Nouns, animate and inanimate. Animate and inanimate nouns

It is known that the classification of nouns as animate or inanimate is associated with the division by man of the surrounding world into living and inanimate. However, even V.V. Vinogradov noted the “mythological nature” of the terms “animate/inanimate”, since textbook well-known examples ( plant, dead person, doll, people and etc . ) demonstrate the discrepancy between the objective status of an object and its comprehension in language. There is an opinion that by animate in grammar we mean “active” objects identified with a person, to which are contrasted “inactive” and, therefore, inanimate objects 1. At the same time, the “activity/inactivity” sign does not fully explain why the words dead man, deceased are considered animate, and people, crowd, flock – to inanimate nouns. Apparently, the category of animate/inanimate reflects everyday ideas about living and inanimate things, i.e. a person’s subjective assessment of the objects of reality, which does not always coincide with the scientific picture of the world.

Of course, the “standard” of a living being for a person has always been the person himself. Any language stores “petrified” metaphors, showing that people since ancient times saw the world as anthropomorphic, described it in their own image and likeness: the sun is out, the river is running, the leg of a chair, the spout of a teapot and so on . Let us recall at least the anthropomorphic gods or characters of lower mythology. At the same time, life forms other than humans: some invertebrates, microorganisms, etc. are often ambiguously assessed by ordinary native speakers. For example, as a survey of informants showed, to nouns sea ​​anemone, amoeba, ciliate, polyp, microbe, virus the question is regularly asked What? Obviously, in addition to signs of visible activity (movement, development, reproduction, etc.), the everyday concept of a living being (an “animate” object) also includes a sign of similarity to a person.

How is the animate/inanimate nature of a noun determined?

Traditionally, the coincidence of the forms of the accusative and genitive cases in the singular and plural in masculine nouns (I see a man, a deer, friends, bears) and only in the plural for feminine and neuter nouns (I see women, animals). Accordingly, grammatical inanimateness is manifested in the coincidence of the accusative and nominative cases (I see a house, tables, streets, fields).

It should be noted that the grammatical opposition of nouns by animate/inanimate is expressed not only in the form of a specific case: the difference in the forms of nouns in the accusative case leads to a difference and opposition of paradigms in general. Masculine nouns have singular and plural paradigms on the basis of animate/inanimate, while feminine and neuter nouns have only plural paradigms, that is, each of the animate/inanimate categories has its own declension paradigm.

There is an opinion that the main means of expressing the animate/inanimate nature of a noun is the accusative case form of the agreed definition: “It is by the form of the agreed definition in the accusative case that the animate or inanimate nature of the noun in the linguistic sense of the word is determined” 2 . Obviously, this position requires clarification: the form of an adjective word should be considered as the main means of expressing animateness/inanimateness only in relation to the use of unchangeable words: I see beautiful cockatoo(V. = R.); I see beautiful coat(V. = I.). In other cases, the form of the adjectival word duplicates the meanings of case, number, gender and animate/inanimate nature of the main word - the noun.

The coincidence of case forms (V. = I. or V. = R.) in the declension of allied words of the adjectival structure (in a subordinate clause) can also serve as an indicator of animate/inanimate: These werebooks , which I knew(V. = I.); These were writers , which I knew(V. = R.).

Feminine and neuter nouns that appear only in the form do not have a grammatical indicator of animate/inanimate singular(singularia tantum), since these words have an independent form of the accusative case, which does not coincide with either the nominative or the genitive: catch swordfish, study cybernetics etc. Thus, the animate/inanimate nature of these nouns is not determined grammatically.

Lesson type: explanation of new material.


  • Educational: to familiarize students with the concept of animateness and inanimateness; consolidate the ability to distinguish between animate and inanimate nouns.
  • Developmental: give the concept of personification as a technique used in fiction.
  • Worldview: students will be convinced that knowledge of the method of determining the animation and inanimateness of nouns will help them in drawing up a “morphological portrait” (morphological analysis) of a noun.

Pedagogical objective of the lesson: create conditions for joint educational modeling activities; to develop students’ communication skills and skills of conducting educational dialogue on a meaningful basis.

