Leshchenko Lev Valeryanovich year. Lev Leshchenko: biography, personal life, family. Pop singer Lev Leshchenko

Born on February 1, 1942 in Moscow in the family of a career officer, a veteran of the Great Patriotic War. Lev Leshchenko's mother died when her son was one year old.

The future singer spent his childhood in Sokolniki, where he studied in the choir of the House of Pioneers, attended the swimming section, and artistic word and a brass band. At the insistence of the choirmaster, he gave up all the clubs and began to seriously study singing, performing on the school stage with the songs of Leonid Utesov, popular at that time.

In 1959, after graduating from school, Lev Leshchenko entered the Bolshoi Theater, where he worked as a stagehand for a year.

From 1960 to 1961 he worked as a fitter at the Precision Factory measuring instruments.

Passed military service in tank forces as part of the Group Soviet troops in Germany. In January 1962, the unit command sent Private Leshchenko to the song and dance ensemble, where he became a soloist.

In September 1964, Lev Leshchenko became a student at GITIS. From the same year, he began working at the Mosconcert and as an intern group at the Operetta Theater. During summer holidays toured with concert bands throughout the USSR.

In 1969, the singer was accepted into the troupe of the Moscow Operetta Theater.

In February 1970 he became a soloist-vocalist of the USSR State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. At that time, he was engaged in intensive creative activity - he performed on the radio, recorded romances, folk and Soviet songs, and works by foreign composers. The singer performed the part of Porgy in George Gershwin’s opera “Porgy and Bess”, Rodion Shchedrin’s oratorio “Lenin in the People’s Heart” in a recording with the Bolshoi Symphony Orchestra conducted by Gennady Rozhdestvensky, and collaborated with the pop symphony orchestra conducted by Yuri Silantiev.

A new impetus for the singer’s popularity was brought by the song “Victory Day” by Vladimir Kharitonov and David Tukhmanov, performed for the first time in 1975, on the 30th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. Patriotic War, and which the singer himself considers one of his main achievements.

In 1980-1989, Lev Leshchenko continued his concert activities as a soloist-vocalist of the State Concert and Touring Association of the RSFSR "Rosconcert".

He performed hits that became classics of the national stage, including “ White birch“,” “Don’t cry, girl,” “Love lives on earth,” “Tatiana’s Day,” “Beloved Women,” “We Can’t Live Without Each Other,” “Nightingale Grove,” “Earth’s Gravity,” “Not a Moment of Peace” , " Motherland", "Parental home", "Where is my home?", "City flowers", "Meadow grass", "Gentlemen officers" and many others.

In 1990, Leshchenko created and headed the musical agency theater of variety performances, which was given state status in 1992.

For more than 10 years, Lev Leshchenko taught at the Gnessin Music Pedagogical Institute (now Russian Academy music named after the Gnessins). Many of his students became famous artists pop stars - Marina Khlebnikova, Katya Lel, Olga Arefieva, Varvara and others.

Lev Leshchenko is a famous, successful Russian pop singer. More than 700 recorded songs, more than 10,000 concerts - and still, despite his age, on stage. It is not surprising that the audience's love for him is limitless. However, the life story of the famous artist is not as simple and easy as it might seem.

It all starts in Moscow, during the terrible years for the country. In 1942, Lev Valeryanovich Leshchenko was born. The roar of war and almost field conditions - this is how his first years pass. 1 year after Leo’s birth, his mother dies. Father, military man, at that time deputy regiment commander special purpose, there is only one left.

Combat actions - a parent has no time for education little son, so Lev grows up as a “son of the regiment.” He wears uniform, soldiers look after him, he plays and eats with them.

In the post-war period, Lev Leshchenko and his father moved to Moscow from Bogorodsk, where he served. 1946, Lev is 5 years old, but he is already listening to Utesov’s songs and running to the House of Culture. And after being accepted as a pioneer a little boy signs up for choir, orchestra, swimming and theater classes at the Pioneer House.

In 1947, Leo's father, Valerian, marries again. Two years later the boy has a sister. The artist speaks warmly about his stepmother: she raised him just like her own my own daughter- in love and care.

