Two snow queens by Evgeni Plushenko. “Where are the older children?”: Yana Rudkovskaya went on vacation with her youngest son and heir of Evgeni Plushenko from her first marriage. Children of Plushenko from his first

Evgeni Plushenko is one of the most famous figure skaters who forged the glory of Russia. For several decades, he did everything possible and impossible to become a winner at various international competitions. Overcoming the pain, the man was able to win the team competition at the Sochi Olympic Games in 2014.

After finishing his sports career, Evgeni Plushenko opened his own academy. The children who attend it constitute the future of Russia. In a few years they will begin to represent it at various world competitions.

The skater's family life is currently happy. He is married to his beloved wife and has a son, Sasha. Our hero managed to establish a relationship with his first son, Yegor, which both are very happy about.

Height, weight, age. How old is Evgeni Plushenko

Since the beginning of the new millennium, the fate of the figure skater has been actively monitored. Figure skating fans are beginning to wonder what our hero’s height, weight, age are, and how old Evgeni Plushenko is. In 2018, the skater will celebrate his 36th birthday.

Evgeni Plushenko, photos in his youth and now which are presented in in social networks, weighs 60 kg with a height of 178 cm. Even after leaving professional sports, our hero does not lower the bar. He maintains his physical fitness by working out in the gym every day.

Biography of Evgeni Plushenko

The biography of Evgeni Plushenko began in 1982 in the Khabarovsk Territory. Father - Viktor Vasilyevich Plushenko and mother - Tatyana Vasilievna Plushenko met during the construction of the Baikal-Amur Mainline. The boy did not grow up alone in the family. He has a sister, Elena.

Due to the frequent illnesses that Zhenya suffered during his childhood, the family moves to his maternal grandmother, who lives in Volgograd. From the age of 4, the child began to engage in figure skating. Already in those years, coaches predicted glory for him.

At the age of 11, Evgeniy had to move alone to the city on the Neva, since the Volgograd ice arena was closed. For a year, Plushenko lived separately from his parents. Then the mother decides to leave her husband and daughter in Volgograd, and move in with her son. From that time on, the woman helped Zhenya in everything. She believed in his bright future.

In the mid-90s of the last century, Plushenko won the junior world championship. Then there were many victories in his life. At the beginning of 2006, one of his cherished desires fulfilled - he became the winner Olympic Games, held in Italian Turin.

In May 2008, our hero performed in Dima Bilan's number at one of the most popular song competitions - Eurovision. The song became the winner that year.

Evgeni Plushenko walked towards his goal through pain and injury. In 2017, the skater officially announced the end of his sports career. He began training children at his Figure Skating Academy.

Personal life of Evgeni Plushenko

The personal life of Evgeni Plushenko began quite late. In his youth, he did not date girls, because everything free time dedicated to honing his skills. At the beginning of the new millennium, the skater lost his head over Maria Ermak. At that time she was studying at St. Petersburg state university. The relationship developed rapidly. A few months after the first meeting, the young people got married.

Family life was unsuccessful. Maria constantly complained to her husband about his frequent absences from home. Even the birth of his son Yegor did not save the situation. Soon the couple divorced.

Since 2007, the figure skating star began dating Yana Rudkovskaya. A few years later, the lovers officially registered the union. The marriage produced a boy, who was named Alexander.

Evgeni Plushenko's family

The family of Evgeni Plushenko recently experienced a tragedy. The figure skater's beloved mother has passed away. The woman devoted herself entirely to her beloved son. She, leaving her profession, her husband and daughter, began to live with Evgeniy, helping him with everyday problems.

The ice star has a father and a sister. They live in Volgograd. Currently, Evgeniy’s dad is retired. Sister works at educational system. The woman is married and has a son and daughter.

Plushenko is happily married today. He and his wife Yana Rudkovskaya are raising their son Sasha, who is taking his first steps on the ice. Our hero sees his first son very rarely, although he considers him his close person.

Children of Evgeni Plushenko

The children of Evgeni Plushenko were born from different marital unions. The skater became a father for the first time in 2006. A boy was born into the family, who was named Yegor. Currently, the boy lives in an elite village near St. Petersburg. He is raised by his mother. For several years, Evgeniy did not see his son, as his wife forbade meetings. Now father and son see each other, but this does not happen often.

Our hero’s second son was born to his beloved wife, Yana Rudkovskaya. The boy is now 5 years old. He is an excellent skater. Plushenko often writes about his son on his Instagram page. The kid has a nickname - Gnome Gnomych.

