How to learn hypnosis yourself: exercises and tips. Can an ordinary person master the art of hypnosis? Hypnosis tutorial you will learn quickly

One type of suggestion - instant hypnosis - is encountered by many people in everyday life. Some of them are not aware of such an impact, but use the technique independently on an unconscious level. In medicine, it is often used to treat seriously ill patients who require long-term rehabilitation. Significant factors in hypnotic manipulation are intonation and tempo of the voice.

Areas of application of instant hypnosis

Instant hypnosis differs from the classical technique in the speed of obtaining the desired result. With the help of a special lightning-fast hypnosis technique, unlimited influence is exerted on consciousness. A person is put into a trance state in 2–3 minutes.

Experienced practitioners are able to hypnotize people under different conditions and for a short time. This method is characterized by the use of various effective techniques. They help provoke confusion, loss of control over one’s actions and thoughts, and a state of shock.

The technique of instant hypnosis can be learned. There are a huge number of life circumstances in which the acquired knowledge can be useful. Specialists in various fields of activity use technology to convey their own thoughts and desires to their interlocutor.

These are social workers, lawyers, doctors, teachers, businessmen. They regularly communicate with other people who have a certain social status. This type of hypnosis is often used in advertising or trade.

In these areas of activity you have to direct or subordinate your client. The instant hypnosis technique will definitely come in handy for parents who are trying to find contact with teenagers. Suggestion will help regulate relationships and come to a common opinion.

Nuances of use

Instant hypnosis has unlimited possibilities. It shows a high level of performance and apparent ease. The hypnotist will be able to achieve many of the goals.

Only a complete understanding of instant hypnosis will help you subjugate another person to your own will, force him to do actions that often do not correspond to the desires of the person being suggested. This type of hypnosis is distinguished by its complex execution. A novice practitioner will not be able to put a person into a trance using the quick hypnosis technique.

Many people make the mistake of thinking that instant hypnosis helps to change the character and habits of another person. Not a single programming technique sets completely new and unusual settings for the subconscious. This effect is only possible if a person himself wants to change by changing his thinking.

The presented technique does not help to completely impose your desires and will on other people. Hypnosis opens up enormous possibilities for the practitioner, but they are not limitless. Even when immersed in a deep trance, a person will not perform actions that may contradict common sense. Especially if internal installations pose a threat to life.

Practitioners must remember that rapid hypnosis can only influence people who are highly emotional and have a high degree of hypnotizability. They will respond quickly to installations. Phlegmatic people who lack a rich imagination cannot be hypnotized.

Instant Hypnosis Techniques

The distinctive feature of this technique is that the person is immersed in a deep state of trance at a certain moment. The practitioner must evoke strong feelings. They can be positive or negative.

The effectiveness of instant hypnosis increases under the following conditions:

  • unexpected joy;
  • irritation;
  • strong fear;
  • doubt;
  • uncertainty in making a specific decision.

Such states lead to the fact that a person begins to quickly plunge into a trance. His consciousness is partially shut down, leaving him unable to control his actions. Brain activity is involved in the processes of catalepsy.

While under hypnosis, you can give different instructions. The mentee can follow certain instructions, and the commands are perceived as an immutable truth. When attempts to challenge or comprehend information begin, the subconscious mind turns off.

There is a certain sequence for immersing yourself in a trance state using the instant hypnosis technique:

  • gaining trust;
  • to attract attention;
  • creating a feeling of excitement;
  • submission to one's own will;
  • changing the habitual perception of thoughts and actions.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to additionally use other techniques. The hypnotist selects images and words that promote vivid emotions. The result is severe stress or shock.

You can use sudden movements or sounds that cause fear. To quickly immerse yourself in a trance, confusion of thought processes is used. The information must be mutually exclusive. There are several effective ways to help put a person into a state of rapid hypnosis.

  1. Classic Faria technique. This is a simple and affordable method that has worked well in practice. The person quickly falls into a trance state. You don't need much experience to use it. A hypnologist can have a good effect on people who have an increased degree of suggestibility.
  2. American method. When using this rapid hypnosis technique, the person is given instructions that are accompanied by a slow countdown of time. It takes 40 seconds to put you into a trance. The effectiveness of suggestion is about 93%.

To learn the American method of hypnosis, it is not enough to study various books or watch video tutorials. Theoretical knowledge provides only superficial information. For training you will need the help of a hypnotherapist.

