What is the name of the river in the realm of the dead. River Styx. Ferryman Charon on the River Styx. Analogues of Styx and Charon

Almost all traditions have similar descriptions of the underworld. The only difference is the details and mostly the names. For example, in ancient Greek mythology the river through which the souls of the dead are melted down is called the Styx. According to legend, she is in the kingdom of Hades - the god of the kingdom of the dead. The very name of the river is translated as a monster, or in other words, the personification of real horror. Styx has great importance V underworld and is the main transition point between the two worlds.

Styx is the main transition point between the two worlds

According to the myths of ancient Greece, the river Styx was the daughter of Oceanus and Tethys. She earned her respect and unshakable authority after the battle on the side of Zeus. After all, it was her participation that had a positive effect on the outcome of the war. Since then, the gods of Olympus confirmed the inviolability of their oath in her name. If the oath was nevertheless violated, then for nine earthly years the Olympian had to lie lifeless, and after that, not dare to approach Olympus for the same amount. Only after this time, the god who violated the oath had the right to return back. In addition, Zeus tested the honesty of his allies with the waters of the Styx. He made him drink from it, and if suddenly the Olympian was a deceiver, he immediately lost his voice and froze for a year. The waters of this river were considered deadly poisonous.

According to legend, Styx goes around the kingdom of the dead - Hades - nine times and is under the protection of Charon. It is this strict old man who melts down the souls/shadows of the dead on his boat. He takes them to the other side of the river, from where they never return. However, he does this for a fee. In order for Charon to take a shadow on his boat, the ancient Greeks put a small obol coin in the mouth of the deceased. Perhaps this is where the tradition came from when burying a body to put money and other things valuable during life next to it. Meanwhile, not everyone can get to the other side. If relatives did not bury the body, as expected, the gloomy Charon does not let the soul into the boat. He pushes her away, dooming her to eternal wanderings.

If loved ones did not bury the body, as expected, the soul will have to wander

When the boat with souls nevertheless reached the opposite shore, they were met by the hellish dog - Cerberus.

Mavroneri river

Often the image of the river Styx can be found in art. The appearance of the river ferryman was used by Virgil, Seneca, Lucian. Dante in The Divine Comedy used the river Styx in the fifth circle of hell. However, there it is not water, but a dirty swamp, in which those who experienced a lot of anger during their lives wage an eternal fight on the bodies of those who have lived their whole lives in boredom. Among the most famous paintings with the transporter of souls is Michelangelo's Day doomsday". On it, sinners are taken to the kingdom of Hades.

Dante used the river Styx in the fifth circle of hell in The Divine Comedy

It is also interesting that in our time, Mavroneri, also known as the "black river", is considered an analogue of the river that flowed from the underworld. It is located in the mountainous part of the Peloponnese peninsula, in Greece. By the way, scientists suggest that Alexander the Great was poisoned with this water. They base this conclusion on the fact that the Mavroneri, like the Styx, contains microorganisms that are deadly poisonous to humans, the poisoning of which is accompanied by symptoms that the great commander suffered from before his death.

According to scientists, Macedonian was poisoned by water Styx

There are also references to the deadly waters of Styx and her watchman in other cultures. For example, the Egyptians attributed the duties of a carrier to Anubis, the Lord of the Duat, and among the Etruscans, Turmas, and then Haru, acted as a carrier for some time. In Christianity, the Angel Gabriel helps to overcome the border of life and death.

River Styx

Deep underground reigns relentless grim brother Zeus Hades. Rays never penetrate there bright sun. his kingdom - world of the dead Also called Hades or Hades.
Dark rivers flow in it. The sacred river Styx flows there, the waters of which the gods themselves swear by. Cocytus and Acheron roll their waves there; the souls of the dead resound their gloomy shores with lamentations. In the underworld, the Leta rivers also flow, giving oblivion to all earthly water. The three-headed dog Kerber, on whose neck snakes move with a menacing hiss, guards the exit. The stern old Charon, the carrier of the souls of the dead, will not be lucky through the gloomy waters of Acheront a single soul back to where the sun of life shines brightly.

