Origin of the name Monica. Diminutive pet names. Marriage and family

Origin of the name Monica. Name Monica Catholic, Greek.

Name synonyms Monica. Monique, Munika.

Short form of name Monica. Nika, Mika, Moni, Mona, Monikinha, Nini, Moka, Monikino, Muniko, Monique, Montier, Monya, Monichka, Monisya, Monis.

Name Monica has Greek roots. According to one version, the name Monica comes from the word "monos", which means "single". According to another, from the word “moneo”, which means “to inspire, remind.”

IN various countries Name Monica pronounced with different stress on both the first and second syllables. In most countries the name Monica does not change, but in France the name Monica pronounced as Monik, in Norway - Munika.

The diminutive and derivative forms of Mika and Nika are also independent names and diminutive forms of other names, both female and male.

Name Monica not mentioned in Orthodox calendar. Catholics venerate the saint Monica, mother of St. Augustine, who is considered the patroness of mothers and married women.

To the woman who bears the name Monica, characterized by a strong will. She is always active. Often Monica has an incredibly strong, rather masculine character. Sometimes, due to Monica's restless nature, the best impulses are nullified.

Monica is completely out of character to listen to her intuition. According to the girl, one should rely only on intellect and common sense.

Monica hardworking. She persistently pursues her goal and as a result almost always achieves it. Most likely, work colleagues Monica will be perceived as rivals and enemies, although, if necessary, he is able to moderate his aggressiveness. Monica may choose a career as a doctor or pharmacist; she is also interested in areas related to exact science and foreign languages.

A girl with this name is the type of woman with whom it is pleasant to live. In communication, she is easy and well-read, kind and non-conflicting. Monica self-critical, well aware of her shortcomings, does not show them and, on the contrary, tries to get rid of them. Although sometimes Monica She becomes touchy; she doesn’t remember the insults for a long time. Just a couple of days is enough for a girl to forget the insult he caused her. IN family life Monica very strict with myself. She is decent, lives only for the sake of her family. Monica becomes an ideal housewife, whose house is always clean and comfortable.

Monica sociable, even friendly, she strives to interact with the world around her. However, the girl tries not to be influenced by others. Acquaintances and friends will not be able to force her to go against their interests. She always remains demanding of both herself and others. Monica amazes friends with his violent reaction, which can literally sweep them off their feet. Friends and family can only put up with this. Monica easily attracts strangers, quickly establishes contacts and has almost no enemies.

