Anatoly Kashpirovsky is now in America gathering full houses. Biography of Kashpirovsky, family and interesting facts from life What happened to the face of Kashpirovsky

In New York, Anatoly Kashpirovsky speaks in the conference hall of a hotel on the outskirts of the city. Interest in the healer has not faded either in America or in Russia. True, meetings with him are now called not "sessions of mass hypnosis," but "creative evenings" and "conferences," Komsomolskaya Pravda writes.


"He works in Russia. It's just that now he has performances in America. People were waiting for him. These are immigrants, old fans, and Americans," said the master's assistant, Sergey. Moreover, on May 29, Kashpirovsky held a global action: he promised to save all the inhabitants of the planet from snoring. The only condition was that you had to concentrate for three minutes, and after that you couldn’t touch your nose for six hours.

“The fantasticness of this unusual action lies not only in the instant (in three minutes) correction of the nose of thousands of people, but also in the absolute absence of any visual, audio and video contacts with me as the source of this programming,” Kashpirovsky himself said about the session .

According to the lawyer of the healer Sergei Zhorin, Anatoly Kashpirovsky is in excellent physical shape. He is engaged in physical education and squats 1200 times a day: 600 in the morning and 600 in the evening, and this is at 77 years old. The healer is officially divorced, and if he ever ties himself in marriage, then by all means with a "goddess", for whom he himself will be a "god".

“There is no hypnosis in my practice. I don’t advocate at all for there to be faith in me. Who am I to believe in me like that? But I believe in people,” the specialist in psychological treatment once said. This is how the healer now calls himself, who gathered stadiums and millions of television audiences at his sessions.

Name: Anatoly Kashpirovskiy

Age: 77 years old

Place of Birth: Khmelnitsky, Ukraine

Activity: Soviet psychotherapist, psychic, TV presenter

Family status: married

Anatoly Kashpirovsky - biography

In the 90s of the last century, this stocky man with piercing gaze knew all Soviet Union. He has 11 million cured people, a remote anesthesia teleconference, the status of a Soviet millionaire and a very real opportunity to become the president of the USSR and the first space healer.

He was idolized and cursed, considered a genius and a charlatan, called the new Christ and magician, sorcerer, psychic. And Anatoly Kashpirovsky invariably answered these attacks: “I am an ordinary person!” But hardly any of us is able to carry out anesthesia with words. Or put 6 thousand people on the ground at the same time, at the same time improving their health. Or in 3 minutes to save several hundred children from nocturnal enuresis. And although in the 1990s there were experts who described the Kashpirovsky method, even they argued that it alone was not enough. Personality matters. Very strong and charismatic personality.

Anatoly Kashpirovsky - childhood

He was born on August 11, 1939 in Ukraine, in the village of Stavnitsa, Medzhybizh region. The father is a military man, so the family often had to move. Once a misfortune happened to the boy: he was injured, due to which one leg became shorter and thinner than the other. Become disabled? Victim of fate? No way!

Anatoly decided that wrestling and weightlifting would help him recover. And once the decision is made, it must be carried out! As a teenager, Tolya worked out every day with a two-pound weight. Already in his college years, he lifted a barbell weighing up to 220 kilograms, did a “pistol” on his left leg with a load of 100 kilograms (and now Anatoly Mikhailovich can perform three approaches in a row!).

The consequences of the trauma disappeared, or rather, they were transformed into an understanding that a person is able to overcome any misfortune. If you really want to. Hence the choice of a further path: psychiatry.

At that time, it was a conglomerate of very harsh, "punitive" methods: electric shock, injections of potent narcotic drugs, the absolute power of the doctor over the patient. Fortunately, in the 1960s, the development of domestic psychotherapy began, which assumed a much milder effect - hypnosis, suggestion ...

Kashpirovsky became interested in these methods later, after graduating from the institute and becoming a doctor in the Vinnitsa mental hospital named after A.I. Yushchenko, began to put them into practice. Of course, he had to convince the management (until he himself headed the clinic), but it was worth it: Anatoly Mikhailovich really wanted to help the sick. This was the beginning of his unique method.

