Yuri Gulagin Prosecutor's Office. The territorial administration of the Federal Agency for Fishery was not allowed to regulate the reporting of the kmns. Industry Community Supports Tinro Scientists

Why did Yury Gulyagin, Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation for the Far Eastern Federal District, allow corruption to flourish in the region?

Far East, which federal authorities determined the venue for the APEC summit, as it was, and remains the most criminogenic region of the country. High level crime, multiplied by the growing rates of corruption and the inaction of officials, including law enforcement and supervisory agencies, is turning into a full-blown crisis of power before our eyes. Local media with links to executives different levels are full of alarming reports that the program of preparation for the Far East summit is in jeopardy: roads and infrastructure are not being built, bridges are not being built. At the same time, according to the general opinion, the budget allocations of 150 billion rubles allocated by the federal center are clearly going to the seaside sand. It got to the point that desperate residents of the long-suffering Russky Island began to collect signatures against the forum, protesting in this way against rampant corruption, which leaves no hope for socio-economic transformation.

With the fact that corruption is on Far East is growing, but crime is not decreasing, the deputy Attorney General in the Far Eastern Federal District, State Counselor of Justice 1st Class, Honorary Worker of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation Yuri Gulyagin.

At a recent meeting to sum up the results of the work of the Far Eastern prosecutors last year, Gulyagin admitted that crimes in the region are not decreasing, poachers and smugglers feel at ease. And according to the Regnum agency, in just two months of 2008 the number of crimes against a person in the Far East increased by 21 percent compared to the same period last year. The offensive of crime in the Far Eastern Federal District has been going on a broad front for more than a year. So, in February 2007, at a meeting of the Far Eastern Federal District security officials, it was stated that crime had increased by a quarter, 56 percent of all crimes remained unsolved, about 80 percent of the catch of marine biological resources went to poachers, and half of the harvested timber was cut down illegally. In a report last year, the Deputy Prosecutor General for the Far Eastern Federal District, Yuri Gulyagin, stated that the number of hidden crimes and refusals to initiate criminal cases is growing in the region, while the scope of 60 organized criminal communities operating in the Far Eastern territory, specializing in the smuggling of timber and biological resources, is expanding. Hearing such reporting data, even Prosecutor General Yury Chaika, who was present at that meeting, could not stand it. “Only one criminal case has been initiated on smuggling! It is necessary not to count criminal communities, but to take measures of state coercion! ”Kommersant newspaper quoted the Prosecutor General as saying (No. As a result of the meeting held a year ago, an action plan for the "decriminalization" of the Far East was adopted. However, as time has shown, no positive changes have taken place: on the contrary, the crime situation in the region has worsened. By all logic, the time has come to strictly ask for failures in work with those who are responsible for the state of law and order in the Far Eastern territories. First of all, from the Deputy Prosecutor General for the Far Eastern District, Yuri Gulyagin, and the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Far Eastern Federal District, Militia Colonel General Anatoly Zolotarev.

These high-ranking law enforcement officials took office years ago with the task of curbing crime and corruption. In the summer of 2006, President Vladimir Putin dismissed several Interior Ministry generals at once. The most serious personnel rotation took place in the Far Eastern Federal District: General Zolotarev with new deputies was thrown to the front line of the Far Eastern front of the fight against crime. Yury Gulyagin, former subordinate of Yury Chaika while still working in the Ministry of Justice, became the head of the supervisory department in the federal district (Yuri Aleksandrovich headed the department of this department for Khabarovsk Territory, and after the appointment of Chaika as Prosecutor General, he moved to the Prosecutor General's Office). Gulyagin, not without reason, is called the protege of the Prosecutor General, taking into account, among other things, the Far Eastern roots of Yuri Chaika himself (a native of the city of Nikolaevsk-on-Amur, Khabarovsk Territory).

