Basic methods of persuasion, or how to influence people. Basic psychological techniques for persuading people


One Eastern sage believed that the purpose of eloquence is to induce people to do what they do not want, to turn them away from what they want, and at the same time to create in them the confidence that they are acting of their own free will. Without disputing this somewhat one-sided understanding of the purposes of rhetoric, we will only note that the ability to persuade has occupied human minds for approximately as long as humanity has existed. This problem remains open to this day. For example, in one of the works on this topic - “Leader and the ability to persuade” - Professor I.D. Ladanov outlined modern ideas on this matter. In his opinion, to be able to persuade means to be able to perform four important operations.

    Inform. First of all, a person must know why he needs what you offer him. Therefore there is no need take the time to explain clearly what's what. It is useful to take into account the listener's temperament. The choleric person will prefer the deductive path - that is, first present the general picture, and then move on to the details. The question for which the conversation is going on must be put at the end, otherwise the impatient choleric person will not be interested in listening to everything else. A phlegmatic person, on the contrary, prefers to go from individual facts to generalizations, and therefore it is better to start with setting the problem, then he will be attentive to details. But in any case, regardless of temperament, it is useful to see in the listener an independent and thinking person, and not a thoughtless executor of your ideas.

    Explain. This should also be done differently, depending on the nature of the interlocutor. Instructing is useful when you just need to remember something - a procedure, a list of things to do, etc. Anyone who is used to acting according to instructions will not mind if everything is laid out for him on the shelves. But this same technique is not very suitable for creative people who prefer to reason. To pose a problem, analyze all the pros and cons, and together with the interlocutor, or even independently, find the right answer is the most suitable form of cooperation for them.

It is difficult to count on success if you have several thoughts read somewhere, albeit true, but alien. They cannot resist the beliefs—perhaps erroneous—of your opponent. So first, try arguing with yourself. : look for additional arguments, examples, select the most convincing ones! Don’t skimp on your arguments: just one thing is missing and you’ll lose.

3. Prove. To do this, first of all, you need facts. You won’t get far with arguments such as “just understand, finally, I wish you well.” Therefore, you should not get involved in a discussion without having serious arguments in your favor.

4. Refute. This is not a harmless activity, because in this case the opponent’s self-esteem often suffers and, wanting to “save face,” he becomes deaf to logic. “It’s useless to argue with him,” they say in such cases. Psychologists believe that there is no point in arguing at all. Having proven the inconsistency of the opponent’s position, we are in At best, we'll silence him. But will he become our ally? Unlikely, because a change of heart takes time. A quick victory, of course, is impressive, but it does not give results. Psychologists recommend remembering three socio-psychological rules:

Address self-esteem. According to the classic, it is a fraction, the numerator of which is the opinion of others about a person, and the denominator is his self-esteem. People with a developed sense of self-esteem prefer to firmly defend their position, while those suffering from conceit either pointlessly persist or easily agree so as not to seem ridiculous. But both of them feel very well when their opponent respects their “I” and makes it clear - by a form of address, an incentive to independent reflection, initiative; take into account human interests. If you let your interlocutor feel that your proposals not only do not contradict his interests, but also in some way coincide with them, then the chances of winning him over to your side increase. We can talk, for example, about reputation, prestige, belonging to a certain social group, realizing one’s own capabilities, etc.;

show attention to your interlocutor. This will endear him to you and help you understand each other better. But only: there is no need to pretend, insincerity is immediately felt.

Before presenting your arguments, it is useful to ensure that they are better understood. The necessary conditions have long been known - sufficient conversation time, a favorable environment where you can sit quietly, and, of course, at least relative silence. Without this, it will be difficult for you and your interlocutor to create a “concert mood” for yourself. The essence of this term, proposed by the Bulgarian psychiatrist G. Lozanov, is that a person in a relaxed mood is more willing to perceive information.

influence on people." At one time, opponents of any techniques hastened to declare it a guide for novice hypocrites. Following this logic, we will have to abolish the generally accepted rules of etiquette: we cannot always vouch for the sincerity of someone who wishes us well upon meeting. On the other hand, the rules of persuasion, like the rules of politeness, can hardly prevent someone from remaining sincere, just as they cannot make a hypocrite a model of honesty.

There is no point in retelling this book; it has already been published in our country, and therefore we will limit ourselves to brief conclusions.

1. The only way to gain the upper hand in an argument is to avoid it.

2. Show respect for the opinion of your interlocutor. Never tell a person that he is wrong.

3. If you are wrong, admit it quickly and decisively,

4. Maintain a friendly tone from the very beginning.

5. Force your interlocutor to immediately answer you “yes,” that is, start your reasoning with a question on which there is no disagreement.

6. Let your interlocutor do most of the talking.

7. Let the interlocutor believe that this thought belongs to him.

8. Sincerely try to see things through someone else's eyes.

9. Be sympathetic to the thoughts and desires of others.

10. Trust the interlocutor, appeal to his best qualities, appeal to noble motives.

11. Dramatize your ideas and present them effectively.

12. Challenge, touch a nerve.

Now suppose that you have to convince a person who already has his own opinion, or tell him something not very pleasant about his successes or behavior. At the same time, you do not want to offend him or, especially, quarrel. For such a case, Carnegie has 9 more techniques in his arsenal.

1. Start with praise and sincere recognition of the other person's strengths.

2. Don't talk directly about mistakes. Give the person the opportunity to “save face” and at the same time make it clear what you expect from him.

3. Before criticizing others, start with your own mistakes.

4. Instead of commanding, it is much more useful to ask: “Could you do this?”

5. Give people the opportunity to save their prestige.

6. Praise a person for the slightest success - sincerely and generously.

7. Create a good reputation for people, which they will try to justify.

8. Show that the mistake made can be easily corrected.

9. Find a way to make your request fulfilled with desire.

These rules, of course, do not exhaust the vast area of ​​human relationships touched upon by the American psychologist. I. D. Ladanov cites, for example, such methods of persuasion;

Frustrated expectations.”

Explosion". The technique proposed by A. S. Makarenko is to put a person in conditions where an unexpected and unusual event or information forces him to change his point of view. For example, there are many known cases where religious people became atheists after learning about the unseemly behavior of the holy fathers. However, the fall of inflated authorities can sometimes push an unbeliever to break with dogma.

Let us remind you that the secret of persuasiveness does not lie in protracted monologues. Here, for example, are the figures given by the famous management specialist P. Micich in the book “How to Conduct Business Conversations”: if you take the intended message as 100%, then what is said will be 70% of what was intended, what is heard is 80% of what is said, and what is understood is 70 % of what was heard, but only 60% of what was understood will be remembered.

According to psychologists, approximately nine out of ten people do not know how to listen. And this applies, unfortunately, not only to your interlocutor, but also to you. The ability to listen, according to I.D. Ladanov, consists of three components.

A. Attention

1. Respect the speaker, appreciate his desire to convey something new.

2. Establish contact with him at the beginning of the conversation, making it clear that you are sincerely ready to listen.

3. Don’t hide your eyes, look at your interlocutor,

4. Don't interrupt. Be patient and let the person say what they want.

5. Don't rush to conclusions.

B. Friendliness

2. Don't give in to your emotions. When you feel that you are not in control of them, imagine yourself in the place of your interlocutor.

3. Don't rush to object. By interrupting a person who has not said everything, we arouse his frustration, and it will not allow him to agree with the objections. Having discharged himself, he will listen much more willingly.

4. Do not show your entire appearance of disdain for what the interlocutor has said or is about to say. So you won't agree on anything.

5. Take breaks. Cool down your ardor, and at the same time let someone else speak.

B. Activity

1. Don’t be silent, from time to time give signals that you understand what is being said and you have a certain attitude towards what was said.

2. Restraint is an excellent quality, but moderation is also needed here. Otherwise, the interlocutor may suspect that you treat him poorly.

3. Don't try to be considered a smart guy. Flowery philosophies do not contribute to mutual understanding.

4. Be relaxed, but do not relax to such an extent that the speaker loses the desire to communicate.

5. If you are tired, it is better to apologize and postpone the conversation. “Unnoticeable” yawning and stretching can ruin everything.

Pay attention not only to the words of the interlocutor, but also to their subtext. What, for example, is this statement about: “Many whom I considered friends turned out to be completely different. However, maybe I want too much from them?

Is it about the fact that when you get to know people better, disappointment is inevitable? Or about the need to be lenient with people? Or maybe this expresses a desire to find other friends? To understand all this, you need to try to look at the world through the eyes of your interlocutor,

Test your listening skills. Answer the following questions using a point rating. Always - 4 points, often - 3, sometimes - 2, never - 1 point.

    Do you give the other person the opportunity to speak?

    Do you pay attention to the subtext of the statement?

3. Do you try to remember what you heard?

4. Do you pay attention to the main thing in the message?

6. Do you draw your interlocutor’s attention to the conclusions from his message?

7. Do you suppress your desire to avoid difficult questions?

8. Do you refrain from getting irritated when you hear an opposing point of view?

9. Do you try to keep your attention on the words of your interlocutor?

10. Are they willing to talk to you?

Calculate the total points. 32 or more - excellent, 27-31 - good, 22-26 - mediocre. Less than 22 points - you need to practice listening to your interlocutors.

And this test will help you draw a conclusion about how your discussions affect your relationships with people. Rate each statement on a 4-point scale, recalling specific situations.

1. My interlocutor is not stubborn and takes a broad view of things.

2. He respects me.

3. Discussing various points view, we look at the depot on its merits. We don't care about little things.

4. My interlocutor understands that I strive for a good relationship.

5. He always appreciates my statements.

6. During a conversation, he feels when to listen and when to speak.

7. When discussing a conflict situation, I am reserved.

8. I feel when my message is interesting.

9. I like to spend time talking.

10. When we come to an agreement, we know well what each of us should do.

11. If necessary, my interlocutor is ready to continue the discussion.

12. I try to meet his requests.

13. I believe his promises,

14. We both try to please each other.

15. My interlocutor usually speaks to the point and without unnecessary words.

16. After discussing different points of view, I feel that it is useful to me.

17 In any situation, I avoid using too harsh expressions.

18. I sincerely try to understand my interlocutor.

19. I can fully count on his sincerity.

20. I believe that a good relationship depends on both.

21. After an unpleasant conversation, we usually try to be attentive to each other and do not hold grudges.

By counting the points, you will get three results. Mutual support - the sum of points on lines No. 2, 5, 9, 12, 14, 18, 20.

Coherence in communication - No. 1, 4, 6, 8, 1.1, 15, 19. Conflict resolution - No. 3, 7, 10, 13, 16, 17, 21. 21 points and above are accepted as the norm. If there is a lack of mutual support, then it means you should be more attentive to your interlocutor. Poor coherence in communication is a symptom of the fact that the communication itself took place in an unfavorable environment - haste, lack of reason for discussion, etc. Finally, if difficulties arise with resolving the conflict, then you need to more actively look for ways to mutual understanding.

The ability to persuade has nothing to do with imposing any feelings, attitudes or thoughts on another person. It is important to understand that suggestion and persuasion are different.

Persuasion refers to a certain view of the world that motivates a person to act in a certain way, as well as the process of communicating this view to other people. For example, a guy has a belief: alcohol is evil. It is for this reason that he does not drink alcohol. The guy also tells his friends about the negative impact alcohol has on the human body, in this way he is trying to convey his belief.

The transfer of beliefs also occurs during communication between a parent or teacher and a child. A similar situation is observed in scientific field, when one scientist argues his theory, and another thinks about it and makes a decision: to agree or not. Consequently, persuasion is understood as a conscious process of perceiving information and accepting it as one’s own belief.

Suggestion means the imposition of attitudes, while a person’s critical thinking and consciousness are bypassed. When suggesting, the subconscious is often used. Examples include emotional-volitional influence, pressure or hypnosis.

