Start in science. Paper a second life. Scientific-practical conference Educational research project the second life of paper

Municipal educational institution

"Pomar average comprehensive school»

Volzhsky municipal district

Republic of Mari El


"The second life of old paper"

Work done: Yakovleva Ekaterina,

Yakovleva Elizabeth

1st grade students

Supervisor :

Stepanova I.I.,

teacher primary school

With. Pomary, 2016

Introduction 2 - 4

    Main part

1.1. What is waste paper? 5

1.2 . What does waste paper recycling give us? 6

1.3 . Our studies 6 - 7

    Practical part

2.1. What can be done with old newspapers? 8

2.2. Getting paper from recycled materials at home 8 - 9

    Conclusion 10

Literature 11

Application 12 - 18

People! Don't throw away old paper.

A lot of useful things can be done from it.

And this will save the life of our forests.


One day we were visiting my grandmother. One evening, my grandmother was reading a newspaper, she marked something in it with a pencil and put it on the shelf in a small pile. And on the closet lay another large foot. I asked my grandmother why she divides newspapers into two piles?

She replied that in a small stack there is a lot of valuable information: culinary and medical recipes, tips on how to be beautiful. And she will use the other foot: for cleaning mirrors, for drying shoes, or folding a panama hat for working in the garden.

My grandmother also told me that many specialists work on the issue of one newspaper: journalists, photographers, editors. And only when the newspaper is read and studied completely, it becomes unnecessary. But before you throw it away, you can give it to her new life. And my grandmother said that you can give a second life to any old paper ...

This is how our research topic was born.: "The second life of old paper ».

The relevance of our themes are that withevery year the need for paper increases, and the stocks of wood from which it is obtained decrease

Everyone has a lot of used paper at home. But not everyone knows where it can come in handy.

We decided to conduct a study of ourpurpose was to find out if there is a second life for old newspapers and old paper? We set before ourselvestasks:

    get acquainted with the concept of waste paper and explore the scope of its application;

    What does recycling give us?

    conduct a survey of classmates to find out where their parents use old newspapers;

    find out where waste paper is used in industry;

    find out what interesting things can be done from old newspapers?

    try to get recycled paper at home

We put forward hypothesis : the second life of waste paper still exists and supposethat making crafts from old magazines and newspapers saves our forests.

object research: are waste paper.

Item research: opportunity reuse waste paper.

Members research: our family, teacher.

Place studies: home, school,Mari Pulp and Paper MillVolzhsk, procurement warehouse.

Time research: December-January.

In our work, we used the followingmethods:

    study of literature on the research topic;

    questioning students;


    demonstration (development of presentation of research results)

1. Main body

1.1. What is waste paper?

From encyclopedias, we learned that waste paper(from lat.macula- dirty)- these are end-of-life paper and cardboard products, paper waste from printing enterprises, etc., used as secondary raw materials in paper mills.

Nowadays, waste paper recycling is necessary from the point of view of ecology. From 100 kg of waste paper, you can save 1 tree that has been growing for several decades.

Thanks to recycling paper and cardboard, it is possible to obtain products that are not inferior in quality to those made directly from cellulose.

Having been in Mari Pulp and Paper Mill(application 2 ), we found out that waste paper is divided into 3 groups depending on its composition, color, degree of contamination and quality:

group A is high quality waste paper,

group B - medium quality

group B - low quality

Waste paper group A

It includes waste from the production of white paper, paper with a black and white or color stripe, packaging, electrical insulating, as well as paper packaging bags.

Waste paper group B

This group includes various types of printing products made on white paper, as well as cardboard production waste.

Waste paper group B

The group includes the most popular types of waste paper, such as newspapers, laminated paper bags and bags, as well as molded pulp products.

1.2. What does waste paper recycling give us?

Recycling paper gets a second life. From waste paper, except for paper, they make:

    Disposable tableware

    Construction Materials

    Personal care products

    technical paper


    Printing products

    Car accessories

    Papier-mâché for creativity


1.3. Our research

Student survey.

At the first stage of our study, together with our teacher Inga Ilyinichnaya, we conducted a questionnaire for parents and children (Annex 1 )

We found that 35% use old newspapers and paper at home in the same way as my grandmother. And the rest - they are simply thrown away or burned.

At the second stage research, we asked dad where else

use paper no longer needed?

He said that when he was a schoolboy, they had competitions to collectwaste paper . Everyone tried to collect as much as possible in order to be in the first place. And most importantly, by doing this they saved many trees from cutting down.

We also felt sorry for the trees. From encyclopedias and Internet sources, we learned that the most effective way to save forests from deforestation is to collect waste paper. We decided to conduct a study to find out if this is really so?

We invited the children to collect waste paper.Almost everyone brought waste paper to school the next day. Dad and I took her to a procurement warehouse in Volzhsk (Annex 1 ). There she was weighed,got 150 kg. Useven paid 240 rubles for it!

Fedotov Sergey Viktorovich works as the head of the warehouse for the preparation of waste paper. He said that in 2014 only 80 tons of waste paper were produced. This raw material is sorted by type in the warehouse and, after pressing, is sent for further processing paper. Waste paper is supplied to paper mills. And he also said that100 kg of waste paper produces 75 kg of clean paper. This means that 345 kg of paper can be made from our waste paper.And 100 kg of waste paper will save the life of 1 spruce.So, we saved about 4 trees from cutting down.

From various literature, we learned that 75 kg of paper or 1500 notebooks, or 570 rolls are made from 100 kg of waste paper. toilet paper, 1 tree is needed to make 2 books. But to grow a full-fledged tree, you need 50-80 years.

If we hand over waste paper, we will clean up the nature from garbage and save trees!

2. Practical part

2.1. What can be done with old newspapers?

At the fourth stage of our research, we asked my mother, what would she do with an old newspaper? She remembered that at school they made crafts from papier-mâché.

So my sister and I made a vase, a plate, a cup out of papier-mâché.With dad, we made a hat from a newspaper (appendix 3 )

2.2. And we also decided to make paper from waste paper at home (annex 4 ).

For this you need:

Tools: a bowl, a sieve, gauze, an old towel or any other unnecessary rags, a household sponge, a mixer, an iron.

Materials: old newspapers, PVA glue, paints.

Most likely, you have all this at your fingertips.

Torn old paper to shreds. They filled it all with boiling water from the kettle, and then the older sister Nastya went through the mixer. The paper turned into a homogeneous mass - "porridge".

Now add a little PVA glue to it and some filler (pieces of thread, or pieces of colored paper). The filler is mixed into a mass. If necessary, add water so that the mass resembles batter or sour cream.

We cover the tray with gauze in several layers, put the prepared mass on the gauze and pull it apart with a thin layer. Align.

Cover the workpiece with a layer of gauze. Delete excess water: for this you need a sponge, which on top, through cheesecloth, and we will squeeze out the water. When the sponge almost stops getting wet, put a rag over the gauze and continue to remove the water. When the rag is still almost dry, you can remove the top gauze and look at what happens.

