On which ocean is Vietnam located? Vietnam what sea washes. Who's who in the series law of the stone jungle

Vietnam is not Indonesia or Miami, where real ocean waves wash the shores. But the South China Sea is very different from the well-known Black Sea, since it is not located inside the mainland, but only partially separated from Pacific Ocean islands, and it lives according to other laws that you need to know before entering the water.

First and most important rule: on beautiful and attractively deserted "wild" beaches, you can only admire the scenery, listen to the music of the waves and wander along the very edge of the surf. Swimming in an unfamiliar place is like playing Russian roulette. And here it doesn’t matter at all what sports category you were assigned in your student years!

Naturally, even in civilized areas of the coast, where lifeguards are on duty, no one guarantees you 100% safety. big water- the element is no more predictable than a hurricane. But following the recommendations will definitely not harm vacationers. Believe me, no one wants to spoil your vacation by forbidding you to enter the sea, which at first glance seems calm and safe. It's just that professionals on the tower have considerable experience and have more complete information about the weather, currents and underwater fauna. Hence the second rule: never ignore red flags and other lifeguard warnings.

The strength of the tides in the South China Sea is very high, the water here can “leave” by 10-11 meters, which significantly changes the behavior of the waves. Over and over again rolling on land, large masses the waters rush back to the depths. As a result, one of the most dangerous phenomena for the bather occurs, known as " reflux". A channel is formed perpendicular to the shore, through which water rapidly moves into the open sea. If someone accidentally finds himself in such a “rip”, then in just a few seconds the current will carry him from the beach for tens of meters.

Paradoxically, the fatal factor is not the distance and not the huge speed, but attempts to escape. An instinctive impulse in such a situation makes you swim to the shore at all costs. Unfortunately, the physical capabilities of man and nature are incomparable. The most hardy and trained very quickly become exhausted in a useless struggle with the flow of water and die. Although you need to know only a few things to be saved.

  • Often, the rip does not show itself outwardly, but when entering the sea or ocean, you should be alerted by the unusual color of the water compared to the rest of the surface (for example, white against a blue or turquoise background), a strip of seething water vertical to the horizon, moving along a similar line deep into algae or foam, an unexpected “bald spot” in a continuous ridge of waves (a deceptively calm area several meters wide when around a wave).
  • If you feel like you are suddenly carried to the open sea, the most important thing is not to panic and remember that the rip current is superficial and never drags a prey confidently afloat to the bottom.
  • To get out of the water channel, you need to move not TO the shore, but ALONG it, that is, turn right or left and swim parallel to the land. Since the width of the rip usually does not exceed 40-50 meters, you will soon feel that you have left the danger zone, and you can safely return to solid ground.

Jellyfish are another invisible threat to bathers. “Unpleasant, but not fatal,” you say? A typical delusion of a person who, on vacation, came across only relatively harmless aurelia living in the seas of temperate and tropical belts. The fact is that the deadly sea wasp lives in salt waters from the northern coast of Australia and New Guinea to the Philippines and Vietnam. This box jellyfish, due to its transparent body, is hardly visible in the water, and each of the 60 tentacles up to 3 meters long harbors a charge of neurotoxin that can kill an adult in a few minutes.

In recent years in South-East Asia other marine inhabitants dangerous for vacationers have also been recorded - poisonous physalia or " portuguese boats". In fact, these organisms are not jellyfish, although they look similar in appearance. The stinging cells on the tentacles cause severe and very painful burns. For children, the elderly, allergy sufferers, and people with heart disease, they can be fatal.

Warning signs in several languages ​​report the appearance of jellyfish, stingrays, scorpions and other unwanted guests in the coastal waters on landscaped areas of the coast. But sharks, which are often feared by tourists who find themselves on the shores of a tropical sea for the first time, do not swim up to crowded beaches. You can see them only while diving at a distance from the land.

And finally, the rule that is relevant for relaxing on every body of water anywhere in the world, whether it is a quiet Russian river, a lake in the Alps or the ocean: never go into the water in a state of alcohol intoxication, albeit only "refresh". Take care of yourself and your loved ones!