At the age of 19, Leo is called up to serve in the army. The young man is full of dreams and hopes and wants to serve in the navy. However, the father is against it, and thanks to his influence, the future eminent singer serves first in the tank forces, then in the song and dance forces.

Carier start

As a teenager, Lev Leshchenko studied choral singing. Gradually, his strong voice is noticed, they advise him to concentrate on singing, and now the boy performs at local concerts.

The stage becomes the most desirable place for Leo, so there can be no talk of other institutions. His father is against it, but young Leshchenko can’t get in, so he is sent to work as a fitter.

After serving in the army, the young man again submits documents to GITIS, this time successfully. The army ensemble prepared him: for the entrance exams, Lev Leshchenko already sings Italian opera, knows how to be a presenter and dances. As a result, he is immediately enrolled.

A year later, he is accepted into the group of trainees at the Operetta Theater. The first role is episodic - two words, but this is just the beginning. At 22, Leo is already a theater artist, and he spends his summer holidays on tour.

2 years after winning the Soviet competition, Lev Leshchenko received international recognition - two foreign awards: one from Poland, the other from Bulgaria. And, one might say, he wakes up famous.

This is how his fame is born. His songs are heard in Houses of Culture, Soviet girls collect postcards, badges, and photographs of him. Leshchenko travels around the USSR and allied countries with concerts. It was then that he recorded songs that would make him famous forever.

The singer’s career is promoted by the themes of his songs: patriotic, civil with Soviet ideology. Of course, they start broadcasting all over the country.

The most popular songs performed by Lev Leshchenko

The most recognizable song is “Victory Day”. Tukhmanov's music, Kharitonov's words and Leshchenko's baritone make her a favorite. The song was first performed on May 9, 1975, and since then it has become an attribute of the country's main holiday.

During these same years, songs that are still popular today appeared:

  • “I love you, capital”;
  • "Nightingale Grove";
  • "For that guy";
  • "Parental home";
  • "Nightingale Grove";
  • “Thank you for the silence.”

In 1980, at the closing of the Olympics, Lev Leshchenko and Tatyana Antsiferova performed “Goodbye, Moscow,” to which the entire stadium sang along.

Friendship with Vladimir Vinokur

Vladimir Vinokur is the most famous parodist of Leshchenko. But besides this, he is also his friend, they have a joint song “Gay, Slavs!” and performances.

The acquaintance of Vinokur and Leshchenko begins with a joke. But it is not the future comedian who is playing a prank on the future singer, as one might assume, but vice versa. Vladimir enters the territory of GITIS in a soldier's uniform to undergo an interview. Then Lev, who at that time had just graduated from the university, catches him and invites him to speak to the admissions committee.

Leshchenko promises to support young man tomorrow at the exam, but the next day he is not on the committee. And after some time, young Vinokur realizes that he was simply played.

While Vladimir studies, their friendship grows. After graduating from the institute, Vinokur also goes to the Operetta Theater, where young people are already beginning to communicate as equals.

Vladimir has been persuading Lev for a long time to try himself in humorous genre. Leshchenko does not give in to persuasion. “How will a person be perceived who sang “Victory Day” and then started joking?” - he says.

Gradually Leshchenko gives up: jokes appear at concerts and his parody of Vinokur. In 1995, at Gennady Khazanov’s birthday, the humorous couple “Levchik and Vovchik” appeared, which quickly burst onto the scene and became popular.

In 2019 there will be 50 years of their friendship. And although the time has been long, Lev and Vladimir are still playing each other the same way as on the day they met.

First marriage

Lev Leshchenko's first wife is Alla Abdalova. Young people meet at GITIS and get married when Leo turns 24 years old. Both are singers, constantly touring and performing. In the end, this will play a role: the spouses see each other less and less. The growing popularity of Leo also adds fuel to the fire - Alla still cannot leave the status of an ordinary singer and become famous.

In 1974, the young couple decide to live separately. But soon they move in together again, hoping to give marriage a second chance. However, similar ambitions, rare meetings and the absence of children destroy the family.