However, the effectiveness of the Gulyagin-Zolotarev tandem turned out to be not at all the one that he probably counted on. federal center . The results of the work of police general Zolotarev are eloquently evidenced not only by depressing statistics, but also by a number of other alarming facts. Thus, in the publication “Vorotyli militia smuggling” (Internet newspaper “Vokrug Novosti”, January 15, 2008), it was told how, as soon as he took office, the newly-minted head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Far Eastern Federal District ordered the destruction of the operational database of the Far Eastern Directorate for Combating Organized Crime. They say that General Zolotarev substantiated his order by the decision to start the fight against crime "from scratch". As a result, the authorities lost a huge array of official information on the underworld. Further more. The general initiated a rotation of personnel in the central office, as a result of which dozens of experienced detectives left the bodies, and, for example, not a single employee remained in the anti-corruption department at all. At the same time, Anna Malysheva, a former police officer of the district police department from Khabarovsk, became Deputy General Zolotarev: at the same time, it has long been no secret in the head office that the young operative owes her dizzying rise in her career to the personal location of Colonel General Zolotarev. However, the facts of obvious and unreasonable protectionism surrounded by the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Far Eastern Federal District are still flowers. As noted in the publication “Vorotyli militia smuggling”, instead of fighting crime and corruption, Colonel-General Zolotarev was actively involved in economic activity, using the wide opportunities of his official position. In the media, various shadow authorities of the Far East were mentioned as business partners of the general: Malysh, Maga, Gavrik ... By all logic, after the thrashing arranged by the Far Eastern law enforcement officers by Prosecutor General Chaika himself in February last year, the local criminal communities should have long been on fire under feet. However, nothing of the sort happened. The criminal business associated with the smuggling of timber, bioresources and Chinese consumer goods, as successfully developed in the shadow of invisible patrons, continues to develop. It would seem that Yuri Gulyagin, Deputy Prosecutor General for the Far Eastern Federal District, appointed to oversee the police, should have sounded the alarm. But his activity for many years is limited to just stating more and more disturbing facts. No wonder they say that the relationship between the two "heads" of the Far Eastern Federal District - the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Far Eastern Federal District Anatoly Pavlovich Zolotarev and the Deputy Prosecutor General of Russia for the Far Eastern Federal District Yury Alexandrovich Gulyagin - has long passed into the category of more than friendly. It's about, alas, not only about joint hunting, fishing or bathing days.

According to the opinions of people who are aware of the situation in the law enforcement sphere of the Far Eastern Federal District, Yuri Gulyagin, due to the specifics of his official powers, does not have such a serious influence in the Far Eastern District as General Zolotarev. But having supervisory functions, the prosecutor can always "ask" from the police chief. The result of the demand may turn out to be different: either a measure of the prosecutor's response, or connivance. Judging by the situation in the Far Eastern Federal District, Gulyagin just lacked integrity in his relations with those under supervision. One entails the other. It has long been no secret in Russia that a compliant prosecutor is a tasty target for all sorts of corrupt officials and werewolves in uniform.

It is very likely that this circumstance explains the reason for the impunity of those who so defiantly violate the laws in the Far East, as well as the blatant lack of control of law enforcement chiefs. Why, one wonders, prosecutor Gulyagin did not react in any way to the more than strange initiatives of the police general Zolotarev to liquidate the operational base and unjustifiably dismiss the conscientious employees, including his former deputy N.M. Gagaro? Furthermore: this and other personnel decisions were made by Zolotarev with the direct support of Deputy Prosecutor General Gulyagin. But, meanwhile, Colonel Gagaro signaled to the top, including to the supervisory authorities, about numerous violations of the law by the head of the Far Eastern Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Zolotarev, about the merging of crime with law enforcement agencies, about the collapse of the work of the investigating authorities ... All these signals turned into one - the only document : a verdict on the resignation of an obsessive truth-seeker.

Thus, as a rule, unbearable conditions were created for systematic work, which forced employees to simply quit, not understanding where they were going. state machine justice and where is the difference between the law and the usual lawlessness. Doesn't it follow from this that prosecutor Gulyagin is corny covering up his colleague, General Zolotarev?

If we turn to the biography of Yuri Gulyagin, Deputy Prosecutor General for the Far Eastern Federal District, and analyze the course of events, then much in the current situation becomes clear. From the very beginning of his activities in the Far East, Yuri Alexandrovich undertook to pay special attention to the logging and logging industries of the Khabarovsk Territory. No doubt: the area of ​​work is important. However, isn't it strange that at the same time, the criminal business of the shadow authority of Khabarovsk Konstantin Mikhailovich Kozhevnikov, nicknamed "Lumberjack" began to grow by leaps and bounds? It is known that they have a fairly close relationship.

In order to "resolve issues" on illegal export-import operations with timber, smugglers built close contacts with Far Eastern customs officers. Did Gulyagin know about this or did he not know? And if he knew, then why is Lesorub still a successful businessman in his, so to speak, shadow sector of the economy?

