“Highly primal people are those whose instincts prevail over the arguments of reason. Key concepts of human ethology. Protopopov A

From the author: I first combined these characteristics in the book "Man and Woman: War or Peace?" in 2011. At that time, it was the only summary table of examples of the combination of all ranks and all degrees of male primativity. She then migrated to The Anatomy of Love and Fake. Despite the fact that the information has already gone for the fifth year, for some reason this question is still puzzling. I'm posting the spreadsheet.

I remind you that biological rank And social status do not always match. Very often, high-ranking people are bankrupt, prisoners, exiles. And low-ranking ones become owners large companies and sometimes states. For example, they are inherited or they are appointed to high positions as zits-chairmen.

High-ranking highly primative- a person with ambitions and qualities of a leader. Strong, self-confident, conflict, selfish, successful. Goes on about his instincts, rarely guided by logic and reason, behavior is subject to emotions, most often strong and reaching extreme point. Such people are violent leaders who do not know how to suppress their desires. They have many enemies that they successfully fight. Criminal authority - the head of the gang, as well as famous scandalous and pretentious actors and singers - RVVP people.

High rank medium primative- a person endowed with all the qualities of a leader (part listed above). Behavior is often subordinated to emotions and instincts (including the instinct of the leader, the hierarchical instinct), but often logic and common sense, laid down by education, prevail and dominate over emotions, which is reflected in behavior. Such people can be strongly influenced by instincts, can partially suppress them, but at the same time remain leaders. Some of the successful, wealthy entrepreneurs and famous creative people avoiding scandals - VRSP.

High rank low primative- a person with high ranking potential and abilities. Possesses all or at least all the basic qualities of a leader. He knows his own worth, and this price is high. Self-confident, knows how to achieve his own. Possesses high conflict stability. However, unlike the VP, the NP is well-mannered. His instincts (with rare exceptions, for example, excluding the instinct of the leader) and emotions are secondary to logic, common sense and education. Such people, despite the many qualities of a leader, may look like HP from the outside due to the fact that they do not give vent to emotions and do not seek to demonstrate their high rank everywhere. Representatives of the most active, most civilized and most successful stratum of society. Aristocrats, famous scientists, some businessmen, top managers, many politicians are GRNP people.

Mid-ranking highly primative- a person with a not too pronounced leader instinct knows his own worth, but does not aspire to the heights. Strongly subject to instinctive influence. Emotions dominate common sense. Usually SRVP men are little-known singers, musicians, artists, poets, in other words, creative people who have achieved some success, but have not taken off to the Olympus of fame and are not particularly striving for this.

Middle rank medium primative a person does not pursue high status too much, but does not put up with too low. Behavior is driven by both emotion and logic, depending on the situation. Employees in lower management positions, or simply specialists, are SIDS people.

Medium rank low primative- a person who works hard and makes good money, but does not reach for the heights. Often a workaholic. There is conflict resistance, but it is not very significant. Prefers not to get involved in conflicts. If any significant problems arise, it turns off the chosen path. Educated, cultured. Emotions and instincts are suppressed by education. In actions guided by common sense. All good performers, high performers, low-level researchers are SRNP people.

Low rank high primative- a person occupying the lower levels of the social hierarchy, the bottom. The instinct of the leader does not possess, the slave of his emotions and instincts, often base. Rude, rude, aggressive. He behaves obsequiously with the strong, mocks and mocks the weak. Due to the high primativity it is conflict, but at the same time it is conflict unstable. Socially negative figure. He is prone to crime, which is what he most often does in life, but he is not able to somehow rise in the criminal hierarchy. Usually NRVP people are street punks, alcoholics, homeless people, low-caste criminals, cheap prostitutes. In a word, the entire social bottom.

Low rank medium primative- a person who does not pretend to a high position in society. Located at the bottom of the social pyramid. Emotional and subservient to instincts, but not so much as to completely lose control of himself. Most often uncouth, rude, has a low education, does not shine with culture. People without education, doing low-profile work (such as a handyman or a janitor), and unable to rise above - NRSP people.

