Tankman's dictionary world of tanks. Glossary of World of Tanks terms. "Fedya" - German tank destroyer Ferdinand

The largest collection of world of tanks terms and gaming slang. In it you will find almost all the words that players use in the game and on the gaming forum, it will help fill in the gaps in communication and better understand what your comrades want from you in battle.

Gaming terms and abbreviations A

Alex is initially a player with nicknames like lex, aleks, alekc, aJIex, aJIeks, etc. Later, he is also a bad player, usually on Soviet equipment.

Elk/Deer is a bad player, despite many fights and equipment high level. Character traits- gathering into flocks and quickly meaningless death in them.

Alpha/Alpha strike - one-time damage.

Amerzetka - M4A2E4

Anti-slipper/Unshoe/Shlepak/Shlepak/Slap/Slipper/Re-slipper/Sandal - VK 4502 (P) Ausf. A

arta - self-propelled artillery installation, Art-SAU.

Harlequin, Ariel, Harley - ARL 44


Kayak - Churchill for characteristic shape housing

Dad/Batman/Batmobile/Broth - Bat Chatillon 25t

BB/Blank - armor-piercing projectile.

Ram/Rama/Canadian – Ram-II

Loaf/Cartridge - M46 "Patton".

Shoe - T-34-85

Crazy Stool/Battle Cart - BT-2 and BT-7 tanks.

Bison - Sturmpanzer I Bison

Flea/Car - T2 Light Tank.

Beard/Bump/Kolobok - BDR G1B.

Frenchman's Brother/Dwarf Mouse/Encore - PzKpfw B2 740(f).

Log launcher/land mine/Shaitan-pipe - Short-barreled 152 mm cannon.

Keychain/Talisman - a first level tank (usually MC-1) in a platoon with level 8-10 tanks.

Broneizba/Izba/yaga/Yagoda/Yagodny/Papa ​​Yaga - JagdTiger.

Buratino/Buratos/Buratinos - S-51.


Vaselinovka is the nickname of the Malinovka card, given for the difficulty of conducting active actions.

Wine (English Whine - whine) - A large number of complaints. Most often unjustified.

Valenok - Soviet self-propelled gun Object 212.

Valentina/Valenok - Valentine tank.

One-shot - (English: “One shot” - one shot) killing a tank with 100% health with one shot (“Imagine, I one-shot a mouse in BC”). Or the car itself, which for the player represents the target, destroyed, as a rule, with one shot (“Get out of the way, one-shot!” - KV-2 owner to BT-7 owner). Also, a one-shot sometimes means destroying an enemy with one shot, regardless of the amount of health (for example, a Tiger one-shotted with 40%).

Monitor lizard/Frying pan/Turtle – American PT T95

Basilisk/Crane - SU-8.

VBR - Great Belarusian Random. Ironic name for the Balancer.

Bucket - Top turret of the KV-3 tank.

Helicopter/Cockroach/Cheaterwagen/Zerg/Cookie/UFO - T-54.

Faithful Eight/Easy Eight/Mchazev/Mazai/Mrazev/Mazaev - M4A3E8 Sherman.

VKshka/Vika/Vickers - Almost any German prototype whose name begins with the letters VK, most often referring to the VK3601(H) or VK3001(H)/(P) tanks.

Volvo/Wolverine/Wolverine - M10 Wolverine.

Military/Warrior/Warrior - Warrior Medal. “Took the warrior” is interpreted as “received the Warrior Medal for the battle”

Wunderwaffle - (German: Wunderwaffe - wunderwaffe, miracle weapon) - used to refer to unusual impressive tanks.


A guide is a guide to use/actions or simply a set of tips/explanations.

Givi-Panther/Gw-Panther is a German artillery self-propelled gun Gw-Panther.

Gold/Coin/Coin/Gilding - ammunition purchased for gold (“Shoot with a coin!”, “Don’t you mind shooting gold?”).

Dovecote - stock tower on ARL44

Brokeback Mountain/Undo-PT/Camel/Undo-Tank - M3 Lee. Boob - for his characteristic picture in the tank roster.

Pink salmon - T40 (due to the base from M3 Lee).

Gorilla - M41

Hotchkiss/Goch/Dwarf Mouse/Minimous/Sand Mouse - PzKpfw 38H735 (f).

Grill/Chicken - Grille.

Gusli/Geese/Goose/Guski are caterpillars.

goose - premium American heavy tank M6A2E1.


Damage - (English “damage” - damage) damage inflicted on an enemy.

Grandfathers fought/grandfathers/dv — soviet tanks during the Great Patriotic War - T-34, T-34-85, T-43, less often T-28 and T-44. For accuracy, the last numbers are indicated, for example dv-34 or grandfathers-85.

Def / Def - (English "defence" - defense) to protect a specific point or direction from enemy attack.

DPM - (English damage per minute, DPM - damage per minute) characteristic of a weapon, expressed as the average damage inflicted on the enemy in one minute. DPM is important for medium tanks, which can implement it due to their own mobility.

Drifter/three-quarters - PzKpfw III/IV.

Hole Punch/Needle Thrower/Perforator/Chisel - Soviet 57mm ZiS4 tank gun or English QF 6 pounder (for high armor-piercing and rate of fire with low damage). The T-34 tank with this gun is also sometimes called. In a broader sense, any rapid-fire weapon with low one-time damage.

The Woodpecker is a French Tier 8-10 heavy tank with an AMX 50 100, AMX 50 120 or AMX 50B drum loading system.


Toad/Toad Eater/Frog - French tank.


Zabablovy (tank) - a tank purchased for in-game gold.

Light up - detect enemy tanks, that is, marks appear on the screen indicating the enemy.

CBT is a closed beta test, which is what players call the very first version of the game.

St. John's wort - SU-152 and ISU-152.

Zerg - Medium tanks during a group attack.

Gold/Golda - (English “Gold” - gold) game currency purchased for real money. Also shells and equipment purchased with this currency (eg shoot gold).


Isak/Joseph is a tank of the IS family.


Cart / Carriage / Cart / Stroller - T82

Carousel / Spin the carousel / Round dance - riding a maneuverable ST or LT around a clumsy TT or PT while firing at vulnerable spots. Performed to evade return fire.

Carousel of tanks/equipment - list of equipment in the hangar.

Quasimodo/Toilet/Soviet Maus/Battleship/Behemoth/Barge - KV-5. Tzh. Tits - behind the turrets of the driver and radio operator-machine gunner sticking out in front.

Kvass/KV-sport - KV-1S, outside of combat is also called “Accounting. Accountant" because of the 1C-Accounting program.

China/Chinese/Kitaeza/Ant/Tupe – Type 59

Clinch - defensive actions, fettering the enemy’s attacking actions, “tying” his hands. American TTs, starting with the T29, go for a ram, exposing their impenetrable turret to fire.

Bug/Supersonic - T-50-2

KoVe/KaVe/Shkolotank - KV.

Kolka/Kolunya/Kolyan/Kolya - KV-3.

Harvester/Farm Harvester is a tank used to actively earn credits. Typically, such vehicles are mid-tier tanks (5-7), as well as premium Tier 8 tanks - KV-5, Type 59 and Lowe.

Konik - 7.5 cm KwK 41 L/58 konisch gun.

Box - surrounding an enemy tank with several tanks in order to deprive it of the ability to move.

KoTe/KT - PzKpfw VIB Tiger II.

Koshak - tanks with cat names.

Koshmarin/Kumarin is the second name of the Komarin card, given by players for its darkness and tactical inconvenience.

Crab - a player with a crab-like hand structure (claw hands) who is unable to properly control the mouse/keyboard. The term comes from World of Warcraft.

Crocodile/Case - American PT T28. Churchill is also sometimes called a crocodile.

Credits/Silver - credits (game currency).

Crit - (English "critical" - critical) critical damage.

Crete collection shed/Crete collection/Tigor/Cat - PzKpfw VI Tiger.

Bushdrocher is a tank holed up in the bushes, using tank destroyer combat tactics.


Lag - (English “lag” - delay) loss (delay) of packets on the way from the server to the client (or vice versa), or slowdown of the server, leading to “freezing of the game”.

Lacker - (English "luck" - luck) lucky, lucky.

Light Bulb is a player on a fast tank, a scout, from Svetlyak.

Lansa/mop/Shtanga - ZiS-6 gun.

Lev/Lev/Leva/Löve/Lyosha/Lave/Loshe - Lowe.

Legend - T-34, PzKpfw VI Tiger

Leo/Leopold/Leopard/Lepa - VK1602 Leopard.

Loltractor/"Locomotive from Romashkovo" - Leichttraktor.

Luch/Luchik/Luchs/Lynx - PzKpfw II Luchs.

LT is a light tank.

Lunokhod/Damage/Cannon fodder on main battery - IS-7.

Frog, Franz - any French tank.

Lyakhtraktor/Traktor/El-tractor/Loltraktor - Leichtetraktor.


Malyshok/Stok/Stokovy – a tank in the basic configuration, without upgrades.

Death Machine-1/Macaque/Moska - MC-1.

Brazier/Armored car/Toilet/Jacuzzi/Sauna/Basket/Pan – M37

Merc/Mercedes/Gelding - VK3002(DB), sometimes VK3001(H).

Meteor - light tank Level 5 - primarily T-50-2. VK 2801 or M24 Chaffee meet this requirement worse.

Mickey Mouse - T-50-2 with a T-50-2M turret for two open hatches after being knocked out.

Minitiger/Undertiger – VK3601(H)

Mother - Matilda.

Soap dish/Soap/Pie - M7 (for rounded shapes).

Mouse/Mouse/Mouse/Meowus is a German Maus heavy tank.

Meat is a low-level machine that is powerless against most tanks.

Minimouse - AMX 40


Bend/nogib - an easy victory, often with a large number of frags. The opposite of a plum.

Nogebator is an ironic nickname for a player who tells his teammates how to play correctly, and at the same time has an extremely low performance average experience and win percentage.

Neberun/Neberung/Neberast is a player who gives an ultimatum (including friendly fire) to his teammates not to take the enemy base, but to finish off all enemy tanks.

Nerf/nerf - Reducing/deteriorating the characteristics of something.

Nedozerg - T-44.

Underpanther/Alpha Tank — PzKpfw V-IV and PzKpfw V-IV Alpha, respectively.

NLD - lower frontal part of the tank (lower armor plate)

UFO/Turtle - BT-SV, for its characteristic shape.

Noob/Nubas - (from the English "newbie" - newbie) an inexperienced player.

Nup is a newcomer to the game quickly.

Nychka - places on the map where you can hide from enemies.


Obedok is a Soviet tank destroyer Object 704. Also used in relation to Art SAU Object 212.

Body kit — optional equipment and equipment.

Cigarette Butt / Shotgun / Dudka / Dryn - a short-barreled large-caliber howitzer installed in tanks (Soviet 122 mm U-11, 152 mm M-10, German 105mm KwK42 L/28 and 75mm KwK37 L/24, also American 105 mm and 75 mm howitzers). They are distinguished by high explosive power and low accuracy.

HE - high-explosive fragmentation projectile.

Ololorash - usually an attack by a ST with one flank, as a rule, ends in failure. Less commonly applied to the entire team.


Shell/Groove/Groove – PzKpfw IV

Father/Old Man is an experienced player.

Papko/Batko/Kutuzov/Napoleon is a top-tech player who imagines himself as a commander in a random battle.

Pelican/Duck/Platypus/Shuttle/Axe/Mbasey - M6A2E1.

Perk/Perks - Additional crew specialties.

Persh/Peach/Porshing - M26 Pershing.

Sandbox/sand - battles for level 1-2 vehicles. They differ in a limited set of maps, for more details see Balancer and battle levels. Accordingly, semi-sand - battles involving level 3-5 vehicles.

Prem - depending on the context, can mean either a premium account (for example, play with a premium) or a premium tank - purchased for gold (for example, which premium should I take for farming?)

