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Days of creation of the world and living beings. For a very, very long time there was nothing, there was not even the Earth itself, but there was complete darkness, cold, emptiness - and only one almighty God. God began by creating the heavens and the earth. But they didn't have it yet certain type, and, as the Bible says, only the Spirit of God hovered over the waters. Then God separated the light from the darkness and called the light day and the darkness night.

The first day of the creation of the world.
From Kedmonovskaya
manuscripts, ca. 1000 g

On the second day, God created a firmament that divided the water so that part of the water was above it, and part was below it. He called this firmament the sky [more accurate meaning of the Hebrew word translated as “firmament of the sky” is “gaseous layer”].

On the third day, God gathered the water that was under the sky into one place, and dry land appeared. He called it earth, and the waters seas. God liked what he created, and according to his desire, grass and trees grew on the earth. And God saw that it was good.

On the fourth day, God created the luminaries to give light to the earth and separate day from night. Days, months, and years could be counted by the luminaries. The big one shone during the day, the smaller one gave light at night, and the stars helped it.

On the fifth day, God took care of living beings. First, fish, aquatic animals and birds were created. God liked them all, and he wished that there would be as many of them as possible.

God creates a helper for himself. On the sixth day, God created creatures that were supposed to live on land: cattle, snakes, and wild animals. But He had many other things to do, and He created an assistant for Himself - a man. Outwardly, he had to resemble God himself. And just as God rules over the whole world, so man had to rule over the whole earth and all living creatures. God created from dust earthly man and breathed life into him, and after some time created a woman (we will find out exactly how later). And God blessed them, saying: “Fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that walks and crawls on the earth.”

God looked at the heaven and earth he created, and he liked everything created. On the seventh day God rested from his labors. And He decided that from now on every seventh day would be a holiday.

Creation of the world.
From a manuscript of the late 13th century.

Adam in heaven. Eve.

Adam had to care for and protect the Garden of Eden. He could eat fruit from all the trees except one: God forbade him to touch the “tree of the knowledge of good and evil,” saying that Adam would die as soon as he ate fruit from this tree.

Adam was bored alone, and then God ordered all living creatures to come, fly, crawl, and swim to the man, and Adam gave them all names and found himself an assistant among them. Adam called all the animals, birds, fish and reptiles by their names, but there was no one among them who could help man in everything. Adam got bored again. God took pity on him, put him to sleep, and while Adam was sleeping, he took out one of his rib and created a woman from it. Then He brought her to the man and woke him up. Adam was very happy and decided that now this woman, a part of himself, would be his wife and helper.

The story of Adam and Eve begins in the Garden of Eden, where events unfold that will later affect all of humanity.

The life of Adam and Eve is divided into before and after, into joyful and sad events. Start over.

The Great God had a plan to create man like Himself.

And God said: Let us make man in our image, after our likeness, and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that moves on the earth. (Gen.1:26)

For this purpose, He created a magnificent garden called Eden, which had everything necessary for a happy life.

From the dust of the ground the Lord created the body of Adam. This name means “red clay” or “earth”. But the man did not yet have the breath of life; his body was lifeless.

Who is Adam

When the Creator breathed the breath of life into him, Adam's body became alive, having spirit and soul.

This is how the first man appeared, created in the image and likeness of God, the crown of creation. God clothed him with an unfading garment (that does not wear out), the radiance of glory.

And the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul. (Gen.2:7)

Adam lived in the garden, surrounded by beauty and splendor - it was a real paradise. He was surrounded by animals, which he would give names to a little later. The Lord told the man to reign and take care of the garden.

Seeing that Adam had no helper, God created a woman from his rib, who would be called Eve.

Life-changing events

The Lord blessed his creation and commanded it to be fruitful and multiply, to eat everything except the fruits from one tree.

And the Lord God commanded the man, saying: Of every tree of the garden thou shalt eat, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil thou shalt not eat of it, for in the day that thou eatest of it thou shalt die. (Gen.2:16-17)

We must not forget that Adam and Eve were without spot or blemish, and they did not know grief and tears, quarrels, insults, anger and disappointments. Their life was in love and peace, without stress and worries, in communication with the Creator Himself.

Adam's promising life changed with the advent of disobedience to God. Man has lost his glorious clothing and lost fellowship with God. Fear, illness, shame, disappointment, evil, quarrels, disagreements, murder came into his life - all this is a manifestation of sin.

Since all humanity came from Adam, it inherited the consequences of sin until today.

Living outside the garden, man had a hard time, but he fulfilled God’s command to be fruitful and multiply, and evidence of this is you and me, and the people around us.


Sin still enslaves man today. This would have continued until humanity destroyed itself, if the Lord had not found a solution to return man back to the life that God had prepared for him.

Jesus Christ, the Last Adam, paid the price and became the salvation of mankind.

