Matilda Shvurova stopped communicating with her relatives, having won a position in society. Matilda Shnurova Shnur's wife: latest news and photos in a swimsuit Childhood and adolescence

Today it became known about the parting of the musician with his wife Matilda, and more recently they swore eternal love to each other.

The 45-year-old leader of the Leningrad group shocked the public. The girls are in mourning: “There is no love!”. The guys are sure: “Shnurov has appeared new girlfriend". And these assumptions are not accidental: Sergei is a noble womanizer - there were always luxurious beauties next to him. But the musician was not often faithful to them.

Sergei Shnurov and Matilda (Elena Mozgovaya) seemed perfect couple, but something went wrong. And it seems that we know that ... We analyze all the love stories of Sergei Shnurov to make sure what a loving man he is.

First wife

Sergey met his first wife Maria Ismagilova in student years- they studied in the same course at the Religious and Philosophical Institute at the St. Petersburg Theological Academy. Shnurov fell head over heels in love, quickly proposed, and soon happily awaited the birth of their first child. At the age of 20, Sergei became a father - the couple had a daughter, Serafima. To support his family, the man dropped out of both studies and music lessons. “I left in my third year, because by that time I had my first child, I had to feed my family, and the ancient Greek language and Old Testament had absolutely nothing to do with money. I had to give up spirituality and deal with a specific dough, - Shnurov explained the unfinished education. - Sima appeared in my life when I was 20, and saved my life with her birth. At that time, all my friends switched from marijuana to heroin, and I switched to a child.

Sergei Shnurov with his daughter. Photo: personal archive of the musician

But Sergei Shnurov was passionate about music, careless, and Maria did not share his "libations" with musicians and absences from home. Sergei Shnurov did not want to stop his free lifestyle for the sake of his daughter - he preferred a divorce. The couple lived from 1992 to 1996. The ex-wife did not allow her to communicate with her daughter, and Shnurov’s lifestyle during the growing up of the child was far from ideal - booze, women, noisy companies ...

And even when Sergei Shnurov with the Leningrad group became the idol of millions with his "alcoholic ska-punk", the heart of the former did not thaw. The daughter began to communicate with her father when she became independent.

Second wife

The second marriage of Sergei Shnurov was also short-lived: from 1999 to 2002. Svetlana Kostitsyna was an advanced music manager. The woman led the Pep-Ci group and began organizing concerts of the Leningrad group. IN financial plan the life of a musician gradually improved (although it was still far from the salaries of the 21st century). In 2000, Svetlana gave birth to Sergei's son Apollo. Soon the musician became interested in young girls. It is unlikely that even the wisest wife could like it. The couple divorced, but Svetlana and Sergey continued to work together for some time - Shnurov always financially supported his son.

Son of Sergei Shnurov Apollo. Photo: social networks

Third wife (civilian)

Sergei Shnurov and his third wife (civilian) Oksana Akinshina. Photo:

She met Sergei Shnurov on the set of the film "Games of the Moths". The star came to the shooting of the episode with his participation not very sober, but this did not stop him from having an affair. The girl studied in the 10th grade, Shnurov was 14 years older than Oksana. Love passions flared up serious.

The couple did not hide from prying eyes: in the morning, Sergei accompanied Oksana to school and, without hesitation, kissed on the school porch. Akinshina admitted to classmates that if it were not for her beloved Shnurov, she would not have come to the first lessons at all.

Teachers called Akinshina's mother - they complained about "success" in their studies. But everything was useless - the girl lived with Sergei Shnurov and she had no time for lessons.

By the way, it was Sergei who helped Oksana survive the death of Sergei Bodrov - Akinshina starred in his "" and was very upset by the tragedy. Cords supported and helped to survive a difficult period.

Young Akinshina was insanely jealous civil husband and arranged because of this noisy scenes. She paid the price for this - Shnurov abandoned her. At the beginning, he said about his relationship with Akinshina: “This is generally some kind of cosmos for me!” Escaped, tired of the scenes and scandals Sergei three years later.

Fourth wife

Sergei Shnurov and Matilda. Photo: social networks.