Pop/Priest - M7 Priest (English priest), American ART-SAU.

Porsche/Porsche - VK3001(P), or PzVI Tiger(P)

Pimple - a small tank turret<КВ-5

PTR - Test server.

PT/PTshka/Ptichka - tank destroyer.


Disassembly (verb disassemble / disassemble / dismantled) - a concentrated and usually successful attack by two or three tanks on one, more powerful target.

Consumables/consumables - tank equipment that is used once, for example a fire extinguisher.

Rush - (English “to rush” - hurry up) a quick mass attack on any specified landmark (for example: an enemy base, square or free-standing building).

Respawn - (English "respawn" - rebirth) the place where players appeared on the map at the beginning of the game.

Socket/Electric/Electric - KV-220.


New guy/Slugger/Shlyuger/Slugger/Shlyager/Shlyukher/Zheksun — M36 Slugger.

Female KoTe - PzKpfw V or Panther II.

Aim - aiming time (usually in seconds).

Shine - conduct reconnaissance on a light tank.

Svetlyak is a player on a fast tank, a scout.

Priest - M7 Priest

Safe is an Art SPG shell that can be purchased for in-game gold.

The Cap/Pimple is a small turret of the KV-5 tank.

Birdhouse/Skyscraper - turret of the KV-2 tank.

Frying pan - JagdPz IV.

Screen - (eng. “screen shot”) screenshot.

Loss - defeat with a devastating score (for example 15:2).

Som/Somik/Somua - PzKpfw S35 739 (f).

Splash - damage from a blast wave and fragments of a HE projectile.

ST - medium tank.

Stealth/Cheat704/Cheat/Leftover/Crocodile - Object 704

Stealer/Rat/Fragodrocher/Grobotyr - an ally who steals a frag from you.

Stock is a tank in basic/standard configuration.

Stack/Sotka - SU-100.

Stupa / Shtupa / Shushpan / Shushpanchik / Lapot - Sturmpanzer II

Supercat - Panther II

Sushka/Sukharik is a Soviet self-propelled gun or tank destroyer.


Stool – T2 med, M2 med, M3 Lee.

Slipper/bast shoe – VK4502(P) Ausf. B.

Cockroach - T-54.

TV – T18

Notebook/Tetris - MkVII Tetrarch

Teamkill - (English: “team kill”) destruction of your team’s tank.

Tolstopard is a light German tank VK 2801.

Top - 1. the strongest tank in the team; 2.the first five tanks in the list of players before the start of the battle.

The top gun is the strongest available weapon on this tank.

Top - a tank with fully researched and installed modules in the best configuration.

Tractor - in a narrow sense - Leichtetraktor, in a broader sense - any tier 1 tank, in the broadest sense - a disparaging name for any low-level tank.

Tram/Wagon/Sausage/Larva KV - T-28.

TT/Tyazh is a heavy tank.


Fishing rod - 7.5 cm KwK 45 L/100 and 8.8 cm KwK 46 L/100 tools (due to the large length).

Iron - light German tanks VK1602 Leopard and VK 2801 for their unique shape and dynamic features.


Fan - (from the English “fun”) a game for pleasure and entertainment. Often (but not always) fan is contrasted with farming, because... Fun cars are usually low-level cars with low credit earnings (for example, Marder or Hotchkiss).

Farm - (from the English “farm”) a game with the goal of obtaining game currency (the main goal is earning money, not winning the team) and, less often, experience.

Fedya/Ferd/Ferdya/Fedor/Fedot — Ferdinand.

Flooding is the clogging of chat (voice chat) in a game with useless, meaningless information. Particularly “gifted” people broadcast loud music into the voice chat through a microphone, interfering with team coordination.

Frag - (eng. “frag”) destruction of an enemy tank.


Pine needles/illness/horseradish/T1 Heaviness/ — T1 Heavy Tank

Khimki/Humelsdoch - map of Himmelsdorf.

Cold/Refrigerator - SU-14.

Hummel/Bumblebee/Hum/Humma/Hamster - Hummel.

Hepe/HP - (English “Hit Points” - strength points) “units of health” or “units of life”, in other words - the tank’s safety margin.


Chaffee/Chappy/Stunted/Mongrel – M24 Chaffee

Cheburashka/Chebur/Cheburator - T29.

The suitcase is an artillery self-propelled gun projectile.

Turtle/Fierce Dumpling - Hetzer tank destroyer, for its characteristic shape.

Church/Boat/Chernobyl - Churchill.

Cast iron - E-75.

Alien - M7, due to the shape of the tank's turret.


Shaitan-pipe/Log thrower/Duda - Short-barreled 152 mm M-10 cannon.

Barrel/Emcha - M4 Sherman.

Skoda/Czech - PzKpfw 38 nA. Also called PzKpfw 35(t) by Czechs and less commonly PzKpfw 38(t), T-15, T-25.

Stuga/Styug is a German tank destroyer StuG III.


Pike/Fat Firefly - IS-3.


The screen is an external removable (duplicate) layer of armor, designed for additional protection; in the game, it partially or completely absorbs the damage of projectiles.


Jag/Design Panther - JagdPanther.

Yaga/Yagodny - can mean JagdPz IV, JagdPanther or JagdTiger depending on the context and general presence in the game.

Other terms and abbreviations

k - (abbr. from “kilo”) 1,000.

kk/lam — 1,000,000

IMHO (IMHO) - my humble opinion/I have an opinion you can’t argue with.

pzhl/plz - short for the word please/please (English: “please”)

thank you - short for thank you

sori/sori/sorri - (from the English “sorry” - sorry) please excuse us in case of accidental hits in the tank, collisions with an ally’s tank.

Idk - who knows :)

TS - (transliterated from English "Topic Starter" - author of the topic) author of the topic.

KTTS - “As Only So Right Now” - the answer to a question that includes the word “when”. Favorite expression of SerB, one of the developers of World of Tanks.

NYAZ - "As far as I know."

Westfield map terms

Ravine, Kotlovina - the road leading to the bridge, located between two hills.

Village - a village located on the left hill, the site of the main TT skirmishes.


Hellish Turn - the first turn to the left from the first respawn, the place is one of the main battles.

The Eye is a mountain located at the top left turn from respawn II.


The gorge is a passage behind the mountain, a favorite place for battles, in which self-propelled guns do not interfere due to the inconvenience of firing.

Plateau (shelf) is a small hill in the northwestern part of the map, a favorite place for LT and ST.

The road, otherwise known as the “road of death,” is located in the center of the map, surrounded by swamps. It is dangerous to drive along it, since the road is well under fire from the enemy base.

Pants - A place in the gorge that resembles pants on the mini-map. A hill with a two-way drive, where ST and TT like to drive in so as not to stand under direct enemy fire and to illuminate the base. From the Pants you can shoot through the Plateau and the enemy base.


Nightmare is the unofficial name of the map, given by players for the lack of dynamics when playing on this map.

The island - a peninsula in the center of the map - is a place to view the shores near enemy bases and the hottest battles

The settling base - an area in a recess behind the bridge near the water not far from the first base - is a place for viewing (SHOOTING) in sniper mode (you look under the bridge) the enemy as he approaches the first base.


Kishka is a small serpentine road in the middle of the map between the lake and the mountain. Players really don’t like it because of enemy breakthroughs there. Therefore, at the beginning of the battle, players of both teams go to block the “Gut” with their tanks (often posthumously).

The Gorge, also known as the Pass, is a difficult-to-pass area framed by high mountains, located in the opposite city on the edge of the map. Due to the reduced speed of movement in it and convenient places for ambush at both entrances to the gorge (the hill from the lower spawn, and the bushes from the upper spawn), it is popular with TTs and PTs. There is also an isthmus - the narrowest part of the gorge, which is perfectly shot by both teams and is very dangerous for any equipment.

The upper road, also known as the Moscow Ring Road, is the outermost road on the map, located at the opposite end of the map from the “Gorge”. It is notable for the fact that LT and ST often break through it.

City - the city on the right side of the map, the place of frequent skirmishes of ST or TT.

The balcony is a small ledge in front of the gorge, a favorite place for tank destroyers, behind a dense wall of bushes and a position that is difficult to aim at because of the mound in front of it. The fact is that many tanks will not be allowed to aim there with their vertical aiming without exposing their lower armor plate.

Siegfried Malinovka Line

In the ditch, Edge, Vegetable gardens - a long detour in Malinovka around the lake.

Hill/Mountain/Mill/Village - attack along the path, passing through the actual village of Malinovka and the highest point of the map.

The Death Field is the field in the middle of the map.

Cowsheds/Pigpen/Barracks - dilapidated warehouses at the first base.


Ditch/Kishka - a narrow road with broken tanks on the 8th vertical - begins and ends at the bases - accordingly, a successful rush along the ditch takes the winners directly to the enemy base.

Monastery - area inside the monastery - center of the map. Allows the ST or LT to illuminate almost the entire base, creating a non-illusory threat to enemy artillery.

Ear/Brains - A road surrounded by mountains at the edge of the map, shaped like an ear or brains on the minimap.

The Vineyard is a road running to the west of the entrance to the Monastery site, allowing for quick passage to the enemy base with protection from enemy artillery by buildings.

Shelf - areas on the second floor of the "ear", closest to the respawns, covered with bushes.


Forest of Miracles - forest near first base.


Glacier - a place to the left of first base covered with ice. Traditionally used for defense and further transition to a counterattack.

Loop - a road that goes around the mountain along line "1" to square H1 and turns onto line "J"

Sandy River

Barkhan is a dune in the eastern part of the map. Its slopes are very difficult to reach by enemy artillery shells.

Tits - 2 sand dunes after leaving second base. The most convenient position of the second line of defense, optimal for anti-tank missiles, but is under fire from Arta.


Alley - a road surrounded by poplars on 1-2 vertical lines. It is a frequent ambush site. The winner is the team that can break through the enemy's defenses in this area, since the enemy team's respawn is shot through from there.

The mountain is a platform on a hill behind the railway. Often, each team sets its goal to capture exactly this section of the map. Success in victory depends on the capture of this hill, since the exit from the railway and the village are under fire from there. A fly in the ointment for the enemy team.

Mines (formerly Pagorki)

Into the water is a river channel that washes the lighthouse, making it an island.

To the village - a village where battles of ST, LT and TT often take place.

Mountain is the hill in the center of the map. Often, each team sets its goal to capture this particular section of the map, since it is the shortest path to the enemy base. Also, both the village and the river have excellent shooting from the Hill.


Banan/MKAD/Duga is an outer road of the city, shaped like an arc. Connects command databases.

The village is an area with houses in the eastern part of the map.

The square is a vast place with a fountain in the middle, the site of the main battles.

Center - the central road separating the lower and upper parts of the city, as well as the central square.

Highway/Strasse - the right vertical road passing through the Village, a favorite road for medium tanks.

Control/Control - a position behind the ridge, in square E4, which allows, when operating from the second base, to control the center of the map and the road leading to the lighthouse.


Control / Control - a position behind the ridge, in square E5, allowing, when operating from the second base, a road leading around the western ridge.


Castle or Mountain - the upper camper part of the city with the castle is located on the mountain.

Corridor (alley of death)/Trail of Death/Banana - the most terrible place on the map, the outermost street in front of the hill with a castle, a frequent place of firefights with heavy losses.

Station/Railway/Railway - A railway depot located near the base of one of the teams. Favored by artillery, a frequent site of large-scale battles.

The park is a wasteland in the middle of the city which the players call the Park (Lack of Culture and Recreation), in the center of the Park there is a fountain.

Khimki or Humelsdoh is the unofficial name of the map given by the players.

El Halluf Ensk

Into the city - attack through streets, alleys and courtyards. Large-scale battles take place here and there are places where you can hide from enemy self-propelled guns.

The death room is the courtyard in square E2.

The extreme street is the westernmost street where frequent firefights between tank destroyers and tank destroyers take place.