You also need to be able to convince. There are special persuasion techniques that make it much easier to convey your attitudes to another person. This is a kind of “base”, after studying which you will discover new opportunities.

Techniques of persuasion in pedagogy and in life

People have long studied the reasons that motivate us to perform certain actions at the request of another person. Undoubtedly, there is a scientific basis for the ability to persuade. Robert Cialdini developed 6 basic techniques of persuasion in psychology. Let's look at 5 of them in more detail, because by studying these principles, you can significantly increase your chances of receiving consent in response to your request.

Principle of consent

One of the psychological techniques of persuasion is based on the principle of consent or, as it is also called, the “herd effect.” When a person is in a situation where he is indecisive, he will focus on the behavior and actions of other people.

For example, a group of people is asked to choose a tour to one of the proposed countries. Let's assume that all those who have not yet decided will know that 75% of tourists have already chosen Italy. More likely, the remaining tourists will also choose Italy, since the majority have already made this choice. The essence of this method is simple: there is no need to try to convince a person by coming up with various arguments; it is much easier to draw his attention to the choice of the majority.

Principle of sympathy

The human psyche is designed in such a way that it is difficult for us to refuse or disagree with the person we like. Have you ever wondered why this happens? Let's look at three facets of this issue.

  1. We feel sympathy for those people who, it seems to us, are similar to us. When communicating with them, it seems that they are a reflection of us. We feel respect for such people and a desire to agree with everything they say and do.
  2. We feel better towards those who praise us. It is difficult to say “no” to such people, because in this case we will lose praise.
  3. We like people with whom we have a common cause. In such a situation, failure may result in worsening interpersonal relationships and the collapse of the common cause.

An illustrative experiment showing the influence of sympathy was conducted among two groups of students. The groups were given the same tasks. One group was told, “Time is money, so start the task right away.” The other group was asked to get to know each other and communicate with each other before starting the task. As a result, in the second group, 90% of the participants worked together, since they had time to develop sympathy for each other. In the first group, only 55% of students worked together.

To effectively use the method of sympathy for the purpose of persuasion, before you begin to discuss important issues with your opponent, you need to see the areas in which you are similar and notice them. By pointing out similarities in certain things, you will win over your interlocutor, after which it will be difficult for him to disagree with you.

The principle of authority

People always listen to those they consider authorities. Therefore, if you have earned authority in the eyes of your interlocutor, convincing him of something will not be difficult.

A good example would be taking classes at a university. If a subject is taught by a trainee who has not yet gained authority in the eyes of students, then most likely they will not listen to him or follow his calls to action. If the dean of the faculty comes to the lecture, then surely all the students will listen to him carefully and follow his instructions, since he has great authority in their eyes. The principle of authority can also be used by celebrities in various advertising campaigns.

The principle of rarity

Remember the crisis when people began to buy sugar, since it was soon to disappear from store shelves and become a rarity. This situation clearly shows that people strive to acquire something that is difficult to obtain. Designer items have a high cost and are very popular for the same reason. People are proud when they become owners of rare things.

The principle of reciprocity

When a person does us some kind of favor, we feel that we should do something good in return. We often feel obligated to reciprocate the good things that other people do for us. For example, if a friend helped us with our coursework, then in the future, if he makes any request, we will definitely help him. This is how the principle of reciprocity works.

At a restaurant, when a waitress brings the bill and puts a candy along with it, she typically receives a tip of 3% more than usual. It has been empirically verified that by adding another lollipop to the bill, the waitress will receive 4 times more tip, only the second lollipop must be presented personally. The principle of reciprocity also applies in this situation. The key to successfully applying the principle of reciprocity lies in providing a pleasant and unexpected favor first, and then taking advantage of what the person feels obligated to do.

Persuasion techniques also include:

  • Socratic method;
  • orders and commands;
  • placebo.

Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Socratic method

One of the most interesting methods of persuasion is the Socratic method. This technique consists in the fact that immediately before the main topic of conversation, the interlocutor asks his opponent several abstract questions, to which he will answer positively. These could be questions related to the weather, well-being, and so on. The trick lies in the fact that after a positive context in the future the interlocutor will be inclined to respond and think in the same spirit.

This principle of the human brain was noticed by Socrates, after whom this principle of belief is named. Socrates always tried to conduct a conversation in such a way that his interlocutor would not have the opportunity to say “no.” We advise you to take this method seriously, because Socrates knew how to persuade and did not cause any negative reactions.

Method of orders and commands

Surely you have noticed the incredible power of commands and orders, which are important methods of persuasion. They require immediate execution, prompting people to take certain actions without much thought. There are two types of orders and commands: incentive and approving. Incentives include: “Do it!”, “Bring it!”, “Go!”. Examples of approving commands and orders can be: “Shut up!”, “Stop!”, “Stop!”.

Placebo method

One of the well-known methods of persuasion is the placebo effect, which is especially widespread in the medical field. The essence of the appointment is that the doctor prescribes pills to a person with a certain disease. Naturally, a person believes that the pills he takes have a positive effect and contribute to his recovery process. However, for the experiment, the doctor gives the patient pills that have no effect on the body at all. But the patient magically begins to recover. This principle is applied in other areas, and quite effectively.

Attentiveness test

Which of the following are persuasive techniques?

  1. Socrates' method.
  2. Orders and commands.
  3. Freud's method
  4. Placebo.

Methods of persuasion in everyday life

The following persuasion techniques are also important: discussion, understanding, judgment and trust. These are the most understandable methods that we encounter every day and often use unconsciously. For example, consider the principle of understanding and trust. When we feel that the interlocutor understands us, it builds trust. Therefore, in such a situation we become vulnerable and we are quite easy to convince.

The strong principle is condemnation. People are always worried about what others think of them, and this can be a cruel joke. Often we don't do what we really want simply because we are afraid of being judged. Therefore, using this principle, you can easily convince a person to act in a certain way.

Discussion is also one of the principles of persuasion. If we are ready to discuss, this already indicates our openness to people. During an open conversation, you can make powerful arguments that will have the desired impact on your interlocutor.

Now that you know the basic techniques and techniques of persuasion, your life will be better. But knowing is not enough; to master the skills of persuasion, practice is necessary. Apply the information obtained in this article to Everyday life and hone your persuasive skills.

To achieve success in business, organize the work process in a team, establish and maintain authority, a leader must have certain techniques that can motivate a person to take action. The method of persuasion is one such technique.

You will learn:

  • How methods of persuasion and coercion are combined.
  • What rules of communication are used as the main methods of persuasion.
  • What are the tactics of persuasion methods?
  • What methods of psychological persuasion exist.

The method of psychological influence is the method of persuasion combined with the method of coercion. Coercion and persuasion are methods of influencing a person’s consciousness and a way of forming a common opinion. These two methods are inextricably linked: they have a dialectical connection and a single character.

Coercion method - This is a method of influence that has two forms: moral-psychological and physical. In essence, the method of persuasion and coercion are very similar. The goal of both methods is to ensure that the person being persuaded accepts the point of view of the interlocutor. The coercion method, like the persuasion method, is based on proving one’s point of view.

Methods of persuasion - leaders in methods of organizational influence, because they have a reasoned basis, proof of the need (unnecessity) of an action or an explanation of its correctness (incorrectness).

The process of persuasion is very complex, since the object of persuasion is a free person. It is necessary to follow certain rules of persuasion. The key point in this process is argumentation, which will contribute to the acceptance of the desired position by the listener, will force him to reconsider his existing views and ultimately share the opinion of the interlocutor.

In methods of persuading an interlocutor, there are many methods of argumentation. There are four methods of argumentation:

  • The hook technique outlines the situation in general and makes it possible to use it as a starting point during the discussion.
  • Technique for relieving tension. During the persuasion process, the environment should be made less tense. The atmosphere should be light, relaxed, conducive to discussing the issue.
  • The direct approach is a method in which the initiator moves on to the conversation without unnecessary preamble.
  • The stimulation technique is based on a variety of questions posed at the very beginning of the conversation.

There are also certain rules of persuasion that allow you to achieve the desired result.

1st psychological technique - convince, not argue. An argument with an interlocutor in no way contributes to his goodwill, alienates him from the subject of discussion, and causes a negative attitude. Tolerance for the interlocutor’s opinion and the ability to listen to his position is the key to success.

2nd method of persuasion is respect for the opinion of another person. You should not categorically state that his position is incorrect in relation to yours, this will cause a similar reaction in relation to your position.

3rd method - method of recognition. An opinion or position may turn out to be incorrect, and you need to be able to admit this.

4th way - a polite, calm, friendly tone. You should not raise your voice, “splashing with saliva”, to prove your position.

5th The method is to achieve an affirmative answer at the beginning of the conversation, since by saying “no,” it is psychologically more difficult for a person to reject his own word and accept someone else’s position.

6th The method is to let the other person talk a lot, much more than you.

The method of persuasion influences the interlocutor and helps him convince him of the correctness of your point of view and acceptance of the latter.

What persuasion methods work in sales?

It is important not to scare off the client with an incorrectly chosen phrase. To avoid losing customers, use the algorithm with scripts for sellers, which is offered by the editors of the Commercial Director magazine.

The tips will be useful to any company if you adapt the script to business tasks.

What are the different types of persuasion methods?

There are two types of persuasion: direct and indirect.

Direct method Persuasion is the belief of an audience that is already ready to accept information.

Indirect method persuasion is the belief of an audience that is attracted by random factors.

The direct method is relevant when the audience is initially interested in the topic or is endowed with the gift of an analyst. If the topic does not attract the audience, then in this case you can use an indirect method of persuasion. Persuasion in a direct way is deeper and has a greater chance of influencing people positively.

The whole process can be divided into 4 methods of persuasion:

  • Informing.
  • Explanation.
  • Proof.
  • Refutation.

Informing - notifying a person why he should do something. In order to force a person to act, a line of stimulating factors is needed. This happens because a person must make sure, before starting to act, of his capabilities and the necessity of this action. No person will start an activity if he is not sure that it is necessary and is not sure that he can carry it out.

Explanation - another method of persuasion, which is no less significant than informing. Managers have a lot of explaining to do. The explanation is divided into 3 types:

  • Instructional.
  • Narrative.
  • Reasoning.

Instructional explanation clearly explains to a person the order of actions, without affecting his critical thinking, but using his memory. This type of explanation causes rejection among creative people, and for people with a mathematical mindset who work “like robots” according to the program, instructive explanation causes positive dynamics.

Narrative explanation- a method of persuasion that involves presenting the essence of the matter in the form of a story. At the end of the story, a person comes to a certain conclusion. This type is more relevant for most people, since they have been accustomed to it since ancient times. A person’s entire life is built on stories from parents, teachers, and friends. But the use of narrative explanation obliges the leader to possess certain skills: he must know how to construct a story, know what the timbre of the voice, facial expressions, and gestures should be.

Reasoning explanation- a method of persuasion for an audience that willingly participates in a dispute and is able to instantly activate mental activity; clarification contributes to a more attentive attitude of the audience to the problem and related conclusions. This technique is relevant for managers whose audience is people with a creative mindset, who are active and sociable.

Proof. This method of persuasion is based on logic; the process of proof is built on the fundamental laws of logic: the law of identity, the law of contradiction, the law of excluded middle and the law of sufficient reason. The essence of proof comes down to highlighting a certain idea and its argumentation in the process of proof.

This whole action is called a demonstration. The leader must have factual evidence to prove the correctness of this idea. Proof cannot exist without facts. Factual confirmations set the audience up to perceive information in the right way and create an attitude.

Refutation. The essence of this method of persuasion is to point out to people their wrong views, undermine faith in inappropriate behavioral norms, destroy old ones and direct them to the formation of new attitudes. When working through refutation, the main “stumbling block” is the human ego, which means that logical arguments alone will not be enough. In case of refutation, the dispute is also ineffective. A person does not admit that he is wrong; it takes time to replace existing, ingrained attitudes.