Monica's birthday

Famous people named Monica

  • Monica((331 - 387) Christian saint. The main source telling about her life is the “Confession” of one of her children - Blessed Augustine. A surge of interest in Monica arose in 1430, in connection with the transfer of her relics from Ostia to Rome. In Several cities are named in honor of the saint, churches are dedicated to her in Ostia, Rome, Naples, Florence and other places. Francesco Botticini, Ari Schaeffer and others turned to her image in painting)
  • Monica Seles ((born 1973) is a famous Yugoslav-American professional tennis player who played for both of these countries; the former first racket of the world. She has 9 personal victories in Grand Slam tournaments, 4 of which belong to the Australian Open. In 1990, she became youngest winner of the French Open. In 1991-1992, world No. 1. In October 2007, the Intergovernmental Institutional Program on Spirulina (IIMSAM) at the United Nations, advocating the fight against malnutrition, appointed Monica Seles as its Goodwill Ambassador and press secretary of this organization .)
  • Monica Samille Lewinsky (b. 1973) was a major participant in the social and political scandal that arose over her sexual relationship with United States President Bill Clinton, whom she met during her work as a White House intern. Clinton's sworn testimony regarding the nature of his acquaintance with Monica became the reason for accusing the president of perjury and the beginning of Clinton's impeachment proceedings.)
  • Monica Geller (later Monica Geller-Bing; character from the popular American television series "Friends")
  • Monica de la Bruchollie ((1915 - 1972) French pianist and music teacher)
  • Monica Niculescu ((born 1987) Romanian tennis player, winner of 2 WTA doubles tournaments, winner of the 2004 Orange Bowl doubles tournament (together with Marina Erakovic))
  • Monica Anna Maria Bellucci ((born 1964) Italian film actress and model)
  • Monica Leskovar ((born 1981) Croatian cellist. Leskovar’s highly successful children’s and youth international performances culminated in 1995 with a victory at the Second International Tchaikovsky Youth Competition.)
  • Monica Mironaite ((1913 – 2000) Lithuanian theater actress, laureate of the Stalin Prize, third degree (1952); State Prize Lithuanian SSR (1965), National artist Lithuanian SSR (1959))
  • Monica Potter ((b. 1971) American actress)
  • Monica Pyrek ((born 1980) Polish athlete, pole vaulter. Two-time silver medalist of the World Championships (2005, 2009), bronze medalist of the World Championship (2001). World Youth Champion (2001) and silver medalist of the World Youth Championship (1998) Silver medalist of the European Championship 2006. Prize-winner of the World Indoor Championships (2003), medalist of the European Championships (2002, 2005). European record holder (2001 - 4.61 m), 69-time Polish record holder, champion of Poland. Personal record - 4, 76 m (2005).)
  • Monica Ertl ((1937 - 1972) Bolivian revolutionary of German origin, daughter of cameraman and director Hans Ertl)
  • Monica Vitti ((born 1931) real name - Maria Luisa Cecciarelli; Italian actress)
  • Monica Baltodano ((born 1954) Nicaraguan revolutionary, member of the FSLN leadership, leader of the Sandinista Renewal Movement)
  • Monica Sotsko ((born 1978) nee Bobrovskaya; Polish chess player, grandmaster (2008). Bronze medalist of the European champion (2010) among women. As a member of the Polish women's team, participant in 7 Olympiads (1994-2004, 2008).)
  • Monica Spear Mutz ((b. 1984) Venezuelan actress, Miss Venezuela 2004, fourth runner-up at Miss Universe 2005)
  • Monica Raymund ((b. 1986) American actress; best known for her role as Ria Torres in the TV series Lie to Me)
  • Monica Mayhem ((b. 1978) exotic dancer, vocalist and guitarist in the band Sweet Avenge.)
  • Monica Gyorgy ((b. 1982) Romanian skier, participant of the Olympic Games in Turin and Vancouver)
  • Monica Bleibtreu ((1944 - 2009) Austrian theater and film actress, mother of German actor Moritz Bleibtreu)
  • Monique Garbrecht-Enfeldt ((b. 1968) née Garbrecht, German speed skater. Prize-winner of the 1992 and 2002 Winter Olympics. Multiple world champion in the sprint all-around and at distances of 500 and 1000 meters. World record holder at a distance of 1000 meters and in the sprint all-around .)
  • Monica Naranjo ((b. 1974) popular Spanish singer)
  • Monica Coleman ((b. 1980) American actress)
  • Monica Felton ((1906 - ?) British writer and public figure, member of the Labor Party. Since 1952 - Chairman of the National Assembly of Women. In 1956, while at a peace forum in India, she met the local spiritual leader Rajaji and became his personal biographer, remaining in India for several years. Later she published the book I Meet Rajaji (1962). Since 1953 she has been a member of the World Peace Council. Laureate of the International Stalin Prize “For Strengthening Peace Between Nations” (1952).)
  • Monica Kina ((b. 1979) American actress)
  • Mo'Nique ((b. 1967) real name - Monique Imes; American actress, won an Oscar in 2010 for her supporting role in the film "Precious")
  • Monique Angermüller (German speed skater, participant of the 2010 Olympic Games, in 2012 she became the German champion at distances of 1000 and 1500 meters)
  • Monique Wittig ((1935 - 2003) French author and feminist theorist. She wrote about overcoming socially imposed gender roles, invented the term “heterosexual contract.” She published her first novel, “Opoponax,” in 1964. The second, “The Guerrilleurs,” published in 1969, marked a turning point in lesbian feminism.

1. Personality: strong women

2.Color: blue

3. Main features: will - activity - health

4. Totem plant: tulip

5. Spirit animal: lark

6. Sign: Sagittarius

7. Type. These women are strong, like nature itself. Possess several masculine character. They take off like an arrow or a lark. They are choleric, so it is better not to tease them.

