Lexical norms subject and nominative accuracy of speech. speech accuracy. Linguistic conditions for creating accuracy and the main reasons for its violation. Linguistic means of creating accurate speech. §3. Synonymy and accuracy of speech

Lexical norms of the Russian language


1. Subject and nominative accuracy of speech.

2. The problem of lexical compatibility.

3. The problem of speech redundancy.

4. The appropriateness of the word.

5. Logical errors of word usage.

6. Purity of speech.

Under lexical norms understood usage rules. Compliance with lexical norms is the most important condition for correct, accurate and expressive speech.

1. To achievespeech accuracy, first of all, it is necessary to have a clear idea of ​​the subject of speech itself, as well as knowledge of the meaning of the word used in modern language. Often, speech errors occur precisely when the speaker or writer cannot adequately express his thought, using words in a sense that is unusual for them. Here are some examples of such errors from student essays:“Pechorin goes to Persia, having found no use for his mind and his resourcefulness (?)"; "He created around himself range (?) a well-read person”; “Matryona lives alone in an old hut. Her only roommates (?) is a cat, mice and cockroaches”; "Andrey Bolkonsky touches (?) with Kutuzov and becomes his adjutant.”

The problem of the accuracy of speech (objective and conceptual) is closely related to the ability to distinguish between the so-calledparonyms, those. words (most often with the same root), similar in sound, but having different meanings and used in various ways, for example:enter - act, imagine - provide, distant - distant, human - human - humane and so on. The indistinguishability of paronyms also leads to annoying and ridiculous mistakes, examples of which, alas, are numerous in the same works of applicants:Lermontov showed infertility (futility?) of the activities of his hero.”; “The harmony of nature gives rise to thoughts about the inviolability of moral devices (foundations?) of this world.”; "Tatiana contraindicated (opposed?) to Onegin and Lensky.”; "Pushkin was bound by strong knots (ties?) with the Decembrists.

2. Compliance with lexical norms is impossible without knowledge lexical compatibility, those. the ability of words to connect with each other. The fact is that in speech some words are freely combined with others if they fit them in meaning, while others have limited lexical compatibility. So, very similar definitions - long, lengthy, lengthy, lengthy, lengthy, lengthy- are “attracted” to nouns in different ways: you can say long (long, long) period; long (long) way; long fees; long-term (long-term) credit.

What determines lexical compatibility?

First of all, the semantics of words. If the lexical meaning of words is incompatible, then their combination is impossible, for example:walk, glass soup, lean against the wind. Although sometimes semantically incompatible words can be combined to create artistic image: let's remember the famous"aluminum pickles" V. Tsoi.

At the same time, it also happens that, according to the meaning of the word, they seem to be suitable for expressing one or another meaning, but they do not form phrases: we saybow your head Andkneel , but not vice versa; you can sayall year round , but notround hour ; It happensdeep night , but notdeep day ; possibledeep autumn , but notdeep winter etc.

Violation of lexical compatibility is often explained contamination - incorrect combination of elements of phrases similar in meaning. For example: give importance(from give attention And attach importance);improve the level(from improve quality And to increase level); produce into soldiers(from promote to officers And demote to soldier).

3. Unfortunately, in an effort to make their speech expressive, many overload it with superfluous, empty words, i.e. suffer from verbosity. Thus, a phenomenon calledspeech redundancy.

The negative aspects of this phenomenon were very clearly shown by V.G. Kostomarov, who analyzed an excerpt from a popular pamphlet:

"Proper mechanization of our construction is a powerful and effective means and the most important basis for a sharp increase in labor productivity." The phrase seems to be correct, but, the scientist notes, “the author of the brochure did not notice that adjectives ... in his speech only clutter up the sentence ... and distract attention. Indeed, what is the message of correct mechanization? After all, everyone understands that improper mechanization will not work for the future. The assertion of our construction is inaccurate, since mechanization will increase the productivity of labor not only in the given (our) construction, but also in any other construction. It would not be necessary to use two almost equivalent definitions: a powerful tool will always be effective. A stereotyped sharp increase does little to clarify the idea, and, finally, it is simply wrong to talk about the most important foundation, because there are no important and unimportant foundations: to be a foundation means to be the main, main, most important.

Superfluous, redundant, are definitions in phrases like correct existing mistakes, congratulate on the successes achieved, welcome invited guests, discuss the results of the elections.

The phenomena of speech redundancy include the so-calledpleonasm , or partial coincidence of the meaning of the words forming the phrase. Expressions such asprice list, unexpected surprise, come back, main point, anticipate etc., since they do not correspond to the lexical norm.

It is also considered a gross speech error tautology, i.e. unjustified repetition of words with the same root, words that are close in meaning, or even the same word within one sentence or a small fragment of text. Tautology makes speech clumsy, tongue-tied, dissonant. Here are just two examples of tautologies. One is from an essay by an applicant: « Independence homelanddoes not depend from the floor a person (?) residing on its territory.”; the other - from "business paper": « Following after paragraph 7 followed paragraph next content, subsequently seized."

4. The value and correctness of this or that word, this or that turnover is determined only in connection with other elements of the given text. In other words, speech will correspond to lexical norms only when the principleappropriateness . Relevance is to be understoodthe requirement of such a selection of language means, in which speech meets the goals and conditions of communication. Traditionally distinguishedcontextual, stylistic relevance Andpersonal-psychological. Let's dwell on this in more detail.

A.Contextual relevance determined by the speech environment. The most characteristic in this sense are2 types of errors:

semantic inconsistency of the used word (phrase) with the general meaning of the statement("Pavel Vlasov devoted his life beating his wife.”; "Which chic funeral!"; “Our birch trees are standing in the wedding shroud.) »;

- useanachronisms , i.e. words (expressions) that do not correspond to a given historical era Cruise Chichikov on landowners (?) ends with (?) Plyushkin”; "Lisa was housekeeper in Famusov's house"; "Pechorin - fan Russian landscapes).

B. Stylistic (style) relevance- this is an account of the methods of selecting vocabulary in accordance with the functional style used - scientific, business, colloquial, etc. The problem of stylistic appropriateness can be illustrated famous example L. Uspensky:

“When two boys at school talk among themselves, only a pedant will find an unacceptable remark:

Did you grab a couple again? Oh you! Either a couple, or a stake ... You cut yourself in the exam, and they put you out of school.

But if you see ... a letter from the director to parents, which says: “Dear comrades! Since your son grabbed a pair again, and in the report card he has either a pair or a stake, he will certainly cut himself on the exam, and I will have to put him out of school, ”you will decide that the director is at least a strange person.

