Geographic map of Antarctica. Lithospheric catastrophe and ancient maps of Antarctica. More interesting articles

Where are the Arctic and Antarctic located? And how do these areas of the Earth differ from each other? This question puzzles many people, even if they diligently studied geography at school. Our article will help answer it.

Difference between the Arctic and Antarctic

A fairly popular one goes like this: “Do polar bears eat penguins?” The brain of an adult immediately begins to build a logical chain of thoughts. Pictures from school textbooks come to mind, where both animals are depicted in the background eternal ice and harsh winter landscapes. A person reasons like this: polar bears are predators, and penguins are rather clumsy birds, easy prey. Therefore, the former should happily feast on the latter.

However, everything is not like that at all! Not everyone will guess that these animals are wildlife cannot meet at all, since they live in absolute different parts peace. One of them is the Arctic, and the other is the Antarctic. Therefore, they can only see each other in some zoo.

Where the Arctic and Antarctica are located - this will be discussed further. What are the features of nature, climate and organic world these areas?

Where is the Arctic? Brief description of the area

What is the difference between the Arctic, Antarctica and Antarctica? Let's try to understand this geographical issue.

Where is the Arctic located on the globe? In what part of the world should you look for it?

At the very beginning, we need to remember that our planet Earth has two poles that are diametrically opposed to each other - North and South. This will help you better navigate where the Arctic is and where the Antarctic is.

So, the Arctic is the polar region of the Earth, directly adjacent to its North Pole. Geographically, it covers the extremities of the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. The Arctic also includes the outskirts of Eurasia and North America, as well as numerous islands.

Sometimes this physical-geographical macroregion is limited from the south. The area of ​​the region, depending on the location of its southern borders, ranges from 21 to 27 million square kilometers.

Now you know where the Arctic is. What was it like for man to master it? And when did it start?

The history of the conquest of the Arctic and the North Pole

The Arctic has been inhabited for a long time. This is evidenced by numerous archaeological finds. Thus, man first appeared on the shores of the Arctic Ocean 30 thousand years ago. However, later he began to be pulled further north. There were also daredevils who wanted to conquer the Earth's pole.

Serious and systematic study of the area began in the second half of the 19th century. The most famous polar explorer of that time is the Norwegian Fridtjof Nansen. In particular, he went down in history by being the first to cross the ice shell of Greenland, the largest island on the planet. This happened in 1889.

Robert Peary is another important name in history. In 1908-1909, he organized an expedition that reached the North Pole for the first time. Interestingly, the goal of this campaign was only this record. None scientific research the expedition did not take place.

7 amazing facts about the Arctic

The Arctic is an amazing region that is full of secrets, mysteries and unusual natural phenomena. Below are the most Interesting Facts about him:

  • The organic world of the Arctic, despite such a harsh climate, is quite rich. Huge expanses of ice are densely populated by polar bears, arctic foxes, lemmings, reindeer, dozens of species of birds and other animals. You can even meet an ordinary crow here!
  • Five states at once claim their rights to the Arctic, including Russia;
  • The Arctic shelf, according to rough estimates by scientists, hides over 100 billion tons of gas and oil;
  • About 50 million years ago, the Arctic climate was significantly milder. The water in the Arctic Ocean in those days warmed up in the summer to +15...18 degrees!
  • The Arctic is the region of the Earth that is most vulnerable to global processes global warming;
  • Deserts are found not only in tropical zone, but also in the Arctic. Only here they are called Arctic;
  • The very first voyage through Arctic waters was made by the ancient Greek Pytheas back in the 4th century BC.

Antarctica and Antarctica - where are they?

Geographers call Antarctica the southern circumpolar region of the Earth, which is located on the opposite side of the planet from the Arctic. It includes a huge landmass - the continent of Antarctica, as well as the southern ends of the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Ocean(many foreign scientists also identify in this area the fifth ocean of the Earth - the Southern).

The northern border of Antarctica is quite arbitrary. Most often it is carried out along the edge of the zone floating ice(between 50-55 degrees south latitude). Thus, the total area of ​​Antarctica is significantly larger than the Arctic, and is about 60 million square kilometers.

Antarctica, as mentioned above, is the sixth continent of planet Earth - the southernmost and coldest.

History of the discovery and development of Antarctica

Already in the 18th century, people assumed that there was another continent in the south of our planet. James Cook was the first to search for it in 1775. During his circumnavigation he came close to the mysterious “South Land”, discovering the South Sandwich Islands.

The discovery of the continent of Antarctica took place in 1820 during the expedition of Russian navigators F. Bellingshausen and M. P. Lazarev. After this, a series of discoveries and mapping of various seas, islands and lands in Antarctica began.

