Early exam stage. Who can take the early exam? Taking exams away from home

Who is allowed to take the exam?

All graduates are allowed to pass the state final certification educational institutions Russia, having annual estimates in all subjects of the curriculum for grades X-XI (XII) not lower than satisfactory.
Deciding whether or not to allow a student to state attestation, is adopted by the pedagogical council of the institution in which the educational process is carried out, and is drawn up by order.
In order to be admitted to the Unified State Exam since 2015, students need to receive a credit for the final essay, which must be written in December or no later than April of the current year. Graduates previous years write a final essay.
All important information about the final essay - in the section "Final essay on the exam".

What tasks are found on the exam?

USE tasks are provided at the exam in the form of an individual package of KIMs (control and measuring materials).
On the site www.ege.edu.ru, which is official portal Unified State Examination, projects of KIMs of the Unified State Examination of 2019 in all subjects have been published. You can get acquainted with them in the section of the FIPI website (Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements) USE / Demo versions, specifications, codifiers. On the same site you can find demo versions of CIMs of past years.
The demo version shows what the tasks for the exam will be, but does not reflect all the elements of the content of the tasks. In order to clearly know which topics need to be reviewed before the exam, open the document called "Specification". It lists all the topics you need.
In addition, in the "Demo version" section, there may be applications with additional materials(for example, dictionaries of accents and paronyms for the Russian language exam). These appendices will help you prepare for the exam because they contain material that is particularly difficult.
All demos are in the "Demo versions of KIMs for the Unified State Examination" section.

What teaching aids should be used in preparing for the exam?

You probably noticed that many publications are stamped “Recommended by FIPI”. In fact expert advice FIPI (Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements) has not reviewed or recommended any textbooks and manuals for many years. Use guides from reputable publishers and read recommendations from sites you trust.
It is best to use manuals for subjects from the Federal List, which is recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation.
The FIPI website www.fipi.ru hosts the Federal Bank test items, which includes materials that were used during the USE in previous years in all general education subjects. Unfortunately, this section of the site also contains tasks in an outdated format.
The list of recommended publications is in the "Textbooks and manuals" section.

What are the dates for the exam?

The main dates for the Unified State Exam are May-June. In addition, in April, graduates can take the exam ahead of schedule.
In February 2015, for the first time will be held USE exam in Russian language and geography for persons who have already completed the study of these courses. In addition, since 2015, additional deadlines for passing the exam were introduced in September for graduates who received an unsatisfactory result in the exam in May. Those who are dissatisfied with the results of the main period and are thinking about entering a university next year can also take the exam in September.
All dates are in the "Calendar of the Unified State Examination" section.

How many tasks are in KIM?

All KIMs in one subject are standardized and contain the same number of tasks in the same thematic sequence. But the number of tasks in different subjects and the time for their completion do not match, for example, the USE in the Russian language in 2015 assumes the completion of 25 tasks in 210 minutes.
You can get exact information about the number of tasks for each subject in the section "Demonstration versions of KIMs for the Unified State Examination".

How long does it take to pass the exam?

In general, the exam in each subject lasts at least 180 minutes. IN different years the duration of the exam in certain subjects differed slightly (by 5-10 minutes). It depends on the structure of the exam task. The shortest exams basic mathematics, biology, geography and English language- take three hours, the longest - by specialized mathematics, social studies, history, physics, computer science, literature - last almost four hours. The duration of the exam for more than four hours is not allowed, since in this case a break for lunch is required.

In all regions of the country, the USE starts at 10:00 local time. The announced duration of the exam does not include the time allotted for preparatory activities (instruction USE participants, opening special delivery packages with examination materials, filling in the registration fields on the USE forms).

