Ani Lorak when she was full. Singer Ani Lorak: biography, personal life, family, husband, children, daughter - photo. Long road to Eurovision

The well-known singer Ani Lorak, whose biography will be described in this article, like many other contemporary artists who have achieved success and universal love, knew from childhood what she wanted to devote her whole life to. Despite the fact that fate was not always favorable to her, she managed to realize her dream.

Ani Lorak: biography - difficult childhood

The real name of the singer is Carolina, the surname is Kuek. She was born in 1978 on September 27 in a small town called Kitsman (Chernivtsi region of Ukraine). The girl's father was a journalist, her mother was a radio announcer. Even before the birth of her daughter, the couple divorced, the mother could not pay enough attention to all the children of whom there were four in the family (Karolina had three brothers, one of them died in Afghanistan), and the girl was brought up in a boarding school until the seventh grade. desire to become famous singer Carolina had it at the age of four, she recalls that she hummed something all the time. And I didn’t even imagine then that someday it would be not Carolina, but Ani Lorak.

Biography of the artist: the history of the stage name

In March 1995, it was released on television new gear titled "Morning Star". Caroline Kuek also took part in the competition for young performers. But the organizers discovered that on their lists two contestants with the name Karolina were from Russia and wanted to perform without announcing their names). After much thought about how to be in this situation, and listing the mass of pseudonyms under which the young performer could perform, a way out of the situation was found - her name was read from right to left, and the Ukrainian Carolina became Ani Lorak.

Biography of the singer: the first success and fame

According to the results of the competition, the singer was recognized as the most amazing discovery and was awarded the Golden Firebird award. The festival "Chervona Ruta", which was held in the Crimea in the same 1995, also gave Carolina the opportunity to show her vocal abilities, and they were appreciated - the singer took second place.

The world saw the first album of Ani Lorak in 1996, the second - in 1997, after which the singer went on a tour of Europe, where she was accepted and loved.

In 1999, Ani Lorak, at the age of 19, was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Ukraine. At the same time, she began a collaboration with the Russian composer Igor Krutoy, which gave the audience many new hits. 2002 was a year of recognition for Anya - she became the Best Singer of Ukraine.

In 2008, under the leadership of Philip Kirkorov, Ani Lorak performed at Eurovision, where she took second place (first - Dima Bilan).

Charity and Ani Lorak: biography

The growth of the singer in a professional way, gaining crazy popularity, a busy tour schedule does not prevent her from remaining human, Ani does not allow herself to forget that there are people who need help. Ani Lorak speaks and assists in helping HIV-positive people in Ukraine. He regularly visits children in orphanages deprived of parental love, acts as a sponsor in the purchase of medical equipment, and is filmed in social networks. advertising.

Ani Lorak: biography - family

In 2003, during a vacation in Turkey, the singer met Murat Nalchajioglu (co-owner of the tour operator Turtess Travel), with whom they began an affair. In 2004, Murat moved to Anya in Ukraine, and five years later, the lovers officially got married. In June 2011, Karolina and Murat became parents - their daughter Sofia was born.

Meanwhile, the brilliant Ukrainian singer is not married to an oligarch or a producer, but to an ordinary guy. The only unusual thing about him is that he is a Turk.

Eastern fairy tale

Much has been written about Murat Nalchagioglu. Sometimes he is called a Turkish wealthy businessman, sometimes he is called a gigolo and a marriage swindler. Ani herself does not hide the fact that her husband is not a bag of money, and not a shoulder in the world of show business.

When in 2005 she was vacationing in Turkey, albeit in a five-star, but not in the most luxurious hotel, he worked there as a manager.

She understood this from the badge and walkie-talkie. A young handsome man invited her to a restaurant that had karaoke.

"My singing will cost you dearly" Lorak replied. He did not know that a pretty girl in shorts and without makeup is a star in Russia and Ukraine. The next day, he organized a banquet in honor of an unknown star. Imagine his surprise when Ani Lorak appeared in an evening dress as an honored guest. They talked a little over dinner, and Murat walked her to her room.

Anya had to leave the next morning. She last time went to the sea, and decided to drink tea in a cafe on the beach. Murat approached her and said: “I don’t know if I will ever see you again, but I will wait for you all my life!”.

Lorak admits that for a long time she could not get the young Turk out of her head. I tried to turn on the heads: you are here, he is there, and you don’t know the person at all. Maybe he's married? Maybe he has three wives and eight children?