The words are the same here and there, they all appear in our dictionaries, the content of what is said is the same. Everything is correct, but in one case it is customary to say so, and in the other it is not. Stylistically inappropriate."

IN.L personal-psychological relevance requires to be expressed delicately and tactfully, benevolently and respectfully. Related to this aspect are the so-calledtaboo words , i.e. lexical units, the use of which is prohibited for one or another non-linguistic reasons. In this case, we can talk about the ethical reasons for tabooing certain words. For example, in a conversation about an elderly person, it is tactless and inappropriate to call him an old man. In such situations, we use the so-calledeuphemisms , i.e. words and phrases that replace taboo: the wordold man can be replaced by the expressionelderly man.

5. Often the violation of lexical norms occurs as a result of the so-called"logical failures".

Speech errors of this kind occur:

a) when comparing disparate concepts. For example:« Speech heroes of Sholokhov is different from all others heroes (?)» It would be correct to write thatspeech some are different fromspeeches others;

b) when substituting concepts, for example:"Welcoming hosts fed us diverse selection (?) national dishes" Apparently the ownersfed guests with a variety ofdishes.

6. A. One of the important qualities correct speech- herpurity. In the last two decades, due to cardinal changes in the political and social life of the country, as well as in the scientific and technical sphere of human activity, a powerful stream of words of foreign origin has poured into our language. In this regard, when discussing the purity of speech, one cannot ignoreborrowing problem.

In our opinion, this relationship should by no means be unambiguous. The fact is that borrowings can be divided into 4 groups that occupy an unequal position in the lexical system of the Russian language: 1) words that are the only names of the designated concepts that have not been recognized as foreign for a long time(school, bed, bath, locksmith); 2) words that are the only names of the designated concepts, but are perceived as foreign(bureau, office, headquarters, session, monitor); 3) names that have native Russian counterparts with their own special shades of meaning(dancing - dancing, problem - question, fantasy - imagination, dispute - dispute);

4) barbarismsforeign words, which have Russian counterparts coinciding with them in meaning (goalkeeper - goalkeeper, presentation - performance, exclusive - exceptional, sound producer - sound engineer, summit - meeting at the top). It seems that the “right to exist” as an organic part of the dictionary of the Russian language, of course, have borrowings belonging to the first three groups. But barbarisms are often included in speech unnecessarily. It is alarming that in Lately there were too many of them. However, the Russian language, as a living and powerful organism, is itself capable of absorbing and subordinating to its system the best and really necessary of the borrowings of recent years, and the rest, one-day, alluvial, is thrown away as unnecessary ballast. We, its bearers, are obliged to carefully treat the existing lexical norms, selectively and reasonably approach new phenomena and processes taking place in the language.

B. Another aspect of the problem of speech purity isrole in speech of various kindsstamps, patterns, stereotypes . On the one hand, they are necessary and are in our memory as ready-made etiquette formulas expressions of greeting, gratitude, consent and other intentions. The stamp is quite appropriate in the official business speech: in the language of documents, expressions are also generally accepted and natural, such as“due to the need for an urgent departure…”; “fight against negative phenomena…”; "for your information …"; "Please accept our sincere apologies..." and so on.

However, unfortunately, even such styles and genres that require expressiveness and individuality of the author's handwriting are “stamped”. In journalism, we often meet erased, faceless phrases: "convincing victory", "sharp criticism", "hot support", "bloody coup"... In literary works and school essays we read that the author will certainly "convincingly shows", "talentedly reveals" such a character "vividly portrays" such and such a hero, such and such a social phenomenon; the most frequent stereotypical definitions "bright, exciting"(image), "juicy"(language). A number of similar patterns could be continued. Such a manner of presenting thoughts cannot be considered normative: similar expressions, similar, according to D.E. Rosenthal, for "erased nickels", should have strictly limited use.

In addition, an absolute taboo for an educated person should be abusive, profanity. IN modern conditions When the notorious freedom of speech has reigned, there is not only no official ban on the use of such words and expressions, but, much worse, often there is not even the necessary self-control. That is why, undoubtedly, persons who have authority in society should not remain indifferent to the facts of outright lack of culture.

In this regard, it is necessary to mention the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which contains special articles that provide for punishment for insult, i.e. humiliation of the honor and dignity of another person, expressed in an indecent form, as well as for slander, undermining the reputation of a person (Articles 129 and 130).

What has been said above is closely connected with the question of the purity of speech, the need to comply with the lexical norms of the Russian language. literary language.

Let's sum up result. The main quality indicators of speech, built in accordance with existing lexical norms, is:

1) its subject and conceptual accuracy;

2) correctness in terms of word compatibility;

3) conciseness (lack of redundancy);

4) relevance;

5) consistency;

6) cleanliness.

However, it is necessary to strive to speak not only correctly, but also beautifully, expressively and convincingly. Only then will your speech evoke a response, create a certain mood, bring you closer to achieving the goal, solving the problem.

A.S. Pushkin, according to estimates, used more than 21 thousand words, Shakespeare - more than 20 thousand words. Modern man- much less - 5-9 thousand words. "The Consolidated Dictionary of Modern Russian Vocabulary" in 2 volumes contains more than 170 thousand words. It is a kind of guide to dictionaries, as it includes 14 dictionaries. This and other dictionaries reflect various aspects of the linguistic activity of the modern period, linguistic wealth. Use dictionaries: they will help you not only check yourself, but also replenish your vocabulary.

There are explanatory dictionaries, etymological, dictionaries of synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, foreign words, dictionaries of word compatibility, dictionaries of the difficulties of the Russian language and many others that record accepted in the modern Russian literary language lexical norms, as well as variations of these norms.

Questions for self-control:

1. What are lexical norms?

2. What are the requirements for speech in terms of compliance with lexical norms?

3. What is the subject and conceptual accuracy of speech?

4. What is the problem of lexical compatibility?

5. What are the typical errors associated with speech redundancy?

6. What is meant by the appropriateness of word usage?

Already in the ancient manuals on rhetoric, the first and main requirement for speech was the requirement for accuracy and clarity of presentation of thought. Meaningful accuracy and clarity of speech as a whole is achieved through compliance with two levels of accuracy.

First, it is subjective accuracy, that is, accuracy in the very reflection of reality.

For example, in one of the school essays there is a phrase: Tatyana loves her nanny, this gray-bearded old woman. In this case, we are faced with a clear substantive inaccuracy, since Tatyana Larina's nanny could not have a beard!

A similar kind of inaccuracy is contained in one of the stories of V. Kondrashov:

The railroad worker tapped the cast-iron wheels of the locomotive with a hammer. All wheels of steam locomotives, diesel locomotives and railway cars are made only of steel (cast iron is a very fragile alloy!), but the author clearly does not know this.

