A new model of teacher certification. How is teacher certification done?

In December 2015, the President of the Russian Federation instructed to form national system teacher development (NSSD), the task of which is to establish the level of professionalism of teachers through the results of certification. How to improve the quality of knowledge among students?

Certification of teachers in 2018: general provisions

In the certification of teachers for the establishment of qualification categories, the latest changes in the 2017-2018 academic year are associated with the introduction of unified objective requirements throughout the Russian Federation, which have not been available so far.

The reason for this change is the question of a young teacher, asked during a direct line with the president, about a significant difference in the salaries of novice teachers and teachers with experience.

But teaching staff began to apply en masse for early certification in order to have time to pass it before the introduction of changes in 2018.

Shortcomings of the certification system at present

Currently, there are 2 types of certification of pedagogical workers: for compliance with the position held and for the assignment of a qualification category.

The disadvantages of the current attestation system are that it is “not always transparent” – there are different approaches in the regions of the Russian Federation. Only the procedure itself is obligatory, and the attestation procedure is chosen by each region independently, because unified for the Russian Federation (all-federal) requirements for certification have not been established.

Certification for compliance with the position of teaching staff

Particular attention should be paid to the fact that the new model of certification of teaching staff does not change the procedure for certification for compliance with the position. It is necessary to continue to be guided by the current regulatory document governing the certification procedure - the Procedure for the certification of pedagogical workers of organizations that carry out educational activities, approved Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated April 7, 2014 No. 276 (hereinafter referred to as the Certification Procedure).

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In Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 27, 2016 No. 584 on the features of the application professional standards A transitional period is set until January 1, 2020.

Currently, the issue of excluding from professional standards the provision that they are used in certification is being worked out.

Download the requirement for teaching positions in accordance with the CAS of educators
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This table will help determine the compliance of the employee's education with the requirements for teaching positions.

Changes in 2018 in the certification of teachers for the assignment of a qualification category

In the 2017-2018 academic year, the latest changes relate to the certification of teachers for the establishment (confirmation) of a qualification category or replacement new position in the order of promotion in accordance with qualifications.

Thanks to changes in the certification of teaching staff in 2018, the distance associated with experience between a novice teacher and a more experienced teacher will be reduced. At the same time, no one detracts from the merits of teachers of the older generation. It will be possible for young teachers to go to certification earlier if the teacher sees himself as a professional of a new quality.

Significant changes in the certification of teachers in 2018 relate to the content of the test. Control measuring materials will contain three blocks:

Gradually, the professional assessment of teachers will be expanded in these three areas.

It is important to remember that an objective assessment of a student's achievements can only be given in dynamics, in comparison - "today" should be compared with what he could "yesterday", and not take the peak results of students.

Download the document Criteria for Evaluating Teaching Experience
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To assess the work experience of a teacher who is certified for a qualification category, it is proposed to take the criteria for evaluating the competitive test "Methodological Seminar" of the All-Russian competition "Teacher of the Year of Russia". The teacher outlines conceptual methodological approaches based on work experience, talks about technologies that help to implement the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education and the Teacher's Professional Standard.

Risks of a new model of certification of teaching staff

Many teachers consider this type of verification to be incorrect, because their qualifications are confirmed by a diploma of education.

Surely these issues will be worked out in the new model of certification of teaching staff.

Prospects for the professional growth of teachers in the new certification model

At present, raising the level of a teacher's education and raising the level of proficiency in professional competencies do not affect the professional (including official) growth of a teacher.

The introduction of a new certification model for teachers will allow young teachers to build their careers in different areas and improve their teaching skills (the path of horizontal growth).

The NSDS involves the introduction of three job gradations:

The Senior Lecturer will be mentoring with little workload. In each gradation there can be three more divisions.

In the new attestation model, the previous preferences of teaching staff will not be canceled: all previous titles, qualifications, categories, and the right to a seniority pension will be retained.

How teacher certification will take place in 2018: implementation timeline

In the 2017-2018 academic year, the certification of teachers will take place in the manner regulated by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated April 7, 2014 No. 276.