And he suddenly began to send her SMS to English language. Ani did not answer, she even turned off the phone so as not to be distracted by beautiful oriental messages.

One day she could not stand it and called back.

In the sleep room, they simply breathed into the phone, since in English Ani at that time could only connect two or three words.

A year later, Ani Lorak went to Turkey to shoot a video clip.

Fate decreed that the organizers chose this hotel to accommodate the group. This time, the overseas prince met her fully armed. Gorgeous white car, a separate floor for her. Seeing Murat, Ani decided - be, as it will be! She confessed her feelings to him, and they decided not to part anymore.

Harsh Slavic everyday life

Murat moved to his beloved in Ukraine, and even took citizenship. In show business, the choice of the beauty Lorak was taken by ES with bewilderment. Murat, who cannot read Russian, constantly asked that Ani translate to him what they write about their couple. He was very surprised. What is it that he is a Turk? Ani, as best she could, tried to protect him from public opinion.

Ani admits that Murat's life story is similar to hers. Ani grew up in an incomplete large family besides her mother had three more children. Mom worked a lot, and at one time Carolina (the real name of the singer) even had to live in a boarding school. Murat's father died early, and he remained the only man in family. He needed to feed three sisters and his mother.

Interesting Notes:

During this period, the young man had a patron named Talkh, whom Murat considers to be the named father. He helped make a career in the tourism business and rise to the position of a manager. good hotel. At first, he was against Murat's relationship with Lorak, but then he relented and even gave Murat a share in one of the Turkish travel companies.

Except own business, Murat was engaged in the restaurant business, but rather not successfully. It is believed that Lorak bought the restaurant for him.

In addition to domestic difficulties, other conflicts arose in the star's family. Murata was not satisfied with his wife's busy schedule, and he even almost went home. Lorak managed to keep him. The singer also had to deal with the fact that during the tour her husband had fun in nightclubs in the company of girls of model appearance. Videos and photos of parties with caustic comments hit the Internet.

Despite everything, the Lorak family is still together, their daughter Sofia is growing up. Ani has never said anything negative to the press about her husband. She says openly: "My husband is my god." Today the family lives in three countries - Türkiye, Russia, Ukraine.

Unfortunately, information in the media about the betrayals of Ani Lorak turned out to be true. As a result, the popular singer filed for divorce from Murat.

On Russian stage there is one unique singer with a voice range of more than 4.5 octaves. She was born in Ukraine and from childhood she got used to overcome various difficult moments in her life. Fans of popular music will be interested to know creative biography Ani Lorak, who managed to win the title of Diva of show business. She can not only sing beautifully, but also write songs and compose music for them.

The girl was born in the small provincial town of Kitsman in Ukraine on October 27, 1978. The difficult childhood of Ani Lorak was predetermined even before her birth. The singer's parents divorced before the birth of Carolina, so she had to live in complete poverty.

After birth, Ani Lorak received the unsound surname of her father, whose name was Miroslav, but after the arrival of popularity, she abandoned it. The girl's family lived rather poorly. because she was far from being an only child. At the age of 7, Zhanna Vasilyevna placed Ani in a special Sadgorsk boarding school on the outskirts of Chernivtsi. She lived there until the eighth grade, because her mother worked around the clock, but still was not able to feed the children.

From the age of four, little Carolina dreamed of becoming a famous singer, but life did not allow her to achieve this. At the boarding school, the girl constantly took classical music lessons and participated in all little-known competitions, in which her abilities were noticed, which became a pass to the Ukrainian stage.

Singer career

Having won the contest of singers "Primrose" in Chernivtsi, Lorak was able to meet the well-known producer Yuriy Thales in certain circles. He saw in the girl a huge talent and her incredible prospects. In 1992, the singer signed her first contract. For more than two years, Carolina comprehended the intricacies and pitfalls of show business.

Ani Lorak's real name is Carolina Kuek, and at first she performed under him. But after they began to recognize her on the street, she had to come up with a pseudonym for herself. This was the main requirement of the producer. In 1995, Ani claimed to win the famous music competition, but there was already a participant from Russia with the same name, so the girl had to quickly look for a way out. Then her mentor read the name of the singer on the contrary and approved this option.