Forest/Sawmill/Zelyonka - forest in the eastern part, through which LT and ST often move.

A piece of iron/railway is a railway station with many carriages, the shortest and easiest route to the enemy base.


The bridge is the shortest road between the bases (not to be confused with respawns) of teams (that is, the central bridge).

Upper Bridge is a bridge located in the north of the map.

The Lower Bridge is a bridge located in the south of the map.

Castle - a place in the lower republic next to the castle, a small city where teams like to set up defenses.

Piglet/Gorka - a hill near second base, near which many clashes between TT and CT take place; the hill itself is also dotted with bushes, which allows players to hide there and defend the base

  • Automatic guidance- enable automatic target tracking, activated by pressing the right mouse button. Good for tracking targets at long distances and shooting from stabilizer. But it is absolutely contraindicated when shooting at an enemy moving quickly across the direction of fire.
  • Admiral- a player who imagines himself to be a commander and tells the team obvious things. The concept itself originates from an Internet character Admiral Yasen X*y, special case Captain Obvious.
  • Arta- long-range artillery, artillery tank. Located deep in the rear, it hits hard and from afar. As a rule, it is clumsy and poorly armored. Very vulnerable in close combat, especially with light reconnaissance tanks.
  • Alen- cm. Deer.
  • Climber- a tank climbing heavily up a slope. Also: a tank hanging from a steep cliff.
  • Alpha tester- here: a caste of people of the highest honor who participated in the first test (alpha test) of the game.
  • Amer- any American tank. Example: “Everyone remember: Amers don’t shoot at the tower!”
  • Annihilator- 152mm M-10 gun, mounted on KV-2 tanks.
  • Art-SAU- cm. art.
  • Astral- view of the battlefield from above, through a howitzer sight. Goes to the astral plane art- at the moment when he takes aim at a distant target.
  • Atata- AT-1, Soviet tank destroyer, so called because of its high rate of fire and excellent hit accuracy.
  • Atetz- a very good player.
  • Hellish- excellent, unusually cool. Example: Conductor is the hellish dad of flanking.


  • Balancer- part of the game server, responsible for selecting teams of equal strength for each round. A balancer, no matter how perfect it is made, is guaranteed to be far from ideal, because you cannot please everyone. Experienced fighters tend to believe that driving towards Balancer is a sign of cowardice.
  • Ban- temporary or permanent suspension of the account for violating the rules.
  • Ram- Ram-II, premium medium tank of the American branch.
  • loaf- T1 hvy and M6, American heavy tanks - due to the shape of the side armor screen.
  • Labor- go into battle for money, see Farm.
  • Old Man, Old Man, Father- one of the players who suddenly felt like an indisputable commander.
  • BB- armor-piercing projectile, with a red mark.
  • Beta- cm. CBT And MBT.
  • Beta tester- here: an honorary caste of people who participated in the closed beta test of the game.
  • Blank- any shell that hits a tank.
  • Crazy Stool- a particularly fast tank of the BT-2 and BT-7 series, which has excellent speed and a rather cocky character.
  • Bot- a tank left on the battlefield without contact with its owner, who suddenly flew out of the game for a number of reasons.
  • Botovod- a player who uses third-party programs to earn money and experience by driving tanks into battle automatically - without direct user participation, along initially specified paths. The action is punishable by the developers.
  • Buhurt- (Old German "Buhurt" - "to hit") a fight between a large number of machines, a meat grinder. The word comes from the slang of roleplayers, where this is what they call massive battles, wall-to-wall.
  • Pinocchio- ART-SAU S-51, a powerful long-range self-propelled artillery unit, so called because of its characteristic “nosed” profile.
  • Accountant- KV-1S, Soviet heavy tank (see also: Kvass).


  • Railway carriage- T28, entry-level Soviet medium tank.
  • Wipe- quick death or loss, planned in advance. Also: complete reset of account data. Also: resetting account data at the end of the next testing stage (see. CBT).
  • Valenok- "Object 212", a tough Soviet ART-SPG of exceptionally large caliber.
  • Valya, Valentina- premium medium tank "Valentine", available in the Soviet branch.
  • A vampire- Gw-Panther, ART-SAU of the German branch, nicknamed for its characteristic “skull” and “collar”.
  • Oneshot- (English "one shot" - one shot) destruction of a tank with one shot. As a rule, it speaks of a strong tank and a cool gun for the attacker, and very weak armor for the vanquished. Experienced fighters rarely remember their one-shots, preferring a harsh duel with an opponent of equal strength - and practically unkillable from the first shot.
  • Vasya- a careless player who enters a hillock or open space and is immediately killed one-shot.
  • FBG- "Great Belarusian Random" (see. Balancer)
  • Bucket- PzKpfw IV, German medium tank, with a disproportionately large turret PzKpfw-IV-Schmalturm.
  • Platoon- a mini-team of tanks, up to three vehicles, based on one player with a paid account (see. P.A.). Tanks in a platoon - they all enter the battlefield together, at the same time.
  • VC- any German tank of the VK series.
  • Water- a player whose position is in shallow water.
  • Eight- Su-8, Soviet ART-SAU. Mobile, powerful - but with a high profile and a fairly large spread when changing targets. Great tool for pharma.
  • Wolfhound- VK3002(DV), German medium tank.
  • Carry out- quickly and effectively destroy the enemy, usually by a well-organized team. Usually implies the plural: “Did you see how they carried him out?”
  • Wunderwaffle- (from German. "Wunderwaffe"


  • Go- (English "go" - to go) a call to go somewhere. For example: "go forest" - "let's go to the forest".
  • Brokeback Mountain- M3 Lee, American medium tank.
  • Racer- a player who rushes forward uncontrollably right from the start. Very typical for pilots of the BT and Leopard series tanks.
  • Givi- "Gw-Panther" or "Gw-Tiger", heavy German self-propelled guns.
  • Gold- game currency of the highest value. Unlike silver, purchased by players for real money. In-game gold allows you to buy special premium tanks, transfer earned experience from other vehicles, train more advanced crews, buy more powerful charges, and so on. For (see also: gold).
  • Grader- M12, American ART-SAU, similar in shape.
  • Grill- "Grille", a nimble German ART-SAU.
  • Coffin- cm. Dumpling.
  • Dirty- about money. It means revenue for the battle, but excluding the costs of repairs and replenishment of ammunition. Example: “I brought 40k dirty from the battle, 20 went back - for shells”.
  • Gusli- tank tracks. "Knead the harp"- to deprive someone of their progress by knocking down their tracks. Or just mark time.


  • Damage, damage- damage caused to the tank during an attack. Accidental and intentional damage are not considered damage.
  • Def- English "defence", a game of defense. "We're playing def", "go def"- a call to take up defensive positions.
  • Dichlorvos- a player on a medium or heavy tank, engaged in shooting light and nimble tanks fireflies. Also: splash from being hit by a large-caliber landmine from an ART-SAU of the Su-14 level.
  • Dichlorphosate- randomly fire heavy high-explosive shells at possible enemy artillery positions behind enemy lines.
  • Dolboya lizard- a tank that is practically invulnerable to the guns of other players. One of the types terminator.
  • Dolboyashchik- Tank destroyer with a particularly large-caliber gun.
  • Donat- (English "donate" - make donations) any investment of real money in the game - purchase of a game gold or paid account (see. P.A.).
  • Dracula- cm. A vampire.
  • Hole puncher- a rapid-firing Soviet ZiS-4 gun (76mm) with very good armor-piercing power, very often installed on T-34 tanks.
  • Doublet- simultaneous coverage of the target with two shots from different ART-SAUs.
  • Duet- operation of two tanks in pairs (see also: Carousel).


  • Crawl- tightly seal an ART-SAU or AT tank with the side of your tank, completely blocking the victim’s turn and sight. Then - shoot the helpless enemy into the wide, unprotected side.
  • Christmas trees- isolated trees on the battlefield, sparse forest.


  • Fry- finish off an immobilized or shell-shocked enemy.
  • Burn- it’s interesting to do something out of the ordinary. Also: cause the engine to catch fire or the enemy’s ammunition to detonate.
  • Reaper- cm. Reaper


  • Race- lightning lung burst firefly to the center of the enemy position - in order to detect as many enemy tanks as possible and receive the Scout medal. Typically fatal.
  • Flash- be the first to detect an enemy tank or artillery (see also: Shine, Firefly).
  • Nerd- a player who completely refuses the benefits of a paid account (see. P.A.), and prefers to rock tanks for a long time, but for free. A nerd is also understood as a player who devotes most of his free time to the game for the purpose of leveling up his equipment or a player who was the first to achieve significant success in the game by sitting exhaustingly at the computer.
  • CBT- closed beta testing of the game (since January 30, 2010). At the end of testing it was made wipe- complete reset of player achievements.
  • Zerg rush- mass attack with light or medium tanks (see also: Rush) ending fast and brutal drain.


  • Needle shooter- any small-caliber automatic gun.
  • Isa- ISU-152, a formidable tank destroyer of the Soviet branch.
  • Isaac- Soviet tank series IS "Joseph Stalin"
  • Isay, Isaev- heavy tank of the IS family, Soviet branch.


  • TO- abbreviation for "kilo", designating thousands. Usually comes as an addition to a number. Example: "It costs 20k money to charge my tank".
  • Captain, Kopetan- making fun of the player who has taken on the role of a commander (see. Folder) and telling his team about obvious truths. Originates from the Internet character Captain Obvious (aka K.O. or Cap), whose name is signed on obvious answers to initially stupid questions. Example: When V. Putin was once asked what exactly happened to the Kursk submarine, he simply answered: “She drowned.”.
  • Carousel- circular maneuvers of a lighter and more agile tank around a heavier and less agile one. For example, circling firefly around low-speed arts.Also: single enemy attacks in pairs. Also: tanks standing in the hangar.
  • KV - same as Clanwars
  • Kvass- cm. Accountant.
  • Camper- (English "camper" - camper) a player who attacks exclusively from ambushes.
  • Clan- a large association of players capable of fielding a team for a “world war”.
  • Clanwars(English "clan wars" - clan wars) - confrontations between clans within the framework of a "world war".
  • Tap- Su-8, ART-SAU of the Soviet branch, whose weapon is very similar to the cargo boom of a crane.
  • Pretzel- An exceptionally original and non-trivial player.
  • Pretzel- write a pretzel: move like a “snake”, escaping from under fire.
  • Crete- English "crit", a critical hit with damage much higher than normal. Typically the result of luck. Also - serious damage to the module or crew member.
  • Criticize- inflict critical damage (see. Crete).
  • Crocodile- "Object 704", heavy large-caliber Soviet tank destroyer.
  • Kolotun-babai- cm. Fridge.
  • Bullfight- circling of a fast but weakly armed light tank (see. Firefly) around a heavy and clumsy ART-SPG capable of destroying it with one shot. Private option Carousels.
  • Box- a situation when a tank, pinned down by several enemy tanks, is completely deprived of movement. Also: a tank stuck in a bottleneck between other damaged vehicles.
  • Cow- KV, a Soviet heavy tank, characterized by exceptional sluggishness.
  • Scythe- cm. Reaper.
  • Cat, cat, cat- any German tank with a “cat” name: Tiger, Panther, Leopard. Default - any Tiger.
  • Karopka- M37, American ART-SAU, very similar to the box.
  • Cucarach- cm. Cockroach.
  • Bush firefly- a reconnaissance tank, covered with a camouflage net, standing motionless in ambush in order to passively detect enemy tanks passing by.
  • Smoking- while in the game, hide in a secret corner and take no action at all.