Now we need to dry our sheet of paper. The fastest is to iron the work and put it under a heavy object so that the sheet is straight.

The sheet is ready. If you wish, you can color it by adding bright strokes with gouache or acrylic paints. Here are the sheets we got.

Having done this experience, we learned what a difficult job papermaking is. How much patience do you need...! Now we understand why mom says to save books.

In this way, you can give a second life to used paper. We can present our own samples.


As a result of our research, we came to conclusion :

It is worth considering - that it takes many years to grow a tree, and inPaper production is growing rapidly every year. This means that the areas of forests on our planet are also rapidly declining. And this cannot be allowed!

This means that in order to use less wood for making paper, it is necessary to use more waste paper. It will be nthe best way to save forests from deforestation.

As a result of the work done, we studied the possibility of using waste paper, suggested that the school children give paper a second life.

Thus ourhypothesis was confirmed : the second life of waste paper still exists andmaking crafts from old magazines and newspapers is possible.

Practical significance. The material presented in the work expands the horizons of students, replenishes theoretical and practical knowledge.This material can be used in extracurricular activities, and at the lessons of OOM, technology.

Hand over waste paper - save the life of a tree!

List of sources used

    Gurin Yu. V. School of entertaining sciences. – “OLMA Media Group” 2007.

    Encyclopedia "Everything about everything", Moscow, Art-Press, 1999

    Encyclopedia "What is it? Who is it?", Volume I, Moscow, "Prosveshchenie", 1989.

    Encyclopedia "What? Where? When?" Moscow, "Enlightenment", 2000.

    Internet information.


Annex 1

Survey results.

    Waste paper piling up in your house?

    How do you dispose of unwanted paper?

    Do you think burning waste paper is bad for the environment?

    How can you use old paper in everyday life?

Appendix 3

Our works.

Appendix 4

Making paper from waste paper at home.

Torn old paper to shreds. Poured it all with boiling water from a kettle

and then the older sister Nastya passed the mixer. The paper turned into a homogeneous mass - "porridge".

Elder sister Nastya filled it all with boiling water from the kettle, and immediately dad went through the mixer.

Now we add to it a little PVA glue, starch and some kind of filler (pieces of thread, or pieces of colored paper).

The filler is mixed into a mass.

We spread the prepared mass on cheesecloth and spread it in a thin layer. INalign. We remove excess water.

Now we need to dry our sheet of paper. The fastest way is to iron the work.

Our work!

The text of the work is placed without images and formulas.
Full version work is available in the "Files of work" tab in PDF format


Very often in technology lessons we make original paper crafts. As a result, there is a lot of paper waste that we throw away. Daily at garbage bins kilograms of paper waste fall: newspapers, old magazines, scribbled notebooks. And this makes me sad. I checked how much paper our family of five throws away. For a whole week I collected all the paper waste and weighed them. It turned out 4.5 kg. This means that in a month there will be 18 kg, and in a year - 200 kg! In the lessons of the world around us, we were told that paper is made from wood and waste paper, and that 100 kg of paper waste saves 1 tree. It turns out that only one of our families can save 2 trees in a year. Then all the families of our school can save the whole forest!!! But trees are the source of oxygen on the planet. That is why our school collects waste paper. And then they take it to the production workshops for processing.

How does waste paper turn into new paper?

Why can it be reused?

Can you make your own paper?

These questions interested me, and I decided to collect more waste paper and give it a second chance.

Thus was born the project, which I called: "Second life of paper".

Relevance: every year the need for paper increases, and wood reserves decrease. We need to save the forest now. The use of recycled paper to produce paper is one of the most important solutions to this problem.

Purpose of the study: recycling paper at home.

Research objectives:

    Studying the literature on the use of paper waste for paper production;

    To study the process of recycling waste paper;

    Find and learn information about how to make paper at home.

    Make your own decorative paper.

Research methods:

    Theoretical analysis of literature and Internet resources


Intended product of the project: paper of own production and products from it.

The paper presents an analysis of such literary sources (7 sources) as encyclopedias, dictionaries, popular science literature, magazines. Also, an analysis of three sources of the Internet network was carried out.

The issue of paper recycling has been studied enough, but there is a problem of introducing this knowledge into social practice.

Personal contribution: spreading the knowledge of paper recycling among my family, acquaintances, and school students. Careful attitude to natural resources.

Chapter 1. Theoretical part

1.1 Paper and its production

At home, on the street, in the store, at school, we meet with paper. In the morning she comes to our apartment with a fresh newspaper, a new issue of a magazine or a letter. We start a new school day with textbooks and notebooks.

But what do we know about paper? First of all, paper made it possible to accumulate memory and experience in much greater quantities. Secondly, paper allowed a person to receive this or that information in a timely manner, as well as to transmit it over a distance and through time as accurately as possible. Paper allowed a person to free up part of his memory by transferring important data to paper sheets. Its discovery, like the invention of the wheel, is a miracle, one of the greatest conquests of the human mind.

According to the explanatory dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov:

Paper- material for writing, as well as for other purposes, made from wood or rag pulp.

According to the free encyclopedia Wikipedia:

Paper- fibrous material with mineral additives in the form of sheets for writing, drawing, packaging and other things, obtained from cellulose: plants, as well as recycled materials (rags and waste paper).

The paper contains:

    Vegetable fibers;

    Mineral fillers (sizing agents);


    Special additives (for different types of paper).

Paper production includes several stages:

Stage 1 - mechanical. The path of paper begins at endless forests. From the forest plot, the trees are sent to the paper mill, where they are transferred to sawing tables. Trunks of trees turn into meter-long pieces-chocks and are cleaned of bark in drums. 60-ton millstones turn them into wood pulp.

Stage 2 - chemical. Cellulose and fillers are added to the wood pulp: sulfur, soda, lime, kaolin - high quality white clay. They give the paper whiteness, density, smoothness and good printing properties.

Stage 3 - the manufacture of paper web. Prepared paper pulp diluted with water and under pressure through a seven-meter slot is poured onto a waste conveyor at a speed of 750 meters per minute, dried, rolled and turned into paper.

Stage 4 - paper finishing . The paper web is shaped into finished products - sheets, rolls.

Stage 5 - sorting and packing.

For the manufacture of 1 ton of paper, 5.6 m 3 of wood is needed. This is about 17 trees. And from 1 ton of paper you can make about 30 thousand ordinary student notebooks. 250 kg of waste paper replaces about 1 cubic meter of wood.

Application of paper. A person uses paper widely in his life:

    For writing and printing (books, magazines, newspapers, notebooks)

    Finishing material (wallpaper)

    Ornamental material (origami, papier - mache)

    Packaging material (wrappers, bags, boxes)

    Cleaning material (napkins, toilet paper)


    money production

    Substrate for application chemicals(photo paper, indicator paper, sandpaper)

Thus, paper is an integral and important part of human life. It is both money, and ornamental material, and a source of knowledge. Paper production is labor intensive and costly a large number of natural resources(trees). Since trees are an important and integral part in the chain of ecology and well-being of the planet, the question arises of making paper from other materials, for example, already used paper (waste paper).

