Girls have beautiful noses. A beautiful nose from a professional's point of view. The ideal nose according to Leonardo da Vinci

The vast majority of clinic patients plastic surgery They go to doctors with a mutual problem, the name of which is the nose. Rhinoplasty has been on the list of the most popular aesthetic procedures for 10 years now. But some girls, openly afraid of “going under the knife,” suffer all their lives because of unattractive facial features, gradually “overgrown” with serious psychological complexes, and even barriers to social adaptation.

They don’t even suspect that creating a beautiful nose at home is a completely feasible task for everyone.

We can say hundreds of times that any defect of the body and face is a kind of highlight, distinguishing feature, manifestation of individuality and uniqueness...

But most of the beautiful ladies fundamentally disagree with this theory, sincerely considering their own nose to be the biggest problem in life.

A little motivational retreat

If you still believe that rhinoplasty is a real panacea for all your ills, we hasten to disappoint you and debunk your groundless beliefs.

Firstly, any, even obvious, defect can be easily veiled if you have certain skills in working with decorative cosmetics. Moreover, even a layman who has never had experience in professional makeup can learn this.

Secondly, there are other tricks for “taking your eyes off” your problem. Even pretty haircut and a stylish image can draw all the attention of those around you, and make them not look in your direction at all.” big problem».

Well, thirdly, the main thing is that there are a lot of incredibly beautiful, magnetic and attractive women with a really big nose. And to be convinced of this, you don’t need to go far - just look at Hollywood actresses, world-famous top models and popular singers.

List of the most beautiful famous girls with big noses:

Gisele Bundchen. The top model, known all over the world, is not distinguished by its elegance and miniature nose. Princess modeling business She is not only a stunning beauty, but also an extremely pleasant and interesting conversationalist. She is used to achieving everything on her own. In the fashion environment, she is considered a real “iron lady”, because, unlike almost all her colleagues, she was not too lucky with her natural figure. Gisele is famous enormous power will, good nature and undeniable talent. She once stated that she was planning to undergo rhinoplasty to slightly correct the shape of her nose. However, it never came to concrete action, and who knows how a radical change in appearance would have affected his career;

Adriana Lima. The world-famous model, who became famous as a Victoria's Secret angel, proved to everyone by personal example that a snub-nosed, somewhat wide “potato” nose is beautiful! Adriana has been on the list of the most beautiful and sexiest women on the planet for a long time. male version. Meanwhile, in addition to the “imperfect” nose, her face is distinguished by serious asymmetry. And can anyone argue with the fact that this Brazilian woman is stunningly beautiful?;

Linda Evangelista. Make your nose your own business card- this is real art! Linda Evangelista is remembered and known by everyone, young and old. She was one of the most famous models in the 90s, surpassing even Cindy Crawford and Claudia Schiffer in popularity. One of the most beautiful women on Earth is in no hurry to undergo rhinoplasty even now, when her stellar career is essentially over. She rightfully considers it a crime to deprive her expressive face of this sweet, distinctive feature.

Jennifer Aniston. Her dad is Greek, so she inherited a massive nose quite predictably. However, many women, remembering love triangle Aniston-Pitt-Jolie, to this day, side with the first blue-eyed cutie. The recognized fatal beauty Angelina Jolie, who, by the way, in her youth also did not have an elegant nose, does not evoke such warm emotions in the public as the “imperfect” Aniston;

Samantha Cameron. Her nose, “equipped” with a beak and a hump, was recognized as the most beautiful in the opinion of British women. Women who voted in the survey emphasized that a neat hump on the nose is not only beautiful, but also aristocratic;

Sarah Jessica Parker I never suffered from either my big nose or my extravagant appearance in general. The actress assures that each person is individual, and correcting one’s own facial features for the sake of society is a real crime against oneself and one’s ancestors. Is it possible to reasonably refute her statement?;

Penelope Cruz is a sizzling Latin American beauty whose nose is by no means strictly proportional. She has a lot of roles in world bestsellers, her work is recognized by the highest award ceremonies, her film partners are great Hollywood actors who will remain legends until the time of our grandchildren. She was always surrounded by selected, thoroughbred men. And her frankly long nose does not in any way prevent her from enjoying life and her profession;

