Verbal test online. Dynamic test of verbal abilities online. Verbal tests shl

Half of the test questions are mathematical, the other half are verbal. Mathematics includes examples for calculating proportions, percentages, area, productivity, time, as well as finding segments, mixtures, histograms, charts, and working with graphs. The list shows that examples of the school level, no higher mathematics, derivatives, integrals, etc. However, you should not relax in advance, given the conditions of testing.

Verbal tests include two types of questions: assessment of the correctness of statements and text analysis. TO small text several statements are attached, which are marked as "true", "false" or "insufficient information".

Simple examples give an understanding of the tests.

For example, there is initial data that there were 100 people in a house in such and such a year and their number grew at a rate of 4% per year. To answer, you need to calculate how many people in the city became in five years.

For example, there is a text that says that a complete inventory of the library was recently carried out, after which a shortage of two dozen books was revealed, and five books were left unaccounted for. The first statement says that because of the check, books were found, and it is correct, and the second assumption indicates that the books disappeared due to the negligence of the librarian, and here the correct answer is that there is not enough information, since based on the text it is not known exactly why the books disappeared .

Passing the SHL test is more difficult than the examples above suggest. These tasks are unlikely to be encountered in real testing - the examples there are more complicated, but the essence is similar.

Help with passing tests

There are no "magic" recipes for passing the SHL tests or any cheat sheets, but there are some reasonable guidelines that you can use to understand how to better prepare for the test.

Constant practice. Examples of tasks for logic and mathematics are best solved regularly, every other day or several times a week. The tasks are not particularly difficult, but require maximum concentration, automatism. If you start to reason over each example, then success is hardly possible.

"Timing". The last couple of years, the tests have become more and more difficult, especially in terms of lack of time. Previously, the task was given a minute, now - thirty seconds. This is due to the ever-increasing number of applicants. To protect yourself from an unpleasant surprise during the testing itself, it is better to prepare by gradually reducing the amount of time.

Search for information. There are frequent search queries on the Internet about how to pass the SHL test correctly, and there is nothing negative about this, on the contrary, the more data an applicant finds about the upcoming test, the better he will prepare. Of course, you don’t need to collect a bunch of “garbage”, you need to filter out the incoming information, but before there was no such an excellent source of knowledge at all, and it’s stupid not to use it.

Skip difficult examples. If it is possible to skip some tasks and move on to the next, and it usually is, then you should use it. The only condition is the ability to instantly assess the level of difficulty of the task, otherwise you can endlessly scroll through the list. The ability to quickly evaluate an example must be developed in advance.

Minimum technical assistance. Some companies conduct testing online, others directly in the office. Do not think that it is much easier at home - time is still limited, but theoretically you can search for data on the Internet, use counting programs, etc. In the office, most often they don’t even allow you to use calculators, and you need to be prepared for this by practicing the solution with an example only with a pen and a leaf.

Memory training. To solve numerical tests, you need to do simple calculations in your head, complex ones on a piece of paper, but the situation is different with verbal tests. There is a text of 500-600 characters, roughly speaking, one paragraph, and statements are given to it for evaluation. If you constantly reread the text, there will not be enough time for answers, so it is necessary that it be imprinted in memory, and the remaining time should be used to evaluate statements.

Creating interference. Passing the "exam" in the office can be complicated intentionally or accidentally by ambient noise, by any ongoing processes, which, if superimposed on the nervousness of the contestant himself, can lead to a complete failure of testing. It will be nice to practice at home by turning on the music, asking your family to speak loudly nearby. The ability to concentrate in any conditions will become indispensable.

Since the next attempt is given at least six months later, you should find out in advance how to pass the SHL test correctly. It takes a lot of time to do this, especially the first time, but the next samples will be more successful, and the preparation will take less time.

Best regards, worldcompanyjob team

Scales: intelligence level (IQ)

Purpose of the test

The technique is designed to assess intellectual abilities, to determine the extent to which the subject has non-standard thinking. For the study of people from 18 to 50 years old with an education not lower than secondary.

