World history in 6 t buy. Nuremberg trials: the lessons of history. World history: a view from the XXI century


Academician A. O. CHUBARYAN (Editor-in-Chief)

Corresponding Member of the RAS V. I. VASIL'EV (Deputy Editor-in-Chief)

Corresponding Member of the RAS P. Yu. UVAROV (Deputy Editor-in-Chief)

Candidate of Historical Sciences M. A. LIPKIN (Executive Secretary)

Corresponding Member of the RAS Kh. A. Amirkhanov

Academician B. V. ANANYCH

Academician A. I. GRIGORIEV

Doctor of Historical Sciences A. B. DAVIDSON

Academician A. P. DEREVYANKO

Corresponding Member of the RAS S. P. KARPOV

Academician A. A. KOKOSHIN

Academician V. S. MYASNIKOV

Doctor of Historical Sciences V. V. NAUMKIN

Academician A. D. NEKIPELOV

Doctor of Historical Sciences K. V. NIKIFOROV

Academician Yu. S. PIVOVAROV

Corresponding Member of the RAS E. I. PIVOVAR

Doctor of Historical Sciences A.P. REPINA

Academician V. A. Tishkov

Academician A. V. TORKUNOV

Academician I. Kh. URILOV

Editorial board of the first volume:

Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences A. I. Ivanchik,

Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Kh. A. Amirkhanov,

Doctor of Historical Sciences G. A. Koshelenko,

Doctor of Historical Sciences O. V. Sidorovich


Doctor of Historical Sciences A. A. Bokshchanin,

Doctor of Historical Sciences P. P. Shkarenkov

World history: a view from the XXI century

The Russian reader is offered a new six-volume edition of World History. The previous 13-volume edition was published in the 60s of the XX century. It presented a lot of factual material, but the whole concept of the publication, historical assessments, of course, reflected the ideological postulates of that time. The idea of ​​development and change of socio-economic formations permeated all volumes (from antiquity to modern times). Since then, in the historical science of Russia, and indeed the whole world, there have been huge fundamental changes. With the refusal of Russian historians from the formational paradigm as a universal and the only criterion for revealing and understanding the history of mankind, the possibility of a pluralistic view of the course of world history opened up before Russian historiography. The publication in Russia of the works of the most prominent representatives of world philosophical and historical knowledge - Max Weber and Arnold Toynbee, Fernand Braudel and Karl Jaspers - allowed historians to get acquainted with alternative explanations of world history.

Interest in history has increased significantly in modern society. In Russia and in many other countries, there are heated discussions around the assessment of many historical events, especially in relation to the 20th century. The sharpness of the controversy is also caused by the fact that in a number of countries there has been a tendency to revise the established assessments of the history of Russia and other countries, problems of international relations and social conflicts. According to a number of historians and political scientists, public figures and journalists, in different countries there is a clear “politicization” and “nationalization” of history, which makes it difficult to search for and disseminate historical knowledge and the truth about real events in domestic and world history.

All this raises the social status and importance of historical science; at the same time, criticism of professional historians from various circles of the population is also increasing. Moreover, these phenomena are characteristic both for Russia and for other countries. On this basis, there is a growing interest in comprehending historical experience, in understanding its role in modern life. Historical science is becoming increasingly important both as a source of knowledge about the past, about national and international traditions, and as an accumulator of historical memory and the historical path traversed by mankind.

In this regard, history is an important, if not the most important, tool for shaping the personality and educating the younger generation, affirming value orientations among young people in which modern life is organically combined with historical experience and the legacy of the past. Thanks to it, a genetic link with previous generations is maintained, on which knowledge and information obtained in schools, universities and through the media are superimposed.

In recent years, thousands of fundamental works have been published in many states, revealing world, regional and national history. The reprinting of world-famous publications, such as the Cambridge History, constantly stimulates the study of theoretical problems of world history.

Over the course of 15–20 years, new areas of scientific development and research have emerged in this area. First of all, we are talking about the so-called "global history". This term appeared in historical science as a result of worldwide interest in the problems of globalization and in the universality of the historical process. The spread of the topic of "global history" has led to the publication of a significant number of works on this issue; A special Association for Global History was created, scientific journals began to be published in many countries, the topic of global history was included in the program of the International Congress of Historical Sciences.