By the way, last year a report on the state of smuggling in the Far East was published on the forum of one of the Far Eastern Internet sites. The author named the organizers of the smuggling channels by name, described the corruption schemes, the amounts of bribes and kickbacks, even indicated the train numbers and names sea ​​vessels, equipped with smuggled round timber and consumer goods. The document was also reprinted by one of the local newspapers. The case ended with an attempt on the life of an employee of the Far Eastern Operational Customs, from whose computer compromising material was sent. However, nothing has been heard about the prosecutor's check on the facts presented. It seems that the Far Eastern Department of the Prosecutor General's Office, and at the same time the Deputy Prosecutor General for the Far Eastern Federal District, Yuri Gulyagin, simply do not want to hear prompts from dangerous consequences for themselves and their subordinates.

Among those mentioned in the posted documents, there is also the owner of the AST company, as well as the "Chinese" Cherkizovsky market in Moscow, Telman Ismailov. Perhaps this is a coincidence, but both in the Far East and in Moscow they talk about the close acquaintance of the merchant with Yuri Gulyagin and even with Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika himself.

Here we should pay special attention to their relationship. Yu. Gulyagin's acquaintance with T. Ismailov took place with the mediation of Yu. Chaika at one of Telman's parties immediately after Gulyagin's appointment as Far Eastern prosecutor. Mountain Jews have always been distinguished by their ability to recruit new supporters into their ranks: a chic, relaxed atmosphere and lucrative offers have led more than one top-level official astray from the true path.

Meanwhile, as one of the episodes of Ismailov smuggling, a well-informed source called the arrest on December 7, 2006 at railway station"Moskva-3" of railway cars that arrived from Khabarovsk (carrier LLC "Palmer TEK"), in which there were consumer goods from China in the amount of 371 bales with a total weight of about 42 tons, which were sent to the address of the company "AST". The fictitiousness of the firms-senders and recipients of goods, the absence of documents confirming the legality of the origin and quality of the goods, as well as the concealment of products from customs inspection and recount, and, accordingly, non-payment of customs duties, were established. It is curious that with all the failures on the front of the fight against crime and corruption in the Far Eastern Federal District, the Far Eastern prosecutor's offices continue to be a forge of personnel for the Prosecutor General's Office. For example, Alexander Anikin, the former prosecutor of the Primorsky Territory, went on a promotion, and on August 22, 2007 he was appointed head of the Department for Supervision of Enforcement of Anti-Corruption Legislation of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation. Anikin is remembered for the fact that, together with Deputy Prosecutor General for the Far Eastern Federal District Gulyagin, on special instructions from Prosecutor General Yu. former vice-governor of the region Boris Geltser.

As a result, after the purge of the ranks of the administrative bloc of Primorsky Krai in 2007, Sergey Sopchuk was appointed to the post of vice-governor of Primorye, who is not unreasonably called a protege of Yu. Gulyagin and who had high hopes for redistributing the smuggling market. The rotation ended with the redistribution of the spheres of bureaucratic influence and the redirection of smuggling flows that had previously passed through the Khabarovsk Territory and the Jewish Autonomous Region to the coastal channels. Previously, smuggled Chinese goods were controlled in Primorye by the “Darkinsky”, as the team of the local governor is called. Apparently, it is no coincidence that on January 31, 2008, an assassination attempt was organized on the "outsider" Sergei Sopchuk, taking into account the intersection of interests of the governor and the new deputy "introduced" into his team.

As another defendant in the smuggling case, who succeeded during the period of Yu.A. consumption. For example, Gavrik's close associates know for certain that the measures taken in November-December 2006 to detain a large consignment of contraband goods from China, which were imported by his group, were subsequently stopped by the prosecutor's office. The one that Yuri Gulyagin represents in the Far Eastern Federal District. However, in our time, you will not surprise anyone with the schemes of the “shadow” business of police and prosecutorial officials, built on the “resolution of issues” with the law that have arisen among merchants and entrepreneurs with a criminal past.

In addition to his particular interest in the smuggling of Chinese goods, Gulyagin is also interested in the export of timber and timber to the countries of the Asia-Pacific region. According to some reports, the special patronage of supervisory authorities in the Far Eastern Federal District in last years began to use the enterprises of Sergey Ivanovich Furgal, who owns 43.75% of Alkuma timber trading LLC, 50% of MIF-DV LLC, 50% of Dalpromsnab LLC, 50% of Opt-region LLC and 16.5% of LLC "Modern City". Meanwhile, few people know Furgal's long-standing close relationship with Gulyagin as a secret. They met when Gulyagin Yu.A. He also worked in the Khabarovsk department of the Ministry of Justice. At that time, Furgal S.I. in fact, he was one of the informal leaders of the Khabarovsk Territory and conducted his business rather harshly, using the entire arsenal of means and methods of the underworld to pacify intractable competitors.