8. Psyche. They enjoy contact with the outside world, but are completely uninfluenced

9. Will. They are very demanding both of themselves and of those around them. I often wish they were more tolerant.

10. Excitability. They are often restless, which sometimes spoils even their best impulses.

11. Reaction speed. These women respond to attacks so violently that you may lose your footing. Their husbands must come to terms with this... as well as their relatives.

12. Field of activity. They are unusually hardworking and always achieve their goals. The scope of their activity is very extensive: they become doctors, pharmacists, and are interested in exact sciences and languages. Among them are agronomists, even hostesses of bars and cafes. All of them are educators and teachers by nature and strive to teach in any work.

13. Intuition. They don’t even want to hear about it, considering it incompatible with intelligence and common sense.

14. Receptivity. These women prefer to wait until others make the first move.

15. Morality. Your own moral principles depend on the foundations of your environment.

16. Health. They tend to be overweight, so they need to watch their diet. They should go swimming, exercise, and spend vacations at sea, since they require iodine. Weak organs are the stomach and genitals.

17. Sexuality. For them it is, first of all, pleasure, how to live well and eat deliciously. They show a certain aggressiveness towards men. As children they stay closer to their father than to their mother. Growing up, they do not succumb to impulses of sensuality; they are guided by calculation. Great importance is attached to the bonds of marriage. They don't like other women.

18. Activity. They consider their work colleagues as opponents, even enemies, but, if necessary, they can moderate their aggressiveness.

19. Sociability. They are friendly as long as it does not conflict with their interests.

20. Conclusion. These are not the women with whom it is easy to live, but they move so persistently towards the goal, have such a capacity for work and so strive for good that it is not a sin to bow your head before them. Which is what some men end up doing... The only advice to the latter is to beware of their anger!

According to Higir

Ancient Greek origin: single, lonely.

This is the type of woman with whom it is easy and pleasant to live. They like contact with the outside world, they are educated and well-read, friendly and non-conflicting. These are women who know how to forgive.

Monica quickly finds her tongue stranger, she has no enemies, she knows how to make a pleasant impression and is able to charm any man - which she does from time to time. However, coquetry for her is more of a game, a kind of excitement, than an internal need to please, to evoke in members of the opposite sex by no means platonic feelings. In her family life, Monica adheres to too strict moral rules; she has an innate sense of decency. Once married, she is completely absorbed by the family for which she lives.

In the lives of “summer” women, sexuality plays a more significant role, and they are capable of frivolous actions.

Monica has one rare quality for a woman: she knows her shortcomings and tries to suppress them, she is quite self-critical of herself, sometimes she simply does not know her own worth.

Monica is more often friends with men than with women, although she treats the latter without prejudice and can sincerely admire their beauty and talk about it out loud. She is touchy, but is not able to remember insults for a long time; any conflict is forgotten by her after a couple of days. Monica is an exemplary housewife: order and cleanliness are her priorities, she is able to clean the house almost until the morning.

The name Monica has several origin stories and meanings.

  • According to the first, the name Monica has its origins in history Ancient Greece from the word μόνη (mone), which means “one”, “only”.
  • According to the second, the name Monica has a Latin history of origin from the word “moneo”, which means “to call”, “to remind” or “to inspire”. By the way, this name is among the top thirty most popular in France, as evidenced by statistics over the past 70 years.
  • The name Monica is translated from French as “advice giver.”

The meaning of the name Monica for a girl is revealed with early years is a beautiful, active, sociable and independent child. A leader since childhood, she becomes the favorite of everyone: both children and teachers.

This is a creative, charismatic and restless child, she can do everything: sing, dance, play the musical instruments– that’s why she is always invited to take part in school or club events.

The girl is a successful student; she can easily master both humanities and science subjects. He loves to play sports and enjoys going to sports clubs.

Monica sets high goals for herself and, with perseverance, achieves them. In the future, it is these traits of her character that will lead to success. In adolescence, all her friends try to imitate her, and her popularity among her peers reaches decent proportions.

Monica is a creative, charismatic and restless child.

The girl knows how to make friends, is always ready to support in word and deed (she knows how to choose the right words for everyone) at the same time modest, smart, wise and balanced.

What does the name Monica mean for an adult woman?

