Father of Zeus and Hades. Gods of Ancient Greece - Hestia. Gracious times of Hellas

Deep underground, the evil and treacherous god Hades reigns. His sad possessions are full of darkness and monsters. Living souls are forbidden to enter here, and the dead wander aimlessly through a meadow planted with asphodels, or they are tormented in eternal suffering.

History of appearance and image

In mythology Ancient Greece Hades has double meaning: it is also the name of god underworld the dead, and the underworld itself, where souls go after death. The realm of shadows in the ancient tradition is located in the west, just beyond the Ocean River. However, in Homer one can find two places where living beings go to rest: human shadows live in Hades, and the overthrown titans live in Tartarus.

Hades as a god possesses rich biography and plays a significant role in mythology. The offspring of the titan (or the god of agriculture) Kron and the titanides Rhea was absorbed by the father at birth, like his other children -, and. Later, Hades participated in the first war of the gods and titans on the side of the Olympians, and when the world was divided, he stood at the helm of the Kingdom of the Dead.

In antiquity, Hades was revered as the lord of underground wealth - he bestowed a harvest from the bowels of the earth. This idea did not come about by accident. They were afraid to pronounce the name of the terrible god aloud, so the researchers of the ancient epic believe that the second name, rooted in the 5th century - Pluto - he received thanks to the selection of epithets by people. As a result, Hades was endowed with the features and characteristics of the god of wealth and fertility, Plutos, and the characterization of the image softened a little.

In legends, Hades has a hat-helmet that makes the owner invisible, a gift from the Cyclopes for liberation. Ruthless, cunning and gloomy, underground Zeus, as he called him, sends a languishing feeling of hopelessness and doom to people, with the help of a sword locks him in the Kingdom dead souls. Another ability of God is the ability to revive the deceased, but he rarely uses this gift, therefore he considers it wrong to violate the laws of life.

Hades looks like Zeus. The deity was represented as a man of advanced years with a luxurious beard. Sometimes he was depicted with a two-pronged pitchfork or with a scepter, the tip of which is crowned with the heads of three dogs. Hades has the ability to leave the Kingdom of the Dead and travels around the world in a cart drawn by black horses.

Hades and the Realm of the Dead

In mature Greek mythology Several paths lead to the Kingdom of the Dead. Souls and living guests (and there were many such visitors) enter at least three doors: at the Tenar cape (Laconia), at the Italian lake Avernus and in Pylos (in the west of the Peloponnese). Across the river Acheron, separating world of the dead from the underworld, the gloomy Charon transports the aliens. A three-headed dog welcomes the shadows and lets the guests inside, but does not let anyone out.

Then the souls will have to appear before, Eak and Rhadamanth, who are empowered to judge the actions of people. If grave sins not discovered, the soul takes a sip from the river Lethe, forever forgets its former life and wanders detachedly through the endless field where asphodels bloom. Great sinners who have committed serious crimes doomed to endure torment on the banks of the Styx. However, the martyrs are given the opportunity to beg for forgiveness from the victims and also settle in a meadow with asphodels: once a year, souls emerge on Lake Acherusia, where they meet with those who have been offended.

Hades rules the Kingdom of shadows together with his wife. God once stole the patroness of fertility from her mother Demeter and forcibly took her as his wife. The parent was shattered by grief because of parting with her beloved daughter, so much so that the earth ceased to bear fruit.

In desperation, the goddess turned to Zeus demanding the return of Persephone, and supreme god ordered his brother to fulfill the request. Hades agreed, but went to the trick - he fed his wife a pomegranate, so she was destined to return to the gloomy underworld. Since then, Persephone has been living on earth for two-thirds of the year, and the rest of the time she helps her husband rule Hades.

Hades and other heroes of myths

The terrible god is mentioned in the myth about. The musician and poet, in the hope of finding his dead beloved, descended into the realm of the dead. With the magical music of the harp, the man managed to conquer the heart of Hades, and the lord of the underworld allowed Eurydice to return to earth.

In legends, Hades interacts with a scattering of characters. The main offenders of the ruler of the Kingdom of the Dead included and.

Some myths say that Hercules wounded Hades in the shoulder during the battle for the city of Pylos. In others, the god was injured when the fearless hero, the son of Zeus, appeared at the gates of the underworld to steal the terrible three-headed guard Cerberus for King Eurystheus.

Theseus demanded that Hades give Pirithous, the king of the Lapiths, his wife Persephone. The enraged ruler of the underworld showed no emotion, deciding to defeat the offenders with cunning: he suggested Theseus and Pirithous to get comfortable on the throne. When they sat down, they firmly rooted to him. Later, Theseus was saved by Hercules, but the king of the Lapiths remained to while away a century in a gloomy dungeon.

Screen adaptations

Hades in the cartoon "Hercules"

Filmmakers enjoy working with material based on ancient Greek myths, and Hades has appeared in several films. With the participation of the character, they even released a cartoon and a series - "Hercules". God afterlife plans to overthrow brother Zeus and seize power in the world of the living. The plans are hindered by the nephew Hercules, whom the deity is trying to destroy by all means. In the Russian dubbing, the antagonist is voiced by actor Nikolai Burov.

