How to be successful at school. Is school performance and success in life related? Improving the annual assessment

Hey everyone!

Many of you have sometimes thought about teachers and to whom they sometimes give a kind of “discount”. In other words, excellent students. They seem to be the same as everyone else, but they always get straight A's. An excellent student does not always get all A's through his own work; sometimes the teacher can overestimate. Why is this happening?

I tried to figure it out in turn.

Lyrical digression. I'm in 7th grade. Good girl. The teachers treat me normally, but they never put me on an equal footing with the excellent students.

I decided to observe our excellent students. It turned out that they ask the most questions! How so? After all, they are excellent students and must understand everything.

Conclusion: you need to be able to quickly find your weak sides and immediately fill knowledge gaps.

They are also the most active students in class. Even counting the completely unimportant ones. For example, at our school we have psychology and rhetoric. They get an A in every lesson and the teacher begins to respect them.

Conclusion: be as active as possible in all lessons.

Excellent students very rarely allow cheating. Why? Because they are confident in their knowledge and skills. They try hard when doing homework and test themselves at home. After all, there are so many books now and each of you probably always has a computer and the Internet at hand. As a result, a person who relied on chance and came to school with an unfulfilled assignment will remain with his 2 or 3.

Conclusion: always do your homework conscientiously, regarding cheating: give/not give - your choice

Clothes also play a significant role. Excellent students always walk carefully, diligently, and tastefully. Teachers enjoy watching them.

From my own experience. The algebra teacher calls a fashionista with a three-year-old to the blackboard. (Our school has introduced a black and white uniform) The fashionista has big heels, a short black skirt, transparent White shirt and loose hair. In addition to everything, painted eyes and lips. I decided to observe the teacher’s reaction.

She looked at the girl with a stern look. Since a fashionista should be fashionable in everything, she wrote flirtatiously on the board. The teacher said: “Yulia, you didn’t come to the podium.” As a result, the girl received 3. Although, her error in the example was insignificant.

Conclusion: you need to dress for school diligently and in compliance with the school uniform regulations. Do not put on makeup or flirt at the board. Remember! Teachers love prudes

Additional Tips

Behave well in class. Don't chat and especially don't text! Teachers don't like this very much.

Don't interrupt the teacher's speech.

Do not be rude.

If you were reprimanded for no reason, just apologize and sit quietly below the grass.

If the teacher is in bad mood, never provoke him.

I hope my advice won't bother you. Believe me, I gained the respect and attention of teachers very quickly.

Of course, every parent wants to help their child be successful in school and enjoy learning. Sometimes this becomes an overwhelming task. Often, parents end up making the most common mistakes. Find out how to avoid these mistakes and bring the love of learning back into your child's life.

Of course, you, like many parents, are trying to do everything possible to prepare your children for school: buy school uniform, backpack at, notebooks, textbooks, tell the children how many interesting things the new school year will bring them.

We often worry about our children's academic performance. Parents want their children to be successful in school, because then bright prospects will open up for them. But we also have a painful feeling that if our child does not succeed in school, it means that we have failed as parents. What are we doing wrong?

Grumbling and reproaches

Parents, as a rule, do not start grumbling about doing homework until they encounter some problem (for example, homework done carelessly, or unwillingness to do homework). Grumbling only makes the situation worse. Instead, try problem-solving with your child. Ask him to come up with several solutions to the problem. Try to put at least one of his ideas into practice and discuss what came out of it.


You do not trust your child, you control the implementation homework, constantly tell him how and what to do. This will probably help you in the short term, but then how can you teach children independence in learning and responsibility for their work? Instead, help your child understand what he needs to do by asking guiding questions.

Focusing on future benefits

All parents know the importance good education in life. Don't expect your kids to be motivated by the idea; children rarely think about the future. It will be a great motivation for them if you tell them about the immediate benefits of learning.

Talk to teachers more often

Two-way communication is very important, let the teacher know how he can instill an interest in learning in your child. Ask what you can do to help your child master a particular subject and what problems need to be corrected.

Don't focus on grades

When you focus your attention on grades, the learning process itself ceases to be of any interest to the child; instead, children focus their attention only on the result. And if the desired result was not achieved, this, as a rule, does not lead to an increase in their motivation. Tell your children that success can be achieved not only in the field of education. Some children excel in music or sports, drama or art; some have excellent leadership qualities. Make sure you focus on your little one's talents more than grades.

How to achieve success in studies?

How to achieve success in studies? This question is of interest today modern youth. The article will show three tools, how to achieve success in studies, and will also teach you how to cope with lessons and homework.