One of the new travel destinations recent years in Russia - Vietnam. Russians have been loved in this country since Soviet Union, which in the 60s of the twentieth century helped the young republic to get out from under the yoke of the United States. Vietnam pleases warm sea, low prices and friendly residents.

Geographically, Vietnam is located in Southeast Asia. From the north it is adjacent to China, western border shared with Laos and Cambodia. The east and south of the country are washed by the waters of the Pacific Ocean. The seas in Vietnam are different. Most of its coast borders on South China Sea, with the same name and Tokinsky bays. And a very small piece in the south of the country belongs to the waters Gulf of Thailand. The island of Phu Quoc is also located there.

Conventionally, the coast of Vietnam is divided into 3 parts. Each of them has its own characteristics and even its own climate.

Let's start from the north. Here it is the capital of the country is Hanoi. This is the coldest and rainiest part of the country, especially in the outback. The main attraction here is Halong Bay - a bay in which thousands of islands are located. This place is fantastically beautiful, especially when viewed from high point. Steep rocky cliffs, covered with greenery, "stick out" from the water and create a feeling of unreality of the world.

The northern part of the Vietnamese coast is not very suitable for beach holiday. Coastline too indented and covered with many islands. In the same part of the sea, but a little to the south, is the famous Chinese resort island of Hainan. North and Central Vietnam is a storehouse of discoveries for the explorer traveler. These places have not yet been touched by the foot of a mass tourist. There is still an opportunity to see Vietnam in its original form.

The southern part of the country already boasts a large number of resort areas. More precisely, all the main resorts of Vietnam are located here. This area is developing rapidly. In the near future, it will become no less popular than Thailand. At least, the government of the country has such ambitious plans. Many cities and monuments are included in the UNESCO heritage - this says a lot. The climate here is tropical, warmer and drier than in the northern regions.

If you look from the north, then this region begins with resorts:

  • hue- cultural, historical center, there are a lot of monuments and architectural objects;
  • Hoi an- a Chinese town in the middle of Vietnam;
  • Danang- an old resort town with excellent infrastructure.

Much to the south is one of the most popular resorts among Russian tour operators - Nha Trang. The weather here is almost perfect. all year round. Here are the most fun entertainment and the best spas in Vietnam. Here are the most beautiful beaches. An ideal place to relax.

  • Phan Thiet Mui Ne- these two interconnected towns are a place for carefree holidays, culinary discoveries and water sports;
  • Dalat- a resort near the coast, in the mountains, at an altitude of almost 1500 meters. Almost alpine landscapes, forests, lakes, waterfalls. It is definitely worth a visit, especially for those who do not like the heat;
  • Ho Chi MinhSouth Capital Vietnam. It is also called in the American manner - Saigon. City of restaurants and dens. Now there's nothing left of the past "glory", but there are hundreds of opportunities for recreation. It is the business and political center of the country. There is big airport, from where vacationers from all over the world are distributed along the coast;
  • – complete relaxation in the middle national park and fishing villages.

If you decide to visit Vietnam not only for the sake of the beaches, then we advise you to start exploring it from the north and move south. And finish the trip already on the tropical beaches near Ho Chi Minh, or on Phu Quoc, lost in the waters of Siam.

Have a nice holiday!

To begin with, let's talk about what kind of sea is in Nha Trang. So, this city is located on the shores of the South China Sea, which in turn is located between the Pacific and Indian Oceans. The salinity of the water is about 35%. For comparison, the salinity of water on the shores of Egypt in the Red Sea is approximately 42%, the salinity of water in the Black Sea is an average of 18%.

Nha Trang is a popular resort South Vietnam where you can see beautiful bays, long sandy beaches and Coral reefs. The climate here is favorable almost all year round, so it is practically uninterrupted. Only in winter time the air temperature can drop to +18C. The water in the Nha Trang sea, in the coastal part, is always very pleasant - its average temperature 24-27C.

