Pull-ups on the horizontal bar. Technique for performing pull-ups with different grips. Muscle groups trained. Pull-ups on the horizontal bar: types of grips and muscle development

Pull-up - male look physical exercise on the horizontal bar. In school physical education lessons, boys master this gymnastic apparatus. And the girls spy on which of the guys can pull themselves up, and who hangs like a bag, unable to lift themselves to the level of the crossbar. It’s not hard to guess to whom the classmates are directing their admiring glances.

If you compare the torso of an athlete who makes friends with the horizontal bar and the figure of a person who avoids even the simplest exercises on the bar, then the advantage will not be in favor of the latter. Pull-ups can turn both a loose fat man and a skinny asthenic into an athlete. What do you need for this? A metal pipe on supports, a thick tree branch by the river, and at home - a horizontal bar installed in the doorway.

The rest is the desire to become healthy and physically attractive.

What muscles are trained during pull-ups?

When pulling himself up, a person hooks his hands onto a stationary horizontal bar. Then the arms bend at the elbows, the body moves up. The exercise is considered completed when the person’s chin is above the bar and the shoulders are at its level .

Correct pull-ups are performed smoothly due to the work of the muscles; jerking is unacceptable.

The main work falls on the muscles of the arms, but the muscles of the back and abdominals are also involved.

Methods for pulling up on a horizontal bar:

  • Straight medium grip. When approaching the projectile, the palms are turned away from you, the fingers squeeze the crossbar. Triceps and biceps, trapezoidal and latissimus muscles of the back, forearm and shoulder girdle work.
  • Reverse grip. When performing the exercise, the hands are facing the athlete with their palms. Less effort is required than with a straight grip. Pumping up the biceps muscles (biceps).
  • Wide straight grip(there is no reverse option). This exercise is more difficult. The distance between the hands is greater than usual. A good combination of work of all muscle groups, especially the shoulder region, is ensured. Difference from direct grip - thumb occupies the top position. Arms and back are trained, The latissimus muscles experience increased load. A more complicated option is pulling up by the head.
  • Narrow grip. Hands are spread minimally, palms clasped. The main load is on the serratus anterior muscles, the shoulder muscles (brachialis). The lower part of the latissimus dorsi muscle is involved. During a reverse grip, the biceps work, the shoulders abduct, and the shoulder blades close.
  • Along the horizontal bar. Two fists encircling the bar are adjacent. When pulling up, the head alternates around the horizontal bar on the right and left. The brachialis, serratus and latissimus muscles are pumped(lower area).

Video about the technique

How to learn to do pull-ups correctly

It is believed that if a person is able to do at least 6 pull-ups in one approach, then this is enough. But for an ambitious athlete this is not a record. How to achieve impressive success in a short time? You need to train a lot. Not chaotically, but according to developed and long-tested schemes:

  • Direct progression method. Its meaning is to increase the number of pull-ups every day with each subsequent approach.

Then one day to recuperate. It is recommended to increase the load every Monday.

The number of daily pull-ups is no more than 100.

  • Reverse progression method. It is characterized by a changing number (in descending order) of pull-ups during daily approaches.

Every week the number of pull-ups increases. By creating a 30-week program and implementing it, you can make your body physically perfect.

Mistakes made by beginners. How to avoid them

When doing pull-ups, you need to pay attention to your technique. The body is located vertically. Rocking is excluded.

The correct breathing rhythm is necessary: ​​exhale as you rise, inhale as you descend.

With this breathing pattern, the load on the heart is minimal, and the work of the muscles is maximum. It is not recommended to throw your head back, trying to reach the crossbar with your chin. This is dangerous for the cervical spine. You only need to rely on the strength of your hands. The exercises are performed measuredly, slowly, and the number of pull-ups is gradually increased. The main thing is not to overwork, to observe the principle of the “golden mean”.

What are the benefits of exercise?

Pull-ups not only improve your figure. These exercises can straighten the “pillar of life” - the human spine. There is an opinion that you can even “grow” 3-4 centimeters. The pull-up is the basis for more complex bar exercises, such as the power-up, racket, or inversion lift.

For beginners who do not know how to do pull-ups on the bar. This exercise is quite popular among professionals. In the article, the reader will become acquainted with this type of pull-up, and will also find out which muscles work during the exercise. It would also be useful to have information on the types of grip, thanks to which you can focus the load on different muscle groups, at the request of the athlete.

Where does any training begin?

