Testing the Russian language 11. Russian language test "Language norms" (Grade 11)

Compiled by: Oboznaya O.A., teacher of Russian language and literature, MAOU "Gymnasium No. 1 of the Oktyabrsky district of Saratov"


Several smokes (1) pinkish and yellowish (2) very dense (3) and at the same time (4) very airy (5) stood over the city.

1)1,2,3 2)1,2,4,5 3)1,2,5 4)2,5

2. In which word is the stress on the first syllable?

1) customs 2) driver 3) shoe 4) sorrel

Everyone prayed for snow (1) as in summer for rain (2) and now (3) finally (4) pigtails went across the sky (5) frost began to give up (6) the clarity of the blue sky faded (7) the west wind pulled (8) and (9) a plump (10) white cloud (11) imperceptibly approaching (12) covered the horizon from all sides.

1)1,2,5,6,7,9,10,11,12 2)1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,11,12 3)2,5,6,7,11,12 4)2,3,4,5,6,7,8,11,12

1) b..chonok, p..rtiera, distance..pouring

2) zach..rovanny, fl..mingo, ass..neigh

3) prehistoric..ric, see..rtelny, tr..voga

4) folding, locking, closing, shining

5. In which row in all words is the letter O written at the place of the gap?

1) soprik .. descent, pretend .. rush, spiritual ..

2) ignition .. wound, apply .. live, r .. vegetative

3) non-indicative .. descriptive, r.. points, touch .. to

4) folding, guessing, lake..

2) cut .., perform carcasses .., the wind is fresh ..

3) very skinny .., breesh ..sya, five dachas ..

4) back .., pear compote .., sparse .. those

1) pr..stizh, pr..walking

2) white..bottom, ra..color

3) with .. huddle, time .. ride

4) by ..sk, ob ..sk

1) sh..ry, psh..ny

2)begin..s, seamless..out

3) f..key, wolf..knock

4) nech..tny, burnt..ny

9. In which row is the letter D written in all words?

1) detour .. chick, grandiose .. ny

2) fel..cher, star..ny

3) knot .. nickname, free .. chat

4) by .. stroke, ser .. ringing

A. Remember .. those of your favorite poems.

B. When you wipe those hands, sit down at the table.

V. Luck depends .. on many things.

G. The patient is getting worse.

1) with a roar..m beast..m

2) about aching .. pity ..

3) to a good .. th story ..

4) to sleeping..th beauties..

12. In what variant is the letter I written?

1) fatherland .. 2) yellow .. known 3) celebration .. 4) monastic .. stvo

offended .. was tormented .. in the hall .. used ..

A) calming .. soothing B) industry .. howling C) cramping .. vat D) stock .. out

14. In which row is the same letter missing in both words?

1) thorns kol..tsya, creeping shrub

2) the player runs out..t, attaching..my

3) saw ..l, inflated .. ball

4) noted .. who was planned .. ny

1) Completely (un)literate headman.

2) (Not) civic duty, but personal interest worries the hero.

3) Lanterns (not) brightly reflected on the black surface of the water.

4) It is shameful to pass for (not) vezhey.


2) as (as if), (longing) twist

3) (air) water, (house) museum

4) hardly (not), (pipe) rolling

And the season ... th work, the problem is solved ... but

B. solved ... problem, midday ... heat

V. action ... th method, boil .. I water

G. yes ... e condition, retirement ... age


18. Indicate the correct variant of the placement of commas in this sentence.

People were silent (1) but (2) everyone (3) despite the difference (4) in facial expressions (5) deep down (6) had the same tense expectation of something terrible.

1) 1,2,3,4 2)1,3,4,5 3)1,3,5 4)1,3,5,6

19. In which sentence with homogeneous members no need to punctuate?

1) A flat field sparkling under the sun cuts the ravine.

2) Near the bedroom there was a large round hall with columns.

3) Both the sun and the fast river were all lovely this morning.

4) Small tongue and owns the whole body

20. In which sentence do you need to put three commas?

1) Dry branches of trees thrown into the fire crackled and smoked, lifting the burnt ends.

2) Without covering the sun, clouds gradually rushed across the clear sky, gradually disappearing into the blue.

3) Leaning on the window sill, Olga was sitting at the window, curtained with light curtains.

4) Borrowing less square meter earth's surface every average tree is an amazing chemical factory created by nature.


1. Indicate the correct variant of the placement of commas in the sentence.

The sky is darkening (1) heavy (2) and (3) inhospitable (4) it hangs lower and lower above the earth.

1)1 2)1,4 3)2,3,4 4)1,3,4

1) analogue 2) invention 3) nap 4) expert

3. Indicate the correct variant of the placement of commas in the sentence.

In order to fully enjoy this picture (1), I went out into the field (2) and a wonderful sight presented itself to my eyes: all the boundless space around me represented the appearance of a snow stream (3) as if (4) the heavens opened up (5) crumbled with snow fluff (6) and filled the whole air with movement (7) and amazing silence.

1)1,2,5,6,7 2)2,5 3)2,3,4,5,6 4)1,2,3,5

1) inappropriate..m names..m

2) in appropriate places..

3) in homework..m assignments..

4) about an outstanding personality ..

1) k..nonada, p..lisadnik

2) sealing under the skin, applying to the child

3) note .. ryat enemies, pos .. to kill from grief

4) collect .. army, grow .. grow

6. In which row is the letter b written at the place of the pass?



3) ten cottages ..

4) unbearable..

7. In which row is the letter E written in all words?

1 unstoppable

2) pr..attractive



8) Find the misspelled word?

1) slum

2) stew

3) narrow-faced

4) zinc

1) bumblebees..th, deep..th

2) commission..th, pointed..th


4) atrophy..y, the battle is over..a

10.Where is I written at the place of the pass?

1) You are strong and do not resort to help.

2) How would you describe this story?

3) Varka kol..t splinter and sings merrily.

4) Do not buy golden hands for silver..sh.

1) irresistible, pr..attractive

2) and .. bend, ra .. throw

3) to..go, not..eating

4) under .. to live, by ..sk

1) pump out .. (air) 2) stick .. in 3) take off .. 4) shot ..

glomerulus..to bully..shy break..shy white..chi

13. In which answer option are all the words where the letter E is missing?

A) more .. howl B) fool .. vy C) daughter .. nka D) girlfriend .. nka

14. In which row is the letter E written in both words?

1) grain is small .. tsya, oscillated .. washed by the wind

2) take and endure .. those things considered .. my

3) who notices ..t an error, an unnoticed .. error

4) baby crying..t, invisible..my object

15. In which sentence is NOT written separately with the word?

1) Know how to live even when life becomes (un)bearable.

2) The evil old woman always (did not) love her neighbor.

3) The boat was approaching the place where the sea (not) protected from the wind boiled and tossed about in the darkness.

4) Somewhere among the stars, a small, (not) bright constellation Stozhary was lost.

16. In which row are all words written with a hyphen?

1) there (same), because (then)

2) all (whether), (by) a little

3) (south) west, where (or)

4) hardly (whether), (white) barreled

17. In which answer option are all the examples correctly indicated, where HH is written at the place of the pass?

A. put it on immediately .. o

B. unpainted.. walls

V. loose.. hair


1)AB 2)BG 3)BVG 4)AV

18. Indicate the correct placement of commas in the sentence.

And (1) although (2) everything had been prepared for a long time to receive the wounded (3) he took a familiar look at his property: cabinets with glass shelves (4) large and small jars with various medicines and solutions (5) boxes with sterilized (6) dressing material.

1)1,2,3,4,5 2)3,4,5 3)1,3,4,5 4,1,3,4,5,6

Under the sun (1), competing with him (2), unusually tall, juicy and large-colored bathing suits (3) resembling yellow roses shone brightly.

1)1,3 2)2 3)3 4)1,2,3

1) You will pass the world by falsehood, but you will not return back.

3) In sound writing and alliteration, assonances and sound repetitions.

4) Annual and biennial plants bloom and bear fruit once.


1. Indicate the correct variant of the placement of commas in the sentence below.

The month (1) clean (2) and sharp (3) stood over my head (4) and I (5) amazed (6) thought.

