The manager of the head of the CBD became a federal inspector. Chief Federal Inspector for the CBD: “Conditions are being created in the republic so that it is impossible to live and work poorly

17:38 — REGNUM Chief federal inspector for the CBD apparatus authorized representative Mukhamed Shogenov, who previously held the position of administrative manager of the President of Kabardino-Balkaria, was appointed President of the Russian Federation in the Southern Federal District. The correspondent was informed about this by the press service of the President of the Republic. The new chief federal inspector for the CBD was introduced to members of the government of Kabardino-Balkaria and heads of federal territorial bodies state power, Deputy Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Southern Federal District Vladimir Zhukov at a meeting held today in Nalchik on the issue of the socio-economic situation in the Kabardino-Balkaria and measures to reduce negative influence global financial crisis.

Vladimir Zhukov read out the resolution of the plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Southern Federal District on the appointment of Mukhamed Shogenov as the chief federal inspector for the CBD, spoke about his work history, noting that his wealth of experience and good knowledge of the republic will allow him to successfully cope with his new responsibilities. He wished him successful work together with the President and the Government, “unanimity that leads to unity, and unanimity that leads to unity of action.” Mukhamed Shogenov, in turn, expressed gratitude for the high trust placed in him to represent the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President Russian Federation in my native republic: “I know firsthand the socio-economic and political situation in the republic, the aspirations of its population, I am personally acquainted with many members of the activists, I especially appreciate working together with President of the KBR Arsen Kanokov. All this gives me the strength and opportunity to perform my duties with full dedication and high efficiency."

Shogenov Mukhamed Mayevich born in 1944 in the village. Urukh, Urvan district of the KBASSR. Graduated from Kabardino-Balkarian State University and Academy social sciences under the Central Committee of the CPSU, majoring in civil engineering, has the academic degrees of Doctor of Economics and Candidate of Technical Sciences. Honored Worker of Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation, awarded Certificate of honor CBD. Labor activity started as a seasonal worker at SMU-3, a mason at the Sevkavkoopstroy trust in Nalchik. After serving in the army and studying at KBSU, he worked in different years inspector of state architectural and technical control of the Urvansky district executive committee, district architect of the Urvansky district, director of the reinforced concrete structures plant in Nalchik, chairman of the Nartkala city executive committee of the KBASSR, instructor of the construction department of the Kabardino-Balkarian regional committee of the CPSU, chairman of the State Construction Committee of the KBASSR, second secretary of the Nalchik city committee of the CPSU, head of the design and construction association "Kabbalkvodmelioration" ". In 1993, he was appointed manager of the Cabinet of Ministers of the KBR, and then head of the Office of the President and the Cabinet of Ministers of the KBR. From 1995 to 1999 he headed the Nalchik City Council local government, local administration of Nalchik. From 1999 to 2007, he was the permanent representative of the CBD under the President of the Russian Federation. In 2007, he was appointed manager of the affairs of the President of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic. On January 15, 2009, he took up the duties of the chief federal inspector for the CBD of the office of the plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Southern Federal District.

At the meeting of Arsen Kanokov with the heads of local administrations held in the Baksan region municipal districts and city districts main federal inspector According to the CBD of the Office of the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the North Caucasian Federal District, Alexey Verbitsky assessed the activities of the republic’s leadership over the past few years. Noting the importance of the practice of holding annual on-site meetings with local heads of municipalities and visiting social facilities, initiated by the Head of the KBR, Alexey Verbitsky said: “The leadership of the republic is behind Lately A lot of work has been done. It’s one thing to observe, see, hear. Another thing is to come and see on the spot with the head of the municipality what has been done, what has been achieved, what changes have occurred since the last visit to the area, and most importantly, to figure it out on the spot, make the right decision, provide assistance and do everything possible to ensure that the words spoken here did not remain on paper, but became a concrete deed. I think you will all support me in the sense that Kabardino-Balkaria and the entire Russian Federation are lucky to have such a wise statesman and political figure in the person of Arsen Kanokov. Who has not seen this purposeful and painstaking work: from a person to a village, from a village to a district, from a district to the republic as a whole? After all, it’s all about time, stress, labor, indicators, teaching methods, including that of our Youth Government, whose members are taking part in the meeting. This is, to some extent, a reminder of maturity to those elders who are present here, who see the activity, wisdom and importance of the decisions made by the leader of the republic today. And it’s not just about advice, the main thing is actions. I communicate with my colleagues - the chief federal inspectors of the constituent entities of the North Caucasus Federal District. Where else will you see that the head of a subject invests his personal money to close gaps and direct it to economic development and improving the standard of living of the population? This is the creation of all conditions so that it is impossible to work poorly. Comparing the results of activities for 2009-2011, analyzing the tasks that the Head of the CBD sets today for 2012-2020, they are impressive. People begin to live better, they open their eyes, they awaken. And is it impossible not to be proud that last year the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic entered the top 20 best constituent entities of the Russian Federation based on economic development results? Even on the first one this year conference call Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, assessing the effectiveness of regional authorities according to certain criteria, noted that new successful entities are joining strong regions, including Kabardino-Balkaria. Aren’t we pleased with the creativity of our children, the school we are in today, the roads we have traveled along? Yes, there is still a lot to be done. But why don’t we emphasize that things have gotten better, a lot of things have been built and done. I think the time is not far when Germans and Italians will come to the republic to look at the results of our gardeners and farmers. I am proud that we have talented youth, we have gifted children, athletic, smart. How can one not be proud that our old people are living longer, more prosperously and more joyfully? The most important thing that needs to be done now is to stop crime: extremism and terrorism. With the team that is here today, and with whom we have been continuously working, summing up the results of socio-economic development municipalities, we will put things in order, we will sort it out. On behalf of the office of the plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the North Caucasus Federal District, I would very much like to express sincere words gratitude to Arsen Bashirovich Kanokov, his team, members of the republican Parliament and Government, heads of municipalities. Thank you very much for your dedicated work, which you yourself so modestly appreciate.” The head of the KBR, in turn, expressed gratitude for the high assessment of his activities and noted that it applies not only to him, but to the entire large team helping him to work. “Sometimes we don’t notice how actively we are moving forward. At the same time, let's remember that we must learn to earn money ourselves and not rely on federal center. We must be able to use existing resources, implement projects, and create new jobs. Only this path will lead us to rapid growth of the republic’s economy,” concluded Arsen Kanokov.

