South Korea map in Russian. South Korea map in Russian. The capital of South Korea, the flag, the history of the country. Where is South Korea located on the world map


(The Republic of Korea)

General information

Geographical position. South Korea is a state in northeast Asia, occupying the southern part of the Korean Peninsula (sometimes called South Korea). In the north it borders on the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Washed in the east Sea of ​​Japan, in the south and southeast by the Korea Strait, in the west by the Yellow Sea. South Korea also owns several islands, the largest of which are Jeju, Chedo and Geojedo.

Square. The territory of South Korea occupies 98,480 sq. km.

Main cities, administrative divisions. The capital of South Korea is Seoul. Largest cities: Seoul (10,612 thousand people), Busan (4,080 million people), Daegu (2,432 thousand people), Incheon (Jemulpo) (2,340 thousand people), Gwangju (1,424 thousand people). Administrative-territorial division of the country: 9 provinces and 5 cities of central subordination.

Political system

South Korea-republic with a strong central government. The head of state is the president, the head of government is the prime minister. Legislature- unicameral National Assembly.

Relief. The territory of the country is mountainous. The main mountain range, Tabek-San-Mak, stretches from north to south parallel to the east coast. highest point The country is located on the island of Jeju - Mount Halasan (1950 m). The valleys occupy less than one-fifth of the country's territory and are concentrated along the western coast. The main rivers of the country - the Nekhtongan and the Hangan - originate in the Tabek-San-Mek mountains and flow into the Korea Strait and the Yellow Sea, respectively.

Geological structure and minerals. The bowels of the country contain reserves of tungsten, iron, manganese, copper ore, gold, silver.

Climate. The climate of the country is continental with cold, dry winters and hot, humid summers. January temperatures in Seoul range from -9°C to 0°C. July temperature from +21 °С to +29 °С. Rains are most frequent in summer (June to September).

Inland waters. The main rivers are Nekhtongan and Khangan.

Soils and vegetation. About two thirds of the country's territory is covered with mixed coniferous-deciduous forests. Of the plants, the most common are: pine, maple, spruce, poplar, elm, aspen. Bamboo, evergreen oak and laurel are typical of coastal regions.

Animal world. Formerly in Korea lived a large number of tigers, leopards, lynxes and bears, but due to poaching and deforestation, they have almost disappeared.

Population and language

The population of the country is about 46.416 million people, the average population density is 471 people per 1 sq. km. km. Ethnic groups: Koreans - 99.9%, Chinese. Languages: Korean (state), Japanese.


Buddhism - 47%, Christianity - 48%, Confucianism - 3%, Chondokyo.

Brief historical outline

At the beginning of the 1st century On the territory of the Korean Peninsula, 3 early feudal states were formed: Paekche, Silla and Koguryeo. At the end of the X century. The peninsula was unified under the rule of the Goryeo dynasty. In the XIII-XIV centuries. The country fell under the rule of the Mongols. Later in Korea different time was under the control of the Chinese emperors.

At the end of the 19th century, according to the Japanese-Chinese treaty, Korea was recognized independent state. However, already in 1910, Japan occupied Korea, including the province of Chosun in the Empire of Japan. In 1945, according to the documents of the Potsdam Conference, the 38th parallel was designated as a line dividing the zones of occupation by Soviet and American troops.

In 1948, two Korean states were formed. The Republic of Korea was proclaimed on August 15, 1948. In 1950-1953, the country went through a war with the DPRK. The war virtually destroyed the Korean economy. On May 16, 1961, a military coup took place in the country, after which the military ruled the country for more than two decades. The most brutal was the rule of General Chung Doo-hwan, which lasted from 1979 to 1987, when President Ro Dae-woo, a protege of Chung Doo-hwan, came to power as a result of the first free elections. His administration was involved in financial fraud and in the elections in December 1992, Kim Yong Sam won.