  • How to retain a buyer without manipulation and pressure in 4 steps

Rules of communication as the main methods of persuasion

Scientists are working on research to find and study the reasons that push a person to agree to someone else's request. We rely on what we have learned in a given area to guide us in making a decision, but in fact, in order to make a decision, we need strict rules and established norms that we obey every day.

Robert Cialdini, professor of psychology and researcher in social and experimental psychology, has identified 6 basic rules that guide a person's decision making. In his work “The Psychology of Persuasion: 50 Proven Ways to Be Persuasive,” he gives many more such rules, but he considers the main ones to be reciprocity, rarity, authority, consistency, sympathy and agreement.

With the ability to use these rules and knowing their clear definition, it is possible to achieve much greater results in persuading a person to agree to his request. Let's look at each of the examples in more detail and analyze the work of some American scientists in the direction of methods of suggestion and persuasion of people.

  • Reciprocity

The psychology of most people has this function - they believe that they are obliged to “repay the debt” for a service once rendered to them. That is, “an eye for an eye.” For example, a person invited you to his birthday, you should invite him to yours. Or if you were once given a loan, then you must also lend money to the person if necessary. When it comes to social obligations, people are more willing to meet those to whom they owe something.

The most striking example of the principle of reciprocity can be considered studies conducted at food outlets. Let’s say that at the end of dinner at a restaurant, the waiter, along with the bill, brought you a small “compliment” from the establishment in the form of a cake. And here comes the question: how will this sign of attention affect the tip? The vast majority will say no, but they are wrong; such a small compliment can have a completely unexpected effect.

According to statistics cited in studies, such a cake increases the tip size by three percent. An interesting fact is that if instead of one cake they bring you two, then the tip grows not two, but four times and reaches 14%. But if the waiter leaves one cake, takes a couple of steps, and then returns and says that he has one more for the most wonderful guests, then the tip increases to 23%. This has to do with the choice of way in which the compliment was given.

This means that the basis for applying the rule of reciprocity is to be the first to provide a service that will be a pleasant surprise.

  • Rarity

Another point of human consciousness is that people want what is difficult to get. A striking example of this is the situation with British Airways, when in 2003 the company announced the termination of the sale of tickets for the London - New York flight due to lack of profit, then the next day a “boom” of sales was recorded. At the same time, the company did not make any changes to the flight, nor to the cost of tickets, nor to improve service, nor to improve aircraft. Simply, in economic terms, supply has decreased, which inevitably leads to increased demand. Therefore, the use of the “rarity” technique as a method of persuasion and influence is clearly defined.

Telling people what they gain by purchasing the product or service offered is not enough. You should focus the attention of the potential buyer on the uniqueness of your offer, and tell about the possible losses in case of refusal.

  • Authority

The point is that people pay more attention to authoritative opinion, that is, the opinion of an expert. For example, a doctor can have a much greater influence on a person by acting by forming consciousness and persuasion through the demonstration of his awards, diplomas, and letters of gratitude. Or you might be more willing to park your car in another place if someone in uniform, rather than an ordinary person, asks you to do so.

Before attempting to persuade, people need to be convinced of your competence and sufficient level of knowledge. This is not always an easy task, you can’t promote yourself by saying how wonderful you are, but there is always the possibility of someone else doing it.

This is where it becomes irrelevant whether this someone has income from your advertising or not. This method of persuasion was used by a certain legal bureau, which was able not only to increase the number of requests for legal advice, but also significantly increased the number of clients who turned to the firm’s specialists for specific help. It was all about receiving calls. The administrator, answering calls from potential clients, conducted the dialogue as follows: “Now I will transfer the call to Ernest Petrovich, he has been specializing in this matter for 15 years” and stuff like that. The result of this way of working with clients was an increase in requests for consultations by 20% and an increase of 15% in concluded contracts for the provision of legal services. Quite a good result for an unobtrusive method of persuading people that does not require material investments.

  • Constancy

People strive for consistency in words and actions. To get people to act consistently, you need to invite people to do some simple action.

An experiment was carried out, during which a rather interesting result was obtained. A small number of residents agreed to install a sign in their yard promoting road safety. And in another area four times agreed to install the same sign more people, because they were prepared in advance, they offered to put a small propaganda leaflet on the windowsill. This piece of paper became the starting point for a more complex task and achieving a fourfold increase in effect. Therefore, when planning to use such a technique, the persuaders act in such a way in relation to the person being persuaded that they perform the actions on a voluntary basis, and with some enthusiasm. The best outcome of events is confirmation of actions in writing.

For example, one experiment resulted in an 18% reduction in failed doctor appointments. This was facilitated by the fact that patients were given the opportunity to issue a registration coupon themselves, whereas previously this was done by registrars.

  • Location

People are more willing to respond affirmatively to a request if they feel sympathy for the person. Why do people feel sympathy? Experts identify several factors:

  • We feel sympathy for people similar to us.
  • We like those who praise us.
  • We are brought closer to people by a common cause.

Students of business schools of the Master of Business Administration faculty took part in a number of studies on the psychology of persuasion during negotiations.

For one part of the students, the task was listed as “Time is money” and therefore negotiations had to be started immediately. The task of the other group was to find common ground between the negotiators. In the first case, 55% of students achieved a positive result, and in the second, 90%. In both cases, the result increased by 18%.

We can conclude that in order to use the “sympathy” tool in methods of working with beliefs, you need to approach this with special care, pay attention to finding things in common with people, and achieve their favor. It would be nice if, before starting negotiations, you make a couple of light, unobtrusive compliments.

  • Business communication: principles, features and practical recommendations

Tactical techniques of persuasion methods

  • Using “I-Formulations”

During the negotiation process, a fairly large amount of time is allocated for discussion and criticism of the opposite side. The situation is significantly aggravated by distrust of the interlocutor or criticism of his personal distinctive features.

It is unacceptable to say “You are deceiving us,” “You and your employees are not negotiating properly,” “You are acting inappropriately,” or similar statements. The style of their construction - “You” statements, contributes to the emergence of persistent hostility and opposition, shows that you do not trust the side, suspect it of something. And thereby you achieve the opposite of the desired result.

The following types of “I” statements are allowed: “I feel that I am being deceived,” “It seems to us that the negotiations are not being conducted properly.”

  • Receiving a leisurely objection

The essence of this method of persuasion is the non-categorical rejection of the client’s arguments. That is, objections are allowed in a mild form. If categorical objections are raised against the interlocutor’s arguments, if they do not require such, then the latter receive additional weight, which is absolutely unnecessary in this situation.

  • Deferred objection

There are times when there is no immediate argument to be found that contradicts the interlocutor’s arguments. In this case, you can postpone answering your interlocutor, and during the conversation try to find out as much as possible about the person, try to find out more about his position on this issue.

  • Pressure

This method of persuasion is based on the principle of reinforcement. That is, the conversation is structured in such a way that each argument presented is more significant in its persuasiveness than the previous one. The goal here is to undermine the position of the interlocutor, you need to force him to doubt his arguments, while not giving in to the initiative, that is, the “locomotive” principle applies. This technique is good when you see that your interlocutor is “floating.” In other words, he tries to avoid answering, or finds it difficult to answer. In this case, pressure as a method of persuasion will be ideal.

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What methods of psychological persuasion can be used?

  • Orders

An order is a form that requires precise, unconditional execution. When receiving an order or instruction, a person does not have the right to discuss it, but must carry it out. There are two types of orders: prohibitive and incentive. Prohibitory orders (Stop! Shut up!) are designed to instantly stop an unwanted action. This requires a certain, developed tone. The voice should be calm, slightly colored with shades of emotion. Incentive orders (Do it! Complete it!) push a person to perform an action. And such methods of persuasion should not cause negativity in a person; they should be taken for granted.

  • Method of Instruction

This method of persuasion works only in the case of a loyal attitude, with a certain amount of sympathy for the leader. The peculiarity of this method of persuasion is that, constructed in the form of an imperative mood, it activates “performing” behavior in a person. Instruction can manifest itself in the form of instructions, orders, prohibitions. The difference between an order and an instruction is that an order activates existing skills, and an instruction, in addition to motivation, has a teaching function.

The content of the instruction, as in other forms of persuasion, is very important. A carefully thought-out text, the essence contained in the instructions, is the basis for the success of the technique. In addition, the tone of delivery, voice, intonation, pronunciation, facial expressions, and gestures are very significant, since the imperative form of instruction itself requires certain behavioral norms from the leader.

  • Approval indirectly

This method of persuasion involves evaluating the speech of the person trying to persuade. Here it is unacceptable to use such direct expressions as: “You are undoubtedly right and your method is the most correct.” This undisguised flattery, which, although loved by some people, is unpleasant for most, because the person knows that he can be deceived. In this case, if you want to somehow praise your interlocutor, you need to use phrases like this: “Such methods of work are very effective.” Thus, the leader activates a person’s sense of self-esteem. Naturally, tone and emotional accompaniment are the determining factor. This method of persuasion contributes to the continuation of activities in the same format.

It should be noted here that this method of persuasion will not work with an egocentric person with a heightened sense of self-esteem. He does not accept such methods and for him such presentation is a derogation of his capabilities.

  • Unjustified expectation

For this method of persuasion to work, preliminary preparation is required. It is necessary to create in advance a situation that will limit the interlocutor, that is, he will have to act only in the specified method. And subsequently this method should not live up to expectations, it should not work. Such a staging confuses the interlocutor, and of course, he accepts the position that is offered to him. This situation is typical for many aspects in life.

  • Explosion method

Methods of persuasion in psychology vary in their effect. And one of these psychological techniques is the explosion method. It is based on the fact that, under the influence of some powerful emotional excitement, it rebuilds the personality. A. S. Makarenko substantiated this theory scientifically.

To use the “explosion” method, you need to create a situation that will shock a person with surprise and unusualness. This undermines the interlocutor’s nervous system and causes panic, which leads to a fundamental change in views not only on ordinary things, but also on the worldview as a whole. Cases have been recorded where supposedly proven facts of infidelity by one of the spouses in the right families put the other in a catastrophic emotional situation. In families in which betrayal is perceived as some kind of pampering, this does not happen.

In a work team, the “explosion” method of persuasion can be used against unreliable employees who violate discipline, bring confusion to the team, and often abuse alcohol. There are certain varieties of the method, the use of which depends on the current situation. This could be censure, help from management, forgiveness of past “exploits.” The main thing in this method of persuasion is sincerity, participation, you must provide the interlocutor with the opportunity to take the path of correction. Formal interest in the problem will not work here.

  • Placebo or suggestion method

This method of persuasion began to be used in medicine. Its meaning is that the doctor prescribes some remedy that has no effect, but convinces the patient that it is very effective in treating his disease. This method of persuasion most often leads to positive dynamics in the treatment process due to the patient’s psychological mood. This technique began to be used by both educators and coaches, who in this way stimulated athletes to achieve heights. In pedagogy, this method of persuasion is very effective, but you need to be careful with its use. Using it, you must be sure in advance that the result will be what you expect, otherwise, realizing that he was deceived, the person will lose faith, and the placebo will lose its effect.

  • Firm requirement

The essence of this method of persuasion is an order. But it can be applied in the case when the leader enjoys unquestioning authority among his subordinates. And the correctness of his judgments is not questioned. In other cases, this method of persuasion is pointless and can even be harmful. A firm requirement can be synonymous with a prohibition with a certain amount of coercion.

  • Recommendation

To work with this method of persuasion, you need the interlocutor to trust you. The delivery methodology for the perception of advice is especially important here. The leader's voice must be warm and sympathetic, sincerity must be felt, otherwise the method is not only ineffective, but can also turn against the adviser.

