Zubarev Buryatia. Deputy Chairman of Buryatia Zubarev: "The people there are very difficult, that means." video. Holy place. “Tariff” MP Zubarev has no plans to leave Khural

In Buryatia, the "hunt" for the works of local scientists, businessmen, politicians and officials continues. On the eve of the community "Dissernet" published an analysis of the dissertation of the deputy chairman of the government of Buryatia for infrastructure development Nikolai Zubarev. Experts found 50 borrowings in the scientific work of a VIP official

Experts found 50 borrowings in the scientific work of Nikolai Zubarev, according to infpol.ru

In Buryatia, the "hunt" for the works of local scientists, businessmen, politicians and officials continues. The day before, the Dissernet community published an analysis of the dissertation of Nikolai Zubarev, Deputy Chairman of the Government for Infrastructure Development, “Methodology for Forming the Industrial Policy of the Region in the Context of Integration Transformations”. A small part of it - 13 pages - includes title page, table of contents, introduction, list of references, appendices, tables and figures - that is, materials that are not subject to textual analysis. About 55 pages are borrowings from other people's works.

In a comment on the official website of "Dissernet" it is noted that in the scientific work of Nikolai Zubarev there are extensive borrowings from the dissertation of Bragin S.A., defended back in 2004 - about 70 pages.

The abstract indicates that Bragin has one joint monograph with Zubarev and one article. The link to Bragin, and not to the dissertation that is being copied from, but to two earlier works with Zubarev, is only on page 272, experts say.

The text written in co-authorship must have an appropriate designation. However, experts note, “with regard to 70 pages that are copied from Bragin’s dissertation and which could potentially belong joint work Bragin and Zubarev, this has not been done.”

The provision was grossly violated in the part requiring the indication of co-authors when copying, - they said in Dissernet.

Representatives of the free online community do not consider these borrowings as the main reason for pointing out the "non-independence of Zubarev's dissertation."

For this, there are enough other cases of illegal borrowing, which we reflect, - says the Dissernet website.

It should be noted that Nikolai Zubarev defended his dissertation in 2010 at ESSTU (then – ESSTU).

The initiator of the investigation on dissertations of scientists, businessmen, politicians and officials from Buryatia last year was the infamous public figure Arkady Zarubin.

In early April, together with the Dissernet network community, we decided to launch a mass check for plagiarism of dissertations of Buryat politicians, top officials, and scientists. The hunt for fake scientific degrees began with the Khural. We have 20 degreed people's deputies - 7 doctors and 13 candidates of sciences. Of these scientific works 12 are fairly recent: they were protected after 2000, so all the texts are digitized and easily verified,” Arkady Zarubin told infpol.ru at the time. – We will check absolutely all available dissertations. There is no need to see political motives in this. The names of everyone we catch will be made public, regardless of party affiliation.

As a result, two deputies of the People's Khural, the interim rector of the Buryat State University, Nikolai Moshkin, and two of his graduate students were "caught". And the Acting Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of the Buryat State University, Alexander Makarov, did not have a doctoral dissertation.

At the end of December, Andrey Zayakin, one of the founders of Dissernet, arrived in Ulan-Ude. Then, at the ESSUTU, the issue of depriving the academic title of a university teacher Alexei Alekseev, a graduate student and. O. Rector of the Buryat State University Nikolai Moshkin. The initiative group, which applied to the Higher Attestation Commission, questioned the authorship of Alekseev's PhD thesis. However, everything remained as it is: they did not deprive the student of Moshkin of his title. Last week, a meeting of the Academic Council was held at the Technological University, where the fate of Moshkin himself was decided. The Academic Council sided with the interim rector of BSU.

Note that both Moshkin and his graduate student defended themselves at ESSUTU. And in both cases, the academic council refused to deprive them of their degrees. As a well-informed source told infpol.ru, Dissernet experts from now on intend to pay close attention to all “natives” of our technological university. So the verification of Nikolai Zubarev's dissertation is rather a pattern, not an accident.

Government officials of Buryatia published information about their income in 2011. The data is published on the official website of the regional authorities. It should be noted that the income of the First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Buryatia Innokenty Egorov in 2011 compared to 2010 did not change much. In 2011, he received income in the amount of 3.1 million rubles.

Behind him are three land plots with a total area of ​​22 acres, an apartment with an area of ​​118 sq. meters and a garage. His wife received income in the amount of 187.8 thousand in 2011. The Yegorovs have one car - the Nissan Patrol brand, it is owned by the head of the family.

Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Belarus - Head of the Presidential and Government Administration Pyotr Noskov earned 2.4 million rubles in 2011. He owns two land plots (with an area of ​​one hectare and 800 square meters), a residential building with an area of ​​83 square meters. meters and the car "Land Cruiser-100". His wife showed income of 373.6 thousand rubles, she owns an apartment of 116 square meters. meters.

Deputy Chairman for Economic Development Alexander Chepik showed income for 2011 in the amount of 2.4 million rubles. It has a Volkswagen Tuareg car, 1/2 share of an apartment (75 sq. meters) and an individual apartment of 40 sq. meters. meters. He (as well as his wife and three children) also has a service apartment of 185 sq. meters. His wife has the second half of the apartment (area 75 square meters), a land plot of 1.5 hectares and a residential building. In 2011, Chepik's wife received an income of 120.6 thousand rubles.

The largest income for 2011 was shown by Nikolai Zubarev, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Buryatia for infrastructure development. He earned 4.5 million rubles in 2011. He can also be called the largest landowner in the government of the region: Nikolai Mikhailovich owns 4 land plots, two houses with a total area of ​​more than 500 km2. meters, an apartment of 53 sq. meters, cottage and boarding house with an area of ​​181 sq. meter. From Vehicle he owns the boat "Amur". No cars, no official housing behind it does not appear, car The Suzuki Grand Vitara is owned by his wife. In 2011, Zubarev's wife earned almost 549 thousand rubles and 35 thousand rubles of income was received by their daughter, who, by the way, owns a residential building with an area of ​​240 km2. meters.

The spouse of the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Belarus - the head of the Plenipotentiary Representation of Buryatia under the President has no income Russian Federation Anatoly Lekhatinov. He himself earned 2.4 million rubles in 2011, he owns a land plot of 1.2 hectares and a garage, he uses a service apartment of 88 square meters. meters. The same plot and garage, as well as a Daewoo car, are registered to his wife.

Let's remind, earlier the head of Buryatia Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn showed the incomes for 2011. According to official information, he received an income of more than 4.6 million rubles.

In 2010 wage Deputy Chairman of the Republican Government ranged from two million rubles (Deputy Chairman for Economic Development Alexander Chepik) to 3 million (First Deputy Innokenty Yegorov).

Nikolai Zubarev will soon leave the post of Deputy Chairman of the Government of Buryatia for infrastructure development. This became known today, May 2, in the morning at a planning meeting in the government of Buryatia, according to IA Vostok-Teleinform.

Who will take his place is yet to be announced.

Recall that Nikolai Zubarev became Deputy Prime Minister for Infrastructure Development in April 2011. With the departure of Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn, Zubarev was named among the potential candidates for relegation from the team of the ex-head. He was blamed for bad roads, expensive electricity, Forest fires and other troubles of the republic. Scolded for his thoughtless statements. For example, Zubarev said about the situation in Severomuisk after the fires in an interview with BGTRK:

The village is very difficult, the people there are a little very difficult, that means. As far as the strike is concerned, there is such a kind of strike, on a rotational basis, as they say, some people go on strike and leave. Based on the analysis of the reasons, it is clear that people there are not starving, they simply put forward their demands, they want to achieve something.

When the Khural session approved Zubarev's candidacy in 2011, Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn described him as a "tough leader" and "a good organizer."

The website reported that Nikolai Zubarev could leave his post in mid-April. According to our information, Munkozhap Badmaev may take the chair of the deputy chairman. Since December 2016, he has worked as Deputy Minister of Construction, Architecture and Housing and Public Utilities of Tatarstan. It is known for certain that Badmaev had already quit his job at own will and visited Ulan-Ude. Munkozhap Badmaev himself at that time was not ready to comment on his possible appointment.

It should be noted that during the 2017 declaration campaign, Nikolai Zubarev regained the status of the richest deputy chairman of the government of Buryatia. In a year, he became rich by almost 800 thousand rubles and bypassed his boss, the first deputy chairman of the government of the republic, Innokenty Yegorov, in terms of income.

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Nikolai Zubarev was born on December 18, 1954 in Chita. Has two higher education: graduated from the East Siberian State Institute of Technology in the specialties "Power supply industrial enterprises, cities and Agriculture' and 'Management'. All labor activity Zubarev is connected with the energy industry. The total experience is more than 30 years, of which 26 years he worked at the Gusinoozerskaya State District Power Plant, having worked his way up from an electrician to a commercial director. In December 2001, he was appointed director of the Zabaikalsky enterprise MES of Siberia, a branch of JSC Federal Grid Company of the Unified Energy System. He was a deputy of the People's Khural of the second (1998-2002) and third (2002-2007) convocations. In 1999 he defended his Ph.D. economic sciences, in 2008 - Doctor of Economics. In 2010 he was awarded the title of Professor of the Department of Economics and Law of the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy. By the Decree of the President of Buryatia dated April 29, 2011, he was appointed Deputy Chairman of the Government of Buryatia for infrastructure development. He is married and has three children and grandchildren.