  • Lag- partial or complete inhibition of the game due to problems with communication or stability of the game server. At the same time, the player’s tank begins to be poorly controlled, and enemies instantly “teleport” from point to point.
  • Lagopedist (speech therapist)- a tank that has absurdly bumped into an obstacle due to the fact that its owner has experienced communication delays with the game server (see. lag).
  • Lamp- cm. Firefly.
  • Leo- tank VK1602 “Leopard”, “firefly”, fast and well-armored German reconnaissance fighter. A thunderstorm for enemy artillery and the best friend of your long-range artillery.
  • Leecher- (English "leech" - ghoul) a player who leaves the battle immediately after it begins. This method of earning game currency is considered unsporting.
  • Lol- (English “laughing out loud”) is an abbreviation for a sudden burst of laughter.
  • Loltractor- "Leichtetraktor", an entry-level German tank.
  • LT- light tank. Carries out reconnaissance, as a rule - fights only with other light tanks.
  • Lunokhod- IS-7, a guarded Soviet heavy tank with an increased effect of enemy shells ricocheting off the armor.
  • Ray- PzKpfw II Luchs.
  • Lam- (slang. "lemon") million. Example: "Mouse cost me 6.1 lemmas of money".


  • M- abbreviation for "million". Usually comes as an addition to a number. Example: "A tiger costs 1.2M money".
  • Brazier- cm. Grill.
  • Mask- camouflage net: an improvement that reduces the overall visibility of a stationary tank.
  • Mother- MkII "Matilda", a premium British tank, available in the Soviet branch.
  • Death machine- MS-1, Soviet entry-level tank. A rather ambiguous nickname: battles on initial tanks are very hot, hence the lowest survivability of such vehicles.
  • Mercedes- VK3002(DB), fast German medium tank. Partly due to the fact that the letters DB stand for Daimler-Benz (Mercedes manufacturer).
  • Milk -("get into the milk") miss the target. The word comes from rifle shooters, whose target is in the form of a black circle, and the rest of the space is white.
  • Moped- Panzerjäger I (pronounced "Panza-yiga"), an entry-level German tank destroyer whose movement sound is very reminiscent of a hole-type moped.
  • Mchazev- M4A3E8 "Sherman", American medium tank.


  • Nano Panther- cm. Leo.
  • mother hen- a sniper hiding in the bushes with the aim of attacking enemy tanks from cover, at long distances, without subsequently detecting himself.
  • Neberun, Neberung- a player urging other players not to take base, and let him finish off the remaining enemy. Typically bloodthirsty shkolotoy on a heavy tank in initial build-up. In the excitement of battle, he may start killing his own people - just to prevent the end of the game.
  • Nerf- deterioration of equipment characteristics. Usually - in connection with the release of a new patch. It is carried out with the good purpose of verifying the ideal game balance, but players perceive this very negatively.
  • Nerf- (English "nerf" - soft ball) take a long time to destroy a strong enemy, knocking off his strength points over and over again (see. HP). Also: changes (deterioration) by developers of tank parameters - guns, armor, speed, etc. - with the release of each new patch (see. Patch).
  • Nibiriti- (Russian “don’t take”) the cry of an illiterate shkoloty, calling not to take the base and let the enemy be finished off.
  • bender- a super-winner who punishes everyone and everything. Everyone's cherished dream shkoloty: upgrade yourself to such a cool and heavy tank that you can do everything with impunity bend over. And do it exclusively one-shots. Some units of top equipment are also called benders.
  • bend over- to win unconditionally and indisputably, harshly and invariably - to punish noobs, being a bender. Definitely - with the longest gun, and certainly - behind a white piano.
  • Under-PT, inexperience- M3 "Lee", an American medium tank with a barrel protruding from the hull.
  • HP- cm. HP.
  • Nolifer- (English: "nolifer" - "withdrawn into oneself") a player who spends almost his entire life on the game. Also: see Nerd.
  • Noob- (English "newbie" - newcomer) a contemptuous name for newcomers to the game - or players acting like newbies. Usually, those who have just been killed, scold the rest of the team members as noobs: they say, “if it weren’t for your crooked game, I would have defeated everyone here.”
  • Nychka- secret nooks and crannies of the map or places on the terrain where an experienced player can hide.


  • Body kit- additional improvements installed on the tank. Cm. Mask.
  • Odmeral- cm. Admiral.
  • Cigarette butt- a shortened tank howitzer gun that fires large-caliber landmines. It has terrible power, but takes a very long time to recharge.
  • Deer- the player who rushed to a given point at full speed the fastest. Usually - behind enemy lines.
  • Crooked deer- fast merged a fighter who suddenly ran into trouble.
  • Father- cm. Atetz.
  • MBT- open beta testing of the game (since August 13, 2017).
  • OF- high-explosive fragmentation charge. Good for covering areas, disabling light and medium tanks, as well as damaging the crews of heavy armored vehicles.


  • P.A.- paid account. Provides +50% to experience and money revenue from battles, makes it possible to create platoons And companies. It also provides a clean and tidy tank hangar.
  • Dad- an incredibly cool player.
  • Folder- cm. Father
  • Locomotive- a player who pulls out the fight, alone - for the whole team.
  • Party, party- (English "party" - team) a platoon, a separate team, or simply a separate group in battle. Also: trouble at the base. Also: an anti-tank group in ambush, encountering the enemy.
  • Patch- the next game update, downloaded at startup. It brings with it changes in the characteristics of equipment - as a rule, exclusively in the direction of deterioration.
  • Pindos- any American tank. It came from the slang of the Russian contingent in Kosovo, as a national nickname for all US military personnel.
  • Sandbox- a game for level 1-2 tanks, for beginners.
  • Dumpling- Hetzer, a German tank destroyer, so nicknamed for its recognizable shape. Because of its good frontal armor and powerful cannon, it is often called the “fierce dumpling.”
  • Lining- Anti-fragmentation lining, a tank improvement that absorbs 15% of damage - from shots, shrapnel and ramming.
  • Wounded animal- a badly battered tank with a few percent of life, the main object of the hunt Fragodrocherov.
  • Pop- M7 Priest, an American ART-SAU, the name of which is translated from English as “priest”.
  • Spotlight- a heavy tank that calls enemy artillery fire on itself. With this he gives his ART-SAU a chance to cover the enemy artu- explicitly, or by tracers.
  • Ping- speed of communication between the game and the main server. Measured in milliseconds, the smaller the better. 50 milliseconds - excellent ping, 100-150ms - normal, 150-300 - satisfactory, 999ms - complete lack of connection.
  • Half Panther- PzV/IV Alpha, a German premium tank, was issued only to alpha testers.
  • Hammer- cm. Hole puncher.
  • Porsche- VK3001(P), German medium tank. From the letter "P" in the name, meaning "Porshe".
  • Straight arms!- a call to a player with crooked hands to make them a little straighter, i.e. get together and start playing much better.
  • PT- anti-tank self-propelled guns. They differ from tanks in their low profile, lack of a turret, and faster-firing and longer-range guns. They differ from artillery in their smaller caliber, the presence of developed frontal armor and higher speed.
  • Empty - ("I am empty") a warning to the player that he has run out of ammunition and has nothing left to shoot. With a high probability, immediately after this, the player will go shine.
  • Pooh- weapon, cannon.


  • Rocket - A-20, Soviet light tank, the fastest scout in the game.
  • Take off your shoes- knock down the tank's tracks at full speed.
  • Rush- (English) "then rush"- hurry) a quick collective attack, usually right from the start of the game.
  • Rep.-(English) "respawn"- revival) starting position of tanks at the beginning of the game. There are two respawns: friendly and enemy.
  • Rip- (English) R.I.P.,"rest in peace"- "rest in peace") - a respectful address to a player who has just died as a hero.
  • Reaper- (English) "reaper"- "reaper") IS-7, a heavy tank of the Soviet branch. Named so because of the seven in the name, reminiscent of a hay scythe - an attribute of the Death Reaper.
  • Socket- cm. Electrician.
  • Company- a team of players, up to 15 people in total, simultaneously going into battle. Is a more advanced option Platoon. Created based on one player with a paid account (see. P.A.). You can join the company without a paid account.


  • self-propelled guns- self-propelled artillery installation. see also: PT And ART-SAU.
  • Barn- cm. Fridge.
  • Shoot down- strive to damage or destroy an enemy tank that is capturing the player’s base.
  • Silver- the main game currency. Obtained in battle - at the expense of enemy damage points. Can be purchased at gold, but not vice versa.
  • Net- cm. Mask.
  • Light!- the requirement to reconnoiter the area for subsequent shelling, usually accompanied by a specific square. Or any tank keeping enemy vehicles in sight while heavy artillery is aimed at them.
  • Shine- carry out target designation. Direct an external attack on an enemy within sight.
  • Firefly- a light tank specifically designed to detect the enemy. Also, any tank or self-propelled gun that attacks enemy tanks located in its line of sight.
  • Light farm- a strategy for quickly gaining experience, when the player keeps 3-4 in the garage firefly and alternately brings them into the game, going through the same routes. The method is exceptionally good for earning medals and free experience.
  • Birdhouse- KV, a heavy tank of the Soviet branch, with a large KV2 turret - a rather characteristic shape.
  • Skater- a tank that accelerated while moving down an elephant.
  • Pan- JagdPz IV, German PT.
  • Screen- (English) "screenshot") a screenshot taken during the battle and saved in the game directory. Often serves as evidence of illegal actions of players - shooting their own, etc.
  • Drain- a sudden shameful defeat, despite the initially good balance of power in favor of the team.
  • Slot- free space for a tank in the hangar. Read more about what the word “slot” means in World of Tanks.
  • Dog- a mythical character who supposedly lives in doghouses found on the battlefield. When hitting a booth, it allegedly squeals.
  • Toilet- Su-18, ART-SAU of the Soviet branch, very reminiscent in shape of a village outhouse.
  • Splash- radius of scattering of fragments and damage by a wave from the explosion of a high-explosive charge. An excellent means of destroying quickly accelerating light tanks.
  • Stabilizer- equipment installed on some tanks that allows it to better keep its sight on the target.
  • steel flea- cm. Leo.
  • Stack- Su-100, PT of the Soviet branch.
  • Wall Breaker- an especially large-caliber anti-tank gun that fires landmines. Or art - hitting buildings instead of the enemy.
  • Stock, stock- a newly purchased tank, in its initial configuration. Stock equipment is very weak in combat and needs urgent modernization.
  • Shooting Bush- an anti-tank self-propelled gun, with a low profile and a camouflage net, taking a position in the bushes (see. Tank destroyer).
  • Jelly- a barely alive tank, with a damaged engine or shell-shocked crew.
  • Drying- Soviet self-propelled guns or tank tanks with the index "Su".


  • Terminator- a tank that uncontrollably destroys enemies due to its obvious technical superiority.
  • Cockroach- an enemy light tank that suddenly materialized deep in the team’s rear. See also: T26 or T54, Soviet medium tanks.
  • Cockroach race- a battle in which each side has 5-6 medium tanks T54 or T26.
  • Stool- BT-2 or BT-7, Soviet light tanks.
  • Mascot- an exceptionally weak tank, stuck in a platoon behind a heavy one, and surrounded by such harsh equipment that the situation itself leaves it no chance at all. Example: MS-1 among the Mouses.
  • Slipper- VK4202(P) Ausf.B, German heavy tank.
  • Tank- stand on the front line, exposing your armor to the main attacks of the enemy.
  • Tiger cub- VK3601(H) or VK3001(H), German medium tanks from which you can upgrade the Tiger.
  • Timkil- (English) "team kill") killing a team member, a punishable act.
  • Vise- a situation when a tank is so tightly pressed against something by an enemy vehicle that has just been killed that it cannot budge. Deprived of maneuver, he becomes easy prey for the enemy.
  • Top- the strongest tank in the team. Also: an advanced module for this tank, the best of all available (for example, the “top gun”).
  • Quiet - T1 hvy, American heavy tank.
  • Top- tank in the maximum possible configuration.
  • Torpedo- M12, American ART-SAU, due to its characteristic elongated silhouette.
  • Tracer- the trace of the projectile's flight after the shot indicates the camouflaged position of the shooter.
  • Tram- cm. Railway carriage
  • Tractor- "Leichtetraktor" (sounds like "Lichte-tractor"), an entry-level German light tank. Or any other - of a similar level.
  • Troyak- KV-3, Soviet heavy tank. The name is taken from the average score on the Soviet five-point rating scale (“satisfactory”) - because the tank is no longer a cardboard KV-2, but not yet an IS.
  • TT- heavy tank. Well armored, carries a heavy cannon, but very clumsy.
  • Traction- cm. TT.