Epigraph for the lesson:“Language is a treasury from which we take pearl words that are spoken more than once. Sometimes they give “cracks and dents.”


1. Organizing time

Five-minute warm-up.

A game: Who can remember more names in two minutes? fairy-tale heroes so that their names contain hissing w, h, sh, sh with vowels and, u, eh? (Cipollino, Miracle Yudo, Jumping Bunny, Shapoklyak, Princess and the Pea, Pike...)
– Who can remember more names of animals and birds that contain a combination of hissing words zh, sh, h, shch with the letters i, a, y? (Giraffe, toad, seagull, siskin, hedgehog, crane, bear cubs, lapwing, etc.)

2. Self-test homework by the key “Check yourself”

Helpers report homework results to the teacher during recess.

Competition “Who Lives in the Forest?”

– What animal is called this:

Oblique spiny clubfoot
Longhorned gray.

- Who's doing what? Write five sentences with homogeneous members.

3. Entering the learning situation (“inclusion in the lesson”)


- Guys, today we have an unusual lesson. Every student seems to dream that the lesson begins with a game. Our game is linguistic.
- What does it mean? (Language)
– What knowledge is required in this game? (Spelling, phonetic, lexical, syntactic)

"Lexical warm-up"

– Let’s read the epigraph to the lesson: “Language is a treasury from which we take pearl words that are spoken more than once. Sometimes they give “cracks and dents.”
– How did you understand this statement? (Language is our wealth. We must treat our language, words, as a treasury with care. We must avoid mistakes in our speech).

4. Spelling workshop

– Let’s write down a short vocabulary dictation for work “Until the first mistake.” (Words chosen to introduce a new topic)

Sunset, dawn, sprout, shoots, rustle, pike, giraffe, miracle, numbers, art, craftswomen, age, bee, quote, acorn, building.

"Entering a learning situation"

– Let’s read words that contain recently learned spellings. (Students name all the words except the word “art.”)
– Let’s designate spelling patterns or “error-dangerous” places graphically.
Nikolai Maksimovich Shansky, a linguist, advises using a “linguistic microscope” to see all spelling patterns.

Vocabulary work

– What is a microscope? Let's look into the explanatory dictionary. Microscope is a device for viewing objects that are indistinguishable to the naked eye).
– Let’s name all the spellings found in the vocabulary dictation:

1. Roots with alternation.
2. I-Y after C.
3. O-Y after hissing ones.
4. Spelling of prefixes.

– What do these words have in common? What part of speech do they represent? (They are all nouns).
– Who can prove it? (They all answer the questions: Who? What?)
– The main goal of our lesson: to find out why we ask the question who? What about others?

5. Topic movement

– Let’s write down the title of our lesson, which contains the main idea of ​​our work, and explain the punctuation marks in this sentence.
Animated means alive... (We will put a dash in the sentence, since a dash is always placed before the words “this”, “here”, “means”).
– Why did they put an ellipsis at the end of the sentence?

“Page of History” (From the history of punctuation marks, the student gives a little information about ellipses).

Student message.

M.V. Lomonosov, the creator of the first Russian grammar, called this sign “ellipsis”. An ellipsis placed at the end of a sentence suggests that the thought is unsaid, unsaid.

– So, in the process of work we must finalize, that is, continue the thought in the form of reflection, reasoning.

Animated means alive... We are surrounded by different objects in the world. Among them there are those who live, breathe, move. This means they are alive or animate.

- Let's go back to our vocabulary dictation and find all the animate nouns. Let's highlight them with one line. Think out loud! Giraffe, pike, craftswomen, bee - these are animate nouns, because they answer the question Who?. They move, they breathe, they live.

Vocabulary work.

– Who are the craftswomen? Let's look into the explanatory dictionary. Craftswomen– these are people who have achieved high art in their field.
– Let’s make a sentence so that it contains a comparison or phraseological turn with the word

Lacemakers work like bees.

– Let us explain the meaning of this phraseological unit. (Very hard).