Son of Evgeni Plushenko - Yegor Ermak

The boy was born in 2006. He was named Yegor in honor of his grandfather on his mother’s side. After his parents’ divorce, the baby began to bear a different surname - Ermak. For several years, Evgeni Plushenko’s son, Yegor Ermak, did not see his father. The boy’s mother, Maria, forbade the meeting. Only 2 years ago a woman allowed father and son to see each other infrequently.

Egor studies at an elite gymnasium in St. Petersburg. He loves history, geography and literature lessons. Exact sciences are given to the guy much worse. He dreams of becoming a world famous football player. The boy also attends the karate section.

In 2017, Egor spent several weeks with his father, who taught him how to skate. His son went snowboarding with the skater.

Son of Evgeni Plushenko - Alexander Plushenko

In 2013, Evgeni Plushenko’s second son, Alexander Plushenko, was born. The baby was named after the sun of Russian poetry - Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. The boy grows up surrounded by loved ones who love him.

Despite his young age, the kid is making progress on the ice. It is not yet known whether he will become a professional hockey player or a figure skater.

The kid loves to listen to fairy tales and play with cars. Sasha dreams of going with her parents to American Disneyland. Recently, a child participated in a photo shoot for one of best magazines fashion for children.

Evgeni Plushenko's ex-wife - Maria Ermak

With the first wife worldwide famous star ice arenas I met in early 2005. Soon the lovers began to live together in civil marriage. In the middle of the same year they entered into an official marriage.

A girl dreaming of romance was deceived in her hopes. The husband spent all his time at various competitions. Even the birth of his son Yegor did not change the situation. Soon ex-wife Evgenia Plushenko - Maria Ermak left the skater, taking her son.

For a long time the woman prohibited meetings ex-spouse and son. Only in 2017 did she stop preventing communication between loved ones.

Evgeni Plushenko's wife - Yana Rudkovskaya

For the first time, Yana Rudkovskaya saw her future husband at one of the sports competitions broadcast on television. The woman was married at that time and did not think that real life meet our hero. Soon her personal life began to crack. Yana had to fight for the children. At the same time, she became Dima Bilan's producer.

In 2007, while on vacation in Sochi, a meeting took place between the skater and Rudkovskaya. After winning Eurovision, the lovers began dating. At the beginning of 2012, the marriage was registered. Evgeni Plushenko's wife, Yana Rudkovskaya, gave her husband a son, Sasha. A woman always supports her husband in all his endeavors.

The house of Yana Rudkovskaya and Evgeni Plushenko, whose photo is making a splash, is an ideal place to raise children. Pictures interior decoration are widely represented on social networks.

Evgeni Plushenko Figure Skating Academy

At the beginning of 2017, the Evgeni Plushenko Figure Skating Academy began operating. After completing his sports career, the figure skater decided to give his knowledge to children who in the future will be able to represent Russia at various sports competitions.

Within a few months, several dozen gifted skaters were skating on the ice of the academy. Evgeniy and other skaters working at the Evgeni Plushenko Academy try to give each child something professionally.

Instagram and Wikipedia Evgeni Plushenko

Instagram and Wikipedia Evgeni Plushenko are popular. They are viewed every day by a large number of users who want to know the most detailed information about the skater.

Wikipedia gives an insight into the life of the famous star. Here you can gain knowledge about his parents, coaches and awards.

On social networks, including Instagram, there are pages of Evgeni Plushenko. Here he constantly posts photographs of his family on vacation and at home. The skater actively informs about his life outside the home. He shares his plans for the future with fans. Article found on

True fans of the talented skater remember very well that he happy marriage not the first with Yana Rudkovskaya. Evgeny was married to Maria Ermak, who gave him a son, Yegor, in 2006. Unfortunately, the marriage turned out to be fragile, and the couple divorced when the boy was not even two years old. It so happened that the ex-spouses could not find mutual language after the breakup. As a result, Maria began to interfere with communication between father and son, whom the court left with his mother.

A few years after the divorce, Maria reconsidered her views related to Yegor’s upbringing and stopped limiting their meetings with her father. Despite the situation seemingly resolved by the world, Evgeniy’s subscribers never had the opportunity to see the skater’s grown-up eldest son. And so, the other day, Evgeni Plushenko posted a joint photo with Egor on his page. Gently signing it:

My son Yegor. How time has flown for 9 years already.