The main thing is that "global history" has become a kind of new confirmation of the "universality" of the historical process, its integrity and, to some extent, universality, thereby obtaining a new impetus and legitimacy in the study of its problems. At the same time, the past years have shown that the concept and the term "global history" itself is by no means a universal and even less the only criterion for understanding and revealing historical development. The concept of "global history" only points to the interconnection of continents, regions and states in different historical eras, to common processes and similar phases of development.

In world history, globalism and universality, universalism and macrohistory have always attracted considerable attention from the historical community. In this context, topics such as the formation and collapse of empires, integration processes in history, the interconnection of continents, comparative studies, the economic aspect of internationalization, are actively studied by specialists in different countries.

But along with this, there is clearly a growing interest in regional and local history, in private life and in the history of everyday life. Sharp discussions unfolded in the 90s of the 20th century around the problems of not only macro-history, but also micro-history. The rejection of the theory of formations aroused in Russian historiography a great interest in the study of individual issues, in everyday life, united by the concept of "microhistory". To a greater extent, this trend was the result of the refusal of the majority of Russian historians from the desire to explain all the diversity of the historical process with a single concept of socio-economic formations. After lengthy discussions, historians have come to the conclusion that a macro- and micro-historical approach is necessary, but the historical synthesis remains the most important criterion and way to explain the progressive movement of mankind. In the context of these phenomena, one can find an explanation for the correlation of a historical fact, a specific event and the general lines of development, synthesis and narrative.

Another feature of the modern stage of historical science was the disclosure of the relationship of universality with the specifics of regional and national. Regional studies have become an important part of historical and political science.

In connection with new approaches to the study of world history, it should be said about the problem of asymmetry in history. For many years, in Russia and in other countries, the thesis about the historical backwardness of Russia from other European countries in the XIV-XVII centuries has been discussed. due to nomad raids and the absorption of Russia by the Golden Horde. One can also say that many peoples of Africa and Asia went through different historical phases with their own specifics at different times and times than the European states. Asymmetry in history is not a reason for discrimination, not a deviation from the general processes of human history.

Recognizing such general historical processes as the Enlightenment or the Renaissance, not to mention the stage of feudal relations or the formation of class-representative institutions, we can state that different countries and societies went through them in different historical periods and this asymmetry is an obvious and integral part of the world. -historical process.

Historical and cultural anthropology occupies a significant place in the complex of methodological changes of the last 20 years. It was she who actually became one of the priority in the system of historical disciplines. In Russian historiography, she received the general name "Man in History". All over the world, such problems as “the idea of ​​people in different historical epochs about life and death”, diseases, famine and crimes in history, studied in a comprehensive manner from antiquity to the present, have become very popular. Many hundreds of books and conferences have been devoted to gender history, which has also attracted a lot of attention from researchers in different countries. They are also joined by works related to the analysis of social and personal psychology.


Academician A. O. CHUBARYAN (Chief Editor) Corresponding Member of the RAS V. I. VASILYEV (Deputy Editor-in-Chief) Corresponding Member of the RAS P. Yu. UVAROV (Deputy Editor-in-Chief) Candidate of Historical Sciences M. A. LIPKIN (Executive Secretary) Corresponding Member of the RAS Kh. A. Amirkhanov Academician B. V. ANANICH Academician A. I. GRIGORIEV Doctor of Historical Sciences A. B. DAVIDSON Academician A. P. DEREVYANKO Corresponding Member of the RAS S. P. KARPOV Academician A. A. KOKOSHIN Academician V. S. MYASNIKOV Doctor of Historical Sciences V. V. NAUMKIN Academician A. D. NEKIPELOV Doctor of Historical Sciences K. V. NIKIFOROV Academician Yu. REPINA Academician V. A. TISHKOV Academician A. V. TORKUNOV Academician I. Kh. URILOV

Editorial board of the first volume:

Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences A. I. Ivanchik,

Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Kh. A. Amirkhanov,

Doctor of Historical Sciences G. A. Koshelenko,

Doctor of Historical Sciences O. V. Sidorovich


Doctor of Historical Sciences A. A. Bokshchanin,

Doctor of Historical Sciences P. P. Shkarenkov


The Russian reader is offered a new six-volume edition of World History. The previous 13-volume edition was published in the 60s of the XX century. It presented a lot of factual material, but the whole concept of the publication, historical assessments, of course, reflected the ideological postulates of that time. The idea of ​​development and change of socio-economic formations permeated all volumes (from antiquity to modern times). Since then, in the historical science of Russia, and indeed the whole world, there have been huge fundamental changes. With the refusal of Russian historians from the formational paradigm as a universal and the only criterion for revealing and understanding the history of mankind, the possibility of a pluralistic view of the course of world history opened up before Russian historiography. The publication in Russia of the works of the most prominent representatives of world philosophical and historical knowledge - Max Weber and Arnold Toynbee, Fernand Braudel and Karl Jaspers - allowed historians to get acquainted with alternative explanations of world history.

Interest in history has increased significantly in modern society. In Russia and in many other countries, there are heated discussions around the assessment of many historical events, especially in relation to the 20th century. The sharpness of the controversy is also caused by the fact that in a number of countries there has been a tendency to revise the established assessments of the history of Russia and other countries, problems of international relations and social conflicts. According to a number of historians and political scientists, public figures and journalists, in different countries there is a clear “politicization” and “nationalization” of history, which makes it difficult to search for and disseminate historical knowledge and the truth about real events in domestic and world history.

All this raises the social status and importance of historical science; at the same time, criticism of professional historians from various circles of the population is also increasing. Moreover, these phenomena are characteristic both for Russia and for other countries. On this basis, there is a growing interest in comprehending historical experience, in understanding its role in modern life. Historical science is becoming increasingly important both as a source of knowledge about the past, about national and international traditions, and as an accumulator of historical memory and the historical path traversed by mankind.

In this regard, history is an important, if not the most important, tool for shaping the personality and educating the younger generation, affirming value orientations among young people in which modern life is organically combined with historical experience and the legacy of the past. Thanks to it, a genetic link with previous generations is maintained, on which knowledge and information obtained in schools, universities and through the media are superimposed.

In recent years, thousands of fundamental works have been published in many states, revealing world, regional and national history. The reprinting of world-famous publications, such as the Cambridge History, constantly stimulates the study of theoretical problems of world history.

Over the course of 15–20 years, new areas of scientific development and research have emerged in this area. First of all, we are talking about the so-called "global history". This term appeared in historical science as a result of worldwide interest in the problems of globalization and in the universality of the historical process. The spread of the topic of "global history" has led to the publication of a significant number of works on this issue; A special Association for Global History was created, scientific journals began to be published in many countries, the topic of global history was included in the program of the International Congress of Historical Sciences.

The main thing is that "global history" has become a kind of new confirmation of the "universality" of the historical process, its integrity and, to some extent, universality, thereby obtaining a new impetus and legitimacy in the study of its problems. At the same time, the past years have shown that the concept and the term "global history" itself is by no means a universal and even less the only criterion for understanding and revealing historical development. The concept of "global history" only points to the interconnection of continents, regions and states in different historical eras, to common processes and similar phases of development.

In world history, globalism and universality, universalism and macrohistory have always attracted considerable attention from the historical community. In this context, topics such as the formation and collapse of empires, integration processes in history, the interconnection of continents, comparative studies, the economic aspect of internationalization, are actively studied by specialists in different countries.