Low rank low primatives people have no voice of their own, they are servile, obsequious, afraid of everything. Panically afraid of conflicts, because they are not able to emerge victorious even from the simplest situations. Any difficulties, even the slightest ones, plunge them into a panic and drive them into depression. They are prone to self-deprecation. Avoid making any "sharp movements". Sincerely convinced of their servile purpose. The rise of others on the rank ladder can be perceived as sedition and condemned. Any person with a higher rank or ranking potential is perceived by the NRNP person as a ruler. As allies, such people are useless and even harmful. If they manage to be drawn into a conflict on their side (which is almost impossible due to fear of conflicts), they will not help, but they will easily betray an ally with any, even imaginary, signs of strengthening the enemy. Having crossed to the opposite side, they can, out of cowardice, give out any secrets. In work, the effectiveness of such people is low due to the unwillingness to climb the rank ladder, which means the lack of motivation for highly effective work. The obsequious slave is an NRNP person. However, oddly enough, I met such people even among middle managers.

An important note. As I wrote above, it is a mistake to judge the rank only by the position held. In the current realities, even the head of a company, deputy, minister, president can be middle-ranking. This is due to the fact that modern corporate governance will not allow BP to be at the helm of a person with independent thinking, independent, who is almost impossible to manage. It is more profitable for corporate management to have a predictable, obedient and executive SR in a managerial position. He does not come to power, but he is “enthroned” by the elite, whose interests he serves. This happened at all times (for example, the puppet emperors of the late Roman Empire), but now it has become massive.

Alexander Biryukov

In contact with

Now let's see how the differences between people with high and low levels of primativity in specific areas of life can manifest themselves.

1 Self assessment

Take such an important part of life as self-esteem, a sense of self-worth, perception of oneself as important element universe.

highly primative

People with a high level of primatiality usually live in dangerous environment, in difficult conditions, where their lives are threatened by many dangers. You can die easily, so neither your own nor someone else's life is a serious value. And it is easily sacrificed in the name of various ideas - religious, clan, territorial, to preserve what is considered to be honor in this community, and for many other reasons. It is clear that self-esteem at the same time is quite low, a person tends to live surrounded by people close to him (close by blood, by nationality, by religion, etc.). Once in an unfamiliar environment, he unconsciously (herd instinct) seeks to find people close to him by blood (nationality, place of birth, etc.) and communicate with them. Such communities (fellowships) are created by migrants to Russia from the Caucasus or Central Asia. But exactly the same communities are formed in the countries of Europe or in America by immigrants from Russia. Among compatriots, people find communication, support, a sense of security.

It is convenient to manage highly primative people, because they do not have their own opinion, they delegate the right to make decisions to those who are higher than them in rank (the viceroy of God - the head of the religious community, the king, the shah, the president (if he wants to call himself that), the boss, the commander , etc.). They are ready to take any means of governing them for granted, therefore dictatorships or monarchies prevail, where power is inherited.

Since people have low self-esteem, they seek protection and help from some external forces without relying on yourself. Therefore, in such countries there is a high demand for religion, and a rigid religion that clearly prescribes all the steps in a person's life. If the religion is not so rigid, then it is popular to seek help from various kinds of sorcerers, shamans, clairvoyants or magicians.

Highly primative people usually have little faith in the possibility of changing the situation on their own, so they have high faith in the Miracle. Hence the high popularity of all kinds of drawings and lotteries, gambling. Moreover, since the rational principle is poorly developed, and faith in the Miracle is high, people cannot stop in their gambling aspirations (including cravings for alcohol and drugs). Understanding this national identity, religious and secular authorities usually impose bans on gambling, alcohol and drugs.

