An example of a teacher’s professional standard approved by the government of the Russian Federation. What does the professional standard for a kindergarten teacher include? General characteristics of professional standards for teachers

Professional standards in Russian Federation- these are the characteristics that each employee must meet to work in his position. Their concept and their very characteristics were first developed by the government by presidential decree No. 597. And the standards themselves were developed by the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation social protection. They are present on the official website and in Labor Code RF. Adjustable federal laws about changes registered with the Ministry of Justice.

From July 2016, every employer will be required to hire people who meet the requirements. That is, they will be mandatory for everyone. Changes and updates to standards are approved by order of the Ministry of Labor.

Professional standards approved by the Ministry of Labor 2016 - list

In the period from 2012 to 2013, documents were actively developed. And since 2013, their testing and implementation into the system began, but they were advisory in nature. This law is aimed, first of all, at improving the qualifications of employees so that they are more consistent with the structure of their activities. The list approved by the Ministry of Labor is available on the federal official website.

Based on all the requirements, the manager can create job descriptions, develop personnel policy, remuneration, training based on additional courses, certification or recertification of personnel. A document has been developed for many specialties, including lawyer, legal adviser, internal auditor, which are also approved by the Ministry of Justice. Each has several sections in its area.

Professional standard for a teacher from January 1, 2017

IN social sphere and in each educational institution, the teacher must meet certain requirements established by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection No. 544n. Since January 2015, the teacher must meet the requirements specified in the document. They plan to make changes starting in 2017. Applies to various educational organizations, including preschool (teacher position) and primary, secondary and higher education school education(teacher, teacher).

It defines the mandatory requirements for forming a workforce, namely: work experience, professional quality. It is indicated which subject teacher should teach children what and in what period to improve their qualifications.

The position of a psychologist has been introduced into this standard educational institution. He must test children and teachers, teach them to conduct self-analysis and self-assessment, and conduct educational presentations.

Professional standard for accountants since 2016

This regulatory document was developed in December 2014, put into operation in 2015 and is still in effect. It lists two positions: accountant (economist) and Chief Accountant. Each of them has its own requirements: qualification level, work experience, job responsibilities. On their basis, the organization develops the level of remuneration.

For a chief accountant it is shorter than for an ordinary accountant. The main responsibility is reporting and maintaining tax records. Then, as an accountant, it is the responsibility of keeping records for individual areas. The Ministry of Labor believes that one accountant cannot work in all areas. The employer can also reassign accountants to different positions - junior, senior accountant.

Purchasing Specialist

By Order of the Ministry of Labor No. 625n, which is called “Procurement Specialist,” standards were developed that are necessary for such an employee. They state what qualifications an employee must have for state and municipal procurement. Such a specialist must be able to conduct an examination of pricing and the quality of the product itself. The specialist constantly monitors all purchases and orders.

HR Specialist

A fairly large and multi-level document has been developed for the personnel officer. Specialists are divided into three categories: operational, tactical and strategic. Such a document clearly establishes what an employee should possess at his level, what knowledge should be available. For example, a person working in personnel records must know not only documenting. At higher positions, a person must be able to identify different sides of potential employees and know the basics of career development.

Occupational Safety Specialist

The rules for such an employee indicate the qualification levels (6 or 7) and what knowledge and skills the employee must have. And also what opportunities for advanced training exist.

An employee in such a position must be able to ensure safety during work and production. If this is a facility where there is increased danger, the employer can provide training courses for work at such an enterprise. If the enterprise is ordinary, at least three years of experience is required.

HR Specialist

This standard was introduced in November 2015. Sets requirements for specialists such as the ability to maintain documentation, ensure constant career, be able to manage your employees.

To get a job, specialized secondary education or training courses for such specialists are suitable. In order to get a managerial position, work experience must be at least 5 years.

From January 1, the professional standard for teachers 2017, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, will be introduced. This is a key document that contains a list of personal and professional competencies of a specialist.

The adopted document will become the basis for the certification of teachers and the assignment of qualification categories. Its standards will be followed when hiring and setting wages. Specifying the knowledge and skills that a teacher must possess, the professional standard reflects in detail his work actions and divides them into modules.