1.4 Waste paper and recycling methods

According to the explanatory dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov: waste paper- this is unusable paper, books, etc., going for recycling.

According to the free encyclopedia Wikipedia:

waste paper- waste of all types of cardboard and paper, which can be reused as a fibrous raw material. This will save our forests from over-cutting, and the environment from destruction..

Waste paper is one of the important types of renewable resources. It takes 25-30 years to grow a new tree instead of a felled tree. Paper does little to no harm to the environment. The decomposition time is 2-3 years, but sometimes in landfills without oxygen entering the garbage layer, paper can lie up to 30 years without decomposing. However, the ink applied to paper releases toxic substances when decomposed, and some types of ink can form dioxides when burned.

Studies confirm that the amount of waste paper in waste will not decrease, on the contrary: more and more packaging and printing materials are used in the service sector, so the share of waste paper in waste is also growing.

I found out that the basis of paper is cellulose, which is obtained from wood chips. Cellulose fibers reach a length of 2 cm. Intertwined with each other, they create a dense paper structure. Therefore, cellulose is already present in waste paper. Therefore, the production of paper from it is more economical than from wood. It is estimated that recycling a ton of waste paper saves 20,000 liters of water, 1,000 kW of electricity, the emission into the atmosphere is reduced to 1,700 kilograms of carbon dioxide. And most importantly, you can avoid cutting down more than one million hectares of forest in one year!

Waste paper can survive 5-7 recycles until the pulp fibers become very short.

After watching a video about recycling waste paper, I realized that this process consists of several stages:

    Waste paper is loaded into containers with water, where it is soaked and mixed.

    Removed from the mixture metal objects(paper clips, etc.), dirt, sand, residues of glue, organics, printing ink, fats, dyes, etc. After pumping out excess water, an amorphous mass remains - pulp.

    With the help of two special mesh drums, the pulp enters the paper machine line, where it remains on the mesh, leveled and brought to the desired thickness.

    The tape finally dries on the drum, turning into paper.

What does paper recycling do?

1. There is less deforestation in the world

2. Getting raw materials is much cheaper than deforestation

3. There is a saving in money and energy

4. The amount of garbage is reduced

5. Recycled paper costs a lot less than paper made from wood.

True, you can not recycle paper endlessly. Eventually, the pulp becomes unrecyclable (usually paper is only recycled no more than four or five times), but by mixing old paper with new, it is possible to extend the life of the old paper by a few more recycles.

According to recent studies, the level of waste paper collection in Russia was 12%, in the US 50%. Most high level collection of waste paper was in Germany and amounted to 73.6%.

According to statistics, in Russia only 0.1% of paper is produced from waste paper. In Europe, this figure reaches 50%, and in Japan, 65% of new paper is made from old waste paper.

The increase in the collection and recycling of waste paper is directly proportional to the conservation of forests, the restoration and preservation of the ecosystem, the solution of energy and environmental issues. The development of this direction solves the problem of rational and careful use forest resources. The use of secondary raw materials in industry protects the environment, saves natural and energy resources.

According to common stereotypes, made from waste paper exclusively inferior products. Most prominent representatives - packaging and toilet paper. In Russia, waste paper is used in the production of about 70 types of paper and cardboard. Also, our country is gradually adopting positive experience European countries in the use of waste paper in the production of various goods of good quality. As a result, more and more production technologies are emerging:

Building materials;

insulating materials;

Fabrics (clothing);

Accessories for the automotive industry;

Disposable tableware;

Waste paper remains the main raw material for:


Corrugated board;

egg packaging;

Kraft packages;

technical paper;

office paper;

Printing products.

Personal hygiene products.

Not suitable for processing:

    Wet and dirty paper;

    wax or plastic coated paper;

    self-adhesive paper;

  • photo paper and fax paper.

Thus, the analysis of literature and films showed that paper recycling is an important direction in production, which allows conserving natural resources and meeting the needs of society in the required amount of paper. Unfortunately, paper recycling is not so common in our country. This can be explained by the fact that Russia is rich in natural resources, including forests, and the lack of understanding by adults of the importance of not only restoring natural resources, but also their conservation through waste paper recycling.

CHAPTER 2. Practical part

2.1. Making paper at home

I found and studied information about how to make paper at home. After watching several master classes, I came to the conclusion that the stages hand made waste paper is the same as in industrial production, only adapted to home conditions.

To create paper, I prepared special equipment, tools and materials:

    waste paper;

    Container for soaking raw materials;

  • Basin for casting paper;

    PVA glue;

    Mesh frames for making paper sheets;

    absorbent wipes;

    Materials for decorating raw paper (paints, threads, glitter, confetti, natural materials etc.

Stages of work on the "transformation" of waste paper into paper:

1. Sorting waste paper into 4 groups:

    egg packaging;

    sleeves from paper towels and toilet paper;

    used office paper;

    paper towels .

2. Shredding paper by hand (you can use a shredder);

3. Soaking paper for 2-3 hours;

4. Grinding paper pulp with a blender with the addition of PVA glue and dye to a mushy state;

5. Dilution of paper pulp with water: than more water, the thinner the paper will be

6. Scooping paper pulp with a mesh frame

8. Remove excess water with absorbent wipes

9. Careful removal of the paper sheet from the frame

10. Folding wet sheets of paper into a stack and drying them under a press. My paper making photos are in attachments 1.

To make paper important know the following:

    Paper is made from different types of waste paper different quality: from egg packs and cardboard sleeves, paper is dense, rough; the highest quality paper is obtained from office paper; from paper towels and soluble paper sleeves thin paper. Therefore, it is better to sort waste paper.

    Paper made by laying paper pulp on a grid is rough, dense and non-uniform.

    If glue is not added to the paper pulp, the paper will break.

    To obtain a thicker paper, starch can be added to the mass.

    If the paper is not dried under pressure, then during the drying process it bends and loses its shape.

    Do not dry paper with a very hot iron or hair dryer. This leads to its drying and yellowing.


Paper - one of the unique inventions of man. Paper production is a very labor-intensive and large-scale process. Paper is made from wood, so you need to handle it carefully, do not throw it in a landfill, collect and hand over waste paper. You can recycle used paper at home, use it creatively.

handmade paper is not like machine-made paper, and by technical standards it is worse: thicker, less smooth, brittle. But it is absolutely exclusive, two identical sheets will not work, perhaps that is why papermaking is turning from a craft into an art.

An analysis of literature and films has shown that paper recycling is an important direction in production that allows you to save natural resources and meet the needs of society in the required amount of paper. Unfortunately, paper recycling is not so common in our country. This can be explained by the fact that Russia is rich in natural resources, including forests, and the lack of understanding by adults of the importance of not only restoring natural resources, but also their conservation through waste paper recycling.

It is important to convey to people the idea that paper should be used sparingly, because behind every sheet of paper there is a story of a living tree. How more people will know about the misfortune of the forest, and think about how to help it, the faster we will save the forest for ourselves, our children.

