Famous Tatar singer Renat Ibragimov. Renat Ibragimov: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo. Deprives his own children

Renat Ibragimov is an incredibly popular pop performer. He sang a large number of songs, was awarded many prizes and awards. Despite his considerable age, the artist still gives concerts. He only slightly limited their number in order to spend more time with his family and children.

The famous artist was married three times. In each of the marriages, children were born, whom he considers his main wealth. A man loves every child. He does not exclude that he can become a father more than once.

Height, weight, age. How old is Renat Ibragimov

At the beginning of 2018, a film was made about the famous pop singer, telling about the singer. Here you could find out what the artist's height, weight, age is. How old is Renat Ibragimov - the information is not difficult. It is easy to view in encyclopedic dictionaries. In 2018, the celebrity celebrated his 71st birthday, although he looks much younger than his years.

Renat Ibragimov, whose photos in his youth and now differ a little, is tall, slender. With a height of 180 cm, he weighs 76 kg. The man loves to swim, pull up, run. Every day he does several exercises that allow him to be in excellent physical shape.

In food, the singer is unpretentious. He eats everything that his beloved wife Svetlana prepares for him. But Renat treats drinking carefully. He regularly uses koumiss. This, in his opinion, allows him to maintain good physical shape.

Biography and personal life of Renat Ibragimova

The biography and personal life of Renat Ibragimov again attracted the attention of fans. Despite his considerable age, he is going to become a father again.

The birth of Renat took place in the difficult post-war years in the Ukrainian SSR. Father served in armed forces. The mother took care of the house and raised her son.

The boy had to move often with his parents. But he found mutual language easily with peers. Already in preschool years, the kid performed at various events, striking those around him with his vocal abilities.

Renat studied well at school. He loved to read. Often the boy took an adventure novel and spent many hours of leisure with it. IN free time Ibragimov loved to sing. It was everything to him. The boy honed his art while studying at a music school, which he graduated with honors.

After school, yesterday's graduate went to the army. He served in one of the Volga armed units, where he danced and sang.

After demobilization, the young man entered the conservatory in Kazan. The teachers predicted a bright future for their student. Then, having received a diploma, Renat began to sing in numerous operas. Fans were amazed at the power of his voice in "Eugene Onegin", "The Queen of Spades", "Prince Igor" and others.

In the mid-70s, everyone started talking about our hero. At this time, he won one of the variety competitions. After the famous pop performer traveled with tours all over Soviet Union, invariably drawing a standing ovation.

The artist has played in several films. It can be seen in "Ship and Harbor", "Sea Harbor" and some others. The man also shot several films. He released the films "Work, there is work", "To the board".

Renat also participated in several show projects. He brilliantly performed in Just the Same, becoming one of the winners of the project.

The personal life of the artist is rich. In three marriages, he became the father of seven children. The pop star devotes time to each of the children. Recently it became known that the singer's family will replenish again in the near future.

Family and children Renata Ibragimova

The family and children of Renat Ibragimova are the subject of his pride and love. The artist himself says that before everything for him was creative activity. He thought about his children, but little. Having crossed the 50-year mark, Renat thought about the future. He began to spend more time with his family.

Since 2008, the star of the Soviet and Russian stage began to perform rarely. He lives happily with his wife Sveta. Despite the 40-year age difference, the couple's happiness is immeasurable. They live in their own house and are subsistence farming.

His parents played an important role in the artist's life. Our hero is grateful to his father and mother for their care.

The artist's father served in the armed forces of the Soviet Union. He participated in the Great Patriotic war. The man was awarded various orders and medals. The singer's father reached Berlin, was never wounded.

The mother of our hero spent a lot of time raising her son. The woman did not work. She traveled with her husband throughout the Soviet Union. In honor of his mother, the star named one of his daughters.

Sons of Renat Ibragimov - Sultan and Atilla

The sons of Renat Ibragimov - Sultan and Atilla were born with a difference of almost 18 years. They are descendants of the family famous Tatars. The famous pop performer is trying to educate his sons in the spirit of national traditions.

The Sultan is studying at one of the capital's universities. The guy chose the profession of a computer engineer for himself. He often comes to visit his father. After receiving a diploma, Sultan decided to work in Kazan.

Atilla was born in his father's last marriage. The boy is incredibly similar to our hero. He sings well. Renat says that his youngest son will be able to become as great a performer as he is.

Daughters of Renat Ibragimov - Nadezhda, Vera, Aya, Asylbika, Aisha, Maryam

The daughters of Renat Ibragimov - Nadezhda, Vera, Aya, Asylbika, Aisha, Maryam - this is the star's incredible pride. The artist loves all girls and treats them in the spirit of national traditions.

