Elena Ksenofontova enjoys only smart men. Drama of Elena Ksenofontova: personal life, children, creativity Details of the family drama

Russian theater and film actress. Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (2006).

Elena Ksenofontova. Biography

Elena Yurievna Ksenofontova was born on December 17, 1972 in the city of Khromtau, Aktobe region of Kazakhstan. Later, the family of the future actress moved to Serpukhov near Moscow. Mother tried to give Elena a comprehensive education.

Elena Ksenofontova about her childhood: “I thought I wanted to become a doctor… but not for long. Scared of blood and a small percentage of the presence of celebrities. The actress "sat" in the subcortex. Well (even too well) I studied in all other subjects. Thanks to my mother’s invincible desire to give me something that she was not “added to”, I did literally everything: painting, music (four classes of a music school in piano), sports, where I achieved pretty serious results, language ... ".

Initially, Elena planned to enter the Historical and Archival Institute, but in high school she became interested in theater. Elena Ksenofontova became the winner of several reading competitions, and in the school theater she played Baba Yaga in Leonid Filatov's play "About Fedot the Archer ...". She graduated from school in 1990, but four whole years passed before she entered the theater institute. At that time Elena Ksenofontova she was sick a lot, and many believed that she would not be able to withstand the intense acting profession.

Elena Ksenofontova. creative way

In 1994, Elena entered the acting department of VGIK, where she studied under the guidance of Joseph Reichelgauz. Even in her first year, she became an actress at the School of Modern Play theater, whose artistic director was Reichelgauz. During her studies, Elena managed to play Tatyana in the play "Mrs. Leo", Dulcinea in the play "Greetings, Don Quixote!", Her Majesty the Queen in the production "About the Promised Oil". Graduation work Elena Ksenofontova became Begonia in the play "Love Karlovna".

Elena Ksenofontova - winner of the Tamara Makarova Prize "For work in the theater and cinema during her studies at the institute" (1998).

In 1998, she graduated from VGIK and received invitations from six Moscow theaters at once, but chose to stay at the School of Modern Play. In 2000, after five years of work in this troupe, Ksenofontova moved to the theater Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. Since 2009, the actress began working in entrepreneurial projects of various theaters.

Elena Ksenofontova about her theatrical work: “For a very long time Armen Borisovich wanted me to play in the play “Mona” based on the play by the Romanian playwright Mikhail Sebastian “Nameless Star”, I was looking for a director for a long time, the distribution of roles was not easy, but as a result all these torments were justified, because this role is very interesting for me, we have a full house, and the performance is of interest to different viewers - both young and mature. This is a beautiful love story, and maybe not love, but not every person in life has such a thing!”

Ksenofontova has long been invited to the cinema, but she, having appeared on the screen in 1992 in the film " Womanizer 2», for a long time refused, being completely absorbed in theatrical work. In the series "Taiga. Survival Course "(2002) she was persuaded to act by producer Valery Todorovsky, and Elena showed no less fanatical love for her profession than in the theater.

Elena Ksenofontova, recalling the beginning of her work in cinema: I think that in the acting profession, sometimes you need to completely turn off your head for the sake of a frame, a scene. But now I have a serious deterrent - my children! Then I was free, so it was easier for me to do such things. It really happened like this: at that time I didn’t think that I couldn’t swim - it was important for me to take a good shot ...

In the filmography of the actress of the role in the series " Cannon"," The main caliber", " Daughters-Mothers", " Lair of the snake", " Garages", " Frozen dispatches", " Goodbye, boys", etc. In 2015, she joined the cast of the rating comedy tape of the STS channel " Kitchen ", where she appeared in the fifth and sixth seasons as the owner of the prestigious Eleanor's hotel. Then Elena starred in the spin-off of this series - the Eleon Hotel project (2016), the second season of which started in the spring of 2017.