In the same year, Yuri got the girl on the popular television program "Morning Star", where she gained fame on an all-Union scale. Ani began to be called a golden voice. And also she was able to win the first Golden Firebird award in her life at the famous Tavria Games. This year was a real breakthrough for the future star. Cash fees and Carolina's career skyrocketed. The singer began to interest eminent journalists and earned the reverent love of fans, the number of which grew with each new album.

There were a huge number of prestigious competitions in which Carolina participated under the guidance of a producer. Victory in each of them has always brought more and more popularity and increased the army of admirers. Lorak was engaged in her favorite profession and worked very hard. In 1998, she became a promising Ukrainian singer.

In 1999, despite her age, the star was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Ukraine, and five years later Lorak became an honorary Goodwill Ambassador of the United Nations. In 2008, the singer performed at Eurovision and took an honorable second place there.

In addition to unique voice data and youth, the singer has amazing charisma. She was often invited to be a model for the most popular fashion designers. On the territory of Ukraine, the girl became official well-known cosmetics company Oriflame, Schwarzkopf & Henkel corporation and travel operator TurTess Travel.

Bullying in Ukraine

Ani Lorak's problems at home began in mid-2009. At this time, she took part in Yulia Tymoshenko's campaign tour "With Ukraine in the Heart." The inhabitants of the country well remembered this mistake of hers. But the persecution of the artist began after a tour in Russian Federation while started Civil War on the territory of Donbass.

Aggressive nationalists began to disrupt all the concerts of the singer, and scandalous articles about her were posted in the local media. Some Ukrainians wanted to ban Karolina from performing in Russia. And they also did not like the contacts and strong friendship of the girl with the king of the Russian stage, Philip Kirkorov.

Ani Lorak performed with such Russian celebrities:

  • Timur Rodriguez;
  • Valeriy Meladze;
  • Grigory Leps;
  • Yegor Creed.

Many artists stood up for Lorak, but the radical Svoboda party staged a real persecution. Despite everything, Karolina continues to give concerts in the Baltic States and the Russian Federation, because art is much more important to her than political ambitions. Now Ani refrains from touring in Ukraine, fearing for her safety.

Carolina's personal life

Carolina's personal life is extremely open to the public. From 1995 to 2003 she lived with her producer and inspirer Yuri Thales in civil marriage. In 2009, the singer got married with Turtess Travel Director Murat Nalchajioglu. future husband Ani Lorak met her in Turkey, and a year later he moved to live in the capital of Ukraine.

At the beginning of 2011, the singer gave birth to a charming daughter, Sofia, who legally received her father's surname Nalchazhdiogle. In March 2012, she was baptized in Kyiv, and Philip Kirkorov was chosen as the godfather of her daughter. Lorak said that the pop king became her older brother, whom she lost in early childhood. The singer goes to practice every day. The girl began to get involved in sports after giving birth, as she recovered by 16 kilograms, which is a lot for her height.

There are a lot of rumors about plastic surgery Carolina. People comment on photos on the singer's Instagram page, which show the girl's greatly enlarged lips. But experienced plastic surgeons assure that this form appeared after a special make-up, and not a surgical intervention. Lorak does not comment on this news in any way, instead posting new photos on the network without any funds.

In the summer of 2018, the singer's husband was seen in the company of a socialite from Ukraine, Yana Belyaeva. Murat gave her various signs attention while Karolina gave a concert at the stadium in Baku. For several months, the couple did not comment on this event, and at the beginning of this year they officially divorced.

Since according to the sign of the zodiac Lorak is Libra, she is characterized as a very sensitive, active and cheerful girl. With the help of her determination, she always achieves her goal. Friends characterize her as a romantic nature, appreciating devotion and fidelity.

In early February 2018, the singer staged a world-class concert called DIVA, directed by the famous Ivan Bondarchuk.

Its premiere took place on February 10 in the capital of Belarus and made a splash in show business. The level of vocals, directing and good special effects of the concert is unique for the territory of the Russian Federation. Lorak dedicated this performance to all women.

During execution main song Ani Lorak appears in unexpected images:

  • Virgin Mary;
  • Coco Chanel;
  • Mother Teresa.

For Carolina, this concert was a big test. She does not leave the stage for almost four hours, performing incredible acrobatic numbers during the songs. The show uses a movable platform, 450 special molting hangers, 20 small elevators and 250 stage outfits.

Ani Lorak is a Ukrainian singer, actress and TV presenter, People's Artist of Ukraine, who won second place at Eurovision 2008 with the song "Shady Lady".