As a result, Leo has an affair in Sochi. The young student Irina Bagudina drives him crazy, and the singer forgets about his nominal status as a married man. After her husband returns to Moscow, Alla understands everything and, silently, quietly, demands a divorce. It must be said that the singer, well-known by that time, acted nobly: he left her both the apartment and the car.

Lev Leshchenko’s first wife will never recover from the loss of her husband: her career will end, she will never marry again, and will not give birth to children. All her life she will regret the abortions she had because of her loved one.

Second marriage

The new life with Irina begins imperfectly: a rented apartment, which, fortunately, is soon replaced by one’s own. Irina develops, enters graduate school, but suddenly ends up in the hospital. This is followed by a long recovery period.

For a long time spouses are trying to have a child, going to doctors, having procedures done. However, Irina is barren. They will never have children, but this will not prevent the marriage from remaining happy and strong.

Gradually, the girl forgets about her career and dissolves in her husband: she helps him in the theater, supports him in the difficult 90s.

In the “Knocking on the Stars” program, Lev Leshchenko admits that at home he is a completely different person: everyday worries are not at all alien to the popular singer. And quarrels do happen - Leo, after all, creative person with creative disorder. But she and Irina cannot quarrel for long, a maximum of 1.5 hours - and the grievances are forgotten.

Lev and Irina still live in perfect harmony. The artist reveals a secret family happiness: Never humiliate your spouse and spend your holidays together.


Recordings with Leshchenko’s mesmerizing voice quickly spread throughout the Union and surrounding countries. Already at the age of 28, as soon as his voice sounds on the All-Union radio, Leshchenko receives the prestigious award of the All-Union Competition of Variety Artists.

In the same 70s, he was awarded two foreign awards: from Bulgaria and from Poland. In 1977 he became an Honored Artist of the RSFSR, and 5 years later, in 1983, he became a People’s Artist.


Leshchenko is a full holder of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, which consists of 4 degrees. The artist, thanks to his achievements, deserves them all.

International awards

In the near abroad, Leshchenko is still a favorite performer, so he has state awards Belarus, Kazakhstan, Moldova, South Ossetia.

It’s difficult to simply list Leshchenko’s awards – there are a lot of them. They even include the Golden Gramophone. The main thing is that he still remains a favorite singer of several generations.

Lev Leshchenko now - latest news

Now Leshchenko is a faithful husband and is still popular and famous singer. In 2017, he celebrated his 75th concert at the Kremlin Palace.

Leshchenko and his wife Irina live in happy marriage. Perhaps the artist is upset by the absence of children, but he tries not to show it. Leo calms and supports his wife.

They do not communicate with their first wife due to the reluctance of Alla Abdalova herself.

In January during presidential elections Lev Leshchenko was a confidant of Vladimir Putin.

In early May, Leshchenko supported Yulia Samoilova’s performance at Eurovision in Portugal. The artist expressed his opinion that the public would support her act. Moreover, the decision to send her to the competition for the second time is fair - in 2017 she was not allowed into Ukraine for political reasons, and this is undemocratic. Perhaps the singer’s position is strengthened by personal emotions: Lev Leshchenko himself is also prohibited from entering the country.

The singer thanks the national football team for a worthy game. He is proud of the country's developed infrastructure, Russian hospitality and the fact that Russia was able to enter the group of the best football powers.

5 interesting facts about Lev Leshchenko

  1. Irina, the wife of Lev Leshchenko, mistook him for a mafioso at the first meeting, and he thought that she was a foreign spy who wanted to recruit him. The girl studied abroad, knew nothing about the singer’s career, all her things were imported. In the closed USSR, it’s easy to think that in front of you is an enemy!
  2. Lev Leshchenko has a pro-government position: he openly supports Vladimir Putin and his decisions.
  3. At a Polish competition in 1972, the artist sang in his wife’s red costume. Right before leaving, it became clear that Lev literally had nothing to wear. However, someone else's clothes did not prevent him from receiving the award.
  4. Lev Leshchenko got into Forbes. True, not as the richest man in the world, but as the author of the Lukoil anthem, but still.
  5. The famous singer taught at the Institute. Gnesins. Katya Lel, Marina Khlebnikova, and Valeria graduated from his caring hands.