Elena Ksenofontova. Personal life

The first husband of Elena, who at that time was 19 years old, was Igor Lipatov. Together they lived for 11 years, then their union broke up. The second husband of Ksenofontova is a producer Ilya Neretin(“Grey gelding”, “Keys to the past”, “Golden cage”). The couple had a son in 2003 Timofey Neretin. After some time, the marriage broke up.

For about nine years, the actress was in civil marriage with a lawyer Alexander Ryzhykh, from which on February 10, 2011 she gave birth to a daughter, Sophia. In 2016, it became known that the family idyll in this family is just a screen. The process of parting a couple turned around litigation and even a sentence for Elena, whom On December 26, 2016, ignoring all her arguments and evidence, she was charged with intentional assault and battery. Alexander Ryzhikh. True, after the law on the decriminalization of beatings was issued, the case against Elena was dismissed, the accusations of violence were dropped from the artist: on March 16, 2017, the court granted Ksenofontova's appeal and fully acquitted her.

At the end of January 2017, Elena appeared on the program " Time will tell" dedicated to domestic violence. Actress bursting into tears live, spoke about tyranny in everyday life and, based on her own experience, said that she could not write a statement to the police against her husband, because she experienced a panic fear of him. And on February 1, 2017, as part of the talk show “Let them talk,” Ksenofontova decided to frankly tell Andrei Malakhov about the details of life with civil spouse, who, according to the actress, terrorized her family, tried to drive Elena and the children out of the house. With tears in her eyes, the heroine of the issue revealed the sad truth about how she endured humiliation and beatings from her lawyer husband for several years.

In April 2017, Elena became a guest of the program “Alone with Everyone" on Channel One and shared her life philosophy with the host Yulia Menshova, and also told how she survived a difficult break with her former common-law spouse, noting that after much thought about unsuccessful marriage And scandalous divorce, she came to the conclusion that it is impossible to remain silent about domestic tyranny.

Despite such a bitter experience, Elena does not believe that it is necessary to draw a line in her personal relationships: No, not at all. Love to opposite sex I didn't get it off. Repulse the desire to live - this will never wait.

Elena Ksenofontova. Filmography

2017 Hotel Eleon 2
2016 Three Queens (Ella Dmitrievna Pogodina)
2016 Hotel Eleon (Eleonora Andreevna Galanova)
2016 Faith (short)

Actress Elena Ksenofontova, the star of the Ellion Hotel series, has been fighting for her daughter and apartment for more than two years. She is suing her ex-husband, lawyer Alexander Ryzhykh.

How did it happen that once the closest people became irreconcilable enemies? Who is he - Alexander Ryzhykh, the man whom the talented and beautiful Elena Ksenofontova once fell in love with?

Divorce history

Little is known about the love story and relationship between Ksenofontova and Ryzhykh. Much more widely heard is the story of their scandalous breakup, which has a somewhat criminal connotation.

In 2016, at the request of Alexander Ryzhykh, a criminal case was initiated in the Magistrate's Court of the Presnensky District for committing a crime under Part 1 of Art. 116 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Hooliganism".

According to Ryzhykh, during the period of cohabitation, she periodically beat her roommate. The evidence in the case was a scratch on the applicant's face.

On the other hand, Elena claimed that, on the contrary, the common-law husband allowed himself to raise his hand against the actress, and she only defended herself.

Evidence was provided in the form of testimonies, beatings recorded in the prescribed manner, a report from the district police officer. However, in 25 meetings, the actress failed to prove her case, she was found guilty and had to pay a fine.

The ordeal didn't end there. Alexander Ryzhykh continued litigation in order to determine the place of residence of Sofia's daughter with her father, as well as cancel the deed of gift for the apartment, which he gave to his ex-common-law wife. That is, for one motive known to him, he wanted to leave the woman with nothing - without a child and without an apartment.

In January 2018, Ryzhykh again summoned Ksenofontova to court on charges of intentionally beating her. In addition, the lawyer does not leave attempts to cancel the donation agreement.