Examples of subject inaccuracies can be found in newspapers, television and radio programs.

An equally gross subject inaccuracy is contained in the phrase:

During February day length increase by two hours. A day is always equal to 24 hours, but daylight hours can vary in length.

Secondly, in speech it is necessary to observe not only objective, but also conceptual accuracy, that is, accuracy in the expression of thought.

Conceptual inaccuracy can manifest itself in the absence of specificity in the expression of thought.

Conceptual inaccuracy can also manifest itself in the incompleteness of the expression of thought (for example, in the absence of examples, evidence), which leads to a declarative text or even to its misunderstanding. Such inaccuracies are often found in school essays. But one can detect the incompleteness of the expression of thought both in official documents and in journalistic texts and in scientific reports.

For example, legal practitioners often criticize many of the laws enacted in last years, precisely because these legislative acts do not reflect the mechanism for their implementation.

One can cite such a funny episode from the life of the famous physicist E. Fermi. At one of the theoretical seminars, the physicist did not understand the content of the report of his colleague, although the subject of the message was the theory of Fermi himself.

Very often, insufficient information content of the text is caused by the fact that important words and phrases are omitted in the sentence. This may even lead to the absurdity of the statement.

For example: An eighty-year-old blind old woman walked to the shed on a wire. One word is omitted in the sentence - “holding on to the wire”, and without it one might think that the blind old woman demonstrated miracles of tightrope walking.

Finally, conceptual inaccuracy can be associated with incorrect or inaccurate word usage. Usually, an inaccurate choice of a word is somehow connected with ignorance, misunderstanding or insufficient consideration of the meaning of the word, its compatibility, etc.

A number of typical lexical errors can be distinguished: the use of a word in a meaning that is unusual for it; non-discrimination of paronyms, meanings of a polysemantic word, etc.

Basic qualities of speech 3

Speech accuracy 3

Speech intelligibility 5

Purity of speech 8

Expressiveness of speech 8

Richness and variety of speech 10

Conclusion 13

References 14


The expedient and uncomplicated use of language for the purpose of communication provides the quality of “good” speech: accuracy, purity, logicality, expressiveness, richness, relevance.

Accuracy- correspondence of the semantic content of speech and the information that underlies it. The accuracy of speech is associated with the accuracy of word usage, with correct use polysemantic words, synonyms, antonyms, homonyms. The most important condition for the accuracy of speech is the observance of lexical norms. Speech is accurate if the speaker selects those words and constructions that more accurately than others convey the shades of meaning that are essential for this particular statement.

Purity means the absence in speech of elements alien to the literary language (dialect, professional, jargon, etc.)

Logic- this is an expression in the semantic connections of the components of speech of the connections and relationships between the parts of the components of thought.

expressiveness speech is the quality that arises as a result of the implementation of the expressive possibilities inherent in the language. Expressiveness can be created by language units of all levels. In addition, there are specific pictorial properties of the language (tropes, stylistic figures) that make the statement vivid, figurative, emotional. Expression also creates by the use of winged words, proverbs and sayings. Speech experience each of us says that speech is not the same in terms of the degree of impact on our consciousness. Two lectures given on the same topic have a completely different effect on a person. The effect depends on the degree of expressiveness of speech.

Wealth- this is a wide and free use of language units in speech, allowing you to optimally express information.

Relevance- this is the use in speech of language units that correspond to the goals, situation, conditions, content of communication.

Basic qualities of speech

Speech is considered meaningful if it has an internal meaning. It is no coincidence that already in the Old Russian language one of the meanings of the word meaning was “mind, reason, mind”. In this sense, it remained known in the XIX century. Let us recall the lines from "Ruslan and Lyudmila" by A. S. Pushkin: "Ruslan languished silently, And he lost his meaning and memory." Thus, the content of speech depends on the degree mental development speakers, from their intellect. This is confirmed by the proverb "The field is red with millet, and the conversation is with the mind."

Hence the warning that defines the attitude to the word, speech, language: “When you speak, think”, “The word is not said in vain”, “Do not throw words to the wind”, “You should not waste words”, “You cannot keep a horse on the reins, but You can't get words out of your mouth." And in these proverbs there is concern about the content side of speech: think about what you want to say; choose the words according to the meaning.

How much humor and irony is contained in the proverb “Pour from empty to empty”. An empty case is like an empty conversation. Neither one is of any use. “They said that they welded, but look - there’s nothing”, “In verbosity, not without idle talk”, “He says day to evening, but there’s nothing to listen to”, “A lot has been said, but little has been said.” As you can see, proverbs condemn meaningless speeches, conversations that give nothing to either the mind or the heart.

In order for the speech to be meaningful, informative, enrich the listeners, attract their attention, it is important, when working on the text, to comprehend:

What provisions will be developed;

What is new in solving the issue;

What remains controversial and requires further reflection;

To what extent the expressed thoughts are reasoned;

Speech Accuracy

The accuracy of speech is most often associated with the accuracy of word usage.

The accuracy of word usage depends on how much the speaker knows the subject of speech, how erudite he is, whether he knows how to think logically, whether he knows the laws of the Russian language, its rules.

Thus, the accuracy of speech is determined by:

knowledge of the subject,

logic of thought,

The ability to choose the right words.

Violation of the logical sequence, lack of logic in the presentation leads to inaccurate speech.

Let us consider in what cases the accuracy of speech is violated as a result of insufficient knowledge of the features of the language. The most typical of them are:

The use of words in an unusual meaning;

Polysemy not eliminated by the context, generating ambiguity;

Mixing of paronyms, homonyms.

Each significant word performs a nominative function, that is, it names an object or its quality, action, state. This obliges speakers to pay attention to the meaning of words, to use them correctly. A careless attitude to the language can lead to misunderstanding, incorrect actions, conclusions, violation of speech ethics, and sometimes even to a quarrel.

For example, in Russian there are verbs: get out, go down, get down, get out, go down. What action does each of them name? How do they differ in meaning? How to ask correctly:

- (on the boat) Are you at the next pier...?

- (on the train) Are you at the next station...?

- (in a bus, trolleybus, tram) Are you at the next stop...?

When a steamboat, a boat, approaches the pier, they put down the gangway and the passengers get off on it. When you go by train, electric train, you have to go down the stairs. Therefore, in both cases it is customary to say: "I'm going, you're going." The bus, trolleybus, tram has an entrance (rear door) and an exit (front door), so people traveling in public transport get in and out. However, we can also ask the question: "Are you getting off at the next stop?", since in this case you also have to go down the stairs.

