Treatment of hypertension with folk remedies at home. Folk remedies for all diseases Was the best folk remedy for

To get rid of unpleasant symptoms in a matter of days, folk remedies for colds and runny nose allow. Such treatment is especially effective in the first days of the disease. For colds, it is useful to drink herbal decoctions, take medicines based on honey and rub the back with animal fats. If treatment is started in a timely manner, then the disease can be stopped at the initial stage and the development of a number of complications can be avoided. Folk recipes can be supplemented with medication prescribed by a doctor.

Causes of a runny nose

A runny nose occurs when the blood vessels in the nose expand and the mucosa swells. A similar condition is observed in such diseases and conditions:

Most often, people suffer from a runny nose with a cold. In this case, viruses enter the mucous membrane and irritate it. This leads to excess secretion of mucus.

The cause of a runny nose can also be inhalation of tobacco smoke. The toxic substances contained in it strongly irritate the mucous membrane and lead to its swelling.

The most effective folk recipes

A runny nose can be quickly cured with proven folk remedies. Folk healers have collected many effective methods for treating colds and runny nose. Folk recipes use only natural ingredients. The advantage of this treatment is that the drugs are not addictive and can be used for a long time.

Washing with saline water

It is possible to narrow the vessels in the nose without the use of drops due to a saline solution. This solution is required to rinse the nasal cavity several times a day. Prepared from a teaspoon of sea salt and a glass of boiled water. Instead of sea salt, you can take kitchen salt. Adults can add 2 drops of iodine tincture to the saline solution.

Or a disposable syringe without a needle. You can use a small rubber bulb, but in this case it is harder to control the water pressure. The procedures are carried out as follows:

You can collect saline solution in the palm of your hand and draw it in alternately with your nostrils. After rinsing, the nose should be thoroughly blown and dried with a soft handkerchief.

It is recommended to wash the nose several times a day. In this way, you can not only treat a runny nose, but also prevent its occurrence. During an outbreak of respiratory disease, doctors recommend rinsing the nose with saline after visiting crowded places.

To wash the nose, you can use saline or other pharmaceutical preparations prepared on the basis of sea salt. For the treatment of children and adults, you can use Aqua Maris or Aqualor.

Salt solution must be prepared immediately before use. It is important that the salt is pure, without additives and flavorings.

Warming up the nose

You can replace various vasoconstrictor drops with heating. It should be borne in mind that warming the nose is allowed only if there is no suppuration. Otherwise, there is a high risk of infection spreading through healthy tissues. Warming up can be done in different ways:

  1. Two chicken eggs are boiled, wrapped in a cotton scarf and applied on both sides to the bridge of the nose. Keep until the eggs are cold. Thanks to this procedure, it is possible to quickly eliminate congestion and normalize nasal breathing.
  2. Two tablespoons of salt are heated in a dry frying pan, poured into a cotton bag and applied to the nose. Keep the heated salt on your nose for at least 20 minutes.
  3. You can also warm up your nose. The device is held at a distance of 30-40 cm from the face, the heat should be comfortable. The distance between the lamp and the nose is adjusted independently, based on your feelings.

After warming up, the nose quickly breaks through and the amount of mucus discharge is noticeably reduced. It is recommended to warm up the nasal cavity several times a day, but the last time is always before going to bed.

Children's noses are warmed with care, they have delicate skin, so there is a high probability of burns.

Foot warming and compress

With the help of folk recipes, you can quickly eliminate all manifestations of not only the common cold, but also the flu. Traditionally, with the onset of a cold, the patient is recommended to soar his legs. Foot baths can be done in different ways:

  1. 7 liters of water are poured into a large bucket. Add 2 tablespoons of mustard powder and lower the legs into the resulting solution, so that the calves are also covered with water. From above they cover the legs and the bucket with a blanket. The procedure can last up to half an hour, hot water is regularly added to the bucket.
  2. 0.5 teaspoon of the Golden Star balm is dissolved in hot water and the legs soar in the resulting solution for 20 minutes.
  3. Essential oils can also be used for the foot bath. Coniferous tree oils and tea tree oil are added to the water.

After the feet are wiped dry, rubbed with turpentine ointment and put on cotton socks. It is good if, after warming up the legs, the patient goes under the covers.

At the first symptoms of a cold, a dry compress for the legs helps well. Pour 2 tablespoons of mustard powder into cotton socks and put them on your feet. On top, you need to wear woolen socks. It is desirable to carry out such a procedure at night, it is important that the legs are dry, otherwise there is a possibility of burns.

After hypothermia of the body, rubbing with vodka will help to avoid a cold. Rub your legs up to your knees and back.

Tea therapy for rhinitis

The first remedy for colds is raspberry tea. It is not difficult to prepare it, it is enough to dilute 3-4 teaspoons of raspberry jam in a glass of water. Drink this drink should be in small sips.

With colds, herbal preparations help well. Herbs with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory action are used:

  • A decoction of elderflower and chamomile helps well. Take a teaspoon of these herbs in a glass of water. Drink a decoction should be 2 times a day, half a glass. Preliminary, honey is added to the drink to taste.
  • Herbs are brewed - raspberry sprigs, blackcurrant leaves, plantain, chamomile and thyme. All herbs are taken in a teaspoon per liter of water. This tea is drunk in a glass, three times a day. The decoction not only reduces nasal congestion, but also lowers body temperature.
  • Take a tablespoon of calendula and mint herbs, add a teaspoon of yarrow. Brew the collection, drink half a glass 3 times a day, adding a little honey.

Herbs from a severe cold can be brewed not only in the form of tea, such decoctions can be dripped into the nose. Herbal treatment is recommended only if there is no allergy to vegetation.

With a cold, it is useful to drink hot milk with the addition of honey and soda. This remedy is especially good for a debilitating cough.


Inhalation will help to quickly cure a runny nose. In case of respiratory diseases, it is possible to carry out both steam inhalation and through a nebulizer. For steam inhalation, boil potatoes or brew a decoction of herbs. Next, the patient bends over a pot of hot broth and inhales the vapors for 15 minutes. The head should be covered with a large towel.

You can carry out inhalations by dissolving a little balm in hot water. This method can be treated for children and adults if there is no allergy to the components of the drug.

You can fill the nebulizer container with saline or mineral water without gas. The duration of the procedure through a nebulizer is 20 minutes.

Effective remedies during pregnancy

During pregnancy, it is undesirable to use drugs, as it can harm the child. Traditional medicine recipes should also be used with caution and only in consultation with the doctor. Pregnant women can:

  • warm up the nose
  • rinse the nasal passages with a decoction of chamomile;
  • gargle with saline or soda solution;
  • drink tea with raspberries and black currants;
  • drink fig milk.

At the first signs of colds, a pregnant woman should often drink hot milk with the addition of soda and honey. Such a remedy warms up the nasopharynx well and promotes a quick recovery.

Massage for the treatment of a cold

Massage will help to quickly eliminate nasal congestion. It is recommended to do it several times a day:

  1. The index fingers are placed on the wings of the nose and rotate them for a minute.
  2. Forefingers gently tap on the wings of the nose for 20 seconds.
  3. Rub the bridge of the nose for 20 seconds with the thumb of the right hand.

Massage can only be done at normal body temperature. If the body temperature is elevated, then the massage should be abandoned.

Alternative methods of treatment can be used alone or in addition to drug therapy. Do not neglect the recommendations of the doctor and refuse to take medications.

Each of us, at least once, has experienced all the inconvenience that this terrible symptom of a cold gives us.

Sometimes a runny nose is so severe and manifests itself so hard that it does not allow not only to work normally, but simply to live.

Therefore, for many, the question of how to get rid of a runny nose at home quickly, easily and effectively can become relevant already with the onset of the first cold weather.

A runny nose is often associated with flu and colds. Sometimes it's the hardest thing to get rid of. Moreover, if you start the disease, it can lead to a dangerous disease - sinusitis.

That is why it is so important to start treatment immediately and in no case start the disease. And it is quite possible to do this without drugs from a pharmacy, while using simple home methods.

It is important to strengthen your immune system

The immune system. Flu and colds are almost always accompanied by a runny nose. When you are sick, it is important to include in your diet foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals that strengthen the immune system. The daily menu must contain fruits, vegetables, greens, and, if possible, berries.