My research helped me realize the significance and scope of this problem. I passed on my knowledge to friends, acquaintances, classmates, parents. Now, by collecting waste paper and recycling paper at home, I feel the importance of my work and contribution to the conservation of natural resources and the ecology of our planet.

List of sources and literature

    Big Russian Encyclopedia. - Volume 4. - M.

    Vecchione Glen DIY! 100 most interesting independent scientific projects. - M .: "Publishing House AST": LLC "Publishing House Astrel" .- 2004.

    Dal V.I. Dictionary Russian language. - M., 2006

    Judy Galens, Nancy Peer Answer book for why. - Kharkov, 2006

    Ozhegov S.I. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. - M., 2014

    Popular Encyclopedia for children "Everything about everything". - M., 1998

    Ecology and life // No. 5. - 2003

Internet resources:

Apps 1

Making paper at home

    Waste paper shredding

    I grind the waste paper with a blender and add PVA glue

    I spread the paper mass on the grid

    I remove excess water

    Carefully remove the resulting paper sheet from the grid

    Paper sheet after drying. My result

Starodub Anastasia

environmental project "The Second Life of Paper" by a 4th grade student of the MAOU gymnasium No. 67



Scientific and practical conference"Step into the Future. Junior"

Environmental project

"Second life of paper"

Done by: 3rd grade student

MBOU gymnasium No. 67

Starodub Anastasia

Head: Taratorkina M.V.

primary school teacher


I really feel sorry for the trees that die for the sake of newspapers and magazines, because people, after reading them, just throw them away. In order to get a pack of newspapers only about a meter thick, you need to cut down an adult tree 10-12 meters high.

Slide 2 Relevance:Every year the need for paper increases, and the stocks of wood from which it is obtained decrease. The forest needs to be saved now.

Hypothesis: I suggested that you can draw people's attention to the problem of deforestation for paper if:

  • make paper at home from waste paper, giving this paper a second life;
  • make ecological crafts from the received paper, for example, the heart of a tree in paper, bookmarks, a book, and also use it in the design of a wall newspaper.

Slide 3 Goal: drawing the attention of others to the problem of deforestation


  1. To study the topic of paper making, to find out what danger poses the destruction of forests.
  2. Make paper from recycled paper at home and use it to create eco-friendly crafts.

3. Consider the benefits of collecting waste paper.

4. Make an environmental wall newspaper.

5. Make a presentation to classmates.

Project internal, personal.

Time: October - December 2013.

Planned product of the project:crafts from homemade paper, ecological wall newspaper, a collection of tasks on the topic of the project.

Slide 4 Project plan


My activity


Theoretical part of the work

  • search for information on the Internet,
  • studying the opinion of the media on the problem
  • analysis of the literature on the problem,
  • analysis of the collected information, formulation of conclusions

October, 1 and 2 weeks

Practical part of the work

  • paper making at home
  • handmade paper crafts,
  • wall newspaper "Forest - the source of life",
  • drawing up mathematical problems on the topic of the project,

October, 3 and 4 weeks

November, 1 and 2 weeks

November, 3 and 4 weeks

Design and presentation part of the work:

  • presentation of the wall newspaper "Dubki",
  • presentation of the book "About paper",
  • design and distribution of leaflets with an appeal to collect and hand over waste paper for recycling.



December 4 week

  1. Theoretical part of the work

My work is about paper. So necessary, necessary, familiar and close, magical and beautiful. This kind companion of writing, literature, thought keeps a sad secret - every second cut down tree on Earth dies for the sake of making paper. 125 million trees a year!

Is the paper worth such sacrifices?

Slide 16 Conclusion

My hypothesis was fully confirmed. Made from paper self made ecological crafts to protect the forest work! They louder than any words draw people's attention to the problem of the forest. When a person takes the Heart of a Tree in paper into his hands, he begins to think, asks himself: “Is paper worth the life of a tree?”.

I don't think it's worth it.


Paper is made from wood, so you need to handle it carefully, do not throw it in a landfill, collect and hand over waste paper. We need to recycle used paper, use it creatively.

It seems to me that it is necessary to highlight several lessons in school work for teaching children how to make paper from waste, used paper. And in the lessons of the world around, tell the children why it is so important to save paper, talk about the death of trees for the sake of paper.

It would be great if writers printed their books only on recycled paper or other materials such as straw. Or the production of textbooks from waste paper, for example, textbooks on the world around us, would be arranged.

We need to convey to people the idea that paper should be used sparingly, because behind every sheet of paper there is a story of a living tree. The more people know about the misfortune of the forest, and think about how to help it, how to save the forest for themselves, their children, the faster a saving way will be found.

I vote for careful use of paper and recycling of waste paper. I hope that soon humanity will find a way to produce paper on an industrial scale without using wood. It will definitely be so! I believe in it.

I hope that my work has benefited the forest.

After all, that was my main goal.

Slide 17 Used sources and literature

1. Glen Vecchione. Do it yourself! 100 most interesting independent scientific projects. - M .: "Publishing house AST": LLC "Publishing house Astrel", 2004.

2. Mao Tso-ben It was invented in China / Translation from Chinese and notes by A. Klyshko. - M.: Young Guard, 1959.

3. G. B. Shishkina. Paper as an aesthetic phenomenon of Japanese culture // Scientific reports State Museum East. Issue. XXVI. - M., 2006.

6. Magazine "Paper and Life"

7. Paper Facts

Material from Wikipedia. Paper.
9. %B0
Material from Wikipedia. Waste paper.

MBOU "Chernyansk secondary school No. 1 with in-depth study of individual subjects" Second life - papers

Prepared by: 3rd grade students Anashchenko Victoria, Sevostyanova Diana

Goal of the work: find out if there effective method conservation of forests from deforestation. Tasks: 1. Learn the history of paper. 2. Get acquainted with the concept of waste paper and explore the areas of its application; 3. Try to get paper at home, show the application of the received paper.

Hypothesis: suppose that you can draw people's attention to the conservation of the forest, if you make paper yourself from waste paper.

Research methods:

  • study encyclopedias, ask other people;
  • look on the Internet;
  • do your research


(from Italian) "bambagia",

from the Tatar "bumug" - cotton.

First paper maker

Cai Lun 105 AD

Raw materials for paper production:

  • silkworm cocoons;
  • reed and bamboo;
  • old fishing nets;
  • mulberry fibers.

1857 – year of technology birth

making paper from wood.

Worth considering:

  • 100 kg of waste paperthis is one saved tree ;
  • About a quarter of all rubbish on the planet is paper waste and paper products
  • A Russian needs 25 kilograms of paper a year, accordingly, one family, if desired, can save 1 tree in year;
  • The area of ​​forests on our planet is constantly decreasing, therefore, tree scarcity will become a global problem in the near future.
  • Over the past few world paper consumption has increased several times .

Active participants of the action - 4 - in class, 1st grade student - Alexander Ivanov, student of the 2nd grade - Komarovich Maxim, in the 3rd grade - Grinchenko Irina.