Instructions for the test

You have exactly 30 minutes to complete the test. Don't stay too long on one task. Perhaps you are on the wrong track and it is better to move on to the next task. But don't give up too easily either; most of the tasks can be solved if you - show a little perseverance. Continue to think about the task or give up trying and move on to the next one - prompts common sense. Keep in mind, however, that by the end of the series, the tasks become generally more difficult. Every person is able to solve part of the proposed tasks, but no one is able to cope with all the tasks in half an hour.

The answer to the task consists of one number, letter or word. Sometimes you have to choose from several possibilities, sometimes you have to come up with the answer yourself. Write your answer in the space provided. If you are unable to solve the problem - do not write the answer at random. If you have an idea, but you are not sure about it, then put down the answer.

The test does not contain "tricky" tasks, but you always have to consider several solutions. Before proceeding with the decision, make sure that you correctly understand what is required of you. You will be wasting your time if you take on a decision without understanding what the problem is.


The dots indicate the number of letters in the missing word. For example, (. . . .) means that the missing word has four letters.
. To solve some tasks, you will need to use a sequence of letters of the Russian alphabet without the letter "ё".


1. Insert a word that would mean the same as the words outside the brackets.


2. Insert a word that would serve as the end of the first word and the beginning of the second.

GO (. . .) CAT

3. Solve anagrams and eliminate the extra word.


4. Find a common ending for all the listed words.

5. Insert a word that would mean the same as the words outside the brackets.

ANIMAL (. . . .) MONK

6. Insert a word that would serve as the end of the first word and the beginning of the second.

SLEEP (. . .) OW

7. Eliminate the extra word.


8. Find common beginning for the next three words.

9. Insert a word that would mean the same as the words outside the brackets.


10. Insert a word that would serve as the end of the first word and the beginning of the second.

PE (. . .) OL

11. Eliminate the extra word.


12. Find a common beginning for the next three words.

13. Find a word that would serve as the end of the first word and the beginning of the second.

TA (. . .) AT

14. Find a word that would mean the same as the words outside the brackets.

BATTLE (. . . . .) ABUSE

15. Eliminate the extra word.


16. Insert a word that would serve as the end of the first word and the beginning of the second.

BAL (. . .) FOOD

17. Find a common ending for the following words.

18. Eliminate the extra word.


19. Find a common ending for all the listed words.

20. Insert a word that would mean the same as the words outside the brackets.

FISH (. . . .) SLOPE

21. Find a word that would serve as the end of the first word and the beginning of the second.

DICK (. . . . .) EC

22. Eliminate the extra word


23. Insert a word that would mean the same as the words outside the brackets.


24. Find a common ending for all subsequent words.

25. Insert a word that would serve as the end of the first word and the beginning of the second.

SA (. . .) OH

26. Eliminate the extra word.


27. Insert a word that would mean the same as the words outside the brackets.


28. Insert a word that would serve as the end of the first word and the beginning of the second.

Y (. . . .) b

29. Eliminate the extra word.


30. Find a common ending for all subsequent words.

31. Find a common ending for all subsequent words.

32. Insert a word that would mean the same as the words outside the brackets.


33. Insert a word that would serve as the end of the first word and the beginning of the second.


34. Eliminate the extra word.


35. Find a common ending for all subsequent words.

36. Insert a word that would serve as the end of the first word and the beginning of the second.

KAB (. . .) OSHKO

37. Eliminate the extra word.


38. Insert a word that would mean the same as the words outside the brackets.


39. Find a common ending for all subsequent words.

40. Insert a word that would mean the same as the words outside the brackets.

PREPOSITION (. . . . .)

41. Insert a word that would serve as the end of the first word and the beginning of the second.

C (. . .) WINDOW

42. Eliminate the extra word.


43. Insert a word that would mean the same as the words outside the brackets.

FINGER BONE (. . . . . . .)

44. Insert a word that would serve as the end of the first word and the beginning of the second.

GA (. . .) REL

45. Find a common ending for all subsequent words.

46. ​​Eliminate the extra word.


