Does the department work with citizens' appeals? The head of the Territorial Administration of the Federal Property Management Agency in the Novosibirsk region, Oleg Gallyamov, stated that he has no right to disclose the details of the criminal case known to him regarding the sale of land and property.

The head of the territorial department of the Federal Property Management Agency of Russia for the region spoke about the management functions and tasks of the department in the region in 2014. Novosibirsk region Oleg Gallyamov.

Oleg Rinatovich, what tasks are facing the management of the Federal Property Management Agency in the Novosibirsk region? What are the functions of management? What documents govern its activities?

The territorial administration of the Federal Property Management Agency in the Novosibirsk region exercises the powers of the owner of federal property in relation to property complexes that are under the operational management of federally owned institutions, in relation to property that is under the economic control of state unitary enterprises registered in the Novosibirsk region. It also performs the functions of an owner in the management of JSCs with the corresponding state share in the authorized capital of joint-stock companies.

The main document regulating our activities is the Regulations on the territorial management of the Federal Property Management Agency, which was approved in a new edition in 2014. I would like to note that, compared to the previously effective situation, the rights and powers of territorial authorities have been significantly expanded.

The main areas of activity are accounting for federal property, monitoring the efficiency of its use, securing the right of operational management and economic management for federal government agencies, enterprises. This is a very wide range, including all educational institutions with a federal form of ownership - about 400, and all federal state unitary enterprises, most of which are strategic enterprises of the Russian Federation. We carry out work on the transfer of property within the framework of the delimitation of powers between federal, regional and municipal authorities, work on the management of land resources that are federally owned - this is almost 40% of the territory of the Novosibirsk region - and we manage blocks of shares that are owned by the Russian Federation.

One of key tasks– ensuring replenishment of the federal budget revenues from non-tax revenues. In 2013, we doubled our planned obligations for this indicator: instead of a profitability of about 150–160 million rubles, we provided about 300 million rubles. To accomplish this task, eight blocks of shares were privatized last year; we were able to very efficiently sell this property. At auctions the price increased by 30–35%. Among others, the Zhemchuzhina sanatorium was sold for 47 million rubles. with a starting price of 34 million rubles. But our goal is not only to sell at a higher price and earn more money for the budget, but also to provide efficient use so that the investor not only buys a business, but also gets results from his work.

What is included in the work by order land resources? Does the management interact with the RHD Foundation?

Last year, title documents were issued for 184 land plots with a total area of ​​333 thousand hectares in the Novosibirsk region.

Of particular importance in Lately becomes involved in the economic turnover of agricultural lands. A lot of land in the region could not be used for various reasons, including unregistered ones. Only in 2013 did we register ownership Russian Federation for 50 thousand hectares of land. So, just the other day we will provide a plot of 7 thousand hectares so that during the sowing period these lands can be used for their intended purpose. A lot of work was done in the Krasnozersky district, where about 17 thousand hectares were registered for agricultural production.

In addition, we interact with the RHD Foundation on an ongoing basis. The fact is that the Federal Property Management Agency does not have the authority to grant land plots for housing construction. These powers are transferred by law to the RHD Foundation, which operates within the framework of a special federal law. Our interaction lies in the fact that a jointly created commission checks land plots that can be involved in construction, including low-rise ones, and used for the construction of enterprises for the production of building materials.

Of course, first of all we consider land plots that are not in demand in economic circulation. Recently, in the Novosibirsk region, we have formed and transferred to the ownership of the RHD Foundation 25 land plots for involvement in construction. Their total area is about 532 hectares, most of them are located in the suburbs of Novosibirsk.

And if someone says that there is no land for construction, believe me, this is not true. There are many lands, they are formed competently and transferred to the RHD Foundation. Land plots will be leased through auctions for housing construction, and, I hope, will be used effectively.

This year we received an appeal from the RHD Foundation to inspect about ten land plots. Our specialists, together with representatives of the fund, go to the site, make sure that there are no objects or encumbrances on this territory, and that it meets a number of other parameters for provision to the RHD fund. If everything is in order, the plot is formed, registered in the cadastral register, included in the ownership of the RHD fund and provided for housing construction.