Verbal suggestions

Such suggestions can be direct, indirect and open. If the therapist uses direct suggestion, his intentions are clear. The practitioner explains what he wants to achieve and what his goals are. Direct suggestion is often used during surgery when the patient cannot be given pain relief.

In the case of indirect suggestion, the specialist does not talk about the desired results. Actions will depend on the will of the other person. With indirect suggestion, clarity of thoughts is disrupted. This method is used in cases where it is necessary to direct a person to the path that he is avoiding.

To achieve maximum results, the double bind technique is used in most cases. A person is offered two options to choose from, which he will not be able to distinguish when immersed in a trance. In reality, these options are identical, so the person chooses from two identical offers.

To gain focus on a specific aspect, it is necessary to use the technique of suggestion with the absence of mention. The practitioner begins to list different situations without touching on important topics.

The result is an emphasis on attention. This type of suggestion opens up a wide choice of actions. Psychotherapists often offer several specific frames that you can fill out at your own discretion. This technique involves the use of mobilizing suggestions. In another case, the specialist will provide several answers to choose from.

Nonverbal suggestions

To use the technique of suggestion on a non-verbal level, not words, but gestures are used.

There are several types of techniques:

  1. Catalepsy. The patient needs to take a forced position, which came from the hypnotist. There is catalepsy of the whole body or a separate part of it. It is not recommended to practice this technique frequently.
  2. Pauses. This is one of the important forms of nonverbal suggestion. With the help of short pauses, a specialist will be able to change the meaning of the conversation.
  3. Levitation. When using this technique there is no physical impact. The suggestible person uses his own imagination. The advantage of this type of hypnosis is that it is an easy process of immersion in a trance state.

Levitation is often used in self-hypnosis. In a state of hypnosis, you feel lightness, joy and comfort. For this reason, this technique is becoming more popular, but people may encounter various side effects.

If hypnosis was used to treat patients, then after the therapy session an allergy occurred on the skin, which was accompanied by a rash and severe itching. Studies have confirmed that these symptoms arise due to the weak psyche of patients. In addition, such hypnosis can cause central nervous system disorders.

Immersion in hypnosis

To hypnotize a person using instant hypnosis, you can use different methods of influence. The use of verbal formulations is typical. They help to describe in detail the sensations into which the suggestible person will be immersed. The practitioner can apply pressure to analyzers and strong stimuli. In the first version, the hypnotist begins to speak monotonously. In the second case, entering a trance is carried out using shock techniques and the power of words.

Practitioners can induce a hypnotic state by fixating on an object. The patient must look intently at any object without taking his eyes off it. For this purpose, you can use a key, a pencil, or coins that are hung on a rope. You don’t have to be limited when choosing a subject. The optimal distance from the eyes is 25 cm.


Instant hypnosis can be useful in various fields of activity. This is a very powerful tool. When a person enters a trance, there is a sharp shutdown of critical thinking. The subconscious is in a special state and shows maximum receptivity to instructions. Every person can learn such hypnosis.

To learn how to hypnotize people, you need to familiarize yourself with the theory, practice with professional hypnotists, and also improve your skills. It will take several years to gain confidence in your abilities.

The hypnotist must speak measuredly and clearly formulate thoughts, then the person will be immersed in a hypnotic dream.

Hypnosis is a mystical manipulation that can conquer the mind of any person. It's no wonder that many people want to master it. After all, having such strength, you can achieve unprecedented heights. At the same time, it can be used for both good and evil.

But let's leave thoughts about humanity and morality behind and focus on how to master hypnosis. This is a big problem for beginners, because not everyone knows where to start. So how do you become a hypnotist?

What is hypnosis?

First, let's understand a little about what hypnosis is. After all, this is the basis of all knowledge, and without it, further studies will simply be useless. And although this concept can be interpreted in different ways, we will still focus on the most common of them.

Hypnosis is a special technique of manipulating a person’s consciousness, capable of putting him into a trance. At the same time, the hypnotist himself can give commands and instructions that must be impeccably executed.

And yet not all orders can be carried out. If a person is physically unable to follow instructions, then their effect will be zero. You also need to take into account the power of suggestion of the hypnotist, as well as psychological resistance on the part of consciousness.

How to become a hypnotist?

There are many paths that can lead to the desired result. Still, the best option would be to take hypnosis classes for beginners. After all, live training will help you master all the techniques much faster. In addition, classes will be held under the supervision of an experienced master who is able to advise and correct at the right time.

