Chief Federal Inspector for the CBD: “Conditions are being created in the republic so that it is impossible to live and work poorly. Chief Federal Inspector for CBD: It’s impossible to live and work poorly

Speaking to those gathered, he emphasized in his speech the importance of the practice of holding annual on-site meetings with local heads of municipalities and visiting social facilities, initiated by the President of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic.
Alexey Verbitsky noted the following: “The leadership of the republic is behind Lately A lot of work has been done. It’s one thing to observe, see, hear. Another thing is to come and see on the spot with the head of the municipality what has been done, what has been achieved, what changes have occurred since the last visit to the area, and most importantly, to figure it out on the spot, make the right decision, provide assistance and do everything possible to ensure that the words spoken here did not remain on paper, but became a concrete deed.”

He expressed his thought: “I think you will all support me in the sense that Kabardino-Balkaria and all Russian Federation We are lucky to have such a wise statesman and politician in the person of Arsen Kanokov. Who has not seen this purposeful and painstaking work: from a person to a village, from a village to a district, from a district to the republic as a whole? After all, it’s all about time, stress, labor, indicators, teaching methods, including that of our Youth Government, whose members are taking part in the meeting.”

I sincerely admired the following fact: “I communicate with my colleagues - the chief federal inspectors of the subjects of the North Caucasus Federal District. Where else will you see that the head of a subject invests his personal money to close gaps and direct it to economic development and improving the standard of living of the population? This is the creation of all conditions so that it is impossible to work poorly.”

And in conclusion, Alexey Verbitsky said: “Comparing the results of activities for 2009-2011, analyzing the tasks that the Head of the CBD sets today for 2012-2020, they are impressive. People begin to live better, they open their eyes, they awaken. And is it impossible not to be proud that last year the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic entered the top 20 best constituent entities of the Russian Federation based on economic development results? Even on the first one this year conference call Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, assessing the effectiveness of regional authorities according to certain criteria, noted that new successful entities are joining strong regions, including Kabardino-Balkaria. Aren’t we pleased with the creativity of our children, the school we are in today, the roads we have traveled along? Yes, there is still a lot to be done. But why don’t we emphasize that things have gotten better, a lot of things have been built and done. I think the time is not far when Germans and Italians will come to the republic to look at the results of our gardeners and farmers. I am proud that we have talented youth, we have gifted children, athletic, smart. How can one not be proud that our old people are living longer, more prosperously and more joyfully? The most important thing that needs to be done now is to stop crime: extremism and terrorism. With the team that is here today, and with whom we have been continuously working, summing up the results of socio-economic development municipalities, we will put things in order, we will sort it out. I would really like on behalf of the apparatus authorized representative The President of the Russian Federation in the North Caucasus Federal District to express sincere words gratitude to Arsen Bashirovich Kanokov, his team, members of the republican Parliament and Government, heads of municipalities. Thank you very much for your dedicated work, which you yourself so modestly appreciate,” the press service of the head of the republic quotes Alexei Verbitsky.

Arsen Kanokov, in turn, thanked him for the high assessment of his activities and noted that a team of professionals helped him in achieving his goals.

“Sometimes we don’t notice how actively we are moving forward. At the same time, let's remember that we must learn to earn money ourselves and not rely on the federal center for everything. We must be able to use existing resources, implement projects, and create new jobs. Only this path will lead us to rapid growth of the republic’s economy,” added Arsen Kanokov in conclusion.

Photo from the website of the Head of the KBR

“If they had not committed illegal acts, the characteristics would have been different.”