Meryl Streep. A legendary woman, recognized as one of the most talented actresses of our time. Look at her nose, which is quite long to say the least. And Streep’s appearance itself cannot be called canonically beautiful. After all, she is not one of the sexy young ladies with full lips and long eyelashes, and, in fact, she has never before met generally accepted standards in this regard. But she is Meryl Streep, and I think that says it all;

Rihanna. Despite her appearance being too “neat” for a mestizo, the nose of this most popular singer has clearly gone into the Negroid “breed.” It cannot be called too massive, but it is stupid to argue with the fact that it is extremely wide. Despite this, Rihanna is also considered one of the most desirable women in the whole world, and is in no hurry to give up her position to the “new ones”.

But the noses have been repeatedly recognized as the most beautiful noses in the world:

  • Natalie Portman;
  • Angelina Jolie;
  • Monica Bellucci.

If everything written has not convinced you at all that the notorious hump is not an obstacle to success and happiness, let's try to correct the problematic part of the face ourselves.

Rest assured - you yourself can make the most beautiful nose by simply using high-quality decorative cosmetics.

Makeup can do anything!..

...and there is not a bit of sarcasm or irony in this phrase. Correct and consistent application of decorative cosmetics can truly radically change your face, making it perfect and sophisticated. However, incorrect application of make-up can also play a cruel joke on you, emphasizing your flaws.

To begin with, decide which nose is considered beautiful for you. Have you thought about it? Now arm yourself with high-quality correctors and facial sculptors, and - forward to man-made plastic surgery!

So, how to beautifully and correctly “draw” your nose with concealers?

  • Contour your face. It is impossible to draw only the nose - it is important to harmonize the whole face! Pay attention to YouTube beauty bloggers making tutorials marked “ sculpting"or "contouring";
  • Adjust your eyebrows. Under no circumstances should you add a “close fit” to them if your nose is wide in the area of ​​the wings;
  • If your nose is snub-nosed, try to “whiten” its hole as much as possible with a matte highlighter;
  • If your nose is wide and massive, do this: draw a line on both sides of it with a dark corrector, slightly shading the contours. Apply a light foundation in the middle of the nose with a thin line. Be sure to set and smooth the result using setting powder;
  • It is believed that a small chin can visually enlarge the nose. Therefore, try to give the missing volume to this part of the face.

Whatever nose you get from nature and genetics, you can change its shape without a plastic surgeon. Remember - any operation entails certain problems, complications, and sometimes serious risks. Is it worth going for it voluntarily? Be beautiful and confident, regardless of the circumstances!

There is such a relatively young popular science like physiognomy. Deals with the study of facial features and their correspondence to a person’s character. In fact, it goes deep into the past. Hippocrates himself used this term in his works. IN Ancient China the nose was treated with particular respect. In one of the treatises he is called the “emperor of the face.” Physiognomy believes that the characteristics of the nose can tell a lot about a person.

photo from the site

Nose shapes are varied and individual for each person, despite the fact that everyone has the same one. Nose shapes can be divided into certain types. Among them, the most elegant is the thin nose, a sign of intelligence and refined taste. Natures have a certain innate aristocracy and nobility. A person is sensitive to himself and to others. Capable of working hard. He approaches love responsibly. Able to listen and hear other people. Values ​​his time and the time of others.

Classic shape

There is also a generally recognized classical (ideal) form. As follows:

  • The bridge of the nose is straight, without bumps;
  • No wrinkles in the area between the eyes;
  • Smooth, rounded tip shape;
  • Nose with symmetrical nasal wings;
  • Medium size nostrils.

Nose is sharp

Persons with a sharp nose are also characterized by “sharp”, “prickly” character traits. This is the most obvious example of how the nose really shows the character of its owner. Such people are quick-tempered, harsh in communication, and categorical in their judgments. Sometimes it is impossible to come to an agreement with them because of their stubbornness. They stand their ground until the last. They are ready to achieve their goal no matter what. They love (and they are good at it) to make jokes. However, they have tendencies to be leaders, condescending to strangers weak points. They are generously gifted with musical talents.