The musician ran away to another lover - to Elena Mozgova (Matilda). The wedding was played in 2010, during the years together, Matilda made a man out of Cord. The ballerina managed to curb "Shnurov's" drunkenness - and without the help of doctors and clinics. The leader of the "Leningrad" group learned to drink much less, became a stylish and respectable man, began to dress fashionably and expensively and earn very decent money. There are a lot of women around...

In an interview with a glossy magazine, Sergey answered the “sore question” why the couple does not have children: “We don’t talk about it and don’t think about it. I think that you should think about children when you have ... Let's say we now have two hundred and fifty square meters, right? Now, if five hundred, then it's worth it. And now we just won't part with them. It's hard for the two of us here." And Matilda did not hide that she was not “burning with desire” to become a mother: “I do not feel disgust for this, but there is no desire either ...”

Photo: social networks

The life of Matilda Shnurova is like a story about Cinderella. A girl from a poor rural family became a famous restaurateur, opened a ballet school and won the heart of Sergei Shnurov.

Biography of Matilda Shnurova

Childhood. The future Matilda Shnurova, and then Elena Mozgovaya was born in the village of Losevo Voronezh region. Very little is known about Matilda's childhood - the girl does not like to remember the past. grew up in poor family. Mother's name is Tatyana, father's name is Vladimir. They divorced when the girl was one and a half years old. Then Tatyana will marry again, give birth to Matilda's brother Igor. And four years later, she divorced her second husband.

Mother Matilda suddenly hit one of the Indian religious teachings. The family did not seem to be part of her plans. After the divorce, she left the children on her own. ex-husbands and left for Voronezh. She lives there to this day, earning a living by sewing clothes.

Matilda had no other close relatives. His own father died, his brother died in an accident, his stepfather drowned in the river.

There are two more stepsisters and brother by his own father. They also live in Voronezh. But Matilda does not support relations with them.

At school, the girl studied poorly, but among her peers she earned great respect. She did not take offense. If necessary, she could hit back the boys too.

She tried to live with her mother, but at the age of 17 she fled to Moscow.

Later, she confesses to reporters that everything important lessons she received life already beyond the threshold of her parents' house:

“In my family, my boundaries were violated quite harshly. I left the family early, and my role models were completely different - what I learned from them shaped me. I was lucky: I met unusual and cool people. My case is not quite normal - although, of course, it is the parents who should give self-confidence, the feeling that you are a person, you have a foundation. Such children have a huge head start - they do not need to spend a huge amount of time and energy on reformatting and accepting themselves.

Carier start. Matilda fled to the capital with the dream of getting into VGIK at the directing department. Instead, she joined the team of Ivan Shapovalov, who produced the Tatu group. In 2004, he launched the reality show of the same name, where his wards in live planned to record an album. The soloist of the group "7b" Ivan Demyan, who also comes from Voronezh, helped to attach Matilda.

“For the first time I saw her in one of the Voronezh clubs,” says Demyan. “She seemed cheerful and sociable to me.”

Arriving in Moscow, Matilda called Ivan. He could not leave the girl at the station - he invited Shapovalov to the studio, introduced him to the musicians.

“I did small tasks, it’s not even a fact that I was paid,” she said in an interview with Tatler. - But I stuck out there all night long and listened. These were flashes of magical communication, there were words that penetrated into me and sprouted into the distant future. I saw Monroe, Limonov, Volochkova. Natalia Vodianova came with her English husband - always cheerful, there was a very funny relationship between them.

In Shapovalov's studio, on the very first day, Matilda met the famous secular photographer Dmitry Mikheev, with whom she began a relationship. According to Mikheev, it was he who suggested changing the name Elena to Matilda. And then he got her a gossip reporter for a fashion magazine.

Matilda took up the restaurant business after moving to St. Petersburg. It happened after meeting Sergei Shnurov. At first she began to manage the Blue Pushkin bar, which belonged to the musician. And at the end of 2012, she opened her own restaurant "CoCoCo". At the end of 2016, he took the fourth place in the ranking of the best restaurants in the city.

The restaurant's menu includes new Russian cuisine, dishes from seasonal regional products.
“There is still nothing tastier than banal potatoes with herring. What Russian person does not love them? ”, The musician’s wife admitted to reporters.