Any workout begins with a warm-up. This is the first rule of any gym, regardless of the sport, be it bodybuilding, dancing or wrestling. It is necessary to warm up the hands in the wrist, elbow and shoulder joints. It doesn’t hurt to swing your arms to the sides to stretch your pectoral muscles. Tilting the body down and twisting will warm up the muscles of the back and abdominal girdle, and squats will lift arterial pressure V cardiovascular system and force the body to produce more testosterone.

If pull-ups on the horizontal bar with a reverse grip are first on the list in the training complex, professionals recommend performing a couple of sets of 20-25 repetitions with light weight on the biceps. The fact is that all people have very weak ligaments in the elbow and wrist joints, which can easily be stretched without proper warming up.

Motivation is the key to success!

According to statistics, 99% of beginners are embarrassed to learn how to do pull-ups in the gym, so we will have to touch on the problem associated with the stupidity of self-hypnosis and motivation. The fact is that all the people in the world at some stage did not know how to do pull-ups, but in different period In maturity, we learned to perform the most difficult exercise in our lives. There are several solution options here, and they all depend only on the desires of the novice athlete.

  1. Buy a horizontal bar in a store and install it at home. You can do reverse grip pull-ups without prying eyes and not have to worry about anything. However, incorrect execution technique can very easily lead to injury.
  2. Classes on public sports grounds. In fact, this is the most difficult path for a beginner, because sometimes the crossbar is too high, and concrete or asphalt is laid below - injury cannot be avoided.
  3. Exercise in the gym under the supervision of a trainer. If you use the correct technique, literally within a couple of weeks no one in the gym will doubt that the beginner does not know how to do pull-ups.

Reverse grip pull-up technique

The best and most effective exercise is the one that is performed using the correct technique. This is true for any athlete, regardless of experience. It doesn’t matter how pull-ups are performed - with a narrow reverse grip or a straight wide grip, the main thing is to follow the execution technique.

  1. Grasp the horizontal bar with the desired grip and hang on the bar. Arms and legs are perfectly straight. The thumb of the hand should pass under the crossbar.
  2. Trying to keep your elbows as close to your body as possible, you need to pull your chest up to the bar as close as possible. In this position, move your head back as much as possible and try to bring your shoulder blades together.
  3. After a two-second pause, slowly lower down, returning to the starting position.

What you should never do

Trying to perform technical exercises, many novice athletes try to make it easier for the muscles to work. The logic is simple - since the recommendations for correct execution do not say a word about such help, it means that you can independently correct the execution technique. The following list of restrictions is intended for people looking for easy solutions:

  1. During pull-ups, your legs should be straight. There is no need to bend them or make jerks like the movement of a frog's legs.
  2. At the lowest point, your arms should be fully straightened. Yes, this causes discomfort and even pain in the first stages of training, but, on the other hand, relaxation of the muscles involved in tightening will allow oxygen to enter the tissues.
  3. Pull-ups with a narrow reverse grip are the easiest to perform, so it is at this stage of training that you need to control how your chest touches the bar.

There will be no progress without pumping

Pumping is when a large volume of blood is forced into a muscle, doubling its size, and under the influence of a large load, the muscle fibers cannot withstand and tear. Naturally, when restoring fibers, the body “remembers” about the pumping and, by building up the torn fibers, increases their diameter - this is how muscles grow throughout the body.

All beginners, without exception, need to work on pumping. This will not only help you quickly build muscle mass in the initial stages, but will also not cause damage to ligaments and joints under heavy loads. The reverse grip pull-up is no exception. To do this, you need to perform at least 12-15 repetitions in each approach.

Negative repetitions

The “negative repetitions” exercise, well known among athletes, very well develops not only endurance with repeated repetitions. Quite often, this exercise is “prescribed” to all overweight beginners. The purpose of negative repetitions is to hard pump the biceps muscles. Reverse grip biceps pull-ups are performed as follows:

  1. A chair is placed near the horizontal bar so that it is 20-30 cm behind the crossbar.
  2. The athlete climbs onto a chair and grabs the bar with his hands, palms facing him, hands shoulder-width apart.
  3. Pressing your chest against the horizontal bar as much as possible, you need to carefully get off the chair, hanging in the air, or, holding onto the chair with your toes, lower your knees down.
  4. Slowly relaxing your biceps, begin to straighten your arms at the elbow joint. You need to stop and return to the starting position when the angle between the forearm and biceps reaches more than 150 degrees.