Reduces the accuracy of speech ignorance of the existence of paronyms and homonyms in the language, the inability to neutralize these phenomena in speech.

Paronyms(para - near, onima - name) words are called that are similar in sound and spelling, but different in meaning. For example: addresser - addressee, excavator - escalator, quorum - forum, contract - contact, fact - factor, typo - unsubscribe, out-of-class - out-of-class.

Paronyms are also found among proper names: Eisenstein - Einstein, Capri - Cyprus, Sweden - Switzerland.

The Austrian geographer Ludwig Krenek, recalling his stay in India, says: “We have long ceased to call ourselves Austrians, because no one here had any idea about Austria, and everyone immediately started talking about Australia.” In this case, the paronyms will be: Austria is Australia, Austrians are Australians.

The presence of paronyms in the language leads to the fact that in oral and written speech one word is mistakenly used instead of another. Here are the facts of mixing paronyms cited by A. M. Gorky:

"Get back your luggage stage legs, advises one poet, not noticing some dissimilarity between feet legs and step stairs ... The prose writer writes: He clicked ankle wickets instead heck. When B. Pilnyak writes that "daughter for three years age caught up with her mother," you need to convince Pilnyak that age And height not the same."

The use of homonyms in speech, that is, words that are different in meaning, but the same in spelling and sound, can also lead to semantic inaccuracy, ambiguity of the statement. For example, the sentence "Issued a law on the abolition of transport courts" sounds ambiguous due to the presence of homonyms in the language; courts- shape genitive plural noun court And courts- genitive plural form of a noun vessel. The question arises, what was abolished - transport courts or transport courts? Unfortunate use of homonyms can lead to a comic effect. So, the phrase "joint rest, like work, makes people drunk" necessarily causes an undesirable reaction.

Dangerous in speech and syntactic homonymy. For example, the sentences "The appointment of the chairman seemed to everyone successful" and "Klimov's characterization exactly corresponded to reality" contain a double meaning. It is not clear: the chairman was appointed or the chairman appointed someone; characteristic given to Klimov or Klimov? The sentence “The newspapers informed about the departure of a guest from England (departure of an English guest or a person staying in England) can also be perceived differently.

Speech intelligibility

Among the requirements for the language of the speaker or writer, the requirement of intelligibility stands out. M. M. Speransky (1772-1839) in the "Rules of High Eloquence" emphasized that speaking in such a way that we are not understood "is an absurdity that surpasses all measures of absurdity."

Compliance with this requirement is important because it is associated with the effectiveness of the spoken word.

According to researchers, the general comprehensibility of a language is determined primarily by the selection speech means, namely the need to limit the use of words that are on the periphery of the vocabulary of the language and do not have the quality of communicative validity.

From the point of view of the scope of use, the huge dictionary of the Russian language can be divided into two large groups - the vocabulary of an unlimited scope of use, which includes commonly used words that are understandable to everyone, and the vocabulary of limited use, which includes professionalism, dialectisms, jargon, terms, i.e. words used in a certain area - professional, territorial, social.

1. The concept of speech accuracy
2. Accuracy of word usage
3. Synonymy and accuracy of speech
4. Paronymy and accuracy of speech
5. Polysemy, homonymy and accuracy of speech
6. Word matching and accuracy
7. Redundancy of means of expression and accuracy of speech
8. Speech deficiency
9. Causes of impaired speech accuracy

The concept of speech accuracy

Accuracy is such a communicative quality of speech, which implies the correspondence of its semantic side (content plan) to the reflected reality and is manifested in the ability to find an adequate verbal expression of the concept.
Accuracy thus includes the ability to:
1) correctly reflect reality and
2) correctly express thoughts and arrange them with the help of words.
There are two types of accuracy: subject (actual) and conceptual (speech, communicative).
Subject accuracy is created due to the correspondence of the content of speech to the fragment of reality reflected in it. It is based on the relation speech - reality. The main condition for subject accuracy is knowledge of the subject of speech, without which it is impossible to give correct information about reality.
An example of a violation of subject accuracy is the statement All people are false. True, sometimes it is necessary to talk about the correspondence of thought to reality in a very conditional way. The speaker (writer) does not always convey to the addressee thoughts that reflect real events (for example, many thoughts expressed in works of art). From a linguistic point of view, it is important that thoughts (adequate or inadequate to the displayed reality) be correctly expressed, arouse in the mind of the addressee an adequate thought - a copy.
In order for speech to be accurate, subject-specific accuracy alone is not enough; it is also necessary that the content correspond to the system of concepts that is indicated in it, i.e. conceptual accuracy is required.
Conceptual accuracy is based on the word-concept connection and consists in the correspondence of the semantics of the speech components to the content and scope of the concepts they express. It presupposes the ability to accurately designate the idea that has arisen with a word, to find the only correct word.
Conceptual accuracy depends primarily on the ability to choose words correctly and use them in exact meanings, i.e. in those meanings that are assigned to them in the system of the literary language and are recorded in special reference literature. This allows us to consider the accuracy of speech as a lexical-semantic correctness, i.e. as observance of the lexico-semantic norms of the literary language.
However, accuracy, in contrast to correctness, which is based only on linguistic factors, also relies on extralinguistic factors; it is based on the connection: speech - reality, word - concept. A statement may be correct in terms of design, but not accurate in terms of content. For example, grammatically correct sentence The indivisible atom is inaccurate, since its content does not correspond to reality.

Accuracy of word usage

The accuracy of speech primarily depends on the correct use of words, on the choice of a word that best corresponds to the object or phenomenon of reality it designates, the content of the statement and its intended purpose.
So, M.M. Prishvin, speaking of the Amur River, chooses the verb goes, since, in comparison with the verbs, it flows, runs, flows, most accurately conveys the nature of the flow of this river: “Somewhere very close, not far, yes, of course, you can’t talk about such the river runs to say: Cupid is in no hurry! “You can’t even say that it is flowing, all rivers are flowing and flowing, but the Amur River is coming.”
When choosing a word, consider
its semantics,
stylistic connotations,
predominant scope in the language,
its syntagmatic (compatibility) properties.
Accurate word usage presupposes knowledge of the system of lexical meanings. The use of a word not in strict accordance with the meanings that are assigned to it in the system of the literary language is one of the main reasons for the violation of the accuracy of speech. For example, the word priority in the literary language has the meaning ‘requiring implementation, implementation in the first place, urgent’: At present, moral education is the most important, priority task. In the proposal, the training of young professionals is given priority given word used not in accordance with its literary meaning (here you can use: main, main).
The noun summary in the literary language has been fixed in the meaning of ‘a brief concluding summary of the essence of what was written or read’: a summary of a debate, report, article, etc. In speech, it is often mistakenly used to denote the results, the results of any actions, activities, events; for example: It's time to sum up the country's chess championship (correct results). IN colloquial speech often there is an inaccurate use of such words as back (He was late for class back), forward (Forward, learn your lessons, and then go for a walk), extreme (Who is the last one in line?), etc.