Adam's days were all 930 years, and his story shows us an example of God's love and wisdom.

July 10, 2018, at 1:50 p.m.

The ancestors of mankind - man and woman - were created "in the image and likeness of God" at the end of the sixth day of creation, and were given dominion over all the earth and living things.

Man was created in the image of God both in appearance and in character. God fashioned man from the “dust of the ground,” breathed life into his nostrils, and placed him in the Garden of Eden. Later, God put Adam to sleep, took one of his ribs and created from him the first woman - Eve, who became the wife of the first man. The fact that Eve was created from a rib taken from Adam meant that she would neither dominate him nor be humbled by him, but would be his equal, loved and protected by him. Part of himself, bone of his bones and flesh of his flesh, she was his second self. This spoke of how close and tender the connection between them should be.

Man created by God had majestic stature and impeccable proportions. His face, marked with a healthy blush, expressed contentment and joy. Adam was much taller than the modern inhabitants of the earth. Eve is slightly lower than Adam, noble and beautiful. The sinless couple did not wear any artificial clothing; like the angels, they were clothed in a blaze of light and glory. Now the process of creating the earth was completed.

Among the Garden of Eden were two special trees: the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.

The Tree of Life is a special tree planted by God in the middle of the Garden of Eden. It bears fruit 12 times a year, which are given eternal life, and has leaves for the healing of nations. The fruits of the Tree of Life were not prohibited for man to eat in the Garden of Eden.

The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil was also planted by God in the middle of the Garden of Eden. It symbolizes knowledge, first of all, of ethical categories, the ability to consciously choose between Good and Evil.

The Lord allowed Adam to eat “from every tree in the garden” and only forbade him to eat the fruits of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, warning him that the consequence of disobedience would be death. God threatens Adam with death for disobedience.

The serpent, who “was more cunning than all the beasts of the field that the Lord God had created,” used tricks and cunning to convince Eve to try the fruit of the forbidden Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. The woman hesitated at first, but curiosity and desires to be like God took over and she succumbed to the serpent’s persuasion, violating the will of the Lord: “And the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes and desirable because it gave knowledge.” . When she tasted the fruits, it seemed to her as if some life-giving force was pouring into her and leading her into the higher spheres of existence. Without fear, Eve picked and ate the fruit. Experiencing some strange, unnatural excitement, Eve picked fruit from the forbidden tree and went to look for her husband in the garden. She told him about her feelings, assuring him that she had not experienced any manifestations of God's displeasure, but, on the contrary, felt highest degree a pleasant cheerfulness that took over her entire being. A terrible struggle was taking place in his soul. Adam decided to share her fate with Eve: if she had to die, they would die together. Eve standing before him was beautiful and as innocent in appearance as she had been before her disobedience. Her love for Adam became even more intense. He took the fruit and quickly ate it.

The offense was followed by punishment: the Serpent was cursed, deprived of arms and legs, and also doomed to crawl on his stomach and eat dust; a woman was determined to “bear children in illness” and be subordinate to her husband; the man was assigned to work with sorrow and by the sweat of his brow all the days of his life on the earth, which was “cursed for his sake.” People have ceased to be immortal and after death must return to the earth in the form of dust, from which Adam was created.

After this, God made clothes for people and sent man out of the Garden of Eden “to till the ground from which he was taken.” To prevent people from tasting the fruits of the Tree of Life, a cherub and a “flaming sword that turned around” were placed at the entrance.

Eve conceived and gave birth to Cain. Then Eve conceived again and gave birth to a second son, Abel. Then she gave birth to her daughter Avan.

Abel was a cattle breeder, and his brother Cain was a farmer. The conflict began with a sacrifice to God made by both brothers. Abel sacrificed the firstborn heads of his flock, and Cain sacrificed the fruits of the ground. God graciously accepted only Abel’s sacrifice, but did not despise Cain and his gift. Cain's sacrifice to the Lord was not made out of love, but out of negligence and was therefore rejected. There was no love in the soul of the sacrificer for the One who accepted the offering. Cain became very upset and his face fell. After this, Cain killed Abel.

After committing a crime, Cain is subjected to God's curse and expelled. At the same time, a ban was imposed on revenge on Cain himself. Cain took his sister Avan as his wife. The descendants of Abel and Cain died during the Flood.

At the age of 130, Adam and Eve had a third son, Seth. Eve gave birth to her third son, Seth, after Cain killed Abel and after God cursed Cain and his offspring. Seth lived 912 years and gave birth to a son, Enos. Various legends attribute the invention of writing to Seth, or to his children the invention of astronomy and other sciences. At the end of his life, Adam conveyed the secret teaching to Seth. Seth was the ancestor of Noah and thereby became one of the ancestors of all humanity. Seth is mentioned in the genealogy of Jesus Christ.