Perhaps Furgal's unsinkability was precisely the result of his relationship with the official Gulyagin. The only question is how the Deputy Prosecutor General himself used this contact. It can, of course, be assumed that it is exclusively for operational purposes. But any operational tasks come to a limit when it comes to the financial component. In this case, the limit is not visible. As Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika accurately noted, criminal communities count, but no measures are taken to suppress them. What is it for? Or take the problem of raider seizures in the Far Eastern Federal District with the participation of law enforcement agencies. In particular, carried out on December 11 last year, a police raid on JSC "Nakhodka Ship Repair Plant", carried out at the direction of Deputy Prosecutor General Yu.A. Gulyagin. Formally, the operation was justified by the need to restore order and check in the OJSC. In fact, the beneficiary of the "mask-show" was the plant's competitor - Khabarovsk businessman Viktor Nikolaev.

special line in service biography Yuri Gulyagin are building and housing. So, according to available information, being the head of the Department of the Ministry of Justice of the Khabarovsk Territory, this official voluntarily or unwittingly condoned the organizers of fraudulent actions for the illegal re-registration and sale of apartments of deceased old people. A media scandal erupted. It is no coincidence that Gulyagin had his own staff of registrars, lawyers and notaries in his arsenal. In addition, one of the notaries, who participated in the execution of the bulk of illegal transactions, died unexpectedly under unclear circumstances. And exactly when she decided to testify about all the participants in the criminal business.

By the way, they say that in the Khabarovsk department of the Ministry of Justice, Yuri Gulyagin has built a rigid chain of command. He placed his people in almost all the "decisive" units, and gradually ousted those who disagreed from the team. Some of them were even prosecuted. At the same time, there is reliable evidence that when Gulyagin was transferred in 2006 from the post of head of the Department of the Ministry of Justice for the Khabarovsk Territory to the Prosecutor General's Office, during the official verification of the acceptance of cases, the fact of misuse of budgetary funds in the amount of two million rubles was established. Moreover, the audit materials allegedly have not yet been implemented and are in the Department of Justice for the Khabarovsk Territory. According to one version, these materials were sent to the Ministry of Justice of Russia to its then head, Yuri Chaika, who then preferred not to let them go and leave them "under the cloth" for better times.

Speaking about the biography of the Far Eastern Deputy Prosecutor General, one cannot fail to mention the fact that his son, thirty-year-old Alexander Gulyagin, until February 2008 served as a prosecutor Central region the city of Khabarovsk. At the same time, it is noteworthy that on February 11 caring father sent Alexander from such a "bread" place to the Vladimir region - to the post of deputy regional prosecutor. Perhaps this is only the first step in relocating the entire Gulyagin family from the Far East and preparing a springboard for a "deserved" departure. Moreover, one can hardly expect success in the fight against crime and corruption in the Far Eastern Federal District under the current heads of district law enforcement agencies. It is also not surprising that Yuri Gulyagin himself is currently taking qualifying exams for the position of a federal judge.

The situation in the Far Eastern Federal District directly hits the authority of the entire leadership of the Prosecutor General's Office, which already has a lot of questions from the political leadership of the country. Indicative, for example, is the fact that President Vladimir Putin was absent from the recent final meeting of prosecutors in Russia. But in previous years, the head of state never missed such events. By the way, Yu.A. Gulyagin took part in this meeting together with the head of the Directorate of the RF GP for the Far Eastern Federal District L.A. Demina. The more than off-duty relationship of these two Far Eastern colleagues has long ceased to be a secret for prosecutors. And then to say: if the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Far Eastern Federal District, Zolotarev, promoted the pretty opera Anna Malysheva to his deputies, then why should Gulyagin, Deputy Prosecutor General for the Far Eastern Federal District, deny himself aesthetic predilections? As the saying goes, good house, pretty subordinate - what else does a person need in order to meet a secure old age in office?

However, it is noticed that in Lately Yuri Gulyagin shows more and more anxiety in official affairs. For example, for no apparent reason, he became personally, and also through his proxies: the prosecutor of the Khabarovsk Territory V.N. Kaplunov, his deputy N.L. request for verification all investigated criminal cases related to the construction industry. It is enough to analyze the number of rejected materials and canceled decisions on initiating criminal cases, issued recently in the exercise of supervision by the prosecutor's office of the Khabarovsk Territory and other subjects of the Far Eastern Federal District at the request of the Office of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation in the Far Eastern Federal District, headed by Yu.A. Gulyagin.

Meanwhile, the lexicon of local businessmen, especially builders and "foresters", has already firmly entered the concept of "solving the problem according to the Gulagin version" or "through the Gulagin ones." This means - without noise and clarification of relations with the law. In general, exactly what Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika was so surprised at last year's meeting in the Far Eastern Federal District.