One of the main roles of the lord of the Kingdom of the Dead was given in the film Wrath of the Titans (1981) and the remake of Clash of the Titans (2010). The first action adventure was directed by Jonathan Liebesman, and the sequel was created by Louis Leterrier. Appeared in the form of Hades.

In 2009, viewers saw a film adaptation of the novel Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief. The villain Hades hunts Zeus' lightning. The role was played by Briton Steve Coogan.

The authors of the television series "Call of Blood", which has been on Canadian television since 2010, also experimented with the image of Hades, turning him into the father of the main character named Bo - a supernatural being, energy vampire but girls with a good soul. Reincarnated as Hades.

The serial life of God continued in the work of Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz "Once Upon a Time". In this fantasy, the hero acts as an antagonist. The Hades costume was tried on by American Greg Germann.

God Zeus

Chain of Zeus. Zeus reigns over the whole world and Olympus, the father of gods and people, immortals and mortals. He is the strongest of the gods. With which his servants are inseparable - Power, Strength and Victory-Nika. None of the gods can compare with his power. If you lower a strong golden chain from Olympus, give one end to the hands of Zeus, the other to all the gods, then even then they would not only be able to throw Zeus to Earth, but even slightly shake him on the golden throne. But if Zeus pulled the chain, he would lift all the gods on it along with the earth and the sea, wrap the chain around the top of Olympus and leave the whole world suspended among the expanses of heaven.

Aegis of Zeus. Zeus is the owner of the aegis, therefore he is called "Aegioh", "Aegis holder". But what is the aegis, no one knows for sure. Some say that it is a goat-skin shield, others that it is a cloak, but all agree that the terrifying head of the Gorgon Medusa is attached to the aegis. When Zeus shakes his aegis over two troops that have converged in battle, the sky is shrouded in heavy clouds, lightning flashes, thunder rumbles, instilling fear in the souls of one army, filling the hearts of another with vigor and courage. In this way, Zeus brings victory in battle, so one of his names is Zeus the Victorious.

Zeus and people. As the owner of thunder and lightning, the god who sends a thunderstorm, Zeus is called the Thunderer, the Cloudbreaker, the High-Thunderer. With his lightning, he incinerates the wicked, people who violate the laws he has established in the world. The punishment of Zeus is terrible for people, but Zeus is merciful to those who honor the gods. He is a "Help in need", "Guardian", "Savior", "Friendly". He is a deity that was honored by all the Hellenes, so he was called Zeus All-Hellenic.

God Zeus on the throne. Fragment of a Greek crater

Zeus is the king of the universe. Zeus is honored by both gods and people. When he enters his palace on Olympus, all the gods and goddesses stand respectfully before him. Speaking his will, Zeus shifts his blue-black eyebrows and confirms his words with a nod of his head. From the foot to the top, Olympus oscillates at this moment. The word given by Zeus in this way is unbreakable.

Zeus is subject to all people living on earth, from him their troubles and good luck, happiness and misfortune. As the Greek poet Hesiod wrote:

Give strength to the powerless and plunge the strong into insignificance, Take away happiness from the lucky, suddenly exalt the unknown, Straighten the hunched camp or hunch the back of the haughty - It is very easy for the thunderer who lives in the highest.

Vessels of good and evil. At the throne of Zeus are two large vessels: in one of them are the gifts of good, in the other - evil. Zeus draws good and evil from them and sends them to people. If a person is very dear to him, he receives only gifts of goodness, his life passes happily and serenely. [But the Greeks understood that there is no life without sorrows,” as the Greek tragedian Sophocles said, “both in the future and in the past, only one law is omnipotent - it does not pass without sorrow human life!»] Sadness is a sign of Zeus's discontent. Fall on the one who angers the Thunderer, his evil gifts: misfortunes, illnesses, poverty, hunger! Therefore, it is best that in life it be like most people have: that good and evil are approximately equal, joy and sorrow alternate in life.

Themis, assistant of Zeus. Great severe deities help Zeus to manage the destinies of the world: Themis, the keeper of the laws, the daughter of Uranus and Gaia, watches that the laws are not violated either on earth or on Olympus.

She was depicted with scales and a sword in her hands, and sometimes blindfolded. The meaning of these symbols was as follows: the scales served to weigh the guilt of the defendant, the sword - to punish the guilty, and the eyes were blindfolded because the just judge should not succumb to sympathy for the one whom he judges, as if he should not “see” him, but only listen to what is said for and against the defendant.

Dike and Nemesis. If Themis made sure that everything was according to the law, then the daughter of her and Zeus Dike - "Justice" - watched that everything was in fairness. She was a defender of truth and an enemy of deceit. [It is no coincidence that in one of the images she was shown beating Adikia - "Injustice".]

Nemesis, the formidable goddess of just retribution with a punishing sword in her hand, observes that the measure of good and evil is never violated in the world. No criminal will escape punishment; even if the crime is committed in secret and there are no witnesses, Nemesis will take care of retribution.