  • Criticism

The “criticism” method of persuasion works in such a setting when the person being persuaded is identified with the persuader. That is, they make him understand that they are in a “single team.” In other cases, criticism will be perceived simply as an ordinary edification, to which you should not pay special attention. A person who is sensitive to his “ego” will perceive this method of persuasion as an attempt to accuse him of lack of independence.

  • Hint method

This method of persuasion in human psychology works as follows: the interlocutor is presented with an idea in the form of irony, jokes or drawing parallels. That is, it does not affect a person’s consciousness, but his emotional environment. It is better to use this method of persuasion in an informal setting. And the main thing is not to offend your interlocutor. To do this, first apply this technique to yourself, how would you feel if you were presented with an idea in this way.

  • Praise or compliment

A compliment is an unobtrusive method of persuasion that does not cause rejection in the interlocutor. A compliment should not look like flattery, which is unpleasant to many people. A compliment does not have the same properties as flattery, so it can be quite effective.

  • Aggressive negotiations: do not hesitate to deceive and “assault”

What forms of persuasion method to use, based on psychotype

Achieving the desired outcome of negotiations does not always depend on the proposal. No matter how productive it may be. An initial determination of the interlocutor’s psychotype makes communication with him more effective.

A psychotype is made up of genetically determined characteristics nervous system. Instantly determining the psychotype of the interlocutor allows you to build negotiations in a way that will achieve success. A psychotype can be identified by three parameters: emotions reflected on the face, speech, and gestures. Below we consider six psychotypes of people most often found in business:

  • Hyperthymas

This type seeks to gain new knowledge through active communication. This type is the only one that is able to adapt to another, adopting his features, perhaps to the point of completely copying him, which is very important.

How to identify. The emotions reflected on the face are joy and surprise: wide open eyes and a slightly open mouth, horizontal lines running on the forehead. Speech is emotional, a person speaks a lot and quickly. Gesticulation is active with a wide arm span.

Communication tactics. Give such a person the opportunity to try something, but not to explore, but to see something new. The phrase “You will see this for the first time” will be effective here. At the same time, if you sell the simplest product, accessible and popular, this does not negate the effectiveness of the latter. IN special cases, with goods that are difficult to sell, seminars and various introductory events work well.

  • Paranoid

These people pursue a global goal and are often found in management and politics.

How to identify. Emotions on the face - disgust, determined by two nasolabial folds. The speech is built on a specific goal, without “water”, perhaps adding a few facts for greater effect. Gestures are open, addressed to the public.

Communication tactics. It is important to show the paranoid how useful you can be to them. To sell something to them, you need to present everything clearly and to the point, talk about the product/service and its necessity for them. You can dilute the monologue with some facts for specifics.

  • Schizoids

They believe that they are called to make the world a better place. They are constantly improving and creating something. A very common psychotype in Russia.

How to identify. Emotions are visible in the upper part of the face in the form of wide-open eyes and stripes running down the forehead. The lower part of the face is “petrified”. In constructing a speech, priority is given to secondary features, and then to the main idea. There is no gesture or it differs from the words.

Communication tactics. The schizoid psychotype is characterized by exploration, in contrast to paranoids. You need to present the idea with special attention to detail. Everything new for him is the basis; he is interested first of all in the process, and then in the profit from the product/service.

  • Epileptoids

Such people strive for continuous control and achieving stability in all areas of life. Businessmen of this type are former military men, or people accustomed to life according to the regulations.

How to identify. Basic emotions - anger, frowning, lips compressed, vertical wrinkles on the bridge of the nose are noticeable. The speech is dominated by specifics, the tempo is low, and is often tinged with negativity. Use prohibitory expressions. The range of gestures is not wide and uses clear, precise movements. You can watch them grab air with their hand.

Communication tactics. You will need absolutely all documentation related to the case. You must be one hundred percent prepared, know the answer to every question, and not promise what you cannot deliver. For them, the main thing is stability. You cannot manipulate eleptoids and ask questions that do not carry a semantic load.

  • Hysteroids

People with increased egocentrism. Often found in areas where self-PR is required: “sales people”, advertisers.

How to identify. It may be noted that basic emotion is “one-sided contempt” (a smile on the right or left side of the lips, directed downward). Speeches that are not burdened with clear arguments, but are convincing, have charisma that helps them achieve their goals. Gestures use plastic hand movements.

Communication tactics. An excellent method of persuading a hysterical would be flattery; play on his egocentrism. In their case, the important thing is a product that not everyone, but a select few can afford, the price does not matter.

  • Emotives

The character has empathy for the interlocutor, and is especially sensitive to others. They mainly dominate in the procurement sector, are very responsible and do not know how to steal.

How to identify. The face shows sadness and joy at the same time . "Pierrot's face." Expression wrinkles around the eyes and raised eyebrows. Speech is quiet and calm. They approach the main idea of ​​the conversation very slowly and carefully choose expressions. Lovers of tactile contact, among the gestures you can observe stroking movements.

Communication tactics. Disadvantages and risks should not be mentioned. Environmental friendliness, safety and product quality are the basics that will attract him. The manipulative method of persuasion works with emotions and responds to requests for help. It is very important to follow etiquette and “play by his rules”; if he doubts your capabilities, he will simply disappear from sight.

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Expert opinion

Harsh methods and means of persuasion are extreme but effective measures

Mikhail Urzhumtsev,

General Director of Melon Fashion Group OJSC, St. Petersburg

I do not adhere to rigid methods of persuasion and avoid difficult partners. The most important thing is not to leave the impression on your partner that he was “rolled over like a steamroller.” Otherwise, you will be associated with unsatisfying emotions, and he will no longer want to work with you. You need the most comfortable business stop and a bit of humor during negotiations.

There were situations when it was necessary to firmly defend one’s line of behavior. Recently I had the opportunity to use a non-standard method of persuasion, which is more like talking “like a man.” In addition, we brought in people with higher positions for negotiations. The first stage of negotiations can be entrusted to managers who know how to find a way out of non-standard situations and make decisions. The final part is the dialogue between directors and owners.

Argument as a method of persuasion

Using argument as a method of persuasion is effective if you follow the rules:

  • Tact

Don't play on a person's ego. Under no circumstances should you offend him or try to humiliate him, otherwise you will end up with absolutely the opposite result and will never be able to convince him.

  • Start with strong arguments

Start a dialogue by bringing all the most significant, powerful arguments. No need to beat around the bush. And then you can supplement your position with less significant facts.

  • Indication of authority

Try to tell as much as possible about yourself, how competent you are in the matter, that you have been doing this for a certain amount of time, that you are familiar with all the details in detail, and most importantly, you managed to make good money from it.

  • Correct wording

The word is a powerful tool in methods of persuasion, and therefore the use of speech patterns such as “Here you are right, everything is exactly like that, but here I don’t support you.” The person will see that you are paying attention to his thoughts, and will pay it to yours.

  • Unexpected compliment

In order to weaken the control of your interlocutor and make him relax, you need to tell him a couple of unexpected compliments. So praise, but don't flatter.

  • Get on the same wavelength with your interlocutor through his consent

Follow the rule of consistency: first present arguments with which the person initially agrees, and then state your position. This increases your chances of success.

  • Avoid heated moments of argument

Avoid moments that can aggravate the conflict, as well as your “weak points”, otherwise you will not find arguments to prove that you are right. If such a moment suddenly “looms”, urgently move the conversation to another topic.

  • Keep an eye on the little things

Watch gestures and facial expressions - they can tell a lot about a person. If you notice that when arguing an argument a person begins to get nervous, then continue to focus on this argument, it is the strongest.

  • Positioning your words as useful

Make the person believe that your position will bring him some benefit and benefit, and his position is absolutely useless.

  • Showing interest

During an argument, try to listen carefully to your interlocutor, even if he is unpleasant to you. He will notice that you are listening to him, even if you have the opposite position on this issue, and this fact will be imprinted in his head. When choosing a partner, he will take this into account.

How the persuasion method works: an example for each option.

  • Response Method

Perfume sellers leave you a sample of perfume, and after some time they return so that you can place an order and find out your opinion about the properties of the product. The perfume is really long-lasting, and the woman and everyone around her likes the scent, and of course she will purchase at least one bottle from the seller.

  • Contrast method

Salespeople in a clothing store will first offer you a dress or suit, and then additional accessories, such as a handbag or tie. Accessories are much cheaper than the dress itself, so first of all you need to sell the more expensive item.

  • Friendship Method

Persuasion methods work better when the person is visually attractive. Studies have shown that physically attractive people are much more likely to have successful negotiations. A pleasant external appearance suggests that a person is more successful, talented, smart and honest. Therefore, to achieve success, try to take care of your appearance.

  • Waiting method

In 1991, Israeli residents were warned of a possible chemical attack from Iraq. They were issued special protective equipment. Later, ballistic missiles were fired at Israel, but chemical weapons were not used. Residents of Israel began to contact medical institutions asking for help, allegedly feeling the effect chemical weapons. This case shows how persuasive the law of expectation can be.

  • Association method

During the election campaign, presidential candidates often resort to this technique. Candidates use the words of former presidents from the opposing party in campaign speeches. For example, Republicans quote Democrats, thereby winning them over. This method of persuasion, if handled correctly, can significantly increase the number of votes.

  • Sequence method

President Clinton lost the trust of many citizens due to the fact that his post-election policies did not coincide with the pre-election ones. That is, people, seeing the inconsistency of actions, begin to look for another option.

  • Conformism method

For the most part, people are led and subject to public opinion. But usually public opinion is very easily swayed, and this can play into the hands of masters of persuasion.

  • Consumer Behavior: Types, Management and Motivation

Expert opinion

When the Most Effective Persuasion Techniques Fail

Igor Loginov,

General Director and founder of Veneta Systems, St. Petersburg

In 2007, such an incident occurred in the company. Mass layoffs began in the logistics department; people did not want to work and went on sick leave. The reason for this was the unhealthy atmosphere in the team. I tried absolutely every method of persuasion that led to nothing.

What convinced the logistics department employees to work efficiently. This method of persuasion came to my mind - the idea of ​​​​buying new cars for employees. Having bought new cars, I set a condition for people that they must buy it as their own within five years. For many of them new car- this is a pipe dream that has a chance to come true. Using this method of persuasion, I achieved stable operation team for the next five years.

Even taking into account that the loan was paid by the company, this method of persuasion turned out to be not very costly. The loan amount was 9 thousand rubles, and the driver’s salary decreased by only 3 thousand, but the drivers themselves paid the interest to the bank. In addition, we paid compensation for the use of personal vehicles. Therefore, this option was very beneficial for employees.

Results. This method of persuasion worked very well . The company's costs per employee, of course, have increased slightly, but their efficiency has increased by 1.5 times. The loan did not allow people to go on sick leave, quit or not go to work. Discipline in the team has improved. New employees, seeing how others worked, could not afford to perform worse. Turnover has decreased significantly. The situation in the department has stabilized. I was very pleased with the result.

Information about the experts

Mikhail Urzhumtsev, General Director of Melon Fashion Group OJSC, St. Petersburg. The St. Petersburg clothing company Melon Fashion Group owns the Zarina, befree and Love Republic chains.

Igor Loginov, General Director and founder of Veneta Systems, St. Petersburg. Field of activity: restoration of the printing properties of cartridges for printers, faxes and photocopiers. Number of personnel: 130. Annual turnover: 200 million rubles. (in 2013).

Today on the blog: How the psychology of persuasion works, psychological techniques of persuasion, how you can convince another person, or, if you like, the art of persuasion.
(see psychological games)

Greetings, dear blog readers, I wish everyone mental health.