Probably, Yuri Aleksandrovich Gulyagin feels that the earth is gradually leaving from under his feet. Although, perhaps in the near future he will need new financial resources to solve your staffing issue. After all, it is necessary to leave for a place worthy of the status of Deputy Prosecutor General - for example, the chairman of the Vladimir Regional Court. And these issues are resolved exclusively in the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, where Yuri Gulyagin enjoys serious patronage from one high-ranking official in the rank of head of the Department (his last name is not called so as not to discredit such a respected department), who "keeps under control" his personnel growth in career ladder. In his close circle Gulyagin Yu.A. he repeatedly stated that he regularly takes the appropriate share to the "Administration", and therefore he can solve almost any issues there.

Summing up the above, we can confidently testify that the problem of criminalization of the Far East is connected not only with the inefficiency of the work of law enforcement and supervisory authorities, but also with the facts of the fusion of the leaders of these structures with crime. In fact, a system of corrupt mutual responsibility has been formed in the Far East, which equally guarantees officials and criminals from the rule of law. In general, the Far East has lived and continues to live according to the rules.

A major scandal involving the Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation for Far Eastern Federal District(FEFD) Yuri Gulyagin, broke out in the Khabarovsk Territory. During the investigation of a criminal case on fraud with an elite apartment in the center of Khabarovsk, built for the main department of the Ministry of Justice of Russia for the Far Eastern Federal District, which until 2006 he headed Mr Gulyagin, it turned out that he allegedly could earn 4.7 million rubles on its resale. However, while the Deputy Prosecutor General has no procedural status in this case - the Prosecutor General's Office objects to the verification of their high-ranking employee by representatives investigative committee at the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation.

The story of the resale of a three-room apartment in the center of Khabarovsk at 80-b Turgenev Street surfaced in the fall of 2008. During the audit of financial records, the city administration discovered a discrepancy between the cost of the apartment and the amount paid for it. In particular, it turned out that the family of some entrepreneurs, the Polikarpovs, who owns housing, purchased it for 2.3 million rubles, while underpaying another 1.5 million rubles. for a parking space in the underground garage. After the owner of the apartment, Elena Polikarpova, presented documents stating that she had paid 7 million rubles for her, a scandal erupted.

As a result, in September 2008, the Department of Internal Affairs of the Central District of Khabarovsk opened a criminal case on the fact of "fraud on an especially large scale" (part 4 of article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). The investigation revealed that in July 2002 the chief federal government The Ministry of Justice of Russia for the Far Eastern Federal District, Yuri Gulyagin, who has been the Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation since 2006, concluded an agreement with Stroymiks LLC on the construction of a three-room apartment with an area of ​​110 square meters. m with underground parking in the center of Khabarovsk. For these purposes, 1.7 million rubles were allocated from the federal budget.

From the documents that fell into the hands of the investigators, it appeared that Mr. Gulyagin signed two contracts for the construction of an apartment. In accordance with one of them, the apartment was sold together with a parking space, and in another contract this place did not appear, although the cost of housing remained the same. At the same time, the money was transferred to the account of Stroymiks LLC only for the construction of an apartment.

Further, as follows from the documents discovered by the investigation, in September 2004, Yuri Gulyagin allegedly agreed with the administration of Khabarovsk to exchange an elite three-ruble note for two two-room apartments, which were transferred to the administration of the Federal Penitentiary Service for the Khabarovsk Territory, which was the customer for the construction of an apartment on Turgenev Street.

The investigators also established that in the spring of 2007, Galina Selivanova, head of the housing fund and housing privatization department of the Khabarovsk administration, allegedly prepared a forged decree of the mayor of Khabarovsk (dated February 28, 2005, and executed on a 2006 letterhead) on the sale of an apartment to the Polikarpov family. In fake documents, the cost of this housing was 2.3 million rubles, while the real new owners paid 7 million rubles for it. The difference in the amount of 4.7 million rubles, as assumed in law enforcement agencies, could have gone to Yuri Gulyagin, who actually owned this apartment. And all the operations for her exchange, according to the investigation, pursued one goal - to confuse the inspectors.

