Are you going to name the child Alice? Its value for a girl will be good. What does the name Alice mean

so interesting and unusual name for a girl, but what does the name Alice mean? It is difficult to say with absolute certainty where it takes its roots. Presumably, the basis is the Old French name Alis (short form of Adelais or Adelaide), which came to us from the Old Germanic language, where Adalheidis means "a person of noble birth."

There are several more versions of the interpretation of what the name Alice means. So, for example, some researchers associate it with the name Kalistra, once very common in Greece. One way or another, but Alice is a name with rich history and deep meaning.

The meaning of the name Alice for a child

Dreamy and kind, sympathetic and obedient, Alice loves fairy tales and various fables. Even an adult with the talent of an artist or musician can envy the imagination of this girl. In the center of attention always and in everything, only this way and nothing else! Everyone should see her merits, praise, cherish and surround with care, she, in turn, will reciprocate as much as her little heart will last.

Outwardly, she looks more like her father than her mother, but from her mother she inherited such qualities as femininity, sophistication and the desire for beauty. She is diligent in her studies, hardworking, but a little uncollected. The desire for beauty gives rise to her interest in art and culture.

Alice falls in love early, passionately and with all her heart, but this bright feeling clearly lacks reciprocity. A sad experience makes us reconsider our attitude towards marriage and family, so it is sometimes difficult for Alice to decide to marry, and much depends on the perseverance and perseverance of the chosen one.

If you look at the features of character, depending on the season in which her birthday falls, then we can distinguish the following features that distinguish the owners of this name from each other.

Winter Alice is a person with an unbridled disposition and temperament. She is capricious and categorical, persistent and straightforward. But spring, on the contrary, is more accommodating and accommodating, she does not know how to stand her ground and sometimes lives a “foreign” life instead of her own.

Summer Alice was more fortunate, because she received from life one of the most expensive gifts - luck, it is she who helps her cope with many troubles and avoid problems and troubles. For her, life is like a bright movie, where the main role went, of course, incomparable Alice.

When you meet autumn Alice, she will amaze you at first sight - beautiful, smart and, most importantly, an absolutely disinterested person. You can rely on her for the most difficult situation, such friends as it you will not find in the afternoon with fire.

Sometimes it seems that it is in Alice, born in autumn, that the whole secret and characteristic of the name lies, even the most highly qualified specialist in human souls will not be able to explain what the secret is here. Perhaps it lies in the generosity of autumn, in her ability to give, despite ingratitude, or the stars just decided so, one thing can be said with complete certainty, Alice is a name for real woman, beloved, desired, loving and happy! This is what parents who want to give their daughter this unusual name should know.

It is not possible to accurately determine the meaning of the name Alice, the mystery is hidden in the mists of time. The main thing is the name for a bright, strong personality. She always sets high goals for herself and achieves them. Alice has a strong-willed character, she is not devoid of ambition and creative originality. It is safe to say that such a person will certainly achieve happiness in life, achieve recognition and success in life. career ladder. The environment will deservedly treat her with respect and love. The family built by Alice will be reliable and strong.

Origin of the female name Alice

Reliable information about the origin of the name has not reached our days. Today, specialists as a whole identify four directions in the "unraveling" of its meaning.

  1. There is an assumption that the name Alice comes as a derivative of English female name Alice. In translation, it sounds like a lady of noble birth.
  2. The previous version is supported by another statement that the name has something in common with another - "Aalis", Adelaide. The meaning is the same as in the previous case.
  3. One more line can be traced in unraveling the meaning of the name - “divine”. It is believed that it is a common abbreviation of the English female name Elizabeth. In translation, it sounds like "worshiping God."
  4. Some researchers believe that the origin of the female name Alice comes from "alis", which means "wings" in Latin. This truly angelic option is liked by most parents who choose the name of the heiress.