Psychology of human persuasion - impact on consciousness

The psychology of human persuasion is based on the fact that, when persuading, the speaker influences the consciousness of the person being persuaded, turning to her own critical judgment. The essence psychology of persuasion serves to clarify the meaning of the phenomenon, cause-and-effect relationships and relationships, highlighting the social and personal significance of solving a particular issue.

Convictions appeal to analytical thinking, in which the power of logic and evidence prevail and the persuasiveness of the arguments presented is achieved. Convincing a person how psychological impact should create in a person a conviction that the other is right and his own confidence in the correctness of the decision being made.

Psychology of human persuasion and the role of the speaker

The perception of persuasive information depends on who is communicating it, how much an individual or the audience as a whole trusts the source of information. Trust is the perception of a source of information as competent and reliable. A person who convinces someone of something can create an impression of his competence in three ways.

First- begin to express judgments with which the listeners agree. Thus, he will gain a reputation as an intelligent person.

Second- be presented as a specialist in the field.

Third- speak confidently, without a shadow of doubt.

Reliability depends on the manner in which the persuader speaks. People trust a speaker more when they are sure that he has no intention of convincing them of anything. Those people who defend something that goes against their own interests also seem to be truthful. Confidence in the speaker and confidence in his sincerity increase if the one who convinces the person speaks quickly. Fast speech, in addition, deprives listeners of the opportunity to find counterarguments.

The attractiveness of the communicator (persuader) also affects the effectiveness of the psychology of persuasion of a person. The term “attractiveness” refers to several qualities. This is both the beauty of a person and the similarity with us: if the speaker has either one or the other, the information seems more convincing to listeners.

Psychology of human persuasion and the role of the listener

People with an average level of self-esteem are the easiest to persuade. Older people are more conservative in their views than younger people. At the same time, attitudes formed in adolescence and early adolescence can remain for life, since the impressions acquired at this age are deep and unforgettable.

In a state of strong arousal, agitation, and anxiety of a person, his psychology of persuasion (compliance with persuasion) increases. A good mood often promotes persuasion, partly because it promotes positive thinking and partly because it creates a connection between a good mood and a message. People in a good mood tend to see the world through rose-colored glasses. In this state, they make more hasty, impulsive decisions, relying, as a rule, on indirect signs of information. It is no coincidence, obviously, that many business issues, such as closing deals, are decided in the restaurant.

Conformers are more easily persuaded (easily accepting the opinions of others) (test: Personality Theory). Women are more susceptible to persuasion than men. It may not be particularly effective psychology of persuasion in relation to men with a low level of self-esteem, who are acutely worried, as it seems to them, about their uselessness, alienation, who are prone to loneliness, aggressive or suspicious, and not stress-resistant.

In addition, the higher a person's intelligence, the more critical their attitude to the proposed content is, the more often they assimilate information but disagree with it.

Psychology of human persuasion: logic or emotions

Depending on the listener, a person is more convinced either by logic and evidence (if the person is educated and has an analytical mind), or by an influence directed to emotions (in other cases).

The psychology of persuasion can be effective when it influences a person and causes fear. This psychology of persuasion is more effective when they not only scare with the possible and probable negative consequences certain behavior, but also offer specific ways to solve the problem (for example, diseases, the picture of which is easy to imagine, are more frightening than diseases about which people have a very vague idea).

However, using fear to persuade and influence a person cannot cross a certain line when this method turns into information terrorism, which is often observed when advertising various medicines on radio and television. For example, we are told with enthusiasm how many millions of people around the world suffer from this or that disease, how many of the population, according to doctors, should get the flu this winter, etc. And this is repeated not just day after day, but almost every hour, and It is completely ignored that there are easily suggestible people who will begin to invent these diseases in themselves, run to the pharmacy and swallow medications that are not only useless in this case, but also harmful to health.

Unfortunately, intimidation in the absence of an accurate diagnosis is often used by doctors, which goes against the first medical commandment “do no harm.” At the same time, it does not take into account that the source of information that deprives a person of mental and psychological peace may be denied trust.

A person is more convinced by the information that comes first (primacy effect). However, if some time passes between the first and second messages, then the second message has a stronger persuasive effect, since the first has already been forgotten (recency effect).

Psychology of human persuasion and the way information is received

It has been established that the arguments (arguments) given by another person convince us more strongly than similar arguments given to ourselves. The weakest are those given mentally, somewhat stronger are those given to oneself out loud, and the strongest are those given by another, even if he does it at our request.

Psychology of persuasion. Methods:

fundamental: represents a direct appeal to the interlocutor, who is immediately and openly introduced to all the information that makes up
the basis for proving the correctness of the proposal;

contradiction method: is based on identifying contradictions in the arguments of the person being persuaded and on carefully checking one’s own arguments for consistency in order to prevent a counter-offensive;

"draw conclusions" method: arguments are not presented all at once, but gradually, step by step, seeking agreement at each stage;

"chunks" method: the arguments of the person being persuaded are divided into strong (accurate), medium (controversial) and weak (erroneous); They try not to touch the former, but the main blow is dealt to the latter;

ignore method: if the fact stated by the interlocutor cannot be refuted;

accent method: emphasis is placed on the arguments presented by the interlocutor and corresponding to common interests (“you say it yourself...”);

two-way argumentation method: for greater persuasiveness, first outline the advantages and then the disadvantages of the proposed solution
question; it is better if the interlocutor learns about the shortcomings from the persuader than from others, which will give him the impression that the persuader is unbiased (this method is especially effective when persuading an educated person, while a poorly educated person lends itself better to one-sided argumentation);

“Yes, but...” method: used in cases where the interlocutor provides convincing evidence of the advantages of his approach to resolving the issue; first they agree with the interlocutor, then after a pause they provide evidence of the shortcomings of his approach;

apparent support method: this is a development of the previous method: the interlocutor’s arguments are not refuted, but, on the contrary, new arguments are presented
in their support. Then, when he has the impression that the persuader is well informed, counterarguments are given;

boomerang method: the interlocutor is given back his own arguments, but directed in the opposite direction; arguments "for" turn into arguments

The psychology of persuasion is effective when:

1. when it concerns one need of the subject or several, but of equal strength;

2. when carried out against the background of low intensity of the persuader’s emotions; excitement and agitation are interpreted as uncertainty and reduce the effectiveness of his argumentation; outbursts of anger and swearing cause a negative reaction from the interlocutor;

3. when we are talking about minor issues that do not require a reorientation of needs;

4. when the persuader is confident in the correctness of the proposed solution; in this case, a certain dose of inspiration, an appeal not only to the mind, but also to the emotions of the interlocutor (through “contagion”) will help enhance the effect of persuasion;

5. when not only one’s own is proposed, but the argumentation of the person being persuaded is also considered; this gives a better effect than repeated repetitions of one’s own arguments;

6. when argumentation begins with a discussion of those arguments on which it is easier to reach agreement; you need to ensure that the person being persuaded more often agrees with the arguments: the more assents you can get, the greater the chances of achieving success;

7. when an argumentation plan has been developed that takes into account the opponent’s possible counterarguments; this will help build the logic of the conversation and make it easier for the opponent to understand the position of the persuader.

The psychology of human persuasion is appropriate then:

1. When the importance of the proposal, the possibility and ease of its implementation are shown;

2. When they present different points of view and analyze forecasts (if they are convinced, including negative ones);

3. When the significance of the advantages of a proposal is increased and the magnitude of its disadvantages is reduced;

4. When the individual characteristics of the subject, his educational and cultural level are taken into account and the arguments that are closest and most understandable to him are selected;

5. When a person is not directly told that he is wrong, in this way one can only hurt his pride - and he will do everything to defend himself, his position (it is better to say: “Perhaps I’m wrong, but let’s see...”);

6. When, in order to overcome the negativism of the interlocutor, they create the illusion that the proposed idea belongs to him (to do this, it is enough just to lead him to the appropriate thought and provide him with the opportunity to draw a conclusion); do not parry the interlocutor’s argument immediately and with apparent ease, he will perceive this as disrespect for himself or as an underestimation of his problems (what torments him for a long time, others are allowed in a matter of seconds);

7. When in a dispute it is not the personality of the interlocutor that is criticized, but the arguments he gives, which are controversial or incorrect from the point of view of the person persuading (it is advisable to preface the criticism by admitting that the person being convinced is right in something, this will help to avoid his offense);

8. When they argue as clearly as possible, periodically checking whether the subject understands you correctly; arguments do not draw out, as this is usually associated with the speaker having doubts; phrases that are short and simple in construction are built not according to the norms of the literary language, but according to the laws oral speech; use pauses between arguments, since the flow of arguments in monologue mode dulls the attention and interest of the interlocutor;

9. When the subject is included in the discussion and decision-making, since people better adopt the views in which they take part;

10. When they oppose their point of view calmly, tactfully, without mentoring.

This concludes the review of the psychology of human persuasion; I hope that the post was useful.
I wish everyone good luck!

The word is a great instrument of human communication and limitless influence on people. Managers often care about the content of verbal influence, and at the same time are careless about its form, which is no less important. What, for example, is meant when we talk about the technique of verbal persuasion? This is diction (clear pronunciation of sounds), expressive pronunciation (in particular, correct handling of logical stresses), volume (depending on the audience), the ability to control one’s gestures and facial expressions, a clear logical structure of speech, the presence of pauses and short breaks.

It should be noted that it is not only words that convince, but also deeds, so you should not rely on words alone for a persuasive effect, even if they are spoken correctly and intelligibly, but not confirmed by specific deeds.

Methods of persuasion are leading among methods of organizational influence. Persuasion is primarily an explanation and proof of the correctness or necessity of certain behavior; or the inadmissibility of some action.

The process of persuasion is perhaps the most difficult among other methods of organizational influence. The leading place in this process is occupied by arguing one’s position and the desire to make it become the position and conviction of each participant in collective activity. Therefore, we will take a closer look at argumentation as the most important basis for persuasion. Let us dwell on the parameters of persuasive influence.

There are many ways to argue, but, as in chess, practice has developed a number of “correct openings.” They can be reduced to the following four techniques:

  1. The technique of relieving tension requires establishing emotional contact with the interlocutor. A few words are enough for this. A joke, told at the right time and at the right place, also greatly helps to defuse tension and create a positive psychological environment for discussion.
  2. The “hook” technique allows you to briefly outline the situation and, linking it with the content of the conversation, use it as a starting point for discussing the problem. For these purposes, you can successfully use some events, comparisons, personal impressions, an anecdotal incident or an unusual question.
  3. The technique of stimulating the imagination involves asking at the beginning of the conversation many questions about the content of the problems that should be considered. This method gives good results when the performer has a sober view of the problem being solved.
  4. The direct approach involves getting straight to the point without any introduction or preamble. Schematically, it looks like this: briefly state the reasons why the meeting is being convened and proceed to discuss them.

How to encourage a person to accept your point of view? These recommendations may be useful in psychocorrectional work.

Rule one: convincing a person of something does not mean arguing with him. Misunderstandings cannot be settled by argument; they can only be resolved through tact, a desire for reconciliation, and a sincere desire to understand the other's point of view.

Rule two: respect the opinions of other people, never tell a person sharply that he is wrong, especially in front of strangers, since in this case it will be difficult for him to agree with you.

Never start with the statement: “I am ready to prove it to you.” It's the same as saying, "I'm smarter than you." It's kind of a challenge. Such an appeal turns the interlocutor against you even before you begin to convince him.

If a person expresses some thought and you consider it wrong or even absolutely sure that it is wrong, nevertheless, it is better to address your interlocutor with approximately the following words: “I may be wrong. Let's get the facts straight." You will never find yourself in a difficult situation if you admit that you may be wrong. This will stop any argument and force your interlocutor to be as fair and frank as you, forcing him to admit that he, too, can be wrong.