1)4 2)3,4 3)1,3,4,5,6 4)1,3,4

2. Is the emphasis placed incorrectly in the word?

1) understood 2) wrong 3) provision 4) alcohol

3. Indicate the correct variant of the placement of commas in the sentence below.

They tried to tell her (1) what the doctor said (2) but it turned out (3) that (4) although (5) the doctor spoke very smoothly (6) it was impossible to convey exactly (7) what he said.

1)1,2,4,5,6,7 2)2,3,6,7 3)1,2,3,4,5,6,7 4)1,2,3,5,6,7

4. In which row are all the words written with the letter E?

1) with bored ..m expression ..m

2) about unmarried women..

3) about the wrong thing..th thing..

4) happy good..m museum..m

5. In what row is the same letter written in all the words at the place of the gap?

1) win..gret, pess..mizm

2) d..rectiva, f..ligran

3) to..sleep, out..give

4) TV..Rit, Z..dacha

6. In which row is the letter b not written at the place of the pass?

3) about .. go

4) a lot of pears ..

7. In which row is the same letter written in all words?

1) pr.position, pr..to get along

2) b .. verbal, .. higher

3) with .. sting, deprive .. yana

4) and .. disappear, in .. rank

8) Find the word with the missing letter E?

1) is it..t

2) sow..whether

3) seen ..

4) note..in

9. In which row is HH written in all words?

1) oil..k, ple..ik

2) card..th shaft, chatter..th

3) discussion..th, decollete..th

4) vegetables svara ..y, new ..th peas

10. Where is Yu written at the pass?

1) se..shchy, they fight..tsya

2) testing .. schy, they are building .. tsya

3) blowing .. wind, they will feel .. tsya

4) expensive .. schy, they propol..t

11. In which row in all words is the same letter written at the place of the gap?

1) zadr .. press, t .. original

2) uv..repentant, original..nal

3) to..say, o..give

4) bl..talking, creating..vat

12. What words spell the letter E?

1) unpretentious .. out 2) really .. flax 3) glue .. 4) unravel

unsmiling .. hesitant .. my podmarg .. siren .. vy

13. In what word is the letter O written?

1) brocade..out 2) thicken..nka 3) bake..nka 4) delimit..out

14 In which row is the letter E missing in all the words?

1) heading ..my, (he) driving ..t, burnout ..l

2) test .. my, (he) sow .. t, hung .. l

3) built .. ny, (he) suffered .. t, straightened up .. was.

4) weighed .. nny, (he) expresses .. t, sow .. l

15. In which sentence is NOT written separately with the word?

1) The old manor stood on a (not) high, but noticeable hill.

2) You (not) why stay here.

3) Thunder is heard in the distance, (not) rolling, but dull rumbling.

4) Throughout the house, the (un)painted floors were washed clean.

16. In which row are all words written with a hyphen?

1) someone (or), everything (still)

2) (gender) of the face, (by) harder

3) (Russian) Japanese, (in) Norwegian

4) (little) literate, hardly (unlikely)

17. In which answer option are all the examples correctly indicated, where HH is written at the place of the pass?

A. heat .. th goose

B.another..th meeting

V.immaculate..th tone

G.kale..th iron

1)AB 2)BG 3)BV 4)AV

18. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in the place of which commas should be in the sentence?

Tails (1) shuffling up to the horse (2) squinting at him with a fiery eye (3) stopped (4) so ​​that (5) it seemed (6) that he was falling (7) raised the crutch (8) and asked deaf for the tenth time (9 ) in an expressionless voice.

1)1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 2)1,2,3,4,6,7,9 3)1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9 4)1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9

19. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in the place of which commas should be in the sentence?

Romantic artists (1) rejecting the strict and non-derogable principles of classicism (2) discovered the diversity and originality (3) of their surrounding (4) world.

1)2,3,4 2)1,3 3)2,3 4)1,2

20. In which sentence do you need to put one comma?

1) Russian national architecture is distinguished by both its bright originality and deep artistic expressiveness.

2) In the saddest and difficult moments life I remembered Pushkin's lines.

3) Compose tasks on vocabulary and morphology on your own and invite your comrades to complete them.

4) A person can become both a master and a protector and an intelligent transformer of nature.


1. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in the place of which commas should be in the sentence?

Incessantly (1) it rained (2) slanting and shallow (3) and the sky darkened (4) heavy and inhospitable (5) and hung lower and lower over the earth.

1)1,3 2)3,5 3)1,2,3,4,5 4)2,3,4,5

2. In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel correctly highlighted?

1) catalog 2) sorrel 3) document 4) drove away

3. . Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence?

The sun rose (1) and (2) although there was not a single cloud in the sky (3) but its color was strange (4) and whitish at the zenith (5) and gray (6) closer to the horizon.

1)1,2,3,4,5 2)1,3,4,5,6 3)1,3 4)1,3,5

4. In which row do all words have roots with alternating vowels?


2) deputy ..lchat, back ..neigh

3) tv .. rit, tr .. vogue

4) s.rya, bl..

5. In which row is the stress-checked unstressed vowel of the root missing in all words?

1) l..actional, substitute..lchat

2) wire..ncial, fragment..ntar

3) inaccurate .. descriptively, ser .. al

4) d..document, suppose..gat

6. In which row is the letter b written at the place of the pass?

1) shower, stuff..

2) river .., the wind is fresh ..

3) breesh ..sya, a lot of schools ..

4) bake.., eat..

7. In which row is the same letter written in all words?

1) pr. quirky, pr.. priority

2) super .. active, previous .. blowing

3) be .. god, and .. walking

4) d..yak, s..went

8) In which row is the letter E written?

1) h..tky, upset..ny

2) friend..to, hatch..nka

3) well..tight, can..r

4) odd..tny, kryzh..vnik

9. In which row is the letter Y written in all words?

1) they are sent..tsya

2) herbs stel..tsya

3) re..t flags

4) seeding fields..t

10. Check the option where I is written at the place of the pass?

A. Did you n.. learn your lessons today?

B. I got up at .. light at .. dawn.

VN.. I need your advice.

G.N.. even glad to meet you.

1)AB 2)BV 3)B 4)G

11. In which row in all words is E written at the place of the pass?

1) with a roar..m beast..m

2) about aching .. pity ..

3) to a good .. th story ..

4) to sleeping..th beauties..

12. In what words is the letter I written?

1) service .. vy 2) in .. wat 3) envious .. vy 4) cherv .. t

got out .. got built up .. tormented .. unintentionally .. nary

13. In which row is the letter Y missing in all the words?

1) sowing wheat, (they) fight ..

2) probing..schey look, (they) are building..tsya

3) expensive ..schey, (they) weed ..t

4) I blow .. the wind, (they) feel ..

14. In which answer option are all the numbers indicated, in place of which the letter I is written?

Wherever the daughter (1) was, the father was always, if not (2), nearby, then somewhere very close. And so now she n(3) could (4) betray him, n(5) deceive, n(6) leave him.

1)1 2)1,3,4,5,6 3)1,4,5,6 4)4,5,6

15. In which sentence is NOT written separately with the word?

1) Completely (in)experienced doctor.

2) (Not) deep, but a fish river.

3) The stars were (not) brightly reflected in the river.

4) Far (not) perfect study.

16. In which row are all words written with a hyphen?

1) north (Caucasian)


3) study (bio) currents

4) hardly

17. In which answer option are all the examples correctly indicated, where at the place of the pass

spelled N?

And not a good one .. jacket

B.published..th book

V.twisted..th thread

G.created..th masterpiece

1)AB 2)BG 3)VG 4)A

18. In which version are all punctuation marks indicated?

He looked at (1) the priest standing at a distance (2) as if (3) admiring his robe (4) iridescent gold (5) and crimson hues (6) of his fiery red beard (7) fringing a loose and pale face.

1)1,2,3,4,6,7 2)1,2,3,4,5,6,7 3)2,4,6,7 4)2,4,5,7

19. In which version are all punctuation marks indicated?

One can only bow before the genius of Tsvetaeva (1) who created a unique poetic world (2) and sacredly believed (4) in her muse.