Upturned tip

A nose with an upturned tip is characteristic of gullible and simple-minded people. They love communication and are always ready for it. Impulsive natures. Impressionability is inherent. They are no strangers to curiosity. The upturned tip speaks of a wasteful nature and difficulty in accumulating money.

Roman nose

Owners of the Roman form inspire confidence and reliability. You can really rely on them. They are serious, principled, and a pleasure to deal with. In addition, they are proud and independent, they know what they want and move straight towards the goal. Personalities with a nose with a Greek shape are leaders and dictators. They remain faithful to their friends and are merciless towards deceivers. Good family men, they know how to manage finances. They are characterized by sarcasm.

Potato nose

A nose with a potato-shaped tip speaks of the openness and simplicity of a person. His friends love him for his good nature. He is responsive. Knows how to run a household. Loves comfort and convenience. Most often, these are phlegmatic natures. They are non-conflict, try to avoid quarrels and squabbles. In childhood they are slow and often get sick. They are popular with people of the opposite sex.

Eagle nose shape

A nose with the shape of an eagle beak belongs to individuals prone to analysis. They are demanding of themselves and demand the same from their partner. Attractive. In relationships they are calm and balanced. Show high level erudition. Self-confident, firm in decisions. These are purposeful natures. They manage finances skillfully. Good friends and partners, interesting interlocutors.

Determining character by the shape of the nose

When determining a person’s character, the science of physiognomy focuses on the form, which includes such a characteristic as proportionality.

Exist different types nose depending on the type of face, the shape of the nostrils, proportionality and other characteristics.

  • A short one of small size speaks of its owner’s openness, kindness, and cordiality;
  • Thin and long indicates sensitive people who respect themselves and others. They are serious. They have an innate sense of dignity;
  • Upturned is typical for capricious, frivolous individuals. They are impulsive, impetuous, sociable;
  • A nose with a deflection distinguishes extraordinary, very talented individuals. Modern, easy-going, creative. They are characterized by self-control, flexibility, adaptability;
  • Asymmetrical - natures have a complex structure. They are fickle and have a lot of talents. Having found harmony with themselves, such individuals are able to “move mountains”;
  • A “potato” nose is a sign of thriftiness and love of convenience. Such people are warm and friendly.

How to determine character by the bridge of the nose

Did you know that the nose has a back? It is the outer area just under the bridge of the nose. It is the junction of both nasal sides. The structure of the back can tell a lot about its owner.

  • A back with a hump is typical for creative, extraordinary people. They constantly produce new ideas. Erudite. There is a nuance in the localization of the hump.

When it is located close to the tip, its owner is mobile, able to quickly make decisions and act.

When located in the center, its owner is noble and has a sense of justice. Able to support those who need it.

When the nasal curve is located at the bridge of the nose, such a nose speaks of a person as capable of aggression, ready to stand up for himself.

  • A convex back characterizes an inveterate individualist. A person works quite successfully alone, not subordinate to anyone. Does not tolerate power over himself. Hardy, ready to work hard, which is what he does.
  • The high, wide back is distinguished by the well-known “Greek nose”. First of all, these individuals are strong-willed and purposeful. They clearly understand what they want and achieve it. There is a certain amount of stubbornness, which adorns them more than is a hindrance. Great leaders.

What is the tip of the nose silent about?

An important element in characterizing a person is the tip of the nose.

  • Curved up characterizes an impressionable, emotional person. Please note that if he is held up very high, do not trust your secrets to this person;
  • Pointed upward speaks of wastefulness, a frivolous attitude towards money;
  • The tip directed downwards indicates the owner's suspicion and prudence. It is good to do financial business with such people.
  • If your interlocutor has a sharp tip downward, be extremely attentive and careful when communicating. This form often reveals people who are tough and selfish;
  • There are tips like an eagle's beak, which gives a person the image of a “predator”. This is no accident. They are very cunning and capable of taking revenge. You also need to be careful with such people;
  • When the tip looks like it is drooping, this may indicate a person's preoccupation with sexual issues;
  • There are split ends. They belong to individuals who are in constant search, frequently changing jobs. For such a person it is very important to be emotionally satisfied with his labor activity. Modesty and shyness are inherent;
  • Sharp-nosed individuals are characterized by self-control and reflection. They are often musically gifted.