Difficult childhood

Karolina Miroslavovna Kuek was born on September 27, 1978 in small town Kitsman, Chernivtsi region, Ukrainian SSR. The newborn already had two older brothers - Sergey and Igor, and later, in 1985, a younger brother Andrei appeared.

Karolina's father, Miroslav Ivanovich Kuek, who graduated from a music school with a degree in conductor and the philological faculty of Chernivtsi University, worked as a journalist, and her mother, Zhanna Vasilievna Linkiv, was an announcer on the local radio - every morning the city woke up to the sound of her voice.

Fate developed in such a way that Carolina's parents divorced before her birth. It was decided to name the baby Olga, but the Polish grandmother insisted that the newborn be named Carolina.

After the divorce, Jeanne was in an unregistered marriage for 17 years with a man named Vasily. My stepfather liked to take a sip of a bottle, he brought almost no money home.

Carolina's childhood was poor and hungry. In the 80s, the family moved to the city of Chernivtsi, where Zhanna was offered the position of an announcer. There was barely enough money for a tiny house, consisting of a kitchen and a single room. There was no heating or running water in the house - water was carried from a well, the toilet was also outside. At first, the family did not even have furniture; for some time Zhanna and the children slept on the same mattress. To keep warm on cold nights, the guys huddled together.

The woman's salary was not even enough for food, so Carolina never felt full. She did not know what new things were: she got them from her middle brother, who, in turn, received them from her older brother. Clothes and shoes were big for a couple of sizes.

When the newborn Andrei appeared in the family in 1985, my mother had to send Igor and Karolina to a boarding school. Official clothes and unpretentious food from the canteen seemed to Caroline something from the realm of magic. And this despite the fact that more arrogant and stronger peers sometimes ate her dinner. Sometimes dad visited her, each of his arrivals was a holiday, because he took his daughter to " Child's world” and bought toys, and in parting gave a bag of sweets. He offered the children to move in with him, but they were afraid to offend their mother.

And although Carolina had to live away from her family and returned home only for the weekend, she never felt resentment and anger towards her parents. Wise and independent beyond her years, she understood that this was how the circumstances developed, not because of a good life she was sent to a boarding school. At least my parents are alive and they love me, she thought as she watched other children whose parents were either in prison or didn't dry out.

In 1987, the older brother Sergei, who paid especially close attention to the development of his sister's vocal abilities, died in Afghanistan. The family was given a three-room apartment, and for the first time in her life, Carolina had her own room. She went to a regular school where she was bullied because of her boarding background and oversized shabby clothes.

Carier start

WITH early years Carolina was hiding from adversity and aggression of the outside world in her work. The girl wanted to sing professionally at the age of 4, therefore, having matured, she began to actively try her voice at school and city talent competitions.

Also in kindergarten, as soon as I saw some kind of hill and an audience, I ran out and arranged a concert.

At the age of 9, the girl won her first significant victory - she was awarded 10 rubles. “I began to go to school like a queen, not by bus, but by minibus,” Ani Lorak recalled how she disposed of the first money she earned. She gave half of the money to her mother and, feeling proud of the replenishment family budget, began to dream of how she would grow up and earn more serious money with her talent. In addition, the return of the audience partly replaced her lack of parental attention, so Carolina was drawn to the stage with a magnet.

I had ambitions: to become a world-class artist. That's the only way I set myself up and educated myself.

In 1992, Karolina became the winner of the popular local-scale festival Primrose, where she also met Yuri Thalesa, a representative of the Titan production center. So the girl signed the first contract and began to call herself a professional singer. She graduated from high school as an external student without a single triple.

In 1995, the 17-year-old singer performed in Russian show young talents "Morning Star" with the song "My God". When the girl applied for participation, it turned out that the program already included a singer named Karolina, so she had to come up with a pseudonym - the girl read her name backwards and appeared before the audience as the “newborn” Ani Lorak.

After her debut on television, the girl was recognized as the opening of the year according to a survey of viewers. She moved to Kiev, in July 1995 she performed at the Tavria Games international music festival, where she was awarded the Golden Firebird statuette, and in September she took second place at the Chervona Ruta festival.

One of the first performances of Ani Lorak

By this time, Ani Lorak had finished work on her debut album “I Want to Fly”, recorded in the jazz-rock style. In early 1996, the disc was released by the English studio "Holy Music" with a circulation of 6 thousand copies, however, for unknown reasons, not a single copy came to the singer's homeland.