Revenge for the poet Ivik. Here is how, for example, the murder of the poet Ivik was avenged. When Ivik was heading for a singing competition in the city of Corinth, where the Isthmian games were celebrated in honor of Poseidon, he was robbed and killed on a deserted road. No one saw the atrocity, not a single person was around, only a crane wedge flew across the sky. The dying poet addressed the cranes with his last request: let them help expose the killers. Ivik was never expected at the festival, and soon his body was found, and no one could say who was responsible for his death. And so, when a performance was going on in the theater in Corinth [Greek theaters were open-air and could hold tens of thousands of people], the cranes flew low over the theater, cooing their sad songs. Then all the people heard a cry full of horror: “Look at the sky! The accursed Ivik called the cranes!” It was one of the killers who turned to his accomplice, remembering the dying words of his victim. Both of them were immediately captured, confessed to their crime and suffered a well-deserved punishment. At the same time, not a single Greek would doubt that the murderers were identified and punished by Nemesis herself.

Moira goddesses. The fate of people and gods, according to the ideas of the ancient Greeks, is determined by three inexorable goddesses, the sisters of Moira [their name has the same origin as the Russian word "measure"]. Moira named Clotho ("Spinner") spins the thread of a person's life: the thread breaks - and life is over. Her sister Lachesis ("Measuring the lot") takes out, without looking, the lot that is intended for a person in life. The third moira, Atropos ("Inevitable"), cuts the thread of life spun by Clotho; no one can avoid death, nothing can avert it, which is why Atropos received such a name. Moira are harsh and inexorable, even Zeus himself is subject to them, and nothing in the world can escape the fate that they appointed him.

Oracle of Zeus at Dodona and Olympic Games. As the ruler of the world, who himself is subject to Fate, but has power over the destinies of people, Zeus knows the future, and if asked about it, he can give an answer.

In the city of Dodona, there was the temple of Zeus, famous throughout Greece, with an oracle, to which people turned for predictions. They received the answer in the form of rustling leaves on the sacred oak of Zeus or the murmur of a stream that flowed under this oak.

Once every four years, all the Hellenes were going to honor Zeus in the city dedicated to him, located in southern Greece - Olympia. The Olympic Games, the most famous of all Greek holidays, were held here. For a while, a sacred truce was declared in Greece, wars stopped, and no one dared to interfere with people going to Olympia - they were under the protection of Zeus. The holiday lasted five days, and the winners in the Olympic competitions were considered people marked by the grace of Zeus himself. They were rewarded not with any valuables, but with an olive wreath, and there was nothing more honorable than this award.

Statue of Zeus

Temple of Zeus and his figure.

Here, in Olympia, one could also see the image of the supreme god, which was known throughout Hellas and was considered one of the seven wonders of the world. In the temple of Zeus was his statue, made of gold and ivory by the great sculptor Phidias. God was depicted seated on a throne made of gold, ivory and ebony. Zeus calmly looks ahead of him, his figure is full of grandeur, golden hair falls on his shoulders. IN right hand he held an ivory figurine of the goddess Nike, and in his left hand a scepter, a sign of his power. The hair, clothes and shoes of the god were made of gold, and his body was made of ivory.

Phidias' question.

In the twilight of the temple, this statue made a stunning impression. Greek legend says that Phidias, having finished his work, said looking at the statue: “Well, Zeus, are you satisfied?” - and at the same moment thunder boomed, and lightning struck the floor of the temple next to the statue: Zeus expressed his approval. Expressing admiration for the work of Phidias, one of the Greek poets wrote:

Did Zeus come down to earth to show you, Phidias, his image, Or did you ascend to heaven yourself to see God?

Unfortunately, time did not spare the statue of Olympian Zeus, and we know it only from descriptions made by ancient authors.

"Poseidon, Posidon or Posidaon(other Greek Ποσειδών ( P O S E Y D O N),- Mycenae. po-se-da-o, the Boeotian form of Potidaon, from where the city of Potidaea) - in ancient Greek mythology god of the seas. Second son of Kronos and Rhea, brother of Zeus, Hera, Demeter, Hestia and Hades. When the world was divided, he got the sea.”

Rice. 5 Hades and Persephone . Bernini Lorenzo Giovanni. The Abduction of Proserpina (Persephone) 1621-1622 Marble. Galleria Borghese, Rome. Persephone - Daughter of Zeus and Demeter, wife of Hades, who, with the permission of Zeus, kidnapped her. Persephone rules wisely realm of the dead, where from time to time heroes penetrate.

"Hades among the Greeks (or Hades, other Greek Ἀΐδης ( A I D I C or A I D E C) or ᾍδης A D E S, also Ἀϊδωνεύς A I D O N E U S.

So, after all the wars, three brothers - Zeus, Poseidon and Hades shared power among themselves. Zeus got dominance in the sky, Poseidon - the sea, Hades - the kingdom of the dead. During the period of patriarchy, Zeus is localized on Mount Olympus and is called Olympian.

Let's explore the record of the names of Zeus and Poseidon in the matrix of the Universe. Figure 6 shows the records of the Names of the Olympic gods in the order in which the brothers divided the Universe among themselves.

