How to open a children's clothing store. Business plan for a children's clothing store with calculations

Do you know what people will never save on? On your children. This is why business related to children's products always brings profit. We will tell you how to open a children's clothing store from scratch and how much you can earn from it.

Types of stores

Typically, stores are divided by age groups and product categories. Children's clothing is clothing worn by children from 0 to 14 or 15 years old. But you must understand that you will not be able to cover the entire range of clothing at once. Therefore, to begin with, choose a narrow specialization for yourself, and then, as you develop, capture new niches.

Children's clothing store - profitable investment money

There are several types of children's stores. We list the most common of them:

  1. Large children's stores that sell clothes for all ages.
  2. Shops selling clothes and various useful things for newborns.
  3. Stores selling clothes for children from 2 to 7 years old (preschool age).
  4. Stores selling clothes for children school age(including school uniform).
  5. Shops selling sportswear and accessories.
  6. Stores selling clothes exclusively for girls aged 5 to 15 years.
  7. Stores selling clothing exclusively for boys aged 5 to 15 years.
  8. Shops selling specialized, carnival or festive clothing.

There are other specializations of retail outlets, as well as all sorts of combinations of existing ones. Choose which direction is closest to you, and first work exclusively in it.

Market research

The trading business is usually very competitive, but with the right approach, you can certainly enter the market and occupy your niche. Before opening a store, it is recommended to gather information about competitors in your area. Study their assortment, price level, and the atmosphere at the outlet itself. Along the way, communicate on local forums and in groups of young mothers, finding out what clothes they are missing.

Note: In order to understand the assortment, assess the level of sales, study the market and the number of expected buyers, it is advisable to have experience in the clothing trade. If you don’t have one, then you can get a job as a salesperson and work for a couple of months to get acquainted.

You will also probably be knowledgeable about children's clothing if you are parents of small children.

Be sure to research competitors in your area and think about what you could do to improve their performance.

In order to successfully fight competition, it is necessary to offer customers Better conditions. Look for suppliers who offer better prices, think over the assortment, try to choose only the highest quality and exclusive clothes, create a unique interior and a corner for kids so that they can relax a little while their parents choose things.

What should a store be like?

To open a retail outlet you need a premises of at least 25 square meters, but the best option is considered to be at least 50 m2. This is quite enough to arrange several display cases and shelves, organize the cash register, fitting room, etc. Don’t forget that there can be a lot of visitors - they need to walk freely without clinging to the counters.

Where is the best place to organize a trade in children's things? Best near kindergarten, schools, hospitals, various clubs or creative houses. Things sell well in shopping and entertainment centers, markets, on central streets and near parks, where parents can simply walk with their children.

Entrepreneurs who are firmly on their feet and those who are just planning to open an online children's clothing store have long realized that such a business is a win-win option. As the main argument as to whether it is profitable to open an online children's clothing store, you can use the fact that there is a constant demand for this product.

But there is still doubt whether an online children's clothing store will be a profitable business and what its prospects are. The first argument in favor is the fact that the birth rate, albeit slowly, is still growing. The next argument is the desire of parents to acquire only the best for their children. This alone is enough to decide: “I want to open an online clothing store.”

But these are objective facts. But whether you can offer your potential customers something high-quality that is in high demand depends only on you. Then the profit will be high and the costs will pay off faster. You will understand that creating an online children's clothing store is only the beginning of the path to big business.

Price policy

The problem of choosing a price category is always relevant both for regular retail outlets and for online stores of children's clothing, whose business plan necessarily includes this item. The consumer consciousness is gradually changing from the perception of an individual product to the perception of a brand. He should associate it with the assortment and price level.

This allows people to make a choice in favor of a specific retail establishment. Which, in turn, entails a large number of regular customers, high traffic, and therefore profit. And the doubt will naturally disappear as to whether it is profitable to open an online children’s clothing store.

To achieve rapid and ever-growing success of an enterprise, it is necessary to determine the price category at the stage of drawing up a business plan for a children's clothing store, as well as any other.

Shop online or offline: pros and cons

Business on the Internet, an online children's clothing store, in particular, has a number of undoubted advantages when compared with an offline retail outlet. The main positions include the following:

  • fast start;
  • lower costs at the creation stage;
  • quick payback;
  • more potential buyers.

According to the results of studies conducted by the ROMIR Monitoring agency, for Last year 95% of Internet users in Russia visited online shopping sites, and 60% made purchases there. According to analysts, there will be further growth in trade in online stores.