But visiting Nha Trang from October to December is not advisable, because at this time natural phenomena in the form of rain, wind and other troubles. During this rainy season, the resort receives a large amount of precipitation, and high waves appear on the sea in Nha Trang, and the water becomes cloudy. The first disturbances in the sea come from the second half of September. In October, a lot of precipitation begins to fall in Nha Trang, although the air temperature remains at around +30C.

Large waves are still possible in January-early February. Since the second half of February, there are practically no waves. The water temperature in the sea is 26-28C. High tourist season in Nha Trang lasts from March to August. The air temperature during the day averages 27-31C. The sea is clean and transparent.

The hottest season awaits tourists from June to early September, when the daytime air temperature rises to 32-33C, and the water temperature is 26-30C. Rains are possible, but they are rare and usually short-term. The sea in Nha Trang from June to August is great for swimming - the water is clean and transparent, there are practically no waves (sometimes they appear, but they are insignificant). The best part is that the water in the sea does not heat up much, in the sense that its temperature is always a few degrees lower than the air temperature, which means that bathing gently cools and gives coolness.

Nha Trang Bay is one of the main coral centers of the South China Sea. There are over 800 varieties of hard and soft corals. Divers can go to Nha Trang from March to August.

The beaches of Nha Trang stretch over 7 kilometers of soft sand and are washed by the South China Sea. The resort boasts three gorgeous beaches that are included in the list of the best beaches in Vietnam. Nha Trang Bay is partially covered by islands, so there are almost no strong waves. The islands of Hon Che (where Winpearl amusement park is located) and Tam are also considered excellent places for a beach holiday. If you want the turquoise sea in Nha Trang and white sand then go to Hong Che Island.

It is worth remembering that the beaches in Nha Trang are municipal. At the same time, the city beaches are quite clean, the hotels are equipped with umbrellas and sun loungers. 5 * hotels have their own beaches, for example, Ana Mandara Beach Resort 5 *. Many beaches offer plenty of activities, including water skiing and boat trips. hot-air balloon. There are also quality diving centers.

Even in the vicinity of Nha Trang there are three high-class beaches with a small number of people - Jungle, Doc Let, Bai Dai or Zai, remote from the city from 30 to 70 km. Jungle Beach is surrounded by mountains and tropical greenery, and there is only one hotel near it. 29 km from Nha Trang gorgeous beach Bai Dai has soft, slightly yellow-gray sand and a gentle entry into the water, making it a safe place for swimming even with the smallest. Depending on the season, the waves here are moderate, and with appropriate weather conditions surfing on the beach. In general, most of the year in this place the sea in Nha Trang is very clean, calm, the water is clear, emerald blue.

If you want peace and solitude, go to the nearest islands, for example, Hon Mun, Hon Che (by the way, you can get there by), Hon Tam, Hon Mot. Some tourists write about the sea in Nha Trang that it is muddy. This is absolutely not true! The sea is clean and transparent, the main thing is to go at the right time, for example, from March to August, and not when it’s not there, so that later you can write unpleasant responses.

So choose best time for a trip to Nha Trang and enjoy the gentle waters of the South China Sea!

In this article, we talk about the best resorts in Vietnam, where and when it is better to relax. We share information about holidays in Vietnam and where it is better to go this year, compare the pros and cons of the best and most popular resorts in Vietnam. For convenience, we have marked on the map of Vietnam the resorts we are talking about in the article.

Map of Vietnam in Russian with resorts

The best resorts in Vietnam - where to go?

Nha Trang

Photo © by cloud.shepherd/flickr.com

One of the most popular and best resorts in Vietnam.

A favorable time to go on vacation in Nha Trang, Vietnam is the period February to August. At this time, the climate in Nha Trang is the most favorable for a beach holiday.

Better NOT to go to Nha Trang October to January. At this time, the resort becomes unsuitable for a relaxing holiday due to rainy weather and big waves.

Pros and cons of staying in Nha Trang

Well developed in Nha Trang beach holiday. The city beach of Nha Trang stretches for 7 km along the coastline. The beach is regularly cleaned, so it is always clean. The sand is fine, yellowish-white. To the north of Nha Trang is the famous Zoklet Beach (Doc Let). The city is washed by the warm South China Sea. Nha Trang is perfect for young and active people, as well as for couples with children. Read more about the clean beaches of Vietnam.