However, so far Deputy Prosecutor General Yuri Gulyagin has no procedural status in this case. This is due to the fact that checks and investigations against prosecutors are not within the jurisdiction of the police investigation. And the Prosecutor General's Office itself opposed the transfer of the case to the investigative department for the Khabarovsk Territory of the Investigative Committee under the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation. The oversight agency believes that they themselves have the right to conduct pre-investigation checks against prosecutors, as stated in paragraph 12 of internal order N 70 Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika. Interestingly, this paragraph is in conflict with Art. 144 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation ("Procedure for Considering a Crime Report"), which states that verification of reports of any crime is carried out by an investigator or investigator. After Yury Safonov, the presidential envoy to the Far Eastern District, intervened in the situation around the Deputy Prosecutor General, the Prosecutor General's Office apparently decided to return the case to the police investigation. If this happens, then the main defendants in the case will most likely remain officials of the Khabarovsk administration.

Yury Gulyagin himself was not available for comments yesterday. His son Alexander, who works as a deputy prosecutor Vladimir region, said that he had not heard that his father had any problems. in information management and public relations The Prosecutor General's Office of Russia did not know about the criminal case in which Mr. Gulyagin appears.

Oleg Rubnikovich
Vladislav Trifonov

Who is Yuri Gulyagin

Yuri Alexandrovich Gulyagin was born on April 13, 1956 in Degtyarsk, Sverdlovsk Region. In 1984 he graduated from the All-Union Legal correspondence institute. In 1974-1982 he served in the border troops with the rank of ensign, was an instructor in the political department, head of a secret unit in the city of Bikin, Khabarovsk Territory. In 1982, he moved to the regional prosecutor's office, holding the positions of senior investigator and city prosecutor in Bikin and Amursk. In 1992, he became deputy regional prosecutor. Since April 1998 - Deputy Head of the International Legal Department of the Prosecutor General's Office. In 1999, he headed the main department of the Ministry of Justice for the Khabarovsk Territory, in August 2000 - for the Far Eastern Federal District. On July 7, 2006, he was appointed Deputy Prosecutor General in the Far Eastern Federal District. In 2005-2006 he was the secretary of the Khabarovsk Regional Political Council "United Russia" .

In July 2007, he personally opened a criminal case against the vice-governor of the Primorsky Territory, Alexander Shishkin, for a bribe of 1.2 million rubles. On December 9, 2008, the Primorsky Regional Court sentenced the official to nine years in prison.

In September 2007, he initiated the resignation of the chief federal inspector in the Primorsky Territory of Sergei Lomaev, proving through the court the invalidity of his diplomas of higher education.

On April 11, 2008, State Duma deputy from the Communist Party Andrey Andreev sent letters to President Vladimir Putin and the head of the investigative committee under the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation Alexander Bastrykin with a request to check the reports of a number of online publications about the "merging" of Mr. Gulyagin with crime.

In May 2008, the Deputy Prosecutor General ordered that criminal cases against members of the Amur Regional Government be transferred from the regional department of the Investigative Committee to the Investigation Department for the Far Eastern Federal District. At the request of the defense of the suspected officials, the city court of Blagoveshchensk canceled this decision and decided to "inform" President Dmitry Medvedev "of the violations of the law and abuse of power" by Mr. Gulyagin.

Criminal cases against senior leaders of the prosecutor's office. Background

February 13, 1996 prosecutor general Yuri Skuratov filed a case against the former and. O. Prosecutor General Alexei Ilyushenko (he served from February 1994 to October 1995). According to investigators, Petr Yanchev, the head of the Balkar Trading company, sold four VAZ cars and two Jeep Grand Cherokees to the prosecutor's relatives at a reduced price in exchange for lobbying his interests. On February 15, 1996, Alexei Ilyushenko was arrested and spent two years in a pre-trial detention center. On May 11, 2001, the case was closed for lack of corpus delicti. Prosecutor General Vladimir Ustinov personally apologized "for the lawlessness committed by the former leadership of the Prosecutor General's Office."

April 2, 1999 Deputy Prosecutor of Moscow Vyacheslav Rosinsky opened a case against Prosecutor General Yuri Skuratov. On the same day, President Yeltsin removed him from office, but the Federation Council approved the resignation only on April 19, 2000. Initially, the Prosecutor General was accused of allegedly spending time with prostitutes, whose services were paid for by businessman Suren Yeghiazaryan. Then, an episode was added to the case about his receipt from the Presidential Administration of 14 Zegna suits, paid for by the head of the Swiss construction company Mabetex. On May 12, 2001, the case was closed "for lack of evidence."