The trouble is that not all cities have schools teaching hypnosis for beginners. And, in fact, even knowledgeable people cannot always count on the fact that they have such an establishment nearby. The only option is to take a course in another city, temporarily renting housing there.

Hypnosis. Self-instruction manual - fact or fiction?

There is now a lot of literature devoted to this topic. It is quite natural that people have questions about how effective all these sources are.

Well, using such books it is quite possible to master hypnosis. A self-instruction manual is a step-by-step guide that can, in some way, replace a mentor. And if the reader follows exactly all the instructions contained in it, then his chances of becoming a hypnotist are quite high.

But, as always, there is a catch - not all books are created equal. Moreover, some of them were even written by charlatans who know nothing about what hypnosis is. For beginners, purchasing such a tutorial can be a big disappointment.

Therefore, before buying a certain product, find out everything about its author. But you need to look for information not on his official website, since most likely there are fake comments there, but on third-party resources, fortunately there are now a huge number of them. And only after all doubts have disappeared, make a purchase.

Choosing a Hypnosis Technique

One of the most important points in training is the choice of hypnosis technique. After all, there are a huge number of techniques in the world that can put a person into a trance.

So, some use the power of the voice in order to penetrate a person’s consciousness and give him the necessary instructions. Others, on the contrary, use sign language or use foreign objects, for example, pendulums, watches, pendants, and so on. There are also behind-the-scenes hypnosis techniques that can quietly lead a person into a trance.

Having chosen a specific direction, you need to tirelessly follow it until the first results appear. And only after that start trying other methods. After all, as the famous proverb says, if you chase two hares, you won’t understand either one.

Hypnosis can be a very difficult science for beginners, and for good reason. But the learning process will be much faster and more enjoyable if you follow a few simple tips:

  • The main weapon of a hypnotist is self-confidence. Without it, it is almost impossible to put a person into a trance.
  • Appearance is very important. The more attractive the image of the master, the easier it is for him to gain the trust of the consciousness of the “victims”. It also improves contact and speed of immersion into hypnosis.
  • Practice is the basis of all learning. You can read hundreds of books and not become a hypnotist, but once you introduce practical exercises, the result will immediately appear.
  • Don't stop there, because there is no limit to perfection. For hypnosis, this statement could not be more suitable, because the hypnotist always has room to grow.

Hypnosis is perceived by most people as an extremely mysterious phenomenon. Some people are afraid of him, especially if they have experience with street hypnotists. And many would like to know more about this unusual effect of one person on another and learn how to hypnotize. This desire is quite possible to bring to life, even if you start studying it at home. The practical hypnosis tutorial will help you with this.

To master hypnosis, its methodology and practice, you first need to understand its physiological mechanism. The word has Greek roots: hypnos means sleep. With the help of hypnosis, you can put a person both into a hypnotic sleep and into a hypnotic state, or trance.

A trance state occurs in a person quite often and without the help of a hypnotist. Deeply thinking, dreaming, being overtired, he plunges into a similar state without noticing. In a trance caused by a hypnotist, a person perceives internal sensations more clearly than external stimuli in the form of sounds and movements. Any textbook on hypnosis will help you study the features of this state in more detail.

Hypnotic sleep is partial, inhibition is limited to the cerebral cortex and does not extend to the subcortical area. Against the background of inhibition, areas called sentinel centers continue to work in the cerebral cortex. Through them there is a connection with the outside world. They allow you to maintain contact. This selective contact is called hypnotic rapport. When rapport is established, a person becomes insensitive to all external stimuli except the voice of the hypnotist.

Such a differentiated reaction to a stimulus emanating only from the hypnotizing one can be achieved by arousing the person’s trust. This can be done in two ways:

  1. Through consciousness. This is a long path of logical persuasion, through critical perception and active conscious elaboration.
  2. From the side of the subconscious, bypassing the person’s personal “I”, his conscious critical perception.

It is precisely penetration into the unconscious of the subject that must be learned by those who have begun

Who can master hypnosis

Before starting to study a hypnosis tutorial for beginners, an interested person will inevitably want to know what his chances are of becoming a hypnotist. Experts believe that anyone can master the skills of hypnosis, although the ability to suggest, as well as other necessary qualities, is different for everyone.