Synonymy and accuracy of speech

Synonyms, denoting the same concept, allow you to diversify speech, avoid unnecessary repetition of words, give the statement a different stylistic coloring. In addition, synonyms in speech perform the function of clarification, contribute to a more complete and versatile characterization of the depicted, allow expressing the most subtle shades of thought. In the text, synonyms as such may be absent (hidden use of synonyms), but in a stylistically perfect text, each word implies a synonymous series of words, of which the author uses the most appropriate, most accurately defining the desired concept and most appropriate to this situation.
In order to choose the only correct word from the synonymic series, it is necessary to take into account its semantic and stylistic shades. Compare, for example, the verbs to work and work. The first is used only when it comes to a person who works for real, to the fullest extent of his strength and capabilities. Therefore, one who works poorly, carelessly, cannot be said to be working.
Shades of the meaning of synonyms are sometimes easily distinguishable (they are fixed in dictionaries), and in some cases they are almost imperceptible. For example, in combination, labor productivity increased, the verb can be freely replaced by the verbs increased, rose, increased (it is impossible to determine their semantic difference). But if we include words like twice, twice in this combination, only combinations with verbs increased and increased will turn out to be correct. The context allows you to identify the semantic shades of synonyms, and it must be taken into account when choosing a synonym.

Paronymy and accuracy of speech

Paronyms (from Greek para - near + onoma, onoma - name) - words similar in sound, but not the same in meaning. It should be noted that some linguists refer to paronyms only single-root words that have a sound similarity: teeth - teeth, remains - remains, voluntary - voluntary, economic - economical - economical, put on - put on. Other researchers refer to paronyms both single-root and heterogeneous consonant words, recognizing the possibility of occasional mixing in speech as the only criterion for their combination: turn - mirage, drill - trill, injection - infection, excavator - escalator, farce - minced meat. Consonant words of different roots do not have any semantic connections and are united only by random phonetic similarity.
Single-root paronyms are mostly close in meaning, but differ in subtle semantic nuances. For example, paronyms simplify - simplify have general meaning"make it simpler", but the second of these has the added connotation of "simpler than it should be". Compare: simplify your speech and simplify your speech. The semantic shades of paronyms are usually so important that it is impossible to replace one word with another without violating the meaning.
Paronyms may not coincide in all, but only in some meanings. For example, diplomatic and diplomatic coincide in the meaning of "subtly calculated, dexterous, evasive", but at the same time, diplomatic also means "related to diplomacy, to a diplomat." The adjective diplomatic is not used in this meaning.
Paronyms, coinciding or close in meaning, may differ from each other in control methods, lexical compatibility, functional and stylistic coloring, scope of use, syntactic function. For example, paronyms pay - pay differ in the way of management: pay for care, pay the bill (prepositional management), pay the bill, pay expenses (non-prepositional management). Semantically close paronyms sources - sources denoting a concept associated with the beginning of something, differ in lexical compatibility: the sources of the river are sources of knowledge. Paronyms to dress - to put on control different nouns in the accusative case without a preposition: to dress a brother, sister, wounded, sick ( animate nouns) - put on a dress, coat, hat, shoes (inanimate nouns).
The adjectives archaic and archaic, coinciding in the meanings "peculiar to antiquity, obsolete, obsolete", differ in that archaic is usually used in a short form, as a predicate: archaic style - The style of this work is too archaic; archaic expression − This expression is archaic. Compare also: artistic - artistic, typical - typical, patriotic - patriotic, etc.
Thus, in the language system, consonant words are quite clearly delineated from each other, however, in speech practice, semantic and other differences in consonant words are not always taken into account, which is the cause of an error called confusion of paronyms. For example: The outfit was handed over to the accounting department for payment (it is necessary for payment) of a rather significant amount of money; In the movie "Let's wait for the anniversary" the title (must be the main) role is played by Kirill Lavrov.
When choosing consonant (both one-root and non-one-root) words, one should take into account their semantic differences, the nature of lexical compatibility, control methods, functional and stylistic coloring and use.
The consonance of paronyms is used to create a stylistic effect, serves as a means of humor, satire, etc. Paronymy underlies the creation of a special stylistic device - paronomasia (Greek paronomasia from para - near + onomazo - I call), the essence of which is the deliberate convergence of consonant words: And deaf and stupid; Husband for firewood, and wife from the yard; Classics should not only be read, but also read. A striking stylistic effect is created as a result of the opposition of paronyms. For example, many proverbs and sayings are built on this opposition: Truth is born in a dispute, not in a quarrel; The rich went to the feast, and the poor wandered into the world; There is silk on the belly, and silk in the belly.
Often, paronomasia, as one of the means of updating, is resorted to by the authors newspaper headlines: Duty and position; Waste and income; Rigid or violent; Inventions and thoughts.

Polysemy, homonymy and accuracy of speech

Accurate word usage implies the ability to clearly distinguish between the various meanings of polysemantics, as well as homonymous words. The incorrect use of ambiguous words and homonyms leads to ambiguity of the statement, to inappropriate puns, and comedy. For example: The speaker proposed to re-elect Petrov (re-elect or replace someone else?); Having moved to the first brigade, Peter began to solder the team (the verb is not perfect look to solder correspond to two perfective verbs: to solder and to drink, as a result, unnecessary associations arise). The meaning of a polysemantic word or homonym is concretized in the context, but due to insufficient lexical environment, ambiguity may arise: The teacher selected several books (chosen or taken away?). The statement should be constructed in such a way that the word is perceived in only one meaning. Sometimes it is enough to add just one word, called a keyword, to make a multi-valued lexeme unambiguous. For example, the words small, unripe, mechanism, level, left in combinations of small print, unripe grapes, lifting mechanism, standard of living, left hand become unambiguous. In combination with others keywords other meanings will appear in them: petty bourgeoisie, immature poet, state mechanism, lexical level, leftist bias.
In other cases, to reveal the meaning of a polysemantic word or homonym, a detailed context is needed. Thus, the lexeme select in combination select books does not become unambiguous. The above sentence can be expanded with words like for reading, for the guys (selected in the meaning of "chosen") or from the guys, students (selected - "taken away"), or replace the verb select with synonymous words.
In addition to the context, the situation of communication, the sphere of speech activity, also helps to specify the meaning of the word. Compare, for example, the meaning of the word crisis in medicine ("a turning point in the course of a disease") and in economics ("periodic relative overproduction of goods"). In the word adaptation, one or another meaning is manifested depending on whether it is used in the speech of doctors (adaptation of the body) or in the speech of teachers (adaptation of the text).

