Psychic Fatima Khadueva - biography and facts from life. Children of Fatima Khadueva What place did Fatima take in the battle of psychics

Today there are a lot of magicians and psychics. Finding a professional among charlatans is not easy. But a lot positive feedback Fatima Khadueva talks about her work. The biography of this person is described in the article.

Destiny to be a healer

It is often a person’s destiny to grow in himself magical powers, because it’s very difficult. He is exposed to information that is difficult to understand and accept. However, sometimes such a person has no choice and no other way. This happened with one of the most famous domestic psychics of our time.

A clairvoyant was born into a difficult family. My mother’s family had mixed Greek and Polish blood. Her ancestors were healers and helped people. Fatima's grandmother also had extraordinary powers. She lived to be 100 years old in good health and with a bright mind, after which she told her family that she would very soon leave this world. My father's ancestors were Muslims and treated people by reading the Koran over them.

With such genes, Fatima Khadueva was born on January 16, 1972. Makhachkala (Republic of Dagestan) became her hometown.

About our magical abilities The girl found out at the age of five. Then for the first time she saw pictures of future events, but the child could not cope with this information.

Meeting with the witch

Several events happened in Fatima's life that hinted at unusual fate. One day her mother fell ill, and her father took his wife and little daughter to the healer. When the healer saw the girl, she asked to leave the baby with her. Of course, the parents were against this idea. Then the old witch offered them a colossal amount of money for the child. Both mom and dad again refused the healer. Then the woman performed a strange ritual.

She set fire to a crumpled newspaper ball on the girl’s stomach and covered the fire with a jar on top. Even without oxygen, the paper continued to burn. Little Fatima Khadueva experienced neither pain nor discomfort. When the newspaper burned down, it left a sun-shaped mark on the body.

The healer explained that the child had a great future ahead of him, and here the girl would be able to more easily master her powers. But the parents, of course, did not leave their beloved daughter with a stranger.

Youth of the clairvoyant

From the age of ten, Fatima suffered from terrible headaches, which no doctor could help. Today the psychic admits that in this way her consciousness expanded. In order to quench the torment, the child wrapped his head with iron wire at night, after which he calmly fell asleep. Parents had no idea about this method of treatment.

In order to control her condition, the girl secretly enrolled in a martial arts course, where she achieved significant results.

All these events turned my daughter into a serious adult beyond her years. She did not demand attention from her family, but instead tried to take care of them herself.

The girl was not confident in her beauty. Today Fatima Khadueva is a very pretty woman. She constantly receives declarations of love from fans. And as a teenager, the young lady considered herself unattractive, so she was very afraid of not getting married.

However, fate brought her together with her first husband Arsen. The guy's family liked the girl right away. Then Fatima mastered the medical profession.

Not love, but duty

Soon after this, the young people got married. The woman understood that this man would not stay next to her for long. Subsequently, she recalled that she did not see her husband at wedding photos. They did not have a common future either. But she had to take this step, because the first daughter of a clairvoyant was born from the marriage. The couple moved to Moscow, where the woman graduated from journalism courses.

Even during pregnancy future mom knew that her child would be very beautiful and talented. The girl was named Alina. The daughter practically did not see her father and met him only a few times in her life.

When the child was still small, Fatima Khadueva started doing business. At that time, my grandmother was looking after my daughter. The girl missed her mother very much, but understood that in this way she was trying to make their life easier.

The crisis of the mid-90s was the beginning of a new hobby. An inner voice told the woman to leaf through the pages of the newspaper, where journalists were waiting for her. Correspondents without experience were sent to hot spots.

Dangerous missions

In the line of fire, the psychic first seriously used her powers for the benefit of humanity. She supported disadvantaged people and helped find bombs. She repeatedly communicated with senior officials and freed hostages. Each of her visits ended in a sensation. The clairvoyant knew exactly where and when the next event would occur.

While working as a journalist in the company of friends, the woman met her second husband, Veniamin. The man was interested in astrology, so he offered to draw up a horoscope for a beautiful stranger. She agreed without hesitation. The stars showed that Fatima Khadueva is a psychic. They predicted a great and interesting future for her. After some time, the young people got married. But according to the couple, such a step was a mere formality.

Charity work

Having been married for 12 years, the partners separated peacefully, remaining friends. But during this period, Fatima met with her operator, from whom she became pregnant. Thus the second, long-awaited daughter was born. They named her Daria.

When the baby was two years old, she fell ill. led to a rupture of the trachea, and the girl was prescribed an urgent and expensive operation abroad. The inconsolable mother raised almost all the funds herself. Strangers gave her a small amount. Several years of complex medical interventions did not completely reverse the damage. Daria still speaks in a hoarse voice.