An asteroid discovered in 1876 is named after Eve.

Every person who has at least a superficial understanding of the Faith knows the story of Adam and Eve. Their names are mentioned in the most ancient part of the Old Testament - the book of Genesis. The ancient events described in this biblical legend influenced the lives of all people on earth.

Creation of the first people

On the sixth day of the creation of the world, God created man from the dust of the earth, who was given the name Adam. Literally translated from Hebrew, it means “red.” Apparently, this word is a derivative of adamah - earth (red soil). Thus, the name of the first person directly indicates the way he appeared on Earth.

The story of Adam and Eve begins in the Garden of Eden

Cain, the eldest son, was engaged in cultivating plants. His younger brother Abel raised cattle. He led a righteous life, often prayed, and reverence and love for the Lord and loved ones lived in his soul. Cain did not think about spiritual improvement, but sought only personal gain. His soul was filled with anger, pride and envy. Succumbing to these vices, he killed younger brother, having made one of the most serious sins- fratricide. As punishment, the All-Seeing God doomed the fratricide to lifelong wandering around the world and constant remorse.

Abel and Cain - the first sons of Adam and Eve

Cain and his wife Awan had a son, Enoch, whose descendants are mentioned in Old Testament until the time of the Great Flood. The murder committed by Cain led to the emergence of the greatest grief in the life of mankind - loss loved one. Struck by the terrible news, Eve experienced severe mental suffering, but the All-Merciful Lord gave her another son - Seth, whose descendant was the pious Noah.

In total, Adam had 3 sons and an unknown number of daughters during his 930 years of life. The resting place of the progenitor of mankind is not precisely known. There are two versions on this issue:

  • in the Jewish tradition, Judea is considered the burial place of Adam;
  • Christians place the grave of the first man on Mount Golgotha.

Eve lived six more days after her husband's death. Before her death, she bequeathed to immortalize the story of their life in stone.

The story of Adam and Eve in world mythology

The Old Testament biblical legend about the first people is based on the Sumerian myth of the creation of man. On clay cuneiform tablets, compiled 2 thousand years before the birth of the Savior, there is an inscription about the creation of a couple of people by the god Hao. From the same source it follows that the plot of the temptation of a woman by a serpent and eating the fruit from the forbidden tree, as well as the subsequent expulsion from the Garden of Eden and the appearance of cherubim guards in it, are also borrowed from Assyro-Babylonian culture.

A legend about the origin of humanity, similar to the Jewish one, exists among the Persian peoples. Supreme God Ormuzd created the progenitor of humanity by combining the four main elements and placing part of his immortal soul in him. Having thus created man and woman, he placed them on the golden mountain in the Garden of Eden. The Supreme Maiden - Ahriman - seduced the ancestors to taste the fruit from the tree of eternal life. People were expelled from Paradise, and golden mountain Large vultures began to guard.

Interesting: the myth about the creation of the first couple of people by the demiurge god exists among many peoples of the world from Australia to South America. All of them contain the image of the tempting serpent, who is the personification of evil forces.

Interesting about Orthodoxy:

Adam and Eve in the Koran

Judeo-Christian ideas about the origin of the first people, in a partially modified form, became part of Islamic teaching. According to the holy book of Muslims, Adam is not only the first person, but also the first in a series of prophets who preceded the appearance of Muhammad. Allah created him from a mixture of clay and water and breathed part of himself into him.

God elevated man above all his other creatures, forcing even the angels of heaven to recognize the primacy of Adam. But one of them - the genie Iblis - did not want to submit to the will of the Creator, and was overthrown from Heaven by him.

As in Christian tradition, the first woman was created from a man's rib. Adam and Havwa lived in paradise until they violated Allah's prohibition to eat fruits from the forbidden tree. They were seduced into this act by the insidious Iblis, who penetrated into the Garden of Eden. As punishment, the first people were separated and expelled from paradise to earth. For 200 years, the first people traveled alone across the earth and prayed to Allah for mercy.

The Creator forgave them and ordered them to perform the Hajj to Mecca. Here the first prophet built a building made of black stone - the Kaaba, to which he made regular pilgrimages.

The Koran says that Adam and Hawwa had 39 children, 38 of whom were born in pairs. IN Islamic tradition It is generally accepted that Adam lived 2 thousand years and was buried near Mecca. After the Flood, his body was transferred to Jerusalem to Mount Golgotha.

Interesting: it was Adam who received the first commandments from Allah, on which all Islamic teachings are based. They were conveyed to the first prophet and teacher by the Archangel Gabriel (compared to the Christian Michael).

Bible story, which tells about the life of the ancestors of mankind - Adam and Eve, teaches modern people that the Lord created people for a grace-filled life in unity with him. But it depends only on a person’s free will whether he will follow the righteous path or succumb to sinful temptations.