On September 24, at the trial in the criminal case about the events of October 13, 2005, two witnesses were questioned.
The head of the emergency department of the Republican Clinical Hospital, P., said that on that day, more than a hundred wounded were brought to the Republican Clinical Hospital - police officers, civilians and attackers. Most of them arrived before 11 o'clock, and the nature of their injuries was very different - from the mildest to fatal wounds.
Answering questions about the attackers, P. said that some of them were delivered by police officers and taken away after providing assistance. The attitude towards such patients was correct.
The accused were interested in the fate of one of the attackers, who was wounded in the lung and suffered a broken rib. Without naming the name of the wounded man, the defendants wanted to find out from the doctor whether it was possible for such a person, after a short period of stay in the Republican Clinical Hospital, to be transferred to the staff after the operation law enforcement. P. replied that it all depends on the person’s condition.
Later it turned out that, according to the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the doctor cannot interfere with the security forces in carrying out investigative actions, but has the right to give recommendations. If a person can talk, then interrogation is possible with the permission of a doctor, but his presence is not necessary.
Witness B. in 2005 worked as the head of the administration of the village of Zalukokoazhe, several residents of which participated in the events of October 13. B. told the court that he knew about those events only from the press, but then, with the help of state prosecutors, he remembered the names of eight fellow villagers, some of whom were killed, while others ended up in the dock. “These were people who were part of a Muslim extremist society,” he said. “They had their own leader, Gisa Afaunov, to whom they obeyed unquestioningly.” Answering questions from state prosecutors about how they differed from other citizens, the former head of the administration said: “They didn’t run with weapons, but they were isolated, they were fighting the wrong way.” social life, like ordinary citizens, contrasted themselves with other residents. They did not profess the same Islam as the older generation. It’s gotten to the point where in the mosque they are in one corner with their imam, the others are in another.”
B. said that it came to fights with those young people who did not support them: “All this excited people, so gatherings of residents of Zalukokoazhe were held, the purpose of which was to return them to the path of truth. Once at one meeting we told them: “Guys , they don’t give you anything for free, they will demand it from you later. If you took the money, let's collect it all together and give it back."
According to the witness, these young people and their parents, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the prosecutor's office, the Supreme Court, and the administration of the President of the KBR participated in the gatherings: “Each time 6-7 people came from Nalchik. On August 15, 2005, Zurab Daov and Valery Tleuzhev spoke at the gathering (according to the materials of the criminal case, they were killed during an attack on the building of the Ministry of Internal Affairs) and spoke about their loyalty and their lack of extremist beliefs." He noted that he had repeatedly talked with Afaunov and Daov.
State prosecutor Nadbitova tried to find out how the “Islam of the elders and the younger” differed. “I’m not very strong in religion,” the witness answered. “But Imam Gendugov was elected at a gathering of village residents, and 30-40 people formed a separate state.”
"How was their Islam different? What did they call for?" - Nadbitova insisted. This caused a protest from lawyer Abubakarov, who pointed out to the court the leading nature of the questions. “This Islam was more aggressive,” the witness replied. Chairwoman Galina Gorislavskaya asked to clarify what this was expressed in. The former head of the administration said that they opposed themselves to the foundations of Adyghe etiquette, which prescribes respect for elders, mother, and family. He was again asked to clarify how the aggression was manifested. “I’m not ready to answer,” the witness said.
When the lawyers got their turn to ask questions, they began to ask specifically about each defendant: what was their radicalism, isolation, did they commit offenses, did they receive complaints from their parents indicating disrespect for elders, did they wear beards?
The witness could not provide such facts regarding any of the defendants - residents of Zalukokoazhe, stating: “He was not an active participant, but was with everyone,” “he was a great athlete, but wrong steps led him to them,” “they were all as one, with one soul." To many questions he answered: “I don’t remember.”
He emphasized that Imam Gendugov did not complain about anyone in particular, but said: they do not share his approaches to Islam. "What was the difference?" - "I will not say".