But this event pushed the woman towards charity. Today, Fatima Khadueva heads several funds. The books and works of the psychic call for helping not only people who are struggling with the disease, but also those who are already living their last days.

Finalist of the show

Fatima is also raising an adopted son. The boy is her nephew. When the baby was taken out of the maternity hospital and given to the witch to hold, she realized that her destiny was to raise this child. A few years later, my sister fell ill with cancer. The illness overcame her. And as predicted, Fatima took Rizvan to her place. She gives him as much love and warmth as she gives to her daughters.

The healer took part in the 13th season of the “Battle of Psychics.” In the project, some of her colleagues respected her, others were afraid. The woman reached the final, but did not win. Now she helps people.

It is difficult to say how much it costs to see Fatima Khadueva. Each individual person with certain problems may have their own tariff. You can find out prices by calling the phone number listed on the psychic’s website. But for a standard session the client will pay from 30,000 rubles.

Mystical practice

Today Fatima Khadueva has two wonderful books to her credit. In them she reveals the secrets of happiness. A psychic gives advice on how to turn a crisis into perspective. People also learn that physical health depends entirely on spiritual health.

As with any healers, people leave different reviews about visits to this clairvoyant. Some leave the office happy. Others experience no effect. The woman herself states that she does not have the power to destroy problems, but she can create a space where you will fight negativity.

The clairvoyant is best able to help with the birth and raising of children. Fatima Khadueva sees diseases and can prevent them. Reviews of the reception are often positive. Almost everyone feels its power.

For several years, her life was shrouded in mystery...Millions of viewers who watched the thirteenth season of the “Battle of Psychics” remembered Fatima Khadueva for her special gift of clairvoyance and powerful healing abilities. Like many real psychics, the woman tries not to share the details of her private life, but this year Fatima Khadueva for the first time decided to show all television viewers how she lives. In the article you will find comprehensive information about the clairvoyant: her biography, facts from life and everything about her participation on television, in particular, in the now popular reality show “Diary of a Psychic”.

Fatima Khadueva: nationality, family

By nationality, Fatima Khadueva is Dagestan. Despite the fact that the clairvoyant often visits Moscow, participating in filming on TV, her homeland and place of residence is the city of Makhachkala. Fatima admits that she does not want to leave her hometown, because she loves it very much. Currently, Khadueva is engaged not only in extrasensory perception, but also in charity work. The woman has two beautiful daughters: Alina and Daria. One day one of them almost died, after which Fatima began to help many sick children.

In addition to charity and clairvoyance, the heroine of the show “Diary of a Psychic” on TV-3 also has diplomas as a journalist, lawyer and psychologist and at one time worked in almost all specialties. Once, while staying in Chechnya during a military conflict, while still a journalist, Fatima Khadueva, without expecting it, discovered the gift of clairvoyance - the girl knew where the bomb would fall and thus saved the lives of local residents.

Diary of psychic Fatima Khadueva

Today Fatima Khadueva is ready to willingly talk about her life in the new television project “Diary of a Psychic.” You will find out how a clairvoyant lives, what she does in everyday time, and, of course, in Once again Be amazed by her extraordinary abilities.

As Fatima admits, she first felt her unique gift at the age of 10, but tried not to attach much importance to it, and soon completely forgot about her unusual natural abilities, until in the “hot spots” of the Caucasus her “sixth sense” opened up. " Khadueva doesn’t even call her gift clairvoyance, but clairvoyance, since she, for example, does not need to see the image of a person in order to talk about him - she just needs to know the minimum data (name, surname)

Psychic Fatima Khadueva: short biography and facts

Full name: Khadueva Fatima Magometovna. Born in Makhachkala on January 16, 1972. Psychic and clairvoyant, finalist of the “Battle of Psychics-13” (2012), participant in the TV programs “Island” (reality show) and “Insomnia”, as well as an expert on the TV-3 channel. Journalist and public figure.

Here is what Fatima writes about herself: “The most important achievement in life for me is self-knowledge. After all, every person tries to find himself and his purpose and this is really important. My clairvoyance helps people heal, find their own path, and solve pressing problems. And I’m very glad that I can help a person in need.”

Fatima Khadueva: diary of a psychic on TV-3

Here you can watch online all episodes of the sensational television project “Diary of a Psychic with Fatima Khadueva,” which was first shown at the end of February 2016. With each broadcast you will learn more and more interesting details from the life of a clairvoyant, as well as useful tips from Fatima. Don't miss new episodes of the reality show on TV-3!