Word matching and accuracy

The accuracy of speech requires not only knowledge of the semantics of words, but also the ability to take into account their compatibility - the ability to connect with other words in context. It is in the context, in combination with other words, that the semantics of the word is realized, clarity and certainty are acquired. It is known that the compatibility of words is determined by their
lexical features,
grammatical features,
stylistic coloration.
In accordance with this, three types of compatibility can be distinguished: lexical, grammatical (syntactic) and stylistic. The boundaries between them in specific acts of communication are very fuzzy; all types of compatibility are organically interconnected.
Lexical compatibility is determined by the semantic features of the word. Depending on the lexical meaning There are two main types of words - free and non-free, limited by a fairly strict list of words. In the first case, we mean the compatibility of words with a direct, nominative meaning. It is due to the subject-logical nature of words, it is based on the semantic incompatibility of lexemes. For example, the verb to take is combined with words denoting objects that can be "taken in hands, grabbed with hands, teeth, any devices": take a stick, pen, spoon, knife, glass, lamp, branch, etc. Such lexical connections correspond to real, logical connections and relations of objects, concepts, expressed by matching words.
The boundaries of the lexical compatibility of words with a nominative, or direct, meaning are determined primarily by the subject-logical relationships in reality of the denotations of the corresponding words.
Non-free compatibility is due to intra-linguistic, semantic relationships and relationships. It is typical for words with phraseologically related meanings. Compatibility in this case is selective, lexemes are not combined with all semantically compatible ones. For example, the adjective inevitable is combined with the nouns death, death, failure, but not combined with the nouns victory, life, success, etc. In the case of polysemy, phraseologically related can be individual values words. So, in the lexeme deep, such a meaning is "reached the limit in development, flow." The circle of her lexical connections in given value limited: it can be combined with the words old age, night, autumn, winter, but is not combined with the words youth, day, spring, summer, the semantics of which do not contradict its own.
The rules of lexical compatibility are of a dictionary nature, they are individual for each word and are not yet sufficiently codified and fully codified. Therefore, one of the most common mistakes in speech is a violation of the norms of lexical compatibility: sudden departure (instead of unexpected), increase the level (the level can only increase or decrease), increase the pace, etc. Quite often (especially in colloquial speech) errors occur as a result of contamination (from Latin contaminatio - bringing into contact; mixing) - crossing, combining two combinations connected by any associations. Usually contamination is the result of incorrect formation of a phrase in speech. For example, the wrong combination to have a reflection is the result of a contamination of the phrases to take place and be reflected, to harm - to help and harm. More often than others, word combinations are subject to contamination to have a meaning, to play a role, to pay (pay) attention. Violation of the structure of normalized phrases makes it difficult to perceive speech.
The use of phraseological combinations requires special attention. When using phraseological units, one should take into account their semantics, figurative nature, lexical and grammatical structure, emotional and expressive and functional and stylistic coloring, as well as the compatibility of the phrase with other words in the sentence. An unmotivated deviation from these requirements leads to speech errors similar to those observed in the use of individual words. In addition, unmotivated changes in the composition of the phraseme (its reduction or expansion, replacement of one of the components without expanding the composition of the phraseological unit or with its simultaneous expansion) or structural and grammatical changes, as well as distortion of the figurative meaning of the phraseological combination are common in speech. Stylistically unmotivated, unintentional violations of lexical compatibility lead to inaccurate speech, and sometimes to unjustified comedy. For example: At the meeting, the achieved shortcomings were sharply criticized (the lexeme lack is not semantically combined with the lexeme achieved).
The rules of lexical compatibility, due to intralinguistic patterns, are specific to each language, national. This creates certain difficulties in translating from one language to another, forcing us to select equivalents not for individual words, but for whole phrases. For example, the Russian phrase to inform is equivalent to the Belarusian phrase davodzіts da veda; to put to flight - to stumble or to stumble, the hour is uneven - what is good or what has not happened.
The grammatical (syntactic) compatibility of a word is determined by its grammatical meaning belonging to a particular class or category. The word as a unit of some grammatical category has a fairly strict set of syntactic links with other words. The rules of grammatical compatibility are formed either as general ones (rules for connecting simple sentences as part of a complex one, rules for combining members of a simple sentence, etc.), or as a combination scheme for a single word (for example, a control scheme for a specific verb). The laws of grammatical compatibility are manifested, for example, in the fact that adjectives are easily combined with nouns (an interesting interlocutor, a cheerful person, green leaves, etc.) and are not combined with cardinal numbers and verbs. Or compatibility collective nouns majority, minority is limited to words denoting objects that can be counted (most students, workers, cities, parks, etc.), and words like group, population, people, intelligentsia, in the collective meaning of which the concept of a certain number of homogeneous single items. Combinations such as the majority / minority of time, space, and rest that occur in speech are erroneous.

Redundancy of means of expression and accuracy of speech

Speech redundancy, or verbosity, is manifested in the use of more words than is required to express a thought. Verbosity can be caused by pleonasm, tautology, the use of words that add nothing to what was said, and so on.
Pleonasm (from the Greek pleonasmos - excess) - the contact use of words, one of which completely or partially duplicates the meaning of the other: personally, I, in general, forward movement (forward movement is forward movement), free vacancy (vacancy means " free space"), etc. Pleonasms are used in speech to enhance its expressiveness, but often their use is the result of the speaker's careless attitude to the language, ignorance of the semantics of the word, inability or unwillingness to think about the meaning of what was said.
Speech errors are most often caused by the use of pleonastic combinations containing foreign words, the semantics of which are not sufficiently known to the speaker: timekeeping (timekeeping - "measuring the time spent on something"), price list (price list - "current prices"), the first leader (leader - "first, leading"), a strange paradox (paradox - "a strange opinion at odds with generally accepted"), etc. huge, very tiny, somewhat faster, etc.
Pleonastic is speech in which the same thought is repeatedly repeated, expressed using various language means.
Tautology (Greek tautologia, from tauto - the same and logos - word) - repetition of words with the same root or identical morphemes. Tautology can be both a subtle stylistic device and a speech error. Examples speech errors: organize an organization, depict an image, get closer, completely complete. The inability to use synonyms often leads to tautology as a speech defect. For example: The inhabitants of Kalinovo live a boring monotonous life.
However, the repetition of cognate words is not always a speech defect. A tautology in a sentence is inevitable if there is no other equivalent word in the language (cook - jam, close - cover, blossom - flowers, tea - teapot, coach - train, editor - edit). For example: Agafya Karpovna cooked blackcurrant jam (V. Kochetov).
As a result of forgetting the original meaning of a word or changing its meaning, etymologically pleonastic or tautological combinations are no longer perceived as redundant. Thus, a monumental monument, reality, an informational message, a second-hand book and others correspond to the norms of modern literary word usage, since the definitions in them have ceased to be a simple repetition of the main feature contained in the word being defined.
Speech redundancy can manifest itself in the use of words that add nothing to the content of the statement, even in a narrow context: illegal pilfering of state property, exchange of existing experience, living one's whole life in the countryside, etc.
Speech redundancy is also manifested in excessive, secondary information that obscures the meaning of the main statement. Excessive information, verbose explanation testify to the inability of the speaker (writer) to focus on the main thing, to express the idea briefly.