The meaning of the name for a girl

Oddly enough, the meaning of the name always leaves an imprint on the character of a person. The sound vibrations of the name seem to guide the child, acting on a subconscious level. Therefore, we can say what awaits little Alice in the future.

In childhood, the baby will be sensitive, vulnerable. It will be easy to offend her. Although a little girl will hide her feelings and adults will not always notice her feelings. Therefore, with Alice, you should be more careful, select expressions when communicating. Even intonation is important here.

If you choose the right direction of interaction and communicate affectionately with the baby, then in the future she will reward her relatives with extraordinary kindness, love and responsiveness.

The character and fate of Alice, like any other person, is formed due to upbringing and life circumstances. However, it is possible to identify several of its positive features:

  • truthfulness;
  • heightened sense of justice;
  • positivity and optimism - the belief that everything will turn out great;
  • sociability and desire to help everyone;
  • daydreaming;
  • cheerfulness and a great sense of humour.

However, all these positive character traits can give way to one negative one. Alice easily succumbs to other people's influence and does not know how to defend her position. Even when she is confident in herself, she can be easily persuaded, and she will change her mind under the influence of a strong personality. This trait is almost impossible to correct, no matter how parents try to achieve it. The only teacher is life experience. Over the years, Alice will be able to overcome at least partially this shortcoming.

Parents, showing love, can call Alice affectionate names: Alice, Alya, Fox cub, Alice, Alice.

Character and fate associated with the name

Alice is an unspoiled, diligent and diligent girl. Often - the oldest of the children in the family, a caring sister, an assistant for mom and grandmother. She loves household chores, gladly puts the house in order and tinkers in the kitchen. It is very important to praise the girl for her efforts, she expects encouragement from her elders. These qualities, the desire for order and cleanliness, should be developed, they will be useful to her in life.

The girl Alice prefers activity, she is interested in playing sports. Her hobbies are on the verge of extreme - shooting from different kind weapons, climbing, driving a car, motorcycle. However, everything related to hunting animals, she vehemently denies. Because love for our smaller brothers is literally in her blood. And the animals also reciprocate by establishing a telepathic connection with the girl. Alice will be happy to take care of pets and even, becoming an adult, can join a cohort of animal rights activists.

As for the choice of profession, here Alice will remain true to her extreme hobbies. For example, if he chooses to become a doctor, then a surgeon. She will always strive to take care of others, save lives and souls. Her eternal desire for justice can lead to the path of a human rights activist in the person of an employee law enforcement, an employee of the prosecutor's office.

Alice is a creative person, she will be capable of a creative profession. She will have an excellent career in journalism and art specialties: design, fashion.

Her honesty, activity, creativity will be quite to the taste of the authorities. Although the leader find mutual language with an independent and sharp-tongued subordinate girl will not be easy. She will always behave independently, openly declare her opinion, even when it is wrong. It will be difficult for her to admit it.

Having made a career and standing head and shoulders above her colleagues, Alice will be strict with her subordinates, but fair. Will establish a constructive dialogue with employees and will patronize them when he sees that people are trying to do their job well.

Alice is quite suitable to conduct her own activities. To do this, she has all the business inclinations. She will make an excellent businesswoman, she is able to become an outstanding entrepreneur in her field.

Having grown older, and having met love, the woman Alice will face a difficult decision. Marrying and devoting herself to a family or pursuing a career will not be an easy choice for her. She will be able to combine both if she correctly prioritizes and makes important decisions.

Alice's family is almost perfect. She will choose as her wife only a worthy, impeccable companion who will treat her with understanding. She will be a wonderful mother to her children, she will become their best friend in life. With all her love for home comfort, Alice will be a good hostess, hospitable and hospitable, gladly hosting good friends in her house.

In general, Alice has excellent health, high immunity. healthy image life is her style. Therefore, she will always be in shape. Inner beauty will enrich her beautiful appearance. Therefore, even in old age, the refinement of her nature will be admired.