May 12, 2008 Alexander Bastrykin, head of the investigative committee at the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, resumed the investigation into the case against First Deputy Prosecutor General Alexander Buksman. The case was initiated in December 2005 and terminated in August 2006, immediately after the appointment of Mr. Buksman as First Deputy Prosecutor General. Investigators checked the accusations of lawyer Inna Ermoshkina, who stated that, as head of the Rosregistration department for Moscow, Alexander Buksman extorted a $200,000 bribe from her and facilitated the appointment of his wife, Irina, as a notary. In June 2008, Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika canceled the order of the head of the Investigative Committee, arguing that it is possible to initiate cases against the Deputy Prosecutor General only upon the conclusion of the court.

Two large fishing enterprises - anchor residents of the TOR "Nikolaevsk" in the Khabarovsk Territory - announced the curtailment of investment projects and a possible complete stop economic activity. The reason is the pressure of the prosecutor's office.

Mariculture of Primorye is waiting for a solution to the issue with protected areas

Aquafarmers in Primorsky Krai expect that the problem of operating farms working on specially protected natural areas will finally be resolved. The former leadership of the region was actively involved in this process, entrepreneurs are counting on a quick positive result.

The Territorial Directorate of the Federal Agency for Fishery was not allowed to regulate the reporting of indigenous peoples

Northeast territorial administration Rosrybolovstva, after the intervention of the prosecutor's office, canceled the order on the registration of industrial magazines for the indigenous peoples of the North. The supervisory authority drew attention to the fact that the Territorial Administration does not have the authority to regulate in this area.

Despite the all-Russian fame, the problem of Primorsky Krai with the work of mariculture farms within the boundaries of protected areas is still relevant. Deputy Prosecutor General Yuri Gulyagin believes that the issue can be resolved in the near future.

The results of the Year of Ecology were summed up by the Prosecutor General

Among the main results of the past year, the head of the Prosecutor General's Office, Yuri Chaika, named the fight against violations in the implementation of programs for the development of the fishing industry jointly with the Ministry for the Development of the Far East.

In Primorye, they are going to demolish the barrier for aquaculture

Deputy Head of the Federal Agency for Fishery Vasily Sokolov called for the preparation and introduction of amendments allowing mariculture within the boundaries of the protected areas of Primorsky Krai. The regional working group adopted a corresponding action plan.

The Prosecutor General's Office counts on the activity of the fishing community

“Active participation of fishermen in the activities of the interdepartmental working group, created by order of the Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Yuri Gulyagin, will help to identify unresolved issues in the industry and adopt necessary measures to the improvement of law enforcement practice, ”says Lyubov Demina, head of the Office of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation in the Far Eastern Federal District.

Controllers will be weaned from "nightmare business"

How to make the life of entrepreneurs easier, save companies from excessive control? Deputy Prime Minister Plenipotentiary Yuri Trutnev, the Ministry for the Development of the Far East, the Ministry of Economic Development and the Prosecutor General's Office put forward their proposals at a meeting in Khabarovsk.

The fishermen appreciated the activities of the working group

The fishing community appreciated the interdepartmental working group, which is headed by Deputy Prosecutor General Yuri Gulyagin, reported the Ministry for the Development of the Far East.

Industry community supports TINRO scientists

The deadlines for which measures of restraint were chosen against the director of the TINRO Center, Lev Bocharov, and his first deputy, Yuri Blinov, are running out. Industry associations, fellow scientists, and fishing companies came out in support of the institute's leadership.

Land for mariculture: whoever pays the most gets it

The Ministry for the Development of the Far East proposes a special procedure for the formation and provision of sites for mariculture in the Far East. A pilot project is planned to be implemented for Primorye.

Vyacheslav Bychkov: It will not be possible to hush up barriers for business

In the outgoing year, administrative barriers were discussed at almost all venues that met on issues of the fishing industry, notes the VARPE business manager

GULYAGIN Yuri Alexandrovich (born April 13, 1956, Degtyarsk, Revdinsky District, Sverdlovsk Region), Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, State Counselor of Justice, 1st class (June 28, 2001). Graduated from the Khabarovsk Faculty of the All-Union Correspondence Law Institute (1978) with a degree in Jurisprudence. From sept. From 1973 to May 1974 he worked as an apprentice turner, a turner in the Degtyar branch of the Uralkhimmash plant. In 1974–82 he served in the border troops of the KGB of the USSR in the Jewish Autonomous Region and the Khabarovsk Territory. From Feb. 1982 trainee, senior investigator of the Bikinsk City Prosecutor's Office, since 1985 Bikinsk Prosecutor of the Khabarovsk Territory, Amur City Prosecutor of the Khabarovsk Territory. Since 1992, Deputy Prosecutor of the Khabarovsk Territory, since April. 1998 Deputy Head of the International Legal Department of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation. From Dec. 1999 - Head of the Department of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for the Khabarovsk Territory, from Aug. 2000 - Main Directorate of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for the Far East. On February 3, 2005, he joined United Russia and the next day was appointed secretary of the Khabarovsk Political Council of United Russia. On July 11, 2006, he was appointed Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation for the Far Eastern Federal District.

