Who became the husband of Diana Shurygina. The husband of Diana Shurygina got into a fight with the second suspect in the rape of the girl. Shurygina cheated on her husband: Diana Shurygina lost her nerve due to constant criticism

And why did Alexander Rukhlin get hit in the forehead by Diana's husband?

The story of Diana Shurygina has come to an end.

Rapist Sergei Semyonov at large. The second guy, Alexander Rukhlin, whom the girl initially accused of rape, recently met with Shurygina on the program, where he received in the forehead from Diana's current husband. And at the end of the show, the TV presenter forced Rukhlin to apologize to Shurygina.

Why Alexander did not want to apologize, is it true that the guy paid 200 thousand rubles for freedom and whether he is going to sue his husband Shurygina for public beating - in an interview with Rukhlin's lawyer Larisa Mironova.

- Larisa, if you sum up the epic, do you think Shurygina has changed in a year?

These events influenced the fate of each of the participants in this situation. This story has not gone unnoticed by anyone. Everything has changed.

- You live in Ulyanovsk, where everything happened. How do they treat the Shurygins there?

I personally, as well as my client, had contact with the Shurygina family only during the course of investigative actions and at the court session, when Rukhlin was interrogated as a witness. I don’t know how Diana’s parents live, and I believe that Rukhlin doesn’t know either. We do not communicate with them. There is no desire. Communication with him happened only on the program, but my client did not experience happiness and pleasure.

- Your client Rukhlin and the freed Semyonov are now friends like water?

No. Rukhlin does not maintain relations with Semyonov, they do not even call each other. Rukhlin has his own life, his own plans and aspirations.

- Why did your client not want to apologize to Shurygina on the program?

He has nothing to apologize for. He didn't rape the girl. Rukhlin was involved in the case as a witness. To apologize, you need to admit guilt, feel and realize guilt.

- But at the end of the program he was still forced to apologize?

Yes, Alexander publicly apologized to his mother for the situation. Was it really not clear that he did not feel guilty towards Diana? The presenter repeatedly exaggerated this topic, periodically returning to it and rephrasing the questions, which forced him to apologize to Shurygina herself. But I think, in fact, he did not apologize to her, because he does not consider himself guilty.

- After the broadcast, there was a feeling that Diana hates Rukhlin almost more than Semenov?

Alexander doesn't care. He has a girlfriend. And now they are unlikely to intersect with Shurygina.

- Didn't it seem to you that the heroes of history do not shine with their minds, and therefore they got into this scandal?

You weren't young and didn't make mistakes in life? If all people were crystal correct, always acted legally, observed morality and morality, then the Criminal Code would be canceled. “Demand creates supply” - if people's interest in this topic disappeared, then the topic would have been exhausted long ago.

Why did Rukhlin need to participate in the program? After all, he sat in the shadows until the very end. He didn't seem to give any interviews. Mom spoke for him.

Rukhlin gave his consent to participate in the program with the aim that people hear his truth. He did not commit any rape. The investigation carefully investigated this case for 6 months. Rukhlin's innocence was clear.

Shurygina's husband attacked Rukhlin with his fists during the broadcast. Why, Alexander did not answer, if he does not consider himself guilty?

What Shurygina's husband Andrei Shlyagin allowed himself is punishable by the law of the Russian Federation. In a public place, in the presence of many witnesses, program participants, he attacked my client from behind. Rukhlin did not expect such aggression. Alexander has bodily injuries. If Diana's husband had approached my client face to face, like a man to a man, and not in the studio, it is not known how this would have ended for Shlyagin. No one is afraid of Shurygina's husband and is not going to be afraid.

In order to finally clarify everything, why was Rukhlin still accused of rape at the beginning of the process, and then Shurygina withdrew the statement?

The statement was not written by Diana, but by her mother. No one has withdrawn any statements. An investigation was underway, as a result of which it was established that there was no corpus delicti in Rukhlin's actions. This criminal case was repeatedly and carefully checked by the higher authorities, the prosecutor's office. As a result, a decision was made to terminate the criminal prosecution against Rukhlin. Since he was innocent, he was a witness in this criminal case.

- But everywhere they say that his family paid off Shurygina. Does the amount of 200 thousand rubles appear?

About this money, which haunts everyone. Since Rukhlin was initially a suspect in a criminal case, he or his lawyer had the right, within the framework of the legislation of the Russian Federation, to discuss the issue of compensation moral damage with the injured party. On a talk show, Shurygina's father once said that I offered them money. According to this statement of the father on the air, an inspection was carried out, during which it was established that there was no corpus delicti in our actions.

- That is, Shurygina's father lied? For what?