  • World history in 6 volumes. Volume 5. The World in the 19th Century: Towards an Industrial Civilization.[Djv-42.4M] Managing editor of the volume V.S. Mirzekhanov. Scientific publication. Artist V.Yu. Yakovlev.
    (Moscow: Nauka Publishing House, 2014. - Russian Academy of Sciences. Institute of World History)
    Scan, OCR, processing, Djv format: mor, 2015
    • CONTENT:
      INTRODUCTION XIX century in world history: problems, approaches, models of time. V.S. Mirzekhanov (5).
      Industrial Revolution in the 19th century. A.V. Revyakin, V.S. Mirzekhanov (21).
      Economic growth, demographic shifts and mass migrations. V.A. Melyantsev, V.S. Mirzekhanov, S.B. Wolfson (42).
      social processes. A.A. Iserov (72).
      Cultural languages ​​of the 19th century. K.V. Kondakov (Languages ​​of Russian culture - V.S. Parsamov) (92).
      Education and science. A.N. Dmitriev, N.V. Rostislavleva, M.V. Loskutov (137).
      Medicine in the 19th century. A.M. Stochik, S.N. Zatravkin (173).
      Religion and the Church. S.G. Antonenko (192).
      Politics and society. N.P. Tanshina, M.P. Aizenshtat (210).
      Empire and nation in the "long 19th century". A.I. Miller (246).
      Pax Britannica: UK. M.P. Aizenshtat (264).
      Pax Britannica: Dominions. A.A. Iserov, A.N. Uchaev (296).
      Pax Britannica: India. L.B. Alaev (309).
      France: from Napoleonic despotism to parliamentary democracy. A.V. Revyakin (322).
      Decline of the Spanish Empire. I.Yu. Mednikov (362).
      Portugal: the decline of a great empire. A.P. Chernykh (376).
      The Netherlands: a small European country - a great colonial power. G.A. Shatokhin-Mordvintsev (390).
      Belgium: kingdom and empire. A.S. Namazov (403).
      Southeast Asia: from traditional to colonial society. V.L. Tyurin (416).
      Sub-Saharan Africa: Local Civilizations and the Colonial Division. A.S. Balezin (431).
      Russian 19th century. V.S. Parsamov (450).
      The Habsburg Monarchy in the 19th century: from an absolutist empire to a constitutional state. E.V. Kotova (504).
      The Ottoman Empire in the 19th century: the long search for renewal. S.F. Oreshkova, M.S. Meyer (527).
      Arab world. B.V. Dolgov, E.A. Prussian (545).
      Iran under the rule of the Qajar dynasty. A.I. Polishchuk (559).
      China and the World: Contradictory Processes of Modernization. O.E. Nepominin (574).
      Japan on the way to the "club of great powers". S.B. Markaryants, E.V. Molodyakova (596).
      Germany: the embodiment of the national dream. A.G. Matveeva (617).
      Italy in the 19th century: The Risorgimento. Z.P. Yakhimovich, A.A. Mitrofanov (642).
      Northern Europe on the way to prosperity. V.V. Roginsky (664).
      The Rise of Nation States in Southeast Europe. O.E. Petrunina (675).
      Western Hemisphere: Continuity and Change. A.A. Iserov (686).
      USA: on the way to power. B.M. Shpotov (694).
      Latin America: a century of independence. M.S. Alperovich (722).
      The Napoleonic Wars and the Vienna System of International Relations. V.V. Roginsky (752).
      International order, wars and diplomatic relations in the middle of the 19th century. V.V. Roginsky, V.N. Vinogradov (789).
      World politics of the last third of the 19th - early 20th centuries. A.V. Revyakin (811).
      The World in the 19th Century: Historical Results and Looking to the Future. V.S. Mirzekhanov (845).
      Chronological table (compiled by G.A. Shatokhina-Mordvintseva) (861).
      Selected Literature (877).
      Index of names (compiled by A.A. Kritsky, E.A. Prusskaya) (895).
      Index of geographical names (compiled by S.A. Eliseev, B.S. Kotov) (915).

Publisher's note: The volume is devoted to the key problems of the "long 19th century" (from the French Revolution to the First World War), meaningful from the standpoint of the latest achievements of historical science - the industrial revolution, urbanization, as well as scientific and technological progress and economic growth, the formation of modern political institutions of citizenship, constitutionalism and parliamentarism, the ideologies of liberalism, conservatism, socialism, nationalism, the colonial redistribution of the world and the dominance of Europe unprecedented in history. The publication includes an introductory theoretical section that summarizes the history of the century around the world and focuses on the increased intensity of macro-processes in the period under review, as well as chapters that describe the history of individual countries - empires and nation-states.
For historians and a wide range of readers.

I have long wanted to do something similar on the blog, but still could not figure out how to implement it. I thought, I thought and decided not to give a damn ... and came up with. What am I talking about? And here's what: I have such a hobby printing and binding books. As a rule, these are those books that are difficult to find and buy, or easy to find, but it’s impossible to buy - the price is hefty. And with the help of the all-good Internet, an electronic version of the book you are looking for is found, printed on a laser printer, stitched and bound. And in a few years I have accumulated more than 200 books of this kind. So I thought, why does it lie just like that - let it work.