The work of a psychiatrist is one of the most difficult. A clouded consciousness often coexists with a brilliant intellect. Looking for ways to return a person to reason, Kashpirovsky "learned the mind through madness" and often took huge risks - for example, he allowed his patients to go for walks. Because he was sure that it would be better for them.

Kashpirovsky traveled all over the country, speaking in village clubs in front of drunken collective farmers, and in front of convicts in the colonies, and in front of reindeer herders, who hardly understood Russian. More than 1700 sessions, hundreds of thousands of people.

At first, Anatoly Mikhailovich adhered to classical methods. True, the first evening in the city of Yampol almost became the last: they managed to hypnotize the audience only from the third time. Then - months of developments. In 1971, with the help of the same hypnosis, Kashpirovsky successfully performed anesthesia for 17 operations in the ENT department of the Vinnitsa railway hospital, treated children with enuresis, and later trained the Soviet military contingent in Afghanistan. And gradually built his own revolutionary method. And since 1974, he categorically refused to use hypnosis: “I realized that it is not a component of the cure. The main thing is the installation. Setting Attention.

Anatoly Kashpirovsky: "I give the installation!"

Briefly about his method, Anatoly Mikhailovich says this: “I believe that the human brain contains a “bank of information” about the state of the whole organism. In my sessions, I create such an attitude of the patients' psyche, in which this bank, as it were, is liberated, and through it nervous system finds a vulnerable spot in the body, seeks to heal it... There is faith in consciousness and faith in the subconscious. My method is rather to influence the subconscious. It is on the subconscious that I give instructions for healing.

It sounds vague, but the main thing is not the words, but the result. And Kashpirovsky's patients got rid of not only psychosomatic, that is, caused by "nerves", diseases, but also from serious systemic ailments - psoriasis, diabetes, osteochondrosis, arthritis, heart attacks, aneurysms, obstruction of the esophagus, allergies ... And if before 1989 there were thousands of such healed people (more than 60 thousand letters of thanks per year), then after the famous "health TV shows" on Central Television (since October 1989) the account went into the millions.

True, there were those who, after watching the programs, became worse. A wave of criticism fell upon Kashpirovsky: some called him a charlatan, others called him an evil manipulator hypnotist. And he managed remotely, being in a TV studio in Kiev, to protect two women in Tbilisi from pain during operations on the abdominal cavity at the same time: one for 3 hours, the other for more than 6 hours. And he explained: “There is truth, a pattern that I just approached. This is inherent in nature: a person can anesthetize at a distance, cause positive reactions in the body. And I just put my soul into this process.”

Probably, it was this “put his soul” that scared and scares the opponents of Kashpirovsky. After all, the session itself is simple: a short man in black rises to the stage to the music, sits down and begins to talk about his method and the person in general. No negative information, paradoxes, explanations that are fascinating and understandable even to a poorly educated person, among them are rare indications “Now you all won’t get sick” or the famous “I give the installation”, real examples of cures: one had an allergy, the other had darkened hair. Long, minute by minute. And all in order to transfer the critical mind of the audience to other rails, to reach out to their subconscious and give it those very settings.

At the end - a few demonstrations: he called a dozen people onto the stage (each with his own sores), pointed at them with his finger (or looked), they fell. And they got up almost (or completely) healthy. It seems to be nothing complicated, but those who could repeat Kashpirovsky's experiments have not yet been found.

However, he himself is aware of this, saying: “I myself am a method. I can start reading any book, and people will get better.” Success is hidden not in techniques, but in the unbending will of the psychotherapist. It is she who breaks through the barriers of thoughts into the depths of the human subconscious - even if there are a lot of people - and activates it.

And then, if the patient's psyche is healthy, there is an improvement, if not, problems come to the fore. Is it dangerous? According to Kashpirovsky himself, nothing more than getting up on an alarm clock. And he is sure: each person is endowed with a will that is able to act independently. In awakening it, the psychotherapist sees the next task. Therefore, at the age of 77, he continues to conduct sessions. Despite everything. The decision has been made and it must be carried out.