According to Ksenofontova, before meeting with Alexander Ryzhykh, she lived in a three-room apartment with her son from a previous marriage. This apartment had to be sold in order to pay off the encumbrance with the apartment donated by the civil husband (she had large debts), as well as to make repairs.

Ksenofontova does not get tired of filing counter-claims, which are not accepted by either the Investigative Committee or the prosecutor's office.

Who is Alexander Ryzhykh?

Elena Ksenofontova is a well-known and public person, but Alexander Ryzhykh in this situation is dark horse. Upon closer inspection, they appear Interesting Facts his biographies, characterizing ex-husband actresses as individuals.

According to the RosPravosudie website, Ryzhykh specializes mainly in arbitration cases. According to Elena Ksenofontova, once her ex-civil husband worked at Yukos, and at that time he was a very prosperous person.

After entering free bread, the lawyer’s business did not go too well. Moreover, his firm Alexander Ryzhykh and Partners appeared in criminal news reports in 2009.

Thus, according to the Rosbalt and Petrovka-38 portals, citizens transferred large sums of money for legal services. The people to whom the funds were transferred presented themselves as employees of the Liniya Zashchita firm, or lawyers from the firm Ryzhikh and Partners. Legal services in the end they didn't.

In response to claims in the bar association, Ryzhikh and Partners stated that this employee had resigned, and the bar association was not going to fulfill his obligations.

In addition, development was carried out regarding firms that were located in the office of a law office. Accounting firms cashed out large sums of money through the accounts of clients who turned to them for reporting services.

Interesting Notes:

Using his lawyer status, Ryzhykh interfered in every possible way with the investigation, refused interrogations, searches and other investigative actions.

It is known that these and other facts (storage of cartridges, passports, work books; conducting commercial activities not related to advocacy) a criminal case was initiated. How it ended is unknown, but officially Alexander Ryzhykh is not on trial.

Sad but true

Interestingly, in this difficult period of her life, Elena Ksenofontova repeats the experience of her own mother.

According to her, her mother remarried, and her stepfather was very influential person. He regularly beat his mother, broke her and Elena's life and psyche.

My stepfather got away with everything. Elena's mother took great pains to free herself from the influence of this man.

According to Elena, children suffer the most in this situation. The eldest son, who recognized his stepfather as dad, and own daughter They can't understand why dad does this. At breaks at school, other children come up to their little daughter and ask: “Is it true that your dad and mom are suing because of you?”

For many years, Elena Ksenofontova has been waging war with the former civil husband Alexander Ryzhykh.

The man tried to take away from the actress and her minor children an apartment that he himself once gave.

Only now all court hearings have ended in Elena's favor and now she can breathe freely.

Theater and film actress Elena Ksenofontova sued her ex-civil husband for two and a half years, who wanted not only to take away her apartment, but also to get custody of their common daughter Sofia. Alexander Ryzhikh accused the actress of assault and threats.

The other day, the Presnensky Court of Moscow made a final decision in favor of Elena, about which the actress hastened to tell her subscribers.

“Of course, it was necessary to write yesterday, but the realization of what happened is only now coming. Three long, humiliating lawsuits over the course of two and a half years. Several dozen court hearings, after seventy I stopped counting. A countless number of examinations, psychological, narcological, etc., requests, certificates, petitions, attempts to organize new processes in parallel, about the preparation of the murder, for example, accusations, testimonies, provocations. Not to mention the sea of ​​tears, lost health, lost time, huge debts due to numerous legal costs, and most importantly, the irretrievably broken mental health of two minor children. As a result, my daughter is with me and her brother in a house that I hope no one else will ever want to take away from us. I’m not doomed to life-long payments of several tens of millions for something I didn’t do, ”said the actress.