In the summer of the same year, Karolina again took part in the Taurian Games, this time accompanied by the American group The Blues Brothers, and was nominated for the Golden Firebird award in the Best Singer category.

Ani Lorak: Tavria Games-1996

In the summer of 1997, the artist conquered the Tavria Games for the third time with a video clip for the song "I'll Be Back", which became the title track of Ani Lorak's second studio album, which was released a few months later.

In early 1999, Ani Lorak went on her first major tour: the list of cities included the cities of the United States, Germany, France, Hungary and, of course, the cities of Ukraine.

Upon returning to her homeland, Ani Lorak became the youngest Honored Artist of Ukraine and met the composer Igor Krutoy. The result of their cooperation was the song "Mirrors" and a fresh contract, which entered into force in 2000.

At the end of 2001, Ani Lorak released her fourth solo disc called "Where you are ...". From the next "Tavria Games", held in the summer of the same year, the girl took home another "Golden Firebird" for winning the "Best Singer of the Year" and "Golden Disc" nominations, which she was awarded for the impressive sales results of the last album.

In 2004, an album called "Ani Lorak" was released. He quickly got the status of gold, and the song "Three Habitual Words" was recognized as the song of the year.

In 2005, Ani Lorak thought about conquering English-speaking listeners. Her sixth solo album "Smіle" went on sale. The song of the same name performed by the singer was supposed to represent Ukraine at international competition"Eurovision".


Ani Lorak with the song "Smile" became the favorite of the national selection for the international music contest "Eurovision-2005", which was to be held in Kyiv. However, during the final part of the selection, Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine Mykola Tomenko intervened. At his insistence, bypassing the preliminary selections, the Greenjola group went to Eurovision, becoming famous for the composition “We are rich together” during the Orange Revolution. The team performed extremely unsuccessfully (according to the overwhelming majority of critics), taking 19th place out of 24 possible.

In 2008, Ani Lorak made another attempt to be among the participants of Eurovision, and this time fortune turned to face the girl. Presenting the audience of the competition with a fresh single "Shady Lady", the music for which was written by Philip Kirkorov, she took second place, losing the first place to Dima Bilan with the song "Believe". Later, Ani covered the song "Shady Lady" into Russian (composition "From Heaven to Heaven").

Ani Lorak - Shady Lady (Ukraine) 2008 Eurovision Song Contest

After performing at Eurovision, the already popular singer was at the top of the musical Olympus. On the air of Ukrainian and Russian radio and TV channels, songs from the new album "The Sun" were actively rotated, which received platinum status, and also brought the singer the Russian award "Golden Gramophone".

The singer took part in the recording of an album in support of people living with HIV. As part of the project, she presented the song "I Love", recorded together with an HIV-positive young man named Vlad.

In the same year, Ani Lorak recorded a joint composition with Timur Rodriguez (“Passion”), received an invitation to perform together with singer Anastaysha and agreed to participate in the tour “With Ukraine in the Heart!” in support of Yulia Tymoshenko. In November, the girl became the host of the Junior Eurovision Song Contest, and at the end of the year she appeared in Alla Pugacheva's Christmas Meetings studio with the lyrical ballad "Waiting for You".

Ani Lorak's next album, "Light the Heart", was released only in 2013.

In 2014, the singer, along with Sergey Lazarev, Svyatoslav Vakarchuk and Tamara Gverdtsiteli, became a mentor in the fourth season of the Voice of Ukraine show.

September 2016 brought a long-awaited gift to fans of Ani Lorak's work - the new, 15th album "Did you love ...", recorded in collaboration with Igor Nikolaev and Igor Krutoy. The track list includes 20 songs, including two duets with Grigory Leps. In a matter of hours after the release, the release took first place in the Russian and Ukrainian iTunes charts. Critics argued that this is the most "adult" album of the singer. The disc was awarded the Muz-TV award in the Best Album of the Year nomination.

The video for the album's title track was released on the singer's 38th birthday and made a splash - largely thanks to the efforts of clip maker Alan Badoev, with whom Ani Lorak collaborated for the third time.

Ani Lorak - Did you love ...

2017 was remembered by the singer's fans for the release of the singles "Soprano" (together with Mot) and "Forgive" (together with Emin Agalarov).

Actress, model and social activist

In 2001, Ani Lorak made her debut as an actress with the role of Oksana in the comedy musical Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka. Her "partner" was Oleg Skripka, who played the role of the blacksmith Vakula.