The right attitude to study

Imagine that you find yourself in impenetrable jungle. Not a single ray of light breaks through the dense foliage. Dense thickets have enclosed you on all sides, it’s difficult to even move. To get out, you are forced to hack your way out with a sharp machete.

Doesn't this remind you of being at school? During the day you are in class, in the evening studying - no freedom, as if in a trap! Does it feel familiar? What is the hardest thing for you? Which subject? Write. ․․․․․

Your parents and teachers are probably trying to persuade you to take this subject seriously. This isn't just to make your life difficult. They want to unleash your full potential. What to do if it seems that the bar is too high and you give up? Cut your way! Some tools will help you with this. Which?

● 1st tool: correct attitude to study.

It is unlikely that you will have the desire to study if you do not see the point in it. So look ahead a little. The Apostle Paul wrote, “He who plows must plow in hope, and he who threshes must thresh in hope of receiving his share” (1 Corinthians 9:10).

But why bother “plowing” if you don’t see any benefit in the object? It may seem that from school curriculum Not everything will be useful to you, at least not now. However, by gaining general knowledge of various subjects, you will have a better understanding of the world around you.

This will make you an interesting conversationalist, “all things to all kinds of people” (1 Corinthians 9:22). One way or another, you will sharpen your mind, and later it will be very, very useful to you.

DO YOU KNOW…? Cheat sheets and other tricks undermine a person’s trust and hinder his development. And worse, it brings God's displeasure upon him (Proverbs 11:1).

● 2nd tool: self-confidence.

School can discover your hidden talents. Paul advised Timothy, “I remind you to kindle the gift of God that is in you like a fire” (2 Timothy 1:6). Obviously, Timothy performed a special ministry in the Christian congregation.

At the same time, he had to tirelessly develop the abilities received from God, the “gift,” and not allow them to go to waste. Of course, your ability to study is not given to you directly by God.

However, you have your own, individual talents. At school you will learn to develop them and you will even be able to reveal abilities that you didn’t even know you had.

Don't set yourself up for failure by thinking that you can't learn better. When thoughts creep in that you are incapable of anything, try to think about what you do well.

When people, perhaps unjustifiably, ridiculed Paul's oratory skills, he said, “Even if I am not skilled in speech, I am not skilled in knowledge” (2 Corinthians 10:10; 11:6). Paul recognized that he had weaknesses. But he knew that he had strengths.

And you? What are your strengths? If you don't see them yourself, talk to an adult who loves you. Such a friend will help you see where you are strong and how to develop your strengths.

● 3rd tool: good organization.

There are no shortcuts to academic success. Sooner or later you will have to take up your studies. Perhaps just the thought of it makes you sad. Still, it's worth learning. With a little effort, you might like it.

To organize yourself well, you need to manage your time correctly. Don’t forget: while you are a schoolboy, studying is the main thing for you. Of course, the Bible says there is a “time to laugh” and a “time to dance” (Ecclesiastes 3:1, 4; 11:9).

Like all children, you want to have time to relax and have fun. However, there is a warning in Ecclesiastes 11:4: “He who watches the wind will never sow, and he who watches the clouds will never reap.”

So, don't put off important things until later. Don't worry, you will find time for both study and fun!

ADVICE When starting to study, review the material as a whole. Subheadings will help you formulate questions about the material. As you read, look for answers to them. At the end, try to remember what you read.

How to do homework?

However, what should you do if you are literally swamped with lessons? Perhaps you have the same feelings as 17-year-old Anastasia: “Every evening it takes me 2-3 hours to do homework. This doesn’t even include weekends.” How to cope with such a load?

Use the tips!

1.Create a place for yourself to study. Remove all distractions. If possible, sit at a desk. Don't turn on the TV.

2. First things first. Studying is important, so make a firm decision that you will not watch TV until you have done your homework.

3. Don't drag your feet. Create a clear homework schedule and stick to it.

4.Make a plan. Think about what subject to start with, what will be the second, third, and so on. Make a list and allocate a certain amount of time to each subject. Cross out what is done.

5.Take breaks. If you feel tired, take a short break. But get back to your lessons as soon as possible.

6. Believe in your strength. A good student differs from a bad one not in intelligence, but in hard work. You can succeed! Try it and you will see for yourself.


Next quarter I'll try to get ․․․․․ in the following subject: ․․․․․

Listen to parents and teachers telling schoolchildren to pore over their textbooks and you can conclude that excellent grades will take you to the top of the world. But practice shows that school performance has little to do with success in college. adult life. How is it that dedicated cramming does not bring any impressive results either in your career or in your personal life? Why do hard-won skills end up being tools you can't use?