In his first marriage, Renat became a father twice. The first wife gave him two daughters, whom he named Vera and Hope. They are already adults and live their own lives. The girls are married and have children. They often visit their father.

In his second marriage, the artist named his daughter Aya. The girl lives in the Russian capital. The apartment was presented to her by Renat himself for the wedding. Aya recently got married. Soon she will give dad another grandson or granddaughter.

Now our hero is raising three little daughters. They were born in the third marriage of the singer. He does everything, raising babies in the spirit of national traditions. My last daughter Renat accepted himself.

Renat Ibragimov's wife - Svetlana Minnekhanova

Acquaintance of our hero with a girl happened in 2005. She became a secretary and helped write the book that was published. After some time, Renat began to show signs of attention to Sveta. She, too, felt strong feelings for him.

After the divorce of the man, they began to live together. After the birth of a baby daughter, he was imprisoned marriage according to Muslim traditions. The girl converted to Islam for the sake of her beloved.

Renat Ibragimov's wife - Svetlana Minnekhanova is the most close friend popular performer. She gave birth to another son and two daughters.

Renat Ibragimov and his young wife recently announced that they would become parents again. The baby should arrive soon. It will be the fifth joint and the eighth in general for the artist.

Instagram and Wikipedia Renata Ibragimova

Instagram and Wikipedia Renat Ibragimov are of interest to many fans of his creative activity. They replenish quite often.

Wikipedia contains data on children's and youthful years. Here you can find out how our hero became incredibly famous. The page lists compositions sung by him in various years.

The eminent singer Renat Ibragimov is known both in Russia and abroad. The artist, whose musical arsenal contains compositions of different genres, for 16 years was the premiere of the Tatar Academic State Opera and Ballet Theater named after Melpomene, performing the best parts of world classics on the stage of the monastery of the goddess Melpomene.

Childhood and youth

Renat Islamovich Ibragimov was born on November 20, 1947 in the Ukrainian city of Lvov. The musician's father was a military man and, on duty, often went on business trips. The artist's mother did not work anywhere and, in the absence of her husband, raised her son and ran the household. A couple of years after the birth of the heir, the head of the family moved his wife and offspring to the capital of Tatarstan - Kazan.

From a young age, Renat gravitated towards singing. Parents, having seen the makings of a future singer in their beloved child, sent him to a vocal class. As a teenager, Ibragimov often performed at school concerts. Even then, the teaching staff prophesied a great future for the talented guy.

After receiving a certificate of secondary education, an ambitious guy went to work in the song and dance ensemble of the Volga Military District. As part of the local musical and artistic troupe, Renat spent about a year (from 1967 to 1968), after which he decided to develop as a solo artist.


In 1973, Renat received a diploma from the Kazan State Conservatory and immediately after that he went to work at the Tatar Academic Opera and Ballet Theater named after Musa Jalil. He performed on the local stage for 16 years. During this time, Ibragimov performed the central roles of Valentine in Faust, Eugene Onegin in the musical performance of the same name, Yeletsky in The Queen of Spades and Escamillo in Carmen.

Thanks to these roles, the talented Tatar singer became a star in his native Kazan. He was often invited to concerts, where he sang along with other popular performers. In the fall of 1974, Ibragimov became a laureate of the 5th All-Union Variety Artists Competition, sharing the first prize with Valery Chemodanov.

Ibragimov's real popularity was brought by his performance at the Sochi competition "Scarlet Carnation". The compositions performed within the framework of this festival glorified Renat, opening the way for him to the world of show business.

The accumulated creative experience allowed the vocalist at the end of 1999 to create the Renat Ibragimov Song Theater, on the stage of which the artist tried himself in various musical genres, creating stage miniatures, original in style, based on the compositions that were popular at that time.

During his career, the musician gave fans a great many wonderful songs, among which the most famous were the compositions “Lada”, “What is so disturbed by the heart”, “In the land of magnolias”, “I feel good with you”, “Spring in love”, “Let's bow to those great years "and" The sun is walking along the boulevards.

On this moment The artist's repertoire amounts to hundreds of singles written in Russian, Tatar and Ukrainian. Ibragimov sings opera compositions, folk songs, and pop hits equally well.

Personal life

There is no information about the first wife of the artist. It is only known that in the first marriage the singer had two daughters, whom he provided even after 14 years later life together went to a new passion. The second wife of the musician was called Albina. The woman who gave the performer of the song "Beauty Queen" a son and a daughter saw Renat on TV in "Blue Light" when she was barely 14 years old. According to Albina herself, she fell in love with the singer at first sight.