47. Find a common ending for all subsequent words.

48. Insert a word that would serve as the end of the first word and the beginning of the second.

G (. . .) OZHA

49. Find a common ending for all subsequent words.

50. Eliminate the extra word.


Processing and interpretation of test results

Key to the test

1. GAS.
3. STOMACH. (All other words refer to sports games: hockey, tennis, football.)
4. FIR.
5. LAMA.
6. ROW.
7. PUSHKIN. (All other words are the names of the singers: Sobinov, Chaliapin, Caruso.)
9. KEY.
10. JUICE. .
11. FLOWER. (All other words denote means of communication: mail, radio, telegraph.)
12. WATER.
13. PIR.
14. Scold.
15. CHERRY. (All other words contain the letter A: orange, cabbage, zucchini, pear.)
16. BES.
17. OL.
18. CHAIR. (All other words denote flowers: ranunculus, tulip, violet, rose.)
19. OM.
20. SKAT.
21. IMAGE.
22. NUT. (All other words denote dog breeds: shepherd, bulldog, poodle.)
23. VAL.
24. IS.
26. PARIS. (All other words are river names: Thames, Volga, Niger.)
27. GATE.
28. Treasure.
29. BELGRADE. (The rest of the words contain the letter O: Oslo, Tokyo, Toronto.)
30. AYKA.
31. INA.
32. LOVE.
33. CAT.
34. DOLPHIN. (The rest of the words are eagle, sparrow, lark.)
35. OT.
36. BOW.
37. EINSTEIN. (The rest of the words are the names of famous writers: Dickens, Chekhov, Balzac, Tolstoy.)
38. Escape.
39. EHA.
41. TOL.
42. TV. (The rest of the words are mosquito, termite, mosquito.)
44. MAC.
45. POINT.
46. ​​SEMAFORE. (The rest of the words are goat, beaver, horse.)
47. NO.
48. HORN.
49. OL.
50. VIOLIN. (The rest of the words are brother, sister, mother, granddaughter.)

Handling test results

Put on the horizontal line of the corresponding graph the number of correctly solved problems. Then draw a vertical line until it intersects with a diagonal line. From the intersection point, draw a horizontal line to the left. The dot on the vertical axis corresponds to your KI (Intelligence Quotient). The most reliable and reliable results, indicating your abilities, are obtained in the range from 100 to 130 points, outside these limits, the assessment of the results is not reliable enough.


Verbal intelligence test G. Eysenck (IQ test) / Almanac of psychological tests - M., 1995. S.35-46

Man is the subject of study of many sciences, and one of them is psychology. The special complexity of the tasks facing this science was very aptly described by the hero famous movie"Formula of love": "The head is a dark subject and is not subject to research." Nevertheless, the psychologist constantly has to investigate what is happening in a person “in the head”, i.e. in the psyche. For this, many psychodiagnostic methods have been invented, among which tests occupy a “place of honor” in psychology.

There are a lot of tests in the arsenal of psychology, which makes it necessary to classify them. This is done on the basis of various defining features, and one of these criteria is the form in which the subject is presented with stimulus material. On this basis, tests are divided into verbal and non-verbal.

The scientific term "verbal" comes from the Latin word "verbalis", which translates as "verbal". " Verbal communication”, for example, is communication through words, speech, and verbal tests, respectively, are tests related to words, language. The opposite of them are non-verbal tests.

You should not think that in non-verbal tests you can completely do without words. Take, for example, such a well-known test as "Rorschach spots". If the psychologist does not know the language in which the subject is able to express himself, he will not be able to conduct this test - after all, the subject will not be able to explain to the psychologist what images he sees in the spots. However, we cannot call this test verbal. The defining feature here is precisely the form of the stimulus material - everything that the subject deals with in the process of completing the task. If the stimulus material is pictures, drawings, diagrams, three-dimensional figures, etc. is a non-verbal test. If the material is presented in verbal form, this is a test belonging to the category of verbal.