Brief economic essay

South Korea is an industrial-agrarian country with a rapidly developing economy. Export industries and heavy industry are developing at a faster pace. Mining of coal, tungsten, iron, manganese, lead-zinc, copper ores, gold, silver. Metallurgy; mechanical engineering (automotive, electrical, radio-electronic, shipbuilding), oil refining, cement and chemical industries. Textile and food industry. The main branch of agriculture is crop production. Cultivate cereals, industrial crops - cotton, tobacco, ramie, soybeans. Fruit growing, vegetable growing. Ginseng plantations. Animal husbandry (large cattle, pigs, poultry). Sericulture. Logging. Fishing, seafood production. Exports: electronics, cars, ships, light industry, agricultural products, chemicals. Currency unit- out.

A Brief Outline of Culture

Art and architecture. Seoul. National Museum with a rich collection of Korean art different eras; National Science Museum; the medieval palaces of Gunbok, Kunbok, Changbok, Daksu; Catholic cathedral; zoo and Botanical Garden; Bell tower; in which the city bell of the 15th century is kept. Jeonju. Five-story wooden pagoda-temple of Ponchusa.

The official name of the country is the Republic of Korea. In most other states, the version of South Korea is common to distinguish it from its northern neighbor.

The Republic of Korea is located in East Asia, in the southern part of the Korean Peninsula. From three sides it is washed by the seas: in the west - by the Yellow, in the east - by the Sea of ​​Japan, in the south - by the East China. There are many rivers in the area.

The total area of ​​the state is 9972 sq. km. A detailed map of South Korea shows that most of the country is occupied by mountains. The coast is heavily indented and surrounded by many small islands. Their total about 3000, and the length of the coastline is 2413 km.

South Korea on the world map: geography, nature and climate

Those who want to find South Korea on the world map should pay attention to the peninsula in the east of the Eurasian continent next to Japan. The only state with which there is a land border is the DPRK. Korea is separated from Japan by the Strait of Korea and the Sea of ​​Japan (distance 200 km), from China by the Yellow Sea (distance 190 km.). In addition to the peninsula, the country includes the islands of the adjacent archipelago. Most of them are uninhabited, the largest island is Jeju. On it is the most high mountain Korea - the extinct volcano Hallasan (1950 m.). In its crater is Pannoktam Lake.


Almost ¾ of the territory is occupied by mountains and hills. Most of them are concentrated in the eastern and central parts of the country. Some mountain ranges form the East Korean mountain range. Seismic activity is low - although earthquakes do occur, they are rarely destructive.

Natural resources

There are few minerals in Korea. There are small deposits iron ore, gold, silver, lead, zinc, tungsten, etc. The bulk of the resources are imported from other countries.


The country has an extensive network of rivers that originate in the mountains and flow into the Yellow Sea. On the map of South Korea in Russian, you can find the largest of them: Naktogan, (521 km.), Hangang (514 km.), Kymgang (401 km.). Most of the lakes are artificial (Andong, Jinyang, Anapzhi). Natural reservoirs are of volcanic or relict-marine origin.

Flora and fauna

Previously, forests were actively cut down in the country, which caused soil erosion. Restoration began in the middle of the 20th century forest areas, and now trees occupy a significant area (about 65%). Of the coniferous species, spruce, thuja, fir, and cedar predominate. Deciduous - oaks, chestnuts, lindens, hornbeams. In total, about 3400 plants grow in natural conditions.

Red deer, wild boars, foxes, deer, otters, squirrels live in the forests. large predators- tigers, lynxes, leopards, bears - are less common. On the banks of the rivers there are birds - herons, cranes, waders, ducks, guillemots, etc. sea ​​waters rich in fish.

Climate of South Korea

The type of climate is monsoon temperate. South of the country and about. Jeju is located in the subtropical monsoon zone. Influence air masses coming from the mainland are stronger than those moving from the ocean. About 100 cm of precipitation falls per year, but they are unevenly distributed throughout the year.

Korea has four distinct seasons. In winter, there is relatively little precipitation. The weather is sunny, average temperatures are +6°C in the south of the country, -4°C in the central part and -7°C in the mountains. Minimum temperatures reach -25°C. Spring begins in March-April, the average temperature is +15°C, +20°C, there is little rain.

Summer is the rainy season (mid-June - early August). The weather is hot, during the day the temperature reaches +30°C, +35°C, average temperatures are about +26°C, humidity is 80%. In the mountains, the climate is slightly cooler and drier. By autumn, the rainy season ends, the heat subsides. average temperature October +13°C.