Another business of Matilda is choreography. Shnurova once admitted that she has been fond of ballet since the age of 16. Therefore, having moved to St. Petersburg, in 2010 she opened the Isadora ballet school, which teaches prima ballerinas from leading theaters.

Hobby. Matilda takes good care of herself. He regularly goes to a fitness club, trains stretching in his ballet school. And she is also fond of photography, she even took lessons from the famous American photojournalist (his notable work- photograph of an Afghan girl).

Personal life of Matilda Shnurova

Matilda met Sergey Shnurov in Moscow in 2006. At that time, the musician had two marriages behind him, as well as a relationship with Oksana Akinshina that made a splash.

Shnurov and Matilda brought together a common friend from America. She took her friend with her to the concert of the musician, where she asked to run into the dressing room for some business.

“She went in, I was stunned. He asked: "Eh! What is your name?" She replied, "Matilda." I said: “*****”, recalls the first meeting with Matilda Shnurov.

On the same day, he invited her to walk around Moscow at night. The walk ended at one of the hotels. However, after Shnurov returned to St. Petersburg. A whole week no calls, no messages. Suddenly, one day, Matilda's phone came to life. “I am in Vnukovo. Take me away from here, ”Snurov said at the other end of the wire.

“I happily went there. Vnukovo, on January 2 or 3, an absolutely empty hall, the only working cafe with plastic tables and chairs, and Sergey is sitting in the very corner - with such a head, a bottle of champagne and a glass. And I realized: to me ..., something special began in my life. That blue champagne head is mine. In general, it was very romantic, ”Matilda later shared with reporters.

On July 31, 2010 they got married. Sergey was in a white shirt and with long, flowing hair. Matilda chose a rather discreet floor-length dress for the wedding. There were few guests. Celebrities include sports commentator Vasily Utkin and Finnish actor Willy Haapsalo. Opera director Vasily Barkhatov became a witness.

The couple lives in the center of St. Petersburg - in an apartment with a fireplace on the embankment of the Fontanka River. They have been together for over 10 years. They love to travel, often travel to New York and London.

“Sergei and I are indifferent to money, which is probably why we always had it. But we are very partial to what money can buy,” says Matilda.

The couple has no children.

Matilda is a girl from the Russian outback who managed to turn into successful business- a lady and a glamorous socialite. Ex-wife and the muse of the frontman of the Leningrad group Sergei Shnurov.

Childhood and youth

Elena Mozgovaya (real name Matilda) was born in the village of Losevo, Voronezh Region, in a poor family. When the girl was two years old, her parents, Tatyana and Vladimir, divorced. The mother married a second time and with her new husband Vladimir Nagorny moved to the village of Livenka, where Lena had a brother Igor.

But the second marriage broke up as quickly as the first. Unsuccessful attempts to establish a personal life led a desperate woman to Hinduism. Children were of little interest to her, so they grew like roadside grass.

A tragic fate awaited the close relatives of the girl. Brother Igor died young in an accident, Matilda's father died, his stepfather drowned. She has two half-sisters and a brother from her father's other marriage, but has little to no relationship with them.

Sergey and Matilda Shnurov in Evening Urgant (2017)

Since childhood, Lena dreamed of escaping from the provinces to Big city. She studied poorly, but she did not let herself be offended, which earned her honor and respect in the ranks of her peers. After graduating from school, the 17-year-old girl went to Moscow to enter VGIK, actually running away from her parents.

Carier start

Having neither connections nor money, she turned to her fellow countryman, the soloist of the 7b group, Ivan Demyan, for help. He introduced Lena to the producer of the extremely popular Tatu group at that time, Ivan Shapovalov, who took her to his team.

She worked in the producer's studio, doing small assignments. Shapovalov often came to visit famous people- so Matilda met Natalya Vodianova and her husband, Anastasia Volochkova, Eduard Limonov.

Soon she had an affair with fashion photographer Dmitry Mikheev, whom Matilda met in the same studio. He got Elena a gossip reporter for a popular glossy magazine and advised her to change her name to a more sonorous and original one - Matilda. At first it was just a pseudonym, later she officially changed her name.