Low Primitive

In low primative communities, where people make conscious decisions, the situation is quite different. Here, each person feels like a Personality with certain rights and his own opinion. It is difficult for such people to impose some kind of choice, because they are used to thinking and making decisions themselves. It is clear that with the help of massive influence through television using modern psycho-technologies, some solution can be imposed on them, but this will not last long. After a while, they will figure out the deception and call to account whoever manipulated them, regardless of their position. Such examples, when politicians of any rank, even the highest, are put on trial, we periodically see in developed democracies.

This is not possible in highly primative countries. And not because there is no democracy, but because there are other people. An attempt to impose a democratic model of government on a country with a highly primative population leads to more than sad results. The real owners of the country, using democratic tools, ensure their victory in the elections and continue to rule, already having the status of a "civilized" society. Until the self-esteem and self-awareness of the population reaches a certain level (primativeness of the population does not decrease to 40-45%), democratic forms will cover clan (herd) relations.

2 Family

Primativity has a huge impact on family relationships, dictating the model of the family and the behavioral strategies of men and women.

highly primative

For example, the instinct of procreation makes men unconsciously strive to sleep (create offspring) with the maximum number women. On a conscious level, they are only interested in sex, but on an unconscious level highly primative male seeks to assert itself as a male - the owner of all the females of the pack.

The same instinct forces women to create a family at any cost and have children (to continue the race). When choosing a husband, a woman unconsciously seeks to choose the highest-ranking (from the point of view of instinct, not reason!) Man, and become his wife (or mistress). High-ranking - that is, occupying a high status in society (in a pack).

But if then a man does not justify the hopes of a woman (it turns out to be weak, unsuccessful, penniless), his rank in the eyes of a woman drops sharply (love passes). She cools off towards him and directs her attention to another, again high-ranking (in relation to her status) man. These processes are described in great detail in the work of V. Protopopov "Treatise on Love from the point of view of a terrible bore" and in the book "Advice to those who are married, rejected and longing to be rejected". Do you work together? Invite to dine with you. Under specific circumstances, the sign of attention on your part may be different. It is important that the woman UNDERSTAND it precisely as your invitation to rapprochement.

If a woman likes you, then she will ALWAYS let you know this in response to your “request”. A certain experience will allow a man to see the “green light” completely unmistakably. There is strength in simplicity. In the end, the courtship ritual, the entire flower and candy period, is a game according to the rules already well known to both sides. A sane woman who likes you will not demand constant sacrifices, gifts, endless signs of attention, going to restaurants, etc., but will move TOWARDS you step by step.

You invited a woman to the cinema. She said she can't today, she's busy. Look at the tone: it is very easy to understand if she is really busy or busy FOR YOU, i.e. She just doesn't want to go with you. In the first case, obvious regret will be heard in the voice.

Do you have doubts? Invite her again on another day, in another place. ? The woman did not respond with readiness, did her eyes sparkle with reciprocal sparks? Everything, this woman is not with you. Just don't get upset or make up a drama. This is a business, nothing personal: some women choose you, others do not choose - it was, it is and it will be so.

So: win and achieve those women who did not immediately show interest in you - a losing low ranking male strategy. The strategy is not only useless, but also dangerous. To seek a woman, to fight for her with other men is not only stupid, senseless, but also harmful. Just choose from those women who have chosen you.

From the editors of KOB-Media. Knowledge of mechanisms psychological impact between the sexes will be useful to everyone, so as not to allow themselves to be manipulated.
The writers D. Seleznev, A. Biryukov, O. Novoselov and others have well described the methods of psychological manipulation that are characteristic of non-human types of mental structure (animal, zombie, demon), which still prevail in today's matriarchal consumer society. And Humanity and human relationships are considered in « «, « «, ), « «.