What do the nostrils symbolize?

  • Small nostrils distinguish a person who is not wasteful. He is careful with money. That's a sufficient amount for him Money. The motto is: “There is never too much money”;
  • Large nostrils distinguish a generous person with great ambitions. He is characterized by rancor and arrogance. Sometimes he takes on more than he can handle;
  • Nostrils round shape inherent in individuals capable of dedication. They are generous without demanding payment for this generosity;
  • Nostrils in the form of a rectangle indicate the conservatism of its owner. Everything is fine with his money;
  • Triangular-shaped nostrils are characteristic of stingy and extremely thrifty people;
  • Narrow and long are characteristic of people who are able to support emotionally. They are characterized by empathy. They are good friends.

It is impossible to say unequivocally: this is a “beautiful nose” or this is a “correct nose”. Yes, there is a standard that does not mean beauty at all. Each is beautiful in its own way, precisely with its individual “irregularities” and asymmetry.

So, now you understand a little and can determine the character of a person by the shape of his nose. Apply this knowledge in practice. Observe people from a physiognomy perspective. You'll see, this is very interesting.

What do Sarah Jessica Parker and Anna Akhmatova have in common? Talent and expressive nose! Together with a universal master Anastasia Cherenkova we figured out the intricacies of makeup and hairstyles for girls with large and wide noses.

Anastasia Cherenkova Master all-rounder

Student of Elena Krygina, makeup artist and hair stylist at fashion shoots

Julia Roberts
Sofia Coppola
Ksenia Sobchak

“To love your nose, you need to learn how to work with correctors, and not look for a fashionable plastic surgeon.”

If you think your nose is wide, the NYX Conceal, Correct, Contour Palette - Deep 303 will help you. Draw a light line along the center of its back, slightly darken the “wings” with a dark shade and carefully blend the correctors - the effect should be light. The secret to good shading is in the most natural light possible. I recommend clients place the vanity directly next to the window.

Claire Danes
Anna Kendrick

To visually reduce the volume of your nose, apply a dark corrector to the very tip, and a light corrector to the bridge of your nose. Don't forget that you are working with capricious dense textures that require skill. An option in case you are in a hurry and want to be sure of the result is to replace the dark concealer with a light bronzer (apply a thin layer with a fluffy brush), and the light concealer with a transparent highlighter. The play of textures will model your nose just as well as the contrast of colors.

Cate Blanchett
Gisele Bündchen
Penelope Cruz

My trick for working with prominent noses is to choose the most attractive feature on the client's face and turn it into the main focus. If you love your lips, apply luscious lipstick on them (a win-win option is Nouba Millebaci 7), be proud of the texture of your hair - feel free to let them down, as Sarah Jessica Parker does in “Sex in big city" Her textured curls (and endless optimism) make her big nose look charming.

Sarah Jessica Parker
Uma Thurman
Princess Diana

Which hairstyle to choose to visually correct a protruding nose? Firstly, forget about bangs - when they cover your forehead, the main emphasis on your face becomes your nose.

If you don’t feel comfortable with an open face and are not ready to part with your bangs, try one of three options: 1) ask the specialist to make it torn and slightly careless - to get away from the straight geometric shape; 2) remember the best poems of Anna Akhmatova and cut your bangs short - so that part of your forehead still remains visible; 3) conduct an experiment in front of a mirror and comb your bangs to one side - thoughtful asymmetry in the upper part of the face will visually “smooth out” the relief and reduce the volume of the nose.

Anna Akhmatova

Your hairstyle shows volume! This is the easiest way to disguise large facial features, be it a nose or a heavy chin. To choose the right level of volume, evaluate your physique. For very thin girls (like Barbra Streisand), it is enough to slightly lift the hair at the roots using a hair dryer and a light styling product.

Barbra Streisand

If your constitution is somewhere between Meryl Streep and Kate Winslet, enhance the volume with a varnish with good hold.