Her parents got an apartment at that time. By a happy coincidence, the new housing was located in the house in which the Ibragimov family had been living for a couple of years. Their stormy romance began on the day when the young lady, having gathered her strength, asked Renat for an autograph.

It is worth noting that when the musician left his first wife, he left ex-lover all property. For three years, the singer lived in the apartment of Albina's father and mother, who, by the way, were categorically against her daughter dating a divorced man.

True, as soon as Ibragimov made an offer to the chosen one, both the mother-in-law and the father-in-law changed their anger to mercy, believing that the musician would keep his promise and would love and protect their beloved child until the end of his days.

Renat and Albina did not just sign at the registry office. The lovers held a Muslim wedding ceremony nikah, during which the newlyweds are traditionally asked about consent to a second wife. Albina refused. Renat, in turn, supported his wife.

Years later, the believer Ibragimov invited the mother of his children to bring another woman into the house. Albina, not ready to share the marital bed with new passion husband, gave the singer a choice: either he stays with her, or their family counter, which by that time had stopped at around 25 years old, is reset and they file for divorce. Ibragimov chose the second option.

Today, the eminent singer lives in happy marriage with Svetlana Minnekhanova, with whom the artist signed in October 2009 at the registry office of Moscow.

In 2017, Ibragimov became a father for the eighth time. The wife, who had previously given birth to two girls and a boy, gave her husband a daughter, Maryam, in February of this year. Not much is known about the relationship between Renat and Svetlana. In conversations with media representatives, the singer has repeatedly said that he is happy in marriage.

Svetlana devoted herself to home and raising children. She quit her job during her first pregnancy. Renat admits that, despite the big difference in age (the wife is 40 years younger than her husband), he and his lover have a lot common interests. The musician has repeatedly said that Minnekhanova is an ideal hostess. She cooks deliciously and perfectly copes with all household chores. The singer is sure that he met his love.

At present, complete harmony reigns in the Ibragimov family. True, the idyll is overshadowed by the periodic attacks of the ex-wife and articles written from her words, in which Albina reproaches Renat for not paying for the studies of their common son Sultan and does not send alimony to the children. It is known that at the beginning divorce proceedings the musician wanted to bequeath the property to his offspring, but later abandoned his original intentions.

Renat Ibragimov now

In honor of the World women's day performer of the song "Our City" in March 2017 gave a concert in the Moscow theater " Golden ring". In April of the same year, Ibragimov became the hero of the “Let them talk” program. In the issue of "Daddy or Daddy?", along with a discussion of the main topic of late fatherhood, the experts and the public present on the set tried to understand why more and more show business stars prefer young women to wives with whom they have lived for more than one year.

In the program, in addition to Renat, the actor of the film "Streets of Broken Lights" and the host of the program "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" starred. .

It is authentically known that the artist is neither on Instagram, nor on Twitter, nor on VKontakte. On the vocalist's official website, fans can find materials related to creative biography musician, photos from performances and a schedule of events planned for the near future.

At the beginning of 2018, it became known that Renat Ibragimov would become a father for the ninth (!) Time. His wife appeared at a Christmas event with a rounded tummy. Colleagues in the workshop congratulated the artist and his wife.


  • 2014 - "Melody of Love"
  • 2013 - "Goodbye"
  • 2011 - "And life passes"
  • 2008 - "King of Rock and Roll"
  • 2005 - "I'm calling you"
  • 2002 - "Besame Mucho"
  • 2002 - "Snowdrop"
  • 1999 - Forest Girl
  • 1997 - "The Night of Our Love"
  • 1993 - Black Eyes
  • 1987 - "Old Campfire"
  • 1983 - Carousel
  • 1978 - "Dreams"
  • 1974 - "Love has come"
  • 1967 - Waltz Melody

Renat Ibragimov // photo: Leyla Matar

The third wife of the famous pop singer Renata Ibragimova will give birth to his ninth child.

70-year-old Soviet and Russian crooner Renat Ibragimov and his third wife, 30-year-old Svetlana Minnekhanova, will again become happy parents.

For the artistic director of the Song Theater Renat Ibragimov, this will be the ninth child in a row, and for his wife Svetlana the fifth, the wife had previously given birth to the performer of 3 daughters and a son.

Renat Ibragimov // photo: Leyla Matar

“We really wanted and waited for all our children. While I'm still young, I have to give birth, ”the artist commented on the pregnancy of his wife.

National artist The RSFSR was married three times. There is no information about the first wife of the artist. It is only known that in the first marriage the singer had two daughters, whom he provided for and after 14 years of marriage he went to a new passion.