In addition to land, the functions of the Federal Property Management Agency include the management of state blocks of shares. What measures and steps can you take?

With the help of established mechanisms for auditing the activities of state-owned companies, management promptly identifies negative factors and steps are being taken to prevent bankruptcy of enterprises. Among other things, we are taking measures to change the management, which is working ineffectively and is obviously determined to bankrupt the enterprise. We have accumulated good experience in this area, and it is associated with interaction with the FSB, the Investigative Committee, and services for combating economic crimes.

Recently, we have managed to save and bring five enterprises out of bankruptcy, including the FSUE Sadovskoye in the Krasnozersky district. This is a livestock enterprise where a large cattle especially valuable breed Heryford. Previously, the enterprise had about five thousand head of cattle of this breed, and it was famous throughout the country as one of the best in its industry. And only with the help of the FSB we managed to stop the predatory takeover of the enterprise; its director was convicted last year.

A similar situation has developed in the largest design institute - ZapSibNIPI Agroprom. Based on the results of the investigation, the director was brought to criminal liability, and we managed to restore the solvency of the enterprise, which was artificially brought to bankruptcy, and bring it back to life. I note that this is not only work to ensure budget revenues, but also social function– preservation of jobs.

In 2014, it is planned to corporatize a number of serious enterprises in the Novosibirsk region and sell state-owned shares. Let me remind you that the privatization plan is approved by a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, signed by the Prime Minister, and only after that we have the right to order an assessment of property or a block of shares. Having received an expert opinion, we can proceed with the auction. I am convinced that all procedures for the sale of state property should only be transparent and take place only through auctions. This is my tough position.

So, this year it is planned to sell nine blocks of shares and another fifteen that were not sold in previous years. In particular, it is expected to sell a stake in Sovetskaya Siberia, Novosibirsk Refinery, the Salyut design bureau, the Clothing Property Repair Plant, Voenproekt, Sibneftegeofizika, District Material Supply and the breeding plant Uchkhoz- Tulinskoe". But the sale of the last of the announced stakes is in question. I am in favor of keeping this effective enterprise in state ownership and developing it on its basis. Scientific research, teach students from all over Siberia.

Since last year, stakes in OJSC "West Siberian Film Studio" have remained unrealized - this and large territory, and a serious property complex, OJSC Novosibirskrybkhoz and others.

Does the department work with citizens' appeals?

Certainly. In 2013, we satisfied the wishes of 500 legal entities and citizens who turned to us for various government services. Another 22 thousand requests were given clarifications, and more than 3.1 thousand people were received at a personal reception. By the way, this year (in just three months) 1.1 thousand people have already come to the reception. I think that these numbers indicate increased trust of people in the authorities state power. Many appeals are related to the privatization of housing. We help you draw up title documents for residential premises and buildings as quickly as possible in order to quickly transfer them into municipal ownership, and the municipality can then transfer them to citizens through privatization.

A sensational event of recent times is the fate of the Academy House of Culture. How is this issue resolved?

Let me remind you of the history of this building. The Academy House of Culture was built in 1962. The building rests on a stylobate - a plinth; they form a single whole and cannot exist without each other. But for some reason, in accounting, the stylobate and the building were listed as two different objects. And later they were registered with the Rosreestr authorities.

We all know very well that over the past decades, funding has been provided to the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences exclusively for scientific purposes, and for the maintenance of social and cultural facilities cash were not allocated from the budget, as a result of which the building of the Academy Palace of Culture, although it was used, was not thoroughly renovated. And in 2011, the SB RAS decided to transfer this object to municipal ownership. At the same time, the mayor's office expressed a desire to accept it, restore it, reconstruct it and give the residents of Akademgorodok the opportunity to use the services of the cinema located there, children's clubs, etc. The transfer of the building through the management of the Federal Property Management Agency was successful; at the second stage, the stylobate was transferred. And this is where we ran into a problem. I would like to note that our department made every effort to transfer the stylobate to the municipality in a short time. And we succeeded in this largely thanks to the wisdom and high professionalism of the Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, head Federal agency for state property management by Olga Konstantinovna Dergunova. I think that the transfer of the stylobate to municipal ownership will be completed in the near future.