Rule three: if you are wrong, admit it quickly and decisively. It is much easier to admit your mistakes or shortcomings yourself than to listen to condemnation from another person. If you suspect that someone wants to speak negatively about you, say it yourself first. You will disarm him. In some cases, it is much more pleasant to admit that you are wrong than to try to defend yourself. Admitting a mistake, as a rule, causes condescension towards the one who made it.

Rule four: when you want to convince a person of the correctness of your point of view, conduct the conversation in a friendly tone. Don't start with issues on which you differ. Talk about where your opinions coincide.

Rule five: try to get an affirmative answer from your interlocutor at the very beginning of the conversation. If a person said, “No,” his pride demands that he remain consistent to the end.

Rule six: give the other person the right to talk more, and try to be laconic. The truth is that even our friends prefer to talk about their successes rather than listen to us boast. Most people, trying to ensure that a person understands their point of view, talk a lot themselves - this is a clear mistake. Give the other person the opportunity to speak, so it’s better to learn how to ask questions to your interlocutors yourself.

Rule seven: make the person feel that the idea you gave him belongs to him, not you.

Rule eight: if you want to convince people of anything, try to look at things through their eyes. Every person has a reason to act this way and not otherwise. Find this hidden reason and you will have the “clue”, you will understand his actions and maybe even his personality traits. Try to put yourself in his shoes. You will save a lot of time and save your nerves.

Rule Nine: Be empathetic to the other person's ideas and desires. Sympathy is what everyone craves. Most of the people around you need sympathy.

Rule ten: to change someone's mind or point of view, appeal to noble motives. A person is usually guided by two motives in his actions: one that sounds noble, and the other that is true. The person himself will think about the true reason. But we all, being idealists at heart, love to talk about noble motives.

Rule eleven: use the principle of clarity to prove that you are right. Expressing the truth in words alone is sometimes not enough. The truth must be shown vividly, interestingly, and clearly.

Learn all the practical methods of persuasion in the Practical Logic and Argumentation course:

Effective Persuasion Techniques

How to convince a person of anything? It would be disingenuous to say that we have never tried to win someone over to our side and convince our neighbors. This happens every day in relationships: mother-child, husband-wife, boss-team and other communicative communities.

The psychology of influence and success are closely interrelated. Achieving goals often involves the need to involve other people in the process. But the goals are ours. The psychology of influence and persuasion are almost equivalent concepts. We will tell you how to convince a person and achieve success in this article.

So, 10 basic methods and psychological methods of persuasion

10 methods - sequence of application

  1. Motivate your opponent. In the persuasion process, it is important to start with the person's motivation. Do you want him to do what you need? Prove that the direct benefit will be received primarily by the person you are asking. “You look amazing in this stylish hat,” the mother says to her daughter, and she, 5 minutes ago ready to go out into the 20-degree frost without a headdress, happily puts on a new thing.
  2. Be friendly and polite. And smile. Aggressive pressure gives only a reluctance to obey in response. A smile is a sign kind person, such a person cannot act from bad intentions. People who are satisfied with life have a much greater gift of persuasion than those who are gloomy and unfriendly.
  3. Inspiration! Describe how great and wonderful the goal is that you are asking for help to achieve. Convince the value of your proposed idea. If your opponent becomes infected with your dreams, he will believe that he made the decision on his own.
  4. Do not confuse the psychology of persuasion with manipulation. You cannot hurt a person’s pride, his hidden negative attitudes. Smart people immediately feel when they are being manipulated, and you won’t see any results. Moreover, the interlocutor may permanently end the relationship with you; no one wants to be a guinea pig.
  5. Form an evidence base for your request. Conviction is strong when you yourself believe in what you say. Before starting a conversation, select solid arguments and facts. “We only have half of the presentation ready. If we don’t go to work on Saturday, we won’t be able to win a new tender on Monday.”
  6. The skill of persuasion requires a certain amount of flattery. There is no need to openly lie about the presence of non-existent advantages, but it is necessary to exaggerate the existing ones in this case. “Only you can do this in such a short time. I have no one else to rely on!”
  7. Avoid unpleasant moments. Counterarguments can be extremely convincing and difficult to challenge. If you fall into such a trap, take the dialogue in the other direction. “We are not talking about this now, we will return to the topic later.”
  8. Be cunning. You should not tell a person directly that he is wrong, or directly point out gross mistakes and slips of the tongue. If you notice obvious mistakes and inconsistencies during the conversation, politely express your point of view and disagreement on controversial issues. The interlocutor will be grateful for your tact and the chances of convincing him will increase significantly.
  9. Show your competence in the issue raised. It is easiest to convince someone that you are right when you know the essence of the subject thoroughly. Boast about your successes and achievements, tell us how you managed to achieve them.
  10. Start the dialogue with questions that the interlocutor can only answer in the affirmative. A relaxed opponent, without expecting a trick, will say “yes” to the main topic, for the sake of which everything was started.

The listed methods of influence will allow you to form an internal conviction in a person to act in the way you want.

From the heart, not from the mind - 10 psychological techniques

We looked at how to direct a person’s thoughts in the right direction. But when using persuasion techniques, it is much more important to hook a person’s emotions. We offer psychological techniques that will allow you to tune your opponent to the desired wavelength.

  1. There is no sweeter sound for a person than the sound of his own name - so said the great expert on methods of influencing the psyche, Dale Carnegie. If during the conversation you call Ivan Petrovich Ivan Vasilyevich, then you can forget about the positive course of the conversation. People do not forgive such mistakes, which show their insignificance in the eyes of their opponent. Address your interlocutor by name more often, and you will find a grateful listener in his person.
  2. Listen with interest. You are trying to convince your interlocutor of doing something that is important to you, so listen to him with reverence. Confirm your interest non-verbally - nod, sigh, exclaim appropriately. Ask clarifying questions. Show that the person is important and interesting.
  3. Remember your opponent’s key phrases and expressions and use them in future conversations. This will establish a close connection between you and indicate a commonality of views and interests. The person will think that you and he are from the same social community, or maybe you grew up somewhere in the same yard. Such things do not encourage refusal of a request.
  4. Notice any movement of the interlocutor. Study nonverbal cues that indicate a person's mood. If you see that your opponent leaned forward with his palms open, continue to reinforce the meaning of the topic - he is interested. The case when a counterpart began to rub his nose or tap his pen on the table should become a stop signal! He's not interested, he's annoyed. Either change the topic for a while, or present it from a different angle!
  5. “My light, mirror, say...” The mirroring method has long been used in the psychology of influence. It consists of unobtrusively repeating the gestures and facial expressions of the interlocutor. Return a smile when a person smiles or frown when the person expresses concern. This will make it clear that you are of the same blood, react to situations in the same way and this will help bring you closer to your cherished goal.
  6. “Ask and you will receive, knock and it will be opened to you.” Bible Truths relevant at all times. Don't be shy about asking for help or appearing weak. Often the fear of being intrusive or being rejected prevents us from solving many issues. A person will be pleased that he can help, this will increase his self-esteem. There is another opinion: “Never ask for anything, especially from those who are stronger than you,” but do you remember who said that?
  7. Raise the bar. There is one simple but effective technique in psychology. Ask to do something, knowing that the person cannot do it: any stupidity, absurdity. After some time, voice a true request - the interlocutor will be glad to get down to business, feeling awkward for not providing help the first time.
  8. I influence the subconscious using the method of associations. Evoke positive emotions associated with memories: feelings, smells. “You remember how those fudge buns smelled in the school cafeteria. Why don’t we try to sell the same ones.” Similarity between objects has long proven itself as a method of psychology.
  9. Monitor your opponent's physical condition. In a state of fatigue, it is easier for him to succumb to persuasion, and for you to use the skill of persuasion. When you notice that a person is losing energy, proceed to the main thing; he will not waste the rest on arguing with you.
  10. "Achilles' heel". Study the character of your interlocutor first. It is easier to appeal to a person with a developed sense of duty by thinking about responsibility. If your counterpart is proud, convince him that by fulfilling your request, he will become known in certain circles.

With the right techniques and techniques, the gift of persuasion can be developed. Studying influence techniques will help you achieve your goals. Be sincere in your desires and in your attitude towards people, and they will reciprocate your feelings.

Methods of psychological influence on humans

The social environment in which a person lives from birth implies communication. In the process of communication and perception of information, we are exposed to psychological influence, without even knowing it. Psychology studies these manifestations. The same science studies methods of influence in people’s communication with each other at work, at home and in any other place.

Methods of psychological influence and their differences

Methods of psychological influence on a person’s personality in psychology are:

  • infection;
  • suggestion;
  • belief;
  • imitation.

Some of these methods you have already used unconsciously, and some of these methods have been tested on you. Infection, suggestion, persuasion and imitation are ways of influencing the psychological state of people. Let's look at them in detail so as not to fall into the scammers' trap.


This psychological impact on human consciousness is the oldest and most studied method. It is based on the transfer of emotional states from person to person. Agree that this has happened to everyone when you are in a great mood, and suddenly a person appears with tears in his eyes and all the signs of hysteria.

As you listen to his heartbreaking story, your mood deteriorates, and your state of mind begins to resemble the experiences of your interlocutor. Particularly impressionable people don’t even need to be told anything; on an emotional level, they are able to perceive signals coming from people around them.

Another example that characterizes the method of infection and which is used by the psychology of influencing people is panic. He usually acts in a crowd. If many people are in the same critical conditions, and one of them begins to panic, this feeling is transmitted to most of those present.

Have you heard about panic on board planes or in a broken elevator? These are those cases where one person panicked, and this feeling spread to many

But you can become “infected” not only with negative emotions. Laughter, fun, and a positive attitude in life are contagious.


The second class of psychological influence on a person is suggestion. In this case, the psychology of influence on a person turns out to be emotional background, forcing you to act the way your opponent forces you. But if infection is the transmission of a psychological state as a result of which a person acts in one way or another, then suggestion is the persuasion of a person to do as he is told using verbal tools (words, visual contact, and others).

In order for suggestion to become an effective tool, you must live up to your words. If a person tries to “teach you to live” and dictates the rules of behavior in society or the laws of achieving success, then his reputation, appearance and the manner of speaking should evoke respect and a desire to imitate.

But when in front of you is an exhausted individual in dirty clothes and with marks alcohol intoxication, his calls for a new life look pitiful and ridiculous. Therefore, if you want to help a person with advice, try to understand the situation in which the unfortunate person finds himself. Get into the problem and put yourself in his place. Only after this can you suggest something to someone who is looking for support from you.

You can only instill your thoughts in people with a confident voice.

Another important nuance - the psychology of influencing a person says that you can only inspire your thoughts in people with a confident voice, in which there is not even a shadow of doubt. Sometimes the success or failure of an idea depends on the tone in which a phrase is spoken.

There is another factor that determines the result of the impact on a person - suggestibility. The power of suggestion depends on how suggestible a person is, and this is an individual indicator. High level This indicator differs between children under the age of 13 and insecure, indecisive people.

Suggestion works especially well if you combine the meaning of the words with the help of which the suggestion occurs with external information that is familiar and understandable to the person being suggested. If you try to direct a person to the “true path” and at the same time draw a parallel with those facts that are close to him, this will have a strong psychological impact on him. If you want to prove to a person that as a result of the actions suggested to him, he will be satisfied, give an example of a negative result that awaits him in otherwise.

Using “catchphrases” or well-known examples of positive or negative experiences of generations, you will achieve significant results in the art of suggestion


Persuasion is one of the most harmless and effective methods of psychological influence on a person. It is based on facts that become clear as a result of constructing a logical chain of thoughts. When using various methods of influencing people, one should take into account the level of intellectual development of the opponent. Prove something to a person who is below you in mental development- ridiculous. Your arguments will not be understood and accepted. If you are trying to convince someone who is smarter than you of something, it will look funny.