Professional standard for a teacher: structure

To create all professional standards, there is a single base - a layout that includes the following points:

  1. general characteristics professions. Name, activities of employees, classification according to OKVED and OKZ.
  2. Functional map. Functions of activity.
  3. Characteristics of labor functions. Detailed description knowledge, skills and types of actions that specialists carry out.
  4. Information about the development organizations.

The structure of a teacher’s professional standard is determined by two general components:

  • basic (“three pillars” pedagogical activity- training, education, development);
  • additional (project development and implementation educational programs taking into account the characteristics of the teacher’s work).

In addition, the professional standard has two additional blocks - “Mathematics” and “Russian language”. It follows that, for example, the qualifications of a Russian language teacher are determined by five labor functions:

  1. Education.
  2. Upbringing.
  3. Development.
  4. Implementation of educational programs.
  5. Block "Russian language".

According to Government Decree No. 584, the transition to new standards will continue until January 1, 2020. The new professional standard is not a rigidly fixed, “monolithic” document - it allows for the possibility of adding requirements depending on regional characteristics and internal standards of educational institutions.

In the meantime, educational organizations must develop a step-by-step plan for the transition to the professional standard. To avoid mistakes when preparing the necessary documentation, take part in the series of webinars “Organization and documentary support for the application of professional standards in college.”

To help the manager! Download methodological materials on taking into account the requirements of the professional standard when hiring (determining suitability for the position held, concluding an employment contract) in the context of applying the professional standard of a teacher

Professional standards for teachers in 2017: new tasks

The new document introduces five differentiated levels of teacher qualifications. They determine the requirements for knowledge, skills, abilities and experience that are necessary to perform a job function. The standard also includes a list of professional competencies. For example, to work fully, a teacher needs to have eighteen basic skills and abilities. Particular attention is paid to inclusive education and support for socially vulnerable and talented students.

We can say that the modern teacher is assigned the role of a social therapist who is able to recognize pedagogical and even psychological problems child. In collaboration with specialized specialists, the teacher must identify and solve a wide range of problems that the student has encountered.

“Pitfalls” of introducing the professional standard “Teacher”

Today there are more than a million teachers in Russia. Some of them are ready to follow the new rules, while others are not. the main problem- lack of conditions:

  1. Insufficient material resources. If the school intends to educate special children, the building must have elevators, ramps, equipped toilets, etc.
  2. Shortage of narrow specialists. In order for a teacher to be able to engage with all students, not only his knowledge, skills and desire are necessary. The staff should include psychologists, tutors, sign language interpreters, speech pathologists and medical workers.
  3. a lack of teaching materials on working with students of different categories.
  4. Weak base for training and retraining of teachers.
  5. The lack of a certification procedure that will allow an objective assessment of the increasingly complex work of a teacher and ensure his professional growth.
  6. Overload of teachers. Speaking about the need for a personal approach to each student, we will have to take into account that almost all teachers today work one and a half to two times. To meet the requirements of the standard, the workload should be no more than twenty hours per week.
  7. Lack of awareness among representatives of local ministries and education departments about what is required of teachers today. Managers' knowledge of pedagogy and psychology is minimal.
  8. Possibility of deterioration of relations in teaching teams. The emergence of a system of positions (teacher assistant and assistant, teacher, senior and head teacher, mentor and expert), according to many experts, can negatively affect the education system and lead to an outflow of personnel.

Against the backdrop of the introduction of the professional standard “Teacher”, everyone affected by it was divided into two camps - those who are confident that difficulties can be overcome, and those who call the document another headache. But since compliance with the standard will depend wage teacher, both will have to get down to business.

In the meantime, the school administration needs to develop a plan for a phased transition to the use of professional standards and at the same time take into account all the changes that occurred during 2016. Including the fact that new minister Education and Science Olga Vasilyeva announced a number of innovations in the professional standard of teachers, as well as the postponement of the date of introduction of this document at the request of the pedagogical community until January 1, 2018.

You will learn how to improve the work of your organization at the online marathon

Professional standards for teachers 2017year - a new phenomenon in Russian labor law. Let’s see what exactly the state plans to implement in this area and for which teaching professions professional standards will apply from the beginning of 2017.

The goals of the introduction of professional standards for teachers by the Ministry of Labor

Since June 2016, Russia began introducing professional standards - documents detailing the level of qualifications that each of the workers listed in them must have. As of May 2017, standards have been approved for more than 35 areas of activity - and the first place among them is the education sector.