Lev Leshchenko is a talented and popular artist. He won many awards and titles, recorded several hundred songs, and performed more than 10 thousand times. His voice is still strong and rich.

It is not surprising that he remains a popular singer and his life is widely discussed.

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Biography, life story of Irina Leshchenko

Leshchenko ( maiden name– Bagudina) Irina Pavlovna is the wife of a pop singer.

Childhood and youth

Irina was born on May 15, 1954 in Moscow into a family of diplomats. Her parents, Kaleria and Pavel, met while studying at the Institute of Steel and Alloys. Soon after Ira’s birth, the head of the family was sent to the Berlin trade mission. The Bagudins lived in Berlin for 5 years. And these years were truly happy for Ira - her mother, who had previously disappeared at work, devoted herself to raising her daughter in Germany.

Irina was brought up in strict traditions. Her parents were sure that excessive affection could ruin the child’s character. However, Ira was always fed and clothed, and her wardrobe consisted exclusively of foreign outfits that her dad brought. Because of this, Ira developed difficult relationships with her classmates - soviet girls They were openly jealous of the diplomat's daughter.

After graduation high school Ira became a student at Moscow State University. The girl began to study economics foreign countries. Of course, her parents persuaded her to make this choice. Irina herself dreamed of being a fashion designer, but - alas... There was no way to disobey mom and dad.

While studying at the university, Irina chose Hungarian as a second language. This helped her go for an internship in Budapest. At first, the girl, who spent her entire life under the care of vigilant parents, found it difficult to adapt to a completely foreign place. But over time, Ira got used to the new routine, and at the same time she received something else that she so lacked in childhood - self-confidence and her own strengths.

Irina and . Love story

In 1976, Irina Bagudina decided to spend her holidays in Sochi - to enjoy the sea and sun, and take a break from hard study. One fine day, Irina and a friend were walking through the lobby of the Zhemchuzhina Hotel, when suddenly this same friend began excitedly whispering, “It’s himself!” Irina looked where her friend was pointing and saw an attractive man at the reception desk. At that time, Irina had no idea who it was. Soon after this meeting, Irina met in person - in the elevator. I was a little offended and at the same time attracted by the fact that the girl in foreign clothes did not recognize him as a popular Soviet singer. Perhaps this is what brought them closer together. Irina did not have the wrong feelings for him, which fans often feel for their idols, she simply communicated with him - casually, easily, playfully.


Despite the fact that Irina really liked it, she left to spend the rest of her vacation in Moscow without saying goodbye. However, a few days later, while visiting a friend, Irina met the singer again. He specially came to this girl in the hope of finding out from her the coordinates of the one who captured his heart. And then Irina realized that this was fate.

At the time of meeting Irina, he was already married to Alla Abdalova, an actress. I explained things to Alla, with whom my relationship had already begun to unravel at that time, and moved in with my parents. Irina went back to Budapest. For six months the lovers did not communicate, and then... Then Irina came to Moscow. She found out that she was also in the capital. The girl asked her friend to give her phone number. Soon the first bell rang. Then the second one. Then there were letters, tender and full of love. At the end of her internship, Irina returned to Moscow and immediately received a marriage proposal. The lovers got married in 1978.

Family life

The newlyweds began to slowly arrange their life. At first they lived in a rented room, then moved to a corporate apartment. Irina prepared delicious dinners, sewed curtains with her own hands and tried to make the home as comfortable as possible. In her free time from household chores, Irina studied in graduate school and even passed the candidate minimum. But suddenly misfortune came to the family - Irina became seriously ill. She spent a long time in the hospital, then she was unable to difficult period rehabilitation...

This beautiful woman- the most mysterious other half of the star Russian stage. She has never been a regular character in gossip columns, does not appear at celebrity parties and almost never gives interviews. She does not like publicity, most often being closed from prying eyes. She likes to observe rather than participate. But at the same time, she has been the wife of the nightingale of the Russian stage, Lev Leshchenko, for more than 35 years. So, let’s meet - Irina Leshchenko.