An ordinary rosehip decoction helps a lot. After all, the fruits of the shrub contain just a huge amount of vitamin C, a truly record-breaking one. It is also worth adding citrus fruits to the diet. After all, they are also rich in nutrients and trace elements. A diet with vitamins and minerals will quickly put you on your feet and cure the disease.

Inhaler. If you use inhalation, you can ease your breathing pretty quickly. This is a great way to speed up your recovery. Especially useful inhalation with essential oils, herbs, spices and sea salt. If there is no inhaler, then you can simply humidify the air. Add herbs, essential oils of tea tree, cajeput and eucalyptus, sea salt to boiling water and place a container of water in the room.

Lots of warm liquid. In order to speed up recovery, it is important to drink as much warm liquid as possible. It can be herbal teas, decoctions, infusions, broths. Especially useful for a runny nose will be tea with lemon, honey and ginger, berry teas and decoctions, compotes with dried fruits without sugar.

Salt solution. Rinsing the nose with saline solution gives excellent results and is quite fast. One teaspoon of sea salt is taken per glass. Rinse as often as possible. Sea salt kills dangerous bacteria and viruses and makes breathing easier. It is best to prepare a fresh solution each time.

Rinsing. Also, to speed up recovery, you should gargle more often. Indeed, dangerous bacteria and viruses accumulate in the nasopharynx, although you do not even suspect it. The procedure should be carried out once an hour, each time changing the composition. Excellent help sea and table salt, iodine, soda, herbs, essential oils.

Consider folk methods and remedies for the treatment of a common cold at home from the simplest and most readily available to more complex

Washing the nose is a popular method for treating a runny nose.

To treat a runny nose, you need to draw liquid from the palm of one nostril, and pour it out from the other nostril or from the mouth. After the procedure, blow your nose, the nose is cleared instantly, the water washes away the viruses in the nose. This folk remedy helps to cure a runny nose in one day, a maximum of 2 days. It is necessary to rinse with warm water with the addition of salt, preferably sea food (1 teaspoon of salt per glass of water). Increases the healing properties of such washing by adding propolis, calendula or eucalyptus tincture to the water (0.5 tsp per glass of water). Washing the nose with a decoction of beets also helps. If you rinse your nose with water every day for prevention, then the chance of getting a runny nose is reduced to zero. Chronic protracted runny nose can be cured at home by washing the nose with this solution: for 1 glass of water - 1 tsp. salt, 0.5 tsp. soda and 5 drops of iodine - these washings help to cure even sinusitis.

Laundry soap in the treatment of the common cold with folk remedies. Lather your finger liberally with soap and lubricate the inside of the nose - do it three times a day. If every day, for prevention during the flu season, while washing your nose with soap and water, then the risk of getting rhinitis will be reduced to zero (HLS 2011, No. 21, p. 33)

Treatment of the common cold with mustard at home. Mustard is widely used in folk methods and recipes for the treatment of rhinitis: apply mustard plasters to the feet and secure with a cloth or pour dry mustard into socks and walk for 1-2 days. Or foot baths: before going to bed, soak your feet in hot water with the addition of mustard. Clears the nose well, improves general well-being in case of a cold

Runny nose - treatment of rhinitis with massage. They massage, rub their feet with alcohol, then put on woolen socks, it is advisable to put a heating pad on their feet after that.

Onion and garlic for the common cold - popular folk remedies

Treatment of a cold at home with onions. Wrap grated onions in a damp cloth, put on the wings of the nose, cover with a dry cloth on top, lie down with this compress for 15 minutes, repeat the procedure 3-4 times a day. A runny nose with onions can be cured very quickly - in one day. You can insert gauze turundas soaked in onion juice into the nose. And you can dilute onion juice with water in a ratio of 1:3 - 1:6 and bury these drops in your nose.

Pairs of onions, garlic or horseradish for a cold. The following treatment for a runny nose is often recommended at home: cut the onion, garlic or horseradish into small pieces, put in a tightly screwed jar and inhale the vapors as often as possible. This remedy for the common cold is widely used in folk medicine. During a flu epidemic, this folk method will help to avoid illness. And here is a more intense way to treat a runny nose with garlic at home: take a large clove of garlic, cut off 3 plates from it. Spread the skin under the nose with one plate. Then lie on your back, insert a circle of garlic into each nostril, and every 10 breaths alternate two breathing options: 1. Pinch your nose with your fingertips and breathe through your mouth - 10 times 2. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. The total duration of the procedure is 10 minutes. At the beginning there will be a strong sneeze, here you need to take care of the pieces of garlic so that they do not scatter in different directions - take them out of your nose or, on the contrary, pinch your nose and sneeze through your mouth. If you start this treatment at the first sign of influenza or acute respiratory infections, the development of the disease can be avoided (HLS Bulletin No. 19, 2010, p. 10)

Home treatment for common cold with garlic oil. Heat half a glass of vegetable oil in a water bath for 30 minutes, adding a head of crushed garlic. Insist for a day. Lubricate the nostrils 2-3 times a day.

Beets - an effective folk remedy for a cold at home

Honey with beetroot juice is a popular folk remedy for the treatment of rhinitis in children. Take liquid honey, 1/3 tsp, dissolve in a dessert spoon of boiled water and mix with 1 tbsp. l. beet juice. Bury 7 drops every 2 hours in a heated form. Runny nose can be cured in one day. (Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle No. 16, 2000, p. 12) You can cure a runny nose easier: mix beet juice with boiled water 1: 1 and instill 4-5 drops into your nose several times a day. (HLS 2010, No. 20, p. 39-40)

Raw beet tampons for a cold. Cleans the nose very well. Grate fresh beets, put on a piece of bandage and roll into a tube, insert into the nostrils for 1-2 hours, do several times a day. Swabs with garlic are also made, but before the introduction of a garlic swab, it is advisable to lubricate the nasal mucosa with petroleum jelly

Inhalation of smoke through the nose - this remedy for the common cold is found in all folk medicine books. Inhale one or the other nostril to tears. Runny nose goes away the same day. (HLS No. 10, 2007). The man was tormented all year round by a constant runny nose. He took a cracker, set it on fire from one end, when it caught fire, he immediately extinguished it, smoke went out, he inhaled it first with one nostril, then the other. The runny nose went away after the first session. Now he is 91 years old, after that treatment he has never had nasal congestion. (HLS No. 18, p. 40, 2011). The woman read in the healthy lifestyle about this case. She had mucus coming out of her nose day and night, blowing her nose every five minutes, no longer in handkerchiefs, but in diapers. And after reading the note, she immediately set about treating the common cold with smoke. I did only one procedure and the mucus stopped coming out. 20 days have passed since the treatment - no rhinitis, diapers thrown away, uses handkerchiefs, and even then occasionally. (HLS No. 21, p. 7, 2011).

Motherwort tincture: Rub the nose, lubricate near the nostrils, it will become easier to breathe.

Treatment of the common cold at home with oil. St. John's wort oil: instill 2-3 drops in each nostril 2-3 times a day or lubricate the inside of the nose every hour. After two days, rhinitis disappears (HLS No. 4, 2007). You can also use camphor oil for home treatment (HLS No. 2, p. 41, 2012). It is especially advisable to use camphor oil for treatment if a runny nose is accompanied by a headache - lubricate the nose and temples at least 2 times a day (HLS No. 3, p. 30, 2007). Helps in healing and menthol oil.

Alternative treatment of the common cold Kalanchoe. Aloe and Kalanchoe are wonderful folk remedies for the treatment of the common cold. It is necessary to instill into the nose 3-4 times a day the juice of Kalanchoe pinnate or aloe, 3-5 drops in each half of the nose. Instillation of Kalanchoe juice sometimes causes severe sneezing, but rhinitis can be cured with this remedy in one day. You can also effectively cure a runny nose with the help of golden mustache juice - in just one day. Golden mustache juice instill 2-3 drops 3-4 times a day.

Viburnum juice with honey - folk remedies for home treatment of the common cold. The recipe is as follows: mix 1 glass of viburnum juice and 1 glass of honey, drink 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day. Store in refrigerator, drink warm. On the 3rd day, all the mucus comes out (HLS No. 23, 2000, p. 19).

Warming up porridge with a prolonged runny nose in a child. With a prolonged runny nose in a child, sew a small bag of linen, fill it with warm, hard boiled millet porridge and put the bag on the maxillary sinuses. Keep until cool.

Warming up the nose is the most common folk remedy for the treatment of the common cold. To warm up the nose at home, two boiled chicken eggs wrapped in cloth, a bag of hot sand or salt are used.