For a hypnotist, it is important to attract people, to be able to impose, to instill thoughts in them. But the most important thing is self-confidence, and it must be both conscious and permeate the subconscious. Fortunately, this feeling can not only be developed in oneself, but also developed through auto-training and self-hypnosis. Alcohol, drinks that stimulate the nervous system, even smoking are contraindicated for the hypnotist. It is believed that insincerity and deception negatively affect subconscious confidence, undermining the power of the hypnotist.

How to learn hypnosis at home

A self-instruction manual, which can be found in a bookstore or taken from the library, will help you learn how to become a hypnotist. You can also learn the basics of hypnosis by downloading a free tutorial from the Internet. Finding a tutorial on hypnosis will not be difficult. It will be much more difficult to find time and energy for regular exercise - learning the rules of hypnosis, repeating exercises many times.

In a short article it is impossible to describe in detail the techniques, exercises, and spoken monologues. It can only give a general picture of mastering practical hypnosis. A detailed lesson plan, analysis of techniques, and a full set of exercises will be provided by a good tutorial on hypnosis. You can reduce your time and learn hypnosis from an experienced hypnologist with many years of experience Nikita Valerievich Baturin.

How to develop the qualities necessary for a hypnotist

In order to successfully master a training course in practical hypnosis, a person must assess how well he has developed the necessary skills and personality traits, and engage in training to improve them.

General impression

A novice hypnotist must learn to make a favorable impression on people - this is the beginning of the path to mastering the art of persuasion. Appearance is of great importance. There should be no extremes or bad taste in clothing. Untidyness immediately catches the eye and repels people.

You will have to work on etiquette, communication style, and listening skills. Here are some exercises:

  1. Say hello to every person you live in your neighborhood or meet at work every day. Say the greeting without haste, pronouncing each word clearly.
  2. When greeting, be sure to smile, easily and naturally, and look directly into the eyes of the person you meet. A smile should be rehearsed in front of a mirror - it should not be asymmetrical.
  3. When talking with your interlocutor, show attention and interest, do not interrupt, slightly lean your body towards him, periodically insert the words “yes, yes” and the like, use a sympathetic tilt of the head.

Exercises are performed until the acquired skills are applied automatically. Mastery of these simple techniques allows you to instill conscious trust in people and move on to persuasion - to gently influence a person, influence his views and behavior.

Attention and concentration

To successfully use hypnosis techniques, a person must develop attention. During the session, the hypnotist continuously monitors the smallest details of the subject's behavior; the ability to concentrate plays a huge role.

Concentration is the highest degree of attention. Only by focusing on the person being hypnotized does the specialist capture all changes in his behavior, predict the sequence of further actions and accurately select the moment to begin the suggestion. Attention can be called a catalyst for the hypnotic process.

Self confidence

Without a sense of self-confidence, it is difficult to achieve your goals and success in life. For a hypnotist, this quality is paramount; without it, it is impossible to influence other people. An insecure person is unable to resist opponents or ill-wishers; he is easily convinced to change his views or intentions. He himself constantly becomes a victim of influence.

Hypnosis tutorials recommend many exercises to improve self-esteem. Here are a few that can boost your self-confidence:

  • conduct an objective analysis of your strengths and weaknesses and set appropriate goals;
  • honestly analyze your successes and failures, understand and forgive your offenders, yourself for past mistakes;
  • get rid of painful memories, replace them with positive ones - about successes, victories;
  • do not talk badly about yourself, do not attribute shortcomings to yourself;
  • do not focus on feelings of guilt or shame;
  • see failure as a lesson;
  • do not allow yourself to be criticized as a person, but listen to constructive criticism of your actions;
  • on the way to a serious distant goal, set achievable intermediate ones;
  • do not ignore your even small success, praise yourself more often.

For a self-confident person, a new obstacle is not stress, but a challenge that encourages action and new achievements.

Persuasion through conscious trust

Infiltration into the subconscious does not occur when using the option of persuasion through conscious trust. The general scheme of influence by persuasion is as follows:

  • for persuasion, the place and moment of contact is thought out in advance;
  • the conversation is directed in the right direction;
  • arguments are selected in accordance with the personality and mood of the subject;
  • the rhythm of the conversation and the order of presentation of arguments are maintained;
  • counter arguments are neutralized;
  • continuation of the conversation is ensured in case the object disagrees;
  • immediately after achieving the goal, the conversation ends.

It is important to part ways amicably and try to ensure that the person does not leave with a feeling of submission to someone else’s will.

If the goal of persuasion was not achieved, the conversation should not be ended, but continued in a direction that is interesting for the partner, and then, when saying goodbye, recall the main arguments and, without pressure, invite you to think about them.