Meryl Streep
Kate Winslet Text: Dilyara Telyasheva

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ID: 3306 47

The ideal of beauty different people different, sometimes even opposite. Even for the same person, preferences can change over time. This list was made by me to see if there are people who like the same things as I do.
In tenth place is Milla Jovovich.

As a child, she seemed to me the most beautiful girl in the world. I had notebooks and posters with her image. I liked everything about her: her eyes, her lips, the oval shape of her face, her signature squinting look, which I tried to copy, but most of all her nose - straight, quite large, with fluffy nostrils and a sharp tip. Now she doesn’t seem to me as beautiful as before, but her nose deserves tenth place.
In ninth place is Camilla Belle.

Camilla Belle is a girl of incredible beauty, and I consider her nose to be her most important asset. Large, straight, beautiful, with a narrow back, it was given to her by nature.
In eighth place is Olga Koryagina.

Probably no one remembers who she is anymore. I remember. This is a former member of the VIA GRA group. She didn’t stay in the group for long, so she appeared in a couple of videos, but her nose sank into my soul. And now she is in my top.
In seventh place is Barbara Brylska.

A 71-year-old Polish actress and simply beautiful woman who, even at her age, looks wonderful, and last role I think her nose plays a role in this.
In sixth place is another former member of the VIA GRA group, Tatyana Kotova.

Tatyana is a real beauty, and I’m not the only one who thinks so. Tatyana is the winner of the title “Miss Russia 2006”. This is one of the few times when I agreed with the jury of this competition.
In fifth place is Victoria Radochinskaya.

She participated in the Mrs. World 2009 contest and became its winner. The naturalness of her beauty is questionable, but even if so, her nose is still worthy of attention and fifth place in my top.
In fourth place is Aishwarya Rai.

Perhaps most will not understand me, but once she was at the top of my top, I considered her nose to be the standard. I especially liked the tip and nostrils. But either my tastes have changed, or have become more beautiful girls, and she is now only in fourth place.
In third place is Agnia Ditkovskite.

Her nose has such a thin back and such a sharp tip. This is exactly what my nose is missing. How he decorates her already beautiful face.
In second place is Natalie Portman.

Even with a shaved head, she is as beautiful as a woman with a shaved head can be. She's perfection. She's ideal. Her nose is considered the most desirable on the list of rhinoplasty specimens. And I would agree with this if she had not appeared on the “stage” - the winner of the first place. So…
In first place is Alena Shishkova.

Here she is - the owner of a perfect nose and eyes and lips. And let all this be the merit of the surgeons, but you must agree that she is wonderful.

A gift of nature or the work of a master?

Most beautiful woman planets have been accused more than once of plastic sensual lips, and in vain, because she has her own lips. And here is the nose after surgery at the very beginning of my career wide bridge of the nose Angelina Jolie has become much thinner.

Jennifer Aniston inherited a classic Greek nose from her Greek father. Is it any wonder that at the first opportunity, she decided to abandon him!

Let Ashton Kutcher's wife continue to claim that her beauty was given to her by nature pictures different years they say the opposite. To maintain her youth, Demi Moore not only had a facelift, but also ventured into rhinoplasty.

"The most sexy woman Planet" is proud of its African-American roots. But who knows, Halle Berry would have been able to have an affair with agent 007 if she had not corrected the shape of her nose at one time!

The Paparazzi star decided to shock fans with extravagant outfits, rather than the shape of her nose. At the very beginning of her stellar career, Lady Gaga decided to sign up for rhinoplasty.

One might assume that Kristina Orbakaite made an appointment with a surgeon to get rid of childhood complexes. But no, a nose injury forced her to decide on rhinoplasty (according to rumors, her ex-husband Ruslan Baysarov had a hand in this).

Before becoming Woody Allen's muse, 24-year-old Scarlett Johansson had her nose reshaped. From now on, no more eggplant; the voluminous wings and partition have become noticeably thinner and neater.

Megan Fox is so desperate to look like Angelina Jolie that in 2005 she changed the shape of her nose, making it more sophisticated and noble.

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Perhaps the singer herself would like to improve the shape of her oriental nose. However, Jasmine's final decision was influenced by assault ex-spouse Vyacheslav Semenduev.

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