The duration of the USE for each subject is determined in advance and is established by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation annually.
The duration of the Unified State Examination in 2016 is now declared in the Projects of demo versions in subjects:
USE in mathematics basic 180 minutes (3 hours)
USE in mathematics profile 235 minutes (3 hours 55 m)
USE in Russian 210 minutes (3.5 hours)
Unified State Examination in Social Studies 235 minutes (3 hours 55 meters)
Unified State Examination in Physics 235 minutes (3 hours 55 meters)
Unified State Examination in History 235 minutes (3 hours 55 meters)
Biology USE 180 minutes (3 hours)
USE in Chemistry 210 minutes (3.5 hours)
USE in Informatics 235 minutes (3 hours 55 meters)
Unified State Examination in Literature 235 minutes (3 hours 55 meters)
USE in geography 180 minutes (3 hours)
Unified State Examination foreign languages 180 minutes (3 hours)

Is it true that it is easier to pass the exam ahead of schedule than at the main stage?

All KIMs are formed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Complete Secondary General Education and approved codifiers and specifications (see the section "Demonstration versions of KIMs for the Unified State Examination"). The options for early KIMs are neither easier nor more difficult than at the main stage of the exam. Since 2015, FIPI has been publishing one real option KIM of the early period, which makes it possible to assess the real complexity of the tasks in the exam. The content (general formulation of questions) and the complexity of tasks in these KIMs does not differ from what is offered in the Demo version and at the exams in May-June.
Why do we need different KIMs in different time zones? Will there be different tasks in my region than in others?
All KIMs are formed in such a way as to ensure the variability of sets of individual examination tasks. In each time zone, a separate set of tasks is used for this, from which an individual version is formed for each student. KIMs that are used in different regions of the country and in different time zones can have noticeable differences from each other, sometimes even the wording of the tasks does not match (“which words have one letter H missing” and ““ which words have two letters HH missing”) . However, all KIMs are formed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Complete Secondary General Education and approved codifiers and specifications, and all USE assignments similar to those offered in manuals and collections of standard options.

If I am a winner of the All-Russian Olympiad, is this taken into account when passing the exam?

Diploma of the winner All-Russian Olympiad equates to 100 points in the subject of the Olympiad. If you plan to enter a university for a specialty that corresponds to the profile of the Olympiad, you will be enrolled without passing exams. If you enter a specialty that does not correspond to the profile of the Olympiad, then the diploma of the winner of the All-Russian Olympiad will be equated to 100 points for one entrance test corresponding to the subject of the Olympiad.

The early stage of passing the exam is coming to an end, so we have collected advice from those who have already passed the exam, for those who are yet to do so. Guys share personal experience and tell what happened in the audience, why they passed early, and what should be paid attention to those who will take the exam in the summer. The first subject is mathematics - profile and basic.

Galina Sysoeva

I passed the basic mathematics in the early period, because on May 22 I fly to Croatia for the World Dance Championship as part of the Russian team. During the exam, I was the only one in the audience, the rest of the guys passed profile mathematics in another room.

My set of documents was printed right in front of me and very quickly, after the observers helped with filling out the registration form.

The assignments in KIM were the same as in all the collections for which we were preparing. In my opinion, everything is simple.

I advise graduates not to worry during the exam and in the remaining time to solve all the tasks in a row - then there will be no surprises for you on the exam.

Nikita Dobrovolsky

I am retaking the exam in specialized mathematics this year, so I am doing it ahead of schedule. I can say that I got an easy option.

I'm not sure that I did all the tasks correctly, but some of them were much easier than those that I was used to during preparation.

I didn’t really like that it wasn’t written how to fill in part C correctly, so it took me seven sheets, and the rest - a maximum of three.

Yana Vetergan

I passed the exam in specialized mathematics ahead of schedule, because last year I made a mistake in the main period. I skipped the first task, forgot it, and wrote down all the answers in the wrong order.

This year I didn't like how everything was organized. Now KIMs are printed right in the classroom. While the teachers were printing them, the paper ran out, and they redid it all over again. Some students were nervous, others were laughing and joking.

The first part was very simple - there were no tasks that we did not solve. But the second part seemed difficult. The tasks are the same as in the collections, but much more calculations need to be done. If I solved the first part in an hour, then I spent the rest of the allotted time on solving the second part - although, in theory, this is how it should be done. A guy was sitting behind me, he even cursed several times because of the second part. Six out of 14 people left an hour later - I don’t know what they managed to decide there.