Treatment of a protracted runny nose with drops of propolis and oils. It happens that a runny nose does not go away for several months. Then use the following recipe for treatment: you need to take a 10% tincture of propolis, camphor oil, sunflower oil - all components 1 tsp each, pour into a dark vial, shake. Drip into each nostril 3-5 drops 3 times a day for a week. Then a break of 3 days. Then drip again for a week. Runny nose goes away. Before dripping, the mixture must be shaken (HLS No. 10, 2007).

Chronic runny nose - rinsing the nose with salt water. The man had chronic rhinitis, he constantly instilled various drops into his nose, but they did not help for long, his nose was constantly stuffy, especially at night. I began to wash my nose with salt water using a pear (1 teaspoon of salt per 1 glass of water). At first I did this procedure several times a day, then less often. Chronic rhinitis was cured completely. (HLS No. 13, 2010, p. 28-29).

Chronic rhinitis - healing drops. The woman had a constant runny nose for a long time. No means helped. A friend advised a simple recipe: take 1 tsp. 10% propolis tincture, camphor oil. unrefined sunflower oil, pour everything into a dark glass bottle and shake. Instill 3-5 drops into each nostril 3 times a day for a week, then a break for 3 days. After the second week course, the woman's runny nose was completely gone. (HLS No. 9, 2007, p. 30).

Alternative treatment of chronic rhinitis with herbs. The healer E. F. Zaitseva gives a recipe for a collection that cleanses the lungs and nasopharynx of mucus. It is necessary to take the herb of coltsfoot, wild rosemary, thyme, plantain, linden flowers and black elderberry, marshmallow root and licorice in equal proportions. 2 tbsp. l. collection of these eight components, pour 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Drink infusion 3-4 times a day 15 minutes before meals for half a cup. The course of treatment of chronic rhinitis is 1.5 months. (HLS No. 8, 2006, p. 24).

Treatment of chronic rhinitis with water. The woman caught a cold, earned a runny nose, which did not end for a long time. And, in the end, it turned into a chronic one. A neighbor suggested an unusual folk method for treating a runny nose: you need to pour cold water on the thumb of the left, then the right foot. I decided to try. Lila daily for 3 minutes on each finger cold water. The effect is amazing! For 2 years now, he has not remembered a runny nose and other colds (HLS No. 23, 2012, p. 32).

Treatment of a chronic runny nose with dew. The man was tormented by a severe runny nose both in winter and summer. Drops from the pharmacy, folk remedies did not help. Then he decided to walk barefoot in the morning dew. Went for a whole month. And the chronic runny nose was cured. (HLS No. 8, p. 38, 2013).

When the cold and damp season comes, many people (especially those with weak immunity) begin to suffer from colds and viral respiratory diseases. Some of them immediately panic and go to the doctors for help, who immediately prescribe them a bunch of expensive drugs, and sometimes it even comes to antibiotics. Another category of people, more sensible, prefers more affordable and safer treatment - folk remedies for colds, runny nose and cough from natural products and remedies. So, how to treat a cold with folk remedies at home?

What is the treatment of "grandmother's" methods?

It is believed that a person's immunity should overcome the common cold on its own, without the use of drugs. This is provided that the person does not have the flu or something worse. The recipes described below will help the body cope with the disease faster and will not "do all the work of immunity" as drugs do. Let us consider in more detail the ways that will help get rid of the symptoms of the disease, strengthen the immune system and alleviate the general condition of the patient. If herpes “got out” on the lip, we already wrote how we treat a cold on the lips with folk remedies.

We treat a runny nose

A sudden runny nose is not only the first symptom of an incipient illness, but also an SOS signal for you, which will allow you to take action and prevent the condition from worsening. And it is not necessary to spend money on medicines. Sea buckthorn, olive or menthol oils are the first remedy for colds. Folk remedies act gently and soothingly, stimulate the immune system and have a slight vasoconstrictor effect. If they are properly prepared, you will get an excellent replacement for pharmacy drops. More folk remedies for colds and runny nose:

garlic drops

2-3 cloves of garlic are taken, crushed to a homogeneous mass, after which 50 milliliters of boiling water are poured. Then the solution is placed in a warm place, where it is infused for some time (1-2 hours). A couple of drops in each nostril 3-4 times a day and you will breathe much better. Onion juice has a similar effect (diluted with water in the proportion of a drop / tablespoon), but it can be instilled much more often, at least every hour. More about garlic:

honey drops

If you have a jar of linden honey, you can use it to fight a runny nose. Dilute honey with boiled water in a ratio (1:2) and instill it four times a day, five to eight drops in each nostril. By the way, the most effective remedy.

Aloe juice

Perhaps it is best to start treating a cold with folk remedies at home with him. It is not for nothing that this nondescript plant stands on the windowsills and balconies of many apartments and private houses. Its beneficial properties allow you to cope with wounds and ulcers, strengthen the immune system, reduce the level of toxins in the body. The list goes on and on. But its most famous property is the ability to clear even the most clogged nose in a matter of minutes, allowing its owner to breathe freely for some time. A couple of drops of freshly squeezed juice 4 times a day will be enough. Note! The most useful are the mature lower leaves of the plant, which should be cut first. It is also recommended to use the juice immediately. If it is stored for a long time, the beneficial properties will disappear.

More cold remedies:

Sore throat with a cold

Often Orvi and a cold are accompanied, which causes discomfort for many. By preparing an infusion in which chamomile, calendula, sage and plantain are mixed, you can alleviate your condition and prevent the occurrence of a sore throat. If the disease is not so advanced (no more than 1-2 days have passed since the deterioration of health), it is recommended to start gargling with eucalyptus tincture, prepare a soda-saline solution, swallow a couple of spoons of fresh beetroot juice several times a day.

Garlic fights well with this symptom. You need to grate it, pour hot water, strain through cheesecloth and dilute with water. The taste of such a medicine, to put it mildly, leaves much to be desired, so it makes sense to sweeten the resulting mass with a few tablespoons of honey.

Some interesting information on how to distinguish the flu from the common cold:

How to deal with a cough?

The most debilitating type of cold is considered to be a cold with a cough. Attacks of dry cough interfere with normal eating, tear up the throat and sometimes do not even let you fall asleep. In a wet cough with copious sputum, there is also little pleasant. Fortunately, traditional medicine comes to the rescue here. The throat and trachea are softened by drinking warm milk with honey and gargling with soda solution. It is also recommended to lean on onions, garlic and other foods that are especially useful for colds. How to distinguish bronchitis from a banal cough,. So, folk remedies for coughing for a cold:

Radish with honey

The most popular cough recipe in the countries of the former USSR is extremely simple. Take an ordinary black radish, cut out the core from it and fill the resulting cavity with a teaspoon of honey. Soon a liquid is formed there, which should be drunk as a mixture. We wrote in detail how to make this tool.

"Poppy Milk"

Poppy milk is good for coughing up coughs. A certain amount of crushed poppy is mixed with boiling water (determined by eye), after which the substance is allowed to brew for some time. After it you can drink.

carrot juice

A tablespoon of honey is added to a glass of freshly squeezed carrot juice, and then diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio. This gargle solution will help soothe sore throats and get rid of coughing fits.

mustard compress

Mustard powder, radish juice and honey (of each ingredient equally) are mixed into a homogeneous mass, after which they are wrapped in gauze and leaned against the chest. You can wrap a wool scarf over the top.

Potato + vodka

For adults, a compress of mashed potatoes mixed with vodka is also suitable. Such cakes, not too liquid, but not too dry, are wrapped in plastic bags, after which they are applied to the chest area and on the back. To keep everything snug, you can wrap yourself in a long towel or wear a tight-fitting sweater.

More recipes:

Recipes for children

Treating a cold with folk remedies for a child is often not easy. Small patients often refuse to eat onions, garlic, drip pinching drops into the nose and make compresses. It's okay - in traditional medicine there is a solution to this urgent problem:

  • butter and honey are mixed in a ratio of 1 to 1, a pinch of vanillin can be added to the mixture. Give the patient one teaspoonful during the day;
  • cough candy. A tablespoon of sugar is taken and held over the fire until melted. The resulting dark brown substance is mixed with milk and cooled. The finished candy should be put in the mouth and sucked;
  • the following berries and herbs - raspberries, viburnum, currants, chamomile, mint, lemon balm - are pleasant to drink and relieve the temperature well, and also facilitate the general condition. For small children under the age of 7 years, a daily serving of 200 ml per one coffee spoon of herbs / berries is enough. They are all prepared in the same way - the base is poured with boiling water, infused for some time, after which it is drunk warm before and after eating;
  • It is better not to give raspberry and chamomile teas to children prone to allergies, so it makes sense to replace them with an equally effective nettle infusion. Linden tea is no less versatile - it can not only be drunk, but also instilled into the nose, used as a mouth and throat rinse.