Types of grips

Professionals recommend using a narrow arm position in the initial stages of training, performing pull-ups with a reverse grip. The muscles of a poorly developed back get tired quickly, and the entire load falls on the biceps, which needs to be worked out effectively. A narrow grip means placing your palms no further than five centimeters from each other.

In addition to the narrow grip, there is a medium grip - the hands are located shoulder width apart. It is also called classic, apparently because it has been used in schools for several decades as an alternative pull-up for overweight children.

A wide grip with a reverse position of the hands is used very often, because its advantage is that, unlike a direct grip, it lightly loads the back muscles, transferring the load to the biceps. Pull-ups with a wide reverse grip make it possible to maximally load the back muscles, which, in case of failure, will transfer the load to the biceps.

Working muscles in pull-ups

Many beginners, naturally, are interested in the question when performing pull-ups with a reverse grip - “which muscles are pumped?” They will be pleasantly surprised to learn that the list is quite long.

  1. Latissimus dorsi muscles. Upper side part, affecting half of the back. The wider the grip, the greater the load on these muscles.
  2. Rhomboid muscle. Rotates the shoulder blades into their final position, bringing them closer to the spine.
  3. Pectoralis major muscle. Pulls the torso upward, and its activity increases only when the elbows approach the torso.
  4. Biceps and triceps. The biceps bends the arm at the elbow joint, which fixes the triceps at the end point.
  5. The pectoralis minor, coracobrachialis and subscapularis muscles strengthen the shoulder joint, participating in pulling up the torso.

Setting and completing tasks

It turns out that reverse grip pull-ups are effective not only for beginners. We figured out which muscles are involved in the exercise. It remains to understand what goals the athlete pursues after learning how to do pull-ups on the bar. But first, you should pay attention to the recommendations of professionals regarding the fact that pull-ups on a horizontal bar are not basic exercises for the development of biceps, accordingly, they must be contained only in a complex aimed at developing the back muscles.

At the beginning of the workout, it is recommended to perform pull-ups with an even grip and wide arms. You need to do 4-5 approaches with maximum number repetitions. Having loaded the latissimus dorsi muscles, you can move on to an exercise that loads the lower torso - block row, in a sitting position, for example. After this, you can “finish off” the latissimus dorsi muscles by performing pull-ups with a reverse grip and a wide stance. As the effectiveness of the exercise decreases, the athlete can reduce the grip width, reducing the focus of the load on the arm muscles.


Obviously, the reverse grip pull-up is best exercise for all beginners, because they solve several tasks at the same time:

  1. Learn to do pull-ups on the horizontal bar. For many beginners, a complete study of the technique is enough, and after just a couple of workouts it seems that the athlete has been able to do pull-ups freely since birth.
  2. Biceps development. It's no secret that the “cans” on the hands are indicative, that is, they are visible even under clothes. Naturally, a beginner will be able to attract attention to himself after just a month of training.
  3. Wide back. This is what many men and women come to the gym for - standing out from the gray mass with huge lats is quite easy.

Greetings, my dear kachatas and fitness girls! On this middle day, as usual, a technical note awaits us, and in it we will talk about reverse grip pull-ups. After reading, you will learn everything about the muscle atlas, the advantages and technique of performing the exercise, and we will also find out the degree of its effectiveness and advisability of using it in your training program.

So, take your seats in the auditorium, we are starting.

Reverse grip pull-ups. What, why and why?

It’s no secret that gym goers usually don’t like doing pull-ups on the horizontal bar, and all this is because of a “difficult childhood.” By the latter, I mean my school physical education years, when one of my least favorite pastimes in physical education class was passing standards, which included pull-ups. No matter what class you look at, the picture was practically the same, and it was called “hanging sausage” :). I don’t know how things are now with the current younger generation, but I think that “the landscape has remained hanging” without changes. Therefore, when many newcomers come to Gym, they try to avoid the horizontal bar and pull-ups, so as not to repeat the successes of past years. We, on the pages of this site, try in every possible way to combat our weaknesses, developing weak sides. It will be the same today, we will learn how to perform a non-standard version of pull-ups with a reverse grip. How we will succeed, we will now find out.

For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

Muscle atlas

The exercise belongs to the class of basic ones with a pull type of force and has as its main goal working out the latissimus dorsi muscles.

The muscle ensemble includes the following units:

  • targeted – latissimus dorsi muscles;
  • synergists – brachialis/brachioradialis muscles, teres major, posterior deltoid, rhomboid, levator scapulae, trapezius lower/middle, large (sternal head)/small chest;
  • dynamic stabilizers – biceps, triceps (long head).