Since September 2017, in 13 regions of the Russian Federation, the model of the level assessment of the competencies of teachers of the Russian language and mathematics, who have expressed their willingness to participate in its implementation, has been tested.

Development new system certification will continue until 2020. Comprehensive approbation of the new certification system, based on the use of the federal bank of tasks of a standardized form when establishing qualification categories, will take place in the pilot regions of the Russian Federation and at the choice of teachers.

Download the document Stages of development of a new model of certification of teaching staff
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* Qualification of an employee - the level of knowledge, skills, professional skills and work experience of an employee (Article 195.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)

The certification of teachers in 2018 will have to change somewhat. The certification of teachers, introduced several years ago, was designed to improve the quality of education in Russian schools. Certification regularly checks the teacher for whether he corresponds to his profession, whether he knows how to work with children, whether he is well versed in the subject and whether he knows the regulatory framework that regulates his work. In addition, by voluntarily passing certification, a teacher can improve their qualifications, which means that they automatically get the right to a higher salary. Attestation of teachers in 2018: what changes are reported, how did the experimental testing of changes in Moscow schools at the beginning of the 2017-2018 academic year go.

Changes in the certification procedure for teachers since 2018

In 2018, the certification procedure will consist of two stages:

  1. At the first stage, professional pedagogical skills and the teacher's compliance with his position will be confirmed.
  2. At the second stage, the teacher will defend his pedagogical qualification: the members of a special commission will analyze how lawfully the teacher received the qualification level. If the category is confirmed, the teacher's qualification will be upgraded.

The main points that the members of the special commission will pay attention to:

  • how well the teacher knows the discipline;
  • What teaching skills does he have?
  • the level of communication of the teacher and the ability to interact with students;
  • the psychological preparation of the teacher will be checked: how he reacts to different situations, including stressful ones.

Who is affected by certification in 2018

Nothing has changed regarding the frequency of certification - any school teacher is required to recertify every 5 years, otherwise he will lose the right to work in the system school education. Therefore, the main wave of certified teachers in 2018 are those who underwent this procedure in 2013.

The list of exclusions has not changed either. The following will be exempted from certification:

  • those teachers who will soon be on maternity leave associated with the birth of a child and looking after him (certification will be carried out a year after leaving the decree),
  • those teachers who are already qualified,
  • young teachers who have been working at the school for less than two years,
  • teachers who for a long time were on sick leave - if the teacher was ill for 4 months or longer, there is a delay for him, and he will undergo certification a year after starting work.

Will the rules for voluntary certification of teachers change?

Voluntary certification for Russian teachers will remain generally unchanged and will be carried out according to the same rules as before. If a teacher wants to upgrade his category for reasons career development and increase his salary, he must inform the director of the school about his desire, and he must transfer the information to the educational authorities, who will assemble a special commission.

If a teacher has one or another category, then in order to voluntarily undergo attestation to increase this category, he must be the owner of his current qualification level for at least two years. Previously, it will not be possible to pass certification voluntarily.

If a teacher has the right to undergo certification voluntarily, then his application will be considered by the educational authorities for up to a month, then the convened commission will check the level of the teacher within two months.

How was the trial certification under the new rules in Moscow

At the beginning of the new academic year, the new certification rules were tested on volunteer teachers in the capital. Officials from the educational authorities gathered teachers of various age categories - from very young to honored teachers of retirement age. Teachers were given tasks that take into account changes in the teacher certification procedure since 2018. The purpose of the approbation was to test the ideas of officials in practice and to make sure of their efficiency and expediency.

Teachers were given three tasks:

  • Professional task (10-12 days to complete),
  • Video recording of the lesson (10-12 days to complete),
  • Diagnostic work (4 hours).

The professional task was as follows. Teachers were presented with 8 different tasks in their profession, from which they had to choose two at their discretion. For each of these two tasks, it was necessary to describe 9 steps for solving them - in accordance with a special template.

To solve the problem, in particular, it was necessary to present specific material: lesson plan, technology description, fragment work program etc. It is also necessary to justify the solution found, formulate a method for evaluating its effectiveness, indicate other situations where such a solution can be useful, etc. It was also necessary to touch on the consequences that the chosen decision will have in the future - whether at the next lesson, at the end of a quarter or school year.