Victoria Kataeva. Interlocutor , March 2, 2013

20 years ago, in 1993, the Russian Ministry of Health banned the mass sessions of Anatoly Kashpirovsky, Allan Chumak and other psychotherapists. Prior to that, for five years the country seemed to be under mass hypnosis. People fell asleep to the sound of a working TV. A monotonous voice sounded from the screens: “Your body is relaxed, your hands are getting heavy ...” Or Allan Chumak charged creams and water with hand passes. And the audience put the jars in front of the TV screens! Where are they now - those whose concerts in the 90s the Russians rushed more than the concerts of pop stars?

The patient boasted of orgasms

The triumphal ascent of a psychotherapist from Ukraine Anatoly Kashpirovsky began in March 1988. Then there was his first television broadcast in the provocative program "Vzglyad".

So, live broadcast. Kashpirovsky - in Moscow, in the Ostankino television studio. And one and a half thousand kilometers away in Kyiv, surgeons perform an operation to remove a cancerous tumor from a young woman. They cut without anesthesia, Kashpirovsky introduced the patient into a trance. The whole country froze at the TV screens! The operation went well. And crowds of people poured into Kashpirovsky's sessions! Strange, but true. To this day, that operated patient flatly refuses to communicate with journalists, as if she is afraid to blurt out too much.

A few months later, the therapist showed another trick. Now in Tbilisi.

Two girls simultaneously underwent a complex operation without anesthesia. Kashpirovsky also gave orders from Moscow at a distance, being under the gun of dozens of television cameras.

One of the patients, while she was cut up, demanded champagne in a frenzy. The second moaned voluptuously. And in the final, she reported that she had experienced several orgasms in a row.

“There has never been anything like it in my memory! - the surgeon who performed the operation, Professor Georgy Ioseliani, was delighted.

Once a group of reputable doctors wrote a letter to the Russian government with a request to ban mass experiments on people. Specific names, however, were not given by the doctor. The cry of scientists then remained unanswered.

Now Kashpirovsky lives in America. He occasionally visits Ukraine, where he has an apartment. In Russia, on one of the central channels, not so long ago they planned to revive his sessions. However, for some unknown reason, they changed their minds. It is worth noting that Kashpirovsky still has many fans around the world. They sincerely believe that if you attach a photo of the guru to a sore spot, you will be cured. And it seems that there are even examples of healing. Psychotherapy gurus are known to hide their son. The boy has had a different surname since childhood, and his father stops any attempts by journalists to find his heir.

Longo was not as afraid of death as the mortuary

Yuri Longo became famous for his "crown trick" - the revival of a corpse.

The main "trick" of the master was filmed in one of the capital's morgues. A corpse lay on a gurney, Longo waved his arms, and the body rose above its "bed"...

The plot got into one of the TV programs, and the next day the magician woke up as a star. It was only recently that one of his actor friends split that he played the role of that very corpse. People from close circle said that after the sensational trick, Yuri Andreevich acquired a phobia: he became wildly afraid of morgues. But he treated death philosophically.

Longo passed away in February 2006. He passed away from a sudden illness, although he was healthy as an ox. There were rumors that Grigory Grabovoi sent damage to him. During this period, Longo strongly condemned his methods of work.

Just as mysterious was the death of Nikolai Levashov, a well-known healer in the 1990s. He died last summer full of strength men's heart stopped. The doctors who performed the autopsy were shocked: all organs, including the heart, were completely healthy!

Stephanie renounced magic

There is an opinion that unique people have to pay a high price for their gift. Some powerful superpowers seem to hit on the most sick person - children.

Juna's 26-year-old son Vakho died in a car accident. Although all the healer's colleagues predicted young man long life.

Juna, who put the elite of the Politburo on its feet, stopped holding receptions. She closed herself within four walls and almost never happens anywhere. She is said to have health problems.

Don't you dare call me again! Damn it! the healer said when we tried to contact her.

Allan Chumak, the most good-natured of the magicians of the 1990s, also experienced a dark period: his son was robbed and beaten on the street. Okay, he's still alive. The healer himself, and in the past a journalist, is now retired. He is under 80. They say he occasionally loads creams at the request of his wife and friends.