Childhood and family ties

Little Irinka was born in 1954 into a family of diplomats. Her grandmother was Greek. It was she who inherited her amazingly beautiful daughter with big, sad eyes. But the girl found out about this already as a schoolgirl. It was a family secret, because her dad was a Soviet diplomat, and at that time foreign relatives were not welcome. If information about this had leaked out, Dad’s career would have ended, and the whole family would have had no future. Therefore, for many years the whole family lived in nervous tension.

Family tree

Irina's parents came from simple large peasant families. These were, as they were called, the “rural intelligentsia.” They left their relatives quite early to get an education. They met at the Institute of Steel and Alloys. And after receiving their diplomas, the couple was sent to Sverdlovsk, where Kaleria Gavrilovna, Ira’s mother, welded steel. A few years later, Ira’s dad went to study in Moscow. When a daughter appeared in the family, dad was sent to the Berlin trade mission. Irinka just turned three months old. The family lived in Germany for five years. For the girl, it was a time of round-the-clock happiness, because her mother was constantly nearby; she did not work in those years, raising her daughter.

The future Irina, who has been interested in fans of her husband’s talent for many years, was fond of mathematics, an interest in which her mother instilled in her. First she learned to count, and then to write. Harmonious relationships reigned in the family, and great love was constantly felt.

Parental education

Irina Leshchenko received a very strict upbringing as a child. During her youth, there was a belief that affection could spoil a growing child. Ira, as a teenager, quite sincerely believed that she was very ugly, because she had dark skin (like her Greek grandmother). And at school, relations with classmates were not very optimistic. The guys could not forgive Ira for the beautiful things that dad brought her from abroad. She did not feel comfortable among her peers.

It was my parents who chose a profession for Irina. Irina Leshchenko, whose photo last years decorate the pages of glossy publications, while Bagudina was still studying the economics of foreign countries at Moscow State University. True, she sewed well and was sure that she would become an excellent fashion designer. Since Irina Leshchenko chose second during her studies at the university, she went to Budapest for an internship. It was the first time in her life that she had gone so far from her family.

Breath of air

IN Soviet times ideas about this country were very modest. The students' knowledge of the language practically did not go beyond the old Hungarian textbook, which was created for military translators. It suggested words, for example, “drink”, “grub”. And instead of the usual “hello”, one should greet the interlocutor with the call: “Freedom, comrade!” It was with this baggage that Irina Bagudina found herself abroad.

Despite things that seem so funny to the modern eye, for the girl it was new life, a kind of breath of freedom. Like other international relations students, she was assigned to the embassy. All the guys were constantly checked, they were suspected, and if they found those allegedly guilty, they were expelled. But it was here, abroad, living in such unusual conditions, that Ira felt independence and responsibility for her life.

“Who came to us?!”

Irina’s acquaintance with her future husband, Lev Leshchenko, took place completely unexpectedly. The girl had a vacation, which she spent in Sochi, staying at the Zhemchuzhina hotel. One day she and her friend were walking through the hotel lobby when this friend excitedly said to her: “Oh, who came to us? This is Lev Leshchenko!” Following her friend’s gaze, Irina saw an interesting person who was just checking into this hotel. She was one of the few who did not know the singer, and his name meant nothing to Irina. By that time, Lev Valeryanovich had already performed several of his hits.

The singer drew attention to the pretty girl, her outfit and the decoration in her hair were clearly not of Soviet origin. In addition, he was surprised and even a little hurt that she did not recognize him and looked at him without admiration. By the way, a little later, when they started visiting restaurants, the girl was surprised that there her new acquaintance was greeted like family. Lev Leshchenko and Irina Leshchenko met in the elevator of that very hotel, but none of them thought that the holiday romance that began so suddenly could have such a long and happy continuation. She still had a beloved man in Hungary. He had a long-term marriage behind him.

The origin of feelings

Despite the fact that Irina immediately made a strong impression on the singer, at first he was worried: what if this was some kind of recruitment operation, because the girl’s clothes were foreign, and in the toilet room all the creams and shampoos were entirely imported. But then she said that she was studying abroad.