How to influence the subconscious

The hypnotic effect occurs through the invocation of subconscious trust and the establishment of so-called rapport. The theory, techniques and practice of hypnosis are inextricably linked with this concept. Rapport is the connection established by the hypnotist with the hypnotized person.

With the establishment of rapport, the hypnotized person becomes more receptive to the suggested words of the hypnotist, readiness to carry out suggested tasks, and loses reaction to other external stimuli. To create unconscious trust and rapport, the hypnotist identifies himself with the hypnotized person - makes his behavior similar, adjusts his posture, gestures, movements, and breathing patterns.

Adjustment to posture and movements

The simplest technique in creating subconscious trust is to adjust to the pose of the person being hypnotized - it must be copied, directly or crosswise (that is, like in a mirror). If, for example, the client's left leg is on top when crossing his legs, when cross-adjusting, the hypnotist should have his left leg on top. But a person rarely sits still, so movements also become the subject of adjustment. This adjustment is more difficult; you need to be very careful, watching and repeating gestures and facial expressions, and at the same time not letting your partner realize it.

The easiest way is to adapt to a person’s gestures, and when copying a gesture, you don’t have to complete it, but only outline and repeat the direction. It is convenient to reproduce the blinking frequency - the opposite party is almost never aware of this.

To learn this technique, you need to do exercises - copy the pose of a person who is in a motionless state. Repeat changes in posture, gestures, movements. When copying a movement, you can only reflect it by direction; it is important to repeat its frequency. By copying the rhythm of blinking, you can stop it at some point or close your eyes. If the subject does the same, it means that the adjustment is working and the state of hypnosis is approaching.

Adjusting to breathing

Training to adjust to breathing requires a lot of attention, since there is a direct connection between this function and the subconscious. The direct type of adjustment is an exact copying of the rhythm of the subject's inhalations and exhalations. This adjustment is most effective. But if a person's breathing rhythm is too fast or slow, it may be difficult to reproduce. In this case, indirect adjustment is used - they copy the breathing rhythm by moving, for example, a finger.

When performing training exercises, you need to work on both types of adjustments. Watching the person, begin to breathe evenly in time with his inhalations and exhalations. Then select a subject with an increased breathing rate and try to copy the rhythm of inhalation and exhalation by shaking your leg or moving your finger.

Voice and speech

The voice is the hypnotist's working tool. A clear, strong, pleasant voice, easily moving from tone to tone, introduces the hypnotized person into a state of trance. Speech should be clear, unhurried, and convincing. It is necessary to develop your own voice, which will act hypnotically, train it in accordance with these requirements, learn to change intonation, make it rhythmic if necessary.

There are two more rules used in hypnosis:

  1. The speech should not contain negatives. Negations do not exist in the subconscious; it does not perceive them. An exercise for training such speech is to avoid using the particle “not” at all for some time, and instead of using negative words, use others that are suitable in meaning. Then return to normal speech, but when talking about experiences, do not use the negative particle.
  2. Phrases should be general in nature, not specific to the situation. The person being hypnotized must have unoccupied space for his impressions and feelings. This facilitates a faster introduction into trance.

After these initial techniques have been successfully mastered, you can move on - study and train in a self-instruction manual on the basics of hypnosis, techniques for inducing trance through associations, suggestion with command words, hypnotization with built-in messages, using a person’s natural trance. Mastering the techniques of breaking patterns, overloading, and anchoring will add to your knowledge and techniques. It is also important to pay attention to autogenic training.

This is only a small part of the recommendations and exercises for mastering hypnosis. To learn practical hypnosis, you need to work hard using the hypnosis tutorial for beginners, use videos with exercises, examples of techniques, and advice from experienced specialists. This information can be obtained at channel psychologist and hypnologist

Anyone can master the technique of hypnosis. This is a useful skill: it can get rid of bad habits, depression, overcome complexes, remove blinders that prevent you from living a happy and fulfilling life.

The nature of hypnotic influence

Hypnosis is an ancient practice that allows you to completely immerse a person in a trance and control his psyche and consciousness. Thanks to him, it is possible to control the subconscious of a person, that is, that secret part of the psyche that she cannot control on her own.

It is possible to learn hypnosis without a mentor, but you must understand that this process is quite labor-intensive and requires a lot of work on yourself, so you should not expect instant results. To master techniques for managing others, you must first change yourself.