Also, Anya could be seen in the role of Zemfira in the musical "Gypsies" and the lieutenant of the medical service in the film "Take the Overcoat", as well as in the image of Fanchetta in the musical "Crazy Day, or The Marriage of Figaro", where, in addition to Anya Lorak, other outstanding actresses with Ukrainian roots - Anastasia Stotskaya, Lolita Milyavskaya and the incomparable Sofia Rotaru.

The voice of the singer is spoken by Malysh in the dubbing of the Norwegian animated film "Karlson, who lives on the roof" (2002), as well as Susumu the bee and Bruno the cat from the Estonian cartoon "The Adventures of Lotta from Samodelkino" (2007).

Evening Urgant - Ani Lorak.

Ani Lorak has released three books for children: How to Become a Princess, How to Become a Star, and How to Become a Culinary Star in 7 Days.

In 2010, Ani Lorak became a model for Oriflame cosmetics, while also being the face of the TurTess Travel travel company and the Schwarzkopf brand.

The girl was the UN Goodwill Ambassador for AIDS and HIV in Ukraine, and was also the face of the charitable program "No to orphanhood!". In 2005, the singer was awarded the Order of St. Stanislav IV degree and the Officer's Cross "For strengthening the international prestige of Ukraine, high professionalism, high creative achievements, charitable activities and loyalty to knightly ideals."

After the outbreak of hostilities in the Donbass, Ani Lorak continued to perform in Russia, as a result of which she was persecuted by Ukrainian nationalists in Ukraine. On August 3, 2014, about a hundred protesters gathered near the Odessa club "Ibiza", where Ani Lorak's concert was being prepared. Odessa police chief Ivan Katerynchuk, as well as the governor of the Odessa region, Igor Palitsa, condemned the singer's position, which they said was anti-Ukrainian, but also criticized the actions of the protesters.

In 1997, when Ani turned 19, they began to live together as a couple. The novel continued until 2005. When Karolina was not allowed to Eurovision by order of President Yushchenko, who preferred to send the Greenjol group to the competition, the creative and family tandem fell into deep depression. According to Yuri, Ani blamed him for the failure, and soon they could no longer live or work together. Yuri left all copyrights ex-lover. At the same time, according to Yuri, in the early 2000s, Ani became close to a married football player, Sergei Rebrov.

In 2005, Ani Lorak was vacationing in Antalya, where she met 30-year-old Murat Nalchadzhioglu, a citizen of Turkey. In 2009, he proposed to her.

On August 15 of the same year, the couple signed at the central registry office in Kyiv. A week later, a solemn ceremony took place in the homeland of the spouse - 200 guests, hot Turkish dances, a huge multi-tiered cake and dazzling fireworks, summing up this significant day for the newlyweds.

In June 2011, the couple had a daughter, Sofia Muratovna. Philip Kirkorov became her godfather. Unlike many star parents, Ani tries not to introduce her daughter to the world of show business, at least at such a tender age. True, at the age of five, the baby sang on stage for the first time.

In 2015, the couple opened the Mangal Turkish restaurant in addition to the Angel Lounge, which has been owned by Ani Lorak since 2006.

At the beginning of 2019, the singer's name more often appeared on the pages of tabloids, not because of creativity, but because of divorce proceedings. It was reported that Ani fled to Jerusalem with her daughter after her husband's repeated infidelities. A little later, the journalists found out that Ani left her husband back in 2017, but the divorce was officially filed only in 2019.

Ani's close friends claimed that she tried to save her family to the last. The couple lived in two countries, and due to frequent separations, the marriage cracked at the seams. After Lorak left, Murat lost her financial support, and his night club burned out. After breaking off relations with Ani, he began dating model Samia Akhmetova.

Ani Lorak, real name Kuek Karolina Miroslavovna (b. 1978) is a famous Ukrainian singer, model (several international brands have chosen her as the advertising face of their companies), Honored Artist of Ukraine, People's Artist of Ukraine.

Family tree

Ani Lorak was born on September 27, 1978 in the small Ukrainian town of Kitsman, which is located in the Chernivtsi region.

Carolina's parents broke up before the girl was born. Raised the baby in more grandparents, because my mother had to work very hard to feed the children.