Financier Tom Corley, working as a financial advisor and interacting with a lot of people with high level income, most of which are not millionaires against their will, but businessmen who earned their fortune on their own, had the opportunity to analyze the conditions and reasons that contributed to success.

Among other things, it was discovered that the majority of them were not crammers: only 21% were excellent students, 41% were good students, and 29% were C grade students.

Family wealth also had nothing to do with material well-being, since 59% of the rich come from middle-income families, and 41% come from very poor families.

“...success does not come easy, and the path to the top is always strewn with traps, obstacles, failures and mistakes. Achieving goals requires a person to have enviable patience and perseverance in overcoming these difficulties. On the long road to success, you can find yourself on the verge of an emotional and physical breakdown several times, so you need to develop a thick skin so that failures cannot hurt and stop you.”

“People who have a hard time learning develop the ability to cope with stress and the ability to maneuver and find a way out of any situation.”

In short, they become mentally resilient, which is critical to long-term success.

For example, successful people do not need to be liked or seek approval, they cope well with temptation and are able to overcome fear and indecision to get what they need (they are scared too, but they have the courage to face their fears), They not only prioritize, but focus on what matters most.

All of these qualities require fortitude and mental toughness, so it is no coincidence that the most successful people possess all of these qualities.

Don't be upset if your knowledge was not rated too highly at school. This is fine. View your past as a period of preparation. Grades, whatever they are, do not define you as a person. Think about mistakes only in order to understand where and why you made a mistake, and what to do so as not to miss next time and get the desired result.

Most importantly, remember that school, in the broad sense of the word, never ends. Everyone successful people distinguished by the desire and ability to learn and develop. As Corley states: “IQ changes throughout life. This value is not constant. And if you were a sixteen-year-old C student with low intelligence, this does not mean at all that this will always be the case. Even if you are 80 years old, you can develop your intellect.”

“The rich learn throughout their lives because they understand that the key to success is constantly increasing their knowledge and skills.”

And everyone can do this.

There is an opinion that a person, in order to increase the chances of successful life, should feel the taste of success during his school years. What is success? This is a feeling of satisfaction by a person because he has achieved a result in some activity or surpassed it. And if this feeling is stable because success becomes sustainable, the individual’s enormous potential is revealed. Opportunities that were hidden before certain point, are released and self-esteem increases.

The question is how to help your child succeed without overdoing it. There are some tips that will help interested parents instill in their child the habit of studying well and mastering leadership qualities.

1. Gain strength in a dream

Academic success directly depends on the quality of a student's sleep. A person's brain cannot function properly if it does not receive the necessary rest. Therefore, the first step to becoming a successful student should be to ensure quality sleep. Getting enough sleep will help you create a clear daily routine. A comfortable atmosphere will be ensured by a ventilated room, a comfortable bed and bed sheets, maximum dimming and disabled gadgets.

2.Nourish the body and brain in a balanced way

There are a number of foods that improve brain function. They must be in the student’s diet. Consuming adequate amounts of fluids, dairy products, vegetables, fruits, nuts, grains and lean proteins every day will give strength to your muscles and brain in equal amounts. In the morning - always a nutritious breakfast, in the evening - a light dinner.

3. Don’t neglect sports

Physical exercise necessary for people engaged in mental work. Sport, in addition to guaranteeing good physical shape, perfectly relieves brain tension. Ideal option is playing sports fresh air. If this is not possible, you can do physical exercise directly at home or visit sport sections, Gym.

4. Motivate

The right motivation is the key to success. The most powerful motivation is challenging yourself (to prove to yourself and everyone around you that you can achieve something more than you already have). this moment). The second, sometimes no less powerful, motive is the expectation of benefits that will be available after achieving success. It could be anything: a new phone, a computer, a trip to Disneyland, or just getting started summer holidays no student debt.

5. Make friends over time

There is not enough time for everyone: both adults and children. If an adult can take care of organizing his time himself, then the child needs help with this. You can work with your student to create an effective weekly schedule and adjust it to accommodate unexpected changes.

6. Focus

The main cause of problems in learning is the inability to concentrate in class or while doing homework. The easiest way to concentrate is to strictly allocate a small period of time for one thing and deal only with it.

Helping a student succeed in school is one of the tasks of parents in raising a child. The student needs to strive for good results, try to gain as much knowledge as possible, try to find his favorite subject for deeper study in the future. But don't get hung up on grades. It is important for parents to remember and convey to their child that school, like successes and failures in it, is only a stage in a person’s life, and not the goal itself. Successful study only makes passing this stage easier and more enjoyable.

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