I had a conversation on this issue with Diana's father near the Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for Leninsky district Ulyanovsk, where I, in the presence of witnesses, asked him how much he wants to receive money as moral compensation. The father indicated the amount - 400 thousand rubles. I answered him that the amount of 200 thousand is enough, since I was sure that the guy was not guilty. We agreed that if the court nonetheless proves Rukhlin's guilt, I will transfer this amount of money, but without fail in the presence of witnesses and on receipt. Diana's father agreed. During the further confrontation, the innocence of my client was established, by the way, Diana then threw a tantrum in the premises of the Investigative Committee. Therefore, we did not give any money to anyone, not a ruble. No one asked for a change in testimony, or for the withdrawal of the application. There was gossip that I brought the investigation, bought the guy. This is slander. My fee for titanic work for six months amounted to only 60 thousand rubles.

- Does Rukhlin have the same crazy popularity at home as Semenov?

Sasha is a modest guy, he absolutely does not need "hype".

Immediately after Alexander was found not guilty, he went to the army. So, decided to sit out the hype?

Nobody hid him. The time has come to pay back to the motherland. He went and gave. He had no one to fear and no reason to.

What is he doing now?

Resting. He's on vacation.

I noticed that all the young people involved in the scandal are "blind" loving parents. All of them, foaming at the mouth, defended their imperfect children. I wonder if any of the young people were blamed by their parents for what happened?

Everyone is blind just as much as they want it to be. I am a mother and also love my sons, but I personally would say to men: “Guys, before looking for love from girls, check your passports, take receipts that everything is absolutely voluntary.” Funny? Yes. Stupid? Perhaps. But this case, which stirred up Russia - a prime example and instruction.

- Was it difficult for you?

The biggest difficulty was to prove the innocence of the client. Many colleagues consider this case to be the “business of the year” in Russia.

- How can you explain such popularity of Shurygina, Semenov?

Transformation of the consciousness of the modern generation. Instead of libraries - gadgets and "inserts". Ask any teenager which works were written by Leo Tolstoy and which by Alexei Tolstoy - few will answer. And what is the difference between Kandinsky's painting and Kustodiev's, and they will look at you as if they were an alien. The youth needs idols, idols. And only educated youth can have lofty ideals.

- Who do you most feel sorry for in this story?

If you ask me as a lawyer, I will answer - no one, because Themis is blind and does not give preferences, she does not know pity. I am a servant of Themis, and in this case, the protector, shield and sword of the Rukhlin family. From a purely human point of view, it's a pity that Rukhlin himself and his family went through stress. As for Sergei Semenov, there is a court verdict, the guy was punished and was released ahead of schedule. I have no right to discuss the verdict. I am also sincerely sorry for Semyonov, sorry for his mother and sister. I hope that a new, bright and clean streak will come in his life. Diana Shurygina was a victim in a criminal case, and the guilty person was punished. If you asked me what I think about the scandal, as a woman and mother, I would answer - I'm sorry that this terrible and unpleasant situation took place at all. I hope that all young people - Diana, Sergey and Sasha are taught by "bitter experience" for the rest of their lives.

We contacted an acquaintance of Shurygina's husband, who talked to Andrei after the scandalous broadcast.

Andrey was wildly indignant and angry with Rukhlin, - the interlocutor began. - I asked him why he hit the guy, he replied that he was outraged by his boorish behavior. He even regretted that five people stopped him during the fight. Moreover, behind the scenes, Andrey hung on someone else, he could not restrain himself.

- Does Shurygina's husband not believe in Rukhlin's innocence?

He still screams that his Diana was raped by everyone.

- Why do Shurygina and her husband go to programs at all? Earn money?

I asked Andrew about it. He said that they are lured into the programs, they promise to take their side, to protect them, but in the end, everything goes sideways for them. As for the fee, he said that they did not earn any millions. Their fees were - 50 thousand rubles, 100 thousand and 150 thousand. For all the time, allegedly, they received only 500 thousand rubles.

On October 5, 18-year-old Diana Shurygina married Channel One operator Andrei Shlyagin. Andrei is 29 years old, and they met a girl during the filming of the program "Let them talk." The young man confessed to reporters more than once that he fell in love with a girl and already three months after they met, he decided to propose to her, although his entourage dissuaded him.


Shurygina was wearing a classic white dress with a puffy white skirt and a bodice inlaid with sequins for 75 thousand rubles. There was no veil on the girl; instead, a small tiara adorned her head.


The day before, the girl arranged a bachelorette party at the spa and stayed overnight at the hotel alone. On the morning of the wedding day, a make-up artist, hairdresser and mother came to her to help her get ready.


But the preparations, apparently, dragged on, because Diana was late for her own wedding. Registration was scheduled for 13.30, and Diana and her "retinue" arrived only at 14.15. The employees of the registry office did not punish the non-punctual girl and painted her with Andrei.


After registration, the young people with friends went for a ride in a rented limousine around Moscow.


The evening banquet was held in the Duchess teahouse, located in the Butovo district of Moscow. Diana and Andrei invited 80 friends and relatives, and journalists from one of the glossy publications were also at the celebration.