All episodes of “Diary of a Psychic with Fatima Khadueva”:


Sergey 2019.05.23 23:19

Fatima is a wonderful actress and plays well. In fact, all TV programs are staged shows and the magic here is written according to the script. I know Fatima from several television projects, we worked together, I am a screenwriter and director, and with the television team we recorded many episodes of the diary. I decided to turn to Fatima for help after my wife left me. I asked Fatima to help me get my wife back and improve our relationship. Fatima looked at me as if I was crazy. After that the question disappeared by itself. On the set I also met Fatima’s sister, Victoria Khadueva. Victoria is a wonderful girl, very kind and attentive, she treated everyone with all her heart, she did not directly participate in the filming, but she supported Fatima and helped her in everything, gave her advice, etc. In general, one day at lunch we were sitting in a cafe in Ostankino and started talking, this and that, Victoria, let me tell you about my childhood and youth, about illness and injury, I sat in shock. Then he says, your wife was given to you by God and I will help you get her back. I said to Victoria, how do you know that I broke up with my wife, she smiled and answered: I’m reading you, Seryozha. My wife eventually returned to me; Victoria Khadueva, a real magician, helped me restore the relationship. And Fatima takes a lot more Victoria, but according to customer reviews and my impressions, she has little magical power, but there is no doubt that she has acting talent.

Viewers of the TV-3 channel are accustomed to seeing the reality show “Diary of a Psychic with Fatima Khadueva” on Friday evenings. All fans of the program were surprised and confused when the program suddenly ceased to exist. The clairvoyant announced that from now on she will not take part in the filming. “StarHit” decided to contact Fatima to find out what caused the sudden decision.

As it turned out, the psychic does not intend to adjust her life to the conditions put forward by the TV channel. She understands that she has provided access to an audience of millions to observe her life, but now that the medium’s personal life has begun to improve, producers cannot “build” changes into the framework of a reality show. The TV channel itself does not comment on the current situation.

“When the project began, I was presented as beautiful, successful woman, but a single mom. We started filming, but then they began to deny me days off, I was denied free time that I could spend personally on myself, everyone began to get annoyed by calls that were not related to work. You understand, when a man appears, there is some adjustment in life,” admitted Fatima.

Khadueva admitted that she was not ready to follow any restrictions, especially since no changes in her personal life were initially taken into account. “We had an open-ended contract; in fact, we agreed to film three seasons and release three blocks. When they signed the contract, they wanted everything around me to remain as it was. But it's mine real life, I will not adjust my personal life to the program,” says the medium.

The dispute between the heroine of the reality show and the TV channel broke out not so long ago - a little over a week ago. The psychic refused to allow the film crew to come to her home. According to the psychic, the TV channel warned her that if the conditions specified in the contract were not met, he had the right to demand payment of a penalty.

“We will not announce the amount, I am not interested in this, I do not intend to pay any money. Initially, we did not have any material claims against each other - the goal was to make interesting project. Of course, if they insist on compensation, then I will be forced to go to court,” says Fatima.

Also the main actors program were Khadueva's children - 22-year-old Alena, 19-year-old Rizvan and 15-year-old Dasha. The psychic understands that the unique project was difficult for her heirs. She notes that it was not easy for children to cope with their emotions under the gun of television cameras. They took the conflict that their mother had with the TV channel quite seriously, trying to come to her defense.

“For them I am not only a sorceress, but also beautiful woman. Moreover, they don’t want me to hold on to them so much. After all, how my life goes - home, work, children. Every child wants their mother to be happy, so for them it is also a stressful situation that their mother is forbidden to communicate, that is, they are forbidden to be happy,” Fatima shared.

" This is a reality about a woman with an unusual gift and ordinary problems. What does every day and the whole life of a psychic look like in the family and at work? “Around TV” introduces viewers to the family of the famous clairvoyant.

Fatima Khadueva

Her mission is to help people. And distances are not a hindrance for her: Fatima travels 60,000 km a year, and that’s only by car! In 2015, she traveled almost all of Russia, visited the border with Mongolia, visited Far East and reached the Arctic Circle!

Fatima was married three times. She alone raises three children: Alena, Daria and adopted son Rizvan.

It’s hard to believe, but this fragile woman has been practicing judo since she was 12 years old, and it’s not just a hobby. Fatima is a candidate for master of sports. She also bungee jumped from a height of 200 meters!

Fatima's first car was a Ferrari, which she won in backgammon at age 18. Are you weak?

During her life she changed many professions: she was a military journalist, worked in medicine, was engaged in business... Fatima is an authoritative expert on psychoesotericism and interethnic relations, and that's not all she's an expert in! Once she even had a chance to work as a waitress: Fatima came to the aid of an intern in her own restaurant. And even in this unexpected role, success awaited her: during one of her shifts, the clairvoyant received a $500 tip!