The reason for the introduction of professional standards by the Ministry was the unsatisfactory situation that prevailed in determining the qualifications that workers should have in those areas to which the state pays special attention. The norms in force before the adoption of professional standards are only advisory in nature and are not always applied in practice. In addition, some of the descriptions of professions in the field of education were approved more than 20 years ago and simply do not correspond to the current situation.

The state and the president personally see one of the ways to correct the current situation as the approval of universally binding standards for those who work in the pedagogical field. The introduction of professional standards for teachers will solve several issues at once:

  1. Determine exactly what qualifications a teacher should have.
  2. Provide the necessary training for future workers in this field.
  3. Notify educators of the requirements that will apply to them.
  4. Involve teachers, educators and professors themselves in raising the level of education in Russia.

General characteristics of professional standards for teachers

In general, the professional standard of teaching staff is a document on which depends:

  • opportunity specific person work in the teaching field;
  • wages;
  • procedure for calculating length of service;
  • determining the amount of pension;
  • planning a career as a teacher.

In a word, the professional standard of a teacher is a document that not only establishes the basic requirements for a teacher’s qualifications, but also gives general definition activities carried out by this employee.

In general, the professional standard is a framework document and, if necessary, is supplemented by requirements approved in the regions, taking into account local characteristics. In addition, the internal standards of an educational institution may also contain additional requirements for teaching staff.

Draft professional standard for teachers in 2013, professional standards for teaching staff in 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017

The development of professional standards for teachers began long before the date of their planned implementation. The first of the approved projects in this area was the general professional standard defining the profession - “Teacher”. It was adopted in December 2013.

This document establishes a list of labor functions for teachers, educators and instructors, divided into several categories:

  • preschool education (for children under 7 years old);
  • primary education (grades 1-4);
  • basic education (grades 5-9);
  • secondary (up to 11th grade).

In this case we're talking about about teachers working in the field of general education, which every child in Russia has the right to count on. Vocational education is described in separate regulatory documents.

In 2014, no professional standards for teaching staff were adopted, but in 2015, the Ministry of Labor approved 3 professional standards at once:

  • for educational psychologist;
  • teacher working in the field additional education(both children and adults);
  • teacher involved in vocational training.

Since July 2016, professional standards have become mandatory, but an exception has been made for teachers - for representatives of this profession, the mandatory use of professional standards is dated January 1, 2017.

Content and structure of the completed professional teacher standard

All professional standards are developed according to a single layout, which was approved by order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 147n dated April 12, 2013. According to this order, professional standards for any employees, including teachers, must consist of the following parts:

  1. General characteristics of the profession. It indicates exactly what the profession is called, what specific activities are carried out by the workers engaged in it, as well as its classification according to OKVED and OKZ.
  2. Functional map. This section describes those functions that are included in teaching activities.
  3. Characteristics of labor functions. Here, each of the generalized labor functions (in fact, areas of activity) is described in detail, indicating the requirements for the qualifications of a teacher. It also describes the knowledge, skills and specific types of actions that a teacher, educator or teacher performs.
  4. Information about the developing organizations.

The specific content for each of the professional standards depends on what specific teaching profession it was compiled for.

October 18, 2017. At the Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University October 18 from 11:00 to 13:00(Moscow time) a remote seminar (webinar) will be held “Discussion of regional experience in applying the professional standard “Teacher-psychologist (educational psychologist)”

Organizers of the webinar: Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation; All-Russian public organization "Federation of Educational Psychologists of Russia", Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University.

Date and time of the webinar: October 18, 2017 from 11:00 to 13:00 (Moscow time).

Webinar participants:
members of the All-Russian public organization"Federation of Educational Psychologists of Russia", representatives of bodies executive power subjects of the Russian Federation carrying out public administration in the field of education, coordinators and members of pilot sites of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for testing and implementation of the professional standard “Teacher-psychologist (psychologist in the field of education)”, educational psychologists educational organizations, representatives of higher and additional organizations vocational education implementing programs vocational training educational psychologists, experts in the development and application of professional standards.

Participants webinar must be filled out application in electronic form ().

The webinar will take place at remote form.

Participation in the webinar is free.