Elena and Alexander met in 2011 and immediately began to live together. At first everything was perfect, Ryzhykh quickly found mutual language with the son of Ksenofontova from a previous relationship, Timothy. But four years later, the couple began to quarrel and, as a result, in 2016 officially announced their separation. Surrounded by the couple, they said that the cause of the conflicts was that Alexander did not want to officially legalize relations with the actress.

Conflicts former spouses became known throughout the country when they came to the showdown on a television talk show.

Ksenofontova was supported by numerous fans, relatives and family. Petitions were created to protect the rights of the artist. Now that the whole nightmare is over, Elena thanked all the people who were there during her difficult time.

“I have fantastic friends and family, both in joy and in sorrow, amazingly cordial and sympathetic colleagues, the most devoted fans and an ocean of support from people I just don’t know. How much is that!” Elena wrote.

At the same time, the actress is not sure that this former lover stops, she thinks that this is just a respite before the new litigation that Alexander will initiate.

Popular Russian actress Elena Ksenofontova, who is known in Russia for a large number of her roles, has a rather complex life path. We have collected basic information about what the drama of Elena Ksenofontova is, associated with such areas as personal life, children, and creativity.

44-year-old actress Elena Ksenofontova has experienced a lot in her years. Thanks to all the obstacles that she overcame, the woman learned to never give up, accept everything that fate gives, sincerely love and forgive with all her heart.

The first shock befell Lena back in 1990. She was diagnosed with brain cancer. For four unbearable years, the girl fought for her life and was able to defeat the disease. From a very young age, Lena declared that she would become an actress. Thanks to her perseverance, she applied to VGIK, where her career began.

She had something to say to people. And she was immediately noticed and invited to the troupe of the Moscow Theater. From the second year, Elena begins to work in the theater. She was so talented and promising that after graduating from the institute, she was immediately invited by 6 troupes of various theaters. popular and famous actress made the series "Taiga", which was released in 2002. Then there was the no less popular series Cadets, which won the Emmy Award and the comedy film Kitchen.

They say that when a career goes uphill, personal life invariably rolls down. So it was with Elena, she did not work out with men. She entered into her first marriage while still in her first year, and with her first husband Igor Lipatov they lived not so little - as much as 11 years. However, they later broke up, and in 2002 Ksenofontova married for the second time, this time the producer of the Taiga series, Ilya Neretin, became her chosen one. In this marriage, the actress became a mother, her son was named Timothy. But this marriage was not destined to last.

Personal life of Elena Ksenofontova

Elena Ksenofontova personal life, children, new details family drama. Mine last novel, with lawyer Alexander Tsvetkov, Elena hid for a very long time. The lovers lived in a civil marriage and in 2011 Elena gave Sasha a daughter, Sofia. After the birth of their daughter, the couple, according to some reports, signed.

Everything was fine, on the screen Elena looked excellent as always. But no one had any idea what kind of family drama was going on with Ksenofontova in reality.

Lena could no longer hide the truth, defending her case in the courtrooms practically broke her and made her give up. It was then that she decided to frank confession, a conversation about the betrayal and evil that covered her life more than a year ago.

Drama in the life of Elena Ksenofontova

And the story was that last winter, the actual husband, Tsvetkov, reported to the police that he had been attacked by his own wife. He claimed that Elena beat him. For a whole year, during 25 court sessions, Elena proved her innocence. She said that she herself was a victim of violence. Neither the certificate of Elena's beatings, nor the witnesses, nor medical expertise took no action. Tsvetkov is a talented lawyer and the criminal case was completely fabricated by him in order to take his daughter and apartment from Elena.

In turn, Alexander claims that in a fit of emotions, Elena often beat him. And she did it in front of the kids. He says that he endured for a long time until he received a concussion and ended up at the Sklifosovsky Institute. But Tsvetkov refused hospitalization. Tsvetkov also said that Elena does not allow him to see his daughter. It is difficult to understand the matter, but let's hope that the couple can do it at least for the sake of the children.