Rita look ... this video .. you will find out interesting

Margo Rita, because experiences lead to one's own truth and experience. If there are no experiences, a person will be weak before life. Like a flower in a greenhouse. A flower that has survived both cold and heat, drought and heavy rains with lightning and even hail. It is very viable, strong and even has a special smell. Greenhouse flowers often do not smell. Because few people pollinate them. A wild flower, he communicates with many. And dragonflies and flies and bumblebees and bees, wasps and even grasshoppers. And how many bugs and spiders, not counting butterflies. Therefore, a wild flower is beautiful from any side. (IMHO) Both externally and internally healing. He is spiritually filled. If I may say so. The truth is, I didn't listen. What is Sviyash broadcasting in the video.

And this means that, contrary to our standard ideas, almost half of men are focused on long-term relationships, do not accept coquetry, and generally tend to behave differently than we expect. (copy)

Anyut, but the person is to blame for driving himself into these endless experiences, isn't it? I know people who literally went through "HELL" (I'll put it in quotation marks), so that it would be clear what kind of "horrors" he went through. I also went through exorbitant fears, I seem to be mentally healthy ...

An important note: a highly primative person can be a doctor of science, an academician, and a low primative person can be a complete ignoramus. However, Alexander Sviyash nevertheless makes a reservation: among low-primative people, there are still very few frankly stupid people ...

Highly primative people are those whose instincts prevail over reason. The main life motto of such people is “Love everything that moves”. Mass residence of such people is observed, for example, in our friendly Georgia. (Alexander Sviyash emphasizes that the abundance of highly primative people is typical for countries with difficult conditions for survival; prosperous Europe has long been giving birth to predominantly low primative people).

Highly primative people in love are ardent and know how to please their partner. True, highly primative people usually have an abundance of partners ...

Yes .. so Sviyash writes how to get out of this garbage pit .. shows the way ... but it’s impossible to carry anyone in your arms ... But it would be nice ...

If there are no experiences, a person will be weak before life.

If a person lives all the time, then he will die from mental exhaustion ... One thing is experience ... another thing is endless chewing of this experience ... especially if it turned out to be painful ..

How many low primative men are there in the world? There are slightly more highly primative men, in whom instincts prevail over reason, than “wise men”: 55% against 45.

Who are the primates and "wise men" looking for? Primates are ideally looking for a virgin. Women's innocence is an attribute that is very important in a highly primative community and completely meaningless in a "smart" environment. It is very important for a male primate to get a female that no one else has used, in his eyes this is a huge bonus.

Is coquetry a woman's weapon? Yes, if the man is a primate. A low-primative man makes a rational conclusion: “To be flirtatious means to be hypocritical. It is hardly worth expecting openness and sincerity from her, it's time to dump. It’s a pity, of course, she seems to be a good young lady, but ... the soul does not lie. Yes, it is difficult for the low-primative soul of a man to accept the standard female tricks.

Low primative men also want sex. But not with everyone accessible women, but with one chosen one for your mind and heart. Low primative men won't comb stone jungle in search of a lover. They are focused on a calm, open, trusting relationship with a single (well, well - with two!) Women.

The main mistake of women “Women are not used to paying attention to the primativity of a partner and when communicating with a man they like, they use standard marital behavioral strategies. That is, they flirt and create barriers to access their bodies,” writes Alexander Sviyash.

The main characteristic of a low-primative man is the predominance of mind over instinct. They will think a hundred times before doing something.

In almost all attractiveness-building courses, teachers advise choosing the tactic “He is the hunter, and I am the game” as the main seduction strategy. Alas, this strategy is only win-win for highly primative men! Obstacles only inflame such a man and cause a desire to achieve the goal at any cost. The more actively the "game" escapes, the higher the temperature of the blood in the veins of the "hunter".

A reasonable man is unlikely to decide on a serious relationship (read - marriage) without making sure that he is good in bed with this woman. And female innocence for him is an extra problem.

Sexual signs of men with well-developed instincts

Alas, having achieved his goal, a highly primative man does not enjoy the victory for very long ... If he managed to get married, he sends his soul mate to the kitchen, and he himself - sorry, "the pipe is calling." If the march of Mendelssohn has not sounded, the primacy disappears ...

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