Rice. 6. The figure shows: 1. The name of Mount Olympus is "OLYMPOS". The arc bracket at the top left shows the position in the Upper world of the Name matrix Brahma. 2. The names in Greek of the Olympic gods Zeus - "ZEUS" and Poseidon - "POSEIDON" in the sequence how the brothers divided the Universe among themselves. Both names occupy the space of the matrix from the 21st level of the Overworld to the 15th level Nether matrixes of the Universe. The Matrix of the Universe was the sacred basis for the creation of the entire pantheon of the Names of the Greek gods by the ancient sages. The Greeks borrowed this secret of the Names of the Gods in the "matrix of the Universe" from the Egyptian priests.

Figure 7 shows the records of the Names of the Olympic gods Poseidon and Hades in the order in which the brothers divided the Universe among themselves.

Rice. 7. The figure above shows the position in the Upper world of the matrix ending the Name Poseidon (“OSEIDON”), and then the Name of Hades (“AIDONEUS”) is written. The first letter of the Name of Hades is located in the same place in the Lower World of the matrix, where the last letter of the Name of Poseidon is (marked in the figure by an arc bracket and the number 1 in a circle). According to ancient Egyptian ideas, this space from the 13th to the 15th level of the Lower World of the matrix has an important specific role, which we will not consider in this work. Therefore, the location in this space last letter The name Poseidon and the first letter of the Name Hades are not accidental. This fact suggests that both Poseidon and Hades have power in this space. The foundation of the last letter of the Name "AIDONEUS" was combined with the 36th level of the Lower World of the matrix of the Universe. The 36th level of the Lower World of the matrix is ​​the “Bottom of the Divine Universe”. If we sum up all the positions from the first level of the Lower World of the matrix to the 36th level inclusive (1+2+3+…+35+36 = 666), then their sum will be the number 666. This is sacred meaning number 666, about which so much has been written and said that it is impossible to count. In fact, the sacred meaning of the number 666 lies in the fact that it indicated the position in the matrix of the Universe of the “Divine Bottom of the Universe”. The initiates, who knew the secrets and laws of the "Matrix of the Universe", knew about it. We will consider this issue in more detail in our subsequent publications. Thus, we see how the three brother-gods Zeus, Poseidon and Hades divided the space of the Universe between them from the “Heaven” to the “Divine Bottom of the Universe”.

Now it remains for us to consider the record of the name of the father of the three brothers Kronos into the matrix of the universe.

« Kronos, Kronos (Κρόνος ( K R O N O S)) In other cultures: Saturn Class: Time, Agriculture Father: Uranus Mother: Gaia Children: Hades, Hera, Hestia, Demeter, Zeus, Poseidon, Chiron Attributes: Sickle.

Uranus, fearing to die from one of his children, returned them again to the bowels of the earth. Therefore, Gaia, exhausted from the burden, persuaded Kronos, who was born last, to castrate Uranus. Kronos became the supreme god. The sickle with which he castrated Uranus, Kronos threw into the sea at Cape Drepan (Sickle) in Achaia. This sickle was kept in a cave in Zancle (Sicily)

Under him came the golden age. Kronos was afraid of the prediction of Gaia, according to which one of his children, born to him by Rhea, would overthrow him, and therefore swallowed them one by one. So he swallowed Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades and Poseidon. From the union of Kronos with the nymph Filira (which he later, fearing the jealousy of Rhea, turned into a mare) was born ( wise) the centaur Chiron".

Figure 8 shows the entry in the matrix of the Universe Name Kronos and it is compared with the Vedic concept - Maha Kala Dhama- the space (abode) of the great "all-devouring time of the Lord."

Rice. 8. The figure shows an entry in the matrix of the Universe: 2. on the right in the picture of the Name Kronos and it is compared with the Vedic concept - 1. Maha Kala Dhama- the space (abode) of the great "all-devouring time of the Lord." Such a comparison is permissible, since Kronos was originally the god of agriculture, later, in the Hellenistic period, he was identified with the god personifying time, Chronos (ancient Greek Χρόνος ( H R O N O S) from χρόνος - time). The upper letter of the name Kronos starts from the 21st level of the Upper world of the matrix, and the upper letter in the name Maha Kala Dham from the 20th level of the Upper world of the matrix. This discrepancy is due to the fact that the Sanskrit letters occupy the space of the matrix by four levels, and the letters of the Greek alphabet by three levels. However, it is clear from the figure that Kronos could well be the god of time - Chronos. The analogy with the Vedic concepts, which we have drawn, turned out to be successful.

As a result, we once again received convincing confirmation that the matrix of the Universe was the sacred basis for the creation of the pantheon of the Names of the Greek gods by the ancient sages. We also established that the sacred meaning of the number 666 lies in the fact that it indicated to the initiates the position in the matrix of the “Divine Bottom of the Universe”.

More detailed information about the matrix of the Universe can be obtained by reading the articles on the site in the section "Egyptology" - Secret knowledge of the Egyptian priests about the matrix of the Universe. Part one. Pythagoras, Tetractys and god Ptah and Secret knowledge of Egyptian priests about the matrix of the Universe. Part two. Nomes of Egypt.