Basic techniques of suggestion

There are 3 types of hypnosis.

  1. Classical. This practice is used in medicine, helps treat phobias, normalize sleep, get rid of depression, and helps relieve patients from alcohol and nicotine addictions.
  2. Hidden. This type of hypnosis is used in those areas where one can benefit from influencing another: politics, marketing, business. The influence on the psyche and consciousness occurs indirectly, secretly.
  3. Psychotropogenic. This method greatly affects the human psyche and body, since psychotropic and narcotic drugs are used in the process.

If you have a strong desire to learn hypnosis, then you need to know the following:

  1. You should study the works on hypnotherapy very carefully before you begin to master the practical part. It is very important! Hypnosis can be both useful and dangerous; it can help solve mental problems, or it can only make the situation worse.
  2. Please note that not all people are able to master the hypnotic gift. You need to have a set of certain qualities that will help you master this practice. However, these properties can be cultivated in oneself, and only in rare cases does training fail to produce any results.
  3. Do not forget that the person you are putting into a trance will be in a rather vulnerable and even dangerous state. You will need to competently bring him out of the position of altered consciousness so as not to harm his psyche. If you still have little practice and do not feel the necessary confidence in yourself, then it is better to invite an experienced specialist to the first sessions.
  4. Get spiritually clean and free from addictions before learning hypnosis. Even frequent drinking of coffee will not allow you to fully master all the secrets.
  5. Practice meditation regularly to learn to control your unconscious, achieve harmony and self-confidence. This is the only way you will discover all the secrets of hypnosis.
  6. Gain experience from leading experts. At least once, go to a session with a good psychotherapist, a master of hypnosis. Watch his work carefully.
  7. The main skill of a hypnotist is the ability to influence. It is better to study as many methods of suggestion as possible. This will make it easier for you to influence the right people, and with practice you will understand which technique works best for you. The hypnosis technique includes about 18 influence options.

Literature on hypnosis for beginners

If you want to master the art quickly, it is better to attend hypnosis courses. Professional training will give more reliable results. You do not need to waste time traveling to a specific institution; modern technology allows you to master the skill online. Video tutorials on the Internet will also help you, there are quite a lot of them. Using them, learning hypnosis on your own will not be difficult. The quality of such videos can be indicated by comments and the number of views. And in this case, learning hypnosis will go much faster.

You can also use educational literature. The phenomenon is described quite well in the following books:

  1. Milton Erickson "My voice will remain with you..."
  2. Ernest Rossi, Jean Becquion "Hypnosis of the XXI century."
  3. Sergey Gorin “Have you tried hypnosis?”

Find a good tutorial that will best tell you how to master hypnosis. Work on yourself, practice controlling your gaze, and you will definitely succeed!

Magnetic gaze training

The main tool of a hypnotist is his gaze. Someone from birth can instill fear or impose their interests on others with the help of their gaze, while others learn this and develop the skill in themselves over many months and even years.

If you want to learn hypnosis, you will need a set of exercises to train your magnetic gaze. The hypnosis technique for beginners consists of three sets of exercises.

First stage of training

To complete this exercise, you will need a piece of paper with a small black circle drawn in the center. It must be fixed somewhere on the wall or door of the refrigerator and moved away about 1.5 m. You need to perform the following steps:

  1. Direct your gaze to the center of the drawn figures and begin to move your head in a circle, without taking your eyes off the point. Gradually increase the radius of the described circle and the speed of head rotation. This exercise is very effective and allows you to master the technique of hypnosis quite quickly.
  2. Concentrate your attention on the drawn circle and look at it for about a minute, then you need to quickly but smoothly move your gaze from side to side, up and down. Only the pupils should move, the head remains motionless. This is a great exercise for beginners that also works the eye muscles well.
  3. Look at the circle you drew again. Don't take your eyes off him, concentrate your attention on him, turn your head from side to side. It is very important not to lose concentration and focus strictly on one point.

These exercises will allow you to master the art of hypnosis from scratch. To begin with, devote no more than a minute to each person, gradually increase the time of study slightly. After 2 weeks you should leave at least 5 minutes for training. It is very important to train your gaze; without it, suggestion will not work.

When the skill is brought to automaticity, you can proceed to the next set of exercises.