An example of a verbal test is a speech ability test. The subject is given a text followed by a set of statements. The subject's task is to determine the truth or falsity of these statements, based on the content of the text.

Another verbal test is the technique of incomplete sentences. Completing the proposed phrases, the subject demonstrates his attitude towards himself, towards others, towards work and other “components” of his life.

Verbal tasks, along with numerical ones, are also included in intellectual tests. Tasks can be as follows: name a noun, which is suitable for the adjectives “wooden” and “grocery” (the correct answer is “shop”); name a word that denotes both a data storage device and firearms("Winchester"); "aero ... ret" - insert a word instead of an ellipsis, which will be the end of the first word and the beginning of the second ("port"), etc.

Verbal tests are the most difficult to adapt - after all, they are largely associated with a specific linguistic community, the culture in which they were created. It is not always possible to apply such a test to people with low level education.

HR professionals use SHL tests to analyze the abilities of candidates for a variety of positions. In this article, we will explain what aptitude tests are, what they are useful for, and how to use them to assess applicants.

Using the SHL tests, you can assess the level of development of abilities different type: ability for abstract thinking, processing of numerical and verbal information, understanding the principles of mechanics and a number of others. For example, it is very important for managers of any level to be able to evaluate chart data, especially since they are confronted with this kind of information every day. Classical SHL tests are usually presented to a candidate for a position in a limited time mode. Analysis of the information obtained as a result of passing tests helps companies select suitable specialists for positions, which contributes to the future efficiency of employees and company profits.

The SHL tests are most commonly used to assess the following abilities:

numerical information processing

verbal information processing

systems thinking.

Most organizations use a combination of tests. For example, a combination of verbal and numerical test shows in a complex the ability to process information, which is the basis of learning. In each case, a test of the required level should be selected - the same "verbal" test can be aimed at different complexity of tasks: from understanding the text to its processing and interpretation. For some tasks, it is enough to understand the written instructions, and for some it is required to draw conclusions from the text and build logical connections.

When should HR apply SHL tests?

It makes sense for HR specialists to use SHL tests when assessing potential candidates when there is a need to analyze their abilities - for example, to process large amounts of numerical and textual (verbal) information, to compare numbers and symbols, to think abstractly and logically, to assess their learning ability in general.

Testing should be done before the interview. as a cut-off stage in the selection of applicants. Such an assessment allows you to determine how prepared the applicant is for solving the problems of a vacant position, and to what extent the level of development of his abilities meets its requirements.

The candidate's assessment system for the SHL tests is accurate and quite objective in the analysis of abilities: the applicant cannot prepare in advance for this test. Memorizing books will not help here.

Testing can be aimed at determining various kinds of candidate abilities:

  • Understanding or interpreting textual information;
  • Spatial thinking;
  • Verification of information, its classification or coding;
  • Numerical thinking, calculations or mental counting, evaluation or interpretation of numerical information;
  • Diagram analysis or systems thinking.

SHL tests allow you to show a reliable level of development of the abilities of a particular applicant. In this sense, the results of SHL-tests provide an objective assessment of candidates. It helps HR managers to hire the best specialists, predetermine them strengths and underdeveloped skills.

Taking pre-interview tests saves recruiters time, who can weed out candidates who fall short of a certain bar. According to statistics, 70-80% of applicants reach the interview. However, in the remaining sample, HR no longer has to work with random people, but with serious specialists, from which it is much easier to select an employee for a vacant position. Thus, the task of SHL tests is to weed out obviously unsuitable applicants without unnecessary labor.

Having implemented this system at the enterprise, in a short time you can get significant results:

a pool of applicants for positions that have passed the screening stage is created;

decision-making becomes more objective and fair;

the risk of making wrong decisions during selection is reduced;

4. The cost of recruitment is reduced by narrowing the selection funnel.

SHL Tests to Assess Verbal Information Processing Ability

The complexity of the verbal test, like any other, is selected taking into account the future position of the candidate. The essence of the test is to determine the candidate's ability to perceive textual information. A verbal test is a set of text fragments on a certain topic, usually related to the field future activities applicant. 2-3 statements are given to the text, regarding which a decision should be made about the truth or falsity.