Alexey Ryabovsky

I already passed the exam in specialized mathematics, but I entered the wrong university where I wanted to. Decided to turn over.

The atmosphere was calm in the audience, the tasks were not easier than at the main stage, and even more difficult than last year. Graduates, remember that you have little time - this is the main difficulty that you will face in the exam.

I didn’t even use drafts from the experience of the previous year, knowing that there would be no time to rewrite. I wrote all the allotted hours without distraction. I did not have time to do the second part of the 16th task. It would have been at least half an hour, I would have decided to the end.

Most main advice- decide. If you know how to solve this or that task, you won’t even have to think when you see the tasks - you will immediately start writing and save time.

If you are applying for a high score, then there will be no chance to sit and think.

At the request of graduates of the Unified State Examination and the OGE, if there are sufficient grounds, it can be carried out ahead of schedule. To do this, at the time of passing the GIA, it is necessary to successfully pass the intermediate certification and have an admission to pass the GIA. The procedure for admission to the early delivery of the GIA differs for different categories of graduates.

Graduates of the 9th grade may be admitted to early passing the OGE only if there are valid reasons, documented.

26. For students who do not have the opportunity, for valid reasons, documented to pass the GIA within the time limits established in accordance with paragraphs 24 and 25 of this Procedure, the GIA is carried out ahead of schedule, but no earlier than April 20, in the forms established by this Procedure. (p. 26)

Graduates of the 11th grade may be admitted to the early delivery of the exam at will.

29. For students, the GIA, at their request, can be carried out ahead of schedule, but not earlier than March 1, in the forms established by this Procedure. ()

Graduates of previous years having a certificate of completion of grade 11, college graduates, or students who received unsatisfactory results at the end of the GIA last year and left the school with a certificate, take the exam exclusively ahead of schedule or at an additional time.

For graduates of previous years, the Unified State Examination is held ahead of schedule, but not earlier than March 1, and (or) at additional dates for the Unified State Examination in the forms established by this Procedure.

Participation in the exams of graduates of previous years at other dates for the USE is allowed only if they have good reasons (illness or other documented circumstances) and the corresponding decision of the SEC. ()

In 2019, the early period for the exam is scheduled from March 20 to April 10, for passing the OGE - from April 22 to May 14.

How to resolve the issue of passing the GIA in the early period

Grade 9 students must additionally document that they cannot take exams during the main period for a good reason, such good reasons may be illness and the need to undergo a rehabilitation course in the main and additional periods of the OGE, moving the family to a permanent place of residence in another country and others exceptional cases. Grade 9 graduates who received unsatisfactory results at the end of the last year's OGE and have a certificate with the results of intermediate certification in their hands can be admitted to the early delivery of the OGE.

To pass the GIA early, students in grade 11 need to write an application addressed to the principal of the school, indicating the reason. As a rule, the need to pass the exam ahead of schedule arises:

  • if in May-June they will be in sanatoriums and other medical institutions on health-improving or rehabilitation programs;
  • if graduates are participants in competitions, olympiads or competitions, and the period of competition or training coincides with the deadline for passing the exam in the main stream. Such competitions and olympiads can be both national and international;
  • if eleventh graders plan to move to live in another country after graduation. Note that the move may be associated not only with emigration, but also with plans to continue education on a student visa at a foreign university;
  • if the graduates of evening schools this year have to go to military service.

Advantages of early delivery of the exam

The early stream USE options are no easier than the main stream options. The difficulty level of all variants of the current year is similar. However

More time to choose a university

One of the main advantages early delivery The exam is an additional time for making an important decision. Graduates who passed the exam ahead of schedule, by the end of April already know their results, and can calculate their chances of entering the chosen university. Days are good for this open doors and education fairs. And if the results of the exams do not please the graduate, then the decision on where to enter and what profession to choose will not have to be made in a hurry.