The second wife of the musician was called Albina. The woman who gave the performer of the song "Beauty Queen" a son and a daughter saw Renat on TV in "Blue Light" when she was barely 14 years old. According to Albina herself, she fell in love with the singer at first sight. Her parents got an apartment at that time. By a happy coincidence, the new housing was located in the house in which the Ibragimov family had been living for a couple of years. Their stormy romance began on the day when the young lady, having gathered her strength, asked Renat for an autograph.

It is worth noting that when the musician left his first wife, he left all his property to his former lover. For three years, the singer lived in the apartment of Albina's father and mother, who, by the way, were categorically against her daughter dating a divorced man.

True, as soon as Ibragimov made an offer to the chosen one, both the mother-in-law and the father-in-law changed their anger to mercy, believing that the musician would keep his promise and would love and protect their beloved child until the end of his days.

Renat and Albina did not just sign at the registry office. The lovers held a Muslim wedding ceremony nikah, during which the newlyweds are traditionally asked about consent to a second wife.

Years later, the believer Ibragimov invited the mother of his children to bring another woman into the house. Albina, not ready to share the marital bed with her husband's new passion, gave the singer a choice: either he stays with her, or after 25 years of marriage they file for divorce. Ibragimov chose the second option.

Today, the eminent singer lives in a happy marriage with Svetlana Minnekhanova, with whom the artist signed in October 2009 at the registry office of Moscow. In 2017, Ibragimov became a father for the eighth time. The wife, who had previously given birth to two girls and a boy, gave her husband a daughter, Maryam, in February of this year. Not much is known about the relationship between Renat and Svetlana. In conversations with media representatives, the singer has repeatedly said that he is happy in marriage.

Svetlana devoted herself to home and raising children. She quit her job during her first pregnancy. Renat admits that, despite the big age difference, he and his lover have many common interests. The musician has repeatedly said that Minnekhanova is an ideal hostess. She cooks deliciously and perfectly copes with all household chores. The singer is sure that he met his love.

Recall that in 1973 Renat received a diploma from the Kazan State Conservatory and immediately after that he went to work at the Tatar Academic Opera and Ballet Theater named after Musa Jalil. He performed on the local stage for 16 years. During this time, Ibragimov performed the central roles of Valentine in Faust, Eugene Onegin in the musical performance of the same name, Yeletsky in The Queen of Spades and Escamillo in Carmen.

Thanks to these roles, the talented Tatar singer became a star in his native Kazan. He was often invited to concerts, where he sang along with other popular performers. In the fall of 1974, Ibragimov became a laureate of the 5th All-Union Variety Artists Competition, sharing the first prize with Valery Chemodanov.

Ibragimov's real popularity was brought by his performance at the Sochi competition "Scarlet Carnation". The compositions performed within the framework of this festival glorified Renat, opening the way for him to the world of show business.

During his career, the musician gave fans a great many wonderful songs, among which the most famous were the compositions “Lada”, “What is so disturbed by the heart”, “In the land of magnolias”, “I feel good with you”, “Spring in love”, “Let's bow to those great years "and" The sun is walking along the boulevards.

“Yellow Leaves”, “In the Land of Magnolias”, “Old Maple” - these songs seem to be from the distant past.

And their performer - Renat Ibragimov - is not going to grow old at all. Moreover, today he is expecting the birth of his ninth child! And thus dispels the rumors that he allegedly experiences problems in the male part ...


Few of the artists are happy in one marriage all their lives. Say, Lyudmila Gurchenko was married six times. Alla Pugacheva is in her fifth (and not the fact that in the last) marriage. 70-year-old Renat Ibragimov is still far from these star ladies, Svetlana Minnekhanova is his third wife. True, the chosen one of the artist is younger than his children from former wives!

Sveta and I have a difference of 40 years, but we don’t feel it at all, because we are spiritually close, - Renat smiles. - In the Koran there is a phrase: "I will give a sinner to a sinner, and a believer to a believer." So it was faith that brought us together.

I made a Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca, a city in Saudi Arabia, where in the Al-Haram mosque is the main shrine of Islam - the sacred Kaaba. - Red .), the wife regularly prays ( canonical prayer, one of the five pillars of Islam. - Red .). Together we observe all urazas (fasts. - Red .)».

But Ibragimov met his third wife quite banally.

She came to Moscow, entered the university and, in order to survive, got a job as a waitress in a Chinese restaurant. That's where we met, - says the artist. - When I saw Svetlana, my heart sank! This 20-year-old girl, so modest and so beautiful, sunk into my soul.