Folk remedies for the treatment of colds in children must, nevertheless, be used with caution. First, make sure that the child is not allergic to this product. Uncontrolled use of any "grandmother's" methods can lead to specific complications. In particular, for example, to .

How to treat a cold during pregnancy with folk remedies?

“In position” a woman needs to be especially wary of viruses and infections, since often such diseases can also affect the development of the baby. should also be treated under strict medical supervision. If you have a common cold without a temperature, you can and even need to try "grandmother's remedies". We wrote about how to treat a runny nose. And about the fight against cough -. Do not be afraid, but it is necessary to take measures so that they do not develop immediately.

Preventive measures to combat colds and SARS

It may not even come to a cold if you take care of its prevention in advance. The set of standard preventive measures includes:

  1. avoidance of hypothermia and crowded places. Everything is clear here - you need to dress warmer, even if it seems to you that you will look ugly in a fur coat and hat, and you definitely shouldn’t be in damp shoes and frozen clothes for a long time. In crowded places, when an epidemic of viral diseases is raging with might and main, it is better not to appear - the infection quickly spreads by airborne droplets. Not everyone's immunity can cope with the disease and extinguish it in the bud;
  2. work on your body. This includes many practices - hardening, physical activity, proper diet. Healthy and physically developed people are less likely to need treatment and do not appear at the doctor's office for years;
  3. immunostimulants. Echinacea tincture, propolis, ginseng, Chinese lemongrass - the use of all of the above will help strengthen immunity. It is recommended to take them even if the disease has already begun, as an additional support for traditional medicine;
  4. rinsing the sinuses with salted water. The saline solution effectively cleanses the mucosa from microbes that have fallen on it. We walked around the city, returned home, took the prepared warm saline solution and cleared the nasal passages with a medium-sized syringe. The risk of disease will be significantly reduced.

Symptoms will go away faster if the body is properly prepared. Although the treatment of colds with folk remedies allows you to get rid of the disease within a week, it is still better to prevent their occurrence. Start preparing for the cold and damp season since the summer - take time for water and solar procedures, lean on seasonal berries, fresh vegetables and fruits, watch your weight and eat right. Then no cold will be terrible for you.

Well, the most important thing to remember is that it is quickly impossible to cure a cold with folk remedies, you will have to “endure” inconvenience for several days. And you can’t rely on traditional medicine as the only right solution if you find yourself with dangerous symptoms - a temperature above 39 degrees, the presence of blood in the sputum, bouts of prolonged persistent cough, etc. You should contact a medical institution with such problems.

Useful video

Usually a cold is caused by simple hypothermia - the cause may be a long stay on the street, especially in insufficiently warm clothes, or, on the contrary, overheating followed by a sharp cooling. Therefore, in the spring, when the temperature rises noticeably outside, there is always a surge in colds - it is very easy to sweat in warm clothes, and then unbutton and get hypothermia in the wind. You can also get a cold by sitting in a room with too much humidity or a draft.

Our body daily confronts many viruses and bacteria - hypothermia strikes at the immune system, weakening it and making it impossible to perform its protective functions. Therefore, epidemics of colds are so frequent in the spring, when the human body is already exhausted by a long winter with colds and a lack of vitamins and sun.

The main causes of a cold are:

  1. Hypothermia. If the human body is not prepared for sudden changes in temperature, then irritation of the receptors with cold reflexively causes a violation of the functions of internal organs and favors the development of the disease. Hypothermia is often accompanied by the activation of pathogenic bacteria in the nasal cavity. This leads to the development of rhinitis (runny nose).
  2. Weak immunity. Factors that reduce the protective function of the body are exacerbation of chronic diseases, poor environmental conditions, unhealthy diet, unhealthy lifestyle, the presence of helminths, and stress.

Our body daily confronts many viruses and bacteria - hypothermia strikes at the immune system, weakening it and making it impossible to perform its protective functions.

Therefore, epidemics of colds are so frequent in the spring, when the human body is already exhausted by a long winter with colds and a lack of vitamins and sun.

Also, chronic diseases such as rhinitis, tonsillitis and respiratory diseases often wake up with hypothermia - they also affect the immune system, reducing it.

The most common symptom of a cold is fever. It rises as a result of the activation of protective systems to fight the virus, therefore, in the event of a strong weakening of immunity, there may not be a temperature. Usually a cold, acute respiratory disease or SARS is accompanied by a complex of primary symptoms:

  • increase in body temperature
  • the appearance of chills and muscle weakness, headache
  • runny nose
  • sore throat and sore throat
  • redness of the mucous membranes of the throat, swollen lymph nodes
  • cough usually starts after a few days

The further development of a cold very easily leads to complications, especially if you do not start treatment immediately and carry the disease on your feet.

It is important to understand that if a cold has already manifested itself as symptoms, it is impossible to cure it in one day. In fact, there is no treatment for viral infections, you can only alleviate the symptoms and the course of the disease itself, as well as prevent the development of complications. It often happens that the symptoms do not cause much discomfort - this is the case in people with a strong immune system.

Therefore, the best solution would be to take a sick leave for at least a couple of days and, from the appearance of the first symptoms, immediately start taking folk remedies for colds, runny nose and cough.

If the condition steadily worsens, there is a very high temperature and the rapid development of infection (a strong cough appears), it is recommended to consult a doctor.

This is also necessary if a person has serious chronic diseases, or if a small child is sick - in such cases, the immune system is either weakened or has not yet gained strength, so self-medication without medical supervision can lead to dangerous consequences.

Starting treatment at the first sign of the disease is the most effective way to cope with a cold quickly and without complications. Also, in the first days of treatment, it is recommended not to bring down the temperature (if it does not exceed 38 degrees) and adhere to bed rest so as not to increase the load on the cardiovascular system.

In order to quickly remove the decay products of the virus from the body, it is imperative to take a plentiful warm drink - the retention of toxins in the body usually leads to the fact that the temperature does not decrease.

So, at the first symptoms of a cold, you need to do the following:

  1. Bed rest for at least 1-2 days - normal sleep is very effective for colds. In a dream, the body most efficiently activates defense mechanisms and renews energy to fight the virus.
  2. Plentiful drink - here the recipes of herbal teas offered by traditional medicine are best suited.
  3. Take vitamin C - it is he who is the best help to fight infection.
  4. Rinsing the nose with special solutions will help reduce the runny nose and get rid of bacteria in the nasal cavity.
  5. Ventilate the room frequently to reduce the amount of disease-causing bacteria. Fresh air also has a beneficial effect on immunity.
  6. In the absence of temperature, a bath can have a good effect - water will wash away toxins from the skin that are released through the pores as a result of the vital activity of the virus, and if you steam, then even more of them will come out with sweat, which will greatly alleviate the condition.
  7. Take folk remedies for coughs and colds.

In our article, we will look at various ways to cure viral infections and relieve the symptoms of a cold.

Plentiful warm drink is one of the mandatory and very effective ways to treat a viral infection, the liquid helps to remove toxins and waste products of bacteria from the body. Therefore, the treatment of acute respiratory infections with folk remedies is very effective in the preparation of various drinks with useful and healing properties.

There is probably no more famous cold remedy than raspberries. Its medicinal properties are known to everyone - tea with raspberry jam will help you sweat and bring down the temperature, slow down inflammation and the spread of infection.

Regular consumption of raspberries in the early days of illness will help you quickly get back on your feet. To prepare, it is enough to dilute a couple of tablespoons of pureed raspberries in a glass of warm tea or water, then the drink can be filtered for convenience.

To increase the effectiveness of the remedy in such tea, it is good to add a spoonful of honey.

Cranberry juice

Cranberries are very high in vitamin C, which is essential for fighting infection. Its antipyretic, anti-inflammatory properties are also well known. Fruit drink is quickly prepared from cranberries mashed with sugar - you need 4-6 tablespoons of crushed cranberries per liter of drink, you need to drink juice warm.

ginger tea

Magnificent in its action remedy for hypothermia and the onset of a cold. Ginger has warming and disinfecting properties.