Elena Yuryevna Ksenofontova - Honored Artist of Russia, laureate of the Tatyana Makarova Prize "For work in the theater and cinema during her studies at the institute", an actress beloved by millions. Popular fame brought her the role of Eleonora Andreevna from the series "Kitchen" and "Hotel Eleon".

Childhood and youth

Elena was born into the family of a mining engineer in the small Kazakh town of Khromtau. Mother broke up with Elena's father before her birth. In her childhood memories, her grandfather with a "Budenovsky" mustache and her grandmother, smelling of fresh milk, were clearly preserved.

Soon my mother married a second time. The family moved to the city of Serpukhov near Moscow. Lenin's sister Yulia was born there, and then his brother Vitaly. The stepfather turned out to be a real tyrant. Many years later, faced with domestic violence in her own family, Elena admitted that her stepfather beat her mother and children, while remaining unpunished, as she held a respectable post.

Despite difficult situation in the family, mother tried to give the children all the best. Elena studied well at school, was fond of history, literature and painting, played the piano, and achieved serious results in athletics.

The desire to become an actress arose at school, therefore, having received a secondary education, she went to Moscow, where she applied to the Shchepkin School and the Shchukin Theater Institute. Having failed the exams, the girl rented a room and got a job at the studio-theater "Time", where she played her first theatrical role in the play "The Snow Maiden".

However, a serious illness intervened in the plans of a talented girl. For three years, the future actress suffered from terrible headaches. The doctors were never able to diagnose her. Then she met her first husband Igor Lipatov, who supported Elena during this difficult period and insisted on her admission to VGIK. In 1994, Ksenofontova entered the course of Joseph Reichelgauz and soon became the teacher's favorite. The master was the artistic director of the theater "School of the modern play", so the young student very soon received prominent roles in his theater. She participated in performances with such stage masters as Lev Durov, Evgeny Dvorzhetsky, Tatyana Vasilyeva, Albert Filozov, Irina Alferova.


After graduating from the institute, the graduate of VGIK was offered a job by six theaters at once. She stayed with Reichelgauz for a while until she moved to the Moscow Drama Theater in 2000 under the direction of Armen Dzhikharkhanyan. There she played her best theatrical roles: Vera Filipovna from the production of "The Heart is Not a Stone", the Countess from "The Marriage of Figaro", Natasha from "Three Sisters".

Why Elena Ksenofontova left the theater

Over time, Elena increasingly began to think about cinema. By this time, her filmography included only a small role in the comedy The Womanizer (1992). And the very first serious film work with her participation, the series "Taiga" by Valery Todorovsky, brought her wide popularity. Work in the cinema captivated the actress no less than the theater. Roles followed in the series "Heaven and Earth", " Best City Earth”, “Red Chapel”, “Cadets”. But the most memorable role was Eleanor Andreevna from the popular series "Kitchen". Popular with men, the self-confident owner of an elite boutique fell in love with the audience no less than the charismatic characters of Dmitry Nazarov, Viktor Khorinyak, Grigory Siyatvinda and Dmitry Nagiyev.

At the end of the Kitchen series, the creators decided to shoot a project with the same characters, but in a new setting. The scene of action was transferred to the Eleon Hotel, the owner of which was Eleanor.

Personal life of Elena Ksenofontova

With her first husband, Igor Lipatov, the actress divorced immediately after graduation. They lived together for eleven years, but the girl decided to move on. It should be noted that they remained close friends.

With her second husband, producer Ilya Neretin, Elena met on the set of Taiga. In 2003, the lovers got married, soon they had a son. But the family broke up due to the betrayal of the spouse. Nevertheless, Elena considers Ilya an excellent father and does not interfere with his communication with his son.

The most dramatic relationship developed between the actress and her third common-law husband, Alexander. Having met him, Elena literally glowed with happiness. And when the couple had a long-awaited, "suffered" daughter, the actress finally believed that white stripe firmly established in her life.

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