When Alice celebrates her name day

Alice is a Catholic name. In Orthodoxy there are no saints with a similar name.
According to the Catholic calendar, Alice can celebrate name days several times a year:

  • December 16 and 19;
  • January 9 and 22;
  • June 15th.

At baptism orthodox name for a newborn, you can choose by the date of her birth. However, a name close in sound is more suitable - Alexandra or Elizabeth.

Middle name compatibility

The name Alice for a girl should be chosen carefully. Parents need to think about how well it goes with the middle name. After all, it may turn out that full name- patronymic will be too difficult to pronounce, and it will sound inharmonious. Middle names that sound most harmonious:

  • Evgenievna;
  • Alexandrovna;
  • Leonidovna;
  • Konstantinovna;
  • Maksimovna.

The following patronymics sound inharmonious:

  • Yaroslavna;
  • Nikitichna;
  • Grigorievna;
  • Vladimirovna;
  • Antonovna.

What male names will have a happy family life

The likelihood that Alice's marriage will work out most successfully with men whose names are:

  • Andrey;
  • Arthur;
  • Vladimir;
  • Vitaly;
  • Vladislav;
  • Eugene;
  • Oleg;
  • Stanislav;
  • Stepan;
  • Timur;
  • Fedor.

May not find common ground in character with men named:

  • Alexander;
  • Vsevolod;
  • Denis;
  • Taras.

Talismans for the name Alice

Here are the mascot symbols for Alice:

  • Days of the week - Wednesday and Saturday;
  • Lucky number - 8;
  • Element - air;
  • The season is summer;
  • Color - all shades of yellow and orange, purple;
  • Plants - elm, heather;
  • The animal is a cat aquatic environment this is a carp;
  • Stones - rock crystal, lapis lazuli, tourmaline;
  • Metal is aluminium.

Full name:

Similar names: Alice, Alison, Alice, Alix, Alice, Alicia, Ailis, Elish, Eli

Church name: -

Meaning: noble

The meaning of the name Alice - interpretation

The name Alice first appeared in France in the middle of the 12th century, and became widespread in England at the turn of the 19th century. Alice was called many girls in royal families. There is a version that this name is Latin and literally means "wings". If we interpret its meaning in the English manner, Alice is translated as "a person of noble birth." IN Orthodox saints this name does not exist. Today, many girls who grew up on Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland call their daughters that.

Alice name in other languages

Astrology named after Alice

Favorable day: Saturday

Years later

Despite the calm nature, the strong-willed inclinations of little Alice become noticeable even in early childhood. If there are girlfriends in her environment who have an insufficiently stable psyche, a quiet-looking girl can easily suppress them.

But this feature does not prevent her from always being a true friend and comrade, ready to help in Hard time. In friendship, Alice does not pay attention to gender - her soul is open to both boys and girls.

For many adults, the baby is associated with the heroine of a famous fairy tale, therefore she is invariably a universal favorite. A child with this name is spoiled for attention.

Alice is a model of femininity and charm. In her youth, a seductive coquette wakes up in her, fraught with a riddle that crowds of fans seek to unravel. At first glance, it is difficult to understand what is on the mind of a pretty girl.

She thinks synthetically, paying attention to the little things. When problems arise, he does not seek to delve into their essence, considering any life obstacle in his path very superficially. The moral principles of young Alice are unstable and can change if it suits her. Girl trying to live on to the fullest and does not miss the available opportunities.

Despite the large number of fans, the owners of this name get married late. For them, it is important to first know the delights of life in all its manifestations, and only then plunge into the routine of family household duties.

Adult Alice is often contradictory in her judgments, but despite this, her opinion is usually fair. If she has decided something, then she will not change the chosen tactics of actions, and in case of failure, she will not regret what she did.

A woman with this name prefers to stay in the shadows, not to stand out from the background of other representatives of the fair sex. But such a desire does not prevent her from remaining a person with a pronounced individuality.