Charon (Greek Χάρων - “bright”) in Greek mythology is the carrier of the souls of the dead across the river Styx (according to another version - through Acheron) to Hades (the underworld of the dead). The son of Erebus and Nikta. Depicted as a gloomy old man in rags. Charon transports the dead along the waters of underground rivers, receiving for this a payment of one obol (according to the funeral rite, located under the tongue of the dead). It transports only those dead whose bones have found peace in the grave. Only a golden branch plucked in the grove of Persephone opens the way for a living person to the kingdom of death. Under no circumstances will it be returned.

Styx (ancient Greek Στύξ "monster", lat. Styx) - in ancient Greek mythology- the personification of primitive horror (Greek στυγεϊν, Slav. to get cold) and darkness, from which the first offspring of life arose, and the personification of the mythical river Styx of the same name.
Daughter of Oceanus and Tethys, or daughter of Night and Erebus. According to Hesiod, Styx is the wife of Pallas, the mother of Nike, Envy, Strength and Power. Lin in forged verse reports "something similar" to Hesiod. According to the poem of Epimenides, Styx is the daughter of Oceanus and the wife of Perant, from whom she gave birth to Echidna.
During the struggle between Kronos and Zeus, Styx, before the other gods, hastened with her children (especially the goddess of victory, Nike), to help Zeus; for this, Zeus exalted Styx, making her the goddess of oaths, and her waters the pledge of oaths.
Styx lived far away, in the far west, where the realm of night begins, in a luxurious palace, the silver columns of which rested on the sky. This place was remote from the abode of the gods; only occasionally did Irida fly here for sacred water, when the gods in disputes swore by the waves of Styx. The oath was considered sacred, and even the gods suffered a terrible punishment for breaking it: the oath-breakers lay for a year without signs of life and then were expelled from the host of celestials for 9 years. Under the silver columns of the palace are meant the spray of a spring falling from a height; the seat of the goddess was where a stream formed from the falling jets. From here the waters went underground, into the darkness of deep night, the horror of which was expressed in the horror of the oath.

"Hell, otherwise called a lake of fire and brimstone, is real fire, he will burn and torture the bodies of the damned both people and devils, if they are made of flesh, or only their souls. For if people have both bodies and souls, then the incorporeal evil spirits they will still be betrayed by fiery hell, to suffer forever in such a state. And the fate of all will be the same fire

- (Greek styx). 1) a river in Arcadia, now Mavronero, known in antiquity for its cold as ice and corrosive water, bringing death. 2) in mythology, a river in the underworld, which the gods swore by. 3) the nymph of the river of the same name, the daughter of the Ocean and ... ... Dictionary foreign words Russian language

STYX- (Greek "hateful"), in Greek mythology, a river in the realm of the dead, as well as the goddess of this river. The goddess Styx is one of the daughters of the Ocean (see OCEAN (in mythology)) and Tethys (see TEPHIS) or the daughter of Nikta (see NIKTA) Night and Erebus (see EREB). From marriage to ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Styx- (hated) in the myths of the ancient Greeks, the deity of the river of the same name in the kingdom of the dead. The water oath of the Styx is the most terrible ... Historical dictionary

Styx- (Styx, Στύξ). Waters in Arcadia, which, according to the ancients, were distinguished by the property of corroding everything except horse hooves. Therefore, the Greeks called the main river by this name. underworld encircling hell seven times. The gods swore by the Styx, and this ... ... Encyclopedia of mythology

Styx- n., number of synonyms: 4 deity (103) nymph (58) oceanid (20) ... Synonym dictionary

Styx- Styx, a (mythol.) ... Russian spelling dictionary

STYX- a hated river, which in Greek mythology was considered main river the underworld. Styx was personified in the image of the daughter of the Ocean and Tethys, who helped Zeus in his war with the Titans and was rewarded with the most terrible and ... Collier Encyclopedia

Styx- A river in the realm of the dead, through which the souls of the dead are traditionally transported by Charon. Sometimes it is described as a lake or swamp (swamp), as, for example, in the comedy of Aristophanes the Frog. In Dante, this is also a dirty black swamp in which angry ... ... Antique world. Dictionary reference.