It is also important to reduce the pre-examination fuss. The last two months of study will not be held in such tension as the rest of the students who take the exam in the main stream.

A calmer exam atmosphere

The first spring wave of those who pass the exam is incomparably smaller than the main stream. So, in 2017, 26.5 thousand people took part in early delivery, and 703 thousand in the main flow. It should be noted, however, that in 2018, 41,000 graduates fell on the early wave. But despite the fact that the number of early adopters has grown, they are still very few compared to the main stream. It is easy to imagine the level of intensity of the nervously excited graduates who have gathered so massively in the main stream. The early wave in this comparison looks much calmer: in big cities only a few dozen people can gather in examination points, and only a few in smaller settlements. Do not forget about the graduates of past years, who could change their minds and not show up for the exam early. In addition, since it is the graduates of previous years who make up the bulk of the early wave, the atmosphere in the classrooms is less tense, because they are more relaxed about exams due to their age. Being able to calm down on an exam is essential to getting successful results. Also, a small number of people in the audience minimizes preliminary briefing: verification of barcodes, control of filling out forms, and so on, which also reduces excitement.

Good organization and comfortable conditions

In 2018, about 41,000 people took the USE ahead of schedule, mostly graduates of previous years. Since there were few takers, only 245 examination sites were used. A small number of examination points is characterized by the removal of special attention to all organizational issues. Therefore, in the early period there is practically no technical problems and organizational violations usually do not occur. It is also unlikely that there will be a shortage of additional forms or, for example, the absence of clocks in the classroom.

Many cities in Russia are characterized by a very changeable summer. Therefore, taking exams at the end of May and June may not be very comfortable physically. If there is a hot day during the exam, it can become quite stuffy in the classroom, and the organizers do not always agree to open the windows. In a cold summer, you can face the opposite situation - in June, the heating has long been turned off, the audiences are cold and the cold also makes it difficult to concentrate. In the spring, in the early period of passing the exam, the temperature in the classroom is more predictable.

Quick check

Since a smaller number of works are checked in the early period of passing the exam, experts cope with the check faster. Usually the work is checked 7-9 days, but scores can be published a few days earlier. When submitting in the main stream, the verification of works takes about two weeks.

Cons of passing the exam in the early period

Less preparation time

The main disadvantage of early delivery of the exam is less time for preparation compared to the main stream. This will be the most important drawback for eleventh graders who decide to take the exam ahead of schedule. This is due to the fact that some topics of the school course included in the USE program can be studied at the very end. school year. Graduates will have to get acquainted with them on their own.

The surprise of changes in KIM USE

As you know, every year USE options change. Since the early period is the first wave, new control and measuring materials are presented on it. Graduates who will take the exam in the main stream, teachers will have time to prepare for the changes, focusing on the data published after the early delivery. Such data are FIPI demo versions and options that were solved in an early stream. Those who are going to take the exam in the spring cannot count on such luxury and must be prepared for the unexpected.

Harder to prepare

Graduates who take exams in the main stream take first trial exams that take place at the end of the academic year. Due to the fact that the early wave of passing takes place in March-April, graduates who join it are deprived of the opportunity to take exams for trial. Sometimes you can find practice exams in district departments of education, but often such an exam turns out to be paid. Many students use online servers for preparation, but this method can also fail. Often, site owners, when laying out options, are guided by the deadlines for the delivery of the main stream and do not have time to adapt KIM to all the changes of this year.

Territorial remoteness of the exam

As we have already mentioned, the number of people who pass the exam ahead of schedule is not numerous. Accordingly, much fewer examination points are organized. For comparison, in the early period in 2018, 245 examination points were organized, and in the main stream of 2017 - 4.5 thousand. This leads to the fact that the inhabitants of all districts territorially big city can take the exam in one of the subjects at one point. For residents of remote areas, this can be quite problematic.

Publication date:

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Applications for early passing the exam in 2017 were accepted until February 1 (inclusive), and the first exam was passed by schoolchildren and graduates of previous years already on March 23. This is two months before the main stage. In order not to be late next year, the site talks about the deadlines, required documents and ways to get the results of the exam.