Alice loves comfort, is considered a thrifty, clean, pragmatic and principled person. She is not inclined to envy other people's successes, she is sentimental. In the behavior of an adult woman, one can often notice the features of a naive girl from a Lewis Carroll fairy tale.

Alice character

WITH early years Alice is a mobile, optimistic child. This positive trait remains her constant companion until her old age. Alice's kindness and responsiveness are admirable.

She belongs to the category of those rare people who are always ready to help. Thanks to this property, Alice easily manages to turn enemies into friends. The owner of this name loves communication, knows how to keep up the conversation without causing irritation in the interlocutor. She quickly forgets the harm done to her and is able to forgive the offender.

Alya, as her relatives and close friends sometimes affectionately call her, combines many positive qualities, but in a barrel of honey there is also a fly in the ointment.

TO negative traits The nature of this woman can be attributed to her daydreaming. She loves, like the heroine of the famous fairy tale by Lewis Carroll, to be mentally transported to another reality. In her youth, the girl lives in dreams, for the realization of which she makes no effort.

Alice lacks the perseverance to turn her plans into reality. The owner of the name can stay in the illusory world of her fantasies throughout her life. The sensitive nature of this young lady is the reason for her touchiness.

Alice's fate

Alice's fate is developing successfully thanks to her diligence and desire to always bring the work begun to the end. People around admire and sympathize with a woman with this name, so she is not subject to negative influence from the outside. Alice is a diligent employee and a good friend who deserves respect.

Self-confidence, an objective view of many things allow her to successfully overcome many obstacles in her life. The owner of a fabulous name always tries to hide her inner feelings; in the company of strangers, her behavior is distinguished by restraint.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

If Alice is passionate about building a career, personal life immediately fades into the background. This woman approaches the choice of profession responsibly, gives preference creative work. good specialists named Alice can be found among journalists, fashion designers, philologists, architects.

These women do not like to work in submission, they have tense relations with their superiors. Alice herself as a chef is a harsh, principled, demanding nature. In solving financial issues, she is lucky. She does not like to waste money, so she usually does not experience serious material problems. If desired, Alice can easily succeed in running any business.

Marriage and family

Alice is in no hurry to tie the knot. This is due to her love of freedom and independence, which are difficult to part with. Passion for intrigue and love adventures is often the cause of disappointment. Numerous unsuccessful romances often discourage these women from wanting to get married as soon as possible.

Alice makes excessive demands on her life partner. The person who will be next to her must have the best masculine qualities. When choosing a spouse, she does not pursue material gain. In priority - sincere feelings, mutual assistance in difficult times.

Alice usually marries in adulthood- she will not dare to cross out her youth with a sudden marriage. There are always many guests in her house. If the owner of this name lives with her mother-in-law, women do not have disagreements on domestic issues.

Sex and love

bearers of beauty, romantic name are passionate and temperamental persons. They prefer diversity in intimate relationships, strive to meet new feelings that give vivid emotions. Many Alice are prone to treason - stable and measured family life seems boring to them.

When choosing sexual partner Alya makes strict demands on his external data. Only attractive, charismatic men can be in her bed. Women with this name are amorous, love to attract the attention of the opposite sex, but do not rush into the maelstrom of new relationships without looking back.

As a life partner and partner for intimate relationships Alexey, Vladimir, Oleg, Andrey or Arthur will suit Alice. Her man should not be given a reason for jealousy - this greatly hurts the romantic nature and can cause a break in relations.


Since childhood, Alice is unknown serious problems with health. She grows up as a mobile child with excellent immunity. With age good health needs to be supported, but Alya often forgets about it.

She can limit her nighttime sleep, eat unhealthy food, not observe the optimal mode of work and rest, which gradually leads to problems that Negative influence on general state organism. In adulthood, Alice is prone to diseases of the genital organs, requires increased attention to the vegetative nervous system. Subject to the correct diet and rest regimen, women with this name are able to live to a ripe old age.