Irina Leshchenko, whose love story amazes with its beauty and simplicity, immediately trusted her new friend. She was then 22 years old, and he was already 34. She still remembers that somehow a feeling of warmth and security immediately arose. He was so different from other young people - boorish and rude, who did not know how to look after someone beautifully.

And yet, Irina flew away without saying goodbye, without leaving him any of her coordinates. She was sad that she would have to spend the rest of the holidays in her parents' empty apartment. But Irina’s friend invited her to stay with her for a few days before leaving for Budepasht. The very next day after she moved in, her Leo stood on the threshold of this apartment, who came to this friend in the hope of meeting Irina there.

Moscow holidays

They spent only three days together - “a crazy Moscow vacation.” There were walks around evening Moscow, trips to restaurants... And then Irina had to return to Budapest.

Lev Leshchenko was already married at the time he met Irina. His first wife was a singer and theater actress. It was a student marriage; they studied together at GITIS. Now, when Irina Leshchenko is asked questions about this, she replies that she knew about her husband’s marriage at that time, but did not feel any concern about it, because since he met her, it means that everything had already gone wrong there. By the way, after the start of their relationship, Lev Leshchenko left his first wife and moved in with his parents.

Their next meeting took place only six months later, when Irina arrived in Moscow. From her Sochi friend she learned that Lev was now also in Moscow and was looking for her. Irina allowed her friend to give Lev Valerianovich her phone number.

He called very quickly. From that moment they were always in touch. Leshchenko called his beloved in Budapest and sent her long letters full of tenderness. Irina answered him the same.

Irina's only marriage

Thus passed the months of their “telephone love.” As a result, Lev Valerianovich said 13 thousand rubles (at that time this was the cost of the Volga).

The wedding took place after Irina returned home, in 1978. The girl always dreamed of getting married once and for all. And so it happened.

Their family life started out rather difficult. The newlyweds first rented a room and then bought a cooperative apartment. Irina Leshchenko began arranging a family home. She learned to cook deliciously, sewed curtains herself, and made the house cozy. Gradually, everything began to improve in their home. Irina entered graduate school, even passed. And suddenly the biggest misfortune in her life happens to her - she ends up in the hospital. She had to undergo treatment for a very long time, then get out of this difficult psychological state, and then undergo treatment again. But everything didn't go as planned.

Alas, Irina Pavlovna has something to regret. After all, many women truly find themselves only after they become mothers. Like, for example, a popular blogger and founder of an educational project for children and adults " Big turtle", Irina Pavlovna's namesake is Irina Shalimova. Irina Leshchenko, unfortunately, was deprived of the happiness of motherhood. Her dream never came true.

Irina Leshchenko, the wife of Lev Leshchenko, was unable to give birth to a baby due to health problems. The couple did not give up, fought for twelve long years, and went to doctors. The husband behaved perfectly, just as Irina had never hoped. He constantly supported her and persuaded her not to rush and to gain strength herself to begin with. All possible methods treatments and procedures have been tried. But, unfortunately, they did not bring the desired result.

Irina Leshchenko, a biography whose children (unborn, unfortunately) often arouse increased interest among curious ordinary people, did not give up. She realized herself differently. Irina always tries to be close to her husband, remaining for many years his support and support. At the beginning of their marriage, she went on tour with him, replacing the costume designer. Later, owning two foreign languages and with a university degree, she stopped thinking about creating her own career and disappeared into her husband.

The secret to a happy family life

Time passed, and gradually everything began to improve. A new period began in Leshchenko’s work. In 1990, he created and became the head of the musical agency theater.

Today, when their marriage spans over three decades, Irina says that her husband has never reproached her for anything in all this time. And Lev Leshchenko himself once told in an interview the secret of a happy family life: Never humiliate your spouse or spend holidays apart.

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Biography, life story of Lev Leshchenko

Lev Valeryanovich Leshchenko is a Russian pop singer, actor, and poet.


Lev was born on February 1, 1942 in Moscow. Leshchenko's father Valeryan Andreevich (1904-2004) is a career officer, fought near Moscow. For participation in the Great Patriotic War and further military service awarded many orders and medals. Mother - Leshchenko Klavdiya Petrovna (1915-1943). Lev Leshchenko's mother died early, when her son was barely a year old. Leva’s grandmother and grandfather helped raise her, and since 1948, her father’s second wife, Marina Mikhailovna Leshchenko (1924-1981). In 1949, Leo had a sister, Valentina.