In 1911, two expeditions at once (one led by Roald Amundsen, the other by Robert Scott) set out to conquer South Pole Earth. But luck smiled on only one of the groups of desperate daredevils. On December 14, 1911, Amundsen planted the Norwegian flag at the pole point. Scott's group reached the goal of the expedition 27 days later, and all its members died on the way back.

The continent of Antarctica has significant mineral resource potential. However, the countries of the world signed an agreement on the “inviolability” of the continent’s subsoil until 2048.

7 Amazing Facts About Antarctica

We bring to your attention 7 interesting facts about Antarctica and Antarctica:

  • Antarctica is the coldest continent on the planet. In the 80s, the lowest temperature on Earth was recorded at the Soviet polar station “Vostok” (-89 degrees);
  • Antarctica is also the highest continent on the planet (primarily due to its massive ice cap, which in some places reaches a thickness of 1-1.5 km);
  • Antarctica is the windiest and driest place on Earth (and this despite the fact that it contains up to 70% of all the world's fresh water);
  • Antarctica is the only continent without a permanent population;
  • There are 6 species of penguins in Antarctica. Among them - emperor penguins, which are distinguished by their large size;
  • Huge blocks of ice periodically break off from Antarctic ice shelves. One of these was formed in 2000 and set off to float freely. Its length reached 300 kilometers!
  • There are no time zones in Antarctica. Scientists staying here live according to the time of their states.

Arctic and Antarctic Museum

Do you know where it is? Many people are not even aware of the existence of such an institution. It turns out that such a museum exists!

It is located in the city of St. Petersburg, in the building of the former St. Nicholas Edinoverie Church (Marata Street, 24a). In 1930, the temple was closed and this unusual museum was opened within its walls. It introduces visitors to the history of the development and study of the Arctic and Antarctic.

The museum exhibits include polar explorers' equipment, unique instruments, rare photographs, models of ships and icebreakers, as well as numerous paintings by artists depicting the wild and harsh nature of the Earth's circumpolar regions.


Where are the Arctic, Antarctic and Antarctica located? Now you can easily answer this question and show the above areas on the globe. Despite the distance of thousands of kilometers between the Arctic and Antarctic, there is much in common between them. Both parts of the planet are extremely cold, there is a lot of snow, icebergs and ice, and virtually no vegetation.

The words Antarctica, Arctic and Antarctica are very similar, and to a person who is not well versed in geography, they may seem like the same thing. However, these areas are located in completely different corners globe. So what is the difference between the Arctic Antarctic and Antarctica?

Arctic and Antarctica

It would seem that what can distinguish the Arctic and Antarctica? Both of these territories have a fairly harsh climate, are always or almost always covered with ice and snow, and have poorly defined flora and fauna. In fact, the Arctic and Antarctica are on opposite sides of the world. If you look at these territories on a map or globe, the Arctic will be at the top (in the north), and Antarctica will be at the bottom (in the south).

Antarctica is a continent, and the Arctic is a geographical area, most of which is located at the North Pole.

Rice. 1. Arctic and Antarctica on the map.

The Arctic covers the extreme parts of North America and Eurasia. The Arctic territory includes the island of Greenland and many archipelagos that are located in the Arctic Ocean, for example, Severnaya Zemlya or Franz Josef Land.

Rice. 2. Franz Josef Land.

Translated from ancient Greek, the word “Arctic” is translated as “bear”. In Greek it sounds like "arktos".

Antarctica is a continent with an area of ​​14.1 million sq. km. It is on this continent that the most recorded low temperature on the ground - 89.2 degrees. average temperature in summer it is -35 degrees, and in winter - -65 degrees.

One of the main differences between Antarctica and the Arctic is that Antarctica is completely unsuitable for human habitation. This territory does not belong to any state. The population ranges from 1,500 to 4,000 people, but these are not permanent residents, but scientists and researchers who live on the mainland for no more than a year and a half. About 4 million people live in the Arctic, with 2.3 million people living in the Arctic part of Russia.

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Differences between Antarctica and Antarctica

The word "Antarctica" appeared only in the last century. It means “opposite to the Arctic.” Indeed, the Arctic and Antarctic are located at different poles of the Earth - North and South.

What about Antarctica and Antarctica? Is this the same thing? So how are Antarctica and the Arctic different?

Antarctica, as mentioned above, is only a continent. Antarctica is a territory that, in addition to Antarctica, includes the waters of three oceans (Indian, Pacific, Atlantic), limited by the current Western winds, as well as various islands that are located in the waters of these oceans. The center of Antarctica is the South Pole.

Antarctica is the heart of Antarctica. Due to the glaciers covering the continent, it is the highest continent in existence. Average height glaciers is 2040 meters.

Rice. 3. Glaciers of Antarctica.

The pole of cold of our planet is located precisely in Antarctica. At the Vostok polar station 35 years ago, in 1983, a record low temperature was recorded - 89.2 degrees.