Why before others?

Most often, the USE is passed ahead of schedule by graduates of previous years. They need an exam to enter the university. Currently, all Russian higher education institutions are asked to provide USE results, which are considered valid for four years following the year in which the exam was taken. In order to become one of those lucky ones who take exams earlier than others and enjoy the results a couple of months earlier, it is enough not to miss the application deadlines and collect all Required documents. But first things first.

I want to be one of the first! Can?

In order for everyone to pass the exam, it was divided into three stages: early, main and additional.

Early delivery is designed mainly for graduates of past years - those who want to improve their USE results or those who graduated from school before the introduction of the Unified State Exam. This year's graduates can also take the exams ahead of schedule, but for this, the school's pedagogical council must give permission. You can get it in the absence of academic debt and the full implementation of the curriculum.

In the additional examination period from September 5 to September 16, graduates who failed to score the minimum required scores, that is, to cross the threshold, in May - June, can take the exam in mathematics (basic level) or the Russian language.

The main requirement that should not be forgotten is that the exam is taken once a year. The exception is graduates of the current year who did not pass the USE in Russian language and mathematics (basic level). If you didn't score minimum scores in one of these subjects, you can retake it in an additional period. In other subjects, in case of failure, it will be possible to try your hand only next year.

The main thing is not to forget your passport

For early delivery, students apply for participation in the exam at their school. Graduates of previous years must apply for participation in the exam in the departments regional center processing of information of Moscow (RTSOI). From the documents you will need a passport and an original document on education.

The application must list the subjects in which you plan to take the exams. For graduates of the current year, exams in the Russian language and mathematics (for any of the two levels) are mandatory, the rest can be chosen independently (most often, depending on the profile of the university).

A passport will be needed not only when applying, but also for admission to the exam itself - the data will be checked against the list of participants, which is printed out from the regional information system.

Regardless of when you have an exam, there is one application deadline. This year, early exams began on March 23 and will end on April 14. Applications had to be submitted by February 1, 2017 inclusive. After this date, only applications from those who had good reasons, such as illness, were considered. Applications close two weeks before the start of the exams.

The exam is available to everyone

Clear organization

Quick check

Less preparation time

Taking exams from home

Each student takes two sessions annually at the established educational institution terms. Session - the final test of the student's knowledge obtained during the academic semester. But there are emergency situations that fall during the period of passing session tests and exams. In this case, the student decides to take them ahead of schedule. Hand over ahead of schedule session possible only within the academic semester. How to do it?


Try to negotiate with teachers in whose disciplines it is possible to get an automatic grade.

Write to the dean's office in the name of the dean with a request for permission to pass and offset ahead of schedule. In the application, indicate the reason and a document confirming the need for early delivery of the session. The reasons may be observation on a stationary one, childbirth, the coincidence of the timing of sessions in different ones, a call on a business trip from work, etc. It is possible that the permission of the Vice-Rector for If they pass a verdict in your favor, they will indicate the specific dates for the session, but no later than the beginning of the test week.

Get a referral to pass a test or exam early.


There are usually 1-2 days left to prepare for the exam, so it is very difficult to pass. Remember that all early exams are taken one on one with the teacher and it is almost impossible to use cheat sheets.

Related article

A session at the university is the period of passing exams by students, after their six-month study at the university. The session is winter and summer, respectively, and for most students is one of the most difficult and responsible periods of study, but not for all. There are people for whom passing a session does not represent costs and incredible efforts. We will immediately exclude students who pay for exams from this list, this article is not about that.