  • "Right"- the statement is true, it is clearly stated in the text or it logically follows from it;
  • "False"- the statement is false or cannot logically follow from the text;
  • "Not enough information" or "Unable to answer"- it is impossible to determine from the information presented in the text whether the statement is true or false. Additional information required.

Only one answer can be correct.

Meaning verbal testing is to determine how quickly the candidate was able to read the text, understand the logical connections and respond to the statements. One of the pitfalls of this test - the answer "Little information" - is often confused with "False", and only a really competent specialist can feel the difference.

SHL verbal test examples

Example 1

Initial condition: Smoking can cause problems in workplaces. Smoking in the workplace can not only provoke heated arguments, but also lead to health problems.

Statement: Smoking can turn offices into more peaceful places to work.

Correct answer: False.

Example 2

Initial condition: « Many companies hire students for temporary work at summer period when employees take vacations. In addition, it is during the summer period that many organizations have an increased workload, and they need additional employees. Also temporary employment summer time attracts students who receive certain skills and after graduation can return to work in the same enterprise. Companies strive to give students as much as possible more information to motivate them to continue to cooperate on an ongoing basis. The work pay for students is standard, but they are not entitled to take sick leave or paid leave.”

Statement 1: The work of full-time employees who are on vacation can be performed by students.

Correct answer: Right.

Statement 2: Students who are temporarily hired for the summer period receive vacation pay as an additional payment to the basic salary.

Correct answer: False.

Statement 3: Students are subject to standard complaint procedures and disciplinary action operating in the organization.

Correct answer: Not enough information.

Statement 4: Some enterprises are busier during the summer period, when there is an opportunity to attract students.

Correct answer: Right.

SHL Numerical Ability Tests

This test involves solving mathematical problems different levels difficulties. However, integrals, derivatives and systems of equations are not given here, but the candidate's ability to "see" numbers is tested - quickly solve fractions, search for the unknown, or determine percentages.

A feature of numerical tests is that the information for the decision is not presented in the usual form. This mathematical problems with initial conditions in the form of diagrams, graphs and tables with some values. When passing this test, the candidate needs to analyze the presented table or graph and answer the questions. Here you will need to resort to calculations, the determination of percentages, and this must be done quickly. In addition to the ability to solve, numerical tests also determine the ability to understand graphical and tabular information.

For each question, several possible answers are given, from which in the end you need to choose the correct one. The step in the answers is small, so the candidate will not be able to guess the correct one.

SHL Numeric Test Examples

SHL-tests to determine the skills of logical thinking

Logic SHL tests are designed to assess abilities that are important for problem solving. They are also often called tests for abstract thinking, induction or diagram tests.

Logic tests allow HR to determine the applicant's ability to process unfamiliar information and come up with a solution. Candidates who perform well on these tests tend to be analytical and abstract thinkers and have an increased interest in learning.

Logic tests are often the most difficult for applicants, as here it is required to correctly determine the pattern of seemingly unrelated drawings and find the answer. However, for a manager and an HR specialist, a logical test is extremely important, as it helps to find out to what extent the tested person is able to operate with information from abstract symbols and whether he can see patterns in them. The logical or abstract-logical block of questions is used by all big companies when hiring employees.

Without logical tasks it will not be possible to fully determine the skills of applicants in the field of solving complex problems. Completion of such tests will require candidates to possess several skills: logic, numeracy and abstract thinking skills.

Information in logical questions can be presented in the form of statements, number sequences, set of abstract shapes. Among them, it is necessary to determine the pattern, answer the question and choose the correct answer from several.

Logic SHL test example

The simplest task for logic can be as follows: The applicant is given a number of simple shapes: a triangle, a quadrangle, a pentagon, pass, heptagon.

Correct answer: the missing figure is a hexagon.