What have we learned?

This article looked at the differences between Antarctica and Antarctica, and also compared the Arctic with Antarctica. The Arctic is adjacent to North Pole and includes almost the entire Northern Arctic Ocean, as well as extreme parts of Eurasia and North America. Antarctica is a continent that belongs to the Antarctic region. It was here that the lowest temperature on the planet was recorded.

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Antarctica is an icy continent in the very south of the planet. The sixth continent was discovered by Russian navigators Thaddeus Bellingshausen and Mikhail Lazarev in 1820. According to international convention about Antarctica, this territory does not belong to any state in the world.

There is no permanent population here, but active scientific activity. Of the 45 Antarctic stations, seven belong to Russia. Antarctica contains huge reserves of fresh water (about 80% of all fresh water on Earth), and also has significant mineral reserves.

Despite the huge natural resources, All global community recognizes the inadmissibility of invading the fragile world of Antarctic nature; now only the tourism business is actively developing here. About six thousand tourists visit these harsh places every year! You and I can try to understand what attracts tourists to this distant continent by taking an online walk through this amazing land(cm. " Walking around Antarctica" And " Antarctica online«).

IN last years Interesting studies of the continent's topography were carried out and new maps were compiled. Studying the terrain beneath the Antarctic ice sheet is critical to understanding the ice sheet's dynamics, thickness, and impact on the surrounding ocean and global climate.

By influencing ocean currents and rising sea levels, this continent plays a huge role in the Earth's climate system. Using various methods, researchers are trying to predict how Antarctica will respond to climate change.

Information about ice thickness and continental structure was limited. Now, thanks to work carried out by the British Antarctic Survey (BAS), scientists have a new detailed map continent. The video will tell us how the work on drawing up the map was carried out:

Antarctica on the map

Antarctica is an icy continent in the very south of the planet. The sixth continent was discovered by Russian navigators Thaddeus Bellingshausen and Mikhail Lazarev in 1820. According to the international convention on Antarctica, this territory does not belong to any state in the world.

There is no permanent population here, but active scientific activities are carried out. Of the 45 Antarctic stations, seven belong to Russia. Antarctica contains huge reserves of fresh water (about 80% of all fresh water on Earth), and also has significant mineral reserves.

Antarctica map

Despite the enormous natural wealth, the entire world community recognizes the inadmissibility of invading the fragile world of Antarctic nature; now only the tourism business is actively developing here. About six thousand tourists visit these harsh places every year! You and I can try to understand what attracts tourists to this distant continent by taking an online walk through this amazing land (see “Walk in Antarctica” and “Antarctica online”).

In recent years, interesting studies of the continent's topography have been carried out and new maps have been compiled. Studying the terrain beneath the Antarctic ice sheet is critical to understanding the ice sheet's dynamics, thickness, and impact on the surrounding ocean and global climate.

Antarctica from satellite

By influencing ocean currents and rising sea levels, this continent plays a huge role in the Earth's climate system. Using various methods, researchers are trying to predict how Antarctica will respond to climate change.

Information about ice thickness and continental structure was limited. Now, thanks to work carried out by the British Antarctic Survey (BAS), scientists have a new detailed map of the continent. The video will tell us how the work on drawing up the map was carried out:

Antarctica is an icy continent in the very south of the planet. The sixth continent was discovered by Russian navigators Thaddeus Bellingshausen and Mikhail Lazarev in 1820.

According to the international convention on Antarctica, this territory does not belong to any state in the world.

There is no permanent population here, but active scientific activities are carried out. Of the 45 Antarctic stations, seven belong to Russia. Antarctica contains huge reserves of fresh water (about 80% of all fresh water on Earth), and also has significant mineral reserves.

Antarctica map

Despite the enormous natural wealth, the entire world community recognizes the inadmissibility of invading the fragile world of Antarctic nature; now only the tourism business is actively developing here. About six thousand tourists visit these harsh places every year! You and I can try to understand what attracts tourists to this distant continent by taking an online walk through this amazing land (see “Walk in Antarctica” and “Antarctica online”).

In recent years, interesting studies of the continent's topography have been carried out and new maps have been compiled. Studying the terrain beneath the Antarctic ice sheet is critical to understanding the ice sheet's dynamics, thickness, and impact on the surrounding ocean and global climate.

Antarctica from satellite

By influencing ocean currents and rising sea levels, this continent plays a huge role in the Earth's climate system. Using various methods, researchers are trying to predict how Antarctica will respond to climate change.