A complete muscle atlas looks like this.

By performing pull-ups with a reverse grip, you can expect to receive the following benefits:

  • complex load - impact on a large muscle mass at once;
  • increase in basal;
  • release of more anabolic hormones (growth hormone, testosterone);
  • development of general endurance;
  • strengthening the muscles of the upper shoulder girdle;
  • development of the upper back;
  • development of biceps muscle strength;
  • improvement in back problems (for example, in the presence of a hernia).

Execution technique

Reverse grip pull-ups belong to the class of increased complexity and have their own characteristics. Step-by-step technique execution looks like this.

Step #0.

Approach the horizontal bar and, jumping up, grab it with a grip slightly narrower than shoulder-width and with your palms facing your face. Stretch out, keeping your torso as straight as possible. Bend and cross your legs slightly. This is your starting position.

Step #1.

As you exhale, keeping your elbows close to your body and your back straight, begin to pull your torso up until your chin is above the bar. At the top point, perform a peak contraction and stay there for 1-2 accounts. As you exhale, begin to straighten your arms and pull yourself down. Return to IP. Repeat the specified number of times.

In the picture version, all this disgrace looks like this:

In motion like this...


In addition to the classic version of pull-ups with a reverse grip, there are several variations of the exercise, in particular:

  • narrow grip;
  • wide grip;
  • in the gravitron.

Secrets and subtleties

To get the most out of the exercise, follow these guidelines:

  • throughout the movement, keep your body upright and your back straight;
  • do not use cheating by swinging and helping yourself with your body;
  • slowly (on 3-4 accounts) and under control (full arm length) lower yourself down and pull yourself up powerfully/explosively;
  • perform pull-ups until your chin is above the bar;
  • use additional weights if necessary;
  • breathing technique: exhale - for effort, lifting; inhale - while lowering;
  • numerical training parameters: number of approaches 3-5 , reps 10-12 .

We're done with the theoretical side, now let's look at some practical points.

Which grip is more effective for doing pull-ups, forward or reverse?

Researchers from the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research in 2015 year, we compared two types of pull-ups in terms of the degree of activation of various muscle groups depending on the grip variation. And here are the conclusions that were drawn. The pectoralis major and biceps muscles showed higher EMG activation when performing pull-ups with a reverse grip than with a straight grip. The classic version gave slightly greater activation of the lats and lower trapezius.

Thus, by varying your grip within one workout, you shift the emphasis of the load and work on different muscle groups with priority in developing the lats.

I'm a girl, how can I avoid pumping up my back?

For young ladies the best option in working out the back, pull-ups in a gravitron with different positions hands and the distance between them. In addition to pull-ups, add lower block rows to the belt and an extensor exercise - hyperextension with weights. As for the numerical parameters, follow the diagram 3 By 12-15 . Try this strategy, and soon dresses with a low back will become one of your favorites.

Actually, that’s all for me, we’ll close down the shop :).


Today we learned about reverse grip pull-ups. I’m sure this exercise will take pride of place in your toolkit for sculpting a textured and sexy back.

That's all for now, good bye, dear reader!

PS. Do you use pull-ups in your workouts, which ones?

P.P.S. Did the project help? Then leave a link to it as your status social network- plus 100 points towards karma are guaranteed :).

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

Pull-ups are one of the most accessible and effective exercises for working with your own weight. While performing pull-ups, not only the muscles are properly pumped, but the spine is also stretched, and this is really important for athletes during the period of growth, when you already want to pay attention to physical training, and start working with a barbell too early due to a weak back.

You can do pull-ups in any place where there is access to a horizontal bar, including on the street, having the instructions at hand step by step photos or videos on the Internet. Of course, there is no need to talk about a serious increase in muscle mass solely with the help of a horizontal bar, but there is no doubt that the exercise will help emphasize the relief of the muscles of the back and arms and increase strength indicators.

Types of pull-ups on the horizontal bar vary depending on the choice of grip. Below are the main methods, among which you can choose options for a person with any level of training.

Using a narrow grip

This version of the exercise with a narrow grip is better suited than others for working out muscle groups: serratus and deltas, in addition, it can become a preparatory exercise for athletes initial stage preparation for mastering a number of more complex variations of pull-ups.

Additionally, while working on the exercise with a narrow grip, the lateral and front bundles of the shoulders work, but you should understand that it will not be possible to pump up the deltoids exclusively with pull-ups with your own weight.