And with this post, I open a regular column "Samizdat "Nota Bene", in which I will talk about the books that I printed and bound, I will show a short video of their appearance, I will give a link to download these same books. And maybe in the future I will make some videos about how I print and bind books. I confess, I promised such a video for a long time, but it still didn’t work out, something interfered. And, to be honest, I still see little point in this - these videos on YouTube are a wagon and a small cart. One more, one less, and they are all the same. If you, the readers, are interested, I will make such a movie.

And the first book, or rather books in this section, will be five hefty volumes "The World History" under reaction Alexander Oganovich Chubaryan from the Moscow publishing house "Nauka". There are actually six volumes in the series, but only five have been released to date. Therefore, here I am talking about only five volumes. When the sixth volume will be released is still unknown.

Chubaryan, Alexander Oganovich- Russian historian, specialist in modern and contemporary European history, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Historical Sciences. Director of the Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences. First Rector and President of the State University for the Humanities. President of the Russian Society of Historians and Archivists. Member of the Norwegian Academy of Sciences. Laureate of the National Science Assistance Foundation award in the category "Outstanding Scientists" (2004). Since 2009, he has been a member of the Commission for Counteracting Attempts to Falsify History to the Detriment of Russia's Interests.

I have been looking for these books for a very long time in order to buy them. And I was not stopped by the price of them - in different places they asked for from two to six thousand rubles. For example, at Ozone, these volumes are sold out of order, and for one of them they want three thousand rubles. And this is in Russia, and the delivery of such a volume to my area will cost about half the cost of the book, so for one volume I will have to pay about five thousand. And for five volumes - 25,000 rubles. Simple math, right? Where do I get that kind of money? Well, one thousand still all right, the books are worthy, but five - it hurts.

They saved the torrents and now I have digitized copies of books in DJVU format on my computer. Simple manipulations that I described in articles on layout and printing books at home. Then a few evenings spent on binding and binding books, and now I am the owner of five hefty volumes of World History. The books are really big.

I decided to abandon the original appearance of the covers and went the most simple way - the path of minimalism. What difference does it make to me whether there will be some kind of indistinct picture on the cover or its name will simply be written on it. In the original, the books are black, covered with multi-colored dust jackets, which seemed superfluous to me. And I chose red because ... because I had red paper. And the books came out in a slightly smaller format than the originals: this is due to the limitations of home printing on A4. Of course, the font size has decreased, but remains readable. At first I thought to print books with magnification - one page on a whole sheet of A4, it would be great to read: large letters, large pictures, but the books would be simply huge and just because of this it would be impossible to read them. Less is better.

But be that as it may, I have not yet begun to read these books: not because there is no time, or because they are so huge, but because I am not yet ready for such literature. It is necessary to study several books simpler, at a lower level, and then take on such giants. And the very fact that I have these books warms my soul. So download these books and join the wonderful world of history.


academician A. O. CHUBARYAN (editor-in-chief)
corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences V. I. VASILYEV (deputy editor-in-chief)
corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences P. Yu. UVAROV (deputy editor-in-chief)
Candidate of Historical Sciences M. A. LIPKIN (executive secretary)
corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences X. A. AMIRKHANOV
academician B. V. ANANICH
academician A. I. GRIGORIEV
Doctor of Historical Sciences A. B. DAVIDSON
academician A. P. DEREVYANKO
corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences S. P. KARPOV
academician A. A. KOKOSHIN
academician V. S. MYASNIKOV
Doctor of Historical Sciences V. V. NAUMKIN
academician A. D. NEKIPELOV
Doctor of Historical Sciences K. V. NIKIFOROV
academician Y. S. PIVOVAROV
corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences E. I. PIVOVAR
Doctor of Historical Sciences A. P. REPINA
academician V. A. Tishkov
academician A. V. TORKUNOV
academician I. Kh. URILOV

Editorial board of the first volume:

Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences A. I. Ivanchik,

Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Kh. A. Amirkhanov,

Doctor of Historical Sciences G. A. Koshelenko,

Doctor of Historical Sciences O. V. Sidorovich


Doctor of Historical Sciences A. A. Bokshchanin,

Doctor of Historical Sciences P. P. Shkarenkov


The Russian reader is offered a new six-volume edition of World History. The previous 13-volume edition was published in the 60s of the XX century. It presented a lot of factual material, but the whole concept of the publication, historical assessments, of course, reflected the ideological postulates of that time. The idea of ​​development and change of socio-economic formations permeated all volumes (from antiquity to modern times). Since then, in the historical science of Russia, and indeed the whole world, there have been huge fundamental changes. With the refusal of Russian historians from the formational paradigm as a universal and the only criterion for revealing and understanding the history of mankind, the possibility of a pluralistic view of the course of world history opened up before Russian historiography. The publication in Russia of the works of the most prominent representatives of world philosophical and historical knowledge - Max Weber and Arnold Toynbee, Fernand Braudel and Karl Jaspers - allowed historians to get acquainted with alternative explanations of world history.

Interest in history has increased significantly in modern society. In Russia and in many other countries, there are heated discussions around the assessment of many historical events, especially in relation to the 20th century. The sharpness of the controversy is also caused by the fact that in a number of countries there has been a tendency to revise the established assessments of the history of Russia and other countries, problems of international relations and social conflicts. According to a number of historians and political scientists, public figures and journalists, in different countries there is a clear “politicization” and “nationalization” of history, which makes it difficult to search for and disseminate historical knowledge and the truth about real events in domestic and world history.

All this raises the social status and importance of historical science; at the same time, criticism of professional historians from various circles of the population is also increasing. Moreover, these phenomena are characteristic both for Russia and for other countries. On this basis, there is a growing interest in comprehending historical experience, in understanding its role in modern life. Historical science is becoming increasingly important both as a source of knowledge about the past, about national and international traditions, and as an accumulator of historical memory and the historical path traversed by mankind.

In this regard, history is an important, if not the most important, tool for shaping the personality and educating the younger generation, affirming value orientations among young people in which modern life is organically combined with historical experience and the legacy of the past. Thanks to it, a genetic link with previous generations is maintained, on which knowledge and information obtained in schools, universities and through the media are superimposed.

In recent years, thousands of fundamental works have been published in many states, revealing world, regional and national history. The reprinting of world-famous publications, such as the Cambridge History, constantly stimulates the study of theoretical problems of world history.

Over the course of 15–20 years, new areas of scientific development and research have emerged in this area. First of all, we are talking about the so-called "global history". This term appeared in historical science as a result of worldwide interest in the problems of globalization and in the universality of the historical process. The spread of the topic of "global history" has led to the publication of a significant number of works on this issue; A special Association for Global History was created, scientific journals began to be published in many countries, the topic of global history was included in the program of the International Congress of Historical Sciences.

The main thing is that "global history" has become a kind of new confirmation of the "universality" of the historical process, its integrity and, to some extent, universality, thereby obtaining a new impetus and legitimacy in the study of its problems. At the same time, the past years have shown that the concept and the term "global history" itself is by no means a universal and even less the only criterion for understanding and revealing historical development. The concept of "global history" only points to the interconnection of continents, regions and states in different historical eras, to common processes and similar phases of development.

In world history, globalism and universality, universalism and macrohistory have always attracted considerable attention from the historical community. In this context, topics such as the formation and collapse of empires, integration processes in history, the interconnection of continents, comparative studies, the economic aspect of internationalization, are actively studied by specialists in different countries.

But along with this, there is clearly a growing interest in regional and local history, in private life and in the history of everyday life. Sharp discussions unfolded in the 90s of the 20th century around the problems of not only macro-history, but also micro-history. The rejection of the theory of formations aroused in Russian historiography a great interest in the study of individual issues, in everyday life, united by the concept of "microhistory". To a greater extent, this trend was the result of the refusal of the majority of Russian historians from the desire to explain all the diversity of the historical process with a single concept of socio-economic formations. After lengthy discussions, historians have come to the conclusion that a macro- and micro-historical approach is necessary, but the historical synthesis remains the most important criterion and way to explain the progressive movement of mankind. In the context of these phenomena, one can find an explanation for the correlation of a historical fact, a specific event and the general lines of development, synthesis and narrative.

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