At first she "having nothing to do" entered the Faculty of Biochemistry Institute of Technology, then remembered her longtime passion for dancing. This lesson fascinated her so much that Matilda decided to open her own ballet school "Isadora", inviting outstanding teachers there.

In parallel, she controlled how things were going in the Blue Pushkin bar, which belonged to her husband. Shnurov sorely lacked time for him, and soon Matilda became a full-fledged mistress there. She quickly figured out the intricacies of the restaurant business and soon organized her own institution - the CoCoCo restaurant.

Thanks to the talent of Matilda and the skill of her chef, in four years the restaurant has become the most stylish and popular vacation spot in the cultural capital. Among the visitors of the institution you can always meet famous people. These are Matilda's friends, secular party girls Ksenia Sobchak, Nika Belotserkovskaya and Polina Kitsenko, Avdotya Smirnova and her husband Anatoly Chubais and many others.

Personal life of Matilda Shnurova. Acquaintance with Shnurov

So Corded Matilda They were introduced by a mutual friend, who in 2007 offered the girl to go to a concert of the Leningrad group, and then took her to the dressing room. Unusual appearance Matilda reminded Sergei of the beautiful Swan from Vrubel's painting, and the original name added to the impression.

According to Matilda herself, the first acquaintance was like a romantic film: a spark ran between them, they immediately showed up common topics for conversations. After a walk around Moscow, the evening ended in a hotel room.

By the age of 30, Matilda Shnurova owns a restaurant with original author's cuisine, a ballet school that teaches prima ballerinas from leading theaters, and the heart of the most scandalous and provocative character Russian show business Sergei Shnurov. At the same time, Matilda was born in the small village of Losevo, Voronezh Region, in far from the most prosperous family. But, like the fabulous Cinderella, this did not stop her from learning how to dance beautifully and find her prince.

Matilda's parents - Tatyana and Vladimir - divorced when she was only one and a half years old. Then the girl's name was Elena Mozgova, and nothing in her fate foreshadowed future triumphs. Tatyana's second husband, Vladimir Nagorny, took the family to the neighboring village of Livenka. This wooden house by the asphalt road, Matilda probably remembers, since she lived in it already at a conscious age.

Like the school, now surrounded by a rusty fence and a badly neglected lawn. Here the girl received her primary education.

Together with classmates in free time she played with dolls, but sometimes even then her character showed through her gentle habits: Matilda could hit back even the boys, and when the school bullies pinched her finger in the door, she didn’t shed a tear and tapped the offenders on the head with her briefcase.
According to one of her classmates, even as a child, Matilda loved risk, and therefore, when years later, residents of Livenka learned from the Internet that Lena Mozgovaya had run away to Moscow after school, they were not surprised.

I definitely wouldn't be able to. I have lived all my life in the village and I can not do otherwise. And Lena is well done for leaving. If I had stayed, I would have done nothing but sit with the children or wash the floors somewhere. There is no other future here, ”says Evgenia, who spent three years sitting at the same desk with a future celebrity.
Their general class was considered difficult: teachers constantly complained to parents about the ugly behavior of students. But Lena Mozgovaya enjoyed unquestioned authority among her peers.

The school principal recalls that the girl studied for triples, but notes that in the 90s grades were not so important and young people achieved success regardless of school performance.

At the same time, Lena's mother's relationship with her new husband cracked again. The marriage broke up four years later. But Matilda had a brother, Igor. - After Tatyana broke up with Nagorny, she abandoned her children, scattered them over her fathers and left. Lena lived either with her father or with her grandmother. In general, her mother left her, her father did not need her. Tatyana did not need anyone, she needed a city, she needed to show herself. In the end, Nagorny told her not to set foot on the threshold in Losevo, - said Native sister stepfather Matilda Love.
Closest to Livenka and Losev Big City- This is Voronezh. It was there that Tatiana went. Even in Livenka, a woman began to sew clothes at home. Soon she had a new hobby - Matilda's mother became an adherent of religious teachings with Indian roots called Sahaja Yoga ( a teaching that states that each person has a subtle system inside himself, consisting of energy centers that are available for sensation after receiving self-realization through meditation. - Approx. ed.).
More than 15 years have passed since then, but she still lives in Voronezh. In a modest apartment on the first floor in a five-story building on the outskirts of the city, two mannequins meet us in the hallway - Tatyana sews clothes and Indian saris for overweight women, meditates twice a day, and also tries to "activate the kundalini energy and clear the chakras."