His father was always very busy with work, so little Leva was practically the “son of the regiment”: in the unit where his Valeryan Andreevich served, everyone loved and adored the boy, but they did not spoil him - they were military people, after all. Four-year-old Lev ate in the soldiers' canteen, learned to shoot, wore military uniform, went skiing - in a word, he was a real little soldier.

His childhood years were spent in Sokolniki, then in the Voykovsky district. Here he began to attend the choir of the House of Pioneers, the swimming section, the literary circle and the brass band. Later, at the insistence of the choirmaster, he quits all the clubs and begins to take up singing seriously, performing on the school stage, performing mostly popular songs.


Your own independent labor activity Lev Leshchenko began immediately after graduating from school, becoming a stagehand at the State Academic Bolshoi Theater of the USSR (1959-1960). Then, before being drafted into the army, he worked as a fitter at a precision measuring instruments factory (1960-1961).

He served in tank forces as part of the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany. On January 27, 1962, the command of the unit, having recognized the abilities of Private L. Leshchenko, sent him to the song and dance ensemble, he became a soloist of the ensemble and even received an offer to remain for long-term service. Lev gladly took on everything that was offered to him: he sang in a quartet, performed solo numbers, led concerts and read poetry. This year can safely be called the beginning creative career. IN free time I was preparing for exams at the theater institute.


In September 1964, L. Leshchenko, having successfully passed the exams, became a student at GITIS. Intensive studies begin at the most famous theater university in the country. From the same year, work began at the Mosconcert and the trainee group of the Operetta Theater. During the summer holidays, as a rule, Leo travels - he tours with concert bands, visiting the most remote corners of the vast country.

Creative path

1969 Lev Leshchenko is a full member of the Moscow Operetta Theater team. Here he plays many roles, but Leshchenko the artist, knowing the value of his singing gift, wants a real big job. And he receives this opportunity on February 13, 1970: having successfully passed the competition, L. Leshenko becomes a soloist-vocalist of the USSR State Television and Radio.

Intensive creative activity begins: mandatory performances at the radio microphone and stock recordings of romances, folk and Soviet songs, vocal works by foreign composers, the part of Porgy in D. Gershwin's opera "Porgy and Bess", the first recording with the Big Symphony Orchestra conducted by G. Rozhdestvensky in oratorio "In the People's Heart", recordings with a pop symphony orchestra conducted by Yu.V. Silantyeva.

In March 1970, Lev Leshchenko became the winner and laureate of the IV All-Union Competition of Variety Artists. Its popularity is increasing significantly. Few broadcasts, thematic programs or reviews on radio and television, rare concerts in the Hall of Columns are complete without his participation. Dozens of recordings lined the shelves of the Recording House's record library.

In 1972, L. Leshchenko was awarded the title of laureate of the Golden Orpheus competition in Bulgaria. In the same 1972, he received first prize at the then very prestigious festival in Sopot with the song “For that guy.”

The victory at the Sopot festival gave birth to a fashion for Lev Leshenko, he became famous. In 1973, Lev Leshchenko was awarded the title of laureate of the Moscow Komsomol and Lenin Komsomol Prize.

A new impetus for the singer’s popularity was brought by the song “Victory Day” by V. Kharitonov and D. Tukhmanov, which he performed for the first time in the year of the 30th anniversary of the victory and which the singer himself always considered one of his most important achievements.

In 1977, the already recognized pop master Lev Leshchenko was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR. In 1978, she presented the singer with the Lenin Komsomol Prize.

In 1980-1989, Lev Leshchenko continued his intensive concert activity as a soloist-vocalist of the State Concert and Touring Association of the RSFSR "Rosconcert".

In 1980 he was awarded the order Friendship of Peoples, in 1983, for outstanding services, Lev Leshchenko was awarded the title people's artist RSFSR, and in 1989 he was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor.