How to do:

Place your hands as close together as possible so that the thumbs on both hands touch each other. Bend your back slightly at the lower back, leaving your arms slightly bent at the lowest point. Perform pull-ups as many times as you can do.

Most classic version- this is with a medium straight grip. The exercise is aimed at developing general muscles in the upper body. Such pull-ups are not traumatic and can be performed with additional weights over time. During pull-ups, the following muscles will be active: deltas, latissimus dorsi, abs, trapezius and forearms.

How to do:

Grasp the horizontal bar with a medium grip so that your thumb clasps the horizontal bar, lift your torso, leaning slightly back at the top point. Try to keep your chin beyond the bar and keep your arms as straight as possible at the lowest point.

How to do a straight wide grip pull-up to your chest?

Main hallmark Pull-ups with a direct grip are a limited range of motion. This exercise is one of the most dangerous, as it can cause injuries to ligaments and joints!
You can do it exclusively with your own weight.

What muscles work during the exercise? The greatest load will be on the muscles: “wings”, back and trapezius.

How to do:

Choose a grip approximately 10-15 cm wider than shoulder level on each side. Start by pulling up with your lats, being careful not to strain your biceps. Main role in this exercise it is the arms that play, although the load falls on the back. When performing pull-ups with an overhand grip, look in front of you and try to reach the bar with your chest without touching it. The lower back can be slightly arched.

How to do a pull-up with a wide straight head grip?

This version of the exercise can cause injury, and in addition, it causes not the most pleasant sensations during execution. They make it larger in order to expand the latissimus in the upper part - these are the muscles that receive the greatest load. It is very important to pay attention even to the slightest problem with the spine, shoulder joints or neck, since if there are any, then doing the exercise is strictly prohibited!

How to do it:

Take a wide grip, while slightly bending your elbows, which will move slightly to the sides during the pull-up. At the bottom point, the exercise is no different from the previous one, but after overcoming the “dead” point, you need to try to stretch your neck as much as possible so that it touches the crossbar. It is not recommended to use weights during this exercise.

Narrow reverse grip for pull-ups

Types of pull-ups with a reverse narrow grip are, in principle, easier than with a classic one. In addition, this option allows the use of weights, which, with a reasonable approach, develops muscle mass and strength indicators.

During the exercise with a narrow grip, the following muscle groups will receive the greatest load: the latissimus dorsi and biceps. In addition, the serratus, trapezius and rhomboid muscles are involved in the work, quite a bit, but the abs and pectoral muscles are still worked out.

How to do it correctly:

When performing pull-ups with a narrow reverse grip, you should try to straighten your arms at the bottom point, rising at the top to chest level. You should try to do the exercise using the “wings” of your back, although you won’t be able to completely eliminate the arm muscles. During the exercise, do not help yourself by rocking; try to press your elbows as close to your body as possible.

How to do pull-ups with a wide reverse grip?

With this exercise you can shift the load from the latissimus to the deltoids and biceps muscles of the shoulder. The downside of the exercise is its risk of injury, which means it cannot be performed with weights.

How to do it correctly:

Grab the bar with a wide reverse grip. Allow a slight bend in the elbow joint at the lowest point. At the top point, you should strive to ensure that the chin and the crossbar form two parallel planes.

Neutral grip for pull-ups

A pull-up option that is quite convenient to perform.

It allows you to evenly distribute the load between the muscles in the upper body and does not contribute to injury. The exercise is good for developing muscle groups in the back, biceps and shoulders.

To complete the exercise you will need special kind horizontal bar - with handles for parallel bars. Your arms will need to be straightened all the way at the bottom point. As for the amplitude of movement, it should be maximum.

Working with narrow parallel arms

You can pull yourself up in this way using handles that need to be secured to the crossbar. The exercise is well suited for working the muscles of the posterior deltoids. Additionally, the pectoral and serratus muscles, as well as the biceps, take part in the work.

You need to perform it by grabbing the handles, pulling yourself towards them with maximum effort with your chest. During the exercise, you will need to bend your back, tilt your shoulders back, trying to complete the main task - reach the handles.

What type of pull-ups is better to choose? It all depends on what muscles you want to work and whether you are going to use weights. In any case, it should be understood that different variants will help work out the muscles in the upper body. Choose the types of pull-ups on the bar that are suitable for you at this stage of training, study thematic photos and videos on the website and develop the agility, strength and power of your body.