Research results

in a year our class could save about 2 trees

How to make homemade paper

  • 1. Finely tear old paper.
  • 1. Finely tear old paper.
  • 1. Finely tear old paper.
  • 1. Finely tear old paper.

2. Pour broken

pieces of warm water.

to wet the paper.

  • 2. Pour broken pieces of warm water. Let stand for a few hours to wet the paper.
  • 2. Pour broken pieces of warm water. Let stand for a few hours to wet the paper.
  • 2. Pour broken pieces of warm water. Let stand for a few hours to wet the paper.
  • 2. Pour broken pieces of warm water. Let stand for a few hours to wet the paper.

3. Mix everything with a mixer until smooth, add water.

add pva glue

to stir thoroughly.

  • 4. Pour the mass into a container with water, add pva glue to stir thoroughly.
  • 4. Pour the mass into a container with water, add pva glue to stir thoroughly.
  • 4. Pour the mass into a container with water, add pva glue to stir thoroughly.
  • 4. Pour the mass into a container with water, add pva glue to stir thoroughly.

5. Dip the racket into the resulting solution with gauze sewn on it. Spread cellulose evenly on the mesh surface.

6. Remove the mesh from the liquid,

let the water drain and place on a piece of cloth.

Remove excess liquid with a towel.

Then cover with a towel and press down for 24 hours.


As a result, I got this paper

Mikhailova Natalia

The paper analyzes what modern materials can be obtained by recycling waste paper.



Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Education Committee of the city of Kursk

MBOU "Secondary school with in-depth study of individual subjects No. 53" of the city of Kursk

Research work

"Second life of waste paper"

Performed Mikhailova Natalia

student of 9 "A" class

MBOU secondary school No. 53, Kursk

Head Afanasyeva M.N.

chemistry and biology teacher

MBOU secondary school No. 53, Kursk

Kursk, 2012

  1. Introduction………………………………………………………………….2
  2. Main part……………………………………………………………...6

2.1. Waste paper brands ……………………………………………...……..8 2.2. Waste paper acceptance………………………………………………..……..12

2.4. The second life of waste paper………………………………………………17

2.5. School action “Help your planet”……………………………..24

3. Conclusion ……………………………………………………………...26

4. Literature …………………………………………………………………28

"The Earth, the Universe has its own

grief, her grief ... She cries without

the sense of cut down forests,

landslides in crowded

By the tears of the Earth's reservoirs,

flooded lands, meadows,

ceased to cherish the herds

And serve man as hayfields,

asphalt yards with smelly

tanks between which they play

children. Shamefully cover up

Earth yellow "industrial"

smoke, acid rain, forever

all living things are hidden

in red funeral books.

D.S. Likhachev


Paper occupies an exclusive place in people's lives. Its discovery, like the invention of the wheel, is a miracle, one of the greatest conquests of the human mind. Having appeared once, paper has firmly established itself on Earth and, not knowing competitors, triumphantly goes through the centuries.

Friendship, which began with paper in childhood, does not stop all my life, at home, at school, on the street, in the store, at work with my parents, we are glad to have this meeting. Paper enters our apartment with a fresh newspaper, a new issue of a magazine, a letter. At school, there are textbooks on the desk, notebooks on which we study. Most of the home furnishings are related to paper, bookshelves, wallpaper on the walls, shoeboxes, etc.

We do not always comprehend the great significance of paper. A sheet of paper - smooth, clean, of excellent whiteness - we consider as a kind of smallness, ordinary, imperceptible, even it seems to be neither a thing nor an object, but so simply - a sheet, and nothing more. And hardly anyone thought about where, how, from what, by the labor of what people this sheet was created.

And now this blank sheet has become dirty, scribbled, crumpled, and we throw it away. Old newspapers, magazines, torn books, textbooks, how many unnecessary things can be found around us. People trade on the street and leave behind boxes that get wet in the rain and no one cleans them up. From this, the streets and squares become dirty.

Waste Poisoned Planet human activity, - one of the possible scenarios of the apocalypse. People often do not just change nature, but destroy their environment, bring it to the point where they themselves can no longer live in new conditions. Such stages of human history, when a person "cuts the branch on which he sits", are called "ecological crises", and they have been repeated many times throughout history. The desire to take more from nature than it can give has accompanied man for thousands of years, and therefore his whole history is a path from one ecological crisis to another.

But the choice of the path that human civilization will follow is still up to us. It is only important to have time to do it on time. It seems to me that our planet - the Earth - has the prospect in the foreseeable future to turn into one big dump. To prevent this from happening, you must act as in the book of A. Saint - Exupery " A little prince":"... got up in the morning, washed, put yourself in order - and immediately put the planet in order."

2. Main body

waste paperused as a secondary raw material in the production of paper (writing, printing and toilet paper), packaging cardboard, as well as roofing, insulating and other building materials. The use of waste paper can significantly save wood (1 ton of waste paper replaces about 4 cubic meters of wood) and reduce deforestation. In addition, it is economically feasible to use waste paper as a raw material for producing new paper in view of the much lower cost of the final product in this case. Indeed, to obtain cellulose from wood, much more resources are required than when processing waste paper!

The vast majority of waste paper is prepared from readily available compact sources: industrial, commercial and administrative enterprises and institutions. Collecting it from the population is organized. To stimulate the collection of waste paper, the following technology is currently used: specialized enterprises purchase small lots of waste paper from collectors for money, and then sell large lots of waste paper to paper mills. Modern system collection and processing of waste paper provides for equipping waste paper concentration sites with special equipment.
However, in the USSR in the 1980s, there was a different system for collecting waste paper. Firstly, schoolchildren were involved in the collection of waste paper. For each school, an annual waste paper collection rate was set. Secondly, in order to stimulate the collection of waste paper by citizens, the waste paper collected by them was exchanged for the so-called scarce, that is, goods not available for free sale, primarily books.

Waste paper accounts for approximately 40% of all solid waste by weight!

In 2009, the level of waste paper collection in Russia was 12%, in the world 49%, in the USA 50%, in Europe 59.4%. The highest level of waste paper collection was in Germany and amounted to 73.6%.

As of the beginning of 2010, Europe is still the world leader in the collection of waste paper with a level of 64.5%

In Russia and the CIS countries, paper and cardboard waste paper is prepared and purchased processing enterprises in accordance with GOST 10700-97.

  1. 115 billion pages of office paper, on average, are annually converted into waste paper by users of personal computers around the world;
  2. 10 thousand trees are cut down annually for the production of greeting cards;
  3. 54 kg recycled newsprint saves one tree;
  4. 15 million trees − equivalent to the increased demand for paper copies over the last 20 years.
  1. Waste paper stamps

Waste paper in Russia is divided into 12 brands. The CIS countries are the only ones in the world where the number of waste paper grades is only 12. In various countries, waste paper is collected in 15-40 grades, i.e. carefully sorted at the receiving point. With a limited number of grades, it is practically impossible to sort waste paper for use in the production of qualified types of paper.





White paper from bleached pulp without printing and line

Waste from the production of white paper (except newsprint), printing paper, writing paper, drawing paper, drawing paper, light-sensitive paper base and other types of paper.