Everything about everything. The day before, Nikolai Zubarev, Deputy Chairman of the Government of Buryatia for Infrastructure Development, gave an interview to the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company of Buryatia. During the conversation, the official gave "exhaustive answers to all pressing questions." And his answers were not only exhaustive, but also "witty." Most best phrases in the spirit of the famous mayor of Kyiv Vitali Klitschko in our special selection. As well as the comments of those whose interests the deputy chairman directly touched in his half-hour interview.


“Today, the townspeople see that sometimes we bring the townspeople trouble, inconvenience, but this is a necessity because today our main work is in the city center.”

To the absence hot water and we are all used to the streets dug out for several months, as well as to the fact that officials bring trouble and inconvenience. So it remains to be hoped that at the height of the season the deputy chairman will have a reason to maintain his optimism. Not like the residents of Severomuisk.


Nikolai Zubarev, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Belarus for Infrastructure Development:“The village is very difficult, the people there are a little very difficult, that means. As far as the strike is concerned, there is such a kind of strike, on a rotational basis, as they say, some people go on strike and leave. According to the analysis of the reasons, it is clear that people there are not starving, they simply put forward their demands, they want to achieve something, that means.”

Residents of Severomuisk and hunger strikers did not comment on this attitude of the leadership, because censorship would not let such comments pass.

Irina Syslova, hunger striker:“With us, because people have served time, for example, they need to go to work, they cannot also lose their jobs. Not only did they stay on the street, they have no housing, nothing, they also lose their jobs or what?! For him it was a show, but for us it is far from a show ... Because I have no words, I have, excuse me, only obscenities in relation to Zubarev about this.


Nikolai Zubarev, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Belarus for Infrastructure Development:“Well, take it, collect the garbage, put it on the road, nothing else is required of you, well, a bag. We are bringing it to the point that we will make a decision to stand somewhere and give out these garbage bags, it will probably cost less, so that people collect garbage. No, we had a rest, well, maybe there is no money for a bag, but I don’t know, they left everything anyway and left, then volunteers from all over the world will go to Baikal, which means they will collect garbage.”

Maxim Tokarev, Head of the Save Baikal project:“The garbage was not taken out, unfortunately, until tourist season. This is very sad, because when a guest of the Republic of Buryatia or a tourist or vacationer comes to the coast, he must see cleanliness, because only when he sees cleanliness, he will leave cleanliness behind him.

Why volunteers from all over the world remove garbage from Lake Baikal is a really big question. But the authorities went even further and, on the eve of the anniversary of the city, asked the people to clean up Ulan-Ude itself. Meanwhile, money for cleaning is allocated far from volunteers. They will also collect additional money from ordinary residents of the city. (folder Baikal)


Nikolai Zubarev, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Belarus for Infrastructure Development:“A law has been passed, whoever does not conclude an agreement, there will already be a fine from three to five thousand. Our Ministry of Natural Resources controls all this, we walk around, look, but we are fighting, only we are fighting with garbage, but we cannot win. You won't win if the people themselves don't collect garbage, the struggle there will not be equal. It will be constant, in one place you will remove it, in another place it will arise. Although, if you noticed that, then there are fewer garbage dumps, but unfortunately they have not become fewer.”


Nikolai Zubarev, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Belarus for Infrastructure Development:“Today, the situation in the country is such that it is no longer possible to live, otherwise we will bring this fund to a state that cannot happen. We cannot change our notion that if I live, the apartment is mine, and what is behind the apartment, it’s no longer mine, it’s someone who has to come, sweep the entrance, clean up after me.

Either I don’t understand something, or the residents of the house are really not obliged to sweep the entrance. In addition, capital repairs contributions go to slightly different purposes, but no one has explained why there are no results.

Raisa Sanzhitsyrenova, ONF expert:“Now, when the money is collected in a common pot, people don’t see the results yet, they don’t understand why we are collecting to a common account, it turns out that some other house will be repaired with our money, when the turn comes to our house, this is it's not clear."