"Linguistic experiment"

- Let's think and think out loud! Let's look at our words and find out: do linguists and biologists have the same opinion about living things? Let's prove it. (From the point of view of biologists, sprouts and shoots are living organisms, because they live, breathe, grow. Our historical ancestors also considered a tree, a tulip, a stone to be alive).

Conclusion: Linguists now consider as animate only those who... (continue my thought further) know how to move: people, insects, animals.

– What does living, animate mean? Let's highlight the root in the word animate - -shower- (One who lives, breathes, has spirit, breath, the ability to move).
- Let's name inanimate nouns. What do they mean? (They depict the “inanimate world”: the plant world, the objective world).

6. Consolidation

– Now let’s try to divide the words into two columns.

Young man, fungus, monster, child, face (meaning “part of the body”), violet, slob, moss, feather grass, swallow, swift, hare, goat, bear, bee.

Who? What?

Youth Mushroom
Monster Face
Child Violet
Sloppy Moss
Swallow Feather grass

– What are the names of the words in the first and second columns?

Remember: All nouns are divided into inanimate and animate. Animate nouns denote persons and animals and answer the question WHO?
Inanimate nouns denote objects, plants, and inanimate phenomena. They answer the question WHAT?
– Do you think names are animate or inanimate?
– Name the heroes of literary works (stories, novels, etc.) you have read.
– Do you think THESE proper names are animate and inanimate nouns?
– To what category of nouns (animate or inanimate) do the names of Russian heroes belong? fairy tales(Baba Yaga, Koschey the Immortal, Serpent Gorynych)?

7. Physical education minute

They stood up together - one, two, three -
We are now heroes.
We'll put our palms to our eyes,
Let's spread our strong legs,
Turning to the right
Let's look around majestically.
And you need to go left too
Look from under your palms,
And to the right. And further
Over the left shoulder.
Bowed left, right
It turns out great!

– Do you think it is easy to distinguish between animate and inanimate nouns? Not always, you can make a mistake. Let's look at this with specific examples.

1. There are no foxes in our zoo. (R.P.)
2. I saw funny little foxes. (V.P.)
3. I picked a basket of chanterelles. (R.P.)
4. Collected red chanterelles. (V.P.)


Matching plural endings in Gen. and Vin. case is a sign of animation, and discrepancy is a sign of inanimateness.
– How will we recognize animate and inanimate nouns?

"Knot for memory"

Remember: You need to know the gender of nouns in order to:

1. Correctly ask them the question (WHO or WHAT?).
2. Correctly form the Accusative case form of masculine and neuter nouns in the singular and all genders in the plural.

Exercise: Put these nouns into the form Vin. singular and plural: zoo, forest, deer, flock, dream, sparrow.

8. Working with the textbook

Let’s read the additional material in the textbook “Take Note”, page 263 (textbook edited by M.M. Razumovskaya.)

– What new things did you learn from the textbook material? (Masculine and masculine nouns are mainly animated. female gender. There are very few animate neuter nouns: child, animal, mammal, insect, monster, creature, monster. Nouns denoting plurality and answering the question what? are inanimate.)

– Let’s verbally make sentences with the following nouns... (My family consists of three people.) See exercise 673
– The division of nouns into animate and inanimate does not always coincide with the scientific idea of ​​living nature.
– What category of nouns are:

1. Names of figures in checkers, chess ( queen, pawn, knight, queen)?
2. ...names of religious objects (God , angel, saint, brownie, water, goblin)?
3. ...names of microorganisms in professional speech ( ciliate-slipper, microbe)?
4. ...designations (characteristics) of people through the names of objects ( rag, mattress, stump and etc.)
5. ...designations of the dead ( deceased, corpse, corpse).

– In all cases we are talking about animate objects, except for the word corpse!
- We work with text.

Nature is a magician. She not only gives us joy, but also creates amazing things. You just have to bend down and look for them.

Assignment to the text.

1. Let's explain punctuation marks.
2. Let’s name “error-dangerous” places in words.

– What artistic technique does the author use? ? (Personification. The author compares nature with a living wizard.)
- Which helpful advice can be extracted from this text? (The author reminds us that we need to take care of all living things that surround us. We must be attentive and observant to the world around us.)