STYX Dictionary-reference to Ancient Greece and Rome, according to mythology

STYX- The river in the realm of the dead, through which the souls of the dead are traditionally transported by Charon. Sometimes it is described as a lake or swamp (swamp), as, for example, in Aristophanes' comedy "The Frogs". Dante also has a dirty black swamp in which the "angry" ... ... List of ancient Greek names


  • Stix, Natalya Andreeva. A suspicious man who has lost his memory is brought to the duty unit. He wandered along the highway towards Moscow. To my great surprise, investigator Ivan Mukaev, who disappeared during ... Buy for 89.9 rubles, is identified in the tramp eBook
  • Stix, Natalya Andreeva. For many years, a maniac brutally kills women ... There were two of them - twin boys! Thirty years ago they were cruelly divided - making someone happy, punishing someone! For thirty years they lived...

Styx- a river in the realm of the dead, through which, according to legend, Charon transports the souls of the dead. Sometimes it is described as a lake or swamp, as, for example, in Aristophanes' comedy The Frogs. Homer has the most terrible oath of the gods - to swear in the name of Styx. In another legend, Achilles was immersed in the Styx to make him invulnerable. Herodotus wrote about the existence of a stream in Arcadia, sheer off a cliff: its waters are cold as ice and leave a black mark on the stones. It was believed that this is the waters of the Styx.

Experts from Stanford University are sure that the river, which, according to legend, flowed from the Underworld, still exists in the mountainous part of the Peloponnese peninsula, but is now known as the Mavroneri.

The arguments of scientists are based on the assumption that Alexander the Great was poisoned with water taken from the Styx. The results of the analysis of the Mavroneri waters indicate that it contains microorganisms that are deadly poisonous to humans, the poisoning of which is accompanied by symptoms that the great commander suffered from before his death. It is curious that even in ancient times they thought that the waters of the Styx were poisonous. Flavius ​​Arrian and Plutarch report that Alexander the Great was poisoned by water from the Styx sent to him in the hoof of a mule, although Pausanias does not mention this fact.

Styx river in Hades.

Hephaestus, when he forged the sword of Dawn, tempered it in the waters of the Styx. According to Hesiod, the river Styx was a tenth of the entire stream, penetrating through the darkness into the underworld, where Cocytus flowed into the Styx; the remaining nine parts of the stream surrounded the earth and the sea with their meanders. Poets also mention the Stygian Marshes in Hades.

According to one of the ancient legends, the famous hero Achilles received his invincibility due to the fact that his mother, the goddess Thetis, dipped him into the waters of the sacred Styx.

In historical times, the river Styx was seen in a stream near Nonacris, it was said that Alexander the Great was poisoned by this water.

According to the myths of ancient Greece, the globe there were countries where eternal night reigned and the sun never rose over them. In such a country, the ancient Greeks placed the entrance to Tartarus - the underground kingdom of the god Hades, the kingdom of the dead in Greek mythology. The kingdom of the god Hades was irrigated by two rivers: Acheron And Styx. The gods swore in the name of the river Styx, pronouncing oaths. Oaths by the river Styx were considered inviolable and terrible.

To understand the history of the mysterious river Styx, you should plunge into mythology a little. So, in distant mythical times, the world was divided between the gods into three parts. The dungeon was dominated by the dark god Hades, and the gloomy old man Charon transported dead souls through the Styx. The river flowed in the underworld, the entrance to which was guarded by the three-headed Cerberus, on whose neck poisonous snakes curled.

During the funeral rite, a coin was placed in the mouth of the deceased as a tribute to the god of the dungeon. It was believed that the soul that did not offer payment would be doomed to forever loiter along the banks of the Styx. The power of Hades was very great. And despite the fact that his brother Zeus was higher in rank, the god of the underworld possessed huge force. The laws in his domain were inflexible. And the order in the kingdom is indestructible and strong, so the gods swore by the waters of the sacred river Styx. Not a single god could pull out anyone who fell into the underworld: Charon melted into the realm of the dead, but never back - to where the sun shines.

The River Styx is poisonous, but it can also grant immortality. The expression Achilles' heel is directly related to this river. Achilles' mother Thetis dipped her son into the waters of Styx, thanks to which the hero became invincible. And only the heel, for which his mother held, remained vulnerable.