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© Arushanov Sergey Zarmailovich 2010

5 comments: “Olympic gods Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, their father Kronos in the matrix of the Universe, and the mystery of the number 666”

    I read it thoughtfully. Comprehended. The so-called "Matrix of the Universe" is nonsense and far-fetched, as usual for mistrust. Sorry.
    But you stay there.
    ALAS. - and of course I did not understand anything in this MegaVere 🙂

    Dear Andrey. In order to make a final verdict, you need to get acquainted with the links at the end of the article in more detail, I WILL TRY TO HELP YOU.
    This is not a simple reading - this is the sacred knowledge of the ancient sages about the Divine Universe, which are given there. - Here they are: More detailed information about the matrix of the Universe can be obtained by reading the articles on the site in the section "Egyptology" - The secret knowledge of the Egyptian priests about the matrix of the Universe. Part one. Pythagoras, Tetractys and god Ptah and Secret knowledge of Egyptian priests about the matrix of the Universe. Part two. Nomes of Egypt.

    In addition, AND THIS IS IMPORTANT - ALL ALPHABETES of different times and peoples were not invented, but created by the ancient sages on the basis of knowledge about the matrix of the Universe, which was the sacred basis of the Divine Universe. In the SECTION "Author's articles" I righteously "Primitive types" of 14 alphabets - Phoenician, Scandinavian runes FUTARK, Tibetan, Arabic, Hebrew, Armenian, Slavic Initial letter, consisting of 49 initial letters, etc. In particular, the Greek alphabet was created in this way. I told about this in my work on the site - The matrix of the Universe was the sacred basis for constructing the Phoenician, Greek, Hebrew, Arabic and Glagolitic alphabets. Part 1 (See Figure 5).

    Then the sages of antiquity created myths of their country, in which the "Hierarchy" of the NAMES OF THE GODS in a hidden way pointed to the sacred basis of the Divine Universe, which was precisely the matrix of the Universe. For this reason, WE GOT THE POSSIBILITY to write the Names of the gods into the matrix of the Universe, in particular, from Greek myths and thus were able to recognize the secret meaning of Greek myths. In fact, myths were created by the ancients precisely for this purpose as a “Guide” for future generations to search for the path to the “SACRED KNOWLEDGE” of the ancient sages, WHICH ORIGINALLY WERE THE KNOWLEDGE ABOUT THE MATRIX OF THE UNIVERSE.

    This article is the presentation of the results of our research.

    THIS IS MY MISSION, I should have written this “NOTE” in the article, since the reader might not have known this, having read only this article, as many readers probably do.

    Thank you for your comment. He helped me improve the quality of the presentation of the material of this article, AND MAKE IT MORE UNDERSTANDABLE FOR READERS.


The God of Ancient Greece, Zeus, is known to us as the main Olympian god, ruling the whole world, the sky, thunder and lightning. The God of Ancient Greece, Zeus, is associated with real rock, fate. This is justified by the fact that people were protected by him: asking and praying. Zeus obeyed not only subjects, but also kings and other gods.

Ancient Greek God Zeus

The Greek god distinguished between good and evil, introduced people to the concepts of shame and conscience. Zeus, the supreme god of Olympus, had three brothers with whom he shared power. The location of the god was Mount Olympus, because the patriarchy of Zeus was called Olympian. The power of the patron did not satisfy the other gods, because they tried to overthrow him from the throne. They failed to carry out a coup d'etat, therefore all violators were punished.

What does the god Zeus look like?

The God of Ancient Greece, Zeus was the father of all people and gods, and Roman mythology identified him with Jupiter. Thanks to Zeus, Greece had an established social order. The traditional description of the god Zeus is an image of a mature man with a noble face, thick snow-white curls, a beard and a strong powerful camp, strong slender arms. Later artists depict God in a huge variety of guises, among which Zeus appears as a deceiver of women, a character in love affairs.

What did Zeus patronize?

The third son of Kronos was different from the rest of the Gods. He was not only a fair, honest and decent leader, but also responsible for the welfare of the entire population. The main tasks of Zeus were:

  • protect city life;
  • prevent disorder and chaos;
  • direct life in the right direction;
  • protect all offended;
  • protect the family hearth;
  • monitor the implementation of laws and observance of customs.

This is not the whole list of what Zeus was responsible for. The ancient Greek god of the sky and thunder was able to solve any pressing issue, calm and pacify everyone who needed help in certain moment own life. Thanks to his "power" everyone was sure that justice would always prevail. The energy of the god spread to the entire Olympus and delighted with its purity.

Attributes of the god Zeus

Each attribute gave Zeus the Thunderer strength and was an integral part general image. The main association with Zeus is lightning, which is in the hands of the patron, and serves as a material weapon. However, this is not all the attributes of God.

  1. The first and one of the main symbols of power is the eagle, which is associated with Zeus.
  2. The shield of Zeus is a symbol of anger and rage.
  3. Chariot drawn by eagles.
  4. Scepter.
  5. Hammer or labrys.

Zeus family

Zeus belongs to the generation of titans. His father Kronos knew even before birth that his own son would overthrow the power of his father, so he swallowed every baby born to Rhea. As evidenced by the myth of the birth of Zeus, his mother deceived Kronos and gave birth to a baby, hiding it. To know exact location the birth of a child is impossible, but the island of Crete is considered the leader among all versions. So that the smart Kronos did not notice the birth of his son, he had to swallow a stone in a diaper. The born Zeus laughed for a week - after that, the number 7 began to be considered sacred.