Tatyana often remembers her daughter and is happy to talk about her even to random clients. And it does not avoid even not the most pleasant details. True, according to her, the reason for parting with Matilda was not callousness at all, but a serious illness, the real cause of which was just the contaminated chakras. It was then, at the age of 36, that the woman became interested in yoga.

The professor said what defeat is endocrine system could have been caused by exposure to radiation. The pituitary gland is a very serious thing. If it fails, then it cannot be restored. According to the laws of medicine, I do not exist, I am a phantom. But doctors are materialists. They do not understand what chakras and energy are. If they matched their knowledge with this, then now there would be no sick people at all. I was 36 years old, it was a very long time ago, and my daughter was 14. I had to educate her. And I sent her to my father for six months, because I physically couldn’t do anything in terms of controlling her, ”Tatyana says, suddenly remembering that she hadn’t turned off the gas, and hides in the back of the apartment.

Returning, Matilda's mother quickly jumps from the topic of her daughter to a more familiar one - about entering the sahasrara chakra, great initiates, the demonic nature of extrasensory perception and a human microcosm that contains the whole Universe.
And yet, in the end, these high matters again close on the daughter, who has "a car for 6 million."

I sent her to my father at the age of 14. But she returned to me six months later with tears: "Mom, please, I'll behave well ..." And she behaved well for two weeks. And then she ran away from me. She left and never returned, - adds Tatyana.

To the question of whether it has since been possible to restore relations with Matilda, the woman answers embarrassedly and uncertainly: “Why, we communicate,” but remember when in last time I talked to my daughter, she can't.
At the same time, the fate of many other relatives of Matilda was tragic. Her younger brother Igor from his mother's second marriage died at a young age in a car accident. Mother Tatyana practically did not take part in his upbringing, but nevertheless came to the funeral.

She asked the driver not to turn off the engine, stood for three minutes at Igor's coffin and left, - says the sister of Matilda's stepfather Lyubov.

The girl's stepfather and father also ended badly.

Nagorny drank, he drowned in the river while drunk, his son, by the way, also crashed in a car due to drunkenness, flew into the river. And Tatyana's brother hanged himself because of alcohol. Lena's (Matilda's) father, Vladimir Mozgovoy, died alone, - said the district police officer of the village of Losevo Valery.

Matilda is in no hurry to build relationships with the remaining relatives. In Voronezh, she has two half-sisters: Lily, who looks like two drops of water to Matilda, Polina, and also her brother Nikita. These are children from different marriages father of Vladimir Mozgovoy. Currently, Polina lives with her mother and stepfather and will go to school in September. Lilya is also happy with her life and the modest salary of a makeup artist.

Lily met with Lena two or even three times. Lily told me this personally. Lena was rather wary, she is generally wary of everyone. This is natural: when a person has a position and money, such people usually do not need relatives, because relatives come to ask for something. Lena did not invite Lily home. And the next time, when Lilya came to St. Petersburg, Lena did not find an opportunity to meet her: she said there was no time, - notes Matilda's uncle Sergei Mozgovoy.
However, Lily herself is accustomed to admiring her sister and definitely does not hold a grudge.

She is smart, she made herself. I have a lot to learn from her. She is very kind and beautiful person- says the girl.

But Nikita and Polina are not personally acquainted with Matilda. And the only thing left for relatives socialite, is to watch her from the TV screen and the covers of glossy magazines.

It’s just that her mother behaved in such a way that Lena did not feel support from her, but why is such a mother needed? Why is such a father needed, who also did not think much about her? And she didn’t know that there was someone in the family who treated her well, so she didn’t have a family, as such, ”says Matilda’s uncle Sergey Mozgovoy.