B. reported that at the first stage in 2000-2003, the movement of young Muslims was positive: they did charity work, helped elders, installed water supply for the poor: “But little by little they moved on to other things.”
Magomed Abubakarov asked to clarify what a “Muslim extremist society” is. “Take up arms and go against your people,” the witness replied.
- Did they take up arms before October 13?
- No. We wanted to prevent this. We were concerned about their inappropriate behavior.
- Was there a Muslim extremist group in the village before October 13?
- No.
- Besides the fact that they prayed separately, what other opposition was there?
- Just this.
The lawyer asked the witness to define the concepts of “radical Islam,” “Wahhabism,” and “extremism.” B. replied that he did not know their official interpretation, everything that he said about this was his personal perception.
"Are you religious?" - asked Magomed Abubakarov. “You don’t have to answer,” said Galina Gorislavskaya. “I’m not hiding it,” B. answered, “I’m a normal Kabardian Muslim.” “Are you performing namaz?” - the lawyer insisted. “This is a mockery of a witness,” state prosecutor Shmatov was indignant. “I didn’t,” said the witness.
Alina Gorislavskaya several times asked Abubakarov not to abuse the right to ask questions, but he spent the longest time communicating with the witness: “You said that you tried to put them on the path of truth. What does this mean?” “To observe the canons of Adyghe etiquette,” answered B., “I adhere to them.” “You mean don’t go to the mosque and don’t pray?” - asked the lawyer. “No, that’s not true,” the witness objected.
B. stated that the imam of the mosque provided lists of all parishioners - young and old - to the village administration. Then, at the request of law enforcement agencies, they could be transferred to the security forces. Lawyers noted that this could be interference in privacy and violation of the provisions of the Constitution on freedom of conscience and religion.
The criminal case contains character references for the defendants, signed by the former head of the administration. The lawyers pointed out that the witness did not provide facts of unseemly behavior towards the defendants, but the characteristics in 2005 turned out to be negative. It turned out that the characteristics were written based on lists of participants in the events of October 13, provided to the village administration by law enforcement agencies: “These lists could have influenced the characteristics.” “Of course they did,” the witness replied. "Did they affect objectivity?" - Galina Gorislavskaya clarified. “No to objectivity,” he corrected. “There was no bias, but some points came to light. If they had not committed illegal acts, then the characteristics would have been different.”
Many questions were raised by the decision of the meeting of residents of Zalukokoazhe, which took place a few days after the events of October 13. The meeting came to the conclusion that it was necessary to evict the participants in the attack from the village: “People did not want to live with those who participated in bandit activities.” B. emphasized that eviction can only be discussed after a court decision. "Do you think this is legal?" - they asked him. “Maybe a little illegal, but people acted emotionally and proceeded from the customs of the people.”
Answering the lawyers' questions, B. stated that in the fall of 2005 the mosque in the village was not closed, however, in the testimony he gave in July 2006, it was said: “After the events of October 13, the mosque was closed. It opened only on Fridays from 13 to 15 hours.”
The interrogation of the witness continued until 19.30. At about 6 p.m., it became clear that he could not attend the next meeting: he was leaving for Moscow for a month for treatment. It was decided to end his interrogation, and the meeting continued for another hour and a half. When it was the defendants' turn to ask questions, they proposed adjourning the hearing. The interrogation of the witness will continue in a month.
For the first time since the trial began on September 22, all government prosecutors were one hour late for the afternoon hearing. The chairperson admonished them. State prosecutors did not explain the reasons for the delay, but, as it became known, a deputy met with them that day Attorney General of the Russian Federation in the Southern Federal District, held in Nalchik coordination meeting law enforcement agencies of the district.
On September 28, at the trial, the testimony of witness N., who died before the trial began, was read out, and M., a police officer, was interrogated special purpose Ministry of Internal Affairs for the CBD.
N. worked as a teacher in one of the schools in Nalchik and while still at the history department of KBSU became interested in Sufism. He was part of one of the jamaats in the capital of the republic, where, according to him, leaflets about jihad from one of the extremist sites were read out, they talked about the need to collect information, food supplies, and finding places for hiding places. The testimony spoke about the leaders - Arthur Mukozhev, Anzor Astemirov and Rasul Kudaev (this is the full namesake of the defendant - a Guantanamo prisoner). Later he was expelled from the jamaat.