“Take note!”

IN fiction and in folklore the PERSONALIZATION TECHNIQUE is widely used - images of inanimate beings as living ones. Remember that in fairy tales not only the goldfish and the clattering fly can speak, but also the mirror. Examples: “And the forest stands there, smiling,” “The sky was already breathing in autumn,” “the sensitive reeds are dozing.”

– Orally perform the exercise. 675.

Let's solve a grammar problem.

"Find the odd one out."

1. Cabbage, newspaper, driver.
2. Plant, proposal, doll.
3. Ace, jack, kids.
4. Waterman, water, driver.

Slide show. Frames depicting objects of the living and inanimate world are shown. ( Annex 1 )

9. Let's summarize the lesson

– Let’s summarize the results of our linguistic research (i.e. scientific study) Topics. Let's draw a scientific conclusion based on the reference words.

The world around us is rich and diverse. We are surrounded by living and inanimate objects. Animated are those that have the ability to move. They answer the question who?
Plants and natural phenomena are inanimate world. These are inanimate nouns, they answer the question what?

What we learned:

1. We learned that animate nouns answer the question WHO? And inanimate ones - to the question WHAT?
2. Coincidence of plural endings in Gen. and Vin. cases is a sign of animation, and discrepancy is a sign of inanimateness.
3. The words doll, dead, dead, ace, jack, trump refer to animate nouns.
4. Inanimate nouns include the words: people, crowd, platoon, flock, group, youth, peasantry, children, etc. All of them denote plurality.

10. Homework. Add text.

Why do you need to know this?
– The absent-minded person from Basseynaya Street does not understand why it is so important to know whether this noun is animate or not, and does not want to learn the rules.
Please explain to HIM why this is necessary.

11. Grading


1. Sergey Yesenin. Poems. Moscow. Publishing house " Soviet Russia", 1985
2. M.S. Lapatukhin, E.V.Skorlupovskaya, G.P.Snetova. School Dictionary Russian language. M.: Education, 1998, p.179.
3. OK. Skorokhod. Vocabulary work in Russian language lessons. M.: Education, 1990.
4. Russian language. 5th grade. Textbook for general education institutions. Edited by Dr. pedagogical sciences M. M. Razumovskaya, Doctor of Philology P. A. Lekant. M.: Bustard, 1998, pp. 263-266.


  • Subject: organize student activities to familiarize themselves with animate and inanimate nouns.
  • Metasubject:
    • educational: the ability to distinguish between animate and inanimate nouns;
    • regulatory: organize your activities; evaluate the results of your work in class and the work of your friends;
    • communicative: develop the ability to enter into dialogue with the teacher, peers, and participate in conversation; realize joint activities in pairs, in groups, taking into account specific educational and cognitive tasks.
  • Personal: developing a positive attitude towards cognitive activity, the desire to acquire new knowledge, to promote the development in students of an awareness of the practical and personal significance of the educational material being studied.

Type of training session: training session on studying and primary consolidation of new material


I. Organizing time

Exhale anxiety, sadness, bad thoughts. Inspire joy and confidence in your strength. You will succeed!

Guys! Are you ready for the lesson?
I hope for you, friends,
So that the lesson is not in vain.

To make the lesson interesting and educational, your help is needed. I want to take thinking, active students with me. Who's ready to work hard? I will ask these guys to sit down.

II. Preparation for work at the main stage

Today in class we are working with self-assessment sheets. After completing the task, evaluate your work yourself. ( Annex 1)

1. Calligraphy

1) Work in pairs

Take a good look at this entry:

rich - poor
health - ….
distant -...
slow - …
bright - …
small - …

If you correctly formulate and complete the task, you will find out which letter we will write today during the penmanship minute. (It is necessary to select words with the opposite meaning, antonyms)
- That’s right, choose antonym words, but one condition is that these words must begin with the same letter. ( Appendix 4. Slide 2)
- Have you guessed what letter we will write during the penmanship minute? (letter B)
- What sound does the letter B make? (consonant, voiced, paired according to deafness-voiceness, can be hard or soft)

2) Letter letters BB bb
3) Self-esteem.