South Korea map with cities. Administrative division of the country

Basic principles of modern administrative division formed in 1896. The main unit is the province (“before”). There are eight of them in the country. Provinces are made up of cities and rural areas (counties). Cities, in turn, are divided into municipal districts (“gu”) and quarters (“dong”), and counties are divided into county cities (“Yb”), volosts (“men”) and villages (“ri”).

On the map of South Korea with cities in Russian, six largest megacities are distinguished: Busan, Daegu, Incheon, Gwangju, Daejeon and Ulsan. They have a special status of "metropolises". There is also a "city of special status" - Seoul and a "city with special autonomy" - Sejong.

Since the entire Korean peninsula belonged to one state before World War II, the territory of the DPRK internal classification South Korea is still considered part of the country.


Seoul is the capital of the Republic of Korea. According to internal classification settlements considered a "city of special status" - the only one of all administrative units. It is located in the northwest of the country, on the banks of the Hangang River. Near the Yellow Sea (15 km in a straight line) and the border with the DPRK (24 km in a straight line).


Busan, the second largest city in Korea, has the status of a metropolis. Consists of 15 municipal districts. Situated on sea ​​coast, Mount Geumjeongsan rises in the north of the city. The climate is humid, subtropical.


Daegu, like Busan, has the status of a metropolis. It is located in the southeastern part of the country, in a valley. The city is surrounded by low mountains, which protect it from the cold wind in winter and retain hot humid air in summer. Two rivers flow through Busan, the Geumhogang and the Nakdong.

From the 16th century to the 19th century, Korea followed a policy of self-isolation, so we can't say much about Korea at that time. It is known that in those territories there were several states that fought with each other, constantly defending their territorial, economic and cultural interests. Ultimately, at the end of the 10th century, the state of Goryeo was formed. And in 1392, Goryeo was replaced by the state of Joseon. Well, then came the period of that self-isolation, up to the 19th century.

At the end Russo-Japanese War in 1905 - Japan establishes a protectorate in relation to Korea. And soon, namely on August 22, 1910, an agreement was signed on the accession of Korea to Japan and the transition under the authority of the Japanese government. And for several decades, Korea became a colony of Japan.

And after a while, in 1945, when Japan was defeated in World War II, the treaty became invalid and was officially canceled by representatives of both sides, this happened in 1965. Thus, South Korea was in the zone of responsibility of the United States, and North in the zone of responsibility of the USSR.

Pyongyang is the capital of North Korea.

And in the window below, you can do a virtual walk around the city of Seoul - the capital of South Korea.

Use the navigation arrows in the upper left corner of the image. You can also change the viewing angle using the arrows on the keyboard. To move around the picture, you can click in the image area. The arrows on the streets of the city show the routes. You can change your position on the city map by dragging the yellow man in the lower right corner of the image with the mouse:

Seoul streets

Panoramas of Seoul

Detailed map of North and South Korea
The map can be enlarged and reduced

The landscape of Korean land is predominantly mountainous, there are plains, but they occupy a small area. The climate is influenced by the monsoons, summers are quite hot and humid, while winters are drier and colder.

Meanwhile, Korea boasts an ancient and rich culture. Ancient monuments of Korean architecture, such as the Gyeongbokgung Palace in Seoul, are admired by tourists. The palace complex contains the memory of history, ancient rulers, their way of life and household items - the Korean government scrupulously preserves own history and traditions.

And of course, many people know Korean cuisine. The abundance of spices, spiciness, red pepper - gives Korean dishes flavor and recognition among the dishes of other countries. Many people know Kimchi (Chimchi) - a spicy salad containing sauerkraut, radish and many different spices.

The martial art of taekwondo can also be added to culture and philosophy. It has become widespread throughout the world.

Korean cinema has also achieved relative fame, in particular, the classic of Korean cinema, director Kim Ki-duk, with his philosophical films.


South Korea and its many attractions every year attract more and more tourists from all over the world. Those who want to see with their own eyes come here ancient temples And modern buildings, as well as relax on the beaches of Jeju Island.

South Korea on the world map

South Korea is relatively small area– 99.5 thousand sq. km., and the population of this country is about 47.9 million people.

Where is it located and with whom does it border?