Maria Stephanie in the 1990s treated with touches of hands and herbal decoctions. It was said that a woman heals from all diseases, including cancer. "I can do anything!" – authoritatively stated Stephanie. The sufferers lined up. In gratitude for the healing, people carried money and jewelry. At the beginning of the 2000s, Stephanie stopped mass sessions. And the money was transferred to orphanages and nursing homes.

This happened after a series of misfortunes in her life: she buried her mother, then she herself fell ill - oncology. She got up with difficulty. She turned to faith and now declares: “Only God can do miracles. We mere mortals don't.

By the way

Where are they now?

    Mziya Levashova. In the 90s, the first wife of Nikolai Levashov declared herself an alien from outer space to the sinful Earth. Healed with hands. Now lives in Spain. She declared herself the second coming of Christ. There are rumors about her ill health.

    Anatoly Kondratiev. In the 90s, he promised to carry out operations to replace the soul and all internal organs. According to some reports, he went to the monastery.

    Evgeny Dubitsky suggested calling his phantom double if something hurts or is just sad. He promised to "come to everyone." Now he lives in the village, writes paintings and fantasy novels.

Some consider him a talented psychotherapist, others - a successful swindler. Some of his sessions were healed of illnesses, while others were brought to the threshold of a psychiatric clinic. In any case, it is safe to say that the hypnotist Kashpirovsky, whose biography is presented in this article, is an ambiguous personality.

Despite his very specific activities, Kashpirovsky does not believe in the existence of psychics and considers phenomena to be pure fiction. Anatoly Mikhailovich has a Ph.D. in medical sciences, but he is very skeptical about the Hippocratic oath. Kashpirovsky is known in many countries of the world, he conducted sessions in Russia and Germany, Poland and Canada, the USA, Israel, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria.

First steps

Kashpirovsky Anatoly Mikhailovich was born in the Ukrainian city of Proskurov (now Khmelnitsky) on August 11, 1939. During the years of the Great Patriotic War future the psychotherapist, together with his mother, brother and two sisters, lived in evacuation in the Kazakh SSR. The father of the family was at the front at that time.

After graduating from the Vinnitsa Medical Institute in 1962, Kashpirovsky got a job in a psychiatric clinic named after A.I. Yushchenko, where he worked as a psychotherapist for 25 years.

Fame came to Kashpirovsky in 1989, when the psychotherapist conducted several television sessions that were broadcast on the territory of the former USSR.

In 1990, Anatoly Mikhailovich's program was closed due to the ban on mass treatment sessions initiated by President Yeltsin.

What is Kashpirovsky famous for?

Held two teleconferences (Kyiv-Tbilisi in 1989 and Moscow-Kyiv in 1988) during which he used anesthesia instead. Three patients requiring surgical intervention were selected as objects. Names of women: Olga Ignatova, Lesya Yurshova and Lyubov Grabovskaya. Surgical operations were successfully completed without anesthesia.

Used the method of "turning on the internal alarm clock" for the treatment of enuresis. Conducted five telecasts on Ukrainian television in 1988 with the aim of ridding children of enuresis.

The sessions conducted by Chumak and Kashpirovsky were perceived by the audience as some kind of mysterious magical action. However, Anatoly Mikhailovich never talked about the use of "", "fluids", "astral entities" and other subtle matters. His approach is a cross between hypnosis and the work of a psychotherapist.

Kashpirovsky, whose biography has been actively discussed for more than two decades, is famous not only for hypnotic television sessions. The psychotherapist is a master of sports in weightlifting and a candidate of medical sciences.

From 1993 to 1995 Anatoly Mikhailovich was a State Duma deputy from the LDPR faction. On March 5, 1993, he announced his withdrawal from the party, accusing the LDPR leader Zhirinovsky of war propaganda and racism.

Where is Kashpirovsky now

According to media reports, the famous psychotherapist lives in the United States, occasionally visits Ukraine, where he has an apartment, and Russia. Anatoly Mikhailovich does not conduct group sessions, he is engaged in private practice. On Russian TV last time appeared in 2009, in a series of programs broadcast on the NTV channel. It has an official website, where press releases and speeches by the gurus of domestic hypnosis are presented, and there is also an archive with reports of cures.

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