Tea can be prepared both from dried ginger (for one serving, you need to take half a teaspoon per glass of boiling water), and from fresh - in this case, it is enough to take 2-3 slices.

Chamomile is famous for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, and linden quickly lowers the temperature. To prepare tea, take a spoonful of linden and chamomile in a glass of boiling water, you need to insist 15-20 minutes. The use of such a medicinal decoction three times a day will help to defeat a cold in the very first days.

Rosehip infusion

Rose hips are a real storehouse of nutrients and vitamin C. It is better to prepare the infusion in the evening, the dosage is 4-5 tablespoons of chopped dried rose hips per liter of boiling water. Boil for at least 10 minutes, then wrap and leave to infuse overnight. The next day, the infusion is filtered and taken 3-4 times a day, half a glass before meals - it is recommended to add honey, a teaspoon per glass of drink. On the first day of the disease, you can take an infusion every 2-3 hours, on subsequent days, reduce the number of doses.

Vodka with pepper

In the treatment of colds in adults, this method gives a good result, but only at the very first signs of the disease. In 100g of vodka, you need to stir a pinch of ground pepper - you need to drink the remedy before going to bed in one gulp and be sure to wrap yourself warmly at night. Pepper with vodka has a very strong warming effect, so in the morning the signs of a cold can completely disappear.

Folk recipes for colds include many effective ways to alleviate and get rid of the concomitant runny nose.

Nasal lavage

A very effective way to disinfect and relieve inflammation of the mucous membranes.

For washing, various means are used, the most common of which is a saline solution - dissolve half a teaspoon of sea salt in a glass of warm water. It is also very effective to wash the nose with an infusion of onion and honey.

For cooking, finely chopped onion is poured with warm water with the addition of half a teaspoon of honey, the infusion must be kept for at least half an hour.

Nasal drops

The use of nasal drops from a pharmacy, of course, quickly gives results, since the drugs have a narrowing effect on blood vessels. But in the future, the use of these drops leads to rapid addiction and loss of effectiveness. Therefore, it is better to use folk instillations for colds and runny nose.

Aloe juice has a proven effect - you need to instill 2-3 drops of fresh juice into each nostril several times a day. It is good to prepare garlic oil for instillation - one clove of garlic must be chopped, poured with vegetable oil and left to infuse overnight, then the strained oil is instilled into the nose several times a day.

Pain and sore throat often accompany the development of a cold in adults and children, but treatment with folk remedies will help relieve symptoms and prevent further spread of the infection to the respiratory system.

Symptoms of colds

When the first signs of the disease appear, in order to prevent the further development of a cold, you can use alternative medicine recipes.

Onion infusion

Chop one onion, pour a glass of boiling water. Cover with a lid and leave for 5-10 minutes. Drink the infusion "in one gulp" at once the whole glass.

Phytoncides (bioactive substances that can suppress pathogenic bacteria), which contains large quantities of onion, will quickly help to cope with the disease at an early stage.

You can take a warm bath only in the absence of high temperature.

Prepare a bath (t not higher than 38 ° C). Add 200-250 grams of special salt and 15 drops of eucalyptus, peppermint, sage or rosemary oil to the water.

The duration of the procedure is no more than 15 minutes. After the patient needs to dry himself, lie down and warm himself under the covers. Additionally, you can drink warm tea with raspberries, lemon, ginger or honey.

At the first symptoms of a cold, it is useful to gargle and rinse the nasal cavity. These procedures cleanse the mucous membranes of viruses, moisturize them.

Rinse the nose with warm saline 2-3 times a day. For this, pharmaceutical preparations Salin, No-salt, Aquamaris are suitable. The solution for washing is easy to prepare yourself. In a liter of pure water, stir 1 teaspoon of ordinary salt and 2-3 drops of iodine.

Be sure to read:

Multiple sclerosis: causes and treatment at home

One of the unpleasant symptoms of a cold is. It is manifested by abundant secretions of mucus from the nose.

You can overcome it with folk remedies:

  1. Washing the nose. It can be done not only with saline solutions, but also with decoctions of medicinal herbs (field chamomile, calendula). To prepare a decoction, a pinch of herbs is poured into a glass of water, boiled in a steam bath until it boils. Allow to cool and strain;
  2. Nasal drops. A couple of times a day, drip into each nasal passage 3-4 drops of Kalanchoe juice or freshly squeezed beetroot juice. You can prepare a medicine from onion juice and vegetable oil by mixing them in a 1: 1 ratio;
  3. Inhalations. They provide a soft and long-lasting effect of the drug on the nasal mucosa. Inhalations are carried out with a special inhaler or in the traditional way (by inhaling steam over a container). For inhalation, you can use any alkaline mineral water (without gas), decoctions of medicinal plants (needles, eucalyptus, chamomile). You can do inhalations by adding 2-3 drops of essential oil;
  4. Dry heating. Pour warmed salt or peas into a small cloth bag. Apply a warm bag to the sinuses. Keep as long as it retains heat. Repeat warming up in the morning and evening.

You need to know that with any runny nose, it is important to blow your nose correctly. You need to blow your nose carefully so that the pressure in the nasal cavity does not rise. Otherwise, bacteria and viruses that are in the nose can get into the auditory tube, which will lead to inflammation of the middle ear. And also it can damage the mucous membrane, which is already inflamed.

Often a cold is accompanied by pain and sore throat. You can get rid of them with the help of alternative medicine recipes:

  1. Gargling. The procedure is repeated 3-4 times a day. You can rinse with garlic water (grind 2 medium cloves, pour hot water, after an hour the medicine is ready), diluted tincture of calendula or eucalyptus (dilute 1 teaspoon in a glass of warm water), infusion of sage or chamomile officinalis (brew a tablespoon of dry grass with 200 ml of boiling water , leave for about an hour), tincture of cloves (steam 10 pieces in a glass of boiling water, leave for 40 minutes);
  2. Lubrication of the mucosa and tonsils with sea buckthorn oil 3 times a day;
  3. Onion juice (not used to treat children). Adults take 1 tablespoon twice daily. The pulp after pressing is used as a compress on the neck.

Such procedures contribute to the removal of pathogenic organisms from the mucous surface of the throat and create conditions unfavorable for their reproduction.

Elena Malysheva tells how to properly treat the flu and colds.

A cold is much more difficult to bear if accompanied by a headache. One of the reasons for its manifestation is an increase in temperature.

To relieve a headache during a cold will help:

  1. Balm "Asterisk". They need to lubricate the forehead, behind the ears, temporal;
  2. Lemon. Grate whiskey and forehead with lemon juice;
  3. Compress. Moisten a gauze cloth in an vinegar solution (warm water and 9% vinegar 1: 1) and apply to the forehead.

For any disease, if the patient's temperature is not higher than 38.5 ° C, doctors recommend not taking antipyretics. By increasing the temperature, the body reacts to the viruses and bacteria that have got inside and fights them.

If such a condition is poorly tolerated by the patient or the temperature has crossed the mark of 38.5 ° C, it should be lowered. Suitable for this:

  1. Tea with raspberries or currants. You can use jam, dry, frozen berries and even dry leaves. After drinking warm tea, you need to warmly wrap yourself up and try to fall asleep;
  2. Linden infusion. Brew a pinch of lime color in a glass of boiling water. Take as a tea three times a day;
  3. Rubbing. They are used if you need to quickly lower the temperature, especially in young children. Wipe the patient's skin with a gauze napkin soaked in acetic solution. When the skin becomes dry, repeat the rubdown again. So 3 times in a row. Usually, after such a procedure, the temperature drops by 1 ° C.

Be sure to read:

Symptoms and treatment of herpes zoster at home

In addition, in order not to aggravate the course of the disease, the patient must adhere to bed rest.

An effective recipe in the treatment of sore throat can be found in this video.

Cough compresses have long been considered an effective treatment, but they are shown only after the acute period of the disease has passed.

Any compress consists of three layers:

  • wet layer - it can be a bandage or gauze that is moistened with a drug;
  • insulating layer - polyethylene film, oilcloth or wax paper, which will not allow the drug to leak out of the inner layer;
  • a layer of insulation - it can be a terry towel, a warm scarf, cotton wool and a bandage.