Interests and hobbies

Alice is fond of art. It can be seen at an exhibition of paintings, in a theater on new production. For her, the cost of a ticket does not matter if there is a desire to attend a concert of her favorite artist or musical group.

The leisure of a romantic woman living in a world of dreams is hard to imagine without a good book. Alice prefers to alternate periods of solitude with active pastime in the company of friends. The passion of her whole life from a young age to old age travel remains.

There are many versions of the origin of the name Alice. The first of them says that this is an abbreviation for the name Adelaide, which was popular in ancient Germany. In translation, it means "noble". If you believe the second version, then this name is of Jewish origin and is based on the name of Elisha, which means "God is our salvation." Some believe that the name Alice is Greek and translates as "truth." IN modern world this name became popular after the work "Alice in Wonderland" appeared.

The nature of the name Alice

The time of year in which Alice was born affects the meaning of her name. If her birthday is in winter, then she is characterized by temperament, impulsiveness and emotionality. She has a rather unbridled disposition. She is wayward, categorical and loves freedom. It attracts and repels people around at the same time. She is also very kind, open, fair and generous. Alice, born in the spring, is characterized by complaisance and tractability. Usually she is not particularly principled and does not seek to defend her opinion. Because of this indecision, she often sits in the ranks of employees and it is difficult for her to create a strong family union. Summer Alice is very lucky. Thanks to her luck, she easily overcomes various difficulties. She is very active, sincere, soft and sociable. There are many bright and memorable events in her life. Alice, born in autumn, has wonderful mind and attractiveness. She is generous and reliable. She doesn't care about drawing attention to herself. She never gets jealous. Autumn Alice is very responsive and always in a hurry to help.

In adulthood, Alice has such qualities as perseverance, stubbornness, adherence to principles, determination and justice. Getting her to change her mind is almost impossible. She also does not know how to admit that she is wrong, so you should not expect an apology from her. Although Alice has a tough character, she is incredibly feminine, romantic and loves to dream. She is characterized by pragmatism and cleanliness. She is very careful with money and does not scatter it. Some consider her stingy and greedy, but they are wrong. It's just that Alice avoids unnecessary spending. She is an independent and straightforward woman. For this reason, it can be difficult for her to find contact with people and make friends with someone. At the same time, Alice is quite modest and calm. She is quite secretive and does not like to show her emotions. Alice can open up only to a truly close person.

By nature, Alice is a leader, but sometimes she still has to give up. She backs off in situations that can ruin her image. She has a synthetic mindset. She loves to invent and invent something new, as well as combine incongruous. In her work, Alice likes to achieve the maximum and often, for the sake of her goal, forgets about everything in the world. She can often change jobs to find the perfect one for herself. It is important for Alice to be able to prove herself as a leader and quickly climb the career ladder.

Usually a girl with that name is more inclined towards creative professions, for example, Alice often becomes an artist, journalist or fashion designer. Colleagues love her for her honesty, fairness and responsiveness. She doesn’t get along with her superiors, as she is very emotional and stubborn. The boss from it will turn out to be stern, serious and principled. But she will never humiliate her subordinates, but will have a constructive conversation. All the cases that Alice undertakes, she always brings to the end, even if they seem hopeless. The main thing is that in the end she gets a benefit for herself. Despite her strong character, Alice is very vulnerable and takes criticism hard. Friends and relatives need to take this fact into account. Her intuition works perfectly and she always uses it.

Alice name for girl

As a child, Alice is the favorite of everyone around. For a girl with this name, complaisance, obedience, openness and incredible charm are characteristic. She easily finds contact with her peers. But the amiable and charming girl is the image that Alice herself created for herself. In fact, she is very cunning, dodgy and will do anything to be in the spotlight. She loves to play pranks and have fun. Alice is friends mainly with boys, because they are more honest, reliable and fair to their friends. Young Alice hates lies and duplicity. She is always for justice. Alice is a true friend and protector of those in need.