III. Self-determination for activity

Read the words

Sparrow, pencil case, cucumber, girl, cow, teacher, computer.

- What do these words have in common?
- What do we know about nouns?
- Divide them into two groups, we work in pairs. Add two examples of your own to each group.
- On what basis did you divide the words? (Words that answer the question who?, and words that answer the question what?)
Who? (Animate nouns)
- What are the names of the words that answer the question? What? (Inanimate nouns)
- Evaluate your work in self-assessment sheets
- Can you guess what the topic of today's lesson is called?
- What will we learn on this topic? (slide 3)

IV. Stage of assimilation of new knowledge and methods of action

I have prepared tasks for you that will help improve your ability to distinguish between animate and inanimate objects, and will help develop memory, attention, and thinking.

Problem situation(slide 4)

Guitar, mouse, rose, dog, wheel, tit

The first option is to write down animate nouns, and the second option is to write down inanimate nouns (the work is done independently)
- What words did you write down in option 1? Why?
- What words did you write down in option 2? Why?
- Now let’s check our answers. (Slide 5)
- What did you notice?
- What's wrong with your answers? (Words mouse and rose written in 1 and 2 columns)
- Why do you think?
- In the first column, what is the meaning of the word mouse? And in the second? (In the 1st column - an animal, in the 2nd column - a computer mouse)
- What about the word rose? (In the 1st column there is a girl Rose, and in the second column there is a rose flower)
Conclusion: There are many words in the Russian language that can be animate or inanimate. They change their lexical meaning depending on the sentence in which they are used. Such words have a specific name - polysemantic. (Slide 6)

V. Physical education minute

Your eyes need a rest. (Guys close their eyes)
You need to take a deep breath. (Deep breath. Eyes still closed)
The eyes will run around. (Eyes are open. Movement of the pupil in a circle clockwise and counterclockwise)
Blink many, many times (Frequent blinking of eyes)
My eyes felt good. (Light touch with fingertips closed eyes)
Everyone will see my eyes! (Eyes wide open. Wide smile on face)

VI. The stage of consolidating new knowledge and methods of action

1. Work in groups

The envelopes contain words that need to be divided into animate and inanimate nouns. ( Appendix 2)

Caterpillar, book, iceberg, sailor, table, aster, dolphin, jellyfish, steamboat, smoke, whale, tulip.

2. Independent work (multi-level task)

And now it is offered to you last task, with which I can check how much you have mastered the material of today's lesson.
- You have cards of two colors on the tables, you need to choose a task according to your strength.

Words are given if the word answers the question who? Write down the letter O (animate objects) at the top if the word answers the question what? write the letter H (inanimate objects).

Starling, house, bed, Olya, bucket, tiger, car, window, flowers, student, driver, goose, mushroom picker, TV.

Card No. 2

Given words with missing spellings, you need to insert the necessary letters, and then, having asked a question, write down the desired letter on top if the word answers the question who? Write down the letter O (animate objects) at the top if the word answers the question what? write the letter H (inanimate objects)., in...yes, moro..., f...raf, daughter(?)ka, ch...ynik, Olen...ka, chick(?)chick, d...horns,, s...nitsa, ch...ynik , k...tenk.

Select a card, sign and get to work (Cards are checked after the lesson by the teacher)

VII. Reflection of activity

What new did you learn in the lesson?
- What did you study?
- Which task did you like best?
- Where will you use the acquired knowledge?

Working with self-assessment sheets.

Russian language lesson on the topic: Animate and inanimate nouns. 3rd grade.


    Subject: organize student activities to familiarize themselves with animate and inanimate nouns.


    • educational: the ability to distinguish between animate and inanimate nouns;

      regulatory: organize your activities; evaluate the results of your work in class and the work of your friends;

      communicative: develop the ability to enter into dialogue with the teacher, peers, and participate in conversation; carry out joint activities in pairs and groups, taking into account specific educational and cognitive tasks.

    Personal: the formation of a positive attitude towards cognitive activity, the desire to acquire new knowledge, to promote the development in students of an awareness of the practical and personal significance of the educational material being studied.