1)1 2)2 3)3,4 4)1,2,3,4

20. In which sentence do you need to put one comma?

1) The fate of Pushkin can be called both a separate fate and the fate of the people.

2) The sound either approached and grew, then it was heard more muffled, then it went somewhere beyond the horizon.

3) I love these dark nights, these stars and maples and a pond.

4) The rain then began to buzz widely and evenly in the yard and in the garden and in the alley.


job number

2. Morphology and spelling

3. Syntax and punctuation

4. Stylistics

Online tests in Russian (Grade 11) with answers is on our website. You can download tests absolutely free. Tasks will help to remember all the material covered at school, to identify insufficiently studied topics. On our site you can take tests for each topic and section separately. Here you will find all kinds of test tasks on vocabulary, phonetics, word formation, morphology, syntax and punctuation. This is the most fast way identify the current level of knowledge. Thus, it would be better to determine which section the graduate needs to catch up with before passing the exam.

Tests for grade 11 will help:

- understand the lexical meaning of the word, quickly select antonyms and synonyms for words;

- consolidate knowledge of the spelling of borrowed words;

- understand and use phraseological units in oral and written speech;

- correctly use solid and soft sign;

- disassemble words by composition, understand the ways of word formation;

- correctly write vowels and consonants in the root of the word;

- use prefixes correctly in words;

- fix the spelling of vowels after hissing and "c";

- use double consonants correctly in writing;

- repeat the rules regarding all parts of speech and their spelling;

- use particles correctly;

- correct punctuation in complex sentences.

Exercises in the tests are submitted by options. With independent passage at home, for the same rule, you can perform several options for tasks at once. If in the first case you had to peep into the answers, then the second time it is better to try to complete the task without a hint. Questions are divided by difficulty levels. For each of them, several answers are offered, one of them is correct. The higher the level, the more practical skills are required.

Many questions are taken from the OGE for grade 9, this will help you try your hand before the final test. Control sections, using these tasks, can be carried out in the classroom for thematic certification. All exercises meet the program requirements.

Solving tests in the Russian language (Grade 11) will help the answers that are in each version of the tasks. They will help you understand and better understand the material covered. Online tests are The best way exam preparation. They will help to consolidate the theoretical material and teach how to apply their knowledge in the practical implementation of tasks of different levels.



1) let's call them

2) rvalA

3) citizenship

4) old

2 .

1) In the obscure, scattered light of the night, the MAJESTIC and wonderful prospects Petersburg: Neva, embankment, canals, palaces.

2) Iron, chromium, manganese, copper and nickel are COLOR substances, components of many paints based on these minerals.

3) DIPLOMATIC relations between Russia and the USA were established in 1807.

4) The most HUMANE professions on earth are those on which the spiritual life and health of a person depends.

3. Give an example with an error in the formation of the word form

1) one and a half hundred books;

3) three-eighths;

2) intelligent engineer;

4) the least convenient.

4 .

Talking about the richness of the language,

1) There was a discussion in the audience.

2) I became interested in this problem.

3) specific examples are required.

4) we meant mainly his vocabulary

5. Specify an offer with grammatical error(with violation of the syntactic norm).

1) A.P. Chekhov, in a letter from Yalta, describes a trip to the botanical garden.

2) Those who admired the portraits of Kramskoy were amazed at the depth of the disclosure of the human character.

3) The officer told the stationmaster in an imperative tone to give him the horses.

4) Many have already seen the film, which has just been released and became a sensation.

6. In which sentence can the subordinate clause of a complex sentence be replaced by participle turnover?

1) The event that will be discussed has already become a legend.

2) Three poplars that grew on the edge of the field turned into huge giants.

3) He noticed in the water jars on the windows bouquets of white and tender daffodils, which were leaning on their bright green fat and long stems with a strong fragrant smell.

4) The foreigner looked around high buildings, which bordered the pond with a square.


The originality of the art (1) world of the ra (2) of their stories N.V. Gogol's connection (3) about with the use of folklore traditions: in folk tales, semi-pagan legends and traditions, the writer found themes and plots for his works.

1) 1, 2, 3

2) 2, 3, 4

3) 1, 3

4) 1, 2, 4

8. In which row is the unstressed checked vowel of the root missing in all words?

1) sp..shi (to the lesson), bl..ndin, ob..sting (baby)

2) s..rya, dedicate st..hotvorenie, ministry of education

3) r..food, pay (debt), pose..locked

4) mind .. lie about mercy, freeze .. ryat, d ... dolphin


1) to..sprinkle, to..cut, pre..write

2) financial .. inspector

3) ra .. disturb, in .. call, and .. know

4) pr..foot, pr..mknut (to movement), pr..nasty situation

10. In which row is the same letter missing in both cases?

1) sword fish ..t caviar, millers ground ..t into flour

2) kids splashing .. tsya, glue .. boat

3) sparks spray..t, cackle..t chickens

4) women rinse ..t underwear, tourists linger ..tsya on a hike

11. In which answer option are all the words where the letter E is omitted?

A. night..wat

V. envious..vy

B. Greek..vy

G. stro.. howl

1) A, B, D

2) B, C

3) A, G

4) A, B, D

12. In which sentence is NOT (NOT) with the word written separately?

1) Who (not) cursed stationmasters who (not) scolded them?

2) (Not) the truth of happiness is unlikely to get.

3) I won’t believe anyone that you love another.

4) (No one) has heard of the paths-roads to the Belovodsk kingdom.

13. In which sentence are both highlighted words written together?

1) And (THAT) HOUR it rained, and such a torrential rain, which (FOR) FREQUENTLY happens only in tropical forests.

2) I was bitter (FOR) BECAUSE I did not want to offend Masha, who was also preparing a message (FOR) THIS issue.

3) The swing flew high (B) UP, (AS) AS if above the tops of cherries.

4) ( C) at the beginning of the last century (FROM) THAT house was dug an underground tunnel to the pond.


1 . In which word is a mistake made in the placement of stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel is incorrectly highlighted?

1) clala

2) took a

3) Expert

4) took

2. In which answer is the underlined word used incorrectly?

1 TO TO HARD OFFENDERS traffic rules will be subject to severe penalties.

2) The girl did not answer and continued to read the book with a STONE expression on her face.

3) Anna Vasilievna was known not only as a SKILLED storyteller, but also as a brilliant journalist.

4) The scammer won people over with a TRUSTING tone and courteous manner.

3 . Specify an example with an error in the formation of the word form

1) all the nicer;

3) approached him;

2) a box of tangerines;

4) a lot of cherries.

4 . Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Discovering organic matter in comets

1) a new hypothesis about the origin of life was put forward.

2) this gives grounds for important conclusions.

3) scientists have suggested that life could be introduced from space.

4) Scientists have an assumption about the existence of life outside the Earth.

5 . Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm).

1) The scientist addressed the representatives of African countries who were present at the congress.

2) Thanks to the snow that fell in the forest, it was light even in the evening.

3) Mahatma Gandhi argued that the ability to forgive is a property of the strong.

4) Addressing those present, the scientist called for participation in the creation of a research fund.

6 . In which sentence can the subordinate clause of a complex sentence be replaced by a participial phrase?

1) The living room was entered from the corridor, which ended with the entrance to the kitchen.

2) Yegorushka, gasping for breath from the heat, which was especially felt now after eating, ran to the sedge and looked around the area from there.

3) The huge house in which Gray was born was gloomy inside and majestic outside.

4) When Nikita returned home alone, the moon stood high in the sky, which illuminated the fields with a pale blue light.

7 . In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in place of which HH is written?

Equally built (1) s, more beautiful (2) with the same lilac paint, the houses of the scatter boarding house (3) are in small groups among century-old pines.

1) 1, 2

2) 2

3) 1

4) 1, 2, 3

8 . In which row is the unstressed checked vowel of the root missing in all words?

1) remember ..rit (quarreled), pon ..call, single ..personal

2) in..n..heat, cool..pour, take a look..nut

3) spread .. lenny, .. ptimist, exp .. position

4) b..dminton, hall..tat, r..zary

9 . In which row in all words is the same letter missing?