Let's start with the fact that each student should ask himself the question why he came to this or that university. To get a diploma or to gain real knowledge that he will use throughout his life? People who study for a piece of cardboard that formally reflects their knowledge, as a rule, have a very hard time passing a session. They do not perform practical tasks, rarely appear in pairs. Hence the conclusion: study for the sake of gaining knowledge, attend all classes, write lectures, they will help you when passing the exam, and you do not have to read mountains of material from books. As a rule, answers to all exam questions can be found in the lecture notes that students write in lecture classes, and if you have all the notes, this will greatly facilitate your life while preparing for the exam. Reread at home the material that you wrote down at the lecture to consolidate it. Do not forget that teachers are your friends in terms of studying, and it is equally important for them that their students pass the session, so do not hesitate to clarify the points of the material that you do not understand, because then it can be very difficult to figure it out.

It's much easier to get an automatic credit than you think. The exception is perhaps the very first session of the first course. Here the student is checked how he is determined to learn. You will be required to attend classes and complete all tasks that are not difficult to complete if you have mastered the lecture material. Find out right away at the beginning of the school year which of the teachers puts the test automatically, and from which it is simply impossible to get it. Usually, teachers talk about this in the very first training sessions. Set a goal for yourself to get an automatic.

If possible, do not refuse to write a scientific report or other single work that is not given to all students. Grab it and try to connect the teacher, it will only play into your hands. You will earn the location of the teacher, you will be in sight, and with his help, make your work easier to a minimum.

Now let's move on to preparing for the exam. And the first picture that can appear in the imagination is the image of a student sitting at a table and surrounded by books at 3 o'clock in the morning on the very last day before the exam. This, of course, is also an option, but, frankly, not the easiest. To avoid this, do not postpone the preparation until the last day. Usually 3-4 days are given so that the student can fully prepare. Make a work plan for 3 days so that during this time all the questions are sorted out by you. At the consultation before the exam, ask questions that you could not understand. Thus, on the 4th day you will not have incomprehensible moments. Review the material and, most importantly, get enough sleep so that you wake up in the morning with a fresh head.


  • how to pass a student exam

Advice 4: Passing the exam early: advantages and disadvantages

Unified state exams in Russia take place in two "waves": the early period takes place in the spring, in March-April, the main one - after the end of the academic year, in the last days of May and June. At the same time, some categories of applicants have the right to independently choose the terms. And in order for the choice to be balanced, it is necessary to understand all the advantages and disadvantages of early exams.

Who can take the exam ahead of schedule

Those who have already fully mastered the school curriculum. This:

  • graduates of past years, regardless of the "statute of limitations" of the certificate (those who left the school many years ago and last year's graduates who want to improve their results have the right to take early exams);

  • graduates of technical schools, lyceums and colleges, who have already fully completed the development of the course of a general education school.

In addition, some categories of eleventh-graders also have the right to take the exam without waiting for the end of the last academic year. These include:

  • graduates of evening schools who this year will go to military service;

  • children who, after graduation from school, leave for permanent residence in another country, regardless of whether in question about emigration or a student visa to continue education at a foreign university or college;

  • participants of all-Russian or international competitions, olympiads or competitions - if the period of competitions or training camps coincides with the main stage of passing the exam;

  • eleventh-graders who in May-June will be in sanatoriums and other medical institutions on health-improving or rehabilitation programs;

  • graduates of Russian schools located outside Russia - if they are located in areas with difficult climatic conditions.

In order to be able to take the exam ahead of schedule, eleventh-graders must write an application addressed to the director of their school, indicating the reason.

The main advantages of passing the exam in the early period

There is a common myth that the USE options for the early period are easier than for the main one. This is not the case, the level of difficulty of the options for all examinees of the current year is similar. However, some organizational features of the spring "wave" do allow some to achieve higher scores.

Less people - less nerves

The early period for passing the exam is incomparable in terms of mass with the main one. For example, in 2016, throughout Russia, 26,000 people passed exams ahead of schedule - and in the summer "wave" the number of examinees approached 700,000. As a result, not hundreds of extremely excited schoolchildren gather in megacities at exam points - but only a few dozen people ( and in smaller settlements the account of “early-timers” can also go to units). In addition, some graduates of previous years who applied for the exam may change their mind by the day of the exam and not appear for the test - as a result, 6-8 examiners can sit in an audience designed for 15 people. Moreover, some of them will be adults who usually perceive the exam than the average schoolchildren, “wound up” by numerous conversations that the USE will decide their fate.