Speaking to those gathered, he emphasized in his speech the importance of the practice of holding annual on-site meetings with local heads of municipalities and visiting social facilities, initiated by the President of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic.
Alexey Verbitsky noted the following: “The leadership of the republic has done a lot of work recently. It’s one thing to observe, see, hear. Another thing is to come and see on the spot with the head of the municipality what has been done, what has been achieved, what changes have occurred since the last visit to the area, and most importantly, to figure it out on the spot, make the right decision, provide assistance and do everything possible to ensure that the words spoken here did not remain on paper, but became a concrete deed.”

He expressed his thought: “I think you will all support me in the sense that Kabardino-Balkaria and the entire Russian Federation are lucky to have such a wise statesman and political figure in the person of Arsen Kanokov. Who has not seen this purposeful and painstaking work: from a person to a village, from a village to a district, from a district to the republic as a whole? After all, it’s all about time, stress, labor, indicators, teaching methods, including that of our Youth Government, whose members are taking part in the meeting.”

I sincerely admired the following fact: “I communicate with my colleagues - the chief federal inspectors of the subjects of the North Caucasus Federal District. Where else will you see that the head of a subject invests his personal money to close gaps and direct it to economic development and improving the standard of living of the population? This is the creation of all conditions so that it is impossible to work poorly.”

And in conclusion, Alexey Verbitsky said: “Comparing the results of activities for 2009-2011, analyzing the tasks that the Head of the CBD sets today for 2012-2020, they are impressive. People begin to live better, they open their eyes, they awaken. And is it impossible not to be proud that last year the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic entered the top 20 best constituent entities of the Russian Federation based on economic development results? Even at the first conference call this year, Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, assessing the effectiveness of regional authorities according to some criteria, noted that new successful regions are joining strong regions, including Kabardino-Balkaria. Aren’t we pleased with the creativity of our children, the school we are in today, the roads we have traveled along? Yes, there is still a lot to be done. But why don’t we emphasize that things have gotten better, a lot of things have been built and done. I think the time is not far when Germans and Italians will come to the republic to look at the results of our gardeners and farmers. I am proud that we have talented youth, we have gifted children, athletic, smart. How can one not be proud that our old people are living longer, more prosperously and more joyfully? The most important thing that needs to be done now is to stop crime: extremism and terrorism. With the team that is here today, and with whom we have been continuously working, summing up the socio-economic development of municipalities, we will put things in order and sort it out. On behalf of the office of the plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the North Caucasian Federal District, I would very much like to express sincere words of gratitude to Arsen Bashirovich Kanokov, his team, members of the republican Parliament and Government, and heads of municipalities. Thank you very much for your dedicated work, which you yourself so modestly appreciate,” the press service of the head of the republic quotes Alexei Verbitsky.

Arsen Kanokov, in turn, thanked him for the high assessment of his activities and noted that a team of professionals helped him in achieving his goals.

“Sometimes we don’t notice how actively we are moving forward. At the same time, let's remember that we must learn to earn money ourselves and not rely on the federal center for everything. We must be able to use existing resources, implement projects, and create new jobs. Only this path will lead us to rapid growth of the republic’s economy,” added Arsen Kanokov in conclusion.

Photo from the website of the Head of the KBR

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