1) pr..priority, pr..open, pr..equal

2) neither .. lay down, through .. strip, in .. wave

3) o..quit, pre..reason, po..false

4) pre..yulsky, sport..gra, s..zmala.

10 . In which row is the letter Y missing in both cases?

1) they are viewing..t, napping..puppy

2) fighting .. fighting units, they are catching up .. t

3) that .. snow, creeping fog

4) they call ..t firewood, a house under construction

11 . In which answer option are all the words where the letter I is omitted?

A. hung..l

V. pearls..on

B. nap..vat

G. get well..wat

1) A, B, D

2) B, C, D

3) V, D

4) A, B, D

1 2 . In which sentence is NOT (NOT) with the word spelled together?

1) (Not) it turns out in time the telegram made us change plans.

2) In (not) some villages, all (un)clean people are still being driven out of their houses.

3) The governor was (not) young and (not) old.

4) (No one) had the courage to admit their mistakes.

13 . In which sentence are both underlined words written separately?

1) We THAT (SAME) went to France, (THAT) THAT we know Paris well.

2) (C) FOR several years, the writer thought painfully about WHAT (WOULD) be done to free the peasants.

3) WHAT (WHAT) happens, I'll be waiting for you, (FOR) THAT you don't be late.

4) (ON) WHEN the train was late again, we decided SO (SAME), as yesterday, to take a walk along the embankment






























1. How many vowels are there in Russian?
A) 7
B) 5
C) 6
D) 8
E) 4
Answer: C

2. How many consonants are there in Russian?
A) 36
B) 34
C) 35
E) 38
Answer: A

3. How many vowels are there in Russian?
A) 9
B) 10
C) 8
D) 11
E) 12
Answer: V

4. How many consonants are there in Russian?
A) 19
B) 20
C) 21
D) 22
E) 23
Answer: C

5. In phonetics, a unit of language is studied ...
A) word
B) phrase
C) part of speech
D) part of a word
E) sound
Answer: E

6. Section of the science of language, which studies the sounds of speech:
A) Graphics
B) Orthoepy
C) Spelling
D) Phonetics
E) Morphology
Answer: D

7. In the section "Phonetics" is studied ...
A) phrase and sentence
B) word composition
C) rules governing the spelling of words
D) vocabulary language
E) speech sounds
Answer: E

8. In which word does a letter not represent a sound?
A) face
B) Days
C) Sloth
D) Wave
E) Book
Answer: C

9. Which two letters do not represent sounds?
A) b, b
B) b, u
C) b, i
D) b, s
E) ъ, ё
Answer: A

10. What vowels represent two sounds?
A) e, i, e, s
B) i, u, u, oh
C) e, e, u, i
D) i, s, e, e
E) a, o, u, i
Answer: C

11. In which word the letter does not indicate a sound
A) Night
B) Dacha
C) Wall
D) stove
E) Table
Answer: A

12. Name a word that has more letters than sounds
A) House
B) Forester
C) Shadow
D) Hunger
E) Snow
Answer: C

13. Identify a word that has more letters than sounds
A) Pine
B) Beaver
C) Linden
D) Rain
E) Currant
Answer: D

14. Which word has more sounds than letters?
A) Christmas tree
B) Table
C) lies
D) Fight
E) Alien
Answer: A

15. Specify a number of solid consonants
A) h, sh
B) u, h
C) w, w
D) c, u
E) h, c
Answer: C

16. Which consonant is always hard?
A) n
B) d
C) b
D) h
E) c
Answer: E

17. Specify a number of soft consonants?
A) h, w
B) w, h
C) c, u
D) w, h
E) w, w
Answer: A

18. Indicate a word that does not have voiced consonants
A) Fugitive
B) Supplication
C) Overview
D) Dig
E) Cook
Answer: D

19. In which word are all consonants soft?
A) Wide
B) Fun
C) Meeting
D) Harsh
E) Target
Answer: V

20. Which word has the sound [y ']?
A) Smell
B) Paint
C) climb over
D) Rowan
E) Leaves
Answer: E

21. Which consonant is always soft?
A) [f]
B) [e]
C) [g]
D) [m]
E) [h]
Answer: E

22. Which word does not have a soft consonant sound?
A) Loaf
B) Silkworm
C) Start
D) Border
E) Fatherland
Answer: V

23. Identify a word in which the number of letters and sounds does not match
A. Whole
B. take
C. eye
D. Field
E. Swans
Answer: A

24. What phonetic feature combines the following words: cut, viscous, spoon, trim?
A) Stunning consonants at the end of a word
B) Stunning consonants before other consonants
C) Dropout of consonants
D) Softening consonants before other consonants
E) Voicing of consonants
Answer: V

25. In which word are all consonants voiced?
A) Screw
B) Wagon
C) Tomorrow
D) Jump
E) Frame
Answer: V

26. Which word has fewer sounds than letters?
A) skipping
B) Wide open
C) at random
D) Sideways
E) in two
Answer: D

27. Indicate the word in which the letter Yo conveys 2 sounds:
A) Christmas tree
B) Tes
C) Account
D) Auntie
E) Dark
Answer: A

28. How many sounds are there in the word announcement?
A) 9
B) 7
C) 10
D) 11
E) 8
Answer: D

29. How many vowels are in the word infectious?
A) 5
B) 6
C) 4
D) 7
E) 8
Answer: A

30. Indicate the word in which the letter Yu conveys 2 sounds?
A) Uryuk
B) Yula
C) Tulle
D) Study
E) I love
Answer: V

31. The spelling of which word does not match the pronunciation?
A) Raffle
B) Write
C) spread out
D) has become
E) Throw away
Answer: D

32. Which word has two vowels next to it?
A) Theory
B) Get there
C) Standing
D) sings
E) Fighter
Answer: A

33. Find a word with the sound [y ']
Jury (1), lesson (2), border (3), brothers (4), bream (5), song (6), foot-and-mouth disease (7), top (8).
A) 3, 4, 7
B) 2, 3, 7, 8
C) 2, 3, 4, 7
D) 4, 5, 6, 8
E) 1, 2, 3, 4
Answer: C

34. Find a voiced consonant
A) [s]
B) [m]
C) [x]
D) [f]
E) [p]
Answer: V

35. Which word has fewer sounds than letters?
A) Gorge
B) Joyfully
C) clear
D) Bechev
E) Blizzard
Answer: V

36. Which letter does not make a sound?
A) th
B) I
C) b
Answer: C

37. Specify the consonant sound
B) [and]
C) [y]
D) [e]
E) [th]
Answer: E

38. Find a series of voiceless consonants
A) d, w, m, n
B) h, v, w, p
C) l, n, f, t
D) s, k, x, p
E) p, k, l, n
Answer: D

39. Indicate a number of words in which the letter e conveys 2 sounds
A) lifting, heavy
B) reception, filming
C) opening, warm
D) yellow, shooting
E) bite, light
Answer: V

40. Specify the vowel sound
A) [w]
B) [w]
C) [and]
D) [th]
E) [c]
Answer: C

41. Indicate which word has more sounds than letters
A) Tin
B) Coal
C) Angle
D) Spruce
E) eat
Answer: E

42. Name voiced consonants
A) p, b
B) d, k
C) h, s
D) b, c
E) w, w
Answer: D

43. Name a number of deaf consonants
A) b, k
B) t, w
C) h, s
D) d, e
E) w, w
Answer: V

44. Find the extra fifth
A) Sound
B) Syllable
C) Accent
D) Point
E) Phoneme
Answer: D

45. In which section of the Russian language are speech sounds studied?
A) Morphology
B) Syntax
C) Phonetics
D) Vocabulary
E) Phraseology
Answer: C

46. ​​Stunning words
A) do, surrender
B) cap, book
C) knock down, rest
D) back, move
E) rashly, please
Answer: V

47. Words in which voicing occurs
A) shavings, cap
B) aerobatics, book
C) sharp, oak
D) rashly, please
E) light, pond
Answer: D

48. Find a number of words in which voicing of consonants can be observed
A) Birch, rent, bake
B) Building, inoculation, local
C) Collection, mowing, dumping
D) Birdhouse, trace, request
E) Raisin, wedding, reference
Answer: C