Lawyers and defendants noted that during that period of investigation, testimony was obtained under great psychological pressure; today it is impossible to verify the witness’s words and they cannot be considered reliable. There were no documents in the case materials indicating the causes of N.’s death.
M. on the morning of October 13, at the time of the attack on the Ministry of Internal Affairs building, was in the courtyard with back side. According to him, he ran into the room and saw the “nine” drive off, in which 4-5 attackers drove away. Then he was in Abkhazia Square, where the fighting had already ended, after which he headed to the location of the Special Forces. In addition, M. participated in a special operation on the street. Festival in Nalchik on November 12, 2005 ("Newspaper of the South" No. 46, 2005), when the defendant Eduard Mironov surrendered, another suspect in the attack on Nalchik, 30-year-old Azamat Braev, was killed, and the home was severely damaged by the resulting fire.
M. didn’t remember a lot or didn’t want to remember. "It's not very Nice memories, and everyone tries to forget them,” the witness explained.
The defendants were interested in the circumstances of the seizure on October 13 cell phone at a certain P. in the area of ​​the Nalchik department store. The SIM card from this phone was in M.’s possession, and then somehow ended up in the mobile phone of the current defendant, Anzor Sasikov, who was detained at that time. In connection with these manipulations with the SIM card, the head of the investigation team, Savrulin, gave instructions to check M.’s involvement in this.
Anzor Sasikov tried to get the witness to confirm that M. participated in his arrest at school No. 14. The OMSN employee did not remember this. Sasikov argued that M. confirmed this in one of his explanations available in the case, but the court, citing procedural norms, did not make this document public.
Despite this, the defendants thanked the witness, who, unlike his colleagues, did not keep secrets and came to court openly.
“I have nothing to be ashamed of, much less be afraid of,” answered M.
Sarabi Seyunov stated that he was “spitting up blood” and that this was due to tuberculosis. Lawyer Tatyana Psomiadi noted that he needed layer-by-layer tomography of the lungs.
Sergei Kaziev addressed the court with a statement, to which he attached several dozen documents indicating the attitude of the convoy towards him. He spoke about the beatings that had taken place before, and about new methods of physical pressure: “They take me out of the cell first and keep me against the wall until everyone has passed. The same thing happens after the hearing. On September 24, my legs were very swollen, I "They gave me an injection - a strong painkiller. In this regard, I cannot fully participate in the process."
The defendants once again recalled that because of the plexiglass that lined the cage, it became stuffy and hard to hear the participants in the trial. Galina Gorislavskaya replied that this issue is being discussed with the leadership of the Judicial Department of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation for the CBD.
On September 29, during the trial, Colonel Zh., who in 2005 held the position of deputy head of the Criminal Investigation Department, was interrogated.
On October 13, he and several employees were going to receive weapons at the duty station of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. At that moment, shelling of the building began, he heard two grenade launcher pops and machine gun fire. The intense firefight lasted 5-7 minutes. Zh. did not see the attackers, but witnessed the injury of the employee.
“I am a law-abiding citizen. If I had heard anything about torture at the Ministry of Internal Affairs, I would have immediately reported it,” said the witness, answering questions about the illegal methods used during the investigation of the events of October 13.
Zh. reported that the enhanced version of service was introduced very often, but this was due to to a greater extent with the possible penetration of any forces from Chechnya. No one expected such a large-scale action within the republic.
On the same day, B., an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, was summoned to court, who applied to the court for interrogation in conditions that precluded visual observation: he feared for his family. Olga Chibineva supported this request, citing the criminal procedure code and cases of attacks on the lives of police officers in the KBR.
The lawyers objected: the Criminal Procedure Code speaks of the need for real threats; not a single murder of a policeman is in any way connected with the trial on October 13.
The court rejected B.'s request, deciding to interrogate him openly. However, state prosecutor Shmatov, noting that this is a witness for the prosecution, said: “At this stage, we will not interrogate him, since he fears for his life and the lives of his loved ones. I, as a prosecutor, cannot violate his right. I ask you not to summon him to the conference hall".
The court agreed with the prosecution's arguments.