Note : from 11:30 to 13:00 it is better not to stay in the sun for a long time, at this time it is the most dangerous in Nha Trang. You can burn out instantly.

Attractions in Nha Trang: Cham towers Ponagar (13th century), various pagodas, an oceanarium, a silk museum, monkey island and much more. well developed, so most attractions can be reached on your own. The most popular and useful transport for tourists is bus number 4.

We wrote more about the sights of Nha Trang in the article.

Due to the popularity of Nha Trang among Russians, many excursions are conducted in Russian at the resort. Tour examples:

Things to Do in Nha Trang a lot. Daytime - this is diving, snorkeling, excursions, huge, Gorky Park, massage parlors and beauty salons, entertainment in shopping centers, cinemas, and so on can be listed indefinitely. Evening time these are karaoke, bars, restaurants, various discos and clubs, etc.

Nha Trang has a huge selection of hotels from no-star hotels to luxurious five-star hotels. The first line is occupied mainly by large five-star hotels. Please note that all hotels are separated from the beach by a wide road with active traffic.

The hotels are more modestly moved away by 2-3 lines, but in general they are also close to the sea (5-6 minutes walk). More full information you can find about Nha Trang hotels in our article.

Shopping in Nha Trang set built shopping centers, supermarkets, small shops, many markets day and night. Prices in stores are affordable, except for the Nha Trang Center shopping center, prices are high here, but this is due to the fact that they sell mainly things of world brands.

Get to Nha Trang possible from almost all major cities Vietnam. The most comfortable way is through international Airport Cam Ranh International Airport, which is located 45 km from Nha Trang. You can also get there by intercity bus or train. How to get to Nha Trang from Russia and other cities of Vietnam on your own, read ours.

Packages are very popular. tours to Nha Trang. The schedule with prices for tours to Nha Trang is shown below. To find out prices for a tour from another city, click on "Moscow" in the upper left corner. Click on the price to view the tours.

Useful articles about holidays in Nha Trang

Photos from the resort of Nha Trang, Vietnam

©Photo by vietnam-lt/Pixabay

Phan Thiet / Mui Ne ( Phan Thiet / Mui Ne)

When they talk about relaxation and where it is better to go to Phan Thiet, they mean a resort place between Phan Thiet and the fishing village of Mui Ne. This place is insanely popular among Russian tourists. The popularity has reached such a level that the names of some cafes, shops, restaurants and their menus are in Russian.

In Mui Ne, you can go on vacation almost all year round. The main tourist peak falls on November-April. The calmest sea May to October.

Pros and cons of rest in the resort of Mui Ne

Also like here and lovers of a relaxing beach holiday from May to October, the waves here are less obstinate, there are fewer tourists than at the peak. The beaches are almost empty. There is no division into beaches in Mui Ne (only conditional), there is one continuous long strip of fine white sand.

Mui Ne resort is perfect for young and active people, since here the main emphasis is on active entertainment such as windsurfing, kiting, surfing. There are many training schools here, where they teach to ride with a sail, and with a kite, and just on the board. Near the resort there are golf courses.

Mui Ne is not suitable for shopping lovers, there are no big shops, shopping centers. Prices for food and souvenirs are higher than in other cities.

Mui Ne has many pharmacies, restaurants, hotels, spas, etc.

Choice of hotels despite the small area of ​​Mui Ne, it is quite large: ordinary and deluxe rooms, bungalows, large and small hotels, spa hotels. It is better to rent a room or a bungalow near the sea (first line), as they have direct access to the beach.

On one's own how to get to Mui Ne by bus. Buses run from Ho Chi Minh City, Nha Trang and Phan Thiet. You can buy a ticket from different bus companies or at any local travel agency.

Often Russian tourists go on vacation in Mui Ne on a tour. Tour prices are listed below. In the upper left corner of the graph, you can select the city of departure. Click on the price to view the tours.