And yet, in the family, the famous relative is loved and proud of her fate. Even though Cinderella, who became a princess, refused to add her relatives as friends in in social networks. Yes, and there is no longer any Elena Mozgova, all the documents were reissued by the wife of the singer Cord . New destiny - new name and surname.

And the Brain family is also “warmed up” by a story read in magazines about how the sophisticated Matilda made the reckless St. Petersburg hooligan Shnur a secular intellectual. However, this is already from some other fairy tale.

It's hard to believe these days that people have another life, except for the virtual one that takes place in social networks. Friends, watching my instagram, think that I travel endlessly. It’s not like that – it’s just that when I work in St. Petersburg, I don’t post almost anything, I don’t have time. Real life always a little different.

We have officially completed the divorce process with Sergei Shnurov. While we were together, everyone was engaged own business and the division of property went smoothly. I was in the Cococo restaurant. Sergei was an investor. The project paid off. Sergei stayed with Leningrad, I stayed with Kokoko. I also have a ballet studio "Isadora".

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My surname also remains with me. Why do I need all this paperwork? Matilda is still Shnurova, despite the fact that she is no longer Shnurova. I made two statements that I considered sufficient. First, I am very grateful to the people for the support they suddenly gave me. To be honest, I didn't expect it. I still get from strangers̆ letters and messages with warm words. People feel something and are often not mistaken. I want to repeat: thank you for supporting me, but do not look for the guilty. Second: do not try to interpret our divorce from Sergei Shnurov, because even I do not undertake to do this: life is very complex, multi-layered, and give an unambiguous answer to the question “what happened?” I can't. Maybe someday I'll write a book. I'm kidding, of course. Love story ended. I think that behind this parting, which we will survive, something positive will definitely happen. Won Sergei began to run marathons. It's great.

We lived together for eleven years And, of course, we changed each other in some way. And in positive side. We went through different stages together. Living together with Sergey Shnurov is an experience of spiritual growth and self-knowledge, a test of humility and patience, unconditional love. We “pumped” this skill - we learned to love unconditionally. True, I think if Sergei reads such lines, he will be indignant.

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After a divorce, people think that they have done a lot, and received not enough in return. Nobody is happy about a breakup. But I can say for sure: there was love on both sides, and on the part of Shnurov, it was also unconditional. I am not saying that I am the perfect person.

Now my plans are completely unclear even to myself. When a relationship breaks down, some business saves. My restaurant gives me strength, gastronomy is interesting to me. Recently, I went to New York, talked to chefs, gastronomic critics and journalists. What will happen next, I don't know for sure. I have many interests and many options for what to do. Whether this occupation will be related to show business or not, I do not know. Perhaps I will go to get a second education - why not? I have free time. If you don't know what to do, go study.

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I have loved music since childhood. At school, she spent all her pocket money on CDs and books about rock musicians. I had a whole collection - from Led Zeppelin and AC / DC to Nirvana and The Prodigy. I heard Sergei Shnurov when I was 13 years old and bought the Summer Residents album. But when I met him personally, I already knew his work thoroughly. For me, show business has always been something alluring. While I'm an introvert, I like expression. I lived in the best group in the country for eleven years. It was a wonderful life.

I was disappointed in people. Especially in Lately. But still, the most important thing that each of us has is human connections: with parents, with children, with friends, with loved ones. The loneliness that we sometimes experience is imaginary. It's just emotions. This is fear: what if everyone turns away from me forever? Each of us needs someone. Just do not look for a donor.

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I have a low opinion of myself. I don't hide it. They write to me that I motivate, inspire. I don't know how I can do it. It has nothing to do with my self-esteem. But it is very pleasant and important for me to help someone. I have met many people who have lost their motivation. Usually it is a sad sight - young, beautiful, capable boys and girls who do nothing. They age early in soul. I would like people around to have the opportunity to develop their own talents, to create something. Not necessarily something big. But let them grow above themselves. If I can become someone's assistant in this, I will definitely be.

The talent to be a woman it is not to lose kindness, tenderness, warmth. Feminine nature is to domesticate the wild, unyielding a little, to warm him up. There is nothing worse than a cold woman. ≠

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