  • Uber- (German "über" - over) best, superior. For example: “uber-light” - review of “Leopard”.
  • Uberwaffle- (from German. "Wunderwaffe"- miracle weapon) a tank that has unconditional and decisive superiority in the fight against the enemy.
  • Toilet- M3 Stewart, whose open tower is very reminiscent in shape of a plumbing fixture.
  • Duckling- M6A2E1, an American heavy premium tank distributed as part of the "Meeting on the Elbe" promotion. Named by analogy with the children's toy "yellow duckling".
  • Platypus- cm. Duckling.
  • Eared- cm. Cheburashka.


  • Farm- a tank or self-propelled gun that brings in good income and pays off well above the limit. Also: using a tank is not to win the team, but to make money. Also: the process of shooting a particularly tough enemy, which brings good income.
  • Fedya- "Ferdinand", a formidable German tank destroyer - with a tough gun and strong armor.
  • Phishing- (English "phishing" - slang for "fishing") a method of luring out a login and password from gullible simpletons - by slipping a site that is exactly like the game site, with a request to log in to it. Authorization does not occur, and the login and password go to the scammers.
  • Ferrari- T-44, Soviet medium tank: due to its low landing and excellent movement speed.
  • Flood- (English "flood" - flood) clogging the game air with stupid extraneous information - little relevant at the moment, of a sharply emotional nature and needlessly distracting serious people from the game.
  • Fluderas(t), fluder- the same bastard who flood it. Experienced fighters believe that flooders should be shot. Moreover, as often as possible.
  • Flashlight- cm. Firefly.
  • Frag- a bonus point in the game, awarded for a destroyed tank.
  • Fragodrocher- a player obsessed with the number of bonus points for destroying tanks, despite the overall victory of the team. At the beginning of the game he hides, and closer to the middle he goes out hunting for wounded animals.
  • Fugue- high-explosive projectile.


  • Surgeon- a sniper who methodically shoots down the tracks of an enemy’s heavy tank with precise shots. This technique allows you to keep the enemy from breaking through, giving long-range artillery a little extra time to better aim at the target.
  • HP- abbreviation "HP", from English. "hit points" - tank strength points.
  • Health- the remaining “health” of the damaged car, or its total amount HP.
  • Cold- cm. Fridge.
  • Fridge- Su-14, Soviet ART-SAU, square in shape and colossal in size. Great power, extremely low rate of fire, but very little spread when changing targets.


  • C- a single letter in the chat, indicates the Center of the Map - as the direction of the main strike.
  • King of the Hill- the player who first took a position on the mountain. Or the only survivor of the defense of the hill.


  • Cheburashka, Cheburator- T29, an American heavy tank, so called because of the characteristic “ears” on the turret.
  • Suitcase- a heavy high-explosive ART-SAU projectile flying with a canopy.
  • Suitcase- for ART-SAU: standing in a hidden position, fire high explosives at distant enemy targets - on a tip from your advanced forces.
  • suitcase man- an ART-SAU fighter with a particularly large-caliber cannon that fires landmines.
  • Turtle- cm. Dumpling.
  • Church- "Churchill", a premium heavy tank of the Soviet branch. Weakly armed, but well armored. Superstitious players believe that the presence of "Churchill" in the team is a bad omen, inexorably threatening epic drain. An almost ideal means of combating fireflies.
  • Clean- about money. The amount earned in battle - minus the costs of repairs and replenishment of ammunition. Example: After the battle, only 5k remained clean.


  • Shaitan trumpet- cm. Annihilator.
  • Organ organ- M4 Sherman and M4A3E8 Sherman (see. Mchazev), American medium tanks.
  • Shkolota- young and most impatient players who constantly clog up the airwaves flood, practicing not taking the base (see. Neberungi), as well as friendly fire. Very rarely played def, preferring a blunt attack straight ahead on a heavy tank. strive kick.
  • Skins- amateur modifications of the original coloring of tanks, distributed in the form of archive files. After installation, they are visible only to the user - but not to other players.
  • Bumblebee - Hummel, ART-SAU of the German branch. Fast, accurate, with a very quick turn.
  • Shotgun- cm. Cigarette butt.
  • Pike- IS-3, Soviet heavy tank, with a characteristic “pike nose”.
  • Shushpanzer- Sturmpanzer II or Sturmpanzer I Bison (less commonly), German ART-SAU.

World Of Tanks


Aggro/Aggro - a tactical technique in which the aggressor teases the enemy tank, and in an attempt to shoot at the aggressor he is forced to roll out of save under fire from allies, while the aggressor himself manages to go into save mode or takes the shot without damage (tank).

Alpha/Alpha strike - damage dealt by one shot.

Harlequin/Ariel - French heavy tank ARL 44.

Arta - short for "artillery". Denotes the class of self-propelled guns in the game.

AFK (eng. Away From Keyboard, AFK)- moved away from the keyboard.


BB/Blank- armor-piercing projectile.

Drummer - equipment with automatic loader.

Baton is an American medium tank M46 Patton.

Blindshot/Blind- (from the English “Blind shot” - blind shot) a shot at a tank that is not in the light (that is, not visible to the shooter).

BC - ammunition rack

Keychain/Talisman - a low level tank in a platoon with tanks of much higher levels. In most cases - MS-1 or T1 Cunningham in a platoon with Tier X tanks.

The log launcher is a short-barreled 152 mm M-10 cannon.

Pinocchio/Buratos/Bur- Soviet self-propelled gun S-51.


Vine (from English whine - cry, whine) - a large number of complaints, most often unjustified.

Valenok - Soviet self-propelled gun 212A.

Valentina/Valya - Valentine tank.

Oneshot (from the English one shot - one shot) - destroying a tank with 100% health with one shot (“Imagine, I one-shotted a mouse in BC”). Or the car itself, which represents a target for the player, destroyed, as a rule, with one shot (“Get out of the way, one-shot!” - KV-2 owner to BT-7 owner). Also, a one-shot sometimes means destroying an enemy with one shot, regardless of the amount of health (for example, one-shotting a “Tiger” with 40%).

FBR - Great Belarusian Random. An ironic name for a random number generator responsible for such “floating” indicators as the exact value of penetration and damage of a particular shot, where exactly in the information circle it will go, team balance, etc. Usually mentioned in connection with obtaining unexpected results (for example: “ How is it possible that a BL-10 ricochets at a firefly with 20 mm armor? FBR!”).

The helicopter is a Soviet medium tank T-44.

VLD- upper frontal part (upper armor plate).

Wunderwaffle (from German Wunderwaffe - wunderwaffe, miracle weapon) - used to refer to unusual, impressive tanks that usually existed only in the form of sketches or prototypes.


Guide - a guide to use/action or just a set of tips/explanations.

Golda (from the English gold - gold)- 1) game money, which can only be purchased for real currency, won in promotions, or received for participating in a war on the Global Map; 2) ammunition purchased for gold (“Shoot with a coin!”, “Don’t you mind shooting with gold?”, “Load your brothers!”). In addition to ammunition, premium tanks, premium accounts and “gold” consumables can be purchased for in-game gold; for “gold” you can convert regular experience into free experience or purchase in-game credits.

Brokeback Mountain is an American M3 Lee medium tank.

Gusli/Geese are caterpillars.

Goose/Duck - American heavy premium tank M6A2E1.


Damage (from the English damage - damage, damage)- damage caused to equipment.

The damage dealer is a tank whose main advantage is the ability to inflict great damage on the enemy in a short time (good penetration + high DPM).

Def/def (from English defense - protection, defense)- defensive tactics, protecting a key point or direction from enemy attack.

DPM (from the English Damage Per Minute, DPM - damage per minute) - characteristic of a weapon, expressed as the average damage inflicted on an enemy in one minute.

Hole Punch is a rapid-fire weapon with low one-time damage.


Epes - German medium tanks E 50 and E 50 Ausf. M.


Yolka - French light tank AMX ELC bis.


Iron Kaput is a German heavy tank PzKpfw B2 740(f).


Light up (v. light up) - detection of the enemy, that is, the appearance of enemy equipment on the mini-map.

St. John's wort is the historical nickname of the Soviet tank destroyer SU-152 and ISU-152, given to them for their successful use against the German Tiger and Panther tanks.

Zerg rush is the general name for an attack that relies on numerical superiority.

Gold - valuable game currency, purchased for real money, which will simplify your development in the game. For gold you can purchase a premium account, premium equipment, additional slots in the hangar, premium equipment and ammunition, camouflages and much more. You can learn more about game gold.


Needle shooter- a rapid-fire weapon with low one-time damage.

Imba (from the English imbalance - imbalance, disproportion)- a tank that is significantly superior to other vehicles of its level.

IMHO (from the English In My Humble Opinion, IMHO) - in my humble opinion, in my opinion.


CD/Cooldown (from the English games. cooldown) - recharge. It is used to inform about unloaded artillery and other equipment (most often this means equipment with an automatic loader), which after firing is defenseless for some time.

Kvass is a Soviet KV-1S heavy tank.

Kirkorov is the only destroyed tank in the winning team.

Clinch - a tactical technique that is essentially similar to the boxing technique of the same name. Two tanks collide head-on and hinder each other's actions. At the same time, they strive to inflict damage on the enemy’s vulnerable points and expose him to the strongest areas of armor. Typically, the “clinch” is used on tanks with a low silhouette and a strong turret.

Konik - 7.5 cm KwK 41 L/58 konisch gun.

Crete (from English critical - critical) - critical damage, that is, damage to the module or incapacitation of one of the crew members (for example: “crit of the ammunition rack”, “crit of the driver”).

A victory lap is the departure of a medium or light tank at the beginning of the battle to the area of ​​the center of the map, followed by a quick return to base. Typically the route is in the shape of a circle (or loop) passing through the center of the map. The goal is to expose the enemy at his base or initial route..

KT (Royal Tiger) - German heavy tank Tiger II.

KTTS (“as soon as, immediately”)- an answer to a question that includes the word “when?”. Favorite expression of SerB, one of the developers of Wargaming.


Lag (from the English lag - delay) - loss/delay of packets on the way from the server to the client (or vice versa) or slowdown of the server, which leads to the game freezing.

Lacker (from the English luck - luck)- lucky, successful.

Lefty/LeFache - French self-propelled gun 105 leFH18B2.

Lol (from English lol, laugh out loud - laugh out loud) - laughter presented in text form.

LT - light tank.

Lunokhod is a Soviet IS-7 heavy tank.


Mod (short for “modification”, game modding) - an addition to a computer game, written, as a rule, by third-party developers or amateurs using the SDK included with the game, or special amateur programs developed for modifying games.

Merc/Mercedes - German medium tank VK 30.02 (D).

Motya - Matilda tank.

Mouse/Mouse/Mouse - heavy German tank Maus.


On the drum is a French tank with a loading drum at the moment of reloading. At this time, the tank is practically defenseless, because can't shoot.

Bend/nogib is a successful game, accompanied by a high percentage of victories and a large number of destroyed tanks (“frgs”).

Bend/nogibator – a skilled player with a high win rate and combat effectiveness. Sometimes used in an ironic sense.

Neberun/Neberung/Neberast- a player who makes an ultimatum (even to the point of opening fire on his own) demanding that his teammates not take the enemy base, but finish off all enemy tanks.

Nerf (chap. nerf) - reduction/deterioration of the characteristics of something.