At the same time, in two working weeks, the teacher had to organize a video recording of the lesson in order to present to the commission either a complete recording of the lesson or a recording of a 15-30-minute fragment of it.

Finally, for a 4-hour diagnostic work, the teacher had to come to the educational authorities. In fact, at this stage, the teacher was examined in the following areas:

  • knowledge of the subject
  • knowledge of teaching methods
  • knowledge of the psychology and physiology of children,
  • knowledge of the criteria for evaluating the work of the GIA,
  • ability to develop an event.

Those Moscow teachers, on whom such a scheme was tested, speak of it quite loyally. Yes, new technique certification is a little unusual and unusual, but nothing supernatural was required from teachers, and any professional teacher can successfully pass such certification.

What conclusions did the officials of the Ministry of Education draw from the Moscow approbation and whether the certification will take place according to the same scheme or there will be no amendments to it, the near future will show.

A certain part of legislative innovations is met with resistance from ordinary citizens. One such example is the certification of teachers in 2018, the latest changes in which were commented on the Internet by representatives of this specialty. What changes are the authorities going to make, and why is the current category of state employees dissatisfied with what is happening?

What exactly do politicians in the educational sphere want to implement?

Recently, information from the relevant federal service on the introduction in 2018 of a new procedure for attestation of educators. The deputy head of Rosobrnadzor said that such orders of the authorities set themselves the task of reducing the number of not very competent employees in the area under consideration, as well as increasing their qualifications. As practice shows, a number of teachers overestimate the grades of students, especially in regions remote from the capital. The politician is convinced that this is happening due to little knowledge of state employees in this matter.

Rosobrnadzor reports that teachers are also taking part in developing how teachers will be assessed in 2018. This fact will make it possible to avoid shortcomings during the preparation of tasks, the solution of which is designed to identify the level of competence of educational workers. So, the newly approved certification procedure includes the following steps:

  • control of the baggage of knowledge related to the disciplines taught;
  • tracking psychological character traits;
  • identification of the level of professional skills.

This principle of testing teachers will allow not only to assess knowledge in the subject, but also the ability to correctly present educational material the rising generation. Now there is still no information about the final establishment of the certification regulations in the pedagogical and psychological sphere. After all, the verification procedure is at the development stage, while preliminary decisions do not find much support among education staff.

How teacher certification will change in 2018 - shortcomings of the introduced procedure

On this moment the periodic procedure for carrying out the event in question is understandable - once every 4 years. Although, according to previous information from the Federal Service for Education, certification should be done every couple of years - however, this initiative of Rosobrnadzor remains in the theoretical field.

But popular protest is already sown in the open spaces world wide web and in educational institutions countries even before the adoption of the new proficiency control regulation. In particular, the main claims of state employees of the current category are the following:

  • the fate of checking essays supposed to be written by teaching staff is unclear. People working in this area of ​​the state admit the possibility of putting a mark that does not correspond to reality. It can be assumed that instead of an essay, busy citizens will write a KIM that will deal with both general and specialized aspects of a particular discipline;
  • Speaking about how the certification of teachers will take place in 2018, it should be noted that it is planned to control practical skills in the field of psychology with the help of video filming of a school lesson. However, this must be done by a professional operator and appropriate technique. Although, this way of capturing the course of the educational process entails a considerable investment of funds and, in addition, consent from parents to record training on video;
  • there is a possibility through judicial trial argue your position about the professional suitability of the teacher. After all, a diploma of an educator should a priori show that he has the necessary skills.

A similar alignment was with motorists after the incident, the introduction by the authorities of the need to re-delivery test items and practical skills during the exchange of driving licenses. Then the drivers won the court hearing, making it clear that they were aware of the transport management before receiving the relevant document. There is a possibility that teachers will also be able to prove their case in court.

If the certification of teachers in 2018 for the highest category failed ...

Due to the increased requirements for aptitude testing in the new year, there may be a smaller percentage of people who pass it. However, as the deputy head of Rosobrnadzor reports, teachers who are “guilty” in this way will not face deprivation of employment or other punishments.