The Cretan version of the myth insists that Zeus was brought up by the Curetes and Corybantes, fed on goat's milk, and ate bee honey. It is difficult to consider this information as the only true one. Another version of the legend says that the boy fed with goat's milk was guarded by guards every minute. In cases where the child cried, the guards banged their spears on the shields to deceive Kronos' hearing.

The grown god created a potion with which he freed his brothers from Kronos. Mighty brothers started a fight with their father, lasting 9 years. After a while, it was not possible to determine the winner. But, the savvy Zeus the Thunderer found a way out, freeing the Cyclopes and the Hundred-armed. They helped bring down the titan and bring him down. After a protracted struggle, the three brothers finally took over the rule of the island.

Father of Zeus

According to ancient Greek mythology, Kronos was the supreme deity. Another version insists that Kronos, the god of titans, the father of Zeus was the god of agriculture, was identified with Chronos. The reign of Kronos is considered the golden age in Greece. The main attribute of Kronos is the sickle. Kronos was the supreme god, and due to seniority, he became king.

Mother of Zeus

The mother of the god Zeus Rhea was considered the goddess of the earth, was a Titanide and the daughter of Gaia and Uranus. Rhea was the mother of Hestia - the goddess of the hearth, Demeter - the goddess of fertility - the goddess of families, Hades, Poseidon, Zeus. Rhea was remembered by mythology as a brave and courageous titanide who was able to go against the will of her husband by secretly giving birth to a child. Rhea possessed the power of healing, which was useful to her in order to save the life of Dionysus.

Zeus' wife

According to some myths, Zeus was very attached to Thetis, he wanted to part with his wife for her sake. The only obstacle to this was prophecy. Zeus seduced the chosen ones, taking on various forms: a swan, a bull, a snake, rain, an ant, a bird, a beetle. Zeus was not distinguished by constancy and had many wives and lovers, among them:

  • Metis is the only wife of Zeus who was swallowed;
  • Themis;
  • Gera - last wife god
  • Demeter;
  • Thebe;
  • Phthia;
  • Aytos;
  • Ganymede.
  • Calliroy.

Son of Zeus

Zeus contributed to the birth the strongest sons who made an imprint in the history of ancient Greek mythology. But, strong and courageous sons are opposed to the gentle, intelligent and prolific daughters of Zeus. The sons of Zeus were:

  • Aphrodite-born love god Eros;
  • the god of wrestling Ares;
  • the fiery god Hephaestus, who patronized blacksmithing;
  • Hermes, patron of trade;
  • the horned baby Sabazius;
  • the god of wine Dionysus;
  • Apollo is the son of Zeus, the god of light, music, medical craft.
  • Aegypan;
  • patron of the herd Pan;
  • Karpos.

Daughters of God Zeus

Zeus is the father of most known to the world goddesses. Based on their number, a division into groups was made according to the tasks performed.

  1. 9 Muses of Zeus led by Euterpe, Thalia, Melpomene, Terpsichore, Erato, Polyhymnia, Urania and Calliope. The goddesses were responsible for science, poetry, art.
  2. Charity, responsible for fun, life joy and pleasure.
  3. Moira, including Cloto, Atropos, Lachesis - were responsible for.
  4. Orami controlled the seasons.
  5. Erinyes committed acts of revenge and rebellion.
  6. The elder muses include Telksiope, Aeda, Arch and Melet.

The Greek god Zeus was the lord of the earth and the underground, judged the dead. The fair and strong Zeus performed both good deeds and real feats in the name of the common good. Zeus is not only a real supreme god, patron and leader, he was a symbol of brotherly love, intelligence and logic. From an early age, Zeus differed from his peers in his thirst to live, fight for justice, and win. The legendary titan was a true fighter and builder of general order.

The story of Zeus, the supreme god of Greek mythology.
Many believed in Zeus as the only and main god even before the advent of Christianity, and the most terrible natural disasters were explained by his anger.
Heaven in Greek mythology personified a very important part of the world, and the one who controls the sky is the owner of everything and everything. Zeus was revered in every possible way, as a fair steward of both people and gods.

Among the gods, Zeus occupied the highest level of the hierarchy, that is, in fact, he was a king among the gods.

As the lord of heaven, Zeus could control lightning and thunder. It was lightning that became a symbol of the power and might of Zeus. This explains another name of Zeus - the Thunderer, so the Greeks tried to explain such a natural phenomenon as lightning.

The myth of the birth of Zeus

The first mention of Zeus was found in the notes of the ancient Greek author Hesiod (Hesiod lived in the 7th century BC), he wrote the book of theogony (for the Greeks, this book was something like the book of Genesis.)
According to legend, Zeus was not a god from the very beginning, but the myth of the birth of Zeus, begin with Zeus challenging his father, Kronos. Kronos was very powerful, he commanded the most powerful of the deities - the Titans. (The Titans were considered the very first deities who populated the earth, but they were not particularly smart, aggressive, they only wanted to take and consume.) When Kronos decides to extend his family, he is forced to enter into a relationship with his sister from the Titan family - Reya.

Initially, all the gods are relatives, and therefore incest in myths is quite common.

Kronos and his wife Rhea have the next generation of gods. In the future, this generation will be called the Olympians. They include Hades, Poseidon and Zeus.