NLD/NBL - lower frontal part of the tank (lower armor plate). It is considered a vulnerable point due to its smaller thickness and angle of inclination.

Nychka is a place on the map where you can hide from enemies or organize an ambush.


Body kit- additional equipment and equipment.

Obedok - originally a Soviet tank destroyer Object 704. Later, all vehicles with the designation “Object” began to be called “obedok”.

Reverse rhombus - the same as the diamond, but only tanked backwards. If in a regular diamond they try to position the frontal armor of the tank at an angle, then in a reverse diamond they try to position the rear of the tank at an angle. The food must be hidden behind an obstacle. Allows you to shoot at an enemy, absorbing all the damage from his shots with a caterpillar without leaving the wall. Relevant for tanks with a turret offset to the front.

Sawn-Off/Cigarette Butt - a short-barreled, large-caliber gun. It is distinguished by high explosive power and low accuracy.

HE - high-explosive fragmentation projectile.

Ololorash is a failed attack by the entire team or part of it in one direction from the beginning of the battle.

Ololosvet/Nubosvet- early breakthrough of light tanks into an enemy base in order to detect as many enemies as possible and receive the Scout medal. Usually such a maneuver is completely uncoordinated with the actions of the team (tanks and artillery have not yet managed to take up positions for firing, or there is no artillery at all) and ends in the senseless death of the “fireflies”.


Groove - PzKpfw IV or PzKpfw III.

Folder is an experienced player.

Perks (from the English perk - privilege) - Crew skills begin to take effect only when they reach 100% level.

Sandbox/sand - battles for level 1–2 vehicles. They are distinguished by a limited set of cards.

Sand Mouse is a German light tank Pz.Kpfw. 38H 735 (f).

Pzhl / plz (from English please - please) - an abbreviation for the word "please"/"please".

Porsche/Porsche is the general name for tanks produced by Porsche: VK 30.01 (P), or Tiger (P) (“P” in the name of the tank means Porsche).

Prem - depending on the context, can mean either a premium account (for example: “play with a premium”) or a premium tank bought for gold (for example: “Which premium should I take for farming?”).


Parsing (v. parse) - concentrated and, as a rule, successful fire from several tanks at one target.

Consumables/consumables - Tank equipment that is used once (for example, a First Aid Kit).

Rush (from English to rush - hurry) - a quick mass attack on any specified landmark (for example, an enemy base, square or free-standing tank).

Rep (from the English respawn - rebirth) - the place where players appeared on the map at the beginning of the battle.

Rosette - Soviet heavy tank KV-220-2.

Diamond - positioning your tank at an angle to the enemy in order to increase the angle at which the projectile hits the armor, which increases the tank’s chances of not being penetrated or having a ricochet.


Shine- conduct reconnaissance (usually on a light tank).

Setup - (from the English “set up” to install, dial)- starting lineup of the team.

Skill (from English skill - ability, skill)- the ability to win and fight correctly, instant reaction to game events. For example: “I pulled out a fight with a skill” - an experienced player used all his skills and emerged victorious from a difficult situation.

Frying pan - German tank destroyer Jagdpanzer IV.

Screen/screenshot (from English screenshot)- a snapshot of the screen.

Loss - initially: defeat with a devastating score. Subsequently, any defeat began to be called a “drain.”

Splash ( from English splash - splash) - damage from a blast wave and fragments of a high-explosive fragmentation projectile of large caliber.

TPS is an abbreviation for the word “thank you.”

ST - medium tank.

A herd is a large unorganized accumulation of military equipment on one flank, which does not take an active part in the game or quickly perishes under the fire of a small but more organized enemy.

Stata - game statistics (Achievements tab).

Statistician - 1) a player with good battle statistics; 2) a player for whom improving statistics is the main goal of the game.

Stock - tank in basic/standard configuration.


Slipper - German heavy tank VK 45.02 (P) Ausf. B.

Tarakan - Soviet medium tank T-54.

Twink - (from the English “twin” - double) second (third and so on) game account of the same user.

Notebook/Tetris - MkVII Tetrarch tank.

Teamkill (from English teamkill - killing/injuring allies)- destroying a tank from your team. Accordingly, a teamkiller is a player who kills allies.

Tolstopard - tank VK 28.01.

Top (from the English top - top)- the first five tanks in the list of players before the start of the battle.

Top - 1) tank with fully researched and installed modules in the best configuration; 2) level 10 car.

Tram - Soviet medium tank T-28.

TT/Tyazh is a heavy tank.


UVN -elevation angles.

UGN -horizontal aiming angles.

Fishing rod - guns 7.5 cm KwK 45 L/100 and 8.8 cm KwK 46 L/100 (due to their large length).

Duck/Goose - American heavy premium tank M6A2E1.


Fan (from English fun)- a game for fun and entertainment.

Farm (from English farm) - earning game credits. As a rule, ordinary level 5 equipment, as well as premium level 8 equipment, are used for farming.

Fedya/Fedor/Fedot- German tank destroyer Ferdinand.

Flood (from English flood)- clogging the chat with useless, meaningless information.

Focus- a tactical technique consisting of concentrating fire on one enemy tank with the aim of quickly destroying it. To designate the target, use the F2 key.

Frag (from the English military frag)- destruction of an enemy tank. “Get frags” - destroy many enemy tanks.


Henschel is the general name for tanks produced by Henschel: VK 30.01 (H), VK 36.01 (H), less commonly Tiger I (“H” in the name of the tank means Henschel).

Khimki - Himmelsdorf map.

Cold/Refrigerator- Soviet self-propelled gun SU-14-2.

HP (from the English Hit Points - strength points)- “health units” or “life units”, in other words, the tank’s safety margin.


Central server- a non-game server that is designed to store all data from World of Tanks game accounts and manage the operation of game servers in the RU region.


Cheburashka is an American T29 heavy tank.

Suitcase - originally: armor-piercing self-propelled gun projectile. Subsequently, all shells of large-caliber self-propelled guns began to be called “suitcases”.

Turtle is an American T95 tank destroyer.


Shaitan-pipe is a short-barreled 152 mm M-10 cannon.

Shotgun is a short-barreled, large-caliber cannon. It is distinguished by high explosive power and low accuracy.


Screen- external removable (duplicate) layer of armor designed for additional protection; in the game, partially or completely absorbs damage caused by projectiles.

Expa (from English experience)- experience.

Estonian - German heavy tank E 100. The nickname comes from the name of the tank - “e - hundred”.


Yaga - German tank destroyer Jagdpanther.

Berry Tiger, YAGR- German tank destroyer Jagdtiger.

Other terms and abbreviations

k - from the prefix “kilo” 1000/thousand.

kk/lam - 1,000,000.

IMHO - (from the English “IMHO”) - In My Humble Opinion) in my humble opinion / I have an opinion - you can’t argue with horseradish.

OVTM - (Very Important Tactical Maneuvers) actions of a player in battle that are not related to tanking, damage or light, but benefit the team.

pzhl/plz - (from the English “please”)) short for the word please/please.

RO - (from the English “read only”, - reading only) - a type of punishment for violating the rules of the game/forum. A player who receives RO loses the ability to write messages for a certain period.

TPS is short for the word “thank you.”

sori/sori/sorri/soryan- (from the English “sorry”) I regret that they do not quite accurately translate as sorry (those), forgive (those)) please excuse me in case of accidental hits in the tank, collisions with an ally’s tank.

xs - “I want to know” or “who the hell knows” :)

TS - (transliterated from English “Topic Starter” - topic author) topic author.

KTTS - “As Only So Right Now” - the answer to a question that includes the word “when”. Favorite expression of SerB, one of the developers of World of Tanks.

NYAZ - “As far as I know.”

EMNIP - “If my memory serves me right.”

CHSV (sometimes SHF) - “Feeling of self-importance.”

CHADNT? - "What am I doing wrong?".

  • Automatic guidance- enable automatic target tracking, activated by pressing the right mouse button. Good for tracking targets at long distances and shooting from stabilizer. But it is absolutely contraindicated when shooting at an enemy moving quickly across the direction of fire.
  • Admiral- a player who imagines himself to be a commander and tells the team obvious things. The concept itself originates from an Internet character Admiral Yasen X*y, special case Captain Obvious.
  • Arta- long-range artillery, artillery tank. Located deep in the rear, it hits hard and from afar. As a rule, it is clumsy and poorly armored. Very vulnerable in close combat, especially with light reconnaissance tanks.
  • Alen- cm. Deer.
  • Climber- a tank climbing heavily up a slope. Also: a tank hanging from a steep cliff.
  • Alpha tester- here: a caste of people of the highest honor who participated in the first test (alpha test) of the game.
  • Amer- any American tank. Example: “Everyone remember: Amers don’t shoot at the tower!”
  • Annihilator- 152mm M-10 gun, mounted on KV-2 tanks.
  • Art-SAU- cm. art.
  • Astral- view of the battlefield from above, through a howitzer sight. Goes to the astral plane art- at the moment when he takes aim at a distant target.
  • Atata- AT-1, Soviet tank destroyer, so called because of its high rate of fire and excellent hit accuracy.
  • Atetz- a very good player.
  • Hellish- excellent, unusually cool. Example: Conductor is the hellish dad of flanking.


  • Balancer- part of the game server, responsible for selecting teams of equal strength for each round. A balancer, no matter how perfect it is made, is guaranteed to be far from ideal, because you cannot please everyone. Experienced fighters tend to believe that driving towards Balancer is a sign of cowardice.
  • Ban- temporary or permanent suspension of the account for violating the rules.
  • Ram- Ram-II, premium medium tank of the American branch.
  • loaf- T1 hvy and M6, American heavy tanks - due to the shape of the side armor screen.
  • Labor- go into battle for money, see Farm.
  • Old Man, Old Man, Father- one of the players who suddenly felt like an indisputable commander.
  • BB- armor-piercing projectile, with a red mark.
  • Beta- cm. CBT And MBT.
  • Beta tester- here: an honorary caste of people who participated in the closed beta test of the game.
  • Blank- any shell that hits a tank.
  • Crazy Stool- a particularly fast tank of the BT-2 and BT-7 series, which has excellent speed and a rather cocky character.
  • Bot- a tank left on the battlefield without contact with its owner, who suddenly flew out of the game for a number of reasons.
  • Botovod- a player who uses third-party programs to earn money and experience by driving tanks into battle automatically - without direct user participation, along initially specified paths. The action is punishable by the developers.
  • Buhurt- (Old German "Buhurt" - "to hit") a fight between a large number of machines, a meat grinder. The word comes from the slang of roleplayers, where this is what they call massive battles, wall-to-wall.
  • Pinocchio- ART-SAU S-51, a powerful long-range self-propelled artillery unit, so called because of its characteristic “nosed” profile.
  • Accountant- KV-1S, Soviet heavy tank (see also: Kvass).