Nikolai Zubarev, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Belarus for Infrastructure Development:“I started to deal with fires that year, I have been doing it for the second year. There, in the structure of forestry, there are a lot of things that I don't like. For example, no one is responsible for anything, in the forest all the owners, the forester, the forestry, and so on. Some take away, others control, but there is no extreme, you can’t ask anything from anyone. ”

Or maybe you should ask, first of all, from yourself? Only here, in your own eye, the log is not visible.

Fromact of readiness assessment of the Republic of Buryatiaactions during a fire hazard2016:"Chairman of the Commission for Emergency Situations and Ensuring fire safety Republic of Buryatia Nikolai Zubarev for 5 years (from 2011 to 2015) did not undergo training at the Institute for Development of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia under the program "Chairmen of the Commissions for the Prevention and Elimination emergencies and ensuring fire safety.


Nikolai Zubarev, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Belarus for Infrastructure Development:“I think that those people who criticized will find the courage to apologize, if since they are publicly going to dismiss me there, having figured this out, they will probably apologize publicly, find the courage to apologize for all their statements, which are addressed to me, they, well, no way ... "

What do you want to say, dear Nikolai Mikhailovich, we publicly apologize for the fact that we, the inhabitants of Buryatia, have such a deputy chairman.

Buryatenergo top manager Igor Zubarev will take part in the United Russia primaries in the People's Khural elections. What is not surprising - against the background of the weakening of the energy lobby, the loss of a place in the Khural may end very sadly for the Zubarev clan.

Officially, the acceptance of documents from Zubarev to "ER" has not yet been announced, but his name has already appeared in the "Participants" section on the official website dedicated to the primaries from the "party of power".

Igor Zubarev is an active member of the People's Khural from United Russia, but in 2013 he was elected in a completely different political environment.

Then in the government of Buryatia, his father, Nikolai Zubarev, worked as deputy chairman for infrastructure development. From 2011 to 2017, he was also responsible for tariffs for electricity, which was supplied by his son as deputy director of IDGC of Siberia Buryatenergo, the largest energy monopoly company.

Under the head of Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn, the Zubarevs, as they say, came to success - the son and father were in power, electricity tariffs increased to indecent levels, and the well-being of the "energy" family, respectively, increased in a similar way.

For the first full year of being a deputy, Zubarev Jr. earned 4.4 million rubles, in 2016 - already 7.6 million. The people's choice has not yet published the declaration for 2017, but according to the law he is obliged to do so in the near future. The main intrigue is whether Igor Zubarev has broken the bar of 10 million rubles a year.

His father, following the results of 2016, became the richest deputy chairman of the government of Buryatia. And the cost of electricity for simple at the time of publication last year's declarations was about 4.3 rubles per kilowatt - almost five times more than in the neighboring Irkutsk region.

Nikolay Zubarev

The family idyll ended after the resignation of Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn. In February 2017, Alexei Tsydenov was appointed acting head of Buryatia, and already in May, Nikolai Zubarev, one of the first "Nagovitsyn" officials, left the government. In Buryatia, they immediately began to reduce the tariff for electricity - primarily due to a large-scale transition to alternative energy sources.

In September 2017, Buryatenergo apparently tried to save the situation - one of the favorites for the position of energy deputy chairman was Andrey Medelanov, the head of the company. Nothing came of it - Alexey Tsydenov invited Evgeny Lukovnikov, a Muscovite and a completely outsider, to this post.

As a result of all these manipulations, the cost of electricity in Buryatia fell by 2.75 rubles per kilowatt.

And since Aleksey Tsydenov does not want to lose the trust of the people of Buryatia, this figure is unlikely to grow, or even decrease even further.

In this regard, IDGC of Siberia in Buryatia badly needs lobbyists - however, they were “cleaned out” from the government, and they will not be particularly happy in Khural. That is why Igor Zubarev's chances seem to be very ambiguous - on the one hand, he has influential patrons among the energy industry, on the other hand, the loss of his "cover" in the government and the shaken confidence of voters.

Igor Zubarev

Most likely, now he will be just one of many candidates for a seat from "ER" - and far from being a favorite, especially given the low popularity of the current convocation of the People's Khural and the demand for new deputies who have not tarnished the reputation in parliament.

Recall that you can nominate from United Russia to the Khural only through the primaries - a preliminary open vote, which will be held on June 3. Earlier, former senator Arnold Tulokhonov, co-owner of the Nikolaevsky network Matvey Badanov and businessman Mikhail Gergenov, a “fighter against VIP pensions”, have already announced their candidacies. Babr talked about all the participants in the primaries as of April 13.

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