The compress is applied to the upper part of the chest, the anatomical location of the heart always remains open. The principle of action of compresses is that the heat created by them penetrates to the vessels and expands them, increases blood circulation. And this, in turn, contributes to the rapid discharge of sputum, and its liquefaction.

What can be used to prepare a compress for coughing:

  1. Boiled potatoes "in uniform". When it is hot, you need to put it in a plastic bag, add a little vegetable oil and knead it thoroughly right in the peel. And then a plastic bag with mashed potatoes should be applied to the patient's chest, but first cover it with a towel or a baby diaper folded two or three times.
  2. Liquid honey. They simply lubricate the upper part of the chest, then put parchment on it and wrap it with something warm.
  3. saline solution. A salt solution is prepared in the proportion of 90 g of the main component per 1 liter of hot water. Then a compress is applied in the classical manner - a wet layer, heat-insulating and warming.

Alternative cough treatment is a mass of recipes that can have a good effect. But it is worth remembering that there is always a danger of a normal cough turning into quite serious pathologies of the respiratory tract. Therefore, during the treatment, you need to carefully monitor your well-being - relief should come after a maximum of 3 days, otherwise you should immediately seek professional medical help.

Good health to you! Treatment with folk remedies will help cure diseases and improve health!

Onion infusion

One of the unpleasant symptoms of a cold is a runny nose. It is manifested by abundant secretions of mucus from the nose.

Many people often confuse a cold with the flu or a sore throat, but these diseases have different symptoms, which leads to different approaches to their treatment. Any respiratory infection is usually accompanied by an increase in body temperature, which is associated with the body's immune response to the action of pathogens.

But still, the common cold is not as severely exacerbated as other similar diseases:

  • the temperature usually rises no more than 38.5 ° C;
  • weakness of the body may accompany a cold, but not as bright as the flu;
  • viruses infect the nasal mucosa, causing a runny nose;
  • the development of the disease is gradual, which is often perceived as a simple malaise;
  • redness is usually observed on the mucous membrane of the throat;
  • with a cold, coughing manifests itself only for 3-4 days, when the infection from the nasopharynx spreads to the lower respiratory tract;
  • headache usually accompanies any respiratory disease, but, like all other symptoms, it passes fairly quickly with timely treatment.

This respiratory disease is rarely given great importance, not paying due attention to the state of one's health. Of course, there are cases of rapid self-healing of the body, but only a well-functioning immune system can provide this.

In most situations, people simply ignore the ailment, continuing to do their usual things. And although the patient often intuitively increases the amount of fluid consumed by drinking more teas with honey and raspberries, it is not always possible to overcome a cold on his own even in a week.

Traditional medicine in the fight against colds at home

There are many effective treatments for cough. The most popular of them:

  1. Radish with honey. Wash the black radish fruit, cut off the tail. Make a hole inside and put 2-3 teaspoons of honey into it. Radish should be infused for at least 4 hours. After that, the resulting juice is drunk 3 times a day. For small children, 1-2 teaspoons are enough, children over 6 years old and adults take 1-2 tablespoons. Radish juice well dilutes sputum, promotes its discharge;
  2. Inhalations based on essential oils, alkaline solutions or steamed boiled potatoes. Medicinal substances in the vapor state enter the respiratory tract and instantly affect the inflamed mucous membranes. Inhalations are used to treat both unproductive (without sputum discharge) and productive (with sputum) cough;
  3. Rubbing with fat. Fat of animal origin is used: badger, goat, bear. First, it must be melted in a steam bath, and then rubbed on the patient's chest. If the cough is accompanied by wheezing, a pinch of dry mustard can be added to the fat. The result of treatment is noticeable after 3 days;
  4. Decoction of plantain. It has a good expectorant effect. A small pinch of dry leaves must be poured with a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 4 hours. Strained drink should be taken 30 minutes before meals, 2-3 sips three times a day.

Cough (dry or wet) accompanies almost all colds.

The appearance of a cough indicates damage to the respiratory tract - larynx, trachea, bronchi.

In these parts of the human body, sensitive receptors are dispersed that are responsible for the cough reflex, which is a protective reaction.

At the moment when a person coughs, everything that negatively affects the state of health comes out of his respiratory tract. However, despite the protective mission of coughing, it exhausts the sick person so much that the latter loses sleep, pains appear in the muscles, sometimes a strong cough can reach vomiting.

Some people are very difficult to tolerate a cough, so many patients of a general practitioner are interested in the question: how to quickly recover from a cough with folk remedies at home?

Coughing can signal the development of a dangerous disease in the body of an adult. Therefore, before starting to treat it at home, you need to go to see a doctor.

If the doctor does not suspect a more serious illness than the common cold, cough treatment can be carried out independently. In the event that the doctor has any doubts about the nature of this phenomenon, he will prescribe an additional examination to the patient.

To treat a cold, the doctor will prescribe medicines to the patient that can be combined with traditional medicine recipes.

To prevent the occurrence of side effects from such treatment, it is necessary to prepare folk remedies only after carefully studying their recipes.

Folk recipes

Cough in adults can be cured with licorice syrup, which must be drunk three times a day for one week. Alcohol-free licorice syrup, along with a spoonful of natural honey, is added to regular or herbal tea.

Another recipe with which you can quickly cure a cold and get rid of a high temperature at home:

  1. Take a small piece of ginger and grind it on a grater.
  2. The resulting mass is placed in a teapot with herbal tea.
  3. Pour boiling water into the teapot and leave for 30 minutes.
  4. Before drinking, add one teaspoon of lime honey to the drink.

Such a remedy for coughing can be drunk 3 times a day.

Three times a day for one week, you must take the following composition:

  • grate a large onion on a coarse grater and squeeze the juice out of it;
  • add a teaspoon of honey to the resulting juice and let it brew.

Using this recipe will help to quickly cure even a strong cough.

If an adult is allowed to drink warm milk with honey and a piece of butter, the coughing attack will quickly stop. Such a drink can be consumed in unlimited quantities. In addition to the fact that milk with honey has a softening effect on the throat, it also tastes good.

With a dry cough at home, steam inhalations are carried out. Coniferous baths with a water temperature of 37-38 are very useful. An adult can stay in such a bath for 10-15 minutes.

At the end of the procedure, the patient should be immediately put to bed. The number of sessions per course is 12-15.

Today, doctors know a huge number of effective folk remedies that doctors recommend to their patients for a cold or infection accompanied by a cough.

It is useful to include the following foods in the patient's diet:

  1. grated radish seasoned with sour cream or vegetable oil;
  2. hercules boiled in milk;
  3. mashed potatoes;
  4. dairy products;
  5. grapes - acts as an expectorant and healing for the lungs
  6. honey - without this product, the treatment of colds is not complete.

Grape juice mixed with honey is a truly unique remedy for severe coughs. But the patient should temporarily stop drinking coffee. The drink can be replaced with chicory mixed with milk.

A lemon passed through a meat grinder must be mixed with a small amount of honey - this composition helps an adult patient quickly cure even a very strong cough and get rid of high fever.

In order to restore the water-alkaline balance of the body disturbed by the disease, the patient is advised to drink plenty of fluids. Water helps to liquefy the sputum accumulated in the bronchi.

Doctors advise drinking alkaline mineral water, the chemical composition of which brings the moment of recovery closer.

It is not so easy to cure a dry cough with folk remedies. A quick effect can only be achieved by simultaneously taking medications that suppress the cough reflex. But this is not a cure for the disease, but only getting rid of the symptoms.

With a dry cough provoked by a cold, it is useful to carry out inhalation. To prepare an inhalation agent, you need to mix equal amounts of thyme, coltsfoot, chamomile, sage, take 4 tbsp. tablespoons of this raw material and pour boiling water. Add 2 drops of menthol or eucalyptus oil and one teaspoon of soda to the infusion. Inhalation must be carried out several times a day.

  • The diet of the patient should be enriched with high-calorie, but not heavy food.
  • The daily menu should contain vegetables and fruits.
  • It is impossible to quickly cure a dry cough without the use of expectorants.
  • The patient must see a doctor.

The occurrence of a dry cough on the background of a cold is a quite typical phenomenon. Sometimes a cough does not need to be treated, it goes away on its own in the process of treating the disease itself.

If it is hoarse and is accompanied by viscous sputum, it is necessary to start taking drugs that thin the sputum.

Folk cough recipes should be used to comprehensively get rid of the disease. It is not necessary to refuse drug therapy prescribed by a doctor. Traditional medicine is effective only as an auxiliary treatment.