  • Railway carriage- T28, entry-level Soviet medium tank.
  • Wipe- quick death or loss, planned in advance. Also: complete reset of account data. Also: resetting account data at the end of the next testing stage (see. CBT).
  • Valenok- "Object 212", a tough Soviet ART-SPG of exceptionally large caliber.
  • Valya, Valentina- premium medium tank "Valentine", available in the Soviet branch.
  • A vampire- Gw-Panther, ART-SAU of the German branch, nicknamed for its characteristic “skull” and “collar”.
  • Oneshot- (English "one shot" - one shot) destruction of a tank with one shot. As a rule, it speaks of a strong tank and a cool gun for the attacker, and very weak armor for the vanquished. Experienced fighters rarely remember their one-shots, preferring a harsh duel with an opponent of equal strength - and practically unkillable from the first shot.
  • Vasya- a careless player who enters a hillock or open space and is immediately killed one-shot.
  • FBG- "Great Belarusian Random" (see. Balancer)
  • Bucket- PzKpfw IV, German medium tank, with a disproportionately large turret PzKpfw-IV-Schmalturm.
  • Platoon- a mini-team of tanks, up to three vehicles, based on one player with a paid account (see. P.A.). Tanks in a platoon - they all enter the battlefield together, at the same time.
  • VC- any German tank of the VK series.
  • Water- a player whose position is in shallow water.
  • Eight- Su-8, Soviet ART-SAU. Mobile, powerful - but with a high profile and a fairly large spread when changing targets. Great tool for pharma.
  • Wolfhound- VK3002(DV), German medium tank.
  • Carry out- quickly and effectively destroy the enemy, usually by a well-organized team. Usually implies the plural: “Did you see how they carried him out?”
  • Wunderwaffle- (from German. "Wunderwaffe"


  • Go- (English "go" - to go) a call to go somewhere. For example: "go forest" - "let's go to the forest".
  • Brokeback Mountain- M3 Lee, American medium tank.
  • Racer- a player who rushes forward uncontrollably right from the start. Very typical for pilots of the BT and Leopard series tanks.
  • Givi- "Gw-Panther" or "Gw-Tiger", heavy German self-propelled guns.
  • Gold- game currency of the highest value. Unlike silver, purchased by players for real money. In-game gold allows you to buy special premium tanks, transfer earned experience from other vehicles, train more advanced crews, buy more powerful charges, and so on. For (see also: gold).
  • Grader- M12, American ART-SAU, similar in shape.
  • Grill- "Grille", a nimble German ART-SAU.
  • Coffin- cm. Dumpling.
  • Dirty- about money. It means revenue for the battle, but excluding the costs of repairs and replenishment of ammunition. Example: “I brought 40k dirty from the battle, 20 went back - for shells”.
  • Gusli- tank tracks. "Knead the harp"- to deprive someone of their progress by knocking down their tracks. Or just mark time.


  • Damage, damage- damage caused to the tank during an attack. Accidental and intentional damage are not considered damage.
  • Def- English "defence", a game of defense. "We're playing def", "go def"- a call to take up defensive positions.
  • Dichlorvos- a player on a medium or heavy tank, engaged in shooting light and nimble tanks fireflies. Also: splash from being hit by a large-caliber landmine from an ART-SAU of the Su-14 level.
  • Dichlorphosate- randomly fire heavy high-explosive shells at possible enemy artillery positions behind enemy lines.
  • Dolboya lizard- a tank that is practically invulnerable to the guns of other players. One of the types terminator.
  • Dolboyashchik- Tank destroyer with a particularly large-caliber gun.
  • Donat- (English "donate" - make donations) any investment of real money in the game - purchase of a game gold or paid account (see. P.A.).
  • Dracula- cm. A vampire.
  • Hole puncher- a rapid-firing Soviet ZiS-4 gun (76mm) with very good armor-piercing power, very often installed on T-34 tanks.
  • Doublet- simultaneous coverage of the target with two shots from different ART-SAUs.
  • Duet- operation of two tanks in pairs (see also: Carousel).


  • Crawl- tightly seal an ART-SAU or AT tank with the side of your tank, completely blocking the victim’s turn and sight. Then - shoot the helpless enemy into the wide, unprotected side.
  • Christmas trees- isolated trees on the battlefield, sparse forest.


  • Fry- finish off an immobilized or shell-shocked enemy.
  • Burn- it’s interesting to do something out of the ordinary. Also: cause the engine to catch fire or the enemy’s ammunition to detonate.
  • Reaper- cm. Reaper


  • Race- lightning lung burst firefly to the center of the enemy position - in order to detect as many enemy tanks as possible and receive the Scout medal. Typically fatal.
  • Flash- be the first to detect an enemy tank or artillery (see also: Shine, Firefly).
  • Nerd- a player who completely refuses the benefits of a paid account (see. P.A.), and prefers to rock tanks for a long time, but for free. A nerd is also understood as a player who devotes most of his free time to the game for the purpose of leveling up his equipment or a player who was the first to achieve significant success in the game by sitting exhaustingly at the computer.
  • CBT- closed beta testing of the game (since January 30, 2010). At the end of testing it was made wipe- complete reset of player achievements.
  • Zerg rush- mass attack with light or medium tanks (see also: Rush) ending fast and brutal drain.


  • Needle shooter- any small-caliber automatic gun.
  • Isa- ISU-152, a formidable tank destroyer of the Soviet branch.
  • Isaac- Soviet tank series IS "Joseph Stalin"
  • Isay, Isaev- heavy tank of the IS family, Soviet branch.


  • TO- abbreviation for "kilo", designating thousands. Usually comes as an addition to a number. Example: "It costs 20k money to charge my tank".
  • Captain, Kopetan- making fun of the player who has taken on the role of a commander (see. Folder) and telling his team about obvious truths. Originates from the Internet character Captain Obvious (aka K.O. or Cap), whose name is signed on obvious answers to initially stupid questions. Example: When V. Putin was once asked what exactly happened to the Kursk submarine, he simply answered: “She drowned.”.
  • Carousel- circular maneuvers of a lighter and more agile tank around a heavier and less agile one. For example, circling firefly around low-speed arts.Also: single enemy attacks in pairs. Also: tanks standing in the hangar.
  • KV - same as Clanwars
  • Kvass- cm. Accountant.
  • Camper- (English "camper" - camper) a player who attacks exclusively from ambushes.
  • Clan- a large association of players capable of fielding a team for a “world war”.
  • Clanwars(English "clan wars" - clan wars) - confrontations between clans within the framework of a "world war".
  • Tap- Su-8, ART-SAU of the Soviet branch, whose weapon is very similar to the cargo boom of a crane.
  • Pretzel- An exceptionally original and non-trivial player.
  • Pretzel- write a pretzel: move like a “snake”, escaping from under fire.
  • Crete- English "crit", a critical hit with damage much higher than normal. Typically the result of luck. Also - serious damage to the module or crew member.
  • Criticize- inflict critical damage (see. Crete).
  • Crocodile- "Object 704", heavy large-caliber Soviet tank destroyer.
  • Kolotun-babai- cm. Fridge.
  • Bullfight- circling of a fast but weakly armed light tank (see. Firefly) around a heavy and clumsy ART-SPG capable of destroying it with one shot. Private option Carousels.
  • Box- a situation when a tank, pinned down by several enemy tanks, is completely deprived of movement. Also: a tank stuck in a bottleneck between other damaged vehicles.
  • Cow- KV, a Soviet heavy tank, characterized by exceptional sluggishness.
  • Scythe- cm. Reaper.
  • Cat, cat, cat- any German tank with a “cat” name: Tiger, Panther, Leopard. Default - any Tiger.
  • Karopka- M37, American ART-SAU, very similar to the box.
  • Cucarach- cm. Cockroach.
  • Bush firefly- a reconnaissance tank, covered with a camouflage net, standing motionless in ambush in order to passively detect enemy tanks passing by.
  • Smoking- while in the game, hide in a secret corner and take no action at all.


  • Lag- partial or complete inhibition of the game due to problems with communication or stability of the game server. At the same time, the player’s tank begins to be poorly controlled, and enemies instantly “teleport” from point to point.
  • Lagopedist (speech therapist)- a tank that has absurdly bumped into an obstacle due to the fact that its owner has experienced communication delays with the game server (see. lag).
  • Lamp- cm. Firefly.
  • Leo- tank VK1602 “Leopard”, “firefly”, fast and well-armored German reconnaissance fighter. A thunderstorm for enemy artillery and the best friend of your long-range artillery.
  • Leecher- (English "leech" - ghoul) a player who leaves the battle immediately after it begins. This method of earning game currency is considered unsporting.
  • Lol- (English “laughing out loud”) is an abbreviation for a sudden burst of laughter.
  • Loltractor- "Leichtetraktor", an entry-level German tank.
  • LT- light tank. Carries out reconnaissance, as a rule - fights only with other light tanks.
  • Lunokhod- IS-7, a guarded Soviet heavy tank with an increased effect of enemy shells ricocheting off the armor.
  • Ray- PzKpfw II Luchs.
  • Lam- (slang. "lemon") million. Example: "Mouse cost me 6.1 lemmas of money".


  • M- abbreviation for "million". Usually comes as an addition to a number. Example: "A tiger costs 1.2M money".
  • Brazier- cm. Grill.
  • Mask- camouflage net: an improvement that reduces the overall visibility of a stationary tank.
  • Mother- MkII "Matilda", a premium British tank, available in the Soviet branch.
  • Death machine- MS-1, Soviet entry-level tank. A rather ambiguous nickname: battles on initial tanks are very hot, hence the lowest survivability of such vehicles.
  • Mercedes- VK3002(DB), fast German medium tank. Partly due to the fact that the letters DB stand for Daimler-Benz (Mercedes manufacturer).
  • Milk -("get into the milk") miss the target. The word comes from rifle shooters, whose target is in the form of a black circle, and the rest of the space is white.
  • Moped- Panzerjäger I (pronounced "Panza-yiga"), an entry-level German tank destroyer whose movement sound is very reminiscent of a hole-type moped.
  • Mchazev- M4A3E8 "Sherman", American medium tank.


  • Nano Panther- cm. Leo.
  • mother hen- a sniper hiding in the bushes with the aim of attacking enemy tanks from cover, at long distances, without subsequently detecting himself.
  • Neberun, Neberung- a player urging other players not to take base, and let him finish off the remaining enemy. Typically bloodthirsty shkolotoy on a heavy tank in initial build-up. In the excitement of battle, he may start killing his own people - just to prevent the end of the game.
  • Nerf- deterioration of equipment characteristics. Usually - in connection with the release of a new patch. It is carried out with the good purpose of verifying the ideal game balance, but players perceive this very negatively.
  • Nerf- (English "nerf" - soft ball) take a long time to destroy a strong enemy, knocking off his strength points over and over again (see. HP). Also: changes (deterioration) by developers of tank parameters - guns, armor, speed, etc. - with the release of each new patch (see. Patch).
  • Nibiriti- (Russian “don’t take”) the cry of an illiterate shkoloty, calling not to take the base and let the enemy be finished off.
  • bender- a super-winner who punishes everyone and everything. Everyone's cherished dream shkoloty: upgrade yourself to such a cool and heavy tank that you can do everything with impunity bend over. And do it exclusively one-shots. Some units of top equipment are also called benders.
  • bend over- to win unconditionally and indisputably, harshly and invariably - to punish noobs, being a bender. Definitely - with the longest gun, and certainly - behind a white piano.
  • Under-PT, inexperience- M3 "Lee", an American medium tank with a barrel protruding from the hull.
  • HP- cm. HP.
  • Nolifer- (English: "nolifer" - "withdrawn into oneself") a player who spends almost his entire life on the game. Also: see Nerd.
  • Noob- (English "newbie" - newcomer) a contemptuous name for newcomers to the game - or players acting like newbies. Usually, those who have just been killed, scold the rest of the team members as noobs: they say, “if it weren’t for your crooked game, I would have defeated everyone here.”
  • Nychka- secret nooks and crannies of the map or places on the terrain where an experienced player can hide.


  • Body kit- additional improvements installed on the tank. Cm. Mask.
  • Odmeral- cm. Admiral.
  • Cigarette butt- a shortened tank howitzer gun that fires large-caliber landmines. It has terrible power, but takes a very long time to recharge.
  • Deer- the player who rushed to a given point at full speed the fastest. Usually - behind enemy lines.
  • Crooked deer- fast merged a fighter who suddenly ran into trouble.
  • Father- cm. Atetz.
  • MBT- open beta testing of the game (since August 13, 2017).
  • OF- high-explosive fragmentation charge. Good for covering areas, disabling light and medium tanks, as well as damaging the crews of heavy armored vehicles.