However, before opening a store, be it regular or online, you need to understand how to organize an online children’s clothing store, what skills and knowledge a businessman will need, what and who he needs for this.

One of the most promising ways to gain a clear understanding of what an online children's clothing store is and how to create it on the World Wide Web is to take a course of training programs, in particular, on the Business Youth project. Its trainers and consultants have solid experience working with those who would like not only to open their own business, but also to successfully promote it.

Are you considering options for opening a children's clothing store from scratch and don't know where to start? Then this publication is just for you. According to many business experts, selling children's clothing is much more profitable than any other: adult, work, for special purposes (hunting, work, etc.), sports, etc. The thing is that no matter how adults are dressed, they always try to dress their children better than other parents of their children. After all, children are the “flowers of life”...

Brief business analysis:
Costs of setting up a business:0.7 - 1.5 million rubles
Relevant for cities with the population: from 10 thousand
Industry situation:high level of competition
Difficulty of organizing a business: 2/5
Payback: 9-12 months

Surely, those readers who have a child have repeatedly heard a similar phrase from him: “Mom (dad), and today in our kindergarten (school, on the street) Lenka (Petka, Vaska, Tanka) came in a new T-shirt (jacket, skirt, jeans). So beautiful!" That's all. This is quite enough for a parent’s heart to go shopping this coming weekend.

Try to imagine how much clothing a child needs: for school, for the street, for sports, for games, for home. An adult can easily do without half of this, but a child cannot. In general, we think that you have already agreed with us that the question of how to open a children’s clothing store is very relevant, and the business itself is profitable, practical, and profitable.

Trading format

Due to the fact that so many moments of our lives are already “mirrored” in World Wide Web, the methods of selling children's clothing can be very different:

  • offline trade - opening a children's clothing store in your city;
  • online trading – selling goods through an online store (read more about how to open an online children’s clothing store below);
  • combined trade, in which the principle “one does not interfere with the other” works.

Now let's look at all the options for opening a children's clothing store from scratch in order.

Where to start opening a store

Of course, the very first step should be to develop a business plan on how to open a children's clothing store (you can find out how to create a business plan here -). The general concept is good, but in order to achieve success, you need to strictly follow the points of the drawn up strategy. The next stage is identifying your target audience. You must understand who and where you will sell clothes. In which area of ​​the city will sales go better, for which categories of families with what income level will you offer your product range, etc.

Finding premises for a store

First, you should make a kind of “map” of the location of your competitors’ stores. Opening your own business next to a successful children's clothing store would be extremely unwise. The next factor to be taken into account is the specific location of the room. For some reason, many people believe that it will be very profitable to open a store in places as close as possible to kindergartens, schools, and other institutions where children spend time. Allegedly, on the way there/back, parents will go to the store and buy clothes for their child.

Well, tell me, what parents will find time for this? In the morning they are in a hurry to take (take) the children to kindergarten, school, child Center, etc., so that you can go to work yourself. And in the evening - quickly pick it up to go home, where dinner and rest awaits. Where can you find time to choose clothes for your child?

Usually people go shopping purposefully, knowing exactly what the child needs. Therefore, we believe that the ideal location for a children’s clothing store is a large shopping and entertainment center, or a residential area of ​​the city, where there will be “a few steps” from the store to the house. Or a department in a clothing store “for adults”, where, when purchasing clothes for themselves, having stumbled upon the sign of a children’s clothing store, the buyer will definitely make a purchase from you.

For a retail space, from fifty to one hundred square meters will be enough. You can, of course, do more, but remember that the risks increase in proportion to the size of the room. And why pay more for renting “squares” if you can optimize the location of the assortment and visually enlarge the room due to proper layout?

Registering your business

To do this, you need to choose the right form of doing business, determine the taxation system under which you will work, and register your individual entrepreneur or LLC. By the way, if “things don’t work out” you will have to liquidate your company. You can read about this.

After all the paperwork, it's time to choose

Product range

Without exaggerating at all, we’ll say right away that this is one of the most difficult stages of implementing the idea of ​​opening a children’s clothing store. Clothes for children are divided into age categories:

  • for newborns and toddlers;
  • for children who attend kindergarten;
  • clothes for schoolchildren.

Each product group has its own selection criteria, which should be taken into account when selecting an assortment. We mean that clothes for the first category should be made from natural fabrics, have an appropriate design, color, and be affordable at the most different people. Clothes for “kindergarteners” are comfortable and beautiful at average prices. Clothing for students is very different, because here the child himself most often takes part in the choice. Prices for this group can also be very different.