GUNKIN Yuri Mikhailovich (born July 26, 1951, Voronezh), head of the Main Housing and Maintenance Department - Deputy Head of the Housing and Arrangement Service of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Major General, Honored Builder of the Russian Federation. Educated at the Voronezh Civil Engineering Institute (1974). He served as a platoon commander of a military construction detachment, as a deputy company commander in the Urals Military District. Then - in the Main Directorate of Special Construction - the foreman, the head of the site, the senior assistant to the head of the construction department, the chief engineer - the deputy head of the department, the head of the department - the deputy chief engineer of the construction department, the deputy head of the department - the chief engineer of the construction department, the head of the construction department. Then he held the positions of head of the department of the Main Directorate of Construction of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, deputy head of the department of the Main Directorate of Housing and Operations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. On March 9, 2005, he was appointed head of the Main Housing and Maintenance Department - Deputy Head of the Housing and Arrangement Service of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

GUTSAN Alexander Vladimirovich (born June 7, 1960), Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, State Counselor of Justice 1st class (June 6, 2007), Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation (September 1, 2008). Educated in Leningrad state university them. A.A. Zhdanova (1987) with a degree in jurisprudence. Fellow D.A. Medvedev. In 1976–78 he worked as a toolmaker at the Leningrad Electromechanical Plant. In 1978–81 he served in the Armed Forces of the USSR. Since 1987, he worked in various positions in the prosecutor's office in Leningrad (Petersburg). Since 2000, Assistant for Special Assignments to the Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation for Special Assignments. From 20.1.2005 Deputy Director Federal Service bailiffs - deputy chief bailiff RF. On April 13, 2007, he was appointed Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation for the Northwestern Federal District.

DAVYDENKO Alexander Alexandrovich (born June 9, 1954, Ulan-Ude Buryat ASSR), supervisor federal agency sea ​​and river transport, candidate economic sciences, Acting State Councilor of the Russian Federation of the 2nd class (30.9.2009). Educated at the Far East Higher Engineering maritime school them. Admiral G.I. Nevelsky (1980) with a degree in Operation of Water Transport. Since 1980, shift engineer-technologist, engineer-technologist, head of the 6th berth, head of the container department of the Vladivostok Commercial Sea Port. Since 1984 in senior positions at the Moscow railway, in 1988–95 - in the Ministry navy USSR and the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation. Since 1995 CEO ZAO Center-TEK (Moscow), since 1997 - ZAO Mortsentr-TEK (Moscow). From Jan. 2005 Department Director public policy in the field of railway, sea and river transport of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation. On September 3, 2005, he was appointed head of the Federal Agency for Marine and River Transport.


Born in 1956 in the Revdensky district of the Sverdlovsk region.


In 1984 he graduated from the All-Union Correspondence Law Institute with a degree in Jurisprudence



Young criminals in the Far East are becoming more daring

The Khabarovsk Territory entered the "criminal trio" among the Far East regions for juvenile crimes

The Prosecutor General's Office is studying the problems of the Far Eastern fishermen

The Far Eastern "roof" or the Prosecutor General's supervision of Yuri Gulyagin

Yuri Gulyagin due to corruption scandals may resign - media

Yuri Gulyagin: Far Eastern law enforcement officers manipulate figures

Who is Yuri Gulyagin

In July 2007, he personally opened a criminal case against the vice-governor of the Primorsky Territory, Alexander Shishkin, for a bribe of 1.2 million rubles. On December 9, 2008, the Primorsky Regional Court sentenced the official to nine years in prison. In September 2007, he initiated the resignation of the chief federal inspector for the Primorsky Territory, Sergei Lomaev, proving through the court the invalidity of his higher education diplomas. On April 11, 2008, Andrei Andreev, a State Duma deputy from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, sent letters to President Vladimir Putin and the head of the Investigative Committee under the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, Alexander Bastrykin, with a request to check the reports of a number of online publications about Mr. Gulyagin's "merging" with crime. In May 2008, the Deputy Prosecutor General ordered that criminal cases against members of the Amur Regional Government be transferred from the regional department of the Investigative Committee to the Investigation Department for the Far Eastern Federal District. At the request of the defense of the suspected officials, the Blagoveshchensk city court overturned this decision and decided to “inform” President Dmitry Medvedev “of the violations of the law and abuse of power” by Mr. Gulyagin.

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