49. Words in which voicing occurs:
a) Slides, fungus
B) Low, sweet
C) Sharp, oak
D) Chips, grease
E) Burn, squeeze
Answer: E

50. Find a number of words in which consonants are stunned
A) Grass, rope, breeze
B) Spoon, smooth, mouse
C) Mistake, dove, gesture
D) Wagon, vegetable garden, mittens
E) Entrance, leg, docent
Answer: D

51. Specify the vowel sound
A) [y]
B) [l]
C) [at]
D) [th]
E) [w]
Answer: A

52. Name the vowel
A) [n]
B) [to]
C) [th]
D) [n]
E) [and]
Answer: E

53. Identify the vowel sound
A) [s]
B) [to]
C) [e]
D) [th]
E) [a]
Answer: E

54. Name the vowel
A) [c]
B) [and]
C) [th]
D) [w]
E) [w]
Answer: V

55. Specify the consonant sound
A) [and]
B) [n]
C) [y]
D) [e]
Answer: V

56. What is the consonant sound
B) [o]
C) [c]
D) [a]
E) [y]
Answer: C

57. Indicate a consonant sound that is always soft
A) [w]
B) [n]
C) [w]
D) [th]
E) [s]
Answer: D

58. Determine in which word a voiced consonant is missing
A) Books lay in a row ... ku
B) Fu…sick match
C) We arrived at the hall
D) He ... gave a test in the Russian language.
E) The tip of the spine is called the co ... chik
Answer: D

59. Indicate the word in which the letter "e" is missing
A) Speech ... nka
B) Manual
C) Protection .... lka
D) Swing ... nka
E) Bear…nka
Answer: C

60. Name in which option you need to insert "o"
A) Solution
B) W ... rox
C) Post..t
D) Account ... t
E) Black
Answer: V

61. Indicate the voiced consonant sound
A) [h]
B) [w]
C) [t]
D) [th]
E) [s]
Answer: D

62. Define a voiced consonant
A) [h]
B) [f]
C) [p]
D) [c]
E) [s]
Answer: A

63. What is the voiced consonant sound
A) [f]
B) [p]
C) [p]
D) [t]
E) [s]
Answer: C

64. Specify a consonant that does not have a hard pair
A) [t]
B) [in]
C) [f]
D) [c]
E) [h]
Answer: E

65. Indicate which word has more sounds than letters
A) Gesture
B) eat
C) Ford
D) Beak
E) Key
Answer: V

66. The number of letters and sounds in the word "eat":
A) 4 letters, 4 sounds
B) 6 letters, 4 sounds
C) 6 letters, 5 sounds
D) 6 letters, 6 sounds
E) 5 letters, 6 sounds
Answer: C

67. Replacing one sound with another when forming and changing words is called ...
A) alternation
B) stressed syllable
C) stunning
D) voicing
E) unstressed syllable
Answer: A

68. Indicate the confluence of consonants in which three consonants occur:
A) Saying
B) Riddle
C) Text
D) Hi
E) Mail
Answer: C

69. Determine the consonant cluster in which four consonants occur
A) Postcard
B) Brand
C) Portfolio
D) Meeting
E) Page
Answer: D

70. Indicate a number of words where there is no alternation
A) tell, tell
B) write, write
C) want, want
D) help, help
E) Friend, friends
Answer: D

71. Indicate a series of words where alternation occurs
A) Book, book
B) Road, path
C) Cat, about a cat
D) tell, tell
E) offend, offended
Answer: V

72. Find a word that differs in the place of stress from the rest:
A) Centimeter
B) Lighten
C) call
D) Alphabet
E) Conspiracy
Answer: E

73. Point out the word with stress on 1 syllable
A) Sorrel
B) Sweater
C) Portfolio
D) Glider
E) Parterre
Answer: V

74. Indicate the word with the stress on the 2nd syllable
A) Statue
B) Meatballs
C) Bartender
D) Dispensary
E) Leisure
Answer: E

75. Indicate the word with the stress on the 3rd syllable
A) Draw
B) Real estate
C) Belief
D) Sentenced
E) Deepen
Answer: E

76. Find a word in which the stress falls on the first syllable
A) Remedy
B) calling
C) Contract
D) Catalog
E) Document
Answer: A

77. Find a word in which the stress falls on the second syllable
A) Folder
B) Schoolboy
C) small
D) Taiga
E) Rainbow
Answer: D

78. Find a word in which the stress falls on the last syllable
A) October
B) Idleness
C) Tree
D) Longer
E) Pencils
Answer: E

79. Find a word with an accent on the first syllable
A) Case
B) Convocation
C) Carpenter
D) Customs
E) Dancer
Answer: A

80. Determine the word in which the stress falls on the second syllable
A) Song
B) fall
C) Field
D) Apple tree
E) Guitar
Answer: E

81. Find a word with an accent on the first syllable
A) Heavy
B) Alive
C) Honorary
D) Stress
E) Vowel
Answer: E

82. Indicate a word that has six syllables
A) Vowel
B) Saying
C) Baby camel
D) Instructive
E) Patter
Answer: D

83. Indicate a word that has five syllables
A) chat
B) thanked
C) move
D) Say hello
E) Laugh
Answer: V

84. Find a word with one syllable
A) Daughter
B) Joy
C) Happiness
D) Dream
E) Smile
Answer: A

85. The syllable that is stressed is called ...
A) stun
B) voicing
C) stressed syllable
D) unstressed syllable
E) alternation
Answer: C

86. A syllable that is not stressed is called ...
A) shock
B) unstressed
C) alternation
D) stunning
E) voicing
Answer: V

87. How to find out how many syllables are in a word?
A) How many vowels are in the word
B) How many consonants are in the word
C) How many vowels are in the word
D) How many consonants are in the word
E) How many letters in the word
Answer: A

88. Indicate the correct version of the missing letters:
But you are a young, inexperienced ruler ...
How will they manage ... you will be under a thunderstorm,
Carcass .. mutiny ..., entangle treason.
A) b, b, i, *
B) *, b, i, b
C) b, *, s, b
D) *, b, and, *
E) *, *, s, *
Answer: D

89. Fill in the missing letters:
reeds ... vyy, finished ... ny, resh ... tka, f ... forehead, hare ... nok.
A) o, e, e, e, o
B) oh, e, oh, oh, oh
C) o, e, e, o, o
D) e, o, o, e, e
E) oh, oh, oh, e, e
Answer: A

90. A word in which the letter o is missing
A) cherish ... someone's virtues
B) teacher's explanation
C) imaginative
D) dr…reap from the cold
E) go swear
Answer: D

91. Word with missing letter -and-
A) intelligence
B) pr…zidium
C) bell…tristika
D) prospect ... active
E) m…ridian
Answer: A

92. A word with a missing letter -a-
A) ar…mat
B) hugging
C) ...reed
D) yak ... r
E) from…tank
Answer: V

93. Indicate where the letter -e is missing
A) lie in bed...
B) walk along the square ...
C) in a difficult position ...
D) in an art gallery...
E) run along the steppe ...
Answer: D

94. Choose a number of words with unchecked unstressed vowels in the root of words
A) Fighting, walking
B) Threshing, shooting
C) Power, owl
D) Tramp, bee
E) Persuasion, impression
Answer: E

95. In which word is the letter e missing?
A) live in poverty
B) allowing most ... nstvo
C) small peas ... nka
D) onions ... tulip glasses
E) shallow depression ... nk
Answer: A

96. A word where the letter e is missing
A) lock the door
B) light a fire
C) curse ... to hire someone
D) combination of two colors
E) pick up from school
Answer: D

97. Specify the option where you want to insert a letter and
A) r…zervs
B) r…ferat
C) r…resources
D) bench press
E) with…luet
Answer: E

98. Indicate the word with the letter o
A) solution
B) sh...rstka
C) w…rox
D) sh ... sweat
E) w ... forehead
Answer: C

99. Indicate the word in which the letter "e" is missing
A) Or...ginality
B) Identity… antiquity
C) Uniqueness
D) Acquisition
E) G…gant
Answer: V