This makes the overall psychological situation during the exam an order of magnitude less nervous. And, as the experience of many graduates shows, the ability to calm down and concentrate during the passing of the exam plays a decisive role. In addition, with a small number of applicants, the time for preliminary briefing and “organizational questions” is significantly reduced: printing and distributing tasks, checking the coincidence of bar codes, monitoring the completion of forms, and so on. And this also reduces the "degree of excitement."

Clear organization

Early delivery of the exam is considered the official start of the examination campaign. At this time, only a few examination points are working in the regions, while great attention is paid to the organization of work in them. Therefore, despite the fact that it is during the early period that all procedural innovations are usually “run in”, failures, technical problems and organizational violations usually do not occur. And the probability of encountering, for example, a lack of additional forms or the absence of hours in the audience tends to zero.

Predictable microclimate in the classroom

Passing exams at the end of May and June is fraught with another danger - on hot days it can be very stuffy in the exam room, and direct rays summer sun may add to the discomfort. At the same time, the organizers of the exams do not always agree to open the windows. In the spring, during the heating season, the air temperature in the classroom is more predictable, and you can always dress “for the weather” so that you don’t get cold and sweat during the exam.

Quick check

During the early period of the Unified State Examination, the workload on experts checking papers is much lower - and, accordingly, papers are checked faster. It’s still not worth waiting for the results the next day after the exams - the official deadlines for checking the work of the early period are usually 7-9 days, while the scores can be published a couple of days before the deadline. During the main period, students usually have to wait for the results of the exam for about two weeks.

Time to develop an admissions strategy

Those who pass the USE ahead of schedule already by the end of April know their results for sure - and they have another two months to analyze in detail their chances of entering a particular university in the chosen direction, “targeting” go to open days and so on. And, even if the results turned out to be lower than expected, there is plenty of time to find a way out of this situation.

In addition, graduate students who “shoot back” with exams can spend the last two months very relaxed school life. While their classmates are diligently preparing for exams, writing samples and running around tutors, they can go about their business with a sense of accomplishment.

Disadvantages of early delivery of the exam

Less preparation time

The main disadvantage of passing the exam in the early period is obvious: the earlier the exam date, the less time for preparation. This may be especially important for graduates of the current year - after all, some topics of the school course included in the USE program can be studied in the fourth quarter of the last school year. In this case, you will have to get acquainted with them on your own, or with the help of a tutor.

The first "running in" of changes in the KIM USE

Control and measuring materials for most subjects are undergoing changes, and the early period for passing the exam is also the first of all innovations “in combat conditions”. During the preparation for the exams of the main period, the examinees and their teachers use as "official guidelines" both the FIPI demo version and the versions of the pre-terms published "after the fact". Those taking the exam in the spring are deprived of such an opportunity - they can use as an example of a set of tasks only demo version. Therefore, the chances of encountering an unexpected assignment during the early period are much higher.

Fewer opportunities to prepare

Schoolchildren taking exams in March-April do not have the opportunity to take part in trial exams, which usually take place at the very end of the school year. However, district departments education usually conduct practice exams and more early dates- but most often this service is paid.

In addition, the use of services for self-preparation for the exam can also cause difficulties: laying out options corresponding to the KIM of the current year, the owners of such services, as a rule, are guided by the terms of the main period. And, if you are taking a subject that is expected to change dramatically this year, the chance that a month before the early exam you will be able to find a service with a sufficient number of “plausible” options that are well adapted to the exam of the current year is quite low.

Taking exams from home

Since the number of those taking the USE ahead of schedule is small, the number of examination points is also greatly reduced. For example, residents of all districts of a large (and geographically “scattered”) city can take the exam in this subject at only one point. And for those who live in remote or “problematic” areas of the city in terms of transport, this can be a serious disadvantage. Especially considering that exams in different subjects can take place in different places cities, so that the route and travel time will have to be recalculated each time.

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