Creation of Adam and Eve

Adam and Eve

The ancestors of mankind - man and woman - were created "in the image and likeness of God" at the end of the sixth day of creation, and were given dominion over all the earth and living things.

Man was created in the image of God both in appearance and in character. God fashioned man from the “dust of the ground,” breathed life into his nostrils, and placed him in the Garden of Eden. Later, God put Adam to sleep, took one of his ribs and created from him the first woman - Eve, who became the wife of the first man. The fact that Eve was created from a rib taken from Adam meant that she would neither dominate him nor be humbled by him, but would be his equal, loved and protected by him. Part of himself, bone of his bones and flesh of his flesh, she was his second self. This spoke of how close and tender the connection between them should be.

Man created by God had majestic stature and impeccable proportions. His face, marked with a healthy blush, expressed contentment and joy. Adam was much taller than the modern inhabitants of the earth. Eve is slightly lower than Adam, noble and beautiful. The sinless couple did not wear any artificial clothing; like the angels, they were clothed in a blaze of light and glory. Now the process of creating the earth was completed.

Among the Garden of Eden were two special trees: the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.

The Tree of Life is a special tree planted by God in the middle of the Garden of Eden. It bears fruit 12 times a year, which gives eternal life, and has leaves for healing the nations. The fruits of the Tree of Life were not prohibited for man to eat in the Garden of Eden.

The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil was also planted by God in the middle of the Garden of Eden. It symbolizes knowledge, first of all, of ethical categories, the ability to consciously choose between Good and Evil.

The Lord allowed Adam to eat “from every tree in the garden” and only forbade him to eat the fruits of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, warning him that the consequence of disobedience would be death. God threatens Adam with death for disobedience.

The serpent, who “was more cunning than all the beasts of the field that the Lord God had created,” used tricks and cunning to convince Eve to try the fruit of the forbidden Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. The woman hesitated at first, but curiosity and desires to be like God took over and she succumbed to the serpent’s persuasion, violating the will of the Lord: “And the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes and desirable because it gave knowledge.” . When she tasted the fruits, it seemed to her as if some life-giving force was pouring into her and leading her into the higher spheres of existence. Without fear, Eve picked and ate the fruit. Experiencing some strange, unnatural excitement, Eve picked fruit from the forbidden tree and went to look for her husband in the garden. She told him about her feelings, assuring him that she had not experienced any manifestations of God's displeasure, but, on the contrary, felt an extremely pleasant cheerfulness that had taken over her entire being. A terrible struggle was taking place in his soul. Adam decided to share her fate with Eve: if she had to die, they would die together. Eve standing before him was beautiful and as innocent in appearance as she had been before her disobedience. Her love for Adam became even more intense. He took the fruit and quickly ate it.

The offense was followed by punishment: the Serpent was cursed, deprived of arms and legs, and also doomed to crawl on his stomach and eat dust; a woman was determined to “bear children in illness” and be subordinate to her husband; the man was assigned to work with sorrow and by the sweat of his brow all the days of his life on the earth, which was “cursed for his sake.” People have ceased to be immortal and after death must return to the earth in the form of dust, from which Adam was created.

After this, God made clothes for people and sent man out of the Garden of Eden “to till the ground from which he was taken.” To prevent people from tasting the fruits of the Tree of Life, a cherub and a “flaming sword that turned around” were placed at the entrance.

Eve conceived and gave birth to Cain. Then Eve conceived again and gave birth to a second son, Abel. Then she gave birth to her daughter Avan.

Abel was a cattle breeder, and his brother Cain was a farmer. The conflict began with a sacrifice to God made by both brothers. Abel sacrificed the firstborn heads of his flock, and Cain sacrificed the fruits of the ground. God graciously accepted only Abel’s sacrifice, but did not despise Cain and his gift. Cain's sacrifice to the Lord was not made out of love, but out of negligence and was therefore rejected. There was no love in the soul of the sacrificer for the One who accepted the offering. Cain became very upset and his face fell. After this, Cain killed Abel.

After committing a crime, Cain is subjected to God's curse and expelled. At the same time, a ban was imposed on revenge on Cain himself. Cain took his sister Avan as his wife. The descendants of Abel and Cain died during the Flood.

At the age of 130, Adam and Eve had a third son, Seth. Eve gave birth to her third son, Seth, after Cain killed Abel and after God cursed Cain and his offspring. Seth lived 912 years and gave birth to a son, Enosh. Various legends attribute the invention of writing to Seth, or to his children the invention of astronomy and other sciences. At the end of his life, Adam conveyed the secret teaching to Seth. Seth was the ancestor of Noah and thereby became one of the ancestors of all humanity. Seth is mentioned in the genealogy of Jesus Christ.

An asteroid discovered in 1876 is named after Eve.

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