Type of training session: training session on studying and primary consolidation of new material


I. Organizational moment

– Exhale anxiety, sadness, bad thoughts. Inspire joy and confidence in your strength. You will succeed!

Guys! Are you ready for the lesson?
I hope for you, friends,
So that the lesson is not in vain.

– To make the lesson interesting and informative, your help is needed. I want to take thinking, active students with me. Who's ready to work hard? I will ask these guys to sit down.

II. Preparation for work at the main stage

– Today in class we are working with self-assessment sheets. After completing the task, evaluate your work yourself. ( Annex 1 )

Task type



Work in pairs (distributing words into groups)

Independent work on options (problem situation)

Work in groups.

Independent work using cards.

1. Calligraphy

1) Work in pairs

– Look carefully at this entry:

rich - poor
health - ….
distant -...
slow - …
bright - …
small - …

– If you correctly formulate and complete the task, you will find out what letter we will write today during the penmanship minute. (It is necessary to select words with the opposite meaning, antonyms)
– That’s right, choose antonym words, but one condition is that these words must begin with the same letter. ( Appendix 4 . Slide 2)
– Have you guessed what letter we will write during the penmanship minute? (letter B)
– What sound does the letter B make? (consonant, voiced, paired according to deafness-voiceness, can be hard or soft)

2) Letter letters BB bb
3) Self-esteem.

III. Self-determination for activity

– Read the words

Sparrow, pencil case, cucumber, girl, cow, teacher, computer.

– What do these words have in common?
– What do we know about nouns?
– Divide them into two groups, we work in pairs. Add two examples of your own to each group.
– On what basis did you divide the words? (Words that answer the question who?, and words that answer the question what?)
Who? (Animate nouns)
– What are the names of the words that answer the question? What? (Inanimate nouns)
– Evaluate your work on self-assessment sheets
– Can you guess what the topic of today’s lesson is called?
– What will we learn on this topic? (slide 3)

IV. Stage of assimilation of new knowledge and methods of action

– I have prepared tasks for you that will help improve your ability to distinguish between animate and inanimate objects, will help develop memory, attention, and thinking.

Problem situation(slide 4)

Guitar, mouse, rose, dog, wheel, tit

– The first option is to write down animate nouns, and the second option is to write down inanimate nouns (the work is done independently)
– What words did you write down in option 1? Why?
– What words did Option 2 write down? Why?
- Now let’s check our answers. (Slide 5)
– What did you notice?
– What’s wrong with your answers? (Wordsmouse and rose written in 1 and 2 columns)
– Why do you think?
– In the first column, what is the meaning of the word mouse? And in the second? (In the 1st column - an animal, in the 2nd column - a computer mouse)
- What about the word rose? (In the 1st column there is a girl Rose, and in the second column there is a rose flower)
Conclusion: There are many words in the Russian language that can be animate or inanimate. They change their lexical meaning depending on the sentence in which they are used. Such words have a specific name - ambiguous. (Slide 6)

V. Physical education minute

Your eyes need a rest. (Guys close their eyes)
You need to take a deep breath. (Deep breath. Eyes still closed)
The eyes will run around. (Eyes are open. Movement of the pupil in a circle clockwise and counterclockwise)
Blink many, many times (Frequent blinking of eyes)
My eyes felt good. (Lightly touch closed eyes with fingertips)
Everyone will see my eyes! (Eyes wide open. Wide smile on face)

VI. The stage of consolidating new knowledge and methods of action

1. Work in groups

The envelopes contain words that need to be divided into animate and inanimate nouns. ( Appendix 2 )

Caterpillar, book, iceberg, sailor, table, aster, dolphin, jellyfish, steamboat, smoke, whale, tulip.

2. Independent work(multi-level task)

– And now I offer you the last task, with the help of which I can check how much you have mastered the material of today’s lesson.
– You have cards of two colors on the tables, you need to choose a task according to your strength.

Card No. 1 (Appendix 3 )

Words are given if the word answers the question who? Write down the letter O (animate objects) at the top if the word answers the question what? write the letter H (inanimate objects).