Useful articles about holidays in Mui Ne

Photos from the resort of Mui Ne, Vietnam

Dalat ( )

© Photo by fxxu/pixabay.com

Dalat is first and foremost mountain resort, there are no beaches and seas. There are many parks, flower, tea and coffee plantations, evergreen forests, clear lakes, many pagodas and Buddhist temples.

Dalat is very different from other resorts in Vietnam. The architecture and landscape of the city are more reminiscent of European cities. Dalat is the only city in the country where wine is produced.

In general, the resort can be visited all year round, but it is better to go November to April.

Landmarks of Dalat rich both in the city itself and in its environs. Religious sites such as catholic and evangelical church., Cathedral, pagodas and Buddhist temples, Convent Of The Virgin Mary. Everyone can go to Dalat for a vacation: older people who do not tolerate heat well, but dream of Vietnam, young couples and family people with kids.

Architectural Attractions: Hang Nga Hotel (Crazy House), French Quarter, Da Lat Flower Gardens, cable car, old Train Station etc.

Natural monuments and attractions: lakes, forests, tea and coffee plantations and much more. Read our articles about and. In the articles we share information on how to get there and how much the entrance tickets cost.

Popular activities in Da Lat include rafting and canyoning. Tennis and golf courses have been built in Dalat that meet modern standards.

Read our review of excursions in Dalat.

Tourists like to come to Dalat for 1-2 days as part of an excursion from Ho Chi Minh City, Nha Trang, Phan Thiet and Mui Ne. Some of this time is enough to enjoy Dalat, and some is not. Our opinion is that it is better to live in Dalat longer. This is a great place to relax.

If you do not know where it is better to stay in Dalat, then our article will come in handy. The choice of hotels in Dalat is very diverse from hostels to luxury hotels.

Tours to Dalat are not so common among tour operators, but sometimes there are offers. Look at - there are collected the best offers from 120 tour operators. If you could not find a tour to Dalat, you can find a plane ticket below and go on a journey on their own. Dalat Airport is located 30 km from the city.

Useful articles about Dalat

Photos from the mountain resort of Dalat, Vietnam

© Photo by Mike Ho/flickr.com

Phu Quoc

© Photo by Mgzkun / flickr.com

Phu Quoc Island belongs to beach resorts, as it has many of the most beautiful beaches in Vietnam. The island is located in the south of Vietnam, 45 km from the mainland.

It is best to go to rest in Vietnam on the island of Phu Quoc from November to June. Rainy season on the island from July to October.

Pros and cons of rest on about. Phu Quoc

Phu Quoc is full of interesting activities apart from the beach. You can take a jungle tour, visit a pearl farm and museum, a pepper farm or Fukuota Prison. Or go fishing and catch fish, squid, crabs and other sea yummy.

In Vietnam, it is better to go to Phu Quoc island for beach lovers, divers and couples with kids. The island has many beaches, both wild and with developed infrastructure, with cafes, restaurants, bars.

Diving and snorkeling enthusiasts will also enjoy the conditions on the island. The price tag for these types of entertainment is low.

If you don’t know where to stay to relax on Phu Quoc Island, then look at the map with hotels from hotellook.ru

Popular tours to the island of Phu Quoc. Prices are shown below.

Photos from Phu Quoc Island, Vietnam

Hoi An

Hoi An is Small town With rich history. It is built in the central part of Vietnam. Since 1999, it has been recognized by UNESCO as a monument to the trade and port city of Southeast Asia of the fifteenth and nineteenth centuries.

More than 820 buildings of Hoi An are historically valuable and protected by law: old shops, old Chinese houses, Cham temples, tombs, and other buildings. Due to such an abundance of historical buildings and structures, the city can be called an open-air museum.

Most auspicious time to go to Vietnam to the city of Hoi An - this is the period January to August. The rainy season arrives in Noian for a period September to December.

Pros and cons of staying in Hoi An

For those who like to bring gifts from Vietnam, Hoi An will delight with its small traditional and souvenir shops, a large selection of sewing workshops where you can order a variety of outfits and shoes. The city has many markets. You can also find high-quality and inexpensive cotton and silk.