Adult Mona is different strong character and with an unbending will, she completes all the things she starts. She goes through life relying on her intelligence and common sense. The girl easily attracts people to her, she is sociable, friendly and smiling. Mona loves to smile, and her smile gives everyone a feeling of celebration.

The girl is an optimist - she believes that after a dark streak a bright one will certainly come, and that’s all bad stories have happy end. It is this optimistic outlook on life that helps you overcome all difficulties, enjoy every day and gives you a feeling of happiness. With this, she infects all the people around her, and therefore it is very easy to be around her: life is painted in bright colors.

Moni gets a good education, she is an excellent and interesting conversationalist. Able to listen and understand someone else's position, ready to compromise, polite, diplomatic and an excellent adviser. Moreover, it doesn’t matter who is in front of her: it is equally easy for her to do this with both men and women.

Monica is an optimist - she believes that after a dark streak a bright one will certainly come, and all bad stories have a good ending.


IN school age The girl's health is average. She doesn't get sick often, but she has weakness. This is the stomach and the tendency to allergic reactions. Most often, stomach problems arise due to untimely nutrition during school years (the girl is active and is always in a hurry to get somewhere, forgetting to even eat). But if you pay attention to your diet, the problem will be solved.

As an adult, she should be careful when engaging in extreme sports; there is a risk of injury - she is prone to this.

Monique Angermüller (1984) – German speed skater, German champion. Participated in olympic games 2010.

Marriage and family

She has no shortage of fans. She needs a strong and faithful man, who can become her husband, friend and lover, and whom she can trust completely. It is pleasant to live with her: she is non-conflict (smoothes out any rough edges), easy to communicate, soft and can easily cheer you up.

Mona is an ideal housewife; her house is clean and comfortable. She cooks deliciously, loves to receive guests, and guests are happy to come to her house. She loves children, treats them with kindness, adoration and responsiveness, devoting her all to them. free time. She loves her family so much, which is of great importance to her, that she is ready to devote herself to her husband and children, giving up her career.

Find out what kind of housewife she will be.

Mona is an ideal housewife; her house is clean and comfortable. She cooks deliciously, loves to receive guests, and guests are happy to come to her house.

Career and hobbies

She will be most comfortable working in the field of communication with people. She can choose the profession of a journalist, teacher or direct sales manager. She is very hardworking, goes towards her goal and achieves it, so just working is not about her. She needs results: if journalism, then it must be complex and dangerous story in the report, if pedagogy, then students will participate in all Olympiads.

The following specialties may also be suitable for her, in which she will be able to realize herself and reveal herself:

  • Linguist;
  • Philologist;
  • Doctor;
  • Pharmacist.

She can be an excellent leader. It achieves this not through authoritarianism, but through a democratic approach. She inspires people by her example and lives up to the meaning of the name Monica.

Monica Anna Maria Bellucci (1964) – Italian film actress, fashion model.

Famous names bearers

Monica Anna Maria Bellucci (1964)- Italian film actress, fashion model.
Monique de la Bruchollie (1915-1972)- pianist and teacher from France.
Monique Garbrecht-Enfeldt (1968)- German speed skater. Multiple world champion.
Monica Potter (1971)- American actress.
Monique Wittig (1935 - 2003)- Feminist theorist from France. Author of the term “heterosexual contract”.
Monica Seles (1973)- famous professional tennis player. Goodwill Ambassador to the UN.
Monica Naranjo (1974)- Spanish singer.
Monika Sotsko (1978)- Polish chess player. Bronze medalist of the European champion. Participant in the Olympics.
Monika Pyrek (1980)- pole vaulter from Poland, 69-time record holder.
Monika Gyorgy (1982)– skier from Romania. Participated in the Olympic Games in Turin and Vancouver.
Monique Angermueller (1984)- German speed skater, German champion. Participated in the 2010 Olympic Games.

Monica Seles (1973) is a famous professional tennis player. Goodwill Ambassador to the UN.

Name day

This name is not mentioned in the Orthodox calendar, therefore for baptism in Orthodox faith you will need to use something else church name. Catholics venerate Saint Monica, mother of St. Augustine. She is the patroness of married women and mothers. Name days are celebrated on May 4 and August 27.

Girls with that name attract people like a magnet, because their positive energy exudes a sense of celebration. Do you have friends whose names are like that? Tell us about them in the comments.

The name Monika is popular in Greece; Monica is the Catholic name for girls.

Short derivatives of the name Monika: Monis, Monik, Nika, Monisya, Monichka, Moni, Monya, Montier, Monikinya, Mika, Nini, Mona, Muniko, Moka and Monikino.

Similar names to Monika: Munika and Monique.

Monica as a name was “born” among the Greeks. According to one of the assumptions, Monica is interpreted as “unity” (from the word “monos”), according to the second - “reminder, inspiration” (from “moneo”).

Monika is pronounced in different parts of the planet with any stress, which usually falls on either the 1st or 2nd syllable of the name. Some nationalities use the name Monika unchanged, only the French change Monika into Monique, and the Norwegians into Munika.

Shortened and affectionate derivatives of Monica - Nika and Mika - became independent names. They are also derivatives of other names, both ladies' and men's.

Catholic believers venerate Monica in their calendar; the patroness of this name is the mother of Augustine (the Blessed) - Monica (the holy helper of married ladies and mothers). But Monika doesn’t celebrate her name day among Christians.

The influence of a name on character and destiny

The person named Monica is distinguished by her strong will and constant activity. Monica has these qualities from the masculine character traits that she naturally possesses. The owner named Monica tends to sometimes show anxiety, and with this quality she can nullify even the best aspirations. This happens because Monica absolutely does not know how to hear personal intuition, preferring common sense and intellect to it.

Monica has an amazing work ethic and persistent pursuit of her goals. Monica usually considers her employees to be rivals, but if necessary, Monica is quite capable of coping with aggressive manifestations towards them. The bearer of the name Monica likes professions related to foreign languages, exact sciences; Monica will be quite successful as a pharmacist or doctor.

About Monica, we can say that it is quite possible to get along with her under the same roof: Monica is kind, erudite, easy-going, and peaceful. Every Monica knows all her own negative qualities and, due to self-criticism, hides and tries to completely eliminate them. If the named Monica is offended by something, then she will not accumulate resentment in herself for a long time - 2 days will be enough for Monica to forget about the unpleasant incident. In life with her husband, Monica is strict with herself and incredibly decent, giving her all for the sake of her household. In the home of the hostess named Monica, comfort, order and cleanliness are constantly maintained.

All Monicas are distinguished by their friendliness, sociability and desire for close interaction with the world around her. It is difficult to persuade Monica to make any decisions if Monica herself does not want them or they contradict her interests. Monica is demanding not only of herself, but also of her surroundings, so she is sometimes capable of showing a violent reaction that can literally knock her off her feet. Since the bearer of the name generally shows herself to be friendly, family and friends can only come to terms with this shortcoming of Monica. By the way, Monica knows how to quickly find contact even with strangers and has practically no enemies.

Sleep from Saturday to Sunday 03/24/2019

A dream seen from Saturday to Sunday comes true on the same day. The events that it foretells depend on the mood of the dream. If you saw...

Full name:

Similar names: Monique, Munika

Church name: -

Meaning: unique; remind; inspire

The meaning of the name Monica - interpretation

The name Monica has Greek roots and translates as “the only one.” There is a popular short form - Monya. Some sources offer another interpretation - “lonely”. But this word has nothing to do with the fate and character of the owner of the euphonious name. According to another version, translated it means “to inspire, remind.” The name is common mainly in the West.

Name Monica in other languages

Astrology of the name Monika

Favorable day: Friday

Years later

Little Monya is a child who is sincerely delighted with everything that happens. The girl loves her parents and boys kindergarten, educators, she happily spends time in nature and works with pets.

Being open and friendly, she experiences the world through a positive prism. And life presents her with more and more interesting surprises. From an early age, Monica shows some kind of talent: she often draws or writes well. She moves a lot, but never misbehaves and behaves according to the rules.

At school he studies excellently or well. It is difficult to predict the degree of her diligence, but both teachers and parents can influence it. Also, a lot depends on the general environment in the classroom, that is, on how good or bad it is.

In her youth, Monica is distinguished by a sensitive soul. She suffers greatly if someone has an accident nearby, and tries to help in every possible way. Sometimes he takes on too many other people's problems, which can become an unbearable burden.

The girl has no enemies, she is surrounded by a variety of friends: from informals to Turgenev’s young ladies. She is able to unite around her a company in which everyone will be interested. But it cannot be said that Monica is a fragile creature for whom you constantly have to worry.

In difficult situations, she mobilizes, becomes strong and confident. She does not tend to panic or give up. A girl named Monica is an excellent conversationalist. She is well-mannered, extremely polite and diplomatic.

With age, Monica loves peace and quiet more and more. She wants to know that everything is fine with her close people and friends - then a feeling of absolute happiness sets in. A woman with this name is rarely inclined to build a career, so she finds herself in the family and creativity.

She can be called successful in those matters that she has to take on. He keeps friends throughout his life and rarely breaks strong ties. Willingly listen to a person and try to understand his opinion. Although this does mean that he will definitely accept his point of view.

At the same time, Monica is not categorical either - on the contrary, she is ready for compromises. If you need advice, he will readily provide help and suggest the right solution. Finds it easily mutual language with people of both sexes who feel real sympathy for her.

Monica's character

Efficient, responsible and resilient, this woman can become a support the whole family. But if you don’t need to place serious tasks on your fragile shoulders, you won’t do it intentionally. Monica herself is a very positive person.

She is kind and responsive, can listen to a person, support him, but will never make serious decisions for another. This is an interesting, intellectually developed woman who will certainly be a welcome guest in any company.

Excessive independence is a woman’s main problem. This means that she tries not to particularly listen even to good advice, let alone succumb to the influence of others. If her job is not going well, she will find an outlet in constantly saving someone.

This is not always necessary for the person who will become the object of her attention. Relatives often consider Monica to be unfair, because she forgives strangers much more than those closest to her. She tries to avoid quarrels and conflicts, but sometimes they happen through her fault.

Monica's fate

The life of the owner of this name proceeds calmly, without serious shocks. She is rarely in a borderline state of joy or sadness. This course of events suits the woman quite well, so she doesn’t want to change anything.

Getting along with Monica is quite easy, but only if you don’t lead a common life with her. She is demanding of herself and those closest to her, but forgives other people for various shortcomings and mistakes. Almost throughout her life she retains the same character traits, so long-time acquaintances are rarely surprised by her decisions, actions or words.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

Monica will develop in the creative field and become a great professional. Own business owners of such a name rarely build. This requires serious mental investment and a more measured life. They are more impressed by the opportunity to be in free flight and not depend on external circumstances.

Money doesn't matter to Monica too of great importance. She will earn as much as she needs for her family and children, but she is unlikely to strive for fabulous sums and real wealth.

Marriage and family

Monica's marriage will not be based on stereotypes. She and her husband will create their own rules that will help everyone feel as comfortable as possible. Typically, this woman's family is based on mutual trust and respect. The owner of the name does not seek to marry a rich man or a person in a high position. It is simply important for her to have a reliable, loving and caring man nearby who she can rely on.

She loves children very much, but cannot always be tough and demanding towards them, so the role of the “evil policeman” will be entrusted to the spouse. Although he does not always cope with this task. But nevertheless, such a couple’s sons and daughters grow up to be wonderful: talented and hardworking.

Sex and love

Monica craves beautiful, romantic love - it’s as if she was created for bright relationships, passions and stories worthy of a poet’s pen. This exaltation of hers often scares away practical men. But if a woman meets an equally sensitive man, they will make a wonderful couple.

The chosen one must understand his companion, support her in creative endeavors and give her some freedom. Sex for them will be an opportunity to get tremendous pleasure, to truly enjoy each other. Monica feels her partner well, and therefore becomes an ideal lover for him.


Monica is one of those people who puts off visiting a doctor until the last minute, citing lack of time or the absence of serious symptoms. This sometimes leads to disastrous consequences.

This is a dangerous position that can lead to complications of various ailments. But if you approach the questions wisely medical examinations, nothing bad will happen.

Interests and hobbies

A woman's hobbies are almost always related to different types creativity. She finds herself in drawing, handicrafts, and loves to decorate rooms and sew clothes.

Monica copes well with the most complex tasks and can become a designer without special education. This means that even celebrities can benefit from her knowledge.

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