Black China VKontakte. Blac Chyna sued the entire Kardashian-Jenner family: domestic violence, money and more. The mysterious biography of Blac Chyna

American model and stripper Blac Chyna hides her real name, so little is known about her life. Her romance with rapper Tyga and her brother, as well as her curvaceous figure, brought her fame.

For some time, Black performed as a stripper at the King of Diamonds nightclub in Miami. One of the regular visitors gave her the nickname "Black Porcelain", which the press sometimes calls her to this day. Having starred in the video of Kim Kardashian's then-boyfriend Kanye West, Black made new friends. They became real friends with Kim: they spend time together and even go to the gym.

In 2012, Blac Chyna gave birth to a child in a civil marriage with Canadian rapper King Tyga. Their relationship could not be called simple, and the couple, having lived together in a mansion in Los Angeles, broke up. Now the famous musician is dating Kim's sister Kylie Jenner again, despite the protests of the Kardashian family.

At 28 years old, the celebrity became famous not only for her affair with a musician, but also for her curvaceous figure: the fact is that rumors continue to persist as to whether the diva’s butt is real or not without the help of plastic surgeons. Black assures the press that his curves are natural and shows his school photographs as proof, but questions do not stop.

Personal life of Blac Chyna

In 2016, it became known about Blac Chyna's affair with Kim Kardashian's only brother Rob. He proposed to the girl with a beautiful seven-carat diamond ring. They say that the man spent $325 thousand on the gift. The girl accepted the offer and did not fail to show off the gift on her Instagram page. The reaction of the Kardashian family is still unknown, but the friendship of Black and Kim allows us to hope that the news of the wedding will be pleasant for them. Now Black and Rob are expecting a new baby: the girl is pregnant and regularly appears on the covers of glossy publications, showing off her belly in the last months of pregnancy.

Blac Chyna is known for her luxurious forms, extravagant behavior, and, more recently, also for her loud opposition to the famous Kardashian clan. The scandals began after Chyna's disagreement with Rob, the only brother of the Kardashian sisters. The girl has already won a lawsuit against her boyfriend and has now filed a lawsuit against the entire famous family.

Childhood and youth

Angela Renee White - the star's real name - was born on May 11, 1988 in Washington, USA. Father: Eric Holland. Mother Shalane Jones Hunter (known as Tokyo Toni) is Dominican by nationality and a former striptease star (in 2014 she founded her own entertainment and production company). Today, China's parents live in new families.

The future model studied at high school Henry E. Lackey of Charles County, Maryland. The girl began to feel the need for money early.

“I didn’t want to depend on anyone,” she recalls.

At the age of 15, she got her first job at McDonald's - she worked as a cashier. Then she was a waitress in a restaurant. And finally, she started working part-time at a strip club to pay for getting a profession. In two years, the girl managed to save enough to enter the University Johnson and Wales in Miami.


Having become a student, she did not give up the stage and got a job in one of the luxurious Miami clubs “Miami's King of Diamonds”, nicknamed the Mecca of pleasures. But the exhausting nights spent on the dance floor did not give the opportunity to study. China fell asleep right in class and eventually decided quit university, especially since exotic appearance the dancer and her seductive figure (height 157 cm, weight 58 kg) were noticed and offered to pose for men's magazines.

At the same time, the dancer took the pseudonym Blac Chyna (that was the name of one of her patrons). Soon she luxurious photos appeared on the covers of Dimepiece, Straight Stuntin and Black Men's Magazines. In 2010, Chyna's name appeared in rapper Drake's single "Miss Me", and then the girl played the role of the singer's double in the "Monster" video. The 6-minute video stars a whole galaxy of stars: Kanye West, Bon Iver and Nicki Minaj.

This was the beginning of success. Chyna has become the queen of the dance floor in Miami, whose shows attract crowds of guests, including celebrities. One of those who came to see the exotic beauty Black perform was a Canadian rapper named Tyga. Impressed by the bright appearance of the model-dancer, the singer invites her to his video as the main character. The video was released in the fall of 2011, raising Black to another level of popularity.

In 2012, Blac Chyna appeared in a lot of music videos, posed for magazine photo shoots, and even played in a small film episode. In 2013, the biography of the show diva was enriched with a new status - a business woman. The model decided to start a business and profitably invest her hard-earned money. After graduating from business school, the woman opened a beauty salon in Los Angeles in 2014 and launched her own brand in the eyelash extension market, Lashed from Blac Chyna.

Personal life

On November 9, 2011, Chyna wrote to "Twitter" about her relationship with rapper Tyga. It was the day the filming of the video for the song “Rack City” began. Since then, the couple is often spotted at basketball games, in clubs, and on walks.

The son of Tyga and Chyna, King Cairo Stevenson, was born in a civil marriage on October 16, 2012. On the same day happy father bought a house for new family for $5 million in Calabasas (Los Angeles County).