Alice is very curious, studies well and participates in school life. She is very creative person and it needs to be developed in this direction. Alice's strong character manifests itself from the very young age. At the same time, it is important for her to live in a fair, romantic and kind world, as well as to be surrounded by love. For a girl named Alice, leadership qualities are characteristic, which she skillfully uses from childhood. She easily manages to adjust peers for herself.

As a teenager, Alice often dreams. However, she does not live her dreams and knows how to distinguish them from reality. She learned to use her charms to achieve her goals. Alice is witty and self-ironic, for which she is loved in any company. Others are also attracted by the fact that she never envies anyone, but only rejoices in other people's successes. She is decisive, principled and confident, thanks to which she always carries out her ideas. Also, the love of others helps her to achieve her goals. Alice's pride is developed very strongly and can develop into a "star fever". She loves unusual activities, and household chores weigh on her. She, of course, fulfills all her duties, but without interest. Alice is very demanding of herself, always keeps her promises and helps people in difficult situations. She will easily forgive and forget any offense, except betrayal.

Marriage and compatibility of the name Alice

Alice falls in love very often. She likes to be surrounded by the attention of men, as well as flirt and flirt with them. Thanks to her charm and charm, she is not deprived of fans. But the man with whom she wants to connect fate must have strength and be a reliable person. It shouldn't be boring with him. Emotions and passion should always burn between spouses. Alice dreams of love to the grave and highlights love relationship important place in your life. Alice usually marries late, as it is difficult for her to part with her independence. Also, the reason for her long loneliness is frequent novels that bring only disappointment. In addition, a big role is played by the fact that Alice dreams of a chosen one who will become her knight. He must be perfect in every way. Finding this is very difficult.

Alice is unusual for commercialism. The financial situation of a man does not matter to her. She is ready to share with him all material difficulties. For her, the main thing is that a man becomes a support for her and loves her very much. There is no place for lies and distrust in Alice's family. She will never forgive her husband for betrayal. She does not like to do household chores, but she keeps the house clean and tidy. The most important people in Alice's life are her children. She gives all of herself to them and tries to develop them comprehensively. The only thing she lacks is patience. However, she is very resourceful and quickly forgets all conflicts. Moreover, it is important for her to create a family once and for all.

Famous people named Alice

Alisa Freindlikh is a popular Russian actress and singer. In 1981 she was awarded the title of People's Artist Soviet Union. Awarded three times State Prize RF.

  • Alisa Grebenshchikova - Russian actress. Participated in many theatrical productions and starred in films. She is the daughter of Boris Grebenshchikov.
  • Alisa Kolosova- Russian opera singer with the timbre of a mezzo-soprano voice. Sings in the troupe of the Vienna State Opera.
  • Alisa Krylova- Russian supermodel. International journalist. He is an ambassador for the World charitable foundation and also sits on its board of directors.
  • Alisa Yoffe- Russian artist. Included in the rating of the best artists of Russian modernity, whose age is less than 50 years.
  • Alisa Agafonova- Soviet figure skater. She competed in ice dancing in pair skating. Represented first Ukraine and then Turkey on international level. In 2018, together with Alper Ucar, she became the national champion.
  • Alisa Khazanova- Russian theater and film actress. He is also involved in directing and producing. Previously she was a ballerina and choreographer. Is a daughter famous actor Gennady Khazanov.

Alice is a talented, inventive and noble girl. Such a name, given from birth, can tell a lot about its owner and in its own way influence his fate.

Any parent treats his child with trepidation and wishes for him happiness, success, health and wealth. Therefore, giving your daughter a name, you need to understand well how this will affect her life path.

The exact origin of the name Alice is unknown, but there are several options. The first of these is based on the old French name Aalis, which was formed from the German name Adelaide.