Kronos initially did not want to have children, because he did not want to give the status of the supreme ruler. He was afraid that his son would be stronger and better, that, in the end, he would overthrow him. For fear of losing everything, Kronos decided to act drastically. Immediately after birth, he swallowed his children alive. Of course, the children could not die (since they were immortal gods), but they no longer posed a threat to Kronos.

At that time, cannibalism in ancient Greece was something out of the ordinary, this act was considered the lot of savages.

Rhea was horrified, Kronos had already swallowed five of her children, and now she is pregnant again. To keep her children free, Rhea comes up with a plan. She runs away to a secret hideout and gives birth to a son there. It is this son who will become the king of the gods - Zeus. But Kronos was already waiting for his wife at home to devour the newly born child. Therefore, Rhea wraps a stone in a diaper and carries it to Kronos. Immediately Kronos swallows the bundle of nothing, not guessing.

Rhea decides to hide his son on the island of Crete in a secret cave. (Afterwards, this cave will become a sanctuary for the worship of Zeus.) But it's hard to hide someone from Kronos himself, every time little Zeus cried, the people who guarded him beat special shields that hung along the walls of the cave. The sound of these shields did not allow Kronos to hear the cry of his son.

The myth of the birth of Zeus says that the little god lived in a cave until maturity. Growing up, Zeus undergoes training, gaining wisdom and strength - he becomes a real man. All this is done to achieve his goal, which Zeus set for himself - to overthrow his cruel father and seize power over the world.

Brief myth of Zeus - the overthrow of Kronos

Zeus knows that the stakes are very high, if he wins, he will become the supreme ruler of the world, and if he loses, he will fall into Tartarus forever.

(Tartarus is the lower level of the kingdom of Hades, it was here that the damned fell, i.e. those who somehow offended the gods.)

Kronos sat on Mount Olympus.

Mount Olympus in ancient Greek mythology was the home of the gods. However, it does exist in reality. This is the most high point in Greece, the mountain rises almost 3 kilometers above sea level. The Greeks themselves really believed that the gods lived on this mountain.

It is at the top of Mount Olympus that Zeus devises a plan to reclaim the throne from his father Kronos and his mighty Titans. Zeus decides to free his brothers, who were swallowed by Kronos, and enlist their help. During this time, the brothers of Zeus, being in the stomach of Kronos, also matured and gained the power of the gods. Zeus brewed a poisonous potion to free his brothers. Entering the chambers of Kronos, Zeus pours poison into his cup. After drinking it, Kronos begins to feel bad, he soon spews out a stone that Rhea gave him instead of Zeus.

According to legend, this stone formed the basis of the most revered place in ancient Greece - the Delphic temple, the haven of the oracle. Delphi is a sanctuary where people from all over Greece came to bow and ask for help from the gods. This stone, which Kronos cast out of himself, is still located in the very center of the Delphic temple to this day.

According to legend, after the stone, Kronos regurgitated five children eaten earlier. Zeus, as a good ruler, had an excellent mind and skills to inspire and convince others. Thanks to these skills, he was able to unite his relatives and create a coalition. But even together, they lacked the strength to fight the Titans.

Then Zeus remembered the forgotten by Kronos, the Cyclopes and the hundred-armed Hekatonkheires. Kronos was afraid of their power, and therefore hid them in tartar.
Zeus understood that with their help, victory would be his. Having descended into Tartarus, he finds the Hekatonkheires and speaks with them on an equal footing and with respect, he asks them for help to overthrow his father. Touched by this reverence, the Hekatoncheirs agreed to help the young Zeus.

After Zeus also freed the Cyclopes. In return, they gave Zeus the power to command lightning and thunder.

The forces are determined, the battle itself will take place in Thessaly, a plain lying between the mountains of Othris and Olympus.
A grandiose battle begins, Zeus with lightning in his hands, his brothers, the Cyclopes and Hecatoncheirs fight with the most powerful deities - the Titans.

(Traces of grandiose battles are still found in the Thessalian valley.)

Soon the decisive moment comes, the battle between father and son. From the top of Mount Olympus, Zeus strikes down his father's army strong blows lightning. Hundred-armed Hecatoncheires broke off huge pieces of mountains and threw them at the titans. The ground under their feet cracked, and the sounds of battle were heard throughout the world.

Scientists have found that ancient world at that time, experienced a real disaster. On the territory of the island of Santorini, about 3 thousand liters. A massive volcanic eruption happened. Its power can be compared to five tens of thousands of Hiroshima bombs. An eruption of such force destroyed most of the Greek world, and the survivors could explain this catastrophe as the wrath of the gods.

The battle of the gods continues, and Zeus begins to win. But the Titans had something to do. From the depths of Tartarus they summon Typhon.

Typhon is a terrifying monster of incredible size.

The battle of Zeus and Typhon was not long, the monster cannot withstand such powerful lightning strikes and falls back into Tartarus along with the remaining titans. There they will spend eternity.

The victory of Zeus made him the ruler of the world and the king among the other gods. However, calmness and peace were not long, soon Zeus has a new enemy in the face of a loved one.

Zeus and his wife Metis

The myths of ancient Greece say that the Greek gods are not at all sinless, everyone has both strengths and weaknesses, and the gods are no exception.