Fans did not expect such a surprise, and began to comment on the photo with pleasure. Everyone, without exception, was struck by the external similarity between father and son, as well as the fact that Yegor was already so big.

The strange divorce of Evgeni Plushenko and Maria Ermak

Love story beautiful couple was like a fairy tale. It seemed to many that Maria and Evgeniy were simply made for each other. In June 2005 they got married in St. Petersburg. Both the athlete’s mother and Maria’s parents were pleased with the choice of the children, and they did not hide their happiness. But after the wedding, something went wrong.

According to Evgeniy’s mother, the young wife did not want to accept the rhythm of his life: Maria was annoyed by fans, training, and television shows in which the skater participated. The woman was constantly jealous of her husband, causing endless family squabbles.

Maria's father was engaged in business, and wanted his son-in-law to leave sports and take up family business. Evgeniy couldn’t imagine himself without his favorite profession. The athlete’s friends have repeatedly said that Maria is not at all interested in her husband’s successes on the ice.

The pressure from Maria's family and constant scandals soon tired of Evgeniy. According to the skater’s mother, he left his wife three times, but then reconciled and returned. When there was only a month left before Yegor was born, the skater told his wife that he could no longer live with her.

Pick up from the maternity hospital little son Evgeniy was forbidden by the girl’s relatives, and Maria did not allow Plushenko to visit the child. The woman changed her son's surname in the metric to her own - Ermak. Even before Yegor was one year old, Maria Ermak filed for divorce. Plushenko did not object and did not try to return his wife.

17 October 2015, 21:38

Let's forget about the latest misunderstandings associated with Plushenko and remember his novels. We are Gossip Man after all)

Ulyana Petrova

Student from St. Petersburg. We met when she was 17 and he was 18. She called Evgenia “Chuchey”.

About the decision to break up

“It’s difficult for me to explain why we broke up, but it turned out that we were led to this. Mainly by his mother.”

We were together for three years, then Plushenko left for...

Maria Ermak

Maria studied at the same school as Ulyana and was a year and a half younger than her.

And Ulyana says

“Masha really wanted to marry Zhenya,” Ulyana told us then. “We studied at the same school, only she was younger than me. But we studied together, at the same table, so Masha knew very well that I was dating Plushenko. And either by accident or on purpose, it turned out that when Zhenya and I came somewhere, she ended up there.”


"St. Petersburg, 2005. The wedding of Evgeni Plushenko and Maria Ermak was previously dubbed the wedding of the year. The bride and groom smashed crystal glasses for good luck and released white doves on the arrow Vasilyevsky Island, kissed in the Summer Garden."

“It was impossible to go somewhere with Masha: she could attack her husband in front of everyone for kissing some fellow skater on the cheek. “You kiss in front of me, and I’m pregnant!” - she hissed. “My wife killed my love,” Eugene is sad."

After divorce....

“The famous figure skater Evgeni Plushenko has repeatedly complained that his ex-wife Maria Ermak does not allow him to see their common son Yegor. After a new marriage, and Maria recently married a businessman from her father’s circle, the situation has not changed.”

“Eugene’s greatest fear is that the boy will no longer recognize him.” That’s the point. “I’m very afraid,” the athlete admitted. - I last time When I saw him, I went into the house, and Masha said: “Egor, uncle has come.” I told her: “What kind of uncle are you? Dad has come!”

Nevertheless, the situation has changed and Evgeniy communicates with his son. They say that this contributed to new wife Zhenya....

Yana Rudkovskaya

Obviously, after the brutal Maria, Zhenya was drawn to sweets

Well, we talk about it often, so I won’t go into details.


"The relationship between Yana Rudkovskaya and Evgeni Plushenko began at work. In 2008, Yana was preparing her ward Dima Bilan for Eurovision and dreamed that he would take first place. For this, Yana decided to enlist the support of two stars - figure skater Evgeni Plushenko and violinist Edwin Marton, who created Dima's number. Thus, a whole team from Russia went to Eurovision, the captain of which was Rudkovskaya."

"During the preparation of the issue, Yana and Evgeniy spent a lot of time together and, as often happens, they started romantic relationship. The lovers did not hide their feelings (Rudkovskaya, as a producer, knows that there can never be too much PR), and after Dima Bilan’s victory, pictures appeared in the media where Plushenko was holding a happy Rudkovskaya in his arms.”