The following recipes, due to their effectiveness, are very popular among the people:

  1. A cold accompanied by a cough is well treated with honey and radish. A small hole is cut in the radish with a knife and honey is poured into it. The product will release juice very soon, which you need to drink one teaspoon 4 times a day.
  2. You can quickly recover with the help of figs, previously soaked in milk. To do this, use cow's milk, which must be heated to a hot state. In milk, you need to put a few fruits of figs, insist and grind together with milk. A mushy mass should be taken 1/3 cup before meals 3 times a day.
  3. You can treat a dry cough with a mixture of aloe, honey and butter. The ingredients should be taken in equal parts, mixed and taken one teaspoonful of the resulting product 4 times a day.
  4. You can fight a painful cough by taking infusions of medicinal herbs. For example, infusions of thyme, plantain and nettle. The leaves of the plant must be crushed, pour a glass of boiling water, put in a water bath and keep it for about 15 minutes. Next, the remedy should be infused for 30 minutes. The cooled broth is filtered and taken one tablespoon before meals 5-6 times a day.
  5. Finely chop the radish, sprinkle with sugar, spread on a baking sheet and bake for 2 hours. The pieces of radish should then be discarded, and the juice from the baking sheet should be poured into a container. Such a remedy can be given even to infants.
  6. There is a special cough treatment for coffee drinkers. Coffee itself is not recommended for colds, but it can be replaced with chicory, oats, rye, barley, which are brewed in the same way as regular coffee. Milk can be added to the drink.

With severe attacks, you need to take poppy milk. It is prepared like this:

  • steam a few tablespoons of dry poppy seeds in hot water;
  • drain the water, and crush the poppy seeds in a mortar;
  • add a glass of boiling water to the crushed poppy seeds and leave for 10-15 minutes.
  • Filter.

You need to drink such milk warm.

A dry cough can be caused by an external allergen or irritant. A similar phenomenon cannot be treated by the methods listed above. Therefore, if a cough reflex occurs, it is first necessary to consult a doctor.

The doctor will determine the nature of the disease and prescribe the appropriate treatment for the situation.

The described phenomenon in most cases acts as a kind of protective reaction of the body, aimed at removing toxins that appeared as a result of the development of any inflammatory process.

Given this fact, the elimination of coughing will directly contribute to the further infection of a person. Toxins will accumulate, and the disease will become chronic.

However, medicine is also known for an unproductive debilitating cough, which is no longer able to perform its drainage function. In such a situation, the suppression of the cough center with medications is fully justified. Although it is possible to quickly defeat coughing and get rid of high fever without taking pharmacological agents.

  1. Radishes (6-8 pieces) should be cut into thin slices, covered with sugar and set aside for 6 hours to infuse until juice is released from the product. This juice should be drunk every hour, one tablespoon.
  2. Pour boiling water over one small lemon and put on fire for 10 minutes. Next, the lemon needs to be cooled, cut into slices and squeeze the juice out of them into the same water in which the lemon was boiled. To the liquid, add two tablespoons of glycerin oil and ½ cup of honey. This mixture should be taken several times a day, 2 tablespoons.

Additional measures for a cold

All the unpleasant symptoms of a cold - runny nose, headache, sore throat, fever - indicate that the patient's body is fighting the disease. To help him, it is necessary to provide favorable conditions and good care:

  • at high temperature - observe bed rest;
  • drink a lot. Warm, plentiful drink helps to remove toxins from the body;
  • food should be light, but complete;
  • eat more foods containing vitamins. It can be juices, vegetables, fresh fruits;
  • maintain the microclimate in the room: the air should be humid and slightly cool (about 20 ° C), this prevents the spread of pathogenic microbes.

With minor symptoms, it is enough to adhere to the following rules:

  1. The patient's room should have a temperature of at least 22-24 °C.
  2. Periodically ventilate the room, but the patient should not be left in the draft.
  3. At least once a day, wet clean the room with disinfectants.
  4. Eat your diet in such a way that the body gets enough of the necessary nutrients, vitamins and minerals.
  5. Drink plenty of liquid in the form of teas, decoctions, warm water, etc.


Prevention of colds is to strengthen the body, increase immunity, hardening.

Additional immune support will help to avoid colds. A good way to prevent is to take immunostimulants - tinctures of echinacea, ginseng and others.

In the autumn-winter period - the peak of colds, it is especially important:

  • wash your hands when you come home;
  • consume more vitamins, onions, garlic, ginger and a sufficient amount of liquid;
  • avoid attending mass events, close contact with patients.

If you can’t avoid crowded places, you need to follow simple rules:

  1. Lubricate the nose with antiviral balms and ointments. This makes the mucosa practically immune to viruses;
  2. Hold a clove or lemon peel in your mouth. This will help destroy pathogenic microorganisms that have entered the nasopharynx;
  3. Upon returning home, you can wash your nose with saline, rinse your mouth with tincture of calendula or propolis.

Remedies for colds and coughs do not exclude the fact that a person should be engaged in the prevention of respiratory diseases. To strengthen the body, you should pay attention to the recommendations of traditional healers and traditional doctors.

  • hardening. Dousing with cold water will help to increase the defenses. For the unprepared - first stand under a contrast shower, gradually lowering the temperature of the water, then start dousing. It is better to harden in the warm season.
  • Nutrition. A diet that includes fruits, vegetables, cereals, mineral drinks, pure water, herbal teas will help you get rid of toxins. A cleansed body does not waste energy on fighting bad metabolism, but is fully involved in counteracting pathogenic microbes and wins.
  • Rejection of bad habits. Smoking, alcohol, energy drinks, and fatty, smoky, sweet foods weaken the body, which is why people with bad habits are more likely to suffer from respiratory infections.
  • Bath. A visit to the sauna, whether Finnish, Russian, or Turkish hammam, cleanses the pores of a person, energizes, vigor, which increases immunity.
  • Fresh air. Walking in the fresh air in any weather gives a tone, movements increase blood flow, blood microcirculation. Thus, all organs receive good nutrition, which improves their work.
  • Room. Regular ventilation of the premises in which a person is located eliminates the accumulation of viruses and microbes.
  • Public transport. Many are embarrassed to wear gauze bandages during the peak of the incidence, which is why they quickly pick up diseases. Health is more expensive, so you don’t need to pay attention to the eyes of others and boldly put on a mask.

A visit to the bath helps to strengthen the immune system, although this is contraindicated for some people.

The use of folk remedies in combination with an active and healthy lifestyle minimizes the number of colds. And if the disease still overcomes, do not self-medicate, contact a specialist. This is especially true for children - their body is sensitive to the ingredients of many recipes.

Medicines based on herbs, berries, roots must be approved by the attending physician without fail.

The common cold is a colloquial concept that unites diseases caused by hypothermia. But often colds include infectious diseases such as influenza, laryngitis, pharyngitis, acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI) and others.

The main causes of a cold are:

  1. Hypothermia. If the human body is not prepared for sudden changes in temperature, then irritation of the receptors with cold reflexively causes a violation of the functions of internal organs and favors the development of the disease. Hypothermia is often accompanied by the activation of pathogenic bacteria in the nasal cavity. This leads to the development of rhinitis (runny nose).
  2. Weak immunity. Factors that reduce the protective function of the body are exacerbation of chronic diseases, poor environmental conditions, unhealthy diet, unhealthy lifestyle, the presence of helminths, and stress.

Treatment for the first symptoms of a cold

When the first signs of the disease appear, in order to prevent the further development of a cold, you can use alternative medicine recipes.

Onion infusion

Chop one onion, pour a glass of boiling water. Cover with a lid and leave for 5-10 minutes. Drink the infusion "in one gulp" at once the whole glass.

Phytoncides (bioactive substances that can suppress pathogenic bacteria), which contains large quantities of onion, will quickly help to cope with the disease at an early stage.

Bath with essential oils and sea salt

You can take a warm bath only in the absence of high temperature.

Prepare a bath (t not higher than 38 ° C). Add 200-250 grams of special salt and 15 drops of peppermint, sage or rosemary to the water.

The duration of the procedure is no more than 15 minutes. After the patient needs to dry himself, lie down and warm himself under the covers. Additionally, you can drink warm tea with raspberries, lemon, ginger or honey.

At the first symptoms of a cold, it is useful to gargle and. These procedures cleanse the mucous membranes of viruses, moisturize them.