One of the most weaknesses Zeus was his love of love and passion for women. According to legend, Zeus turned into various animals, people, husbands of women. All this was done in order to seduce young beauties and enter into a relationship with them.

The first to attract the attention of Zeus was the young goddess Metis. Soon Zeus took her as his wife.

Metis is the wife of Zeus, according to legend, she is incredibly beautiful, and her name itself means “wise” in translation.

But his senses are clouded terrible prophecy, which should deprive him of power. Zeus was predicted that his wife would bear him a child who would take the throne from him. Like his father, Zeus was afraid of his future heir. But Zeus did not want to be like his father, he swore that this time everything would be different. To keep his vow, he swallows his wife. And again, love lost to the lust for power.

While Metis was in captivity, Zev could use all of her intellectual abilities. Zeus became smarter, wiser and more cunning than he was before.

Zeus and Hera - the new wife of Zeus

Since Metis was gone, Zeus needed new wife. Like his father, Zeus decides to take a wife from his own family. She became his sister - the goddess Hera.
Hera was not like the others, she was very powerful. It can be said that Zeus and Hera were more equal.
But Hera was also rather jealous. Zeus continued to increase the number of his beloved.
The myth of Zeus says that among his mistresses were both mortals and goddesses. Each relationship between Zeus and his mistresses ended in pregnancy. They gave birth to over a hundred children from Zeus.

Such promiscuity of Zeus could be explained by the secret desire of the Greeks themselves. Dreaming of many girls, they thought that the almighty god would certainly not miss such an opportunity.

Soon, more and more cities of ancient Greece wanted to intermarry with the god himself. They announced that in their city there is a girl pregnant from Zeus himself. As a result of this, the founders of local ruling dynasties were born. The cities themselves began to be named in honor of the born children of Zeus: Athens, Thebes, Magnesia, Macedonia.

However , not happy with her husband's love affairs. Hera did not like the fact that she was humiliated in front of other gods, one day she could not stand it and swore that she would take revenge on Zeus for his many betrayals.

Gathering the rest of the Olympians, Hera incites them to raise a rebellion against Zeus. She said that it was unfair that Zeus was in charge and if all the Olympians united, they could overthrow him.
The Olympians gather and put Zeus in chains while he was sleeping. Waking up, Zeus finds himself chained. He did not expect such meanness from relatives whom he had previously saved.

Zeus was always afraid of such a rebellion, because no mortal could challenge him. But united, the Olympian gods could well overthrow him.

Soon, help came to the bound Zeus in the form of old allies - the Hekatonkheires. Hearing that Zeus is in trouble, they come to Zeus for help. They break the binding chains, and the Olympians scatter in fear.

Having survived this conspiracy, Zeus begins to take revenge. He hung his wife Hera on golden chains, between heaven and earth. Son Apollo and brother Poseidon were sentenced to hard labor (they had to build the impregnable walls of Troy.)

The ancient Greeks could not explain the emergence of Troy (it was impossible to build a building of this level at that time), and the myth explained its occurrence.

The wrath of Zeus and the Flood

According to legend, all those who rebelled against Zeus received a well-deserved punishment, but the wrath of God also fell on people. global flood attributed to the wrath of Zeus.

In ancient Greece, people were very afraid of the wrath of Zeus. After all, doing a bad deed, Zeus could hit them with his lightning.
Hesiod wrote that if it were not for the fear of Zeus, then people would turn into animals, and the weak would obey the strong. Thus, Zeus brought order and justice to the world.

When natural disasters occurred in the world, the Greeks believed that Zeus sent them to punish the villains. Often at the same time, stories were invented about what so angered the god.

According to legend, Zeus fell into a rage if people ate their own kind. Once he saw how people eat their own kind, Zeus fell into a rage and vowed to destroy all mankind with the help of a global flood.

For nine days and nights, heavy rain pours down, flooding the whole earth. The water reaches the top of Mount Parnassus, which towered two and a half kilometers. People are dying all over the earth. When the rain finally stopped, only two mortals remained. They survived because they built the ark.

These stories are wonderfully intertwined, a parallel with old testament more than obvious. Thus, it can be said that different peoples of the world explained such a terrible a natural phenomenon differently.

The overthrow of Zeus - the arrival of Christianity

The myth of Zeus says that he was able to cope with the revolt of the Olympians, but could not cope with another rival, Jesus Christ.
In the 1st century AD, the teachings of Jesus Christ will spread throughout the world, overthrowing the power of the supreme Greek deity.
Christianity gave people hope. Hope for salvation after death. People have a belief in what awaits them after death immortal life. That's why Christianity had so many followers.
The power of Zeus over people with the spread new religion in the Mediterranean countries, gradually faded away. The people who revered him, in the end, themselves rejected him.

In ancient Greece, only the force of fate was more powerful than Zeus. Even the supreme god himself could not resist fate. No matter how much he wants to change or avoid her, he still obeys her will.

Before the advent of Christianity the myth of Zeus ruled the entire Greek world for thousands of years. Zeus was the most formidable, and revered among all the Olympian gods. He is one of the few deities who left a big mark on the history of mankind: Hercules, Hades, Medusa - stories about them open a window into a long-forgotten world.
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