Pull-ups can be considered one of the most effective exercises performed with your own weight. All you need for training is a bar and the desire to work on yourself.

The main benefit of pull-ups is that they allow you to work almost all the major muscles of the shoulders and back:

  • back muscles (latissimus, trapezius, rhomboids, teres)
  • breasts (major and minor pectorals)
  • serratus anterior muscles
  • shoulder muscles (biceps, brachialis, triceps, rear deltoid) and forearm
  • the press performs static work to fix the vertical position of the body

How to exercise on the horizontal bar

The effectiveness of exercises largely depends on the correctness of their implementation. Pull-ups are no exception. Let's look at the rules that apply to each type.

  • pull-ups are performed using muscle strength, without inertia and body swaying
  • lifting is carried out without jerking
  • The chin at the top of the lift should be above the bar
  • the descent is smooth, equal in time to the ascent
  • correct breathing: exhale on the way up, inhale on the way down
  • strong grip
  • vertical position of the body
  • The starting position for all types of pull-ups (except for pull-ups with a wide grip behind the head) is hanging, bending in the back, legs bent at the knees and crossed

Types of grips for pull-ups

Pull-ups can be performed different ways. In this case, methods mean changing the grip: its width, the location of the hands on the crossbar. There are other ways to vary the load when performing pull-ups. For example, changing the time of the negative and positive phases, using additional weights, the technique of incomplete amplitude (partial repetitions). But it is precisely working with different grips of the bar that allows you to optimally redistribute the load between individual muscle groups and effectively avoid the occurrence and development of muscle adaptation. There are 4 main grips: regular (aka upper, medium in width), wide, parallel and reverse grip (narrow).

A short list of grips and muscles involved

Depending on the width and method of grip, you can practice on the horizontal bar as follows:

  • narrow overhand grip (brachialis, serratus anterior and lower lats)
  • narrow reverse grip (biceps, lower lats)
  • medium straight grip (muscles of the back, shoulders and chest)
  • medium reverse grip (lats, biceps)
  • wide grip to the chest (top of lats, trapezoid, round)
  • wide grip behind the head (trapezius, upper and middle part of the lats, round)
  • neutral grip (lats, triceps, brachialis, serratus anterior)

The wider the grip, the more the back muscles work. The narrower the grip, the more the muscles of the arms and chest are activated.

Now let's look at the basic grips in more detail.

Width – slightly wider than shoulder width, overhand grip (palms facing outwards). At the top dead center arms are completely bent at the elbow joint, chin over the bar. At bottom dead center, the arms are fully extended. The exercise should be performed without swinging, the negative phase (lowering of the body) is a controlled descent. Typically, the negative and positive phases of the exercise are performed at the same speed, however, the biceps are more sensitive to the negative phase of the load, so many athletes recommend performing the negative phase approximately twice as long as the positive phase. If an athlete cannot pull himself up on his own, then a partner helps him with this, lifting him up and allowing him to slowly lower himself (using the controlled descent method) - this is one of the ways to learn how to pull himself up. In regular grip pull-ups, the biceps, trapezius and latissimus dorsi muscles are evenly loaded.

There are two methods of execution: with a regular wide grip (slightly narrower than in pull-ups with a regular overhand grip) and a narrow grip. In both cases, the grip of the hands is lower (reverse), so that the palms look inward. The exercise primarily targets the biceps and lats. Moreover, the narrower the grip, the greater the load on the biceps. Distinctive feature exercise is that it manifests itself here more than anywhere else amazing property pull-ups - the muscle on which attention is focused is trained. Reverse close grip pull-ups are considered one of the the best ways biceps pumping.

In contrast to the previous movement, here the muscles of the back are mainly loaded - the latissimus. At the top point, the head is behind the bar in such a way that the trapezius muscles of the back and shoulders almost touch the bar. If the exercise is performed, trying to touch the bar with your chest, then the front deltoids will develop (in combination with the barbell press, this technique gives amazing results in increasing the mass of the pectoral muscles). Similar to the previous exercises, wide-grip pull-ups should be performed slowly, with a controlled descent.

The exercise is focused on developing the lower sections of the latissimus muscles, while the range of motion is shortened, and the bar is touched with the chest, not the chin. When moving through the full amplitude and/or until the chin touches the bar, the pull is carried out primarily through the strength of the biceps, rather than the lats. Hands are placed as narrow as possible. Serves as an excellent finishing exercise in lat training.

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