Many hits that have become classics of the national stage were performed by Lev Leshchenko. In subsequent years, hundreds of other popular songs were added to them. We can list only a few of them: “White Birch” (, L. Ovsyannikova), “Don’t Cry Girl” (, V. Kharitonov), “Love Lives on Earth” (, L. Derbenev), “I Love You, Capital” (P. Aedonitsky,), “Tatyana’s Day” (Yu. Saulsky, N. Olev), “Beloved Women” (S. Tulikov, M. Plyatskovsky), “Old Maple” (, M. Matusovsky), “We Can’t Live without each other" (, N. Dobronravov), "Nightingale Grove" (D. Tukhmanov, A. Poperechny), "Gravity of the Earth" (D. Tukhmanov), "Not a minute of peace" (, L. Derbenev), "Native Earth" (, V. Kharitonov), "White Blizzard" (O. Ivanov, I. Shaferan), "Bitter Honey" (O. Ivanov, V. Pavlinov), "Where Have You Been" (, L. Derbenev), "Parental home" (, M. Ryabinin), "Old swing" (, Yu. Yantar), "Where is my home" (M. Fradkin, A. Bobrov), "City flowers" (, L. Derbenev), " Wedding horses" (D. Tukhmanov, A. Poperechny), "Meadow grass" (I. Dorokhov, L. Leshchenko), "Ancient Moscow" (), "Oh, what a pity" (), "You're leaving" (), “Gentlemen Officers” (), “Scent of Love” (, E. Nebylova), “Were Young and Happy” (M. Minkov, L. Rubalskaya), "Tonechka" (A. Savchenko, V. Baranov), " Last meeting"(, R. Kazakova), "Belated Love" (, B. Shifrin), " last love" (O. Sorokin, A. Zhigarev), "Why didn't you meet me" (N. Bogoslovsky, N. Dorizo) and many, many others.

In 1990, he created and headed the musical agency theater of variety performances, which was given state status in 1992. The main activity of the theater is organizing tours and concerts, presentations, and creative evenings. "Music Agency" united several large groups, and also collaborated with almost all pop stars both in Russia and in neighboring countries. Over the course of several years, the theater produced and filmed the musical television film "War Field Romance", the video film "Anniversary... Anniversary... Anniversary..." and the anniversary program of David Tukhmanov "In the wake of my memory", the program "10 years of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia". The premiere of the musical TV show "STAR and Young" took place.

At the beginning of his career, Lev Valeryanovich began teaching at the Gnessin Music Pedagogical Institute (now the Gnessin Russian Academy). Many of his students became famous pop artists:, and many others.

Over the years creative activity Lev Leshchenko has released over 10 records, CDs and magnetic albums. Among them: “Lev Leshchenko” (1977), “Gravity of the Earth” (1980), “Lev Leshchenko and the Spectrum group” (1981), “In the Circle of Friends” (1983), “Something for the Soul” (1987) , " White color bird cherry" (1993), "The best songs of Lev Leshchenko" (1994), "Not a minute of peace" (1995), "Scent of love" (1996), "Memories" (1996), "World of dreams" (1999), "Simple motive" (2001), as well as over 10 minions. Performed by Lev Leshchenko, dozens of songs have also been recorded on compilations and original composers' records.

In 1999, a personal star of Lev Leshchenko was laid on the Square of Stars of the State Central Concert Hall "Russia".

In 2001, Lev Leshchenko’s book “Apology of Memory” was published, in which the artist talks about his life and his contemporaries - outstanding people of art, sports and politics.

On February 1, 2002, Lev Leshchenko was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV Class.

In 2011, Lev Valeryanovich took part in the musical television show “Sign of the Opera”.

Private life

From his youth, Lev Leshchenko was fond of tennis, basketball, and swimming, and not only acted as a fan, but he himself was always actively involved in sports. He was even appointed honorary president of the Triumph basketball club (Lyubertsy).

The first wife of the pop singer was Alla Aleksandrovna Abdalova, theater actress and singer. They lived together for 10 years (from 1966 to 1976).

Second wife – Leshchenko Irina Pavlovna (born 1954), graduated from Budapest State University. They got married in 1978.

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