In real SHL testing, everything is much more complicated. The most different combinations, and it can be difficult to find a dependency, especially in a short time. Often such tasks are solved intuitively by high-class specialists, which allows you to quickly determine the candidate you need.

SHL Instruction Comprehension Tests

In manufacturing plants to reduce risk dangerous situations All employees must undergo mandatory safety training. As a rule, in order to comply with the established requirements in the field of health and safety, employees need to understand and learn a number of instructions and regulations. Only then will it be possible by law to allow the worker to the equipment.

However, the degree of assimilation of the information received from the instructions is different for all people. And it is possible to determine the clarity of understanding the instructions and the correctness of their application, the ability to assess the consequences of actions when working with equipment at the stage of personnel selection. These skills are highly dependent on personality traits candidate. That is why it is important for recruiters to conduct SHL tests for understanding instructions.

The SHL-test system offers a comprehensive solution for the recruitment of personnel for the production positions of a milling machine, a repairman, an electric and gas welder, a site foreman, and others. Text instruction comprehension tests include the analysis of verbal information, a test for understanding information presented in the form of extended texts and instructions.

Tests for comprehension of instructions will reduce the risks of the enterprise:

  • Associated with selection errors for work with traumatic equipment;
  • reputational risks;
  • Decrease in the efficiency of the company as a whole.

How to do SHL testing

SHL-testing is carried out for a candidate who has not purposefully prepared for the test, otherwise it is impossible to guarantee the reliability of the results. Therefore, if testing fails, it is worth setting breaks between attempts. Let the applicant pass the same test again in the company only after six months or a year.

SHL testing is divided into several blocks. There are three main tests:

Working with numbers, charts, tables;

Text analysis;

Checking logic and abstract thinking.

In the first numerical block, there are usually 30-50 questions, for which 20-30 minutes are allotted. The second verbal part takes up to 25 minutes - here, as a rule, 14 texts are given, 3-4 statements for each.

With SHL testing, the process needs to be complicated: introduce a strict time limit, ask the applicant not to leave the room until the end of the test. In some cases, psychological pressure from HR specialists is justified, for example, when a tested candidate applies for a position related to increased level stress.

Create an environment that is as close to real as possible. The candidate needs not only to make the correct logical conclusion, but also to meet the limited time, which is usually not enough in work situations. Therefore, select texts from different areas for subjects, insert synonyms, make references to different parts text - deliberately confuse the applicant in order to test him in practice.

When passing numerical SHL tests, as a rule, candidates can use a draft, in some tasks - a calculator.

In logical tests, as a rule, the time for passing each question is limited: from 30 to 60 seconds. During this period, the candidate needs to understand the patterns of changing figures, understand the patterns and give the correct answer.

Many companies now allow candidates to take the SHL test remotely. In this case, the applicant is provided with a link to the online page and the deadline by which the test must be completed. This allows you to significantly relieve HR-s. But remember that in this case, tips from a third party are possible even if there is a timer.

1. Use versatile tests in one set, this will allow you to determine Various types human thinking.
2. Pay attention to whether the applicant notices subtle inscriptions in the assignment, use them to turn the whole solution around.
3. Evaluate the candidate's ability to perceive a large amount of information, intentionally overload the text with data that is important to remember.
4. Analyze how quickly fatigue accumulates and stupor sets in in the candidate's work, for this increase the number of tasks.
5. Can the testee competently filter out unnecessary data that interferes with the search for a solution? Determine this parameter using a lot of extra data in the initial condition of the problems.
6. Use problems with complex logical connections when you need to build a long logical chain for the correct answer.
7. Determine the extent to which the candidate has a specific vocabulary, compose tests so that without knowing the terminology, many tasks would be incomprehensible.

How to analyze SHL test results

When analyzing the results of SHL tests, it is important to rely on the quality of the responses, and not the quantity of responses given. For example, the first applicant filled in the answer boxes for all 50 questions, but only 25 of them turned out to be correct. And the second candidate answered only 25 questions out of 50 and gave the correct answer to all. The result of the second candidate will be preferable and more valuable, since it excludes the possibility of accidentally guessing the correct answer by simply ticking the test. A question left unanswered in any test block should be considered incorrect.