In recent months, on the Internet, as well as in some media mass media Materials regularly appear whose authors are trying to discredit the head of the Territorial Administration of the Federal Property Management Agency in the Novosibirsk Region, Oleg Gallyamov. Our correspondent took up the question of who needed this, whether there is at least some truth in “”, and what the convicted ex-governor Vasily Yurchenko has to do with it...

First of all, I would like to explain what career path Gallyamov took before becoming the head of the Territorial Administration of the Federal Property Management Agency in the Novosibirsk region.

Oleg Rinatovich Gallyamov was born on June 17, 1959 in Tashkent. In 1981 he graduated with honors from Tashkent State University majoring in "Jurisprudence".

He was awarded government and departmental awards, including the Order “For Service to the Motherland of the USSR Armed Forces”, 3rd degree, and the Order “For Military Merit”. Awarded with a personal name firearms- a 9-mm PM pistol, and an officer’s dagger.

Oleg Gallyamov served in the military prosecutor's office from 1982 to 2004. He began his service as a senior investigator, then was a military prosecutor in a number of garrisons, including in Afghanistan and Chechnya.

In February 1996, by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation for the courage shown in carrying out special tasks Gallyamov O.R. assigned ahead of schedule military rank"Colonel of Justice."

Since 1998 he was the first deputy military prosecutor Baltic Fleet. In July 2000, he was appointed military prosecutor of the Siberian Military District.

By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated December 11, 2001 No. 1443, he was awarded the military rank of “Major General of Justice”, and by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated December 12, 2003 No. 1474 - “Lieutenant General of Justice”.

In accordance with the Order Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation was awarded the title “Honorary Worker of the Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation.”

After being transferred to the reserve, from 2004 to 2010 he was a member of the Government of the Novosibirsk Region and head of the Department of Property and Land Relations of the Novosibirsk Region.

By order of October 28, 2011 No. 2901-l of the Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation E.S. Nabiullina was appointed head of the Territorial Administration of the Federal Agency for State Property Management in the Novosibirsk Region.

Spreading false information

Not long ago, a ten-minute video entitled “Oleg Gallyamov, how much is a prosecutor’s conscience worth?” appeared online, which, as indicated in the opening credits, is the production of an organization calling itself the public foundation “We are against corruption.” The video claims that Oleg Gallyamov, being 10 years ago the head of the department of property and land relations of the administration of the Novosibirsk region, helped to privatize the Krasnozersky sanatorium along with the airport of the regional center.

However, journalists found out that even before the corporatization and privatization of the sanatorium, there was a state unitary enterprise of the Novosibirsk region “Krasnozersky Sanatorium”. In order to corporatize it, the deputy head of the department of property and land relations, Marina Ivanova, took an inventory of the enterprise’s property in order to include it in the authorized capital of the future joint-stock company. And by the time of privatization, the building and lands of the Krasnozersky airport were already at the disposal of the State Unitary Enterprise "Krasnozersky Sanatorium". Moreover, this annexation occurred in the mid-1990s, that is, long before Gallyamov’s work in a responsible position.

During the privatization of the facility, in 2005, the air terminal building was placed on the balance sheet of the privatized facility in accordance with current legislation. The transaction was checked by the regional KSP and did not find any violations in it.

Also, anti-corruption fighters call a plot of land on Berdsky Bay the property of Gallyamov, which he “transferred to his mother-in-law so as not to appear in the income declaration.” However, this site in 2005 legally was allocated to Gyallyamov at a discount as a veteran of the fighting in Afghanistan and Chechnya. This area belongs to him ex-wife Irina Karbovskaya, from whom Oleg Gallyamov divorced in 2008, while still working in the administration of the Novosibirsk region.