And the ancient Greek poet Hesiod wrote that the river Styx was a tenth of groundwater. The rest of the waters spread over the earth and surrounded the seas. However, the beginning and end of the Styx are unknown. This is the river of death, the treacherous river. Its direction and location is constantly changing. But at the same time, the road along the river never lasts longer than a day.

It is also believed that the river Styx kills all living things. This is water, cold as ice and corroding everything in its path. Anyone who drinks it or touches this water will perish. Glass, clay, crystal products all burst when they fall into the waters of this river. All metals are corroded by the water of the Styx. But everything that has divine power also has weakness. Like vinegar corrodes pearls, or how goat's blood dissolves a diamond. According to one version, the water of the Styx cannot corrode only a horse's hoof.

In addition, in ancient times it was considered the most terrible punishment to be cursed by the waters of the Styx. And no matter how many interpretations, invariably one thing is poisonous and dangerous river, which flows underground and symbolizes primal fear and darkness.

In ancient times, it was thought that its waters were poisonous. Flavius ​​Arrian and Plutarch report that Alexander the Great was poisoned by water from Styx sent to him in the hoof of a mule, although Pausanias does not mention this fact. In the composition, the hero, together with Charon, crosses the river Styx to the kingdom of the dead. the shore of the living is full of light, and on the shore dead hero sees centaurs, dragons, harpies, birds with female heads and other monsters of the underworld..

Sources: www.grekomania.ru, world-of-legends.su, zaumnik.ru, fb.ru, otvet.mail.ru

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- (Greek styx). 1) a river in Arcadia, now Mavronero, known in antiquity for its cold as ice and corrosive water, bringing death. 2) in mythology, a river in the underworld, which the gods swore by. 3) the nymph of the river of the same name, the daughter of the Ocean and ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

- (Greek "hateful"), in Greek mythology, a river in the realm of the dead, as well as the goddess of this river. The goddess Styx is one of the daughters of the Ocean (see OCEAN (in mythology)) and Tethys (see TEPHIS) or the daughter of Nikta (see NIKTA) Night and Erebus (see EREB). From marriage to ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

- (hated) in the myths of the ancient Greeks, the deity of the river of the same name in the kingdom of the dead. The water oath of the Styx is the most terrible ... Historical dictionary

- (Styx, Στύξ). Waters in Arcadia, which, according to the ancients, were distinguished by the property of corroding everything except horse hooves. Therefore, the Greeks called this name the main river of the underworld, encircling hell seven times. The gods swore by the Styx, and this ... ... Encyclopedia of mythology

Exist., number of synonyms: 4 deity (103) nymph (58) oceanid (20) ... Synonym dictionary

Styx- Styx, a (mythol.) ... Russian spelling dictionary

The hated river, which in Greek mythology was considered the main river of the underworld. Styx was personified in the image of the daughter of the Ocean and Tethys, who helped Zeus in his war with the Titans and was rewarded with the most terrible and ... Collier Encyclopedia

Styx- A river in the realm of the dead, through which the souls of the dead are traditionally transported by Charon. Sometimes it is described as a lake or swamp (swamp), as, for example, in the comedy of Aristophanes the Frog. In Dante, this is also a dirty black swamp in which angry ... ... Antique world. Dictionary reference.

STYX Dictionary-reference book on Ancient Greece and Rome, on mythology

STYX- The river in the realm of the dead, through which the souls of the dead are traditionally transported by Charon. Sometimes it is described as a lake or swamp (swamp), as, for example, in Aristophanes' comedy "The Frogs". Dante also has a dirty black swamp in which the "angry" ... ... List of ancient Greek names


  • Stix, Natalya Andreeva. A suspicious man who has lost his memory is brought to the duty unit. He wandered along the highway towards Moscow. To great surprise, the tramp is identified as investigator Ivan Mukaev, who disappeared during ... eBook
  • Stix, Natalya Andreeva. For many years, a maniac brutally kills women ... There were two of them - twin boys! Thirty years ago they were cruelly divided - making someone happy, punishing someone! For thirty years they lived...
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