Lined white paper with black and white or colored stripes.

Waste from the production of all types of white paper in the form of trimmings with a ruler and a black and white or color strip - paper for printing, writing, diagramming, drawing, drawing, and also punched cards.


Book and magazine, archival

Used books, magazines, brochures, brochures, catalogues, notebooks, notebooks, notebooks, posters and other types of printing industry products and paper and white products with monochrome and color printing, without bindings, covers and spines published on white paper, and white paper from archives and institutions.


Kraft paper

Waste paper production: packaging, twine, electrical insulating, cartridge, bag. Abrasive bases, adhesive tape bases, as well as punched cards.


Non-moisture resistant paper bags

Used bags (without bituminous impregnation, interlayer and reinforced layers)


Corrugated cardboard and packaging

Wastes from the production and consumption of paper and cardboard used in the production of corrugated cardboard, as well as corrugated with black and white and color printing.


Cardboard of all kinds

Waste of production and consumption of cardboard of all types (except electrical insulating, roofing and shoe) with black and white and color printing.


Paper sleeves, spools, bushings (without coating and impregnation)

Paper sleeves, spools (without rods and plugs), bushings, molded products from paper pulp, paper twine, as well as waste electrical insulating cardboard.


Wet-strength and hard-to-open paper and board, impregnated and coated

Waste from the production and consumption of impregnated and coated paper and cardboard: wet-strength, bituminized, laminated, as well as paper tags made from paper of the indicated types.


Newsprint and newspapers

Waste production and consumption of newsprint and newspapers



Waste from the production and consumption of various types of cardboard, white and colored paper (except black and brown) cover, light-sensitive, including printed on duplicators, posters, wallpaper, bundle, bobbin, etc.


Paper and cardboard in black and brown

Waste from the production and consumption of paper and cardboard in black and brown colors, paper with a copy layer for computer technology, substrate paper with applied disperse dye of different shades, as well as roofing cardboard.

The division of waste paper into 12 grades aims to make it more rational use. When justifying the composition of waste paper grades, the type of product (paper or cardboard), color (white or non-white), fiber composition (cellulose, wood pulp), dissolution rate in water, and other factors are taken into account.

Each type of paper or cardboard may contain the following primary materials in its composition - cellulose, wood pulp, filler (most often kaolin) and glue.

The most important types of fillers

Type of filler

Chemical composition

Density, g / cm 3



Al 2 O 3 × SiO 2 × 2H 2 O




3MgO × 4SiO 2 × H 2 O




Ca 2 Mg 5 Si 8 O 22 (OH) 2




CaSO 4 × 2H 2 O







Titanium dioxide



In the production of paper and cardboard, both the limitation (degree of whiteness) and the strength properties of the fibrous mass, as well as the rate of its dehydration during the ebb of paper and cardboard, are of great importance. The latter indicator is characterized by the degree of grinding of the mass, which depends on the composition of the cardboard and paper products. Cellulose has the best strength properties.

Waste paper means "stained" in Latin. And this is a big problem - to wash off the printing ink that stains it from the paper, so that after processing the old paper can go not to the packaging cardboard, but again to the printing house. The Danish company Novo Nordisk has obtained an enzyme that separates ink or paint from waste paper. Alkali is added to the ground paper pulp, and then the enzyme, in total 200-300 milliliters per ton. The black ink precipitates and separates easily from the pulp. It turns out white paper, suitable for any printed publications.

Thus, the composition of paper and cardboard determines the direction of their recycling.

Not every brand of waste paper can be used to produce a certain kind paper, cardboard or other products.

So, for example, the use of book and magazine waste paper is extremely limited for the production of lumpy egg pads and newspaper waste paper is mainly used.

  1. Reception of waste paper

We figured out what brands are in accordance with GOST 10700-97 “Waste paper and cardboard”. Then they began to find out the scheme of work processes for receiving waste paper, it turned out that not everything is so simple.

  1. Collection and acceptance of all types of waste paper (from the population and enterprises);
  2. Reception of waste paper from procurement structures:
  1. Waste paper weighing
  2. Quality control of waste paper for clogging, moisture
  3. Determination of grade in accordance with the requirements of technical specifications
  4. Registration of incoming documents for production
  5. Settlement with waste paper deliverer

3. Waste paper sorting:

  1. Separation of waste paper by grades
  2. Removal of waste paper from foreign inclusions and debris
  1. Shredding (shredding or destroying confidential documents if necessary)
  2. Feeding of sorted waste paper to a baling press to production workshops.
  3. Transfer of boiled raw materials to the warehouse of finished products:
  1. Quality control, weighing, marking

7. Output of raw materials from the warehouse of finished products:

  1. Weighing
  2. Shipment of products to the consumer
  3. Preparation of documents for the release of products

2.3. Waste paper recycling technology

Recycling of waste paper for use in the production of paper and cardboard is carried out using wet technology and includes the following operations:

  1. Dissolution of waste paper;
  2. Cleaning of waste paper from foreign impurities;
  3. Dospusk waste paper mass;
  4. Fine cleaning of waste paper.

The dissolution of waste paper into fibers is carried out in aquatic environment Vpulpersat a concentration of 4-6%. Under the influence of hydromechanical forces, the process of grinding waste paper into pieces and separating into fibers takes place. The pulpers are equipped with a sieve with holes (10-12 mm). The finished suspension of waste paper passes through the sieve holes and enters the next operation. In hydropulpers, coarse inclusions are also separated from waste paper - heavy ones are removed from a special dirt collector, and light ones - in the form of textiles, and polymer films are removed either in the form of a bundle constantly or periodically. Waste pulp after the pulper contains both fibers and unblown pieces of waste paper.

Vertical low concentration pulper type LCV

Welded stainless steel bath(1) , fixed on reinforced concrete racks

functional organs: rotor(2) , blade crown(3) , stator screen(4) , bearing shell(5) sealed with labyrinth seal, outlet housing(6) sealed with a panel seal (stuffing box, sealing cord), up to 200 kW belt drive(7) with casing, from 200 kW gearbox with casing, flange motor(8).

Horizontal pulper type HV

Welded stainless steel bath(1), release housing (2) sealed with a panel seal (stuffing box, sealing material),

functional organs: rotor(3), blade ring(4), stator sorting grid(5), bearing axle boxes(6) for shaft seating

functional organs, belt drive with casing(7)

heel motor(8).

Further, the waste paper is cleaned from heavy and light impurities. Cleaning from heavy impurities - sand, glass, paper clips, etc. It is carried out in waste paper cleaners, which are a cyclone. Heavy impurities are deposited in dirt collectors and removed periodically.

Light impurities in the form of polymer films and pieces of waste paper are removed byvibration sortingwith slot type matching. The waste paper that has passed through the sieve is sent for further regrouping. To reduce losses, water usually enters the waste paper in all types of cleaning equipment.