He admits that he immediately fell in love with the pretty Sveta. However, then he was married and, as a decent person, decided to tell his wife about the new hobby. But the singer failed to part with his former wife Albina in peace.


Their family lawsuits continued for several years - former spouses for a long time they could not divide the property, deal with alimony. Albina was all killed, talking with reporters:

I can't believe that my husband traded me for someone who is fit for his granddaughter. I think this is a real betrayal of our love. We have lived together for 25 years, we have two children. Of course, there were disagreements, as in any family, but by and large we lived very happily. Therefore, his novel was a shock to all our friends. Nobody imagined that this could happen.

It is interesting that Albina for Ibragimov was also once just a mistress. Once she asked him for an autograph - and so began their stormy romance. Although Renat was married and raised two daughters.

I did not understand how hard and painful it is when you are separated from your loved one. If I knew then how it would backfire on me ... - Albina later lamented.

By the way, Ibragimov not only signed with his second wife, but went through the “nikah” ceremony. During this ceremony, the newlyweds were asked if they agreed to polygamy in their marriage.

I answered “no”, and Renat said that he would never offer this,” Albina recalled.

And years later, the deeply religious Ibragimov nevertheless decided to bring into the house younger wife- the same waitress Sveta from the Chinese restaurant. Of course, Albina was categorically against it. She called out to common sense, explained that in the Koran, which Renat reveres, there are several points that determine when a husband has the right to have a second wife - if the first wife agrees, if she is childless, if there is a war in the country and there are not enough men ... None of these conditions the situation does not match. As a result, a divorce and a new marriage followed.


From previous relationships Renat Ibragimov has five heirs - Nadezhda, Vera, Sultan, Aya and Atilla. By the way, all of them came to the anniversary concert, which they famous father recently gave in the Kremlin. According to the artist, his children reacted normally to the fact that in a few months their 70-year-old father would have a baby again.

This will be the fourth child from his young wife (she has already given him three daughters, whose names are Asylbika, Aisha and Maryam) and the ninth for Ibragimov himself.

It is necessary to be fruitful while there is strength and opportunity, - the singer believes. - Strange - when there are no children, not when they are. I think that I will not stop at the ninth child.

Apparently, therefore, colleagues call Renat Ibragimov nothing more than a hero father. It is noteworthy that his youngest girl was born ... in a bathhouse. Renat and Svetlana passed special courses independent childbirth, and the singer himself cut the umbilical cord.

The first time I was present at birth younger son. In the maternity ward, they even handed me scissors, but psychologically I was not ready for this, the artist admits. - And during the last birth, Sveta knelt down, leaned on the side, I started to massage her back, and after 10 minutes Maryasha appeared. Naturally, it popped right into the water. He took his daughter in his arms, handed it to Svetlana, she put the baby to her chest ... But you can’t cut the umbilical cord right away. In maternity hospitals they do it wrong. The umbilical cord should pulsate, because food continues to go to the child from there ... Yes, I am already a scientist in this matter!

Photo by A. Lomokhov.

Renat Islamovich Ibragimov(November 20, 1947, Lviv, Ukrainian SSR, USSR) - Soviet and Russian singer. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1981), People's Artist of the Tatar ASSR, laureate of the Republican Prize of Tatarstan. Producer.


Born in the city of Lvov, in the family of a military man. Tatar. The musicality and artistic talent of the child were noticed back in kindergarten. Simultaneously with receiving secondary education at school No. 6 in Kazan, Renat also graduated from a music school. In 1967-68. Renat served in the Song and Dance Ensemble of the Volga Military District. In 1973, Ibragimov graduated from the Kazan State Conservatory and began his career on the stage of the Tatar Academic Opera and Ballet Theater. M. Jalil, where he performed leading roles in operas, including Prince Igor, Escamillo (Carmen), Valentin (Faust), Eugene Onegin (Eugene Onegin), Yeletsky (The Queen of Spades).

All-Union success and fame came to Ibragimov after his participation in the song contest "Scarlet Carnation" in Sochi in 1975, where Renat Ibragimov received the main prize. creative path Ibragimov spans several decades. Along with musical performances, Ibragimov also starred in a number of films, the most famous of which is The Italian Contract (1993). In Italy, the press called him the "Russian Pavarotti". He owns deep secrets vocal skill, knows how to excite the hearts of listeners.

Former member of the United Russia party.

Personal life

Married. From the previous two marriages, the singer has a 17-year-old son Sultan and three adult daughters - Nadezhda, Vera and Aya.

In October 2009, R. Ibragimov married for the third time - a native of Tatarstan, Svetlana Minnekhanova, from whom he had two daughters.

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