  • P.A.- paid account. Provides +50% to experience and money revenue from battles, makes it possible to create platoons And companies. It also provides a clean and tidy tank hangar.
  • Dad- an incredibly cool player.
  • Folder- cm. Father
  • Locomotive- a player who pulls out the fight, alone - for the whole team.
  • Party, party- (English "party" - team) a platoon, a separate team, or simply a separate group in battle. Also: trouble at the base. Also: an anti-tank group in ambush, encountering the enemy.
  • Patch- the next game update, downloaded at startup. It brings with it changes in the characteristics of equipment - as a rule, exclusively in the direction of deterioration.
  • Pindos- any American tank. It came from the slang of the Russian contingent in Kosovo, as a national nickname for all US military personnel.
  • Sandbox- a game for level 1-2 tanks, for beginners.
  • Dumpling- Hetzer, a German tank destroyer, so nicknamed for its recognizable shape. Because of its good frontal armor and powerful cannon, it is often called the “fierce dumpling.”
  • Lining- Anti-fragmentation lining, a tank improvement that absorbs 15% of damage - from shots, shrapnel and ramming.
  • Wounded animal- a badly battered tank with a few percent of life, the main object of the hunt Fragodrocherov.
  • Pop- M7 Priest, an American ART-SAU, the name of which is translated from English as “priest”.
  • Spotlight- a heavy tank that calls enemy artillery fire on itself. With this he gives his ART-SAU a chance to cover the enemy artu- explicitly, or by tracers.
  • Ping- speed of communication between the game and the main server. Measured in milliseconds, the smaller the better. 50 milliseconds - excellent ping, 100-150ms - normal, 150-300 - satisfactory, 999ms - complete lack of connection.
  • Half Panther- PzV/IV Alpha, a German premium tank, was issued only to alpha testers.
  • Hammer- cm. Hole puncher.
  • Porsche- VK3001(P), German medium tank. From the letter "P" in the name, meaning "Porshe".
  • Straight arms!- a call to a player with crooked hands to make them a little straighter, i.e. get together and start playing much better.
  • PT- anti-tank self-propelled guns. They differ from tanks in their low profile, lack of a turret, and faster-firing and longer-range guns. They differ from artillery in their smaller caliber, the presence of developed frontal armor and higher speed.
  • Empty - ("I am empty") a warning to the player that he has run out of ammunition and has nothing left to shoot. With a high probability, immediately after this, the player will go shine.
  • Pooh- weapon, cannon.


  • Rocket - A-20, Soviet light tank, the fastest scout in the game.
  • Take off your shoes- knock down the tank's tracks at full speed.
  • Rush- (English) "then rush"- hurry) a quick collective attack, usually right from the start of the game.
  • Rep.-(English) "respawn"- revival) starting position of tanks at the beginning of the game. There are two respawns: friendly and enemy.
  • Rip- (English) R.I.P.,"rest in peace"- "rest in peace") - a respectful address to a player who has just died as a hero.
  • Reaper- (English) "reaper"- "reaper") IS-7, a heavy tank of the Soviet branch. Named so because of the seven in the name, reminiscent of a hay scythe - an attribute of the Death Reaper.
  • Socket- cm. Electrician.
  • Company- a team of players, up to 15 people in total, simultaneously going into battle. Is a more advanced option Platoon. Created based on one player with a paid account (see. P.A.). You can join the company without a paid account.


  • self-propelled guns- self-propelled artillery installation. see also: PT And ART-SAU.
  • Barn- cm. Fridge.
  • Shoot down- strive to damage or destroy an enemy tank that is capturing the player’s base.
  • Silver- the main game currency. Obtained in battle - at the expense of enemy damage points. Can be purchased at gold, but not vice versa.
  • Net- cm. Mask.
  • Light!- the requirement to reconnoiter the area for subsequent shelling, usually accompanied by a specific square. Or any tank keeping enemy vehicles in sight while heavy artillery is aimed at them.
  • Shine- carry out target designation. Direct an external attack on an enemy within sight.
  • Firefly- a light tank specifically designed to detect the enemy. Also, any tank or self-propelled gun that attacks enemy tanks located in its line of sight.
  • Light farm- a strategy for quickly gaining experience, when the player keeps 3-4 in the garage firefly and alternately brings them into the game, going through the same routes. The method is exceptionally good for earning medals and free experience.
  • Birdhouse- KV, a heavy tank of the Soviet branch, with a large KV2 turret - a rather characteristic shape.
  • Skater- a tank that accelerated while moving down an elephant.
  • Pan- JagdPz IV, German PT.
  • Screen- (English) "screenshot") a screenshot taken during the battle and saved in the game directory. Often serves as evidence of illegal actions of players - shooting their own, etc.
  • Drain- a sudden shameful defeat, despite the initially good balance of power in favor of the team.
  • Slot- free space for a tank in the hangar. Read more about what the word “slot” means in World of Tanks.
  • Dog- a mythical character who supposedly lives in doghouses found on the battlefield. When hitting a booth, it allegedly squeals.
  • Toilet- Su-18, ART-SAU of the Soviet branch, very reminiscent in shape of a village outhouse.
  • Splash- radius of scattering of fragments and damage by a wave from the explosion of a high-explosive charge. An excellent means of destroying quickly accelerating light tanks.
  • Stabilizer- equipment installed on some tanks that allows it to better keep its sight on the target.
  • steel flea- cm. Leo.
  • Stack- Su-100, PT of the Soviet branch.
  • Wall Breaker- an especially large-caliber anti-tank gun that fires landmines. Or art - hitting buildings instead of the enemy.
  • Stock, stock- a newly purchased tank, in its initial configuration. Stock equipment is very weak in combat and needs urgent modernization.
  • Shooting Bush- an anti-tank self-propelled gun, with a low profile and a camouflage net, taking a position in the bushes (see. Tank destroyer).
  • Jelly- a barely alive tank, with a damaged engine or shell-shocked crew.
  • Drying- Soviet self-propelled guns or tank tanks with the index "Su".


  • Terminator- a tank that uncontrollably destroys enemies due to its obvious technical superiority.
  • Cockroach- an enemy light tank that suddenly materialized deep in the team’s rear. See also: T26 or T54, Soviet medium tanks.
  • Cockroach race- a battle in which each side has 5-6 medium tanks T54 or T26.
  • Stool- BT-2 or BT-7, Soviet light tanks.
  • Mascot- an exceptionally weak tank, stuck in a platoon behind a heavy one, and surrounded by such harsh equipment that the situation itself leaves it no chance at all. Example: MS-1 among the Mouses.
  • Slipper- VK4202(P) Ausf.B, German heavy tank.
  • Tank- stand on the front line, exposing your armor to the main attacks of the enemy.
  • Tiger cub- VK3601(H) or VK3001(H), German medium tanks from which you can upgrade the Tiger.
  • Timkil- (English) "team kill") killing a team member, a punishable act.
  • Vise- a situation when a tank is so tightly pressed against something by an enemy vehicle that has just been killed that it cannot budge. Deprived of maneuver, he becomes easy prey for the enemy.
  • Top- the strongest tank in the team. Also: an advanced module for this tank, the best of all available (for example, the “top gun”).
  • Quiet - T1 hvy, American heavy tank.
  • Top- tank in the maximum possible configuration.
  • Torpedo- M12, American ART-SAU, due to its characteristic elongated silhouette.
  • Tracer- the trace of the projectile's flight after the shot indicates the camouflaged position of the shooter.
  • Tram- cm. Railway carriage
  • Tractor- "Leichtetraktor" (sounds like "Lichte-tractor"), an entry-level German light tank. Or any other - of a similar level.
  • Troyak- KV-3, Soviet heavy tank. The name is taken from the average score on the Soviet five-point rating scale (“satisfactory”) - because the tank is no longer a cardboard KV-2, but not yet an IS.
  • TT- heavy tank. Well armored, carries a heavy cannon, but very clumsy.
  • Traction- cm. TT.


  • Uber- (German "über" - over) best, superior. For example: “uber-light” - review of “Leopard”.
  • Uberwaffle- (from German. "Wunderwaffe"- miracle weapon) a tank that has unconditional and decisive superiority in the fight against the enemy.
  • Toilet- M3 Stewart, whose open tower is very reminiscent in shape of a plumbing fixture.
  • Duckling- M6A2E1, an American heavy premium tank distributed as part of the "Meeting on the Elbe" promotion. Named by analogy with the children's toy "yellow duckling".
  • Platypus- cm. Duckling.
  • Eared- cm. Cheburashka.


  • Farm- a tank or self-propelled gun that brings in good income and pays off well above the limit. Also: using a tank is not to win the team, but to make money. Also: the process of shooting a particularly tough enemy, which brings good income.
  • Fedya- "Ferdinand", a formidable German tank destroyer - with a tough gun and strong armor.
  • Phishing- (English "phishing" - slang for "fishing") a method of luring out a login and password from gullible simpletons - by slipping a site that is exactly like the game site, with a request to log in to it. Authorization does not occur, and the login and password go to the scammers.
  • Ferrari- T-44, Soviet medium tank: due to its low landing and excellent movement speed.
  • Flood- (English "flood" - flood) clogging the game air with stupid extraneous information - little relevant at the moment, of a sharply emotional nature and needlessly distracting serious people from the game.
  • Fluderas(t), fluder- the same bastard who flood it. Experienced fighters believe that flooders should be shot. Moreover, as often as possible.
  • Flashlight- cm. Firefly.
  • Frag- a bonus point in the game, awarded for a destroyed tank.
  • Fragodrocher- a player obsessed with the number of bonus points for destroying tanks, despite the overall victory of the team. At the beginning of the game he hides, and closer to the middle he goes out hunting for wounded animals.
  • Fugue- high-explosive projectile.


  • Surgeon- a sniper who methodically shoots down the tracks of an enemy’s heavy tank with precise shots. This technique allows you to keep the enemy from breaking through, giving long-range artillery a little extra time to better aim at the target.
  • HP- abbreviation "HP", from English. "hit points" - tank strength points.
  • Health- the remaining “health” of the damaged car, or its total amount HP.
  • Cold- cm. Fridge.
  • Fridge- Su-14, Soviet ART-SAU, square in shape and colossal in size. Great power, extremely low rate of fire, but very little spread when changing targets.


  • C- a single letter in the chat, indicates the Center of the Map - as the direction of the main strike.
  • King of the Hill- the player who first took a position on the mountain. Or the only survivor of the defense of the hill.


  • Cheburashka, Cheburator- T29, an American heavy tank, so called because of the characteristic “ears” on the turret.
  • Suitcase- a heavy high-explosive ART-SAU projectile flying with a canopy.
  • Suitcase- for ART-SAU: standing in a hidden position, fire high explosives at distant enemy targets - on a tip from your advanced forces.
  • suitcase man- an ART-SAU fighter with a particularly large-caliber cannon that fires landmines.
  • Turtle- cm. Dumpling.
  • Church- "Churchill", a premium heavy tank of the Soviet branch. Weakly armed, but well armored. Superstitious players believe that the presence of "Churchill" in the team is a bad omen, inexorably threatening epic drain. An almost ideal means of combating fireflies.
  • Clean- about money. The amount earned in battle - minus the costs of repairs and replenishment of ammunition. Example: After the battle, only 5k remained clean.


  • Shaitan trumpet- cm. Annihilator.
  • Organ organ- M4 Sherman and M4A3E8 Sherman (see. Mchazev), American medium tanks.
  • Shkolota- young and most impatient players who constantly clog up the airwaves flood, practicing not taking the base (see. Neberungi), as well as friendly fire. Very rarely played def, preferring a blunt attack straight ahead on a heavy tank. strive kick.
  • Skins- amateur modifications of the original coloring of tanks, distributed in the form of archive files. After installation, they are visible only to the user - but not to other players.
  • Bumblebee - Hummel, ART-SAU of the German branch. Fast, accurate, with a very quick turn.
  • Shotgun- cm. Cigarette butt.
  • Pike- IS-3, Soviet heavy tank, with a characteristic “pike nose”.
  • Shushpanzer- Sturmpanzer II or Sturmpanzer I Bison (less commonly), German ART-SAU.

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