In general, it should be noted that children’s clothing is available for sale at almost all clothing factories.

How to open a children's clothing store as a franchise

Another implementation option of this project, perhaps the most reliable and calmest is the acquisition of a franchise. In this case, the franchisor will help you fully organize the business and provide you with a ready-made business model according to which you will reach the planned profit levels in the shortest possible time. So we advise you to take a closer look at this option.


The optimal number of employees for such a store is five people: one senior manager (or, if you want, let’s call him a manager), and four sales assistants - two people per shift. Practice shows that the most convenient work schedule is every other day. We think it would be unnecessary to say that it will be better if sellers love children and know how to communicate with them. Still, they said... By the way, sales directly depend on this. The child will be more willing to “pull” his parents to the store where “that cheerful aunt who knows how to…” works.

Promoting your store

Advertising your store is half the success of its activities. Or even a little more than half. In addition to regular advertising: media, leaflets (read about the idea of ​​​​working with leaflets), posted advertisements, and advertising on the Internet, hold various promotions, make discounts, expand your business - open a children's cafe here. Find something that will differentiate you from your competitors. For example, this could be an increase in the warranty period of the product, or a gift for a purchase over a certain amount, or something else.

Now gained popularity new way advertising - surveys. With the consent of the buyer, who fills out the appropriate form (name, gender, age, phone number, e-mail), he is sent SMS or email notifications about new sales, promotions, discounts held by the store. As the practice of existing stores shows, this method is very effective in increasing sales.

The surge in birth rates after the early 2000s led to an increased demand for children's clothing. This area entrepreneurial activity special: since children's wardrobe needs to be updated annually, even in crisis years this area of ​​business will be promising and profitable.

The first thing you need to pay attention to when organizing a business in the field of selling children's clothing is: format of the future enterprise. There are a number of possible commercial projects, and which one will be more profitable in this case must be taken into account by conducting some marketing research and finding out the current relationship between supply and demand.

Most budget option there will be an opening second-hand children's items. Many low-income families turn to secondary market stores. There is always a demand for such things, however, the issue of proper sanitary processing of the goods will be important. But this issue is resolved quite simply, now there are large enterprises on the market that deal with such wholesale, and the cleanliness of things for them is an important condition for working with partners. Therefore, they strictly monitor and sanitize all things.

Popular today and format of the sale (stock) hall. In such a store you can purchase new, but stock or confiscated, high-quality items at affordable prices.

Citizens with above-average incomes are happy to purchase clothes for their children in brand salons and even boutiques. Their prices are significantly higher than average, while customers are offered not only high-quality, but also exclusive goods. A preliminary marketing study of the market will help determine the relevance of such stores.

If you don’t have enough finances, you can consider opening a business on children’s things in the format online children's clothing store or organize Joint purchases , specializing in children's products. Moms are the ideal target audience and the easiest to work with, since they are already prepared.

Stages of creating a business selling children's clothing

Regardless of the chosen sales format, one of the main conditions for establishing a clothing store will be tax registration business. There will be two main options: obtain the status of an individual entrepreneur and open a legal entity - LLC.

Both organizational forms have individual advantages and disadvantages. IP will be more simple option in registering a business and conducting regular reporting, however, an LLC provides broader opportunities. The period for registering an individual entrepreneur is minimal, it is no more than three working days; LLC registration will take a little longer.

For most clothing stores, no more licenses or permits are required. The only thing the owner needs to do before opening a children's clothing store is to notify Rospotrebnazdor by submitting a corresponding notification to this body.

  • UTII, which allows you to pay tax once a quarter, regardless of the company’s profit. The size of the tax determines the area of ​​the store;
  • simplified tax system, in which the tax is determined by the level of income of the enterprise and is usually 6%;
  • PSN – suitable for individual entrepreneurs and provides for payment of the cost of the patent.

Since the clothing trade is a risky business, you should consider methods of accounting for goods. Documenting of all incoming and outgoing transactions will allow you not only to compile statistics and understand the level of demand, but also to control the assortment. To do this, you need to keep records of invoices, delivery notes received upon delivery of goods, and conduct regular inventory, counting the entire assortment.

To avoid theft among employees, you need to enter into an agreement with the seller performing the function of a cashier on financial liability, which he will bear and pay for the shortage if it occurs.