Looking at the world map in search, it can be found in northeast Asia specifically on the Korean peninsula. This country also owns several islands in pacific ocean. The largest of them are Jeju, Chedo and Kojedo.

Relatively close to South Korea are two large Japanese islands - Kyushu and Honshu.

In the northwest, South Korea is bordered by North Korea, and on all other sides its vast coastline is washed by three seas. On the western side, the coast is washed by the Yellow Sea, on the south by the East China Sea, and on the east by the Sea of ​​Japan and the Korea Strait.

How to get from Russia?

The easiest way to get to South Korea is go by plane from, as well as Novosibirsk and Khabarovsk. Flights are operated daily by Russian airlines S7 and Aeroflot, as well as a number of European airlines and airlines from Asian countries, including Korean Airline.

This search form will help you buy a plane ticket. Enter information about departure and arrival cities, date, number of passengers.

Detailed country map with cities

South Korea is usually divided into 9 provinces, 1 city of special status, and 6 metropolitan cities. These units are divided into smaller entities such as cities, towns, counties, townships and villages.


The main city of the Republic of Korea seoul- the capital, which is the largest settlement with a population of 10.6 million people. It got its name in 1945 (translated as "capital"), and since 1948 the city has become the official capital at the moment when the country was divided into two countries: North and South Korea.

Today, Seoul is an economic, political, and cultural center countries, attracting more and more travelers every year.

Tourists come here to see the sights of South Korea, national cuisine and various entertainments that this country offers.

Seoul is home to the main attractions:

  • Four royal palaces the Joseon Dynasty;
  • oldest Royal Palace Gyeongbokgung era;
  • Seoraksan Mountains;
  • seoul tower;
  • Mendon Cathedral.

In addition, Seoul has many natural attractions: parks, gardens and mountains.

Big cities

Another major city in South Korea is located near Seoul. Icheon, which is home to about 2.3 million people.

Icheon is located on the coast yellow sea, so there are excellent conditions for relaxing on luxurious beaches.

Other big cities South Korea:

  1. Busan(4 million people) - the second largest city with the status of "metropolis city";
  2. Daegu(2.4 million people) - a major transport hub on the way, with a lot of ancient sights;
  3. Gwangju(1.4 million people) - an ancient city and the ancient capital of the kingdom of Silla.

A fairly large settlement is considered jeju island or Jeju, which is one of the best resorts Korea., and the rest of the population does not belong to any religion.

South Korea continues to be an amazing and multifaceted country, where the internal structure and ancient sights with a long history are perfectly combined.

Of all the countries in Southeast Asia, South Korea has always been the most attractive for tourists. And this is not surprising, because it is here that you can enjoy picturesque natural paintings, get acquainted with the mysterious and quite interesting cultural heritage"Children of the Sun"

Especially popular among tourists is the Changdeokgung Palace Complex, the so-called Palace of Prosperity and Virtue, located in Seoul. This is a real example of how landscape architecture can be combined with almost untouched nature.

South Korea on the world map
(the map can be enlarged or reduced)

To get an idea of ​​the climate and cities of modern South Korea, I suggest taking a walk here. In the online window, you can see the most beautiful panorama of Seoul. In the window, you can make a circular view and move along the street in different directions:

And this is what the streets of Seoul look like:

If you want to get acquainted with the historical past of Korea, a real gift for lovers of mysterious buildings will be Megalithic burials - a complex of dolmens located near the cities of Gochang and Kwasun. It is also interesting that most of these monolithic burials are located in Korea.

And lovers of Buddhist art will find the historical territories of Gyeongju very attractive, which since ancient times were famous for the abundance of sculptures, pagodas and temples.

There is a place in South Korea for romantics. Hwaseong Fortress located in the South can compete with European Gothic castles in its beauty and splendor.

Special meaning locals attach cave temple Seokguram, which is a religious complex of exceptional importance. It is not for nothing that it is called a masterpiece of Buddhist art. What is only worth a monumental statue of Buddha, as well as images of various deities, which are made with amazing realism and careful accuracy.

And of course, not a single tourist left South Korea without visiting the Royal Tombs of the Joseon Dynasty. Created to perpetuate the memory of the ancestors, these 40 tombs personify the greatness and power of the deceased emperors.

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