When does the first portion reach a person’s consciousness? new information, his brain searches for an explanation. And now it depends on the skill of the one who convinces whether they will believe him or not. It’s good if you can get a person to trust you, but the rest depends on the method of psychological influence and the alternation of new data. The most important thing that methods of psychological influence on a person require is not to deceive your opponent. As soon as a person feels falsehood in words, the level of trust will drop significantly. If this happens again, you may completely lose the trust and attention of this person.

To really be believed, you must correspond to the lifestyle or statements that you are trying to convey to your opponent. Your words should radiate power and you should come across as authoritative and confident.

So, everything coincided:

  • Opponent's development level:
  • The truthfulness of your statements;
  • Correspondence between image and statements.

Your words should radiate power and you should come across as authoritative and confident.

Now you need to choose a behavior strategy that will help influence the person psychologically. There are several strategies.

  • Aggressive. It is based on the contradiction of proven facts. This proves to the person that you are an extraordinary person and very different from him. He has a desire to listen to you and unravel the logical chain that you have confused. Therefore, he listens carefully to every word. But this strategy of psychological influence on a person is typical for professionals of speech and persuasion.
  • Passive. This strategy only works if you know the other person well. By carefully citing examples from his and your own life, comparing them with cases known to the whole world, you lead your opponent to the idea that you want to convey to him. Avoid inconsistencies and differences in judgment. This will throw the work done back several positions.

Now you know how to psychologically influence a person during a conversation. Use the “Persuasion” method, applying the laws of logic and building logical chains.

Leonardo DiCaprio and Matt Damon, still from the movie "The Departed"


Many subconsciously use methods of influencing a person, without even knowing it. Reaching some heights in a career or intellectually, we become an object of respect and admiration. Less experienced people tend to follow the example of someone who has already realized their aspirations. But the object of imitation must always “keep up the brand”. It should be attractive, bright, memorable, delightful. That is, to satisfy the opponent’s desire to follow the ideal.

Means of psychological influence on humans

Using the example of one of the means of psychological influence on the masses, we can consider advertising, which has become commonplace. Relatively recently, advertising existed as signs in shops, cafes or catering establishments. These were ordinary posters recommending film screenings or concerts of pop stars.

Today, advertising has turned into large-scale, high-quality videos that not only inform people about a product, presentation or announcement, they force them to make a choice in favor of a particular product, form the formation of values ​​and direct a person’s thoughts and actions in the right direction. It is important to pay attention to what your children watch, as there are influences that have a destructive effect on the individual.

Many believe that the psychological impact of advertising is the engine of trade (a hackneyed phrase, but it is true), others believe that demand implies the release of new products, the struggle for primacy between which is resolved through advertising. This is one of the most effective means that influences a lot of people and forces them to act under dictation.

This applies not only to a particular product or singer; advertising can sway public opinion in favor of a particular candidate for government elections. This method is also called “manipulation of public opinion” or “the dark art of influencing people.” Moreover, the manipulation is not carried out by force, but by methods of correct construction advertising program candidate. It turns out what the electorate needs at this stage of the formation and development of society and general phrases and promises are adjusted. Each person “sees” a benefit for himself in these promises and votes for this particular chosen one.

Goals of psychological influence on a person

Mental influence on a person has its goal - the desire to force a person to consciously or unconsciously obey certain guidelines, norms, laws or requirements.

The director in a team of subordinates, using psychological techniques to influence his interlocutor, has his goal - to unite people or give them food for thought and action for the benefit of the company in which they work.

The psychological influence of parents on their children implies the goal of raising them to be good, well-mannered and law-abiding citizens.

Parents know how to psychologically influence their child, for example, to make him laugh

The psychological impact of advertising is aimed at making people buy one or another advertised product, vote for the right candidate, or watch a movie on which a lot of money has been spent, and they need to be returned as soon as possible.

Techniques for influencing people do not always involve following a good idea. This can be seen in the example of suicide bombers. After all, these people were subjected to suggestion, processing and hypnosis in order to destroy their own kind. Together with the mass of people they kill, they die themselves. And this is contrary to human nature. Consequently, with the help of psychological influence, you can radically change a person’s worldview, make him a puppet in the wrong hands and force him to act contrary to common sense.

As already mentioned, any psychological impact fully affects people who are insecure. Literate, educated and self-confident individuals are difficult to suggest, infect and persuade.

Persuasion Techniques

Such types of persuasion as information, explanation, proof, refutation - represent a certain framework of persuasive influence on people, but give only a general idea of ​​​​a specific procedure. In real practice, we are faced with the need to take into account the background situational state in which persuasion is carried out.

So, persuasive influence tends to be better absorbed against a very specific psychological background. We distinguish here relaxation, emotional tension, identification and “concert mood”. Each specific background predetermines the choice of appropriate methods of influence. These techniques were identified in the process of observing participants in business conversations.

Reception of instruction. This is carried out only if the interlocutor has a positive attitude towards the leader. The specificity of instruction is that the word, expressed in an imperative form, determines the “executive” behavior of a person. Verbal forms of instruction can be instructions, orders, prohibitions. Unlike commands and orders, designed to trigger an existing skill, instructions form a holistic setting for the activity: “Do this...”, “After completing the procedure, go there...”, etc.

The content of the instruction, like any verbal influence, is very important. Therefore, when preparing a manual, you should think very carefully about the material that is included in it. It must be emphasized that efficiency here is associated not only with meaning. When presenting instructions verbally, an appropriate style of speech and form of pronunciation are also required. This refers to emotionality, intonation, facial expressions, gestures. Everything should be subordinated to the laconic and imperative construction of the statement.

Acceptance of indirect approval. Designed for the emotional perception of the speaker's speech. The essence of this technique is not to say head-on, “Your success in this matter is undeniable!” It's like flattery. Although flattery is very pleasing to some people, it is generally destructive to human character. In this regard, if you need to praise a person, it is better to do it indirectly: “Such diligence usually brings benefits!” By pronouncing such phrases with sufficient emotional overtones, the leader will give the interlocutor a feeling of self-esteem. The psyche will focus on activities of the same kind.

It is quite obvious, of course, that for a person with egoistic inclinations such a form of approval will be completely unconvincing. And such a person perceives it in his own way.

The Socratic method has been known since ancient times. The essence of the method is to prevent the interlocutor from saying “No” at the beginning of the conversation. Let it be a conversation about something extraneous, even about the weather: - Isn’t it clear today? - Yes. - The sun is scorching. It’s burning? - Yes. - Probably thirsty? - Yes. Answers “Yes” to secondary, sometimes meaningless, questions seem to pave the way to answering in the affirmative the main question: - Are you working at half capacity? Yes, that's probably true.

Ancient Greek philosopher Socrates, after whom it is named this method, always tried to protect his interlocutor from saying “No!” As soon as the interlocutor says “No!”, it is very difficult to turn him in the opposite direction. In this regard, Socrates tried to conduct the conversation in such a way that it would be easier for the interlocutor to say “Yes” than “No.” As we know, Socrates certainly proved his point of view without causing not only obvious indignation, but even the slightest negative reactions from his opponents.

Commands and orders require people to execute quickly and accurately without any critical reactions. When executing commands and orders, they do not reason. In life there are two types of commands and orders: a) prohibitive; b) incentive. The first: “Stop it!..”, “Stop being nervous!”, “Shut up!” etc. are aimed at immediately inhibiting unwanted acts of behavior. They are spoken in a firm, calm voice or in a voice with an emotionally charged tone. Second: “Go!”, “Bring it!”, “Do it!” etc. are aimed at enabling the behavioral mechanisms of people. Such commands and orders should be perceived without a critical attitude towards them.

Frustrated expectation. A prerequisite for the effective use of this method of persuasion is the creation of a tense situation of expectation. Preceding events should form a strictly directed train of thought in the interlocutor. If the inconsistency of this direction is suddenly revealed, then the interlocutor finds himself at a loss and accepts the idea proposed to him without objection. This state of affairs is typical for many situations in life.

"Explosion". In psychology, this technique is known as an instant personality restructuring under the influence of strong emotional experiences. The phenomenon of "explosion" is described in detail in fiction(re-education of Jean Valjean, the hero of V. Hugo’s novel “Les Miserables”). The scientific basis for the “explosion” technique was given by A.S. Makarenko.

The use of an “explosion” requires the creation of a special environment in which feelings would arise that could amaze a person with their surprise and unusualness. In such an environment, a person experiences a collision of nervous processes. An unexpected stimulus (spectacle, information, etc.) causes him confusion. This leads to a radical change in views on things, events, individuals and even the world as a whole. There are cases when “reliable” information about the infidelity of one of the spouses in “prosperous” families led the other to the brink of disaster. In families where infidelity is regarded as a prank, this does not happen.

In the conditions of work collectives, the “explosion” technique can be used in relation to malicious violators of discipline, drunkards, and persons with immoral and criminal behavior. Here, under certain circumstances, certain types may be appropriate: angry condemnation of the behavior of the offender by the entire team, sincere assistance from the administration in situations of grief and stress, “writing off” past sins, etc. In all this, intentions must be manifested with the goal of providing the object exposure to real opportunities for correction. Insincerity and formalism are absolutely inappropriate here.

A categorical requirement. Contains the power of an order. In this regard, it can only be effective if the leader has great power or enjoys unquestioned authority. In other cases, this technique may be useless or even harmful. In many respects, a categorical requirement is identical to a prohibition, which acts as a mild form of coercion.

Advice. The technique is most effective when the interlocutor gains confidence in the leader. For a person to follow advice, the form in which the advice is given becomes especially important. You need to know that advice should be given in a voice that conveys warmth and compassion. You only need to ask for advice sincerely. Insincerity immediately turns against the petitioner.

"Placebo". It has long been used in medicine as a technique of suggestion. Its essence lies in the fact that the doctor, prescribing some indifferent drug to the patient, claims that it will give the desired effect. The patient's psychological attitude toward the beneficial effects of the prescribed medication often leads to a positive result. This technique was adopted by educators, in particular, by coaches in various sports, who sometimes quite effectively encouraged athletes to set records. It must be said that pedagogical “placebos” are very effective if used with caution. It should be remembered that the “placebo” effect lasts only until the first failure. If people understand that the ritual actions that they so scrupulously performed have no real basis, then the “placebo” will no longer let them down.

Condemnation. It has persuasive power only in conditions when the interlocutor identifies himself with another person: “he is one of us.” In other cases, reprimand is perceived as a mentoring admonition that can be listened to, but which does not need to be followed. Due to the fact that a person quite actively defends his “I,” he honestly views this technique as an attack on his independence.

Hint. This is a technique of indirect persuasion through jokes, irony and analogy. In some ways, advice can also be a form of hint. The essence of a hint is that it is addressed not to consciousness, not to logical reasoning, but to emotions. Since a hint carries the potential to insult the personality of the interlocutor, it is best to use it in a “concert mood” situation. The criterion for the measure here can be the prediction of self-experience: “How would I feel if I were given such hints!”

Compliment. Often a compliment is mixed with flattery. Tell the person: “How smoothly you speak!” - this is to flatter him. Not everyone enjoys flattery, although people often do not shrug off flattery. However, many are still offended by flattery. A compliment does not offend anyone, it elevates everyone.

Basic psychological techniques for persuading people

We would like to think that when we make decisions, we are guided by all the information available. But in reality, everything usually happens differently. Our lives have become extremely busy, and now more than ever we need patterns and everyday rules to make decisions.

Professor of psychology and expert in the field of social and experimental psychology, Robert Cialdini, discovered and derived six such rules (in fact, there are more, and in the book “The Psychology of Persuasion: 50 Proven Ways to Be Persuasive,” Cialdini introduces readers to a large number of them, however the main ones, according to Robert, are only six) that control human behavior. Here they are: reciprocity, rarity, authority, consistency, sympathy and agreement.