My paternal grandparents, Kuek Ivan and Olga, are no longer alive. Grandfather served as a pilot in the war, was captured, where he studied German and taught his granddaughter to speak it. My grandmother got married very early, at the age of 16. They were a very happy couple with their grandfather, they managed to celebrate their golden wedding anniversary. It was grandmother Olga who baptized little Carolina in the Kitsman church.

Grandparents on the mother's side - Yanina and Vasily Dmitrienko - also lived together for a long time. happy life. Grandmother Yanina is Polish by origin, in her younger years she was almost the most beautiful girl Kitsmani. So it’s clear who Ani Lorak turned out to be such a beauty.

Despite such happy marriages older generation, the life of Carolina's parents did not work out. Mom, Linkova Zhanna Vasilievna, married three times. From her first marriage in 1968, she gave birth to a son, Sergei, who died in Afghanistan when he served there in 1987.

From the second husband, Miroslav Ivanovich Kuek, Igor (in 1976) and Karolina were born. In 1985, Zhanna Vasilyevna gave birth to another boy from her third marriage. Mom Ani Lorak lives in Chernivtsi, she worked all her life as an announcer on television and radio.

So Carolina was the only girl who, of course, everyone loved very much. But some special connection, one might even say spiritual, connected her with her eldest brother Sergei. When she was still very young, it was he who saw singing talent in her sister and insisted that she not give up her passion for singing, but, on the contrary, continued to develop in this direction.

Dad, Miroslav Kuek, Honored Journalist of Ukraine, is an employee of the newspaper "Volnaya Zhizn", lives in his homeland in the city of Kitsman. In his youth, he studied as a choir conductor at the Chernivtsi College of Music, so Carolina had someone to inherit her passion for music from.

Yes, and she was born in the picturesque Bukovina. This region is the birthplace of such talents as the author of the song "Chervona Ruta", Vladimir Ivasyuk, and the People's Artist of the USSR, the beloved singer Sofia Rotaru. So Carolina already at the age of 4 decided to devote her life to singing and music.

First steps into the world of music

It cannot be said that Carolina's childhood passed in abundance, moreover, the family was in poverty. Mom tried hard, worked from morning until late at night, but she was not able to feed the children, which is why she sent them to a boarding school. The girl was barely 6 years old when she, along with her brothers, ended up in the Sadgorsk boarding school in Chernivtsi. Carolina studied there until the 7th grade, and all this time on any school competitions vocals she was among the first.

In 1992, Karolina took part in the Primrose song festival, which was held in Chernivtsi, and received the second prize at it. Here, producer Yuri Falyosa noticed her and offered the young girl a cooperation contract, which she signed, and from that moment she slowly but surely set off on her way to the musical Olympus. Yuri managed to discern a promising singer in the girl in time, thanks to him Carolina began to comprehend the intricacies of show business.

In 1994, she received two first prizes at music festivals- Veselad in Kyiv and Dolya in Chernivtsi.

The second prize was brought to Carolina by the All-Ukrainian festival "Chervona Ruta" in the city of Sevastopol in 1995. And at the same time, she became famous outside of Ukraine, thanks to her victory in the Morning Star contest, which was held on Russian television. From that moment, the stage name of the aspiring singer appeared. Since a singer from Russia under the name Karolina took part in the competition, the Ukrainian guest had to urgently look for a pseudonym for herself. Without thinking twice, it was decided to read the name Carolina the other way around, and it turned out to be Ani Lorak. This year became predetermining in the fate of the singer, she had fans, good fees, journalists became more and more interested in her.

The following year was marked by the release of Anya’s first collection of songs “I Want to Fly”, the Tavria Games festival brought the singer recognition of her “Discovery of 1995”, and she also conquered the World Competition for Young Performers in New York, where she won the Grand Prix.

Fast track to glory

At the end of 1997, the second collection of songs called "I'll be back" was released. A little more than a year has passed, and Lorak's everyday life has turned into a long, but very successful tour. First, in large Ukrainian cities, then in Hungary, France, Germany and the USA.

In 1999, the performer received an award from the Ukrainian president for her work, Lorak became the Honored Artist of Ukraine, there were no such young holders of this title in the country. In the same year, she met the composer Igor Krutoy. Collaborating together, they released the song "Mirrors" and signed a contract (between the Moscow company ARS and singer Ani Lorak).

The year 2000 in Anya's life was marked by the release of a new song "The Angel of My Dreams" and a collection.