After he took the post of head of the Territorial Administration of the Federal Property Management Agency, the prosecutor's office of the Novosibirsk region checked the history for the presence of a conflict of interest when providing the site. And she confirmed the absolute legality of all actions related to this procedure.

The Moscow Post

Thus, on August 28, the online newspaper “The Moscow Post” published the text, “„ Goldmine“Oleg Gallyamov,” where it was stated that the official intends to give 20 thousand hectares of land of the bankrupt agricultural enterprise “Experimental Breeding Farm “Bezmenovskoye” in the Cherepanovsky district to the Chinese. The material replicated the negative local residents associated with this perspective. It was argued that only “scorched earth” would remain. Gallyamov’s “gold mine” is precisely the profit from the transfer of land to representatives of Chinese business. But after analyzing the documents, it turns out that Gallyamov has nothing to do with this “redistribution”.

The land remaining after the bankruptcy of Bezmenovsky cannot be provided to anyone, since it is in constant, indefinite use of the Federal Research Center “Institute of Cytology and Genetics SB RAS.” SibKRA LLC is applying for it to create a so-called “potato cluster” together with a state-owned Chinese company and the Institute of Cytology and Genetics. This topic is supported by the State Duma committee and the government of the Novosibirsk region.

According to the law, it is impossible to simply lease this land to SibKRA LLC. This can only happen if the SB RAS Institute refuses perpetual use, which is clearly regulated by the Land Code of the Russian Federation. This will require the consent of the founder of the institute, which is the Ministry higher education and science of the Russian Federation. Moreover, the Institute of Cytology and Genetics of the SB RAS intends to “use it for scientific purposes and the issue of renouncing the right to use this land plot is not being considered.” So if someday the decision to transfer the Cherepanovsky land to representatives of Chinese business is made, it will be made at the level of the Ministry of Higher Education and Science in Moscow, which Gallyamov himself will not be able to influence, no matter how much he wishes.

Interlocutors in the regional government suggest that the publication of incriminating evidence is a kind of revenge for Gallyamov’s testimony in the case of the Novosibirsk ex-governor. He was sentenced in October 2017. The ex-governor was found guilty and received three years probation. And Oleg Gallyamov was indeed a witness in the trial on behalf of the prosecution, speaking in court after being warned about liability for giving false testimony. Other conflicts or legal proceedings, in which Gallyamov was involved, did not exist.

Oleg Gallyamov is the head of the Territorial Directorate of the Federal Agency for State Property Management in the Novosibirsk Region, Lieutenant General of Justice, honorary employee of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation. He was awarded government and departmental awards, including the Order “For Service to the Motherland in the USSR Armed Forces”, 3rd degree, and the Order “For Military Merit”. He was awarded a personalized firearm - a 9-mm PM pistol, and an officer's dagger. Gallyamovs served in the military prosecutor's office from 1982 to 2004. He began his service as a senior investigator, then was a military prosecutor in a number of garrisons, including in Afghanistan and Chechnya.

© Oleg Gallyamov

02 Apr 2014, 12:32

The head of the Territorial Administration of the Federal Property Management Agency in the Novosibirsk region, Oleg Gallyamov, stated that he does not have the right to disclose the details of the criminal case known to him regarding the sale of land and a property complex on Chaplygina Street in the center of Novosibirsk.

Before his arrival at the Federal Property Management Agency, the former military prosecutor of the Siberian Military District Oleg Gallyamov headed the department of property and land relations of the Novosibirsk region. After Vasily Yurchenko replaced Viktor Tolokonsky as governor, Roman Shilokhvostov was appointed head of the department.

Oleg Gallyamov said that he “has no right” to answer’s question whether he is among the witnesses in the case of the sale of the plot on Chaplygina. “There is a secret of the investigation protected by law, and I have no right to disclose what I know about this case, and I know a lot about this case, believe me,” Gallyamov admitted.