Hoi An is also famous for its skilled chefs and low prices in cafes. So, if you are a fan of gastronomic trips, then you will like Hoi An.

Since the city is cut through by a river, you can find many boats that offer small boat trips.

How to get to Hoi An? The absence of its own airport is compensated by the proximity of the city of Da Nang (less than an hour drive), which has its own airport.

Accommodation in Hoi An very diverse: Hostels, hotels of different stars within the city or beach hotels near the sea. Despite the fact that there are not so many hotels near the sea, a beach holiday takes place here.

Many hotels in the city center offer transfer to the sea, there is a taxi. You can rent bicycles and get to the sea in 10-15 minutes. Some hotels provide bicycles for free. The sea in Hoi An is clean, the entrance to the sea is gentle. Beaches with fine white sand and palm trees from the picture.

Below is a selection of hotels on a map of Hoi An from hotellook.ru

Photos of Hoi An resort, Vietnam

Many tourists ask the question, which sea is washed by Vietnam? And the only correct answer is the South China, which is part of the Indian and Pacific oceans, and therefore some are curious to know - is it a sea or an ocean?

Still, this is the sea and you just need to look at the map of this country and immediately understand that every second city is a seaside resort.

Temperature of the South China Sea

The length of the coastline is the longest relative to the area of ​​the entire country. The East South China Sea is very calm and warm. On average, the water temperature ranges from +20 to +29°C in winter and summer, respectively. Monsoons have a special influence on the climate of Vietnam, which also determine the month when it is better to relax on the sea in this country. For example, even in January in the south of the country the water temperature does not fall below +25°C, while in the north it drops to +20°C in winter.

Nha Trang is the most popular resort in the southern part of Vietnam. It ranks 29th in the list of the most beautiful and unique bays in the world.

The climate here is mild and the water temperature throughout the year is kept at +25 ... +26°C. From October to December, there are strong typhoons in this region, so at this time a beach holiday is almost impossible. At this time, the water throws a lot of mud and algae ashore, but when it's calm and the sun is shining, the water becomes much cleaner and the rest here is just great.

In the city itself there are three beautiful beaches with white sand and a convenient entrance to the sea.. Two islands Che and Tam also offer beautiful beaches, but on the second island the sea is deep enough and more suitable for diving. The tourist infrastructure is very developed here, and hotels offer the most comfortable living conditions.

Phan Thiet and Mui Ne are located in the southern part of Vietnam, and they are very popular among Russian tourists. Most of the beautiful beaches are next to each other near these two resort towns. Almost all hotels are also located on the beach, so it is very convenient for tourists to relax in such places. The only negative is the fine sand and the wind from the sea.

A comparison of these wonderful and popular resorts is given in the article: When is the best time to relax in Nha Trang, Phan Thiet and Mui Ne?

If you want to choose best resort then choose Phu Quoc island. This is a true paradise for beach and outdoor activities. Here are the most clean beaches throughout Vietnam. In many cases, you can safely sunbathe and swim, and you will not meet a single person. Hotels here are also located on the very beaches and have a huge range of entertainment for both adults and children. Almost the whole year the temperature of air and water is kept at the same level, but at the end of July the rainy season begins and it lasts right up to September. The coast at this time is very wet and a beach holiday will not be very comfortable. The most convenient time to visit Fukuoka is in winter.

Ho Chi Minh or Saigon(the second name of the resort) is the very heart of Vietnam and here life is in full swing. This is a huge metropolis, which is the center of cultural and commercial life of the whole country. Whatever entertainment you want, everything is here. These are luxury hotels and super-budget guesthouses, and luxurious restaurants, and ordinary street eateries.

South China Sea and its inhabitants

The East or South China Sea does not boast a large number of inhabitants close to the coast, so divers prefer deep diving. In addition to corals in the sea, you will be able to see a large number of species of stingrays, moray eels, tuna, swordfish, marlin, sharks.