Then, the name Alice was transferred by the Normans to the territory of England, where he was given an English sound - Alice. And already from the English version this name passed into the Russian language. But it was most popular in England and France in the 19th century.

The second option is associated with a strongly modified diminutive form the name of Elizabeth, which in the Jewish path took the form - Elisha.

The third hypothesis is related to the Latin word alis, translated as "wings". In theory, the parents of their daughter tried to give such a name so that she would achieve a lot in her life.

Another option is the Tatar origin, where the translation of the name is quite simple and banal - “beautiful”.

The name Alice became world famous and popular after the publication of Lewis Carroll's book Alice in Wonderland. And in Russia, the success of the name came at the end of the 90s of the last century.


Speaking about what the name Alice means, first of all, one has to rely on the variability of its origin. If we take into account the ancient Germanic roots, then Alice means "nobility" or "noble estate", which is associated with the choice of this name for girls with a high social status.

The situation is similar with the English version, where the name means "noble" or "noble birth". In the case with Jewish roots name, its meaning changes to "God is salvation."


The meaning of the name Alice, the character and fate of the girl named so are closely intertwined. In childhood, the child will be obedient and economic, with special love to maintain order and help parents with this.

The girl is distinguished by extreme curiosity and a craving for discovering something new in her life, therefore she will need special attention and help in solving Alice's pressing issues. Of particular interest to a girl can be a game of hide and seek, in which she will surprise parents and other children with her ingenuity in choosing shelters.

The baby will react negatively to the excessive attention of others, because public performance at matinees in the garden or school can be a problem. If you try to force her to such an event, a conflict may develop, which will remain a bitter sediment in Alice's soul.

But at the same time, the girl will be erudite, with good diction and able to easily support any conversation. She has a developed fantasy and a somewhat increased reverie.

Alice's health will be good, she grows mobile and has strong immunity. But a child may be allergic to some specific foods, so you need to be careful and careful with the choice of baby's diet.

But with age, she will need to pay attention to maintaining her health. This will mainly be due to Alice's tendency to disrupt sleep patterns, eat poorly and not maintain a balance between work and rest. Especially common in adult Alice are problems with the reproductive system and the autonomic nervous system.

Already an adult, Alice will become an excellent hostess, able to properly manage the budget, showing culinary talents and creating a real atmosphere of comfort in the house. The girl has a well-developed taste and an innate balanced sense of proportion.

It is also important what time of year the girl was born:

  • Winter Alice grow bright and sensitive. A temperamental girl will in most cases be guided by emotions, and not by the voice of reason. It relies in life only on its own principles and is not interested in public opinion.
  • Spring-born Alice will become soft, tender and vulnerable. She will readily respond to the requests of others, which is why she herself can often suffer. Many may perceive the kindness and responsiveness of a girl as a manifestation of weakness or indecision.
  • Summer Alice will have a bright personality and temperament. The girl will form a cheerful and good-natured character with a subtle sense of humor, which will appeal to everyone in her environment. She will easily achieve her goals, regardless of whether they relate to her personal life or career.
  • Girl born in autumn will be kind and positive. Her distinctive features- generosity and responsiveness, especially towards close friends. At the same time, she will not demand a response to her kindness and help, which especially attracts people.

All adult Alices are easy-going and optimistic, but this is often accompanied by a lack of perseverance. This causes them difficulties in climbing the career ladder, but the ability to present themselves correctly and help a large number friends smooths out this minus.

Often in choice future profession girls with this name stop at the following options:

  • philologist;
  • musician;
  • art critic;
  • artist;
  • singer;
  • journalist;
  • fashion designer.

It is these professions that can become the most successful for Alice. But sometimes girls reach heights in the careers of actresses, pianists, poetesses, and even public figures any direction.


From an early age, the girl Alice will be a mobile and optimistic baby. This character trait will remain with her throughout her life. The kindness and optimism of the girl will deserve the admiration of others.