100. In which variant is the unstressed vowel “a” put?
A) G…ra
B) Check…yes
C) Page…on
D) Mr.. native
E) M ... rya
Answer: C

101. Indicate the words with unchecked unstressed vowel "o"
A) K…rantin
B) Obnoxious
C) M…gistral
D) Pan…frame
E) K…ricature
Answer: D

102. Indicate the unchecked vowel "e" in the root
A) Speed ​​up
B) Kill in the right.
C) Bring people together
D) Close…to sing with your teeth
E) Satisfy a child
Answer: B

103. In which word is the letter “o” missing?
A) Conscious…wat
B) Gu…give
C) Picture
D) Fun
E) piss
Answer: E

104. Missing the letter "o" in ...
A) express ... press
B) state
C) issue ... give
D) forget...
E) draw
Answer: V

105. Naming a section of linguistics that establishes rules for writing words
A) Phonetics
B) Vocabulary
C) Spelling
D) Graphics
E) Orthoepy
Answer: C

106. Indicate which adjective should be written together
A) dark (burgundy)
B) light (pink)
C) Russian (English)
D) educational (educational)
E) Western (Kazakh)
Answer: E

107. Indicate the word with the letter and in the suffix
A) bag ... to
B) time
C) charcoal ... to
D) knife ... check
E) refrigeration ... to
Answer: D

108. Indicate the word in which the letter "o" is missing
A) R…wine
B) Assumption
C) Appealing
D) Zag ... r
E) Comparison
Answer: V

109. Determine in which case the letter “and” is written?
A) Bl…stit in the sun
B) We ... get together on time
C) lean on a stick
D) Lock up on the deadbolt
E) Heart froze
Answer: D

110. Define a compound noun with a connecting vowel
A) looking ahead
B) daredevil
C) new building
D) hike
E) head teacher
Answer: C

111. What connecting vowel is written in the words: porridge ... var, language ... Vedas, birds ... fishing, forest ... rub, snow ... fall, fresh ... frozen, new ... construction, stone ... tyos, suns ... baked.
A) e, o, e, e, o, e, o, o, e
B) e, o, e, o, o, e, o, o, e
C) oh, oh, e, o, o, e, o, o, e
D) e, o, e, o, o, e, e, e, e
E) e, e, e, e, o, e, o, o, e
Answer: V

112. An alternating vowel is stressed
A) Light zag…r
B) Lightly tan
C) Sunbathing on the beach
D) Zag ... a red face
E) Combustion of fuel
Answer: A

113. Determine in which variant the letter “a” is written in the roots -lag- - -loose-?
A) Assumption
B) Location ... to live
C) Ex…live
D) Adjective
E) Sex…live
Answer: D

114. Determine in which variant the letter “a” is written in the roots -cas- - -kos-
A) Applied ... sleep to the glass
B) To…sleep the hot plate
C) To .... my view
D) Friendly App…dream
E) To ... dream of a difficult question
Answer: E

115. Variant of writing the root with the vowel -e-
A) Freeze ... with pleasure
B) Take away the child
C) Gather berries in paradise
D) Wipe face
E) Separate ... ru the bark
Answer: E

116. Indicate the word with the letter o after the letter c
A) baby…m
B) pollen ... th
C) larch ... th
D) adherent ... m
E) dresses ... m
Answer: V

117. Insert missing letters after q:
medical ... on, well done ..., sisters ... n, c ... films.
A) and, s, and, s
B) and, s, s, s
C) s, and, s, and
D) and, s, s, and
E) and, and, and, and
Answer: V

118. Indicate in which option you need to insert the letter "e"?
A) Locust ... th
B) Lj…t
C) Doctor…m
D) Alien ... th
E) Cloak…m
Answer: V

119. Indicate a phrase in which there is a word with a missing letter "y" after q
A) Fried z...film
B) Church performance
C) White acacia...i
D) Ancient Civilization
E) New motorcycle
Answer: A

120. Determine in which version the letter “o” is written after the hissing?
A) W... we, ch... lka
B) Izzh ... ha, roast ... ra
C) Sh ... l, sh ... lka
D) F...lud, f...forehead
E) Black…rt, sh…pot
Answer: V

121. Indicate a phrase in which there is a word with a missing letter "o" after c
A) Correspond with Estonian….m
B) Be committed to the new
C) To be known as raznochinits ... m
D) Become a businessman ... m
E) Buy glossy paper
Answer: D

122. After c, the vowel “i” is written in the words ...
A) Finger...
B) Sisters ... n
C) C…nk
D) C…gan
E) Spoke...
Answer: C

123. Indicate a phrase in which there is a word with a missing letter "e"
A) Play with the ball...m
B) Shrink condition
C) Cheers…were quick
D) The manifestation of sh ... vinism
E) Uneven s…in
Answer: C

124. Word with the vowel "o"
A) Comrade ... m
B) Grove ... th
C) Minced ... m
D) Towels…m
E) Locust ... th
Answer: E

125. Indicate a phrase in which there is a word with a missing letter "e" after hissing.
A) Beef carcass…nka
B) Spruce branch ... to
C) Big bag..k
D) Delicious sh…colade
E) Cheerful girl ... nka
Answer: A

126. The letter "o" after the words hissing at the root ...
A) Sh ... l, sh ... lka
B) Bech ... vka, shch ... goal
C) Shield ... tka, credit ... t
D) W ... rox, w ... mpol
E) Psh ... nka, sh ... rstka
Answer: D

127. The letter n is missing
A) crane flock
B) swan ... song
C) duck nose
D) mouse ... tail
E) lemon…th taste
Answer: E

128. Indicate the adjective with two n
A) silver ...
B) skin ... th
C) wool ... oh
D) tin ... th
E) ice ... oh
Answer: D

129. Select the line with words containing an unchecked consonant in
A) Ga ... cue, der ... cue
B) Self-feeling, football player
C) Gla... cue, well-known...
D) Ser ... tse, holiday ... nickname
E) Dependent ... unhappy ...
Answer: V

130. Highlight the option in which a deaf consonant is written
A) Railway hall
B) Semi-annual period…
C) Beautiful view…
D) Central Asian city ...
E) Sweet Pyro…
Answer: A

131. In which word is the letter p missing?
A) ro ... ko object
B) denim skirt
C) fragile health
D) smoke a pipe ... ku
E) go to the club...
Answer: C

132. Find the variant in which the deaf "k" is put
A) Dialogue...
B) Epilo...
C) Monolo…
D) Prolo…
E) Jump...
Answer: E

133. No unpronounceable consonant
A) Shine ... whine
B) Furious ... ny
C) Forest ... nitz
D) Pasture
E) Location
Answer: A

134. Indicate a sentence in which there is a word without a missing letter
A) In total, there were six .... eleven sledges in the train
B) The hated frost is raging ...
C) And man man
Sent to Anchar with a wet look
D) Suddenly, the first rays of the sun splashed ... zeros
E) In spring, happy people are drawn into the distance
Answer: D

135. Which phrase contains a word with a missing unpronounceable consonant
A) Wonderful view
B) Unfamiliar place...
C) Heavenly vault
D) Festive procession
E) Honor the hero of the day
Answer: V

136. A variant in which there is a word with an unpronounceable consonant
A) Skillful ... master
B) Wonderful view
C) Obnoxious character
D) Skeletal brain
E) Reserve player
Answer: D

137. Indicate a word with an unpronounceable consonant
A) Delicious
B) Dangerous...
C) Sad ... ny
D) Wonderful
E) Beautiful
Answer: C

138. Indicate in which phrase capital letters are correctly used
A) State Tretyakov Gallery
B) State Tretyakov Gallery
C) State Tretyakov Gallery
D) State Tretyakov Gallery
E) State Tretyakov Gallery
Answer: C

139. What nouns are written with capital letter?
A) Own
B) Common nouns
C) Animate
D) Inanimate
E) Nouns female
Answer: A

140. Find a proper name
A) Balkhash
B) Class
C) Cabinet
D) Resort
E) Roller
Answer: A

141. Enclosed in quotation marks
A) Animal names
B) Surname, name, patronymic
C) Names of countries, cities, villages
D) Names of rivers, lakes, mountains
E) Titles of literary works
Answer: E