There were also uninvited guests at the ceremony. So, at the entrance to Duchess, a popular Instagram blogger, whose channel is called Homeless on Hype, was waiting for guests. Disguised as a homeless young man pestered the guests of the ceremony with tactless questions. After that, he and several other unknown teenagers began to chant offensive slogans under the windows of the restaurant. In particular, they demanded that he is now serving a sentence in a pre-trial detention center for raping Diana.

Also, another video blogger appeared at the wedding - Dmitry Torin. It was this young man who went into hysterics at the coffee shop where she worked. The blogger began to demand to take a selfie with him and “cook him coffee on the bottom.” On the day of the wedding, he wanted to joke by giving the bride eight red carnations in a three-liter jar. The newly-made husband of Diana did not appreciate Thorin's act - a fight ensued.


The guests ran out onto the stairs to separate them, followed by Diana, who, seeing what was happening, began to beg her husband to stop. In addition, a whole crowd of anti-fans, who arrived in several cars, was waiting for Shurygin at the teahouse building.


Despite the ill-wishers, the wedding took place, and the guests of the ceremony were satisfied. Diana's girlfriends are still posting videos from the holiday on the Web. Here, for example, the dance of the young:


Diana Shurygina's husband beat his wife's rapist right in the studio of Channel One, where a new episode of a talk show for television was broadcast live. The footage was filmed as Andrey Shlyanin enters the studio and immediately pounces on the alleged offender of his young wife.

According to the site, during live broadcast new transmission“In fact,” Diana Shurygina, her husband Andrey Shlyanin, and Alexander Rukhlin, who is also considered Shurygina’s rapist and a witness in the case of Sergei Semenov, were invited to the studio. Rukhlin himself had recently returned from the army, and therefore could have avoided prison term for your transgression. However, Shurygina's husband did not simply forgive the offender of his actions.

The video footage shows how the presenter invites Shlyanin to the studio, while Shurygina and Rukhlin are already sitting at the table. Shurygina's husband enters the room and immediately pounces on Rukhlin, hitting him in the face and expressing himself. Shurygina herself is trying to stop her husband, the guards also run into the studio and try to keep Shlyanin, who demands an apology to his wife. Young man they try to take him out, at this time the girl Rukhlina rushes at him, on which Shurygina, in turn, attacks, calling him “stupid”. Shlyanin is pulled aside by the guards, even though he promises not to beat Rukhlin again.

The release of the program "Actually" took place on Channel One on January 17. Earlier, Shurygina again became the heroine of the show “Let them talk”, in which she spoke about her reaction to the early release of her rapist Sergei Semenov. Semyonov himself did not meet with Shurygina, but instead appeared in Andrei Malakhov's show.

The wedding ceremony took place in the registry office No. 4 of the city of Moscow.

From the very morning, Diana began to prepare for this solemn moment - she drank champagne (of course, strictly on the bottom), phoned her friends (and, possibly, with her fiancé - didn’t he run away?), posed in her underwear on the window with a glass of sparkling wine in hands. She even took a picture of her wedding shoes along with her engagement ring.

The stylist and her namesake, Diana Bicharova, prepared Diana for the wedding. Before the wedding, the bride spent the night in a hotel guarded by Bicharova and her assistants. In the morning, they did the necessary beauty procedures for the newlywed - make-up and hair, and also helped to put on an outfit.

For the wedding, Diana chose a classic outfit: a floor-length white dress, embroidered and embellished with rhinestones, with a strapless bodice. Diana did not hide her face under the veil (so that everyone could see her happiness), she made a high hairstyle, which she completed with a diadem.

In the morning, the bride held in her hands a small bouquet of small white and blue flowers.

Shlyagin chose not a classic black tuxedo for the wedding, but blue trousers and a vest, under which he put on a snow-white shirt.

In the registry office, Diana and Andrey gave each other vows of love in the presence of relatives. The ceremony was attended by the parents of the newlyweds, as well as close friends.

During the wedding ceremony, the parents of the newlyweds could not contain their emotions. Women let out tears of joy from happiness that Diana starts a new life.

The very wedding of Diana Shurygina - in the tea house "Duchess" in South Butovo with Uzbek cuisine. The entire hall was decorated in white and blue tones.

The group "Na-Na" got under the skirt to Diana Shurygina

The Na-Na group came to congratulate. The band members did not fail to get under Diana's skirt and wanted to steal her from their own wedding. Diana, in turn, called for help from her husband.

Diana and her fiancé Andrei prepared in advance to surprise relatives and friends not only with a chic table, but also with an original birthday cake - two and a half meters high. The confectioner who created the delicacy was Alex Kush. A large-scale dessert cost about 180 thousand rubles. Traditionally, the first piece will be sold at auction for a huge amount of money.

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