An important aspect of the future rental business will be the equipment of the retail space. The store must be equipped with all the necessary furniture for placing goods, a buyer’s corner, as well as equipment, including a cash register, a payment card terminal and an alarm system. It is better to entrust the drafting of such an agreement to a lawyer in order to prevent possible challenge by the employee.

Even at the stage of preparing a store for opening, it is imperative to obtain permission from the fire and sanitary services, and you should also enter into an agreement with specialized companies for waste removal.

Thus, the question of how to open a children's clothing store is solved in several aspects at once: economic, legal and some others. By taking an integrated approach to establishing such an enterprise, you can achieve significant success in this business.

Selecting product content for a children's clothing business

After organizational issues A logical question arises: what products should you stock your store with? This issue can be easily resolved if you have experience. If not, here are some tips to help you organize your business correctly.

  • Do not try to cover all age groups of products. You will not be able to satisfy the entire volume of demand and will lose customers, including due to distrust - the store format is “products for all ages”. Focus on products that are in demand by specific age groups. For example, offer for sale products for children from 1 to 3 years old. This way you will provide a wider selection of goods, and Customer loyalty to your store will be higher.
  • There are three groups of goods - cheap, mid-price segment and expensive. Ideally, you need to focus on one product group. But in reality, you usually have to cover two neighboring directions. Cheap and average. Average and expensive. This will offer an alternative choice to your customers and increase your sales. Buyers usually purchase cheap goods incidentally and spontaneously, seduced by the price. But don’t make a strong price contrast; the price should attract, not scare away. So a very high price against the backdrop of cheap goods will be a deterrent. And vice versa. Having bought expensive things, the client is “afraid” to buy extremely cheap ones.

It is not customary to save money on children. Therefore, opening a children's clothing store can become a very successful business. The main thing is to approach the organization of such an enterprise wisely.

Although children need clothing in specific sizes and styles (especially for babies), there are not many specialty stores.

Often these are either expensive boutiques common in megacities, or market outlets more familiar to small towns, where the quality of goods leaves much to be desired.

Under these conditions, opening a clothing store with a wide range of products for children of all ages can be considered a highly profitable business that can satisfy users living in populated areas of various scales. Let's figure out how to open a children's clothing store from scratch, and what nuances to consider when creating such a business. And what does it take to open a children's clothing store?

Format is everything

Starting a business from scratch is not so bad.

Yes, it will have to be untwisted, and this is not easy work.

On the other hand, it is possible to choose the concept of the future enterprise. The right format is the key to success.

Funds are spent more rationally, space is more compact. As for the assortment and advertising, they are more thoughtful, which means they will certainly hit the mark. So, the format of a children's clothing store could be as follows:

  1. Classical. This implies the sale of products through a full-fledged retail space in specialized departments of hypermarkets or in individual stores in shopping centers.
  2. Online. It is quite possible to sell clothes for children via the Internet. Today it is popular and in demand.

Both cases have their pros and cons. For example, in the first option, buyers have the opportunity to look, feel and try on clothes for the baby.

When purchasing clothes through a store’s website, they will have only a visual idea of ​​the product, and will also be guided by the description provided by the seller. The photo does not always reflect the true appearance of the item, just as the stated characteristics may not correspond to reality.

It is worth being prepared for frequent product returns when selling online.

Choosing clothes for a child is quite difficult.

Children do not always meet age standards for height, weight and foot size.

At the same time, online sales are beneficial for both the seller and the buyer. The first one saves on renting premises and, accordingly, can install more low prices. The latter have the opportunity to purchase products at an affordable price almost around the clock, without leaving home.

Advertising and promotion

As for advertising, increased measures will be required to promote an online store. The real store is always in front of the eyes of customers passing by, so when they need children's products, it will be the first thing they remember.

It is convenient to promote a children's clothing store through specialized resources (thematic forums, groups in in social networks, blogs of successful mothers). Such advertising is quite economical and effective.

Where is the best place to locate a store?

Initially to open a store large area will not need. 50 m2 will be enough.

It's better to start from a small point. This will allow us to study customer preferences and determine the most hot goods and “fill your hand.”

It makes sense to open a store in areas with high traffic, preferably for the audience for which the product is intended.

Not necessarily in the city center. Adults buy clothes for children, so locations near kindergartens, attractions, playgrounds, clinics, and development centers would be appropriate.

It is advantageous to locate the premises near similar stores that are popular with consumers.

This will increase the chances of attracting the attention of potential consumers. Going to a familiar store, customers with high degree chances are they will visit yours too.