In 2009, a year after they met, Rudkovskaya and Plushenko came to an important decision - to get married. As a public person, Yana decided to throw the wedding of the year - with a lot of famous guests, photographers and press reports. The bride chose two truly luxurious dresses from Roberto Cavalli and Zuhair Murad, in order to certainly outshine all the guests, and the groom did not lag behind her in an elegant dark blue suit.

Yana’s dress is luxurious, I must admit.

If I were Zhenya, I would call Yana Chucha. Why should my nickname disappear in vain? Yes, it suits her too.

Text - copy-paste from different sources, pictures - thanks to Google.

Evgeni Plushenko shared a rare photo: on his Instagram, the skater published a photo of his 11-year-old son Egor from his first marriage to Maria Ermak. Fans of the skater rarely see Plushenko’s eldest son. Many noted that Yegor is very similar to his father.

Are you similar to my son Yegor? - Evgeniy asked his subscribers.

Evgeni Plushenko with his son

Egor was given birth to Plushenko's first wife, Maria Ermak, in 2008. After the couple divorced a couple of years later, the court decided that the boy would live with his mother and bear her last name.

For some time there were disagreements between the spouses, and in a recent interview with HELLO! Evgenia said that relations had improved:

Yes, we are now in such a productive dialogue with Yegor, and I think that in the future everything will finally fall into place. I really want him to communicate more with Sasha, younger brother, with Kolya, Andryusha. He's probably not ready yet. “Come on, dad, we’ll stay with you, and then I’ll come to your family,” he says. This is normal - there is no need to force events, today we have a good relationship, and as Yegor grows up, this process will develop. I do everything for this.

In 2009, Evgeny married for the second time, to producer Yana Rudkovskaya, and in 2013 their son Alexander was born. Little Sasha is already a star of social networks; his pictures are often shared by his mother, father, and sometimes even his godfather Dima Bilan. Recently Evgeniy and Yana got married. Exclusive photos from the wedding star couple look .

Figure skating is one of the most spectacular sports, where the success of Russians is undeniable. And figure skater Evgeni Plushenko, who began his journey to climbing Olympus back in 1997, still attracts attention to this day, having become a truly media figure in the country. Of great interest is his personal life and, of course, Maria Ermak, Plushenko’s wife from 2005 to 2008, who became the mother of his eldest son.

Dating history

There are different versions of their acquaintance. One was told to the press by the titled athlete himself, the other by acquaintances.

  • In the spring of 2005, in his Maserati, the skater was driving around St. Petersburg and noticed a pretty brunette behind the wheel. Having rushed in pursuit, he met a student from St. Petersburg State University, who captivated him with her magical beauty (one eye was green and the other brown) and her inaccessibility. And by that time he was a three-time world champion and an idol of female fans in the city on the Neva, not accustomed to female inattention.
  • His ex-girlfriend Ulyana Petrova, whom he dated from the age of 19, does not support this version, because Maria Ermak, whose photo can be seen in the article, was known to her from school. By an amazing coincidence, she always found herself at parties and events where the couple spent their time, and did not hide her personal interest in Plushenko. The rapprochement began with their meeting at a car dealership, where Maria was with her father. The conversation that began about cars grew into an acquaintance that ended in the breakdown of the figure skater’s relationship with Ulyana Petrova. After a short time, Maria Ermak spent her vacation with him.

Biography, year of birth of the St. Petersburg beauty

The girl was born in 1986 in the family of a famous entrepreneur, one of the hundred richest families St. Petersburg. Father Georgy Viktorovich has great authority in business circles. The owner of a lot of real estate and a network of St. Petersburg steam rooms, he once started as a simple bathhouse attendant. Mom Anna Petrovna did everything to give her daughter an excellent education. The girl studied at a private school, after which she entered the sociology department of the university.

The family lived near St. Petersburg in the famous town of Lisiy Nos, considered a resort area. She has at her disposal an elite cottage and an expensive car park for trips to the city. Maria Ermak could afford any hobby. At the time of her acquaintance with Plushenko, the girl released a number of CDs, becoming interested in vocals. Many considered her spoiled and rather arrogant, and in the fate of the titled skater, she also turned out to be a homewrecker. Ulyana Petrova, who has a three-year relationship with the sports star, still harbors a grudge against the young woman.