142. Identify a common noun among your own
A) Sergeev
B) Petrov
C) Ivanov
D) Teacher
E) Nikitin
Answer: D

143. Indicate a proper name: In the fifth grade among us
Atanas is the funniest of all
A) In the fifth
B) Everyone
C) more fun
D) Atanas
E) In class
Answer: D

144. Indicate the word with the correct hyphenation
A) Pencil-ash
B) Sto-l
C) Take
D) Kn-yoke
E) School
Answer: E

145. Define the word, with the correct word hyphenation
A) K-vacation
B) Holidays
C) Kan-ikul
D) Ka-nikula
E) The word is not hyphenated
Answer: D

146. In what variant is word wrap possible
A) Beam
B) Mother
C) Daughter
D) Mouse
E) mine
Answer: E

147. In which variant is it impossible to wrap a word
A) Notebook
B) Tram
C) Thing
D) Route
E) yours
Answer: C

148. Define a word, two syllables
A) Pencils
B) tram
C) Thing
D) Carpet
E) Bus
Answer: D

149. In what word is the soft sign incorrectly used?
A) family
B) play
C) serious
D) entrance
E) blizzard
Answer: D

150. Insert ъ and ь where necessary:
ad…jutant, interview…yu, los…he, s…save, inexplicable.
A) b, b, b, *, b
B) ъ, ъ, *, ъ, ь
C) b, b, b, b, b
D) b, b, b, *, b
E) *, *, b, b, b
Answer: A

151. In what word is written ь?
A) conflagration ... glow
B) the joy of meeting ...
C) pasture greens...
D) bitterness ... separation
E) got married ...
Answer: D

152. Indicate the word with a soft sign at the end
A) burning ...
B) good...
c) married...
D) really...
E) shiver...
Answer: E

153. Indicate the option in which there is a word without ь (soft sign) after pinching:
A) Power...
B) Luxury...
C) Beam...
D) Protect...
E) Jump...
Answer: C

154. Indicate the option in which there is a word without ь (soft sign) after pinching:
A) Undercut...
B) Laugh...
C) Executioner...
D) Jump...
E) You cry...
Answer: C

155. Indicate the word with ь (soft sign):
A) Interv...y
B) Volume ... volume
C) Announcement...phenomenon
D) Adjutant
E) From ... drive
Answer: A

156. Indicate the option in which there is a word with ь (soft sign) after pinching:
A) Losing again...
B) Help ... arrived in time
C) Lots of bright posters...
D) Lose the key...
E) Sword… hero
Answer: V

157. The letter ь (soft sign) is not written in the words:
A) daughter..., cut off..., dancing...
B) power..., strich..., playing...
C) night..., read..., read...
D) speech ..., daughter ..., draw ...
E) nails ... wild, woman ... woman, watchman ...
Answer: E

158. Indicate the word with ъ (solid sign)
A) Fel…eton
B) Injection
C) P…edestal
D) Premiere
E) Install
Answer: V

159. The letter ь (soft sign) is not written in the words:
A) september
B) October ... sky
C) brutal ... cue
D) den…sky
E) December ... sky
Answer: C

160. Select the line without ь (soft sign) in the words:
A) dugout ..., pencil ...
B) whisper ..., breathe ...
C) insert ..., speech ...
D) bream…, treat…
E) tech…, brick…
Answer: A

161. In the name of which month is not written ь (soft sign)?
A) July…sky
B) June…sky
C) february
D) November ... sky
E) January…sky
Answer: E

162. Find a sentence in which the letter -s- is missing in the prefix
A) Be…pitiful autumn tore the robes from the trees
B) Every day the strip in ... loosened earth is farther and farther
C) The flow of people is endless
D) Darkness quickly spread across the plain
E) The meeting left an indelible impression
Answer: C

163. In what word in prefixes raz- (ras-), roz- (ros-) is written o?
A) R...list
B) R...search
C) R...detective
D) R...make
E) R...decommissioning
Answer: C

164. In which row are given words that end in z- in the prefix?
A) And ... fry, expand ... expand
B) Be...boundary, be...noisy
C) Ra...wake, and...follow
D) Be...sleepy, be...extreme
E) Be...star, be...money
Answer: E

165. Find the word where the letter "z" is placed
A) Top…top
B) Expand ... expand
C) And…oven
D) Ra…color
E) Ra…look
Answer: A

166. Find the word where the letter "c" is missing
A) Be proud
B) B…shudder
C) Be…water
D) Ra ... saw
E) Ra…beat
Answer: D

167. Indicate the word where the letter "z" is placed
A) Be…pitiful
B) Be…merciful
C) Be….extreme
D) Be… verbal
E) Be…cunning
Answer: A

168. Find a phrase that has a figurative meaning:
A) Golden ring
B) Gold watch
C) Gold bracelet
D) Gold earrings
E) Golden character
Answer: E

169. Indicate a phrase that has a direct meaning:
A) Black trousers
B) Rainy day
C) Black thoughts
D) Black forces
e) Dirty work
Answer: A

170. Find a word that has a figurative meaning:
A) A person is walking
B) People are walking
C) Dad is coming
D) The girls are coming
E) It's snowing
Answer: E

171. In which variant is there a similarity in action?
A) Golden autumn is a golden thing
B) Bird wing-airplane wing
C) Happy girl-funny song
D) The wolf howls - the wind howls
E) Hot tea - hot person
Answer: D

172. Find a word in a figurative sense
A) White hands
B) Big hands
C) skillful hands
D) Golden hands
E) Callused hands
Answer: D

173. Point out the word in direct meaning
A) the steppe fell asleep
B) Expanse fell asleep
C) The girl fell asleep
D) The village fell asleep
E) Nature fell asleep
Answer: C

174. Indicate a row in which there is a similarity in color
A) Goes to school - it's raining
B) The child woke up - nature woke up
C) Red sundress - red face
D) A joyful look is good news
E) The army was advancing - the night was falling
Answer: C

175. Indicate the variant in which words are used in a figurative sense
A) The clock is standing, the clock is hurrying
B) Asan is standing and Usen is sitting
C) Gold bracelet, gold pendant
D) The person is sleeping, the person is awake
E) Mom came and sister left
Answer: A

176. Indicate a series where there are no synonymous words
A) Name day, birthday
B) invite, invite
C) Cheerful, joyful
D) Holiday, celebration
E) High, low
Answer: E

177. Find the fifth extra
A) Blizzard
B) Rain
C) Blizzard
D) Buran
E) Blizzard
Answer: V

178. Indicate the row where there are synonymous words
A) boring, dreary
B) rich, poor
C) good, bad
D) a lot, a little
E) bitter, sweet
Answer: A

179. Indicate in which variant the synonyms are nouns
A) shout, yell
B) Good, excellent
C) Bold, fearless
D) Pupil, schoolboy
E) Under, over
Answer: D

180. Indicate in which variant the synonyms are adjectives
A) Heat - heat
B) Hot - sultry
C) Cold - frost
D) Chief - chief
E) North-South
Answer: V

181. Which synonymous pair does not correspond to the description of the animal?
A) Cowardly, timid hare
B) Sly, crafty fox
C) Cruel, bloodthirsty wolf
D) Unfaithful, treacherous snake
E) Clumsy, clumsy lion
Answer: E

182. Name a noun that does not match in combination with synonymous verbs
A) Give a pen
B) Present a diploma
C) Present the Palace
D) Build a school
E) Open the door
Answer: C

183. Name the "fifth" superfluous
A) sad
B) Not fun
C) sad
D) Joyfully
E) Dreary
Answer: D

184. Indicate the "fifth" superfluous (synonym)
A) Enemy
B) Opponent
C) Foe
D) Enemy
E) Peer
Answer: E

185. Synonym for the word apathy in...
A) lethargy
B) similarity
C) compliance
D) influence
E) Punctuality
Answer: A

186. Indicate which phrase is a synonym for the phraseological phrase do not lose your head:
A) Buy very cheap
B) Return quickly
C) Be serious, circumspect
D) Easy to float in water
E) go very far
Answer: C