It seemed that Chyna’s life had turned into a fairy tale: a girl from a strip club lives in a luxurious mansion, rocks her son’s cradle and goes to the gym with (the women became friends on the set of the “Monster” video). But the idyll came to an end in 2014, when the couple announced their separation. Taiga started dating stepsister Kim – . A war broke out between the rivals on social networks. China's relationship with Kim also deteriorated.

Black’s personal life began to be widely discussed again in early 2016, when the woman began an affair with Rob Kardashian, Kim’s brother and Kylie’s half-brother. The guy's family was not happy with this choice. But after Rob announced on Instagram in May 2016 that he would become a father, the Kardashian clan came to terms with the fact that their family ex will come in stripper.

The daughter of Rob and Chyna, Dream Renee Kardashian, was born on November 10, 2016, and a month later her parents announced a breakup instead of getting married. Since then, a series of scandals and reconciliations begins in the lives of common-law spouses.

In the summer of 2017, after another quarrel, Rob became so bold that he posted candid photographs of Blac Chyna on social networks, accompanying them with emotional outpourings. In his posts, he calls Black a prostitute, writes that she regularly cheats on him, drinks and takes drugs. He also said that he paid for plastic surgery ($100 thousand) common-law spouse after childbirth.

As it turned out, Rob decided to do this after he hacked his friend’s phone, found photos of lovers and secret correspondence with his friend, in which she admits that

“I hooked up with Rob just for PR, to get the Kardashian name.”

China did not understand the reasons for the monstrous act and sued her boyfriend, who won. A court decision temporarily prohibited Rob Kardashian from approaching his daughter and disseminating information about her mother on social networks.

The Kardashian family was outraged by Chyna's behavior. They rallied around their brother and began to throw dirt on their failed daughter-in-law, disgracing her in the media and on social networks. China could not stand it and in the fall of 2017 filed a lawsuit against the entire Kardashian family for interference in her private life.

Blac Chyna now

In 2018, information appeared that China was pregnant with her third child from rapper YBN Almighty Jay, who is 12 years younger than her. Then news appeared contradicting these reports. The star herself does not comment on the situation.

Now she devotes a lot of time to work, raises two children and is still active on Instagram, trying to outshine her “sworn friend” Kim Kardashian.

Future friend Kim Kardashian was born on May 11, 1988 in Washington state. It is known that at birth she received the name Angela White. Unfortunately, the girl’s parents were not show business stars, politicians or public figures, so the details of their lives are unknown.

At the age of 16, Angela began earning money on her own by pole dancing in nightclubs in California. It was during those years that she took on the stage name Blac Chyna. According to rumors, already at a fairly young age she gained great popularity as a successful and talented stripper. In many ways, her bright and extraordinary appearance helped her.

The girl had curvaceous figures, especially in the buttocks, and many were interested in how she stood on the pole. But men highly valued the girl for her figure, and Blac Chyna starred in several video clips of popular hip-hop artists.

They say that a girl owes her success to plastic surgery, namely gluteoplasty - surgery to increase the volume of the buttocks. But it is difficult to confirm or refute these statements, since there is practically no photo Black China before plastic surgery.

Blac Chyna before and after plastic surgery photos: the beginning of star life

The girl gained real fame in 2011, when she concluded civil marriage with the popular American rapper Tyga and gave birth to a son named King. Blac Chyna lived together with musician Blac Chyna for several years, but the couple broke up in 2014. According to rumors on the Internet, common law husband Black left her for another Los Angeles beauty - pretty.

In the USA today it is difficult to find a person who has not heard anything about the scandalous and brilliant Kardashian family. This is facilitated by the fame that her relatives received from numerous television talk shows, scandals and extravagant antics.

Recently, Blac Chyna has been closely associated with the Kim family, and therefore is doomed to worldwide fame.

In January 2016, it became known that she was dating Rob Kardashian, brother of Kim and Kylie Jenner (the same girl to whom Tyga ran away).

Just three months later, Rob and Blac Chyna got married, and on November 10, 2016, their daughter Dream was born.

Black and Kim became good friends. The paparazzi caught them several times joint activities V gym, and the ladies themselves are not averse to posting photo comparisons of their famous forms online.

Blac Chyna before and after buttock surgery

Blac Chyna wears bright makeup and provocative outfits, similar in style to the singer's costumes.

The resemblance to Nicki Minaj and Kim Kardashian is also given by the unnaturally round buttocks that Blac Chyna demonstrates at every opportunity.

She claims that nature gave such outstanding forms, but fans of the Kardashian family doubt the veracity of such words. Internet users are suggesting that Blac Chyna's main attraction is a miracle of modern plastic surgery.