She will always be willing to help those around her, which will allow her to easily turn her enemies into friends. Alice will be sociable, talented in supporting any conversations and able to conduct a dialogue so as not to get bored or offend the interlocutor.

Alice's excessive daydreaming, in turn, will become a big problem for her, since avoiding reality and daydreaming, to which no effort will be made, can play a bad joke on her. Especially it concerns romantic relationship where a girl can wait years for the prince of her fantasies and miss real happiness.

Due to her emotionality, Alice's problem can also be that she is easily angered or hurt by words and actions. Of course, she will quickly cool down and forgive the offender, but for her emotional state this will be a difficult moment.

name day

In accordance with Orthodox calendar Alice's name day does not occur at all, since there were no saints with that name. But in accordance with the Catholic calendar, the day of the angel for Alice is celebrated five times a year:

  • December 16;
  • December 19th;
  • January 9;
  • January 22;
  • June 15th.

Name color

For a girl whose name is Alice, there are several shades that positively affect her life:

  • yellow;
  • violet;
  • orange.

name flower

Crocus, alpine rose, barberry.

Church name, saints

For many parents, the question arises under what name Alice, born in Orthodox faith, since there is no such name in the calendar. Instead, analogues from the church calendar are selected for baptism:

  • Alexandra.
  • Elizabeth.

Name translation in different languages

Translation of the name Alice is possible in many languages ​​​​of the world, the most popular of which are:

  • English - Alice.
  • Greek - Αλίκη.
  • Ukrainian - Alisa.
  • Belarusian - Alisa.
  • Latin - Alicia.
  • German - Alice.
  • Polish - Alicja.

Full name, abbreviated and affectionate

Alice is a full name that can be abbreviated or translated into a diminutive form.

The abbreviated name has the following options - Alya, Ali, Asya, Alka, Fox.

Diminutive derivatives on behalf of Alice sound like Alice, Alisonka, Little Fox, Alice.

With what patronymic is euphonious

When choosing a name for a girl - Alice - it is necessary to take into account that it is in harmony with the patronymic. Alice will sound most harmoniously with such patronymics:

  • Alexandrovna;
  • Konstantinovna;
  • Andreevna;
  • Anatolievna;
  • Vladimirovna;
  • Sergeevna;
  • Vladimirovna.

Name Compatibility

The name gives the child certain character traits that affect him. life path. Therefore, some people are considered soulmates, and some are incompatible opposites. The girl Alice can find her happiness with young men whose names are:

  • Vladimir;
  • Oleg;
  • Anatoly;
  • Renat;
  • Ruslan;
  • Stepan;
  • Fedor;
  • Seen;
  • Arthur;

She is completely incompatible with guys named:

  • Boris;
  • Ruslan;
  • Maksim;
  • Denis;
  • Konstantin.

How to lean

The female name Alice is easily inclined in cases:

  • Nominative - Alice.
  • Genitive - Alice.
  • Dative - Alice.
  • Accusative - Alice.
  • Creative - Alice.
  • Prepositional - Alice.

Famous people with this name

There are celebrities named Alice and there are quite a few of them. Among the most famous are:

  • Alisa Tolkacheva, who was born in 1967 and became mayor of Tula in 2010. She was the first woman mayor in the history of this city.
  • Alisa Valitskaya, born in 1936. Became an art critic, culturologist, received the title of Doctor of Philosophy and worked as a corresponding member Russian Academy education.
  • Alisa Krylova, born in 1982. She became a model and business woman, leads the automotive column in the Rublyovka Magazine. In 2010 she became Miss Russia, in 2011 Miss World. He is the face of the French fashion house Hayari Couture Paris and the Russian fur company Evromeh.

Alice's first name great option for a future positive and successful girl. She will have an easy character, thanks to which she will be able to quickly surround herself with friends and have the right people.

Useful video about the meaning of the name Alice


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