Oleg Guseinov

Claim against the Main Investigation Department

Resident of the village Yanikoy Azret T. filed a claim with the Chegemsky District Court against the Main Investigation Department of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation for the Southern Federal District and demands to recover 5 million rubles in compensation moral damage and 170.4 thousand rubles of material damage.
Azret T. was detained on July 18, 2006. A search was carried out in his house in the presence of relatives and neighbors, after which he was taken to Center "T", and from there to Cherkessk. He was charged with aiding and abetting members of a criminal community and gang members. The basis for this was T.’s commercial connections with several residents of Karachay-Cherkessia and telephone conversations with them. He spent two years in a pre-trial detention center. On April 18, 2008, the Supreme Court of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic acquitted him; on October 23, 2008, this verdict was upheld by the Supreme Court of Russia.
“During my stay in the pre-trial detention center,” the statement of claim says, “I was constantly under psychological pressure. They asked me to incriminate myself, they wanted me to indicate where the weapons were hidden, which I never had. During a search of my home in in the presence of relatives and neighbors, they directly called me a member of a bandit formation, they claimed that I had committed serious crimes". T. emphasizes that while he was in the pre-trial detention center, his grandmother, who was a “second mother” for him, died: “In addition, I was the head of the family, providing for my mother and grandmother.”
According to the applicant, in the pre-trial detention center he was repeatedly beaten and humiliated, and his name appeared in the media and on the Internet “as the name of the main terrorist”: “Meanwhile, before my arrest, I was professionally involved in sports, was the Eurasian champion in taekwondo, and was preparing for the World Championships. Afterwards. "After liberation, I fell ill and repeatedly consulted a neurologist and an ophthalmologist. Before my arrest, I was going to work in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, which was agreed upon with management, but now this is impossible."
T. also demands compensation for the earnings that he lost over these two years, paying the monthly subsistence minimum for this period - 120.4 thousand rubles.
In addition, Azret T. claims that he was engaged in growing vegetable crops on his land, the harvest of which was destroyed after his detention. He estimated the damages at 50 thousand rubles.

17:38 — REGNUM Chief Federal Inspector for the CBD of the Office of the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in Southern federal district Mukhamed Shogenov, who previously held the position of administrative manager of the President of Kabardino-Balkaria, was appointed. The correspondent was informed about this by the press service of the President of the Republic. The new chief federal inspector for the CBD was introduced to members of the government of Kabardino-Balkaria and heads of federal territorial bodies state power, Deputy Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Southern Federal District Vladimir Zhukov at a meeting held today in Nalchik on the issue of the socio-economic situation in the Kabardino-Balkaria and measures to reduce negative influence global financial crisis.

Vladimir Zhukov read out the resolution of the plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Southern Federal District on the appointment of Mukhamed Shogenov as the chief federal inspector for the CBD, spoke about his work history, noting that his wealth of experience and good knowledge of the republic will allow him to successfully cope with his new responsibilities. He wished him successful work together with the President and the Government, “unanimity that leads to unity, and unanimity that leads to unity of action.” Mukhamed Shogenov, in turn, expressed gratitude for the high trust placed in him to represent the plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in his native republic: “I know firsthand the socio-economic and political situation in the republic, the aspirations of its population, I personally know many members of the activists, I especially appreciate working together with President of the KBR Arsen Kanokov. All this gives me the strength and opportunity to perform my duties with full dedication and high efficiency."

Shogenov Mukhamed Mayevich born in 1944 in the village. Urukh, Urvan district of the KBASSR. Graduated from Kabardino-Balkarian State University and Academy social sciences under the Central Committee of the CPSU, majoring in civil engineering, has the academic degrees of Doctor of Economics and Candidate of Technical Sciences. Honored Worker of Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation, awarded Certificate of honor CBD. Labor activity started as a seasonal worker at SMU-3, a mason at the Sevkavkoopstroy trust in Nalchik. After serving in the army and studying at KBSU, he worked in different years inspector of state architectural and technical control of the Urvansky district executive committee, district architect of the Urvansky district, director of the reinforced concrete structures plant in Nalchik, chairman of the Nartkala city executive committee of the KBASSR, instructor of the construction department of the Kabardino-Balkarian regional committee of the CPSU, chairman of the State Construction Committee of the KBASSR, second secretary of the Nalchik city committee of the CPSU, head of the design and construction association "Kabbalkvodmelioration" ". In 1993, he was appointed manager of the Cabinet of Ministers of the KBR, and then head of the Office of the President and the Cabinet of Ministers of the KBR. From 1995 to 1999 he headed the Nalchik City Council local government, local administration of Nalchik. From 1999 to 2007, he was the permanent representative of the CBD under the President of the Russian Federation. In 2007, he was appointed manager of the affairs of the President of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic. On January 15, 2009, he took up the duties of the chief federal inspector for the CBD of the office of the plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Southern Federal District.