Let us remind you that a criminal case regarding the sale of a building on the site at Chaplygina, 54 was opened in the summer of 2013. According to investigators, the owner of the territory, established by the department of land and property relations of OJSC GazTransCom, sold it in 2010 at a reduced price due to the fact that “unidentified persons” misled him. The site was acquired by Taktika LLC, controlled by Oleg Deripaska’s structures. As a result of the transaction Joint-Stock Company received 14 million rubles of loss.

“There is a secret of the investigation, and I have no right to disclose what I know about this case, and I know a lot about this case, believe me.”

Vasily Yurchenko that the decision to sell this site and build a hotel in its place was made by Viktor Tolokonsky with the assistance of State Duma deputy Valentin Bobyrev. Investigators repeatedly summoned Yurchenko for questioning and conducted searches in the offices of regional administration officials.

Roman Shilokhvostov that the transactions were agreed upon long before the sale of the site - even when Oleg Gallyamov and Vladimir Anisimov worked in the government. The investment agreement, according to which Taktika must prepare land for the construction of a hotel, was concluded in 2006. In addition, judging by the documents presented by Shilokhvostov, the decisions of the department during Gallyamov’s time provoked two insignificant transactions, because of which both the investor, who invested about 60 million rubles over three years, and GazTransCom suffered.

“In my opinion, if anyone - regardless of the names that were mentioned - from high officials made any decisions that are deplorable and sad consequences, they [higher officials], they probably have to answer both to the law and to their conscience,” Oleg Gallyamov told

In his opinion, if there is a targeted sale of an object, there must be guarantees that “something useful either for social sphere, or for the image of the region.” “But when they sold something to someone and nothing was built, and in the very center of the city, for example, for four years there has been a plot of land overgrown with weeds, then the question arises - why and why this was done,” the federal official added.

The head of the territorial department of the Federal Property Management Agency in the Novosibirsk region, Oleg Gallyamov, was questioned by the court in the case of ex-governor Vasily Yurchenko. He said that Yurchenko achieved the cancellation of the auction for the sale of real estate on Chaplygina Street, 54. According to the former governor’s lawyers, Gallyamov gave this testimony out of a sense of personal hostility.

The head of the regional department of the Federal Property Management Agency, Oleg Gallyamov, was summoned to the Central District Court of Novosibirsk to testify on June 1. Gallyamov is considered one of the key witnesses for the prosecution. At the time when the plot of land on Chaplygina Street, 54 was sold to the Tactics company, he served as head of the regional department of property and land relations.

“Vasily Alekseevich invited me and Anisimov (former vice-governor of the Novosibirsk region - editor’s note) to his office and said that this object should be sold to Tactics and removed from the auction,” TASS quotes Oleg Gallyamov. “To which I explained to him that I would not break the law, the topic had been agreed upon with Governor Tolokonsky, the object should be sold at auction. Then Vasily Alekseevich said that he would do it without us.”

Vasily Yurchenko’s defenders, in turn, noted that Oleg Gallyamov’s testimony was based on a feeling of personal hostility towards Vasily Yurchenko - at one time former governor fired him from the department.

Let us remind you that a criminal case against Vasily Yurchenko was initiated in August 2014; the ex-governor was accused of exceeding his official powers when selling real estate in the center of Novosibirsk. According to investigators, Yurchenko gave written instructions to the director of OJSC GazTransCom (100% of the shares belong to the Novosibirsk region) to cancel the auction for the sale of the property complex located on Chaplygina Street, 54, when it was sold with a starting price of about 40.4 million rubles. Later, the land and foundation of the building were acquired by the Tactics company for 22.7 million.

At the rate Investigative Committee, the ex-governor caused by his actions damage to the GazTransCom company about 18 million rubles (lost income plus the costs of the auction), and to the budget of the Novosibirsk region - about 4.3 million (in the form of income tax from the sale of property and dividends from shares of the OJSC "GazTransCom").

The criminal case against Vasily Yurchenko came to court in December last year. The former head of the region denies his guilt in the alleged crime.

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