Information partners of the webinar:

  • Website of the Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University - mgppu.rf

Purpose of the webinar: discussion of the results of monitoring regional experience in applying the professional standard “Teacher-psychologist (educational psychologist).”

Main objectives of the webinar:

  1. Analysis of the practice of applying the professional standard “Teacher-psychologist (psychologist in the field of education)”, identification and analysis of problems in its implementation;
  2. Discussion of issues of updating the professional standard “Teacher-psychologist (psychologist in the field of education).”

Webinar materials

Information letter about the webinar seminar (download)
Seminar-webinar program (download)
Recommendations for the application of the professional standard “Teacher-psychologist (educational psychologist)” in adaptation mode (download)
Professional standard “Teacher-psychologist (educational psychologist)” (download)


1. Date of the video broadcast October 18, 2017
2. Time of video broadcast from 11:00 to 13:00 Moscow time
3. Technical requirements for equipment for viewing video broadcasts
  1. Personal computer with Internet access.
  2. Speakers, headphones or built-in speaker.
4. Connect to video broadcast At 11:00 am on October 18, 2017, the video broadcast of the webinar will begin.

Connection link for the webinar video broadcast:

5. Note If the “Broadcast will start in...” page opens on your computer screen instead of the live video broadcast via this link, this means that the video broadcast has not yet started (until 11:00 am on 10/18/17). In such a case, you should refresh the video broadcast page (F5 button) (after 11:00 am on 10/18/2017) or re-follow the link provided in point 4.
6. Recommendations for remote participants of the webinar seminar: A) Presentations of speakers, as well as other webinar materials (including a video recording of the webinar) will be posted on the website. B) Remote participants of the webinar seminar can post their questions and comments on the video broadcast page. To post questions and comments, you must have and authorize your Google (Gmail) email address. You can also send questions to our email address [email protected].

C) If any difficulties arise during a live video broadcast, please contact a video broadcast technical support specialist - Yulia Shulenina e-mail(e-mail: [email protected]).

Requirements for teaching staff, including teachers of preschool organizations, will now be regulated by a new regulatory document. On January 1, 2017, the Professional Standard for Teachers, approved by the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, came into force. What are the consequences for the employer in connection with the entry into force of the above document? What actions does a manager need to take to apply the professional standard? Let's look at these questions in this article.

When will the professional standard for a teacher come into effect?

As we noted above, this document came into force on January 1, 2017. Fortunately, this does not mean that right from the beginning of this year, the employer must be strictly guided by this professional standard, and employees must meet the requirements specified in it. There are regulations that will allow the employer to prepare a little for work according to the professional standard of a teacher, approved by the Ministry of Labor.

1. Draft Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, which suspends the professional standard of a teacher. In the specified legal act It is proposed to postpone the start date of the professional standard for teaching staff to September 1, 2019. The reasons for the postponement are the following circumstances:

  • numerous appeals from teaching staff and representatives of trade unions that employers and employees are not yet ready to apply the professional standard;
  • a unified system for assessing the level of professional competence of teachers has not been formed;
  • Federal state standards of higher and professional education must be brought into line with the professional standard.

Currently this document is only on the stage public discussion and has not yet completed the registration procedure with the Ministry of Justice. We are monitoring the progress of this adoption normative act, and we will keep you updated on this issue.

2. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 27, 2016 N 584. This government decree establishes the specifics of the application of professional standards in state and municipal institutions. Officials gave these organizations time to switch to applying the professional standard until January 1, 2020.

What actions need to be taken to switch to the professional standard of a teacher?

The above decree of the Government of the Russian Federation notes that by the beginning of 2020, state and municipal institutions must completely switch to the use of professional standards. To do this, you will need to approve a plan for organizing the application of the professional standard. This plan must include the following information:

  • a list of professional standards that are subject to application in your organization;
  • on the need for employees to receive additional education and vocational training after assessing the compliance of their competence with the qualification requirements specified in the professional standard, as well as information on the implementation of these activities;
  • stages of application of the professional standard;
  • a list of internal documents of the organization that will need to be amended in connection with the application of the professional standard (regulations on certification, regulations on bonuses, job descriptions, etc.).

You can view and download the Professional Standard for Teachers, approved by the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, using the link located at the end of the article.

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