In 2001 to New Year's holiday the premiere of the musical film "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka" took place, where Lorak played the role of the main character - Oksana. Her partner in the role of Vakula was Oleg Skripka, the lead singer of the Voply Vidoplyasova group. The musical comedy was an incredible success, compositions from it are still performed on radio and television. Also this year, the singer presented a new collection of her songs "There, de ti є", which the very next year, following the results of sales, was awarded, becoming the "Golden Disc".

"The Best Singer of Ukraine" was recognized by Ani in 2002, and she also got into the list of 100 most sexy women on the planet. In London, she recorded several musical English-language compositions, the authors of which were:

  • Mark Brzeziski;
  • Barry Guard;
  • Steve;
  • Josh Phillips.

In 2003, Ani received another title of "Best Ukrainian singer” and recorded English-language compositions in Los Angeles, written by Pam Resswick.

The singer went beyond the borders of her country, her star lit up and to this day shines on the Russian stage. One after another, she receives statuettes of the Golden Gramophone for the compositions:

Long road to Eurovision

In 2005, Ani successfully passed the national Ukrainian qualifying round in order to represent her country at Eurovision. According to the results of the audience vote, she became the favorite, but Deputy Prime Minister Nikolai Tomenko joined in solving this issue. He insisted that the Ivano-Frankivsk group "Grinjoly" be invited to the final selection, whose artists eventually became Ukrainian representatives at the music competition, where they performed very poorly, receiving only 19th place.

But Lorak, from childhood, got used not to give up and go towards her goal. She nevertheless participated in the European music contest "Eurovision" in 2008 and became the second. The singer performed the song "Shady Lady", the music for which was composed by Philip Kirkorov.

At the end of 2013, a new show program of the singer Karolina was presented in Kyiv, with which she later went on a long tour of Ukrainian and Russian cities, CIS and Baltic countries. With this program, Ani toured almost the entire 2014.

Thanks to Lorak, the musical country of Ukraine was recognized in the world. She won the hearts of listeners not only in her homeland and in Russia, but also far beyond their borders. England and France, Germany and Hungary, Turkey and Poland, the USA - in these countries there are a lot of fans of the Ukrainian performer.

The singer does not plan to linger on the achieved results, in the future she will continue to conquer the European and world scenes. And of course, she will succeed, because her songs are stylish and high-quality, the lyrics are magnificent, and her voice simply enchants with its originality, strength and at the same time femininity and tenderness.

Ani Lorak off stage

Although Ani claims that music is her work, hobby and the meaning of her life, she finds time for other activities. In matters of AIDS and HIV in Ukraine, Lorak became the UN Goodwill Ambassador. For this activity, she was awarded the Order of St. Stanislaus, IV degree.

Despite all the busyness, Ani takes part in the filming of films and musical comedies, and cartoon characters often speak in her voice, she is engaged in dubbing and dubbing.

The singer supports children's literary publications, with her assistance the following books were published:

  • "How to become a princess";
  • "How to become a star";
  • How to become a culinary star in 7 days.

On the modern stage, Ani is still the sexiest show business star. At the same time, her image is not vulgar or vulgar, but, on the contrary, subtle and gentle. No wonder she was chosen as the face of their companies by the cosmetic companies Oriflame and Schwarzkopf & Henkel.

Personal life

Happy and successful on stage, the same Ani Lorak in her personal life.
Her first relationship was with producer Yuri Falyosa, they lived in a civil marriage from 1996 to 2004.

When the couple broke up, during a vacation in Antalya in 2005, Ani met the manager of the hotel where she was resting, Murat Nalchadzhioglu. But less than a year later, the young man realized that he could not live without this beauty, and left for Ukraine. In 2008, Murat offered Ani a hand and heart, and in 2009 they officially registered their relationship with the Central Kiev registry office. A chic wedding took place in Turkey.

In the summer of 2011, the couple had a daughter, Sofia. Philip Kirkorov became the godfather for the girl. And the singer herself is the godmother of Carolina, named after her, and being her daughter best friend Lilia Podkopayeva.

In the life of Ani Lorak, like any normal person, likes to take a walk, go to the cinema or relax, having collapsed with his favorite book on the sofa and wrapped himself in a cozy warm blanket.

Despite the fact that all creative life she is now more connected with Russia, and her husband Murat is a representative of Turkey, in her soul Ani Lorak still remains a Ukrainian and cannot imagine her life without a real Ukrainian borscht.

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