Analyze the tests of future employees in terms of strengths and weaknesses. To do this, an HR specialist needs to clearly know what qualities a candidate for a particular position should have. Verbal tests provide an opportunity to assess the speed of assimilation of textual information and the ability to think logically. When passing a verbal test, in addition to the correct answer, it is worth assessing the possession of technology fast reading and give the candidate an additional plus for it.

When conducting abstract logic tests, it is necessary to analyze the ability of applicants to make logical conclusions based on non-verbal information, usually presented in the form of abstract symbols.

Alternative to SHL tests

Currently, HR specialists use different methods to determine the skills, knowledge and competencies of applicants when hiring. An alternative to existing SHL tests today is a similar solution from Talent Q.

In world practice, in addition to SHL tests, methods for assessing the personnel of such companies as The Psychological Corporation, OPP, CPP and Wonderlic are widely used. 7. On Russian market The largest alternative to SHL-tests in the field of qualitative personnel assessment tools can be called products from Thomas International. 8. However, this market segment continues to develop rapidly, releasing more and more advanced methods and tools.

In addition to various kinds of testing, an alternative to such methods for diagnosing the abilities, personal qualities and motivation of candidates can also be a structured interview, including projective questions and other methods of rapid personnel assessment.

Test yourself

What is the purpose of SHL tests?

  • To assess the qualifications of employees during certification;
  • To assess the mental abilities of applicants;
  • To assess the suitability of candidates.

What kind of SHL testing hasn't been invented yet?

  • Instruction comprehension test;
  • Test for logic and abstract thinking;
  • Test for knowledge of corporate rules.

What should be considered when conducting SHL tests?

  • It is necessary to create an environment close to the working situation;
  • Testing should be carried out by a specialist with a psychological education;
  • The applicant must be left alone to pass the test.

What is important to remember when analyzing SHL test results?

  • Answers to tasks must be given in a row;
  • The more tasks the candidate managed to solve, the better;
  • It is worth analyzing the compliance of applicants' abilities with the requirements of the vacancy.

What evaluation methods can replace SHL tests?

  • Job interviews;
  • projective questions;
  • Competency interview.

Business psychologist Roger Holdsworth has recently passed away, but the Talent Q company he founded continues to grow rapidly, leading in the field of assessing the knowledge, skills and abilities of personnel. Roger was also the founder of another leader - the company SHL, but decided to develop some developments in the new firm.

The innovations proposed by Holdsworth's company have received recognition in all leading corporations, and Talent Q verbal test began to be used everywhere. online technologies, dynamic system results evaluation - these innovations made the name of the company, their application gave new opportunities to HR managers, heads of various corporations.

Benefits of Talent Q Tests

Tests from Talent Q can be used online and in offices, combined with other assessment methods. HR specialists no longer need to put dozens of tests in folders for different groups, the results of each applicant can be compared with any result available in the database, and everything will be done by an automated system. The test itself is also one, and its complexity varies right in the process of passing - and this is another advantage new methodology, which includes Talent Q verbal elements.

The dynamic assessment technology gives the first question of the same level to all candidates, but the second one differs depending on the correctness and speed of the answer. The better the applicant answers, the more difficult the questions go, and vice versa - a mistake, long reflections lower the “bar”, and the tasks will become easier.

For representatives of the employer, this approach is good because you can find talented employees in any group, because tests will show everything, and the system can compare high results with the scores of top managers. This is also convenient for applicants, because you can show your erudition, intelligence, in return for a chance to occupy a high position.

Important question- passing online testing, and here employers are also protected from unscrupulous candidates with the help of verification tests. The offices offer to pass a short test of several questions, and they will be of the level that the person showed on online test, so that a possible deception will be instantly revealed. For honest applicants, taking verbal elements online is easier due to the relaxed environment, free delivery schedule, limited only by the final date.

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