Rinse the nose with warm saline 2-3 times a day. For this, pharmaceutical preparations Salin, No-salt, Aquamaris are suitable. The solution for washing is easy to prepare yourself. In a liter of pure water, stir 1 teaspoon of ordinary salt and 2-3 drops of iodine.

Treatment of colds and runny nose folk remedies

One of the unpleasant symptoms of a cold is. It is manifested by abundant secretions of mucus from the nose.

You can overcome it with folk remedies:

  1. Washing the nose. It can be done not only with saline solutions, but also with decoctions of medicinal herbs (field chamomile, calendula). To prepare a decoction, a pinch of herbs is poured into a glass of water, boiled in a steam bath until it boils. Allow to cool and strain;
  2. Nasal drops. A couple of times a day, drip into each nasal passage 3-4 drops of Kalanchoe juice or freshly squeezed beetroot juice. You can prepare a medicine from onion juice and vegetable oil by mixing them in a 1: 1 ratio;
  3. Inhalations. They provide a soft and long-lasting effect of the drug on the nasal mucosa. Inhalations are carried out with a special inhaler or in the traditional way (by inhaling steam over a container). For inhalation, you can use any alkaline mineral water (without gas), decoctions of medicinal plants (needles, eucalyptus, chamomile). You can do inhalations by adding 2-3 drops of essential oil;
  4. Dry heating. Pour warmed salt or peas into a small cloth bag. Apply a warm bag to the sinuses. Keep as long as it retains heat. Repeat warming up in the morning and evening.

You need to know that with any runny nose, it is important to blow your nose correctly. You need to blow your nose carefully so that the pressure in the nasal cavity does not rise. Otherwise, bacteria and viruses that are in the nose can get into the auditory tube, which will lead to inflammation of the middle ear. And also it can damage the mucous membrane, which is already inflamed.

Folk remedies for colds and sore throats

Often a cold is accompanied by pain and sore throat. You can get rid of them with the help of alternative medicine recipes:

  1. Gargling. The procedure is repeated 3-4 times a day. You can rinse with garlic water (grind 2 medium cloves, pour hot water, after an hour the medicine is ready), diluted tincture of calendula or eucalyptus (dilute 1 teaspoon in a glass of warm water), infusion of sage or chamomile officinalis (brew a tablespoon of dry grass with 200 ml of boiling water , leave for about an hour), tincture of cloves (steam 10 pieces in a glass of boiling water, leave for 40 minutes);
  2. Lubrication of the mucosa and tonsils with sea buckthorn oil 3 times a day;
  3. Onion juice (not used to treat children). Adults take 1 tablespoon twice daily. The pulp after pressing is used as a compress on the neck.

Such procedures contribute to the removal of pathogenic organisms from the mucous surface of the throat and create conditions unfavorable for their reproduction.

Elena Malysheva tells how to properly treat the flu and colds.

How to treat a cough with a cold at home

Many effective ones are known. The most popular of them:

  1. Radish with honey. Wash the black radish fruit, cut off the tail. Make a hole inside and put 2-3 teaspoons of honey into it. Radish should be infused for at least 4 hours. After that, the resulting juice is drunk 3 times a day. For small children, 1-2 teaspoons are enough, children over 6 years old and adults take 1-2 tablespoons. Radish juice well dilutes sputum, promotes its discharge;
  2. Inhalations based on essential oils, alkaline solutions or steamed boiled potatoes. Medicinal substances in the vapor state enter the respiratory tract and instantly affect the inflamed mucous membranes. Inhalations are used to treat both unproductive (without sputum discharge) and productive (with sputum) cough;
  3. Rubbing with fat. Fat of animal origin is used: badger, goat, bear. First, it must be melted in a steam bath, and then rubbed on the patient's chest. If the cough is accompanied by wheezing, a pinch of dry mustard can be added to the fat. The result of treatment is noticeable after 3 days;
  4. Decoction of plantain. It has a good expectorant effect. A small pinch of dry leaves must be poured with a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 4 hours. Strained drink should be taken 30 minutes before meals, 2-3 sips three times a day.

Headache and fever treatment for colds

A cold is much more difficult to bear if accompanied by a headache. One of the reasons for its manifestation is an increase in temperature.

To relieve a headache during a cold will help:

  1. Balm "Asterisk". They need to lubricate the forehead, behind the ears, temporal;
  2. Lemon. Grate whiskey and forehead with lemon juice;
  3. Compress. Moisten a gauze cloth in an vinegar solution (warm water and 9% vinegar 1: 1) and apply to the forehead.

For any disease, if the patient's temperature is not higher than 38.5 ° C, doctors recommend not taking antipyretics. By increasing the temperature, the body reacts to the viruses and bacteria that have got inside and fights them.

If such a condition is poorly tolerated by the patient or the temperature has crossed the mark of 38.5 ° C, it should be lowered. Suitable for this:

  1. Tea with raspberries or currants. You can use jam, dry, frozen berries and even dry leaves. After drinking warm tea, you need to warmly wrap yourself up and try to fall asleep;
  2. Linden infusion. Brew a pinch of lime color in a glass of boiling water. Take as a tea three times a day;
  3. Rubbing. They are used if you need to quickly lower the temperature, especially in young children. Wipe the patient's skin with a gauze napkin soaked in acetic solution. When the skin becomes dry, repeat the rubdown again. So 3 times in a row. Usually, after such a procedure, the temperature drops by 1 ° C.

In addition, in order not to aggravate the course of the disease, the patient must adhere to bed rest.

An effective recipe in the treatment of sore throat can be found in this video.

Additional measures for a cold

All the unpleasant symptoms of a cold - runny nose, headache, sore throat, fever - indicate that the patient's body is fighting the disease. To help him, it is necessary to provide favorable conditions and good care:

  • at high temperature - observe bed rest;
  • drink a lot. Warm, plentiful drink helps to remove toxins from the body;
  • food should be light, but complete;
  • eat more foods containing vitamins. It can be juices, vegetables, fresh fruits;
  • maintain the microclimate in the room: the air should be humid and slightly cool (about 20 ° C), this prevents the spread of pathogenic microbes.


Prevention of colds is to strengthen the body, hardening.

Additional immune support will help to avoid colds. A good way to prevent is to take immunostimulants - tinctures of echinacea, ginseng and others.

In the autumn-winter period - the peak of colds, it is especially important:

  • wash your hands when you come home;
  • consume more vitamins, onions, garlic, ginger and a sufficient amount of liquid;
  • avoid attending mass events, close contact with patients.

If you can’t avoid crowded places, you need to follow simple rules:

  1. Lubricate the nose with antiviral balms and ointments. This makes the mucosa practically immune to viruses;
  2. Hold a clove or lemon peel in your mouth. This will help destroy pathogenic microorganisms that have entered the nasopharynx;
  3. Upon returning home, you can wash your nose with saline, rinse your mouth with tincture of calendula or propolis.


Using traditional medicine to fight a cold, you can mitigate the symptoms of the disease, alleviate the patient's condition, and prevent the development of complications. In the early stages, the disease is easily treated with home remedies. And the effectiveness of these methods of treatment is time-tested.

In contact with



    Folk remedies have no effect on our healed organisms as before, besides, those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract cannot drink acidic drinks, eat honey, lemon, ginger, etc. I try to start taking vitamins, warm drinks at the first sign of a cold, and the cold passes quickly.


    Folk remedies have no effect on our healed organisms as before, besides, those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract cannot drink acidic drinks, eat honey, lemon, ginger, etc. I try to start taking anaferon, vitamins, warm at the first sign of a cold drink, and the cold passes quickly.


    Traditional medicine is good, of course, but not always. In general, it seems to me that I can’t cure a cold without more serious drugs. I usually take Orvis Flu (it is also possible for hypertensive patients, besides, which is a rarity). And here are the secondary measures - washing, rinsing, inhalation, mustard plasters, etc. This makes it much easier to overcome all the unpleasant symptoms)


    Honey, ginger and anti-cold remedies will lift you up if you have no time to get sick. The pharmacist advised me to have a cold a year ago and the medicine suited me in terms of the fact that I didn’t want to sleep from it. I usually take this kind of bags at work, and so that I don’t want to sleep from them - this is important for me.


    Take Anaferon for colds. It blocks the virus from your body and you can safely go about your business. It helps me during my studies because there are a lot of things to do, my head is spinning and you feel complications, a cold.

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