Fatima has published three books and is now finishing writing an encyclopedia about home and family. But she has been writing one of the most important things for 35 years now...

Fatima Khadueva on the set of reality

Alena Khadueva (Desyatova) - eldest daughter Fatima, 22 years old, born in Makhachkala

Alena loves cars, but it’s not easy to drive around Moscow: she is a fanatical street racer and a frequent guest of the famous motorists forum.

The girl is seriously involved in fitness and healthy eating. She created a workout schedule for her busy mom and watches her calories! Due to constant monitoring, the clairvoyant has a hard time. Fatima admits that sometimes, while Alena is not looking, she opens the refrigerator to treat herself to something tasty.

Alena finds it easily mutual language with animals and dreams of his own stable.

In her native Dagestan, a girl raised a tiger cub. Alena trained the animal together with an instructor and studied literature on the nutrition and health of tigers. Before moving to Moscow, the girl spent a very long time choosing a new owner for her pet.

Alena passionately dreams of becoming a model, but her strict mother insists on a more serious profession. Therefore, Alena recently graduated from the Russian State University for the Humanities and is now looking for her first job.

Fatima Khadueva's eldest daughter Alena

Dasha Khadueva - the youngest daughter of a psychic, 15 years old, born in Moscow

As a child, Dasha dreamed of becoming a singer, but fatal mistake doctors led to damage to the vocal cords.

Dasha is an ardent fan of the Anglo-Irish boy group One Direction and a fan club administrator. Last year, the girl fulfilled her dream and attended their concert in Finland with her mother. During the performance, Dasha received an air kiss from one of the guys addressed only to her!

Now Dasha is writing her first book and working on a film script.

Dasha is an experienced traveler. She studied ancient myths in Greece, studied the history of the Roman Empire in Italy, visited Istanbul, walked the path of Jesus to Calvary in Israel, and even attended a secret meeting at the Holy Sepulcher. Together with her mother, Dasha traveled half of Russia.

Dasha dreams of visiting Hollywood and meeting a famous director on the Walk of Fame in Los Angeles.

Fatima Khadueva with youngest daughter Daria and mother

Rizvan Khaduev - Foster-son, 18 years old, born in Makhachkala

Rizvan, like Alena, loves adrenaline. His hobbies are motorcycles and sports. Learned to drive at the age of nine.

He is a true gadget man - he can explain how any device works. He can easily hide his location from others, but he always knows where Fatima and his sisters are.

Rizwan's favorite game is Monopoly. Loves family fun, such as flying in a wind tunnel or playing bowling.

He's a great cook, but he hides it. It’s easier for him to shower himself with compliments before Fatima’s three-course meal than to cook the soup himself.

Dreams of traveling around the world.

Considering a career in medicine. He is interested in surgery and traumatology. Learned how to give injections at the age of 10. I recently mastered the latest back massage technology. He plans to enter a medical academy with a military department.

Fatima Khadueva with her son Rizvan

1) If a drink, then...

Fatima Khadueva: Coffee with a glass of ice water.

Alena Khadueva: All healthy juices, especially orange.

Dasha Khadueva: Mango and apple juices.

Rizvan Khaduev: Tea with thyme.

2) If the dish, then...

Fatima Khadueva: Seafood and pumpkin soup.

Alena Khadueva: Burgers, Avar khinkal.

Dasha Khadueva: Buckwheat with butter and chicken.

Rizvan Khaduev: Dargin miracle.

3) If a car, then...

Fatima Khadueva: Mercedes 124.

Alena Khadueva: Dream - Mercedes E63 AMG and BMW M5.

Dasha Khadueva: Audi A7.

Rizvan Khaduev: Audi RS7.

4) In my free time...

Fatima Khadueva: Sits on the veranda of the house, wrapped in a blanket, and listens to nature.

Alena Khadueva: Does housework to keep mom happy.

Dasha Khadueva: Studying acting, directing, mastering foreign languages.

Rizvan Khaduev: Testing a new gadget.

5) If rest, then...

Fatima Khadueva: For the weekend - to Europe, to recuperate - the sea and mountains, and for inspiration - the East, Asia.

Alena Khadueva: Sochi - sea and sun.

Dasha Khadueva: Israel!

Rizvan Khaduev: Dagestan and Cyprus.

6) If music, then...

Fatima Khadueva: Classical, jazz.

Alena Khadueva: According to my mood.

Dasha Khadueva: One Direction, of course.

Rizvan Khaduev: Modern directions.

Family of Fatima Khadueva. From left to right: Daria, Alena, Fatima’s mother, Rizvan

Watch the reality show “Diary of a Psychic with Fatima Khadueva” from February 26 on Fridays at 18:00 on the TV-3 channel.

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