187. Name the fifth extra
A) Courage
B) Courage
C) Courage
D) Set
E) Courage
Answer: D

188. Which series is synonymous?
A) Cold, heat, wind
B) Weather, climate, temperature
C) Swan, crow, starling
D) motherland, fatherland, fatherland
E) Watch, belt, comb
Answer: D

189. What are these words?
Aspen chills,
Trembling in the wind
Freezes in the sun
Freezes in the heat.
A) Homonyms
B) Synonyms
C) Antonyms
D) Neologisms
E) Archaisms
Answer: V

190. Indicate the line of antonyms
A) Large - considerable.
B) Angry - furious.
C) Rotten - rotten.
D) Bad - not good.
E) General - private.
Answer: E

191. Name the antonym of the idiom "Sleeveless"
A) far to go
B) not joking
C) Tirelessly
D) Hands down
E) Hand on heart
Answer: C

192. Specify antonyms
A) Man - woman
B) Thick - full
C) Cruel - ferocious
D) Generous - stingy
E) Imitate - copy
Answer: D

193. Specify antonyms
A) heartless - ruthless
B) talker - bolobolka
C) red - purple
D) timid - timid
E) healthy - sick
Answer: E

194. Name the antonyms denoting a large, small value of a sign
A) Day - night
B) get sick - get well
C) High - low
D) go up - go down
E) White - black
Answer: C

195. Find antonyms
A) Cold day, frosty weather
B) Spring festival, magnificent celebration
C) Cheerful person, joyful mother
D) Smart student, well-read student
E) Rich buy, poor young man
Answer: E

196. Name the antonyms denoting the direction of movement
A) Climb to you - go down
B) Get sick unexpectedly - recover quickly
C) High price - low ceiling
D) Clear day - dark night
E) Sad song - happy person
Answer: A

197. Indicate in which variant the antonyms are expressed by the adverb
A) Happiness - grief
B) good - bad
C) Wide - narrow
D) cry - laugh
E) Meet - see off
Answer: V

198. Words that are opposite in meaning are called ...
A) Synonyms
B) Antonyms
C) Homonyms
D) Neologisms
E) Archaisms
Answer: V

199. Indicate where the antonyms are expressed by the adjective
A) good-bad
B) Full-hungry
C) far-near
D) Right-left
E) War-peace
Answer: V

200. In what series are antonyms expressed by a noun?
A) young-old
B) Fun-sad
C) Laughing
D) Nice-beautiful
E) Morning-evening
Answer: C

201. Find words that don't have general meaning
A) Road, way
B) Cheerful, joyful
C) path, path
D) Strong, strong
E) Slow, fast
Answer: E

202. What are the underlined words?
And we hate and we love by chance,
Sacrificing nothing neither malice nor love
A) Polysemantic words
B) Synonyms
C) Phraseologisms
D) Antonyms
E) Homonyms
Answer: D

203. Antonyms are words...
A) the same part of speech with the opposite meaning
B) the same part of speech, which means the same thing
C) the same part of speech, identical in sound and spelling, but completely different in lexical meaning
D) which have a figurative meaning
E) having several lexical meanings
Answer: A

204. What words are called homonyms?
similar in sound and spelling, but different in meaning
similar in sound and spelling, but different in meaning
words that are opposite in meaning
the same spelling
having multiple lexical meanings
Answer: A

205. Specify paronyms
A) White - black
B) Artful - artificial
C) Cold - warm
D) Hot - scalding
E) Hard - soft
Answer: V

206. Indicate the use of the word in the direct, basic meaning
A) Light breakfast
B) Light basket
C) Easy character
D) Light sleep
E) Light wind
Answer: V

207. Indicate the line of native Russian words.
A) Understudy, monopoly, ovation.
B) Pedestal, soloist, pulsation.
C) Lens, illustration, dubbing.
D) Propriety, collection, treasure.
E) Appeal, sore throat, debtor.
Answer: D

208. Find the phraseological unit "extra" from the row by value
A) side by side
B) Shoulder to shoulder
C) eye to eye
D) hand in hand
E) Shoulder to shoulder
Answer: C

209. Specify the phraseological combination
A) Work side by side
B) hand in hand
C) Dress fashionably
D) Be proud of your son
E) Wise minnow
Answer: V

210. Which of the words is obsolete?
A) Hearing
B) Tube
C) clerks
D) Operation
E) Temper
Answer: C

211. Indicate a phraseological unit with the meaning "to take a decisive step that determines further events."
A) Cross the Rubicon
B) Break yourself
C) Sharpen your skis
D) far to go
E) Go straight
Answer: A

212. Which of the phraseological units is used in the meaning of "to make a mistake"?
A) ate the dog
B) Add fuel to the fire
C) Beat the buckets
D) Give a swing
E) Regardless of faces
Answer: D

213. Which phrase is synonymous with phraseologism "shooting sparrow"?
A) foolish man
B) a cowardly person
C) a cheerful person
D) experienced person
E) wounded person
Answer: D

214. Which of the phraseological turns means "to be the leader of something"?
A) with a shield or on a shield
B) play first fiddle
C) without a hitch, without a hitch
D) Ate the dog
E) First things first
Answer: V

215. The section of the science of language that studies phraseological units is called ...
A) vocabulary
B) morphology
C) phraseology
D) syntax
E) spelling
Answer: C

216. Choose a phraseological unit - a synonym for the phrase: "To speak without sufficient reason"
A) suck from the finger
B) sum up the monastery
C) snuggle
D) covering up tracks
E) give free rein
Answer: A

217. Indicate the phraseological unit, the source of which is ancient mythology
A) Kazan orphan, shelve the matter.
B) Peel off like sticky, far away.
C) Sisyphean labor, tantalum flour.
D) Keep silence, yell at the whole Ivanovo.
E) From the ship to the ball, within easy reach.
Answer: C

218. Indicate the phraseological unit
A) female relatives
B) it's time
C) take an example
D) military service
E) steel hike
Answer: C

219. Indicate a phraseological unit that means noise, din, disorder
A) run aground
B) back up
C) remove chips
D) smoke rocker
E) cast a shadow
Answer: D

220. What phraseological unit is synonymous with the phrase "Keep silent"?
A) like two drops
B) as he looked into the water
C) get away with it
D) take water in your mouth
E) keep in mind
Answer: D

221. Find phraseological units:
A) My grandfather wakes up early
B) The boy was running very fast
C) Don't mess around in class
D) I live near the school
E) The work is done with sin in half
Answer: E

222. What phraseological units are synonyms for the word "run away"
A) Ask a strekach, sharpen your skis, grease your heels
B) To be born in a shirt, gather your courage
C) Burn your ships, cross the Rubicon
D) Plug into the belt, wipe the nose
E) Small bird, empty space
Answer: A

223. Indicate which phraseological phrase is a synonym for the phrase work very hard
A) Without straightening the back
B) put on your feet
C) Cover to Cover
D) Far Away
E) Like a fish in water
Answer: A

224. Phraseological units are ...
A) sustainable combination words
B) rules defining the definition of words
C) word composition
D) speech sounds
E) phrase and sentence
Answer: A

225. Find phraseological units
A) sleeveless
B) very fast
C) very good
D) reluctantly
E) deceive
Answer: A

226. Select a phrase that is not a phraseological unit
A) Dedicated to work
B) With a sin in half
C) On hastily
D) Hang on the phone
E) Take a dip
Answer: A

227. Find a phraseological unit that is a synonym for the word "far"
A) sleeveless
B) reluctantly
C) from all legs
D) at the end of the world
E) lead by the nose
Answer: D

228. Define a synonym for the phraseologism "lead by the nose"
A) reluctantly
B) deceive
C) somehow
D) a long time ago
E) far
Answer: V

229. Literal translation of the word "orange"
A) Chinese apple
B) French apple
C) English apple
D) German apple
E) Turkic apple
Answer: A

/////// inside!!!

783. It is written - tsya
A) Breaking up is difficult with a friend
C) Parting with tears ... with a friend
C) I'm not feeling well ...
D) Brother can't wait to leave
E) She does not sit ... at home

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