Cleaned waste paper containing both vegetable fibers, and bundles of fibers, and pieces of waste paper goes through the stage of respraying. The additional dispensing of waste paper is carried out on various typescentrifugal sorting,pressure screens with round or slotted holes. For the final cleaning of the waste paper mass from knots and small dot inclusions are widely usedvortex cone cleaners.

Thus, effective defibration of waste paper under "soft" conditions with simultaneous rough cleaning and sorting reduces the cost of subsequent processing of the resulting fibrous suspension and reduces the loss of fiber leaving with the waste.

Over 78% total recycled waste paper is mainly used for the production of packaging paper and cardboard. The largest share in the total volume of waste paper consumption is occupied by boxboard of all brands (42%), container board for smooth layers of corrugated cardboard (19%), wrapping paper of all types (19%) and double-layer paper for packing cigarettes and cigarettes. If we consider the use of waste paper in the composition of products, then it occupies the largest share in the production of roofing and suitcase cardboard (11%),boxed (74%), container (53%). In the production of paper, the largest share of waste paper in the fiber composition of paper for cash registers (80%) and wrapping paper.

The largest waste paper processors in Russia are St. Petersburg KPK JSC, Naberezhno-Chelninsky KBK CJSC, Stupinsky KPK LLC, which processes more than 100 thousand tons of waste paper per year each, Balabinsky PPM can process from 20-50 tons per year , Perm Pulp and Paper Mill, Svetogorsk Pulp and Paper Mill, Belye Berega OJSC, Karavaevo OJSC. The rest of the processors have a capacity of 20 thousand tons per year or less.

The main part of waste paper (up to 75%) is used for the production of toilet paper and cardboard (box, container, corrugated cardboard). Up to 20% of waste paper is used in the production of roofing materials. On the territory of Russia there are 27 enterprises using waste paper for the production of paper and cardboard and 14 enterprises using waste paper in the production of roofing materials. The largest consumers of waste paper in Russia are:

  1. St. Petersburg KBK (up to 18%).
  2. Naberezhno - Chelninsky Design Bureau (10.4%).
  3. Aleksinskaya KF (12.1%).
  4. Stupinskaya KF (9.8%).
  5. Balakhna Central Control Commission (5.5%).
  6. Suojärvskaya KF (4.2%)

2.4.Second life of waste paper

Separation of waste paper pursues the goal of its more rational use. When justifying the composition of waste paper grades, the type of product (paper or cardboard), color (white or non-white), fiber composition (cellulose, wood pulp), dissolution rate in water and other factors are taken into account.

Each type of paper or cardboard may contain the following primary materials in its composition - cellulose, wood pulp, accumulator (most often kaolin) and glue.

In the production of paper and cardboard, both the limitation (degree of whiteness) and the strength properties of the fibrous mass, as well as the rate of its dehydration during the ebb of paper and cardboard, are of great importance. The latter indicator is characterized by the degree of grinding of the mass, which depends on the composition of the cardboard and paper products. Cellulose has the highest strength properties. There are quite a lot of types of pulp (coniferous, hardwood, bleached, unbleached, etc.).

Thus, the composition of paper and cardboard determines the direction of their recycling. Not every brand of waste paper can be used to produce a certain type of paper, cardboard or other products. So, for example, the use of book and magazine waste paper is extremely limited for the production of lumpy egg pads and newspaper waste paper is mainly used.

Wet waste paper processing technology is characterized by high energy intensity of production and high specific water consumption (up to several tens of cubic meters per ton of product), as well as a large volume of wastewater.

Today, large-scale production consumes up to 90% of high-quality cardboard and paper waste and a significant part of medium-quality waste. In almost all regions of Russia, low-grade and mixed waste paper remains unclaimed, which can be processed at low-tonnage plants.

Among the low-tonnage technologies widely advertised today, it should be noted the production of heat-insulating material of the "Ecowool" type, bumpy gaskets and molded products; fiber boards, toilet paper, polymer-paper boards, thermal insulation boards.

Ecowool production

Ecowool is made from newspaper waste paper by grinding it into fibers and mixing it with fire retardants and antiseptics: borax and boric acid. The technological process is carried out as follows: newspaper waste paper is fed by a belt conveyor to a coarse shredder, where it turns into large pieces. From the coarse grinding device, the paper pulp is fed by pneumatic transport to the cyclone and further to the intermediate warehouse. From where it is dosed onto a belt conveyor for the next fine grinding. At the same time, a precisely dosed mixture of powdered chemicals is added to the mass, the latter adhere to the fibers of the pulp so strongly that their separation almost does not occur at further stages of processing. After that, the ecowool is ready and it is delivered by pneumatic transport through the unloading cyclone to the packing bin.

Ecowool properties:

Density: 45-70 kg/m 3 ;

Thermal conductivity coefficient: 0.04-0.048 W / m.grad. C;

Humidity: 12%;

Maximum shrinkage, 15-20%.

Ecowool is classified as a slow-burning material.

Ecowool is applied by spraying with special blowing devices both in dry form and with the use of glue. Ecowool does not contain volatile chemicals that are harmful to health, does not cause allergies, which gives it exceptional advantages compared to mineral boards, polystyrene foam materials.

Ecowool refers to weakly loose, dusty heat-insulating materials, which sharply reduces the scope of its application. The use of ecowool requires the use of special blowing devices that are not available domestic industry, and the Russian construction industry is focused on the use of heat-insulating materials in loose (non-dusting) form, and mainly in the form of slabs and mats. In addition, the cost of producing ecowool approximately corresponds to the wholesale price of fireproof heat-insulating mats made of slag wool. It should be noted that such properties of ecowool as caking, shrinkage, behavior in emergency situations, etc. have not been studied enough. All this extremely limits the use of ecowool.

Production of tuberous gaskets

The technology for the production of tuberculate pads is as follows: waste paper (newspaper) is manually loaded into a pulper tank filled with water, where, under the action of hydromechanical forces and water, the waste paper is dissolved into fibers.

The concentration of paper pulp is 1.2-1.5%. The finished mass is pumped into the pulp storage tank, on which the forming device is located, consisting of two vacuum forms - fixed and movable, moving in the vertical direction. The latter is periodically immersed in a tank with paper pulp and, under the action of vacuum, the product is molded on it. The movable mold is then removed from the tank and the water is squeezed out, completing the gasket molding process.

The separation of the wet molded gasket after opening the forming device is separated from the mold by air compression. The unit is equipped with a vacuum pump and a receiver. Water from the molding of the gasket is collected in the receiver and periodically pumped into the pulper. To ensure installation compressed air compressor provided. Formed raw pads with a moisture content of about 90% are placed in a drying chamber. Drying can be either gas or electric.

The main consumers of tuberous pads are poultry farms, however, this technology can be directed to the production of other products: cups for seedlings, pads for fragile expensive products, pads for vegetables and fruits, etc.