Starling, house, bed, Olya, bucket, tiger, car, window, flowers, student, driver, goose, mushroom picker, TV.

Card No. 2

Given words with missing spellings, you need to insert the necessary letters, and then, having asked a question, write down the desired letter on top if the word answers the question who? Write down the letter O (animate objects) at the top if the word answers the question what? write the letter H (inanimate objects)., in...yes, moro..., f...raf, daughter(?)ka, ch...ynik, Olen...ka, chick(?)chick, d...horns,, s...nitsa, ch...ynik , k...tenk.

– Select a card, sign and get to work (Checking cards is carried out after the lesson by the teacher)

VII. Reflection of activity

– What new things did you learn in the lesson?
– What did you study?
– Which task did you like best?
– Where will you use the acquired knowledge?

Working with self-assessment sheets.

Animate objects

Animate objects

ANIMATE OBJECTS . Objects with the ability of voluntary movement, i.e. people and animals, in contrast to inanimate objects and abstract or abstract concepts, i.e. signs of objects considered in abstraction from the objects themselves. In Russian category O.P. on the one hand and inanimate. objects and abstract concepts, on the other hand, differ grammatically in that masculine nouns and adjectives agreed with them in the singular and nouns and adjectives in the plural, which are names of O.P., have one common form for the accusative and genitive cases, different from forms nominative case, and masculine nouns and adjectives in the singular and nouns and adjectives in the plural, which are names of inanimate objects and abstract concepts, have a common form for the nominative and accusative cases, different from the form genitive case. The grammatical distinction between nouns denoting animate objects and nouns denoting inanimate objects and abstract concepts exists in other Slavic languages, and is also known in some non-Slavic languages, for example, Scandinavian.

N.D. Literary encyclopedia: Dictionary of literary terms: In 2 volumes / Edited by N. Brodsky, A. Lavretsky, E. Lunin, V. Lvov-Rogachevsky, M. Rozanov, V. Cheshikhin-Vetrinsky. - M.; L.: Publishing house L. D. Frenkel, 1925

See what “Animate Objects” are in other dictionaries:

    Animate objects- ANIMATE OBJECTS. Objects with the ability of voluntary movement, i.e. people and animals, in contrast to inanimate objects and abstract or abstract concepts, i.e. signs of objects considered in abstraction from... ...

    animate objects- Objects that have the ability of voluntary movement, i.e. people and animals, as opposed to inanimate objects and abstract or abstract concepts”, i.e., signs of objects considered in abstraction from the objects themselves. In Russian …

    INANIMATE OBJECTS. Things or objects that do not have the ability of voluntary movement, i.e. all objects except people and animals. See animate objects. Literary Encyclopedia: Dictionary of Literary Terms: In 2 volumes / Under... ... Literary encyclopedia

    Inanimate objects- INANIMATE OBJECTS. Things or objects that do not have the ability of voluntary movement, i.e. all objects except people and animals. See Inanimate Objects... Dictionary of literary terms

    inanimate objects- Things or objects that do not have the ability of voluntary movement, i.e. all objects except people and animals. See Inanimate Objects... Grammar Dictionary: Grammar and linguistic terms

    Noun endings- 1. In nouns that have before case endings vowel and, written in the prepositional case singular (for words female also in the dative case) the letter and, for example: about a genius, in Gogol’s “Viya”, on a billiard cue, to sisters... ... A reference book on spelling and style

    A reference book on spelling and style

    Gender of indeclinable nouns- 1. Words denoting inanimate objects. Undeclinable names Nouns of foreign origin denoting inanimate objects, for the most part, belong to the neuter gender, for example: healing aloe, Scotch whiskey, ... ... A reference book on spelling and style

    1) Lexico grammatical category name of a noun, inherent in all nouns (with the exception of words used only in the plural), syntactically independent, manifested in their ability to be combined with certain ones for ... Dictionary of linguistic terms


  • , Vadbolskaya Anna. Some items that we enjoy using don’t require complicated instructions for use. A pencil, for example, or a ball. Or our game is a real treasure for those who...

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