Speech deficiency

Speech insufficiency, which occurs as a result of unmotivated omission of words and manifests itself in laconic presentation to the detriment of content, sometimes leads to distortion or obscuration of the meaning of the statement. For example, in the proposal, Davydov strongly refuses to hand over the keys to the warehouse; he is ready to die rather than give up the interests of the great cause, which he wholeheartedly serves, lacks the word better (or rather): ... he is ready to die better than ..., although in a different context the combination is ready to die has a completely finished semantics.
Unjustified omission of the ligament is common in speech when nominal predicate: One of the means of expression, which is widely used by the author, comparison (should be a comparison); omission of a structurally obligatory pronoun in the main part of a complex sentence: I closed my eyes and imagined what the author wrote about (I should have imagined what ...); omission of one of the components of the phrase: The living conditions of the teacher wish the best (correctly leave much to be desired); Every time when we are talking about the participants of the Great Patriotic War, no one remains indifferent in the hall (it is necessary when it comes to ...).
One of the causes of speech insufficiency in written speech is the transfer of the features of colloquial speech into it: the omission of structurally and semantically significant units. For example: Patients hope we will help them (in writing, the union is needed here that: ... that we will help them).

Causes of impaired speech accuracy

As noted above, the reasons leading to inaccuracy, ambiguity and ambiguity of the statement are:
1) the use of words in a meaning that is unusual for the literary language;
2) inability to use synonyms, paronyms, terms, polysemantic words and homonyms;
3) violation of the norms of lexical, grammatical and stylistic compatibility;
4) speech redundancy;
5) speech insufficiency.
In addition, the following errors in its structure make it difficult to quickly and accurately perceive speech:
1) “stringing” cases. In speech, there are constructions that include several identical case forms that depend sequentially on one another or on the same word: In order to eliminate the reasons for the backlog in the production of parts for tractors ...; To further raise the material level of the working people of the republic... In these examples, "stringing" is formed by a "chain" of genitive case forms. Such constructions are the most common, they are especially frequent in the texts of the official business style. You can eliminate the stringing of such forms by replacing verbal nouns with infinitives or other constructions: To eliminate the reasons for the backlog in the production of parts for tractors ...
There are stringing and other cases, for example, creative subject and object (the Director got acquainted with the adopted working decisions), prepositional (The question of the report on the work of the chairman of the local committee was discussed). You can correct such proposals as follows: The director got acquainted with the decisions that the workers made; The issue of the report of the chairman of the local committee on the work done was discussed.
2) violation of the order of words in a sentence. In Russian, unlike others, there is no strictly fixed place for one or another member of the sentence. It is determined by the semantic load, stylistic and syntactic functions, structure and type of sentence, etc. The rearrangement of words leads to semantic and stylistic shifts, creates additional semantic-stylistic shades, changes the expressive functions of the members of the sentence. Any inversion must be stylistically justified. A stylistically unmotivated word order leads to a distortion of the meaning of the statement, to ambiguity, and interferes with the quick and adequate perception of the text. For example, in the sentence It is necessary to provide first aid to the victim at the workplace, the phrases provide first aid and at the workplace are separated by the word to the victim, as a result, the reader is forced to spend time and effort to establish grammatical and semantic connections between the phrases. Incorrect word order in the sentence: He not only wrote poetry, but also the story leads to a shift in logical stress. Often the word order is violated in sentences with participial phrases: Fallen leaves from the trees rustled underfoot (here the word leaves breaks the participle turnover fallen from the trees)
3) cluttering up the sentence with subordinate, participial phrases and other separate constructions. The reason for the violation of the accuracy of speech may be the unsuccessful construction of a complex sentence with several subordinate clauses, combined subordinating or sequential subordinating relationship. For example: The teacher claims that among the tasks that are given to students at home, there should be brief characteristics secondary characters - Wild, Feklusha, Varvara, Kudryash, Kuligin, which are made up of observations that were made by students at the time when they read the scenes where these characters participate.
Interferes with the perception of speech use in heterogeneous subordinate clauses identical unions or allied words, especially which and what: The birthplace of budgerigars, which are outward signs divided into two groups that combine birds with plumage of a certain color and shape, is Central Australia, where they inhabit the plains; It seemed to her that time was moving so slowly that evening would never come and that she would never know what he wanted to tell her.

The correctness and richness of speech, of course, speak of the level of human culture. The great Russian language, as noted by the writer I. S. Turgenev, was given to a great people. However, the processes taking place in modern Russian society worry philologists. It's about about loosening established norms, simplifying the style of speech and everyday interpersonal communication. Let's try to understand and analyze these changes.

Beautiful speech and position in society

Correctness of speech and the ability to speak beautifully at times tsarist Russia distinguished members of the upper classes. Now, of course, official titles are not awarded in our country, but it should be noted that people who can freely express their thoughts and speak correctly behave in a special way. They tend to have good posture, a slightly raised head, and a rhythmic and easy gait. If we talk about material wealth, then it is, most often, average or above average. Consequently, a certain "caste" is still traceable.

There are cases when a person who has achieved a high position in society, but does not have a proper education, sought to catch up, pulling up his cultural level. Such people were well aware that in order to communicate in higher circles, they simply needed grammatical correctness of speech. Only the ability to hold on properly allows you to consolidate what has been achieved and move on.

There is also a category of people who, in an effort to occupy a certain position in society, master the skills of literate speech.

These two processes are interdependent: the achievement of a certain status dictates the need to "pull up" one's level of literacy, and a literate and cultured person attracts the attention of people more high circle, unless, of course, he makes attempts to get close to them.