Evgeni Plushenko's mother fell in love with her future daughter-in-law immediately. It was important for my son that the girl understand what figure skating means to him. Maria went to his training sessions at the Yubileiny sports complex and, if possible, accompanied him to tournaments. Evgeni Plushenko also wanted to be loved and appreciated as a person. Maria Ermak lived in his apartment, took care of him, and became friends with his mother and sister Elena. She showed herself to be an excellent housewife, which is how she bribed Tatyana Vasilievna. Happy Plushenko was not slow to propose.

The celebration took place on June 18, 2005. Even Governor Matvienko came. The wedding took place in the Astoria restaurant, which could barely accommodate the relatives and numerous friends of the newlyweds. Crystal glasses clashed for good luck, white doves were released, and the first kisses in the Summer Garden were captured on camera. Marriage registration was immediately ranked among the main events of the year.


It’s hard to say what went wrong, but after two months the couple realized that they had rushed into marriage. The parents bought their daughter a three-room apartment in the center of St. Petersburg, but it did not bring happiness. Maria Ermak dreamed of fireworks of feelings, romance and attention from her husband, and he plunged headlong into preparing for the Olympics in Turin. A friend of the Ermak family, Yuri Gorokhovsky, began to manage Plushenko’s financial affairs, but over time he refused his services.

According to Plushenko’s mother, who passed away a year ago, the young wife began to avoid communication with Evgeniy’s relatives, became jealous and started scandals. Once she broke his phone, and during one of the quarrels she promised to commit suicide. She hoped that marriage would change everything: he would end his sports career, move away from the fans and take up the family business. But Plushenko had other plans. He dreamed of Olympic gold, which he did not yet have by that time, and actively participated in various shows, basking in the applause of the audience. Everything could have been saved by Maria’s pregnancy, but a month before the birth of the child on June 15, 2006, the skater actually left the family.

Scandalous divorce

Even before the divorce, offended Maria Ermak registered her son as her maiden name. Moreover, this was done illegally; Plushenko did not sign any permitting documents. Instead of the name Christian, which the young parents agreed on, the boy was given another name - Egor. The divorce lasted until February 2008, because the young wife created scandals, withheld her husband’s passport and other documents, hoping to restore the relationship. When the day before he did not allow her to come to Moscow for New Year, she realized that it was all over.

In retaliation, the young woman forbade the father and his relatives to see the child and left for Vacation home. Rumors spread in the press that the famous dad does not pay his son alimony and does not give permission to travel abroad. also developed with jointly acquired property. A significant part of it consisted of prize money and gifts from Plushenko for the coveted victory in Turin and other competitions. To resolve property disputes, he filed a lawsuit in 2010.

Life after divorce

In the year of her wedding, Maria, who had changed dramatically after the divorce, was a twenty-year-old student, not quite ready for married life. It is quite obvious that Evgeni Plushenko gave reasons for jealousy: at that time he was credited with an affair with Tatyana Totmyanina and other famous people. He was always an ambitious and ambitious young man, who proved too tough for the Ermak family, who sought to take him under their wing. He even joined a different party than the one headed by one of their high-ranking relatives. At that time, family may not have been as important to young Plushenko as it would have been years later.

Be that as it may, all subsequent actions indicate that Mary loved her husband and felt wounded. Having learned about Plushenko’s affair with Rudkovskaya, the girl radically changed her appearance, turning into a bright blonde. She took care of herself and began visiting one of the best fitness centers in St. Petersburg. And, most importantly, she got married before her ex-husband, organizing on August 1, 2008 one of the most luxurious weddings in the Northern capital. A separate residence was rented for her on Malaya Nevka, and her chosen one was a thirty-year-old businessman from his father’s entourage. named Artyom. However, this marriage did not turn out to be durable.

Son Egor

Plushenko's first wife, Maria Ermak, will forever remain the mother of his eldest son. Despite the initial opposition to the boy's communication with his father and his relatives, she found the courage to admit her mistake. Former mother-in-law Tatyana Vasilievna always emphasized that the young woman turned out to be a great mother, completely devoting herself to the child. Egor looks like his star father; he recently turned 10 years old. He plays football and karate, and not long ago he met his younger brother Alexander, the son of Plushenko and Rudkovskaya.

His father takes him on vacation and teaches him to snowboard. Their meetings are not so frequent, because Egor lives in St. Petersburg, and Evgeni Plushenko lives in Moscow, but a close spiritual connection has been established between them, which allows the skater to declare on social networks that he is proud of his son. Maria herself is only 30 years old, and she will definitely find her happiness.

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