Information about ice thickness and continental structure was limited. Now, thanks to work carried out by the British Antarctic Survey (BAS), scientists have a new detailed map of the continent. The video will tell us how the work on drawing up the map was carried out:

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Antarctica: description, photo, where it is on the map, how to get there

Antarctica- the southernmost, and at the same time the coldest continent on Earth, washed by the waters of the Southern Ocean. There are also a number of adjacent islands near the mainland. Antarctica became the last continent discovered by scientists. Today tours to this glacial continent are possible from South America and New Zealand. It is included in 1000 best places world according to our website.

The total area of ​​the continent exceeds 14 million km², and its ice cover accounts for more than 80% of all fresh water of our planet. The study of glaciers has become a special field of science called “glaciology”. For centuries, scientists could not get to the interior of Antarctica, as it was blocked by ice shelves. So, in the 18th century, the English navigator J. Cook, going in search of the last continent, crossed the line of the Antarctic Circle, but never found it.

F. Bellingshausen and M. Lazarev are considered the discoverers of the mainland. It was these Russian travelers who managed to swim to the eternal glaciers of Antarctica in 1820. The Norwegian polar explorer R. Amundsen made his way deep into the mainland already in the 20th century. Constant research on the continent began in the 1950s. Currently, excursions are being conducted on board the expedition ship for all curious tourists.

Such excursions provide an opportunity to admire the majestic sheer ice floes, which in some places reach 180 meters in height. Some of these giants are as large as entire states. Icebergs often form on their basis. One of the most unique features in the Southern Ocean is the Ross Ice Shelf. He became a long time ago business card Antarctica.

Its area is more than 470 thousand km².

This gigantic object was discovered by the English traveler-researcher J. Ross, in whose honor it received its name. Today, interested tourists have the opportunity to get to the glacier with transparent blue walls by helicopter flight. Eyewitnesses say that the spectacle is fantastic.

On the western shores of the mainland there is another picturesque giant - the Ronne-Filchner glacier. The easiest way to get there is from the city of Ushuaia in Argentina. They say that once every 15 years an iceberg breaks off from the glacier and this spectacle is worth going on an Antarctic cruise. And, of course, many want to visit the so-called “capital” of Antarctica - the McMurdo Ice Shelf. It is home to more than 100 buildings and a large research station.

Photo attraction: Antarctica

Antarctica on the map:

Antarctica is the polar region of the planet, which includes the continent of Antarctica, as well as many islands and seas.

The axis has already been over 200 years old in this suvorous region to knock out the mandrivniks and followers. James Cook, having become more expensive in the polar seas in 1774, caught only a heap of sea kriges on his way. Without touching the land, the great navigator categorically declared that the deserted continent does not exist. After this, no one will be able to make jokes again.

The expeditions of the English William Smith and Edward Brandswield achieved the most significant successes in reaching Antarctica. The Russians Fadey Bellingshausen and Mikhailo Lazarev are respected by the first crooks of the continent, because with their expedition in 1820 they brought the continent to ruins, defining its boundaries and the peculiarities of the climate.

Over the course of seventy years, the continent wrenched from the sea - its shores were already formidable and inaccessible. In 1895, the Norwegians L. Christensen and K. Borchgrevink began to germinate new mainland stage Exploration of Antarctica - these important people visited the coastal continent and collected the first collection of the sparse Antarctic flora. In the 20th century, exploration of Antarctica became regular - Britain, Germany, Sweden, Norway, Australia, Japan sent their expeditions there.

The subroot of the Pole was born in 1911. Norwegian Roald Amundsen, who was a month ahead of his competitor, the Englishman Robert Scott.

Antarctica is a continent near the Pivdenny Povkul, lying near the Pivdenny geographic pole. The area between the shelf ice fields and the islands in the middle of them is 14,100 thousand. km2.

Antarctica is washed by three oceans: Indian, Atlantic, Pacific. Antarctica, of course, has no inland seas, since 99% of its territory is covered by ice sheets.

The volume of ice accounts for 24.9 million km3 - over 80% of the volume of fresh water on the planet.

Antarctica is the largest continent on the planet. The ice cover, which has been established here for about 20 million years ago, in some places reaches an altitude of 4,800 m. The very presence of the ice cover signifies the uniqueness of the relief formed from two balls - the lower one Korinny that of the upper icebreaker.

The average height of the continent under the ice cover is more than 2,000 m (the highest in the middle of other continents), while the most important part of the Antarctic plain lies under the ice and is located below Evening of the sea. The western part is cut by ridges, one of which is crowned by the active volcano Erebus. The Transantarctic Mountains stretch across the continent. The highest point of the continent is located on the Vinson massif (5,140 m). The ice fields of Antarctica are steadily collapsing. At the edges of the continent the ice melts, icebergs.

In Antarctica, a lot of bark copalins have been found (wougill stones, ore deposits, chromium, nickel, gold). However, looking at the harshness of the climate and the unsafe destruction of the ecological balance of this unique region of the planet, the development of ancestors was found to be impractical and ineffective.

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