Second stage of training

At the second stage, you need to be patient and train a fixed gaze. This technique is usually mastered as follows:

  1. Focus your entire gaze on a specific point. You should look at her for as long as possible without blinking. Quite quickly your eyes will begin to tingle due to lack of habit, but you should hold out for at least a minute. Gradually increase the time. By the end of the month, this exercise will take you a total of 10 minutes.
  2. Select two more points - one at the top, near the ceiling, the other on the floor. Now look closely at a point in front of you, and then slowly move your gaze to the point below, and then to the one above. You can't lose focus! Hone your skills by performing the exercise for 1-5 minutes.

Third stage of training

The following techniques will help you train your discerning gaze. To complete the tasks you will need a mirror.

  1. Stand in front of the mirror and focus all your attention on the point on the bridge of your nose. Look closely without blinking. The duration of the exercise is 1–5 minutes.
  2. Do an exercise to shift your concentration. Staying in front of the mirror, look into one pupil, beyond it, into the very depths of yourself. Then move your gaze to the other pupil and do the same.
  3. Learn to convey emotions with your eyes without changing your facial expression. Look at yourself in the mirror, and try to convey with your gaze feelings of strength and threat, and then feelings of warmth and love. This is the most difficult exercise that requires high concentration.

When you master these techniques, you will be able to control others without any problems, because a trained gaze has incredible power and can inspire anything. You can make a person trust you or fear you.

The basics of hypnosis for beginners are not that difficult, the main thing is to have willpower and good self-discipline to achieve results.

Practical exercises for mastering hypnosis

After mastering the basics, you can begin more complex practice. Now your assistants will be some objects that will help speed up the immersion of a person in a trance. You may need the following things:

  1. Pendulum. This can be any shiny object: a coin, pendant, etc., suspended on a thread or chain. Rocking them will allow you to easily put a person into a trance. The main thing is that the person you are going to hypnotize is completely relaxed, gets rid of all thoughts and keeps an eye on the pendulum in your hands.
  2. A circle drawn on a piece of paper. It must be placed in front of the eyes of the person being hypnotized so that he can constantly look at it. The person should relax, but be attentive, concentrated on the figure, ask him to imagine how rays of light are pouring from his pupils and penetrating into the very center of the circle.

During hypnotherapy using this method, it is very important for you to agree with your patient on a signal that will force him to come out of hypnotic sleep. This is usually a snap of the fingers, a clap of the hands, or a word of some kind.

At home, hypnosis can be carried out according to the following scenario:

  1. Tell the person honestly what you are going to do. You can only hypnotize if the person himself has agreed to it. For practical lessons for the first time, you can ask a loved one, but remember that you must use your knowledge honestly, without malicious intent!
  2. Ask the person to lie down on the sofa and ask him to relax; start talking to him in a calm, chesty voice.
  3. Explain to the patient, after he has relaxed, that as soon as the wake-up signal sounds (eg, clapping his hands), he will wake up and do what you asked him to do during the hypnosis session.
  4. Bring the pendulum to the subject's face and begin to swing the object. The patient needs to follow the movement of the thing without taking his eyes off. You describe his condition: “The eyelids are getting heavier, it is becoming more and more difficult to open your eyes, you are calm, your breathing is even and deep.” The person will relax and fall into a hypnotic sleep.
  5. Make a simple statement while the patient's consciousness is open, which the person will carry out after he comes out of the hypnotic state. But first make sure that the patient is in a hypnotic trance. Ask him: “Are you listening to me?” If the patient does not answer your question, everything is fine and therapy can be continued.
  6. Come up with a simple command, say: “After you hear the clap of your hands, you will wake up and open the door.” Say the setting several times in a calm, confident voice.
  7. Give a pre-arranged wake-up call.
  8. Observe what the patient does after waking up. If he gets up and does what you asked him to do, then the exercise was successful.


You can learn the techniques of suggestion without a specialist. Sources will tell you how to learn hypnosis yourself at home. Be careful when applying your knowledge and follow all recommendations and advice so as not to harm the patient. If you do everything right, you can easily achieve what you want.

If you want to know how to learn hypnosis and master the science of putting a person into trance, get ready for a lot of training. It is almost impossible to master this skill on the first try. But there are many exercises that can lead you to the desired result.

Hypnosis is a special way of influencing the human psyche, which involves turning off consciousness and immersing oneself in a complete trance. When consciousness is clouded, you can influence the work of the subconscious - that part of the psyche that is impossible to control on your own.

Therefore, hypnosis helps to get rid of addictions, cure depression, get rid of complexes and limiting attitudes that prevent a person from living. Hypnosis also helps to place certain programs in the subconscious, according to which a person will act in later life.