At the meeting of Arsen Kanokov with the heads of local administrations held in the Baksan region municipal districts and city districts main federal inspector According to the CBD of the Office of the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the North Caucasian Federal District, Alexey Verbitsky assessed the activities of the republic’s leadership over the past few years. Noting the importance of the practice of holding annual on-site meetings with local heads of municipalities and visiting social facilities, initiated by the Head of the KBR, Alexey Verbitsky said: “The leadership of the republic has done a lot of work recently. It’s one thing to observe, see, hear. Another thing is to come and see on the spot with the head of the municipality what has been done, what has been achieved, what changes have occurred since the last visit to the area, and most importantly, to figure it out on the spot, make the right decision, provide assistance and do everything possible to ensure that the words spoken here did not remain on paper, but became a concrete deed. I think you will all support me in the sense that Kabardino-Balkaria and the entire Russian Federation are lucky to have such a wise statesman and political figure in the person of Arsen Kanokov. Who has not seen this purposeful and painstaking work: from a person to a village, from a village to a district, from a district to the republic as a whole? After all, it’s all about time, stress, labor, indicators, teaching methods, including that of our Youth Government, whose members are taking part in the meeting. This is, to some extent, a reminder of maturity to those elders who are present here, who see the activity, wisdom and importance of the decisions made by the leader of the republic today. And it’s not just about advice, the main thing is actions. I communicate with my colleagues - the chief federal inspectors of the constituent entities of the North Caucasus Federal District. Where else will you see that the head of a subject invests his personal money to close gaps and direct it to economic development and improving the standard of living of the population? This is the creation of all conditions so that it is impossible to work poorly. Comparing the results of activities for 2009-2011, analyzing the tasks that the Head of the CBD sets today for 2012-2020, they are impressive. People begin to live better, they open their eyes, they awaken. And is it impossible not to be proud that last year the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic entered the top 20 best constituent entities of the Russian Federation based on economic development results? Even at the first conference call this year, Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, assessing the effectiveness of regional authorities according to some criteria, noted that new successful regions are joining strong regions, including Kabardino-Balkaria. Aren’t we pleased with the creativity of our children, the school we are in today, the roads we have traveled along? Yes, there is still a lot to be done. But why don’t we emphasize that things have gotten better, a lot of things have been built and done. I think the time is not far when Germans and Italians will come to the republic to look at the results of our gardeners and farmers. I am proud that we have talented youth, we have gifted children, athletic, smart. How can one not be proud that our old people are living longer, more prosperously and more joyfully? The most important thing that needs to be done now is to stop crime: extremism and terrorism. With the team that is here today, and with whom we have been continuously working, summing up the socio-economic development of municipalities, we will put things in order and sort it out. On behalf of the office of the plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the North Caucasian Federal District, I would very much like to express sincere words of gratitude to Arsen Bashirovich Kanokov, his team, members of the republican Parliament and Government, and heads of municipalities. Thank you very much for your dedicated work, which you yourself so modestly appreciate.” The head of the KBR, in turn, expressed gratitude for the high assessment of his activities and noted that it applies not only to him, but to the entire large team helping him to work. “Sometimes we don’t notice how actively we are moving forward. At the same time, let's remember that we must learn to earn money ourselves and not rely on the federal center for everything. We must be able to use existing resources, implement projects, and create new jobs. Only this path will lead us to rapid growth of the republic’s economy,” concluded Arsen Kanokov.

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