A high-quality level of service, a well-thought-out assortment and a loyal pricing policy will help convince a client to buy clothes for a child from you.

Naturally, it is worth taking into account the rental rate. It can vary several times. However, the store location is expensive mall with a high rental rate does not guarantee a large turnover.

Children's clothing store in rented premises

The website is the face of the store. It is both a showcase and an office, so it should be interesting, convenient and as understandable as possible to the client. All necessary data must be visible (contacts, product order buttons, opening hours, sizes, colors, product availability, prices, advantages of purchasing on this particular resource, etc.).

It is better to order a website from professionals. Specialists will not only create a high-quality resource with advanced functionality that takes into account all the client’s wishes, but will also be able to advise which domain and hosting to purchase, which structure and color scheme of the site will be more advantageous.

Just creating a website for an online store is not enough. The resource must be optimized for search queries and periodically promoted. Specialists can handle this better. You can order subscription services.

Store decoration

It is advisable to decorate a children's clothing store in light or bright colors. Pictures with cartoon characters or fairy-tale heroes will also be appropriate. A good trick that both children and parents fall for is gifts for kids.

It will be enough to distribute Balloons, hoops with “ears”, cardboard masks and other little things. Children's music will not be superfluous either. This background will help good mood from buyers.

Bright design for a children's clothing store

Old-timers in this niche advise placing a children's corner in the store. It can be equipped with a sofa, playpen, TV, drawing table, children's slide or toys. This will allow one of the parents to relax with the child while the other is busy choosing the baby’s wardrobe.

Legal registration

To operate a children's clothing store, you will need to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC, as well as obtain product certificates.

To do this, you need to submit documents to certain government agencies (tax office, Pension Fund, Social Insurance Fund, Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, etc.). Registration will take up to 10 days.

Suppliers should be selected that are verified and have appropriate licenses for the products manufactured or sold. Certified products will meet high quality standards and will also have clothing size markings that meet established standards.

Children's store assortment: embrace the immensity

The initial assortment should be formed according to the season from items of a full size range.

It is better if there are more than one set of them.

Based on what category of children you are targeting (infants, children preschool age, schoolchildren).

Choose the most popular colors (pink, blue, neutral). As you sell products, identify the items in greatest demand.

Depending on the width of the assortment, select personnel. He must be sociable, honest, attractive and polite. For a small store, 1-2 sellers and 1 cleaner will be enough.

If you have a summer house or Vacation home with a plot, you can try yourself as a businessman. On the plot you can grow products for subsequent sale. – everything about organizing a greenhouse farm, calculating investments and payback.

Check out the garage production business ideas. Successful examples from Europe.

Making and selling soft ice cream is simple and at the same time profitable business. In this topic, we will consider all the nuances of starting this business: from ice cream production technology to calculating payback.

Costs of opening a store

  • registration - about 1 thousand rubles;
  • obtaining permits – up to 10 thousand rubles;
  • rent (if required) – up to 70 thousand rubles;
  • repair and purchase of equipment, office equipment, consumables - up to 250 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of goods - up to 300 thousand rubles;
  • staff salaries – up to 25 thousand rubles;
  • advertising campaign – up to 20 thousand;
  • other expenses - about 50 thousand rubles.

The total amount will be approximately 726 thousand rubles. However, in each individual case it may change (for example, if there is no need to make repairs).

Business payback

Is it profitable to open a children's clothing store? Profitability of opening children's store quite high.

With proper organization of a point in a pass-through location, it will be possible to return the invested funds in a year and a half.

At the same time, tangible profits will appear after six months. stable operation when the brand becomes recognizable and an audience of regular customers appears. The average markup on products is about 130%.

This business requires frequent updating of the assortment, therefore, constant investments. Don't forget about the seasonality of business. As a rule, sales fall during the off-season. Therefore, it is advisable to “dilute” the store’s assortment with toys, handbags, accessories, and other goods.

When opening a children's products store, focus on kids. After all, they are the ones who will ultimately make the decision to purchase this or that item. Put your soul into your store, and then parents and children will come to you again and again, feeling the atmosphere of attention and ease. And of course, you shouldn’t ignore the quality of the products. Little customers especially need comfortable beautiful things that are resistant to wear.

If you prefer production to other types of activities, but do not have large finances, then you can realize your idea by creating a small production. . Where to begin? What to produce? You will find the answer to these questions in the next article.

Read the topic about how to find remote earnings while on maternity leave. Useful tips for young mothers.

Video on the topic

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