To prove their words, they cite photos of Blac Chyna before plastic surgery during her time as a dancer, in which her hips are not yet so impressive. Experts note that unnatural curves of the buttocks and a large difference with the waist may indeed indicate gluteoplasty.

But Blac Chyna herself stubbornly remains silent and insists on naturalness, even when rumors about overturned implants and a visit to a plastic surgeon spread on the Internet.

In any case, whether there was interference or not, Blac Chyna's figure brought fame.

Angela Renee White, now known as Blac Chyna, is a famous person in America. Today, the number of subscribers on her Instagram is approaching 20 million. What is the secret of her popularity? And who is she?

The girl was born on May 11, 1988. She is not too open about the details of her biography. It is known that she grew up in Washington state in an ordinary family.

Blac Chyna in her youth

To pay for college, back in Maryland, Angela began working as a pole dancer. While studying at Johnson and Wales University in North Miami, she continued her career as a stripper, but the work exhausted her so much that during classes the girl literally fell asleep from fatigue. Angela decided to drop out of college and focus on dancing and modeling instead of studying.

One of the regular visitors gave her the nickname Black China, which translates as “black porcelain,” which stuck with her. She danced in one of the popular clubs in Miami, which contributed to an increase in her popularity.

Radio host Angela Yee referred to her in one of her broadcasts as “a girl who will definitely become famous.”

Rapper Drake mentioned her name in his track "Miss me". The girl's popularity grew, and this brought her to the covers of glossy magazines aimed at a male audience.

In 2010, she became one of Nicki Minaj's stunt doubles in the video for the song "Monster". Chyna has also appeared in the videos of many hip-hop artists.

In 2011, she was recognized as "Model of the Year" and was chosen as the leading actress in the video for the single "Rack City" by rapper Tyga (Tyga), which ultimately led to a romance between them.

Still from the video “Rack City”

In 2012, she posed a lot for magazines. And they started talking about her again when she took part in the filming of the video for Nicki Minaj’s single and was mentioned in one of her songs.

In February 2013, Blac Chyna entered Professional institute for makeup artists - JLS Professional Make Up Artist School. In December of the same year, she opened an online boutique "88 fin", where she sold clothes and accessories produced by the designer brand of the same name. That same month, Blac Chyna launched her own brand of false eyelashes called "LASHED by Blac Chyna".

A few months later, in February 2014, she bought a beauty bar in Encino, which provides beauty services and also conducts makeup courses.

Since Blac Chyna is quite secretive, we can only guess what changes the girl’s appearance has undergone. But on the other hand, the changes are so striking that we can be confident in our assumptions.

Early photographs show that the girl's nose is the most typical of an African-American woman - with wide nostrils and a rounded tip. After plastic surgery, the face looks more neat and doll-like, the nose has become narrower, and the tip is more pointed.

China's lips have always been plump thanks to genetics, but still the girl decided to have lip surgery.

After mammoplasty, Blac Chyna's figure became even more appetizing than before, resembling an hourglass silhouette.

The girl denies surgical intervention in the contours of her lower half, claiming that she got large hips and round buttocks from nature. A few years ago, journalists suspected that the implants had turned over because the girl began to look strange from behind.

Chyna went to the hospital for a short time, after which she looked like her old self again.

After plastic surgery and during pregnancy, the girl’s figure was far from its previous ideal, so the thin waist in the photo is most likely the result of pumping out excess fat.

A fairly decent part of the girl’s skin is covered with tattoos, and there are piercings in her cheeks.

Personal life

In 2011, Chyna began a relationship with the famous American rapper Tyga.

Rapper Tyga and Blac Chyna

In 2014, the couple broke up, as Tyga left for Kylie Jenner. For a long time, Jenner and Chyna quarreled in the media, but in 2016 everything changed.

After Chyna posted a photo on her Instagram with a man who had a tattoo on his arm (the photo was later deleted, the man's face was not visible), fans immediately assumed that it was Rob Kardashian - step-brother Kylie Jenner.

For him it was the first serious relationship since 2012, when he split from singer Rita Ora.

Despite the fact that Rob's family was clearly not happy with his lover, over time they softened and accepted her.

Rob's mother, Kris Jenner, provided the greatest support, and the rest of the Kardashian clan admitted that for the first time in for a long time Rob looks happy, leads more healthy image life, and in general his views on the future became much more optimistic.

Blac Chyna with Kris Jenner

Around star couple There were many rumors, including an engagement. Despite the desire of the lovers to keep their relationship as less public as possible, the media kept leaking information about another quarrel between Chyna and Rob, which was refuted a few days later.

Ten months after the official start of their relationship, Rob put on ring finger Chinas wedding ring with a huge seven-carat diamond, thereby declaring to the whole world that he wants to marry a girl and start a family with her.

A month after the engagement, the lovers announced to the whole world about the imminent addition to their family.