Characteristics of the literary language

The Russian literary language is distinguished by:

1) well-developed writing;
2) the presence of established norms and rules for the use of elements of speech;
3) the existence of typical expressions that are determined by the situation and content (everyday communication, public speaking, business speech);
4) the relationship of book and spoken literary language in written and oral form.

The most significant distinguishing feature literary language consists in its generally accepted and, consequently, intelligibility.

Grammatical correctness of speech and its essence

The basis of the grammatical correctness of speech is the observance of the norms of morphology and syntax of the Russian language, as well as the correct construction of sentences and phrases.

New processes in society have led to the fact that changes in the meanings of individual words have led to a different functioning grammatical categories. Words that did not have a plural form before have received it in modern speech: risks, strategies, budgets, economics.

The modern press clearly demonstrates the processes of change in the modern language. Written speech is replete with lexical units newly formed with the help of prefixes and suffixes. Separate neoplasms do not at all make our statements more beautiful. For example, using the suffix - ization, gives us such words as humanization, informatization. IN individual cases we can even get window dressing (the author of such an expression probably meant window dressing in a store).

The main problem in the process of modern word formation is the mixing of words that have an unequal stylistic coloring. So, people can simultaneously use specialized terms (for example, voxelization), while not disdaining such jargon as non-cash, chernukha, scammers.

Things to remember when writing

The correctness of Russian speech, in particular written language, requires constant monitoring and verification of one's own writing.

It must be remembered that the use of the same suffix with different words can give stylistically different forms. Therefore, when writing down a particular text, a person striving to acquire the correctness of speech must use lexical units in the most strict accordance with the genre.

So, for an analytical article, the use of special terminology is appropriate, but swearing and jargon are strictly prohibited. When compiling a pamphlet, colloquial words that are not related to scientific concepts are allowed.

Common mistakes in speaking and writing

The most common mistakes in modern journalism include:

  • Use of prepositional case control unnecessarily (e.g. "experience in work" instead of "experience in work").
  • Constructions with the particle “how” instead of the indirect case (people are used to war as something normal).
  • Application of the wrong case (one of the first came the general).

Of course, the correctness of speech in the presence of such errors is completely excluded.

Commonly used prepositions that make speech illiterate

Perhaps the first place in terms of the number of inappropriate uses is occupied by the preposition "by", which is used to connect words together, for example:

  • water question;
  • agreement on Volgograd;
  • battery statement;
  • initiative for Ukraine.

Also, the preposition "about" is often used unnecessarily:

  • stressed on the need;
  • he was going to describe it separately;
  • she meant about their general condition;
  • everyone understands that the collapse cannot be prevented.

As you can see, the correctness and accuracy of speech largely depends on the correctly chosen preposition.

Examples of incorrect case usage

The correctness of speech is also determined by how correctly this or that word is inclined. Incorrect case selection is observed in the following examples:

1. The use of the nominative case instead of the indirect:

It is necessary to learn about the alignment of forces.

2. The use of the genitive case, not the prepositional:

The issue of taxes has been postponed for the time being.

The grammatical correctness of Russian speech is undoubtedly lost when the case is chosen incorrectly, which leads to a change in the syntactic structure of the statement, for example:

A certain agreement has been reached on measures that open (instead of "open") the possibility of a truce.

Ways to eliminate typical speech errors

The most common mistakes that most of us make in speech and writing are lexical and stylistic. Let's consider some of them.

1. Repetition of words. Example: We have a dog at home. The dog's name is Beetle. The bug does not guard the house. The bug is kind, barks very rarely.

This example is taken from a student's essay, but adults also sin with an abundance of repetition in conversation and in writing. The main reason for this mistake is the poverty of vocabulary, poor possession of synonyms. We can get rid of the tautology quite easily if we expand our horizons and carefully reread the composed text.

2. Misunderstanding of the meaning of the word and, as a result, its inaccurate use. Examples:

I don't want to stand upside down.

We were lucky, there was a thaw, only 8 degrees below zero.

Such errors are the result of insufficient general development of speech, a narrow outlook, and the rare use of certain words.

3. Ignorance of the generally accepted word compatibility. Example:

The red fellow defeated the Serpent. Common phrase: red girl.

4. Misunderstanding of the emotional coloring of the statement. Example:

The sun shines outside the windows. Today I have such a glorious event as a walk along the river bank. The word "event" is appropriate to use in business speech. Such errors are associated with a low flair for the language.

5. The use of colloquial words. Example:

Put it in place(instead of "put").

The concept of the correctness of speech develops in a person under the influence of the language environment. The considered errors, apparently, are different in nature, but the main way to eliminate them lies through increasing one's own vocabulary and analyzing one's oral and written statements.

Qualities of good speech

Even ancient philosophers, such as Theophrastus, Hermogenes, Cicero, Dionysius, spoke about the merits of speech and distinguished among them accuracy, truthfulness, clarity, beauty, relevance. Many of these characteristics certainly deserve our attention.

Among modern works, the doctrine developed by Boris Nikolaevich Golovin should be noted. In his definition, he correlates the qualities of speech with the following processes:

1) correctness, richness, purity of language;

2) consistency, clarity, simplicity of thinking;

3) objectivity of the picture of the world;

4) relevance of statements;

5) aesthetic design of speech.

Let us consider in more detail the individual qualities of speech.

  • The correctness of speech is the observance of its generally accepted norms:

1) stress;

2) pronunciation;

3) lexical norms that regulate the rules for the use of words and their compatibility;

4) stylistic norms that regulate the choice of speech means in certain areas of communication;

5) norms of word formation;

6) syntactic norms requiring compliance with the rules of agreement and arrangement of words in a sentence.

  • Rich speech is considered to be diverse in linguistic structure, which is provided by vocabulary.
  • Purity implies the absence of non-literary, slang, colloquial words that give speech a rough character.
  • Logic is the consistency of the nature of the narrative, the correspondence of statements to the laws of logic.
  • Clarity of speech is the use of language tools that make the narrative more understandable. It depends largely on the correct use of the various terms. When using a new word, it is necessary to understand its meaning well.
  • Simplicity. It consists in the absence of pretentious, unnatural words.
  • The brevity of speech is the absence of unnecessary words and repetitions that make it difficult to understand.
  • The accuracy of speech is the correspondence of the words used to the phenomena that they denote.
  • Expression is the ability to use means of expression capable of influencing the minds of listeners.
  • The relevance of speech is the correspondence of its content to the goals of the message being conveyed. It regulates all human speech behavior.
  • The aesthetic design of speech is the optimality of the linguistic statement, its harmony.

Summing up, it must be said that work on speech literacy is a laborious process that requires constant self-improvement, broadening one's horizons, and analyzing one's own statements.

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