We'll talk about how to learn hypnosis yourself at home. Perhaps with the help of exercises you will be able to master this difficult science. Don't expect instant results and be prepared that it won't happen right away.

How to master hypnosis: exercises

If you are determined to master hypnosis, you need to know the following:

  • Remember that the person you try to put into a trance will be in a very dangerous state. If you fail to bring him out of this trance correctly, his psyche will suffer.
  • Before training, thoroughly study the theory of hypnotherapy. It is worth reading the works of famous psychotherapists in order to understand what hypnosis is, how it is useful and how it is dangerous, what problems it helps solve and which it will only worsen.
  • Not all people have hypnotic abilities. Be prepared for the fact that you may not succeed at all, because you have no innate talent.
  • During training and hypnosis sessions you need to be confident, focused and extremely attentive.
  • Remember that a person who is addicted to something is a bad hypnotist. If you smoke, abuse alcohol or drugs, are addicted to coffee or something else, it is better to abandon the idea of ​​mastering hypnosis.

Training your magnetic gaze

The main weapon of a hypnotist is his gaze. The technique of a hypnotizing gaze can be mastered with the help of special exercises.

What you need to know:

  • Concentrate and abstract from extraneous thoughts. You must learn to look at one point for a long time, without thinking about anything at all. It is not simple. Practice in front of a mirror or with an “experimental” person. When you learn to look into his eyes for a long time without a single thought, the exercise has been mastered. Advice: to prevent your eyes from “running,” look strictly into the pupil of your right eye.
  • After you learn to concentrate, practice conveying a thought with your gaze. Focus on one mental message and try to convey it with your gaze to another person. For example, say to yourself: “Get up and walk around the room.” If a person guesses what you want from him, the exercise has been mastered.

The training should proceed as follows:

  1. The person being tested must be placed on a couch. And you should position yourself as comfortably as possible above his head so that you can look him in the eye.
  2. The room for the session should be quiet - no extraneous sounds, movements, or pets.
  3. The subject will subconsciously resist penetration into his consciousness. Therefore, the first training sessions can be very long - be prepared for this.
  4. Success can be considered the moment when, under the influence of your gaze, a person can fall asleep, relax, and plunge into a detached state.

This is the simplest exercise with which you can learn hypnosis on your own.

Drawing a circle

After you have mastered the previous exercise, you can begin more complex workouts.

Special objects will be used to help put the subject into a trance:

  • Pendulum. This could be a metal object dangling from a thread or thin rope. The monotonous movements of the pendulum will help to quickly plunge a person into a trance. It is important that the subject, without looking up, follows the pendulum, is relaxed and does not think about anything.
  • A circle drawn on a piece of paper. It must be secured in such a way that the subject can continuously look at the center of this circle. During the session, he should also imagine how rays come out of his eyes, which close in the center of the circle.

When using these items, it is important to agree with the subject that you will have a certain signal, after which he will come out of the trance. For example, snapping your fingers or clapping.

The exercise goes something like this:

  1. You put the person on the couch and talk to him for a while in a quiet, calm voice. Make sure he is completely relaxed.
  2. Then say that as soon as you clap your hands, he will wake up and do what you order in a state of hypnosis.
  3. Start swinging the pendulum in front of the subject's face. He must follow the movements without taking his eyes off. Gradually his eyelids will begin to get heavy, he will close his eyes and fall into a hypnotic state.
  4. At this time, you can pronounce a simple program, which the subject will have to perform after leaving the trance. But first make sure that he is unconscious - ask: “Can you hear me?” If there is no response, everything is fine.
  5. Say a simple command. For example: “When you hear a bang, you wake up, get up and open the window.” Say three or four times.
  6. Make the agreed signal - clap your hands.
  7. We are waiting to see what the awakened person will do. If he gets up and opens the window, the exercise was successful.

With each training session you can make the tasks more difficult.

Watch a video about hypnosis and how to learn to hypnotize people:

If you decide to learn hypnosis on your own, the following tips will help you:

  • Go to a session with a good hypnotherapist. Watch a specialist to understand how he works.
  • Study the theory - the works of psychotherapists on hypnosis will help you better understand the topic.
  • Engage in meditation and spiritual practices to get closer to a state of awareness and learn to control your unconscious.
  • Look for hypnosis courses in your city - professional training will give much better results than trying on your own.

Believe in yourself, train hard, and you will succeed!

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