The birth was filmed and shown on TV

Literally a month after this significant event, an unknown hacker hacked Chyna’s Instagram and publicly declared that he intended to show everyone the true nature of the star.

Chyna's personal correspondence with her lawyers was leaked online, in which she spoke disparagingly about Rob, and also contained evidence that she slept with other men while she was dating him.

Later, the girl confirmed that the correspondence really belonged to her, and also suggested that Rob was involved in the information leak.

That same weekend, a video appeared on Rob's Snapchat showing Chyna taking her newborn daughter and leaving the house Rob had bought for their family. He also said that Chyna does not allow him to see his daughter, that she blocked him, and he cannot enter the territory of the house where she lives.

Despite the flared passions surrounding the leaked correspondence, after some time the couple reunited and magnificently celebrated the anniversary of their relationship. After this, the couple came together and diverged several more times, sources claimed that Rob and Chyna were trying to figure out how to achieve peaceful cohabitation. Raising a child together was all they both wanted at that time.

Blac Chyna with Rob and Kim Kardashian

On July 5, Rob posted a video on Instagram of a girl kissing an unknown man and three photographs of naked Chyna, accompanied by text that Chyna congratulated him on Independence Day. In the next post, he posted a screenshot of their correspondence with a pornographic photograph dated the previous day.

“I’ve never been humiliated like this in my life,” Rob wrote.

A few days after Rob's outrageous outburst, China and her lawyer told ABC News that they were planning to sue Rob (in California, distributing pornography is punishable by a fine and up to six months in prison). The girl also said that she wanted to obtain a ban on Rob approaching her. Indeed, in July the girl gets what she wants, although Rob does not appear at the trial.

It becomes obvious to everyone that restoring the relationship between Rob and Chyna is impossible, after all the negative statements addressed to each other. At first, Chyna wanted to get full custody of them. common daughter, making Rob a “Sunday dad,” but later changed her mind, admitting that he made a wonderful father.

So, main task Of all the people involved in this situation, the well-being of baby Dream becomes important, and by mid-September the couple comes to an agreement, each of them receives the right to spend half the time with their daughter.

Blac Chyna (Angela Renee White)

Angela Renee White

Model Date of birth May 11 (Taurus) 1988 (31) Place of birth Washington Instagram @blacchyna

Blac Chyna is a fashion model with a bright, extraordinary appearance. The star got her pseudonym while working as a stripper in a Miami club. One of the visitors called her “Black Porcelain” and the girl really liked this stage name. And since then she has not parted with her nickname. The girl gained a considerable share of her popularity thanks to her friendship with famous model Kim Kardashian. But far from it last role Black’s bright appearance also played a role.

Biography of Blac Chyna

The real name of the star of popular magazines is Angela Renee White. The girl drew attention to herself thanks to her curvaceous figure, which she used for some time to earn money by dancing striptease.

The bright appearance was noticed by the photo editor of one of the fashionable magazines at that time Dimepiece. At that time, the publication just needed a memorable model for filming in an urban style. That’s how Black became the face of the cover in September 2010.

The girl liked her uniqueness and curvaceous shape so much that a few days later she was invited to shoot for the magazines “Black Men” and “Stuntin’s Magazine”. At the same time, rapper Drake released his new single “Kiss Me”, which made a lot of buzz among the press, since in the lyrics of the song the performer mentions the name of the model Blac Chyna.

For the first time, the girl appears on TV screens in the video clip of Kim Kardashian’s boyfriend, Kanie West, in his collaboration with Nicki Minaj, “Monster.” Since then, Black and Kim have become best friends and often even go to the gym together.

In the fall of 2011, Black appeared as the main character in the video of rapper Tyga. And since 2012, Black’s biography begins a period of frequent video filming, the model appears several times in various videos Nicki Minaj. The girl also played a cameo role in the film “DGK”.

With the advent of 2013, Black decided to get serious about business. To do this, the model entered a well-known make-up school, graduating in the spring of the same year, she opened her first online boutique. It offers a line of clothing and various accessories for sale from the model herself. At the same time, Black launched her own brand of eyelash extensions.

A few months later, China bought one of the beauty studios in Los Angeles. There, the star offers its visitors not only to improve their appearance with the help of make-up, but also to undergo training in the art of make-up.

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Personal life of Blac Chyna

In 2011, the girl was in a long-term relationship with singer Tyga and even gave birth to a child from him in 2012, whom she named King Cairo Stevenson. The couple was not officially married. The rapper and Black lived together for almost 3 years, after which they broke up. According to one version, the breakup occurred on the initiative of the rapper, who left the model for another girl.

At the beginning of 2016, the Model began dating Kim Kardashian's brother, Robert. A couple of months after the start of the relationship, the couple announced their impending marriage, and a month later Black announced her pregnancy. At the end of the year, the couple had a daughter, Dream Renee, and a month later the couple broke up.

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