There are a large number of sharks here - from deep to coastal. The most famous of them and the most dangerous are: White shark, mako, brindle, blue, longfin. You can also meet a large number of reef sharks, cats, bearded, zebra, hammerhead, prickly, nurse sharks, etc.

Sometimes these predators appear on a beach and intimidate tourists. But mostly they can be seen at the Institute of Oceanography on the island of Vinperl (Vinperl).

Very often during high tides, people meet smaller, but more dangerous representatives. East Sea: poisonous spiny fish (scorpionfish, lionfish, stingrays), jellyfish and siphonophores. Many of them are especially poisonous and the most poisonous and dangerous are blue-ringed octopuses. Therefore, going on a trip to Vietnam, you need to carefully read marine life and stay away from them. And, in general, Vietnam is beautiful and diverse.

One of the new tourist destinations in recent years in Russia is Vietnam. Russians have been loved in this country since the days of the Soviet Union, which in the 60s of the 20th century helped the young republic get out from under the yoke of the United States. Vietnam pleases with warm sea, low prices and friendly people.

Geographically, Vietnam is located in Southeast Asia. From the north, it is adjacent to China, the western border is combined with Laos and Cambodia. The east and south of the country are washed by the waters of the Pacific Ocean. The seas in Vietnam are different. Most of its coast is bordered by the South China Sea, with the same name and Tokinsky bays. And a very small piece in the south of the country belongs to the waters of the Gulf of Thailand. The island of Phu Quoc is also located there.

Conventionally, the coast of Vietnam is divided into 3 parts. Each of them has its own characteristics and even its own climate.

Let's start from the north. Here it is the capital of the country is Hanoi . This is the coldest and rainiest part of the country, especially in the outback. The main attraction here is Halong Bay - a bay in which thousands of islands are located. This place is fantastically beautiful, especially when viewed from a high point. Steep rocky cliffs, covered with greenery, "stick out" from the water and create a feeling of unreality of the world.

The northern part of the Vietnamese coast is not very suitable for a beach holiday. The coastline is too indented and covered with many islands. In the same part of the sea, but a little to the south, is the famous Chinese resort island of Hainan. North and Central Vietnam is a storehouse of discoveries for the explorer traveler. These places have not yet been touched by the foot of a mass tourist. There is still an opportunity to see Vietnam in its original form.

The southern part of the country already boasts a large number of resort areas. More precisely, all the main resorts of Vietnam are located here. This area is developing rapidly. In the near future, it will become no less popular than Thailand. At least, the government of the country has such ambitious plans. Many cities and monuments are included in the UNESCO heritage - this says a lot. The climate here is tropical, warmer and drier than in the northern regions.

If you look from the north, then this region begins with resorts:

  • hue- cultural, historical center, there are a lot of monuments and architectural objects;
  • Hoi an- a Chinese town in the middle of Vietnam;
  • Danang- an old resort town with excellent infrastructure.

Much to the south is one of the most popular resorts among Russian tour operators - Nha Trang. The weather here is great almost all year round. Here are the most fun activities and the best spas in Vietnam. Here are the most beautiful beaches. An ideal place to relax.

  • Phan Thiet Mui Ne- these two interconnected towns are a place for carefree holidays, culinary discoveries and water sports;
  • Dalat- a resort near the coast, in the mountains, at an altitude of almost 1500 meters. Almost alpine landscapes, forests, lakes, waterfalls. It is definitely worth a visit, especially for those who do not like the heat;
  • Ho Chi Minh is the southern capital of Vietnam. It is also called in the American manner - Saigon. City of restaurants and dens. Now there's nothing left of the past "glory", but there are hundreds of opportunities for recreation. It is the business and political center of the country. There is a large airport from where vacationers from all over the world are distributed along the coast;
  • – complete relaxation in the middle of the national park and fishing villages.

If you decide to visit Vietnam not only for the sake of the beaches, then we advise you to start exploring it from the north and move south. And finish the trip already on the tropical beaches near Ho Chi Minh, or on Phu Quoc, lost in the waters of Siam.

Have a nice holiday!

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