It's just that those teachers who could not successfully overcome the certification will continue to take advanced training courses. Such initiatives of power structures will make it possible to eliminate the unprofessionalism of workers by training them, and not by depriving them of their place of employment.

In order to improve the quality of teachers' work, various adjustments are made to the process of their mandatory certification every year. The process of checking the professionalism of teachers is carried out in the form of KIMs, using as a basis an objective assessment of the federal level.

Basic information

Several years ago, the President of Russia approved the formation of a special system of teacher growth, the main task which is an assessment of the level of professionalism of the noted employees with the help of special developments of the Ministry of Education. To find out on what basis the certification of teachers for 2018-2019 is planned, one should initially condemn the main provisions of this process.

  1. Content - the effectiveness of the teacher's work is evaluated on the basis of specially prepared material in advance, set out in the form of KIM. In this form, not only knowledge of the subject is evaluated, but also the psychological and pedagogical method of presenting it to students.
  2. The new test model provides incentives for teachers to improve the quality of their own work and its effectiveness.
  3. Changes - provide an opportunity to acquire the highest category for an ordinary teacher who has just graduated from a pedagogical university. To do this, it is enough to demonstrate your own professional skills and the result of skill before the commission. The teacher's salary directly depends on the assigned category.

The reason for the listed modernization is the solution of the issue of young teachers. Their salary is not very remarkable anyway, and while their colleagues can count on more substantial pay for their own work, those who really want and can work well are forced to settle for a miser. Therefore, already now all young teachers are massively applying for early certification.

Existing shortcomings of the attestation system

At the moment in Russia there are two types of certification of representatives of the pedagogical sphere.

  1. For the assignment of a qualification category.
  2. In accordance with the position held.

The main disadvantage of such certification is its "opacity". It turns out that the issue of advanced training in the regions of the country is approached in its own way. The order of the procedure itself is considered mandatory, not its content. The problem lies in the fact that there are no uniform requirements for certification.

  1. Assignment of a qualification category is carried out by evaluating the teacher's work - his "portfolio" is studied. But there are simply no exact EFOM and qualification criteria.
  2. The current rules of the Ministry of Education do not allow a young teacher who has just received a diploma to expect to receive the highest qualification category. According to the rules, you will initially have to earn the first category, after which you can apply for the highest, but not earlier than two years after the last certification.
  3. Creating a "portfolio" - an attestation document, takes a lot of time and effort from the teacher, which he must spend on teaching schoolchildren. As a result, most of the teacher's working time is spent for other purposes.
  4. If the teacher has already managed to successfully cope with certification, he loses all desire to continue his education and acquires new professional competencies due to insufficient motivation. The problem is the lack of job growth prospects.

Certification for compliance with the position held in 2019

Teachers should pay special attention to new model certification, which does not change the very procedure for obtaining a “credit” for compliance with the position held. As before, this process will be guided by existing standards and regulations. The transitional period of the legislation of the Russian Federation for the new certification rules is set until January 1, 2020.

At the moment, politicians are considering the issue of a possible exclusion from the teacher assessment standards of some items that were previously used in the procedure.

The announced type of certification is carried out on the basis of the assessment of pedagogical qualities, skills and the results of the duties performed, prescribed in the employment contract. Part concerning official duties teacher, guided by the relevant CAS.

Thanks to the modernization of the certification process for teachers, it will be possible to reduce the distance between those who have sufficient experience and a novice professional. This does not mean at all that someone is trying to diminish the merits of the teacher of the older generation. Just why can't young cadres get more if they professional quality allow it.

In the new attestation model, teacher qualifications should be confirmed on the basis of an objective, independent assessment, using the EFOM attestation form.

The content of the test itself will also change. Control materials should be divided into 3 main blocks:

  • pedagogical subject;
  • the level of knowledge of the science that is being taught;
  • communication skills.

The professional assessment of representatives of the general education sphere will be expanded in the future in the areas noted.

It is very important to remember that the assessment of the knowledge of students studying according to the methodology of the teacher being tested should be carried out not according to peak results, but in the dynamics of “what he knew and what he learned”.

