventured into rhinoplasty. Made with father's money - famous architect Mohamed Hadid - a nose job brought Bella's appearance in line with beauty standards. The wide wings of the nose have become smaller, the tip has risen higher, and the slight hump has completely disappeared.

Western publications vied with each other about the plasticity of the cheekbones, which gave Bella Hadid's face an aristocratic relief.

The lips have also undergone changes, becoming plumper and more sensual. According to experts, the rapacity of the fatal beauty appeared thanks to plastic surgeons.

Bella Hadid's personal life after plastic surgery

plastic surgery influenced the personal life of Bella Hadid.

Acquired the right facial features increased the number of fans and made Bella Hadid the star of parties.

The model willingly shares pictures from parties with subscribers on Instagram and talks about her relationship with Canadian musician The Weeknd .

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