Toilet paper making

The technology for processing waste paper into toilet paper in most cases is as follows: waste paper (newspaper and partially book - magazine) is loaded into a bin, where water is supplied and the waste paper swells. Moistened waste paper from the bunker is fed into the pulper, where the waste paper is spun into fibers. Heavy impurities settle in the pulper's dirt collector. Light waste is collected on the surface of the water and periodically

are removed. From the pulper, the paper pulp is fed into the intermediate tank, from where it flows by gravity to the distributing device and then in an even flow to the grid of the paper machine, where the paper web is formed under the action of vacuum. Next, the formed paper web enters the drying section of the paper machine, where the paper is dried. Finished products- toilet paper is wrapped around the role. The roll is then placed in a machine that winds and cuts toilet paper rolls.

Water from the wire part of the paper machine is collected in a special tank, from where it is fed by a centrifugal pump to the recycled water tank, which is used for soaking and dissolving waste paper. The mesh of the paper machine is driven by an electric motor.

The dryer section of the paper machine consists of a dryer drum that is heated to a temperature of 180°C by spirals inside the drum. From the dryer drum, the paper is transferred to the drying drum, which is driven by direct current. On this drum, the heated paper gives off the remaining moisture.

There is no waste water from the production of toilet paper.

Production of fiber boards from waste paper

The technology for the production of fibrous boards from waste paper by the wet method includes the dissolution of waste paper in water, the vacuum formation of a carpet, the pressing and drying of the latter in a press at a temperature of 150-180°C, and the trimming of the boards along the perimeter. Trimming waste and defective boards are reused in production.

The purpose of the plate is for facing walls, ceilings, partitions of residential, industrial and warehouse premises (instead of fiberboard) for the manufacture of containers, lining for linoleum, the back wall of furniture.

Production of heat-insulating boards from waste paper

The production of thermal insulation boards using waste paper includes wet mechanical processing of waste paper, the introduction of a binder (cement, gypsum) and the formation of boards. The share of mineral binder in the board composition is 20-35%. Waste water is absent.

Production of polymer-paper tiles from waste paper

The technology for the production of polymer-paper tiles makes it possible to process waste from laminated and other types of wet-strength paper into a building material.

The plate is made from a mixture of wet-strength paper and cardboard waste (laminated paper or waxed paper waste) and thermoplastic polymer waste (polyethylene, polystyrene, polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride, disposable syringes, cable braid waste, etc.).

The technology includes waste shredding, mixing, slab pressing and trimming. Trimming waste and defective boards are reused in production.

The advantage of the technology is insensitivity to waste pollution, the possibility of processing a mixture of waste polymers.

Purpose of the plate: for cladding walls, ceilings, partitions of residential, industrial and warehouse premises, cottages, garages, etc., for the manufacture of furniture parts and containers.

Physical and mechanical properties of the plate: density - 750-1000 kg / m 3 ; ultimate strength in static bending - 8-14 MPa; water absorption in 24 hours - 10-14%; plate sizes vary.

Production is waste-free, environmentally friendly.

2.5. The action of the school "Help your planet"

Every quarter, the school hosts the “Help Your Planet” campaign, during which waste paper is collected.

Results of waste paper collection in the 1st quarter of 2012-2013 school year(October 2012)



The amount of collected waste paper





Given that 54 kg newsprint, handed over for processing, allows you to save one tree, then even in the process of 1 campaign, 72 trees were saved, and if we take into account that1 ton of waste paper replaces about 4 cubic meters of wood, it can be said that almost 16 cubic meters of wood remained intact in the forest.

If we take into account that such actions are held regularly (every quarter) and on average more than 3 tons of waste paper are collected, then in one year schoolchildren can save about 250 trees and save at least 50 cubic meters of wood.

If we take the economic component, then 3895 kWh of electricity and 600 m 3 water.

  1. Conclusion

Waste paper recycling - very good example environmental protection at the same time as saving valuable natural raw materials.

The careful collection of waste paper and its prudent use not only prevent paper residues from littering our environment, but also save valuable wood. In Germany, for example, a significant share of paper and cardboard is produced from recycled paper, and as a result, 1,500 hectares of forest are saved annually.

In principle, it is possible to recover printed paper from waste paper, but this requires significant costs. From an economic point of view, it is advisable to use waste paper for the production of packaging materials, corrugated and plain cardboard, etc. At the same time, we must not forget that cellulose is a valuable chemical raw material for the production of artificial fibers, explosives, artificial leather, film and rayon.

Every hectare woodland allows you to get about 45 tons of wood pulp per year, and with proper breeding and care, this figure can be doubled. You just need to always remember that the forest for every ton of wood pulp gives us an additional 1.3 tons of oxygen. A hectare of forest annually produces about 45,000 m 3 this vital important element colossal amounts of which we spend on burning oil, gas and coal. Over a long time, this should lead to a general decrease in the oxygen content on Earth. In the air of large cities during peak hours and now, the oxygen content often decreases so much that it corresponds to an altitude of 5000 m above sea level, and this adversely affects people's health. Forests are also a favorite vacation spot, good protection from dust and noise. They try to surround cities with green belts, which at the same time contributes to the fight against air depletion of oxygen.

Waste paper is one of the important types of renewable resources. It takes 25-30 years to grow a new tree instead of a felled tree. Paper does little to no harm to the environment. The decomposition time is 2-3 years, but sometimes in landfills without oxygen entering the garbage layer, paper can lie up to 30 years without decomposing. However, the ink applied to paper releases toxic substances when decomposed, and some types of ink can form dioxides when burned. Studies confirm that the amount of waste paper in waste will not decrease, on the contrary: more and more packaging and printing materials are used in the service sector, so the share of waste paper in waste is also growing.

According to statistics: In Russia, only 0.1% of paper is produced from waste paper. In Europe, this figure reaches 50%, and in Japan, 65% of new paper is made from old waste paper.

The increase in the collection and recycling of waste paper is directly proportional to the conservation of forests, the restoration and preservation of the ecosystem, and the solution of energy and environmental problems. The development of this direction solves the problem of rational and careful use of forest resources. The use of secondary raw materials in industry protects the environment, saves natural and energy resources:

  1. 60 kg of waste paper saves one tree;
  2. 30 tons of waste paper saves 1 hectare of forest;
  3. 1 ton of waste paper saves 1000 kWh of electricity;
  4. 1 ton of waste paper saves 200 m 3 water;
  5. using waste paper for paper production reduces air pollution by 75% and saves up to 40% of water.

Students of our school take an active part in solving the problem of rational and careful use of forest resources.

4. List of references

1. Large Soviet Encyclopedia. (In 30 volumes).

/ Ch. ed. A.M. Prokhorov, Ed. 3 - e - M .: "Soviet Encyclopedia". 1974.

2. Dal V. Explanatory dictionary of the living Russian language: v. 1-4 - M .: Russian

Language, 1978.- v.2. AND ABOUT. 1979. 749 pages.

3. Journal "Ecology and Life" No. 5 - 2003.

4. Journal "Science and Life" No. 7 - 2004.

5. Likhachev D.S. Treasured./D.S. Likhachev. - M .: "Publishing, educational and Cultural Center"Childhood. Adolescence. Youth", 2006. - 271p.: ill.

6.Internet resources: Wikipedia

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