Risks of the new model

It turns out that not everything is new - good. Is it worth using this statement on the current topic? Let's figure it out.

  1. So far, it is not clear who exactly and by what criteria should check the teacher's essay to assess his horizons. Perhaps in the future it will be replaced by KIMs.
  2. Analysis of the teacher's lesson to determine its psychological characteristics:
  • additional financial costs are required;
  • it is not possible to obtain permission to film students from all parents.
  1. The qualifications of a teacher can be challenged in court.

According to the majority of current educators, this type of

testing their knowledge is not considered entirely appropriate, because in the first place their qualifications are confirmed by a diploma.

What to do if the teacher failed to pass the certification? No one is going to fire anyone, since this is not the main goal. True, you will have to put up with further retraining: training, advanced training courses.

Growth prospects

To date, the existing attestation models do not affect the professional growth of a teacher in any way. Thanks to the new model, you can count on building a teaching career in different directions.

The NSDS proposes that the government use 3 job grades for such purposes.

  1. Teacher. Has graduated, has knowledge of the subject and is free to plan and conduct lessons.
  2. Senior teacher. A teacher with the first category, who has mastered innovative technologies, works with students with disabilities, and is able to independently develop a curriculum.
  3. Lead teacher. A teacher with the highest category, who has all the competencies of the previous level and acts as an integrator.

The head teacher can do mentoring, which does not take up too much of his time. By the way, each of the presented gradations has its own branch.

In conclusion, it remains only to add that the development of a new certification system for Russian teachers will continue until 2020. Approbation of innovations should take place in several regions of the country. Points and all other, more detailed information on the marked topic will be available shortly before the official entry into force of the upgrades.

Certification of teaching staff in 2017: recent changes. Mandatory and voluntary certification of teaching staff in 2017. Rules for passing certification.

Certification of teaching staff: new rules

Certification of teachers in 2017 implies new rules, according to which it will take place in two stages. First, the teacher will need to demonstrate his suitability for this noble profession. At the second stage, the teacher will have to prove that he has a reasonable right to acquire one or another pedagogical category. Raising the qualification level occurs only by decision of the commission, which directly assesses the level of competence and ability to work with children.

Russian teachers are provided with two types of certification. Certification of teaching staff in 2017, respectively, will remain mandatory and voluntary. Absolutely all teachers fall under mandatory certification, and voluntary certification allows the teacher to improve his qualifications, grow as a teacher, and also earn a nice increase in salary.

Mandatory certification of teaching staff in 2017

The mandatory certification of teachers in 2017 retains the latest changes introduced a year earlier, according to which it must be passed by a teacher every five years. Only educators who have managed to obtain a qualification category will receive an exemption from this requirement, plus, of course, it will not affect pregnant women.

Mandatory attestation of teachers in 2017 is not mandatory for teachers working at the school since 2015 or later. From maternity leave no one will pull out the teacher either - you can get under mandatory certification later - in the next two years from the day on which the teacher returns to teaching.

Similarly, teachers who, for some legal reason, have not worked in the last four months will be exempted from mandatory certification. They can be certified a year after they enter the workplace.

Voluntary certification of teaching staff in 2017

The voluntary type of certification (including the certification of teachers for the highest category) in 2017 will be carried out in the same form as before. This type of certification is provided to stimulate the professional growth of those teachers who do not just visit the workplace, but are sincerely interested in their own development as a professional, have a desire to improve and raise their level.

In order to get under voluntary certification, the teacher needs to draw up a statement of such a desire and send it to the principal of the school. The application is considered for up to one month, and with a positive decision, a special commission is assembled, and it will be entrusted with checking the level of the teacher. According to the law, the entire process itself takes up to two calendar months. If the teacher does not agree with the conclusion of the commission, the law provides for the convening of a special commission that will resolve this dispute, or going to court.

In order to successfully pass the certification of teachers for the highest category in 2017, the applicant must already have the first category, which he received in 2015 or earlier.

Having certified and received a new category, the teacher automatically gets the right to increase his salary.

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