By understanding these rules and being able to apply them without going beyond moral boundaries, you can significantly increase your chances of getting consent to your request. Let's talk in more detail about each of them in turn, and use examples to look at the experience of American researchers in the field of psychology of persuasion.

So, the first universal rule of persuasion is RECIPROCITY

The third rule of persuasion is based on AUTHORITY

The idea is that people are more willing to listen to the opinions of trusted experts. For example, physiotherapists are able to convince larger number patients to perform the recommended sets of exercises if they hang their medical diplomas and certificates on the walls of the office. Also, in a parking lot, you are more likely to move your car at the request of a stranger if he is wearing a uniform rather than regular clothes.

  1. We like people who are similar to us;
  2. We love those who praise us;
  3. We sympathize with people with whom we do the same thing.

Students from two famous business schools studying for the Master of Business Administration degree.

04/11/2012 Anna Sokolova

An integral characteristic of a successful person is the ability, ability, and perhaps magical talent to influence other people.

A person who knows how to convince and direct the thoughts of people around him in the direction he needs has incredible opportunities in the modern world.

Let's look at the main ways to influence people during a conversation, that is psychological methods beliefs.

It is very undesirable to use your own powers, connections, money or blackmail; you can exert influence both by the power of words and the power of your gaze. So, the group of basic psychological methods includes persuasion, suggestion and psychological infection.

Persuasion is a method of influence when one turns to the consciousness of another person, his feelings and experience in order to form new views and attitudes in him.

Conviction will not produce results if it is replaced by moralizing. You should avoid words like “should,” “obliged,” or “shame on you.” Persuading with words is a great art that requires knowledge of human psychology, the laws of ethics and logic.

To begin with, it is necessary that your interlocutor agrees to listen carefully and meaningfully to your arguments, find something in common that unites you and establish psychological contact.

Then it would be advisable to analyze all the arguments together and come to a common conclusion. Thus, the influence on a person will not be intrusive, but, on the contrary, will correspond to his thoughts, feelings and views.

If you manage to tune in to the person’s wavelength at the time of the conversation, you will see that half the work is already done, and influencing people who think like you is much easier than influencing people with opposite views.

Even if you do not fully share the person’s beliefs, try to feel his thoughts and simply understand him. Understanding gives birth to the beginning of all partnerships. Understanding your interlocutor is sometimes much easier than it might seem at first glance.

A little training on your loved ones and friends will help you develop the skill of understanding to perfection.

Suggestion is psychological method influence, which involves a non-critical perception of the expressed thoughts and will. During suggestion, consent is not achieved, but the acceptance of information is ensured, which already contains a ready-made conclusion.

Using this information, the person being influenced must himself come to the correct conclusion you need. The goal is achieved by causing strong emotional reactions in a person. The main forms of suggestion are hint, approval, condemnation.

Psychological contagion is the process of transferring an emotional state from one person to another at an unconscious level. Often, this method is used in groups of people or teams.

For example, correctly presented information about the success of one person infects others with enthusiasm, causing interest and inspiration, rather than envy.

In addition to the above basic methods, do not forget about simpler truths that must be remembered if you want to influence a person during communication.

Call your interlocutor by name more often, because there is nothing sweeter to his ears. Know how to listen and be sincerely interested in what is being said to you, this always leads to a successful outcome of the dialogue.

And of course, smile more often, be optimistic! You will be surprised by the response of the surrounding world, which will submit to your sincere influence.

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Researchers have been studying the reasons that motivate us to agree to someone's request for more than sixty years. There is no doubt that science is behind the techniques and methods of persuading people. And in many ways this science is surprising.

The first universal rule of persuasion is RECIPROCITY

People feel obligated to reciprocate attention or favors previously provided to them. If a friend invites you to a party, you will have to invite him to your place. If a co-worker has done you a favor, you are obligated to repay him in kind on occasion. Also, in the case of social obligations, people are more likely to say “Yes” to those to whom they owe something.

One of the best demonstrations of the principle of reciprocity comes from a series of studies conducted in restaurants. For example, the last time you dined at a restaurant, it was highly likely that the waitress brought you a small treat, most likely at the same time as the bill. It could be a surprise cookie or just a peppermint candy. This raises the question - does this treat somehow affect the size of the tip you leave? Most people's answer is no, but a peppermint candy can have a wonderful effect.

In a study, giving candy at the end of a meal increased tips by 3%. It is curious that if the treat is doubled, you are offered two candies, then the increase in tip increases not two, but four times - up to 14%. But the result becomes even more interesting when the waiter gives you one candy, moves away from the table, then stops and says that he has another candy for such pleasant visitors. Tips increase by as much as 23% based solely on how the food was presented.

So the key to applying the rule of reciprocity is to be the first to provide the favor and to make sure it is pleasant and unexpected.

The Second Universal Principle of Persuasion is Based on RARITY

That is, people are more eager to acquire those things that are difficult to obtain. When British Airways announced in 2003 that it was canceling its second Concorde flight on the London-New York route in 2003 due to economic impracticality, there was a surge in ticket sales the next day. Please note that there were no changes to the flight itself - the plane did not fly faster, the quality of service did not improve, and the cost of tickets did not decrease. It’s just that the opportunity to use the service has sharply decreased. And as a result, demand increased. Therefore, the technique for applying the principle of rarity to persuasion is quite clear.

It is not enough to simply tell people the benefits they will receive by choosing your products or services. You also need to highlight the unique capabilities of your offer. Tell people what they are missing out on if they don't use it.

The idea is that people are more willing to listen to the opinions of trusted experts.

For example, physical therapists can convince more patients to do recommended exercise routines by displaying their medical degrees and certifications on the walls of their offices. Also, in a parking lot, you are more likely to move your car at the request of a stranger if he is wearing a uniform rather than regular clothes.

The important thing here is to let people know that your knowledge and experience are trustworthy before you attempt persuasion. Of course, this is not always easy to do. You won’t walk around potential buyers and praise yourself. However, you can certainly arrange for someone else to do this for you.

And then science makes an unexpected conclusion. If you are advertised, then it turns out that it doesn’t matter whether your agent makes a profit from it or not. Thus, one real estate firm was able to increase both the number of orders for real estate appraisals and the number of subsequent contracts concluded by advising consultants responding to client requests to begin the conversation by mentioning the experience and merits of the firm's agents. For example, when asked to rent out real estate, the response was something like this: “Let me connect you with Sandra, who has been dealing with client rental issues for over 15 years.” Clients interested in selling property were encouraged to say: "You'd better talk to Peter, he's the head of our property sales team and has over 20 years of experience in the field." The result of such recommendations was a twenty percent increase in the number of consultations and a fifteen percent increase in the conclusion of contracts - not at all bad for such a harmless method of convincing a person, which also does not require any expenses.

The next principle of persuasion is CONSISTENCY

People like to be consistent, both in their words and in their actions. To achieve consistency in behavior, you need to come up with the first small thing and invite people to do it.

In one famous experiment, an unexpected result was obtained. Very few residents of one residential area agreed to place a nondescript wooden sign on the lawn in front of their house to support the company for road safety. And in another such area, almost four times as many homeowners agreed to put up the same sign. Why? Because ten days ago they put a small postcard on the windowsill as a sign of support for the same company. This card became that small first step that led to a fourfold effect when performing the second, more difficult sequential action. Therefore, intending to play on consistency in behavior, masters of persuasion try to lead people to voluntary, active public action. Ideally, ensure that it is fixed on paper.

For example, in a recent experiment, the number of missed appointments at a medical center decreased by 18%. Thanks to the fact that patients were asked to fill out an appointment form with a doctor on their own. Whereas before this was done by medical workers.

The fifth method of persuasion is based on SYMPATHY

People are more willing to say “Yes” to those they like. But for what reason does one person like another? Persuasion theory says there are three main factors:

We like people who are similar to us; We love those who praise us; We sympathize with people with whom we do the same thing. Students from two well-known business schools studying in the specialty “ Master of Business Administration."

One group of students was instructed: “Time is money, so get straight to the point.” In this group, about 55% of the participants were able to reach an agreement. The second group was given different instructions: “Before you start negotiating, try to get to know each other better and find something in common that you all have.” After this, 90% of the negotiations were successful and gave a satisfactory result. That is 18% more for each side.

Thus, in order to use the effective tool of sympathy as a method of convincing people, you need to make an effort to find areas of convergence in views. Try to express sincere praise to your interlocutor before moving on to discussing business issues.

The last principle of persuasion is CONSENT

A person is more likely to focus on the actions and behavior of other people when he himself is indecisive. You may have noticed that hotels typically place cards in their bathrooms encouraging guests to reuse their linens and towels. Most often, guests' attention is drawn to the fact that this helps protect the environment. This method of persuasion turns out to be very effective - its effectiveness is 35%. But maybe there are more effective ways?

As it turns out, about 75% of guests staying at a hotel for at least four days reuse their towels at one point or another. What if we used the rule of agreement and simply wrote this on our card: “75% of hotel guests reuse their towels. Please follow their example." As a result, refusals to change linen will increase by 26%.

This method of psychological persuasion suggests that instead of relying on your own persuasion abilities, you can focus on how the majority behaves. Especially such a majority, to which everyone can easily classify themselves.

So there you have it, six scientifically proven persuasion techniques that provide simple, often low-cost, practical techniques that can dramatically increase your ability to persuade people and influence their behavior in a completely honest way. These are the secrets of the science of persuasion, applied in various areas life activities, ranging from simple interpersonal communication to their use in advertising and marketing.


Robert Cialdini (born April 24, 1945) - became famous thanks to his book “The Psychology of Influence.”

Studied at the universities of Wisconsin and North Carolina. He attended graduate school at Columbia University. Throughout his research career he worked at Arizona State University. He has been a visiting professor and researcher at Ohio State University, University of California at San Diego, University of California at Santa Cruz, University of Southern California, and Stanford University. In 1996, Cialdini was president of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology. Winner of various awards in the field of social psychology, consumer psychology, and teaching psychology. In 2009 he stopped his scientific activities.

Experimental social psychologist. Studies the psychology of compliance. Clarifies the operation of the mechanisms of requests and demands, which he called “instruments of influence.”

He studies the influence of interpersonal relationships between people. Considers various cases from his own practice and suggests methods for reasonable control. He bases his research on personal experience and finding out the reasons for his own behavior. One of the examples he talks about in his book “ Social Psychology. Understand others to understand yourself,” is the case with the Boy Scout.

One day, on the street, a boy scout offered Robert to buy tickets to a certain performance at a price of $5 apiece. To the categorical refusal, the boy replied: “Okay, then buy two chocolate bars for a dollar apiece.” Cialdini happily agreed, then mused: “I don’t like chocolate and I like dollars. Why did I buy chocolate? This is explained by the principle of inflated demands, then retreat. He gives these phenomena various “everyday” names, for example, “the principle of paying off debts”: an experimenter in a movie during a show leaves the hall and returns with two bottles of cola, for himself and for a neighbor who did not ask him for it (and the cola goes to the neighbor absolutely free). After the session, he invites his neighbor to buy lottery tickets, and the neighbor, as a sign of gratitude, buys tickets from him for an amount several times higher than the cost of cola.

Using similar examples, he examines the mechanisms of mutual influence of people, their causes and consequences. Considers the problem of a large flow of information and the ability of the human psyche to respond to some key phrases.

The "click" principle can be demonstrated by experiment. There was a line at the library's copy machine. A man comes up and asks him to let him through because he is late for a meeting. The result is 97%. Further, the experimenter does not justify his desire in any way. 50%. For the third time, the experimenter says: “Let me skip the line at the photocopier because I need to make several copies.” The result is 97%. The person heard the key